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Special Issue on International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utillizations (ICABU-2016)

Selected Papers from the 20th International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilizations (held on November 2 to 4, 2016 at Hwabaek International Convention Center, Gyeonju)

Participating journal

Journal of the Korean Physical Society is an international journal covering all fields of physics.


  • Gon‐Ho KIM

    Seoul National Univ., Republic of Korea
  • Tae Suk Suh

    Catholic Univ., Republic of Korea
  • Seung Jeong Noh

    Dankook Univ., Republic of Korea
  • Eun San Kim

    Korea Univ., Republic of Korea
  • Hwan Bae Park

    Kyungbuk Univ., Republic of Korea
  • Won Ho Choi

    KAIST, Republic of Korea
  • Heung Sik Kang

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Chong‐Do Park

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Hyun‐Joon Shin

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Sung‐Ju Park

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Byung‐Joon Lee

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Seung Hwan Shin

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Jung Yun Huang

    PAL/POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • Hyung Jin Kim

    RISP/IBS, Republic of Korea
  • Dong‐O Jeon

    RISP/IBS, Republic of Korea
  • Young‐Kwan Kwon

    RISP/IBS, Republic of Korea
  • Geun Beom Kim

    KHIMA/KIRAMS, Republic of Korea
  • Dong Hyun Ahn

    KHIMA/KIRAMS, Republic of Korea
  • Hyeok Jung Kwon

    KOMAC/KAERI, Republic of Korea
  • Kye Ryung Kim

    KOMAC/KAERI, Republic of Korea
  • Ky Kim

    KOMAC/KAERI, Republic of Korea


Showing 1-20 of 20 articles
