
Engineering: Adaptive Model, Mesh and Resolution Techniques for Computationally-Demanding Problems in Simulation-Based Engineering

Techniques of simulation-based engineering are employed on a daily basis in the industry to solve complex multiphysics problems. Nowadays, the challenge for the scientific and engineering community is represented by the capability to treat multiple queries of such problems for real-time decision making, design, control, optimization and inverse analysis in an efficient and reliable way, especially in presence of uncertainties and limited data. This topical collection aims to gather contributions on recent advances on reduced order models, error estimation, adaptive methods and applications of HPC to the solution of computationally-demanding engineering problems.


  • Enrique Nadal Soriano

    I am now associated professor at Uninersitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain. I obtained my PhD in 2014 at the same University and then I moved to the École Centrale Nantes for a 2-year Post-Doc. My research fields are focused on the development of error estimators, topology optimization tools, fictitious domain methods for image-based simulations, reduced order modelling, and machine learning tools. All these with as a background of developing numerical simulation tools in mechanical engineering and biomechanics.

  • Matteo Giacomini

    Dr. Matteo Giacomini is Serra Húnter assistant professor in computational engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and affiliated faculty at the Institute of Mathematics of UPC-BarcelonaTech (Spain). He received a PhD in applied mathematics from Université Paris-Saclay (France). His research activities lie in the field of computational science and engineering, encompassing the development of advanced discretisation strategies for the approximation of PDEs and reduced order methods for complexity reduction of high-dimensional problems, with particular emphasis towards the simulation of flow phenomena for industrial purposes.

Articles (8 in this collection)