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Special Issue: A Tribute to Prof. Herman J.C. Berendsen

Participating journal: The Protein Journal

A tribute to Prof Herman J.C. Berendsen (1934-2019), a great teacher, mentor, researcher and one of the founders of MD simulation of biological molecules.

Papers will be rapidly peer reviewed (please suggest reviewers with institutional email addresses).

Any questions to:

Larry Berliner:

Jan Post:

David van der Spoel:

Participating journal

The Protein Journal is a comprehensive resource, publishing original research on all aspects of protein structure and function.


  • Jan Post

    Jan Post

    Jan Post earned a MSc in physical chemistry at Groningen University in 1975. At Leeds University (UK) he learned solid state NMR techniques. 1981 PhD with Herman Berendsen. Post-doc at Carnegie Mellon University on protein NMR relaxation. Brain tissues and intracellular cations at the University of Pittsburgh. 1987 assistant professor at UTMB Galveston where he developed a program in biomedical NMR (cells & tissues) and collaborated in the founding of the UTMB NMR Center. Adjunct faculty at Rice University bioengineering program. 1998 he left UTMB and taught gifted students and working adults until he retired in 2018.
  • David van der Spoel

    David van der Spoel

    David van der Spoel studied physics and engineering at the University of Groningen. After finishing his undergraduate studies in 1988 he started working as a software developer in the group of Herman Berendsen. The objective was to develop the GROMACS software for parallel molecular dynamics simulations. From 1992, David continued as a graduate student in the Berendsen group where he defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1996. In 1997 he moved to Uppsala where he was appointed Professor of Computational Molecular Biophysics in 2008. His current research focuses on development of the Alexandria force field for halo-organic compounds.


Showing 1-12 of 12 articles
