
1 Introduction

The emergence of social video platforms such as TikTok™ and YouTube Shorts™ have enabled people to consume several videos within a short time window [1]. This benefits both viewer and content creator, as only important and concise information is relayed from creator to viewer. However, some of these videos are redundant, misleading, clickbait or simply misrepresentations of reality [2]. As a result, many resources, such as computing capacity and (most importantly) people’s time, have been wasted just to process and consume these short videos.

The misrepresentation issue can be largely observed in many movie trailers. A movie trailer (which is a very short video clip made of multiple scenes derived from the pro-moted movie) is usually composed when a movie producer needs to promote a new movie to the public. However, in recent times, many have complained that some of the produced movie trailers are misrepresenting the promoted movie [3]. For example, one of the issues is that some movie trailers’ scenes are unavailable or probably edited out from the promoted movie [4]. This false representation is why some people spend their money and 1 - 2 h of their life watching that movie. There is a case where a fan threatened legal action over a particular when the final movie did not include scenes that were promoted in the movie trailersFootnote 1.

As the number of movies released to the public increases over time, many producers want to ensure their movies are watched by many people worldwide. This will also increase the number of movie trailers released to the public. Hence, to facilitate consumers in visualizing many movie trailers without having to spend minutes watching the trailer, we introduce a method to summarize the movie trailers into metadata and perform data analytics in determining the relationship between the movie genre and emotion recognition, that occur in the movie trailer.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 overviews the previous works on video summarization from the year 1997 to the year 2022. Section 3 explains the used in this work. Section 4 describes the results of the conducted experimentation on several movie trailers. Finally, Sect. 5 presents the conclusion and future perspectives related to the main findings.

2 Related Works

The exponential growth of video data has been overwhelming that it requires some sort of summarization so users can consume many videos within a short period of time [5]. Even though video summarization has recently engaged growing attention in computer vision communities, the research on video summarization can be dated back to 1997 [6]. Here, we categorized the changes in video summarization corpus into three categories, image features statistical analysis, graph-based analysis, and semantic analysis.

2.1 Image Features Statistical Analysis

From 1997 to 2005, video summarization is mainly focused on statistical analysis of the extracted image features. Hence, many efforts are focused on building quality image features from a given video, based on low-level image analysis [7]. For example, a novel technique based on SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) which derives the refined feature space for clustering visual similar frames and a metric from measuring the amount of visual content available in each frame based on the degree of visual changes [8]. Some have proposed an automatic construction of video summarization based on similarities of images in the video which will be used to select key frames of video segments [9]. Later, a more robust two-stage clustering based video summarization technique has also been proposed to improve the relevancy of the generated video summary, whereby, the first stage provided shot separation and determined the periods of stable content with good keyframe candidates while the second stage selected the final set of key-frames [10]. A much more sophisticated low-level image analysis to select representative frames based on the result of analysis of the events has also been proposed as a method to improve the relevancy of the generated video summary [11].

2.2 Graph Based Analysis

From 2005 to 2015, video summarization is slowly transformed into graph- based analysis. Chong-Wah Ngo et. al have proposed a unified approach for video summarization based on video structure analysis and video highlights, consisting of two major components: scene modelling and high- light detection [12]. The scene modelling consists of a normalized cut algorithm and temporal graph analysis meanwhile the highlight detection focuses on the motion attention modeling [12]. In 2006, Yuxin Peng and Chong-Wah Ngo proposed an algorithm for similarity measure of video clips based on bipartite graph matching algorithms which are Maximum Matching (MM) and Optimal Matching (OM) [13]. Maximum matching can filter the irrelevant video clips meanwhile Optimal Matching is able to rank the similarity of the clips based on visual and granularity factors [13]. D. Besiris et. al have proposed an automatic video summarization technique based on graph theory methodology and the dominant sets clustering algorithm [14]. Graph clustering and mining for multi-video summarization were proposed at the year of 2010 which the separated shot from visual data and extracted keywords from transcripts are structured into a complex graph and perform clustering while the hidden topics in the keyframes and keywords will be mined from clustered complex graph to maximize the coverage of summary over the original video [15]. A video summarization based on the Segments Summary Graphs is proposed, which is the coherency analysis of segmented video frames as represented by region adjacency graphs [16].

