
1 Introduction

The cryptographic hash function is one of the most important primitives, playing a vital role in digital signatures, message integrity, passwords, and proof-of-work, etc. The collision resistance, preimage resistance, and second-preimage resistance are the three basic security requirements for cryptographic hash functions. Besides the well-known SHA-3 [12], another crucial design strategy is to build hash functions on block ciphers [38, 43]. Typical examples are PGV-modes [43], Davies-Meyer (DM), Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO), and Miyaguchi-Preneel (MP), etc., instantiated with AES [19] or other AES-like constructions, e.g., Whirlpool [8], Grøstl [28], ECHO [11], Haraka v2 [37]. Feistel network and generalized Feistel network (GFN) are important designs for block ciphers and permutations. To share the security proof and implementation benefit, building Feistel (or GFN) primitives with AES round function becomes popular in research communities, e.g., Simpira v2 [29], Areion [35], and the ISO lightweight hash function standard Lesamnta-LW [31], etc., which are the main targets of this paper.

The Meet-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack is a time-memory trade-off cryptanalysis technique introduced by Diffie and Hellman to attack block cipher [22]. At SAC 2008, Aumasson, Meier, and Mendel [4] proposed the MitM preimage attacks on reduced MD5 and full 3-pass HAVAL. At ASIACRYPT 2008, Sasaki and Aoki formally combined the MitM and local-collision techniques to attack full 3, 4, and 5-pass HAVAL. Further, they proposed the splice-and-cut technique [3] and the initial structure [49] to strengthen MitM attack and successfully broke the preimage resistance of the full MD5. In the past decades, the MitM attack has been widely applied to the cryptanalysis on block ciphers [14, 25, 34, 41] and hash functions [3, 30, 49]. Simultaneously, various techniques have been introduced to improve the framework of MitM attack, such as internal state guessing [25], splice-and-cut [3], initial structure [49], bicliques [13], 3-subset MitM [14], indirect-partial matching [3, 49], sieve-in-the-middle [17], match-box [27], dissection [23], MitM with guess-and-determine [50], differential-aided MitM [16, 26, 36], algebraic MitM [40], two-stage MitM [5], quantum MitM [51], etc. Till now, the MitM attack and its variants have broken MD4 [30, 39], MD5 [49], KeeLoq [33], HAVAL [4, 48], GOST [34], GEA-1/2 [1, 10], etc.

Automatic Tools are significantly boosting the MitM attacks, recently. At CRYPTO 2011 and 2016, several automatic tools [15, 21] were proposed for MitM attacks on AES. At FSE 2012, Wu et al. [53] introduced a search algorithm for MitM attacks on Grøstl. In [45], Sasaki first programmed the MitM attack on GIFT into a dedicated Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming (MILP) model. At EUROCRYPT 2021, Bao et al. [6] introduced the MILP-based automatic search framework for MitM preimage attacks on AES-like hashing, whose compression function is built from AES-like block cipher or permutation. At CRYPTO 2021, Dong et al. [24] further extended Bao et al. ’s model into key-recovery and collision attacks. At CRYPTO 2022, Schrottenloher and Stevens [51] simplified the language of the automatic model and applied it in both classic and quantum settings. Bao et al. [7] considered the MitM attack in view of the superposition states. At EUROCRYPT 2023, Qin et al. [44] proposed MitM attacks and automatic tools on sponge-based hashing.

Most state-of-the-art automatic tools of MitM attacks are about AES-like substitution-permutation network (SPN) primitives [6, 7, 24]. For Feistel or GFN constructions, most MitM cryptanalysis results are achieved by hand, such as the attacks on MD-SHA hash functions [2, 3, 30, 49]. At ACNS 2013, Sasaki et al. [47] studied the preimage attacks on hash functions based on Feistel constructions with substitution-permutation (SP) round function, i.e., Feistel-SP. At CRYPTO 2022, Schrottenloher and Stevens [51] introduced an efficient MitM automatic tool including the first application to Feistel constructions, e.g., Simpira v2 [29].

Our Contributions

In this paper, we focus on building a new MILP-based MitM automatic tool on hash functions with Feistel or GFN constructions.

For the first contribution, we first generalize the matching strategy for MitM attack. The essential idea of MitM attack is to find two neutral states (represented by and bytes), which are computed along two independent paths (‘forward’ and ‘backward’) that are then linked in the middle by deterministic relations, i.e. the matching point. The deterministic relations are usually of the form \(f_\mathcal {B} =g_\mathcal {R} \), where \(f_\mathcal {B} \) and \(g_\mathcal {R} \) are determined by and , respectively. In [3, 49], the matching equation \(f_\mathcal {B} =g_\mathcal {R} \) is usually part of the full state, which is then named as partial matching. If \(f_\mathcal {B} =g_\mathcal {R} \) is derived directly, then it is a direct partial matching [3]. However, if \(f_\mathcal {B} =g_\mathcal {R} \) is computed by a linear transformation on the outputs of forward and backward computation, then it is named as indirect partial matching [2, 49]. For both direct and indirect partial matching, the relation \(f_\mathcal {B} =g_\mathcal {R} \) is essential for MitM attacks. Almost all the recent MitM attacks and automatic models [6, 7, 24, 44] leverage these two traditional matching strategies.

However, in this paper, we find the relations \(f'_\mathcal {B} =g'_\mathcal {B} \) (or \(f'_\mathcal {R} =g'_\mathcal {R} \)) can also be used for matching, where \(f'_\mathcal {B} \) and \(g'_\mathcal {B} \) are determined only by bytes. Together with the direct and indirect partial matching strategies, we propose a generalized matching strategy. After programming the new matching strategy into our MILP model, we significantly reduce the 5-round preimage attack on Areion-256 from \(2^{248}\) [35] to \(2^{193}\), and improve the preimage attack on Simpira-2 from previous 5 rounds [51] to ours 7 rounds.

