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Enzymes and flavour biotechnology

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Biotechnology of Aroma Compounds

Part of the book series: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology ((ABE,volume 55))


The main impetus for the use of enzymes in flavour biotechnology is the continuous demand for “natural” flavour compounds. Besides microbial fermentation, the use of enzymes is an alternative for their biotechnological production. A survey of the actual use of enzymes in organic synthesis shows that 65% of all reported applications fall into the classes of hydrolytic and dehydrogenase reactions. However, dehydrogenase reactions are mostly performed by use of whole microorganisms and less by isolated enzymes. Next in importance are oxygenase-mediated reactions; only a few reports are available about enzymatic carbon-carbon synthesis. From these main groups, the most important reaction types for biotechnological flavour production are represented, i.e. lipases and glycosidases, lipoxygenases and peroxidases, as well as aldolases and a number of miscellaneous enzymes are treated for enzyme-catalyzed hydrolyses and esterifications, oxidoreductions and carbon-carbon bond formation.

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R. G. Berger (Volume Editor)W. Babel H. W. Blanch Ch. L. Cooney S. -O. Enfors K. -E. L. Eriksson A. Fiechter A. M. Klibanov B. Mattiasson S. B. Primrose H. J. Rehm P. L. Rogers H. Sahm K. Schügerl G. T. Tsao K. Venkat J. Villadsen U. von Stockar C. Wandrey

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Schreier, P. (1997). Enzymes and flavour biotechnology. In: Berger, R.G., et al. Biotechnology of Aroma Compounds. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol 55. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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