2.3 Semantic Analysis

Nowadays, many authors approach video summarization tasks within semantic analysis methodology, using every bit of video data and metadata. For example, in 2015, Yale Song et. al proposed TVSum. This unsupervised video summarization framework uses video title to find visually important scenes [17]. In 2016, Aidean Sharghi et. al proposed the Sequential and Hierarchical Determinantal Point Process (SH-DPP) for query-focused extractive video summarization, in which, given a user query and a long video sequence, the algorithm will generate a summary by selecting key shots from the video [18]. Later, Mohaiminul Al Bahian et. al proposed a convolutional neural net- work (CNN)-based architecture to mimic the frame-level shot for user-oriented video summarization [19]. Kaiyang Zhou et. al proposed a deep summarization network (DSN) that predicts a probability for each video frame which indicates how likely a frame is selected, selects the frames based on probability distributions and generates a video summary [20]. Lebron Casas et. Proposed two models which are Video Summarization Long Short-Term Memory (vsLSTM) and Determinantal Point Process Long Short-Term Memory (dppLSTM) deep network that enable model frame relevance and similarity and additionally incorporate attention mechanism to model user interest [21]. LSTM generate a summary from the video by extracting the most relevant segments and vsLSTM contains the bidirectional chains of LSTM units [21]. The dppLSTM combines vsLSTM with Determinantal Point Process (DPP) to model pair-wise repulsiveness within video frames [21]. In 2020, Wencheng Zhu et al. proposed a Detect-to-Summarize network (DSNet) framework containing anchor-based and anchor-free counterparts [22]. The anchor-based method generates temporal interest proposals to determine and localize the representative contents of video sequences while the anchor-free method eliminates the predefined temporal proposals and directly predicts the importance scores and segment locations [22]. Later, UN Yoon et. al proposed an unsupervised video summarization method with piecewise linear interpolation (In-terp-SUM) that improve summarization performance and generate a natural sequence of keyframes by predicting importance scores of each frame utilizing the interpolation method [23]. Figure 1 summarizes how video summarization research domain evolves over time.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A temporal summary of video summarization literature from 1997 to 2022.

3 Methodology

Figure 2 shows the overview of our methodology. In the first step, we collect several movie trailers from YouTube™, and group it based on the genre of the movie. Then, each video is splitted into several chunks, so that every chunk can be processed in parallel. Each chunk is processed to achieve the following tasks:

  1. 1.

    Face detection task, where we are going to identify whether there is at least one person in each chunk.

  2. 2.

    Emotion detection task, where we will identify the detected person's emotion.

Finally, a video summary will be produced by analyzing the distribution of detected emotion in each movie genre.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Overview of our methodology used in this research.

3.1 Data Collection

We used the movie trailers, downloaded from YouTube™ as our main data. Each movie trailer is based on 5 movie genres: Comedy, Action, Fantasy, Horror and Romance. A total of 25 trailers have been selected with five trailers for each movie genre. The duration of each movie trailer is about 3 to 4 min. Table 1 shows the list of movies that have been selected for each movie genre.

Table 1. Table captions should be placed above the tables.

3.2 Data Processing

Each movie trailer is around 3 to 4 min. Even though the duration is shorter compared to the full movie, we still chunk the video into several chunks to benefit from the parallel processing facility provided by Python programming language. Prior to face detection and emotion recognition tasks, the movie trailer is chunked into multiple smaller chunks, in which each chunk only consists of 60 s short video data. These chunks are then processed in parallel for face detection and emotion recognition tasks.

3.3 Face Detection Task

A pretrained face detection model is used to identify faces from the video. It is based on Facial Emotion Recognition [24] and has been implemented as an open-source Python libraryFootnote 2 for emotion analysis of images and videos data which will categorize each of the faces based on the emotion into angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise and neutral. By default, Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) uses OpenCV’s HaarCascade classifier to detect faces in image. However, to increase the face detection accuracy, FER implemented MTCNN network 3 in their face detection model. MTCNN is a Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks which is a framework that consists of three stages of convolutional networks: Proposal Network (P-Net), Refine Network (R-Net), and Output Network (O-Net), that are able to recognize face based on the eye, nose and lip’s location in an image frame [25, 26]. Figure 3 illustrates MTCNN network architecture, and how it relates to our dataset.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

An illustration of MTCNN network architecture. “Conv” refers to convolution while “MP” refers to max pooling.

  • Stage 1: Proposal Network (P-Net).

    This stage is a fully convolutional network which is known as Proposal Network (P-Net) which obtains the candidate windows and the bounding box regression vectors [25]. The bounding box regression vectors will be used to calibrate the candidate. Next, Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) is employed to merge the highly overlapped candidates.

  • Stage 2: Refine Network (R-Net).

    The candidates are fed to Refine Network (R-Net) to further reject a huge number of false candidates, calibrate the candidate with bounding box regression and merge the highly overlapped candidates with NMS.

  • Stage 3: Output Network (O-Net).