For the second contribution, We first generalize Sasaki’s multi-round matching strategy for Feistel [47] into full-round matching. At ACNS 2013, Sasaki [47] proposed a matching strategy for Feistel-SP and GFN. For the Feistel-SP structure, it is hard to find any matching at first glance, but two-byte matching obviously appeared after applying a linear transformation to 4 consecutive rounds. In this paper, we find Sasaki’s multi-round matching can be further extended into full-round matching. Therefore, the states involved in matching come from all round functions from the matching point to the initial structure. The full-round matching strategy may discover more useful matching equations than the multi-round matching. The reason is that in the multi-round matching, the involved states are first computed along forward and backward from the known bytes in the initial structure, and many bytes become unknown (i.e., depending on both and , denoted as bytes), and then it is hard to derive any matching equations through the bytes. In full-round matching, matches are constructed by directly considering the fresh states from the initial structure.

Since many internal states are considered in full-round matching, it becomes hard to build MILP constraints for matching. To solve this problem, we find an equivalent transformation of Feistel and GFN that can significantly simplify the MILP programming of the full-round matching, where each byte of the full state can be programmed individually to determine if it is a one-byte matching.

Based on the above techniques, the achievements in this paper are listed below and also in Table 1.

  • Based on the above techniques, we improve Sasaki’s 11-round MitM attack [47] on Feistel-SP to ours 12 rounds with almost the same time complexity.

  • We improve Schrottenloher and Stevens’s MitM preimage attacks at CRYPTO 2022 [51] on Simpira v2 by improving the attack on Simpira-2 from 5 rounds [51] to ours 7 rounds, and improving the attack on Simpira-4 from 9 rounds [51] to ours 11 rounds. As stated by Schrottenloher and Stevens [52, Appendix B7], they can not attack on Simpira-b versions with \(b\notin \{2,3,4\}\). We first fill the gap by introducing the 11-round MitM attack on Simpira-6.

  • For the ISO standardized lightweight hash Lesamnta-LW [31], we significantly improve the collision attack from the previous 11-round attack to ours 17-round attack. Moreover, we also found a 20-round Lesamnta-LW MitM characteristic with time \(2^{124}\) which is better than the generic birthday bound \(2^{128}\), but it’s higher than the designers’ security claim against collision attack, which is \(2^{120}\).

  • For the hash function Areion [35] proposed at TCHES 2023, we improve the MitM preimage attack on Areion256-DM from the previous 5 rounds to ours 7 rounds, and improve the attack on Areion512-DM from previous 10 rounds to ours 11 rounds. For the source code, please refer to

Comparison to Schrottenloher and Stevens’s MitM Attack. At CRYPTO 2022, Schrottenloher and Stevens [51] introduced automatic MitM tools based on MILP, which are also applied to preimage attacks on Feistel constructions, i.e., Simpira v2 [29] and Sparkle [9]. Their model is a top-down model with a greatly simplified attack representation excluding many details. While our model in this paper follows the bottom-up approach, which has been used by Bao et al. [6, 7] and Dong et al. [24]. Therefore, our model inherits the advantages of previous works [6, 7, 24], which is easy to understand and use by only specifying the admissible coloring transitions at each stage and computing the parameters which give the time and memory complexities of the MitM attack. On Simpira v2 ’s attacks [51], to simplify the model, the attacks are of branch-level. However, in our model, all attacks are found at the byte-level, which is more fine-grained. Combined with our new model on the matching strategy, we can improve Schrottenloher and Stevens’ attacks on Simpira-2/-4 by up to 2 rounds. Also, we find an attack on 11-round Simpira-6, while Schrottenloher and Stevens stated that their attack can not apply to it [52, Appendix B7].

Table 1. A Summary of the Attacks.

2 Preliminaries

In the section, we first introduce the main notations used in the following paper, and briefly describe the Meet-in-the-Middle attack, the specification of AES, (Generalized) Feistel Networks, Areion, Lesamnta-LW, and the idea of Sasaki’s preimage attack on Feistel-SP.

2.1 Notations

\(A^{(r)}_{\texttt {SB}}\):

: the internal state after operation SB in round r, \(r\ge 0\)

\({A^{(r)}_{\texttt {SB}}[i]}\):

: the i-th byte of the internal state \(A^{(r)}_{\texttt {SB}}\)

, \(\mathcal {R}\):

: known byte with backward computation, \((x,y)=(0,1)\)

, \(\mathcal {B}\):

: known byte with forward computation, \((x,y)=(1,0)\)

, \(\mathcal {G}\):

: known byte with forward and backward computations, \((x,y)=(1,1)\)

, \(\mathcal {W}\):

: unknown byte in forward and backward computations, \((x,y)=(0,0)\)

\(\lambda _{\mathcal {R}}\):

: the byte number of the bytes in the starting state

\(\lambda _{\mathcal {B}}\):

: the byte number of the bytes in the starting state

\(\textrm{DoF} \):

: degree of freedom in bytes

\(\textrm{DoF} _{\mathcal {R}}\):

: the byte number of DoF of the neutral words

\(\textrm{DoF} _{\mathcal {B}}\):

: the byte number of DoF of the neutral words

\(l_{\mathcal {B}}\):

: the byte number of consumed DoF of the bytes

\(l_{\mathcal {R}}\):

: the byte number of consumed DoF of the bytes

\(\textrm{DoM} \):

: the byte number of DoF of the matching point

\({End}_{\mathcal {B}}\):

: the matching point determined by bytes

\({End}_{\mathcal {R}}\):

: the matching point determined by bytes

2.2 The Meet-in-the-Middle Attack

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The closed computation path of the MitM attack

Since the pioneering works on preimage attacks on Merkle-Damgård hashing, e.g. MD4, MD5, and HAVAL [3, 30, 39, 49], techniques such as splice-and-cut [3], initial structure [49] and (indirect-) partial matching [2, 49] have been invented to significantly improve the MitM approach. In Fig. 1, the compression function is divided at certain intermediate rounds (initial structure) into two chunks:

  1. 1.

