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Rising Stars in Separation Science

Participating journal: Chromatographia
Brett Paull: It has been almost 2 years ago since Chromatographia published its last special issue dedicated to Young Investigators in Separation Science . At the time of writing, the submissions making up this special issue, from the eight contributing young authors, have collectively amassed some 4520 downloads, highlighting the level of interest in the analytical science community for the great work our younger colleagues, junior academics and scientists are undertaking. Therefore, to continue our mission to highlight and celebrate achievements of the next generation of separation science leaders, and mark their achievements to-date, we present this current special issue dedicated to the ‘Rising Stars of Separation Science’, which is also perfectly timed to coincide with the 50-year anniversary celebrations of Chromatographia. The Editors of Chromatographia: D. Mangelings, G. Massolini, G. K. E. Scriba, R. M. Smith, A. M. Striegel, B. Paull

Participating journal



CHROMATOGRAPHIA is a journal that highlights new and fundamental developments in all forms of separation science.


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