Output Network (O-Net) is similar to the R-Net but it describes the detected face in more detail. At the end, the network will output the five facial landmarks’ positions as shown in Fig. 4.

When the MTCNN parameter is set to’True’, the FER model will use MTCNN network to detect faces meanwhile if it set to’False’, OpenCV HaarCascade classifier will be used to detect the faces. The model will run analysis on each frame of the video chunk and create a rectangle box around the face on every image which the emotion values next to it. It will publish a processed video which will have a rectangle box around the detected faces with live emotion values. Figure 5 shows the example of a detected face with live emotion values of comedy movie title with the name of The Bucket List.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The detected faces with facial landmark.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Each detected face will have 7 emotions quantified with probability of that emotion to be true. The emotions are angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise and neutral.

3.4 Emotion Recognition Task and Computing Emotion Value

The FER implementation also has a function that can be used to perform emotion detection tasks. The function can be used to classify detected faces into seven emotion categories: angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise and neutral, as shown in Fig. 5. Hence, for each detected face, there will be seven emotion values associated with the face. Each emotion value is a probability for that emotion to be true in that specific face instance (detected face in one frame).

Figure 6 tracks the emotion value and score of each of the emotions of the movie named “The Bucket List”. In Fig. 6, every emotion in one frame is a probability value of all possible emotions, that sum up to 1, such as in Eq. 1:

$$frame={\sum }_{j=1}^{k}p({y}_{j})$$

where each frame represents the probability of every emotion to be true in relative to all available emotions: \({{\text{y}}}_{{\text{j}}} \in \{{\text{angry}},\mathrm{ disgust},\mathrm{ fear},\mathrm{ happy},\mathrm{ sad},\mathrm{ surprise},\mathrm{ neutral}\}\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The score and total emotion value for movie trailer “The Bucket List”.

In the movie “The Bucket List”, we can see that happy is the dominant emotion in that movie, especially at around 1000th frames, and disgust is the uncommon emotion in that movie.

4 Results and Analysis

Next, we compute the cumulative emotion value \({e}_{ij}\) of video \(i\), with emotion \(j\), such as defined in Eq. 2:

$$ei,j={\sum }_{m=1}^{n}\left(p(yj|f(face)\right)$$

where \({{\text{y}}}_{{\text{j}}} \in \{{\text{angry}},\mathrm{ disgust},\mathrm{ fear},\mathrm{ happy},\mathrm{ sad},\mathrm{ surprise},\mathrm{ neutral}\}\) and \(f(face)\) is a function that describes the emotion of detected face, for every \(m\) face detected in the video up to \(n\) faces.

Figure 7 shows the cumulative emotion value of each movie genre, in which each genre is represented by 5 movie trailers. Note that a -second clip has 30 frames, hence why Fig. 7 showing values greater than 1.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Cumulative emotion value of each movie genre.

Based on Fig. 7, we found that:

  1. 1.

    We could not associate a movie genre with just one single emotion.

  2. 2.

    This experiment suggests each movie genre could be represented by the top three highest cumulative emotion value, such as:

    1. (a)

      Comedy genre movies can be represented by Neutral, Happy, and Sad emotions.

    2. (b)

      Action genre movies can be represented by Sad, Neutral, and Angry emotions.

    3. (c)

      Horror genre movies can be represented by Sad, Neutral, and Angry emotions.

    4. (d)

      Fantasy genre movies can be represented by Neutral, Sad, and Happy emotions.

    5. (e)

      Romance genre movies can be represented by Neutral, Happy, and Sad emotions.

  3. 3.

    Some of the movie trailers that we collected could overlap with other genres. For example, the “Crazy Rich Asians, 2018” movie can also be considered a Romance and Comedy genre movie, instead of a Romance-only movie. Hence, we found that Neutral and Happy are mostly associated with Romance and Comedy movie genres.

  4. 4.

    For Action and Horror movies, three common emotions associated with those genres are Sad, Neutral and Angry.

  5. 5.

    Based on our dataset, emotion Disgust is not a popular emotion to be portrayed in a movie.

5 Conclusion and Future Works

In this paper, we run an experiment to investigate the relationship between short videos that are derived from long videos, based on the description of the long videos. We done this by collecting 25 movie trailers, classified based on 5 movie genres. Next, we establish a relationship between emotion found in the movie trailers and with its movie genres, respectively. We found that a single emotion cannot represent each movie genre. In our case, at least 2 emotions are required to represent a movie genre.

In the future, we plan to collect much more movie trailers and build a more accurate emotion detection tool to verify the relationship between emotions detected in each movie trailer and classified movie genre, which has been established in paper.