    In the initial structure, a starting state is chosen with \(\lambda _\mathcal {R} \) bytes and \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} \) bytes, which are also denoted as the initial degree of freedom (DoF) of and bytes. The and bytes are then constrained linearly [46, 47] or nonlinearly [24] by \(l_\mathcal {R} \) and \(l_\mathcal {B} \) byte equations, so that the two chunks can be computed independently on two distinct solution spaces of and derived by solving the constraint equations. The two solution spaces are named as neutral space. The DoFs of the or neutral space are denoted as \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} \) or \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} \).

  2. 2.

    The two neutral spaces are computed along two independent paths (‘forward chunk’ and ‘backward chunk’).

  3. 3.

    One chunk is computed across the first and last rounds via the feed-forward mechanism of the hashing mode, and they end at a common intermediate round (partial matching point) to derive the deterministic relation ‘\(End_\mathcal {B} =End_\mathcal {R} \)’ for matching. The number of bytes for matching is denoted as the degree of matching (DoM).

Thereafter, a closed computation path of the MitM attack is derived. After setting up the configurations, the basic attack procedure goes as follows:

  1. 1.

    Choose constants for the initial structure.

  2. 2.

    For all \( 2^{8\cdot {\textrm{DoF}}_{\mathcal {R}}} \) values of neutral space, compute backward from the initial structure to the matching points \(End_{\mathcal {R}}\) to generate a table \(L_\mathcal {R} [End_{\mathcal {R}}]\).

  3. 3.

    Similarly, build \(L_\mathcal {B} \) for \( 2^{8\cdot \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}} \) values of neutral space with forward computation.

  4. 4.

    Check for the \(\textrm{DoM} \) bytes match on indices between \(L_{\mathcal {R}}\) and \(L_{\mathcal {B}}\).

  5. 5.

    For the pairs surviving the partial match, check for a full-state match.

  6. 6.

    Steps 1–5 form one MitM episode that will be repeated until a full match is found.

The attack complexity. An MitM episode is performed with time \(2^{8\cdot \max (\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}, \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B})} + 2^{8\cdot (\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} + \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}- \textrm{DoM})}\). To find an h-bit target preimage, \(2^{h - 8\cdot (\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} + \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B})}\) MitM episodes are needed. The total time complexity of the attack is:

$$\begin{aligned} 2^{h - 8\cdot \min (\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R},\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B},\textrm{DoM})}. \end{aligned}$$

Nonlinearly Constrained Neutral Words [24]. In order to compute the allowable values for the neutral words, one has to solve certain systems of equations. In previous MitM preimage attacks [46, 50], the systems of equations are usually linear, i.e., linearly constrained neutral words, which can be solved with ease. At CRYPTO 2021, Dong et al. [24] found that the systems of equations can be nonlinear, which can not be solved directly like linear system. Therefore, Dong et al. proposed a table-based method to solve those nonlinearly constrained neutral words. Suppose in the starting state, there are \(\lambda _\mathcal {R} \) bytes and \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} \) bytes, and the number of nonlinear constraints are \(l_\mathcal {R} \) and \(l_\mathcal {B} \) for and bytes.

  1. 1.

    Fix the bytes for the initial structure,

  2. 2.

    For \(2^{\lambda _\mathcal {R}}\) values, compute the \(l_\mathcal {R} \) bytes constraints (denoted as \(\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {R} \in \mathbb {F}_2^{8\cdot l_\mathcal {R}}\)), and store the \(\lambda _\mathcal {R} \) bytes in table \(U_{\mathcal {R}}[\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {R} ]\),

  3. 3.

    For \(2^{\lambda _\mathcal {B}}\) values, compute the \(l_\mathcal {B} \) bytes constraints (denoted as \(\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {B} \in \mathbb {F}_2^{8\cdot l_\mathcal {B}}\)), and store the \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} \) bytes in table \(U_{\mathcal {B}}[\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {B} ]\).

Then, for given \(\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {R} \) and \(\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {B} \), the values in \(U_{\mathcal {R}}[\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {R} ]\) and \(U_{\mathcal {B}}[\mathfrak {c}_\mathcal {B} ]\) can be computed independently (i.e., neutral) in one MitM episode. Therefore, we have \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} =\lambda _\mathcal {R}-l_\mathcal {R} \) and \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} =\lambda _\mathcal {B}-l_\mathcal {B} \). According to [24], both the time and memory complexities of one precomputation are \(2^{\lambda _{\mathcal {R}}}+2^{\lambda _{\mathcal {B}}}\). After the precomputation, \(2^{l_{\mathcal {R}}+l_{\mathcal {B}}}\) MitM episodes are produced.

Automated MitM Based MILP. At EUROCRYPT 2021, Bao et al. [6] proposed the MILP-based automatic model for MitM preimage attacks on AES-like hashing. At CRYPTO 2021, Dong et al. extended the model into key-recovery and collision. At CRYPTO 2022, Bao et al. [7] proposed the superposition MitM attack, i.e., the bytes and bytes are handled independently in linear operations. A similar idea has been proposed and called indirect-partial matching in 2009 [2]. In the superposition MitM attack framework, each state involved in a linear operation is separated into two virtual states, which are also called superposition states. One state preserves the bytes, bytes, and bytes in the original state, while the positions where bytes are located turn . The other state can be obtained similarly but exchanging the and bytes. Therefore, two superposition states can be propagated equally and independently along the forward or backward computation paths through linear operations. The initial DoFs can be consumed in both directions. Then, two superposition states are finally combined before the next nonlinear operation after a series of linear operations. The color patterns and how the states are separated and combined are visualized in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Rules for separation and combination, where “\(*\)” means any color

The rules MC-Rule and XOR-Rule are first introduced in [6] to model the propagation rules of MixColumn and AddRoundKey in AES-like hashing. Since \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} \) bytes of the starting states are imposed \(l_\mathcal {B} \) constraints (similar to ), the rules MC-Rule and XOR-Rule are required to describe how the impacts from the neutral bytes in one chunk are limited on the opposite chunk. For more details on the two basic rules, please refer to [6] and also Supplementary Material A in our full version paper [32].

2.3 AES

To be concrete, we first recall the round function of AES-128 [19]. It operates on a 16-byte state arranged into a \(4\times 4\) matrix and contains four operations as illustrated in Fig. 3: SubBytes (SB), ShiftRows (SR), MixColumns (MC), and AddRoundKey (AK). The MixColumns is to multiply an MDS matrix to each column of the state. Embedding a block cipher into the PGV hashing modes [43], such as Davies-Meyer (DM, Fig. 4), Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO, Fig. 5) and Miyaguchi-Preneel (MP), is a common way to build the compression functions for hashing.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

One round AES

Fig. 4.
figure 4


Fig. 5.
figure 5


2.4 (Generalized) Feistel Networks

Another widely used design approach is the Feistel network, which was first used in DES [18], and the generalized Feistel network (GFN) [54]. When the round function of Feistel adopts AddRoundKey (AK), SubBytes (SB), and a permutation layer, i.e., SP round function, the Feistel is named as Feistel-SP. In this paper, the permutation layer is a MixColumns (MC) with MDS, as shown in Fig. 6. Figure 7 is an equivalent transformation of Fig. 6, where \(\tilde{A}^{(r)}=\texttt{MC}^{-1}(A^{(r)})\), \(\tilde{B}^{(r)}=\texttt{MC}^{-1}(B^{(r)})\), \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}=\texttt{MC}^{-1}(A^{(r+1)})\), and \(\tilde{B}^{(r+1)}=\texttt{MC}^{-1}(B^{(r+1)})\). The round function of GFN adopts multiple branches, e.g., the round function of 4-branch Simpira v2 in Fig. 8.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

One round Feistel-SP

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Equivalent transform of Feistel-SP

2.5 Simpira v2

Simpira v2 [29] is a family of cryptographic permutations that support inputs of \(128 \times b\) bits, where b is the number of branches. When \(b = 1\), Simpira v2 consists of 12 rounds AES with different constants. When \(b\ge 2\), Simpira v2 is a Generalized Feistel Structure (GFS) with the F-function that consists of two rounds of AES. We denote Simpira v2 family members with b branches as Simpira-b. The total number of rounds is 15 for \(b = 2\), \(b = 4\) and \(b = 6\), 21 for \(b = 3\), and 18 for \(b = 8\). Figure 8 shows the round function of Simpira-4.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The round function of Simpira-4

2.6 Areion

Areion [35] is a family of highly-efficient permutations based on AES instruction. It consists of two versions with 256-bit and 512-bit, named as Areion-256 (the round function is shown in Fig. 9) and Areion-512. Based on the two permutations, two hash functions with short input are designed with Davies-Meyer (DM) construction, i.e., Areion256-DM and Areion512-DM, which are our targets.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

One round Areion-256

Fig. 10.
figure 10

One round Lesamnta-LW

2.7 Lesamnta-LW

Lesamnta-LW is a lightweight 256-bit hash function proposed by Hirose et al. in 2010 [31], which has been specified in ISO/IEC 29192-5:2016. Lesamnta-LW is a Merkle-Damgård iterated hash function [20, 42]. Figure 11 shows a hash with two message blocks, where the i-th compression function (CF) is \(\texttt{CF}(h_{i-1},m_i)=E(h^0_{i-1},m_i\Vert h_{i-1}^1)=h_i\), with \(h^0_{i-1}\), \(h^1_{i-1}\), \(m_i \in \mathbb {F}_2^{128}\), \(h_{i-1}\), \(h_{i}\in \mathbb {F}_2^{256}\), and \(h_{i-1}=h^0_{i-1}\Vert h^1_{i-1}\). The initial \(h_0\) is the initial vector and the last \(h_N\) is the 256-bit digest. The internal block cipher of CF is of 64 rounds with 256-bit plaintext and 32-bit round keys. Our attack is independent of the key schedule which is omitted. Figure 10 shows the round function, where \(m_i=A^{(r)}\Vert B^{(r)},~h^1_{i-1}=C^{(r)}\Vert D^{(r)}\). Lesamnta-LW uses AES ’s components, i.e., SB and MC, while P just permutes the bytes. Lesamnta-LW claims at least \(2^{120}\) security levels against both collision and preimage attacks, and we target the MitM collision attack on Lesamnta-LW.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Lesamnta-LW hash with two message blocks

2.8 Sasaki’s Preimage Attack on Feistel-SP

At ACNS 2013, Sasaki [47] introduced the MitM preimage attacks on MMO hashing mode with Feistel-SP block ciphers by omitting the last network twist. In Fig. 12(a), \(A^{(6)}_{ \texttt{AK} }\) and \(A^{(7)}_{ \texttt{AK} }\) are chosen as the initial states with \(\lambda _{\mathcal {R}}=11\) and \(\lambda _{\mathcal {B}}=3\). The just represents the linear combination of and bytes. From \(B^{(7)}\) to \(A^{(8)}\), the consumed DoF of is \(l_{\mathcal {R}}=8\). Therefore, the remaining DoFs of and are \(\textrm{DoF} _{\mathcal {R}}=11-8=3\) and \(\textrm{DoF} _{\mathcal {B}}=3\), respectively. In Fig. 12(b), by assigning conditions \(k_0=k_{10}\oplus H_{A}\) and \(k_1=k_{9}\oplus H_{B}\), we have \(A^{(10)}_{ \texttt{MC} }=A^{(0)}_{ \texttt{MC} }\) and \(A^{(9)}_{ \texttt{MC} }=A^{(1)}_{ \texttt{MC} }\). Therefore, \(A^{(2)}=B^{(9)}\oplus H_{A}\) and \(B^{(2)}=A^{(9)}\oplus H_B\). In Fig. 12(c), Sasaki applied a linear transformation in the computation from \(A^{(3)}_{ \texttt{SB} }\) to \(A^{(5)}_{ \texttt{SB} }\) to derive a multi-round matching with \(\textrm{DoM} =2\) as shown in Fig. 13. The time complexity is \(2^{8 \times (16 - \min \{3,3,2\})} = 2^{112}\).

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Sasaki’s attack

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Matching in Sasaki’s attack

3 Generalization on Matching Strategy in MitM

In the matching point of the MitM attack, with forward and backward computations, if two matching states \(F^+\) and \(F^-\) are determined only by the and , respectively, then, the relation \(F^+=F^-\) acts as a direct partial matching. This simple matching strategy is frequently used in previous works [46, 49]. In ASIACRYPT 2009, Aoki et al. introduced the indirect partial matching technique [2], where \(F^+\) can be expressed as \(\phi _\mathcal {B} +\phi _\mathcal {R} \), and \(F^-=\varPhi _\mathcal {B} +\varPhi _\mathcal {R} \). \(\phi _\mathcal {B} \) and \(\varPhi _\mathcal {B} \) are determined by the and bytes. \(\phi _\mathcal {R} \) and \(\varPhi _\mathcal {R} \) are determined by the and bytes. Therefore, the \(\textrm{DoM} \)-byte equation \(\phi _\mathcal {B} +\varPhi _\mathcal {B} =\phi _\mathcal {R} +\varPhi _\mathcal {R} \) can be built from \(F^+=F^-\), which acts as the matching. In this paper, we denote \(End_\mathcal {B} =\phi _\mathcal {B} +\varPhi _\mathcal {B} \) and \(End_\mathcal {R} =\phi _\mathcal {R} +\varPhi _\mathcal {R} \).

In addition to the above two common matching strategies, we find that the byte equation determined only by one of the two colors ( , ) can also be used in the MitM attack. Taking the matching by combining MixColumn and XOR operations at MixColumns and AddRoundKey for AES as an example as shown in Fig. 14(a). Suppose from the matching states, there exist \(\textrm{M}_\mathcal {R} \) byte-equations \(\pi _\mathcal {R} =0\), \(\textrm{M}_\mathcal {B} \) byte-equations \(\pi _\mathcal {B} =0\), and \(\textrm{DoM} \) byte-equations \(End_\mathcal {B} =End_\mathcal {R} \), where \(End_\mathcal {R} \) and \(\pi _\mathcal {R} \) are determined by and , \(End_\mathcal {B} \) and \(\pi _\mathcal {B} \) are determined by and . Figure 14(b) is a commonly used matching strategy (indirect partial matching) in previous MitM attacks [46, 47], where there exists \(\textrm{DoM} =1\) byte matching equation \(End_\mathcal {B} =End_\mathcal {R} \). Figure 14(c) is the new matching strategy, where there exists \(\textrm{M}_\mathcal {R} =1\) byte matching equation:

figure bt

This matching method in Fig. 14(c) can not be included in any of the two common matching strategies (direct or indirect partial matching), but can still lead to valid MitM attacks. With the new matching strategy, we introduce the new MitM procedures in the following:

  1. 1.

    Choose constants for the initial structure.

  2. 2.

    For all \( 2^{8\cdot {\textrm{DoF}}_{\mathcal {R}}} \) values of neutral space, compute from the initial structure to the matching points. If \(\pi _\mathcal {R} =0\) holds, store the \({\textrm{DoF}}_{\mathcal {R}}\) bytes in table \(L_\mathcal {R} [End_{\mathcal {R}}]\).

  3. 3.

    For all \( 2^{8\cdot {\textrm{DoF}}_{\mathcal {B}}} \) values of neutral space, compute from the initial structure to the matching points. If \(\pi _\mathcal {B} =0\) holds, store the \({\textrm{DoF}}_{\mathcal {B}}\) bytes in table \(L_\mathcal {B} [End_{\mathcal {B}}]\).

  4. 4.

    Check for the \(\textrm{DoM} \) bytes matching with \(End_\mathcal {R} =End_\mathcal {B} \) on indices between \(L_{\mathcal {R}}\) and \(L_{\mathcal {B}}\).

  5. 5.

    For the pairs surviving the partial matching, check for a full-state match.

  6. 6.

    Steps 1–5 form one MitM episode that will be repeated until a full match is found.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Examples in Generalized Matching Strategy

The Complexity. In one MitM episode, the time complexities of Step 2 and 3 are \(2^{8\cdot \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}}\) and \(2^{8\cdot \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}}\), respectively. The memory costs of Step 2 and 3 are \(2^{8(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}-\textrm{M}_\mathcal {R})}\) and \(2^{8(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}-\textrm{M}_\mathcal {B})}\). In Step 4 and 5, there expect \(2^{8(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}-\textrm{M}_\mathcal {R})}\cdot 2^{8(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}-\textrm{M}_\mathcal {B})-8\cdot \textrm{DoM}}\) surviving pairs to check for a full-state match. Therefore, the time complexity of one MitM episode is

$$\begin{aligned} 2^{8\cdot \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}}+2^{8\cdot \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}}+2^{8(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} +\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}-\textrm{M}_\mathcal {R}-\textrm{M}_\mathcal {B}-\textrm{DoM})}. \end{aligned}$$

For a given h-bit target, \(2^{h - 8(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} + \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B})}\) MitM episodes are needed to perform, and the total time complexity is

$$\begin{aligned} 2^{h - 8\cdot \min (\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R},\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B},\textrm{M}_\mathcal {R} +\textrm{M}_\mathcal {B} +\textrm{DoM})}. \end{aligned}$$

Remark 1

Compared with the attack framework proposed by Bao et al. [6], steps 2–3 in our framework will first filter the states that do not satisfy the matching equations containing only one color, and then store the remaining states in tables. The overall memory is \(2^{8 \times \min \{\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}- \textrm{M}_\mathcal {R}, \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B}- \textrm{M}_\mathcal {B} \}}\) which may be lower than the main memory cost in [6], i.e. \(2^{8 \times \min \{\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R}, \textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} \}}\).

Modelling the Matching Point. For a given byte in Fig. 14, we introduce a Boolean variable \(\omega \), that \(\omega =1\) means this byte is , otherwise \(\omega =0\). \(\omega ^{\alpha }_i\), \(\omega ^{\beta }_i\), and \(\omega ^{\gamma }_i\) indicate whether the i-th byte in \(\alpha \), \(\beta \), and \(\gamma \) is white respectively, and \(\omega ^{(\beta ,\gamma )}_i\) is defined by \(\texttt{OR}(\omega ^{\beta }_i, \omega ^{\gamma }_i)\), i.e., \(\omega ^{(\beta ,\gamma )}_i=1\) if \(\omega ^{\beta }_i\) or \(\omega ^{\gamma }_i\) is 1. Besides, an auxiliary state \(\chi \) is introduced in Fig. 14, where \(\chi = \beta \oplus \gamma \). The rule to generate \(\chi \) follows the XOR-Rule in [6], (i.e. , etc.). Moreover, we introduce 4 general variables \(n^\alpha _\mathcal {B} \), \(n^\alpha _\mathcal {R} \), \(n^\chi _\mathcal {B} \) and \(n^\chi _\mathcal {R} \) to count the numbers of cells and cells or the number of cells and cells in \(\alpha \) or \(\chi \). For example, \(n^\alpha _\mathcal {B} \) is the number of cells and cells in \(\alpha \). Another general variable \(n_{\mathcal {G}}\) is introduced to count the total number of cells in \(\alpha \) and \(\chi \). Suppose \((x^\alpha _i, y^\alpha _i)\) and \((x^\chi _i, y^\chi _i)\) denote the i-th cell in \(\alpha \) and \(\chi \) respectively, then we have

$$ \begin{array}{cc} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} n^\alpha _\mathcal {B} = \sum \limits _{i=0}^{3} x^\alpha _i;\\ n^\alpha _\mathcal {R} = \sum \limits _{i=0}^{3} y^\alpha _i; \end{array}\right. } ~&{}~ \begin{array}{cc} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} n^\chi _\mathcal {B} = \sum \limits _{i=0}^{3} x^\chi _i;\\ n^\chi _\mathcal {R} = \sum \limits _{i=0}^{3} y^\chi _i;\\ \end{array}\right. } & n_{\mathcal {G}} = \sum \limits _{i=0}^{3} \texttt{AND}(x^\alpha _i, y^\alpha _i) + \texttt{AND}(x^\chi _i, y^\chi _i). \end{array} \end{array} $$

where \(\texttt{AND}(x_i, y_i) = 1\) if and only if \(x_i = y_i = 1\). To avoid double counting the number of equations derived only by , let \(\textrm{M}_\mathcal {G} = \max \{0, n_{\mathcal {G}} - 4\}\) and exclude \(\textrm{M}_\mathcal {G}\) equations from \(\pi _\mathcal {R} = 0\). Then, the number of equations in \(\pi _\mathcal {B} =0\) and \(\pi _\mathcal {R} =0\) can be calculated by

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{M}_\mathcal {B} = \max \left\{ 0, ~~n^\alpha _\mathcal {B} + n^\chi _\mathcal {B}- 4\right\} , ~~~~ \textrm{M}_\mathcal {R} = \max \left\{ 0, ~~n^\alpha _\mathcal {R} + n^\chi _\mathcal {R}- \textrm{M}_{\mathcal {G}} - 4\right\} . \end{aligned}$$

For the MC then XOR operations in Fig. 14, we can build \(4-\sum _{i=0}^{3}(\omega ^{(\beta ,\gamma )}_{i} + \omega ^{\alpha }_{i})\) linear equations which are determined by only known cells ( ). Therefore, the number of byte equations \(End_\mathcal {B} =End_\mathcal {R} \) is equal to the total linear equations minus \(M_\mathcal {B} \) and \(M_\mathcal {R} \) equations. We get

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{DoM} = \max \left\{ 0, ~~ 4-\sum \limits _{i=0}^{3}(\omega ^{(\beta ,\gamma )}_{i} + \omega ^{\alpha }_{i}) - \textrm{M}_\mathcal {B}- \textrm{M}_\mathcal {R} \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

4 Automatic Model for Transformed Feistel Structure

In this section, we first generalize Sasaki’s multi-round matching strategy into full-round matching. Then, we introduce an equivalent transformation of Feistel and GFN, which is very friendly with the new proposed full-round matching strategy. At last, we construct the MILP constraints to describe the attributes propagation through transformed Feistel and how the full-round match is deployed. Combining the equivalent transformation and full-round match, the MILP model can be simplified and easy to program.

4.1 The Generalization of Sasaki’s Matching Strategy for Feistel

In [47], Sasaki proposed a matching strategy for Feistel with a linear transformation. As shown in Fig. 13, it is hard to see any matching in the original Fig. 13(a). However, after a linear transformation in Fig. 13(b), the two-byte matching is obviously obtained. Besides the attack on balanced Feistel-SP, Sasaki [47] also built MitM attacks on GFN with SP round function, where the matching point covers 7 consecutive rounds. A similar linear transformation as in Fig. 13(b) is also applied, but involves more internal states.

Inspired by Sasaki’s matching strategy [47], we generalize the matching strategy to full-round matching, i.e., the matching can happen by writing down the internal states involved from the matching point to the initial structure. For example, we can further extend Fig. 13(a) by replacing \(B^{(3)}\) by \(\texttt {MC} (A^{(7)}_{\texttt {SB}})\oplus B^{(7)} \oplus H_A\) and replacing \(A^{(6)}\) by \(B^{(7)}\), where the internal states \(A^{(7)}_{\texttt {SB}}\) and \(B^{(7)}\) come from the initial structure. Therefore, Fig. 13 becomes Fig. 15. The advantages of the generalized full-round matching are summarized below:

  1. I

    Since the internal states from the initial structure preserve more useful information than other internal states (there are usually no bytes in the initial structure), a full-round matching may be more likely to produce a valid match than a local-round matching (e.g., 3 or 4 rounds). An example is found for Simpira-4 in Fig. 18, where the matching obviously exists for the full-round case, but disappears for certain local-round case.

  2. II

    Also a linear transformation is applied to Fig. 15(a) to obtain Fig. 15(b). This is essential and can not be replaced by Bao et al. ’s superposition MitM technique [7]. If we apply the superposition MitM technique in Fig. 15(a), \(A^{(3)}_{\texttt {SB}}\) will be separated into two states following the rules in Fig. 2, then one of the two states will be all after MC. Therefore, an unknown state will be XORed into the matching path, which leads to no matching at all.

    If we apply a linear transformation to obtain Fig. 15(b), each byte of \(A^{(3)}_{\texttt {SB}}\) will be involved in the matching path individually. For example, considering the 4-th byte, there is a one-byte equation


    which is obviously a matching equation (no byte is involved).

  3. III

    The transformed structure in Fig. 15(b) is easy to program in the automatic tool. As shown in Eq. (5), each byte can be individually considered, which is very friendly than the untransformed case in Fig. 15(a). As a matter of fact, this is very important when building the automatic tool, since for many (generalized) Feistel networks, the situation is much more complex than the very easy case for Feistel-SP. For example, in our 11-round attack on Simpira-4 (Fig. 23), there are more states involved in matching than that in Fig. 15(a). Therefore, if we do not apply the linear transformation, we have to program many MC operations into a whole matching rule, which is very complex or even infeasible for many ciphers like Simpira-4.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Full-match in Feistel-SP

We find that the transformation in Fig. 15(b) can be directly obtained if we consider MitM attacks on an equivalent transformation of Feistel-SP, i.e., Fig. 6(b). To better understand this fact, we take the MILP-based MitM attack on transformed Simpira-4 as an example in the following part.

4.2 MILP-Based MitM Attack on Transformed Feistel

As shown in Fig. 8, the output \(A^{(r+1)}\) is equivalent to \(B^{(r)} \oplus \texttt {MC} (A^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 })\). With a linear transformation on \(A^{(r+1)}\), we have \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}(A^{(r+1)}) = \texttt {MC} ^{-1}(B^{(r)}) \oplus A^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 }\). Similarly, \(B^{(r+1)}, C^{(r+1)}\) and \(D^{(r+1)}\) can be handled in the same way. For the sake of simplicity and intuition, we transform the Feistel network by putting the last MixColumn operation first in each round like Fig. 6(b). Then the output of each round is the state after the above linear transformation in the original structure. Therefore, we propose the following property.

Property 1

Simpira-4 is equivalent to the permutation with a round function

$$ \mathcal {R'}_i = \mathtt{SR \circ SB \circ AC \circ MC \circ SR \circ SB \circ MC}, $$

except for replacing the input \(\left( A^{(r)}, B^{(r)}, C^{(r)}, D^{(r)} \right) \) by \(\left( \tilde{A}^{(r)}, \tilde{B}^{(r)}, \tilde{C}^{(r)},\right. \left. \tilde{D}^{(r)}\right) = \left( \mathtt{MC^{-1}}(A^{(r)}), \mathtt{MC^{-1}}(B^{(r)}), \mathtt{MC^{-1}}(C^{(r)}), \mathtt{MC^{-1}}(D^{(r)}) \right) \), and the final output becomes \(\left( \tilde{A}^{(r+1)}, \tilde{B}^{(r+1)}, \tilde{C}^{(r+1)}, \tilde{D}^{(r+1)} \right) \).

Following Property 1, we represent the 3-round transformed Simpira-4 in Fig. 16, where \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)} = \tilde{B}^{(r)} \oplus \tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 }\). In this way, \(\tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt MC1 } = \texttt {MC} (\tilde{A}^{(r)}) = A^{(r)}\), then \(\tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } = A^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 }\). According to the predefined \(\tilde{B}^{(r)} = \mathtt{MC^{-1}}(B^{(r)})\), \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}\) is equivalent to \(\mathtt{MC^{-1}}(B^{(r)}) \oplus A^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 }\). Therefore, the output \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}\) in the transformed Simpira-4 is actual the state \(\mathtt{MC^{-1}}(A^{(r+1)})\) in the original Simpira-4 (Fig. 8). This is also true for \(\tilde{B}^{(r+1)}\), \(\tilde{C}^{(r+1)}\) and \(\tilde{D}^{(r+1)}\).

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Equivalent transform of Simpira-4

MILP Constraints for the Computation Paths. As shown in Fig. 16, \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) can be computed by \(\texttt {MC} \left( \tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } \oplus \tilde{B}^{(r)} \right) \), where \(\tilde{B}^{(r)}\) can be replaced by \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1} \left( \tilde{C}^{(r-1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 } \right) \). Therefore, \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }=\texttt {MC} \left( \tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } \right) \oplus \tilde{C}^{(r-1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\), which is also named as \(\texttt {MC-then-XOR-Rule} \). In fact, if we sequentially compute the colors of \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) by computing \(\tilde{B}^{(r)}=\texttt {MC} ^{-1} \left( \tilde{C}^{(r-1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 } \right) \) and then \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }=\texttt {MC} \left( \tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } \oplus \tilde{B}^{(r)} \right) \), i.e., first apply MC-Rule, and then XOR-Rule, and then MC-Rule, we may lose many possible and useful color schemes even in the most advanced superposition MitM framework. An example is given in Fig. 17(a), when applying MC-Rule on the superposition states of \(\tilde{C}^{(r-1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\), it will lead to all cells. Subsequently, \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) will end up with a full column of cells. However, if we apply the \(\texttt {MC-then-XOR-Rule} \) with superposition framework as shown in Fig. 17(b), three cells will be preserved by consuming three cells. This also fits our intuition, i.e. more linear operations yield a higher possibility of generating unknown cells.

Fig. 17.
figure 17

The advantage of modeling link by applying MC-then-XOR-Rule

MILP Constraints for the Full-Round Match. In Fig. 12(c), the ending states are \((A^{(4)}, B^{(4)})\) computed from two opposite directions. With a linear transformation, two-byte partial matching is deduced as shown in Fig. 13. The matching phase involves two rounds of forward and two rounds of backward, respectively. So we denote such multi-round matching as (2+2)-round match. Taking the transformed Simpira-4 as an example, assume that the output state \(\tilde{A}^{(r+1)}\) is chosen to be the ending states in Fig. 16. We have

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{A}^{(r+1)} = \tilde{A}^{(r)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } \oplus \tilde{B}^{(r)}, \text{ where } \tilde{B}^{(r)} = \texttt {MC} ^{-1} \left( \tilde{C}^{(r-1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 } \right) . \end{aligned}$$

As mentioned above, \(\tilde{C}^{(r-1)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) can be computed directly by \(\texttt {MC} \left( \tilde{C}^{(r-2)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } \right) \oplus \tilde{A}^{(r-3)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) in the transformed Simpira-4 model. Hence, \(\tilde{B}^{(r)}\) can be replaced by \(\tilde{C}^{(r-2)}_{ \mathtt SR2 } \oplus \texttt {MC} ^{-1} \left( \tilde{A}^{(r-3)}_{ \mathtt MC1 } \right) \) in Eq. (6). Immediately, \(\tilde{A}^{(r-3)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) can also be replaced in the same way. Subsequently, this replacement is done round by round until the initial structure to build the so-called full-round matching. Take our 11-round attack (Fig. 23) on transformed Simpira-4 in Sect. 6.2 as an example. The ending state \(\tilde{D}^{(2)}\) is computed forward and backward to the initial structure. The shortest round that a matching exists is the (6, 4)-round matching given in Fig. 18(a). If a shorter round is considered for matching, e.g., (6, 2)-round in Fig. 18(b), there will be no matching, since the state \(\tilde{C}^{(3)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) will be all . If we extend the (6, 4)-round matching to the full-round matching, we get Fig. 18(c), where the two states applied \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}\) in both directions will eventually converge to an identical state \(\tilde{C}^{(7)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\) in the initial structure. Figure 18(c) can also be displayed with the following full-round matching Eq. (7):

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {MC} ^{-1}\left( \tilde{C}^{(7)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\right) \oplus \tilde{A}^{(8)}_{ \mathtt SR2}\oplus \tilde{C}^{(10)}_{ \mathtt SR2} \oplus \tilde{A}^{(0)}_{ \mathtt SR2}\oplus \tilde{C}^{(2)}_{ \mathtt SR2}\oplus \tilde{A}^{(4)}_{ \mathtt SR2} \oplus \tilde{C}^{(6)}_{ \mathtt SR2}= \texttt {MC} ^{-1}\left( \tilde{C}^{(7)}_{ \mathtt MC1 } \oplus H_B\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}\left( \tilde{C}^{(7)}_{ \mathtt MC1 }\right) \) can be cancelled in both sides. The reason follows the fact that the initial degrees of freedom of and cells will be consumed along the forward or backward computation path. The number of cells only becomes bigger through some linear or nonlinear operations. If the matching happens within shorter rounds, there will only be more matching cases after elongation. But on the contrary, while considering to find a shorter-round match from a longer one, there may be cases where the state in the shorter rounds will be after applying linear operations.

Fig. 18.
figure 18

The (6,4)-round match in Simpira-4, and its impacts on the match after being shortened or elongated

Following the above study, we only need to consider whether there exist match cells in the full-round matching. The two states to perform \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}\) will eventually converge into the starting states in the initial structure, or even can be canceled in both matching directions as shown in Fig. 18(c). For the general case, assume the matching phase consists of two starting states \(I_1\) and \(I_2\), e.g., in Fig. 18(c) \(I_1=I_2=\tilde{C}^{(7)}_\texttt{MC1}\), and assume t internal states \(X_1\), \(X_2\), \(\cdots \), \(X_t\) are involved in the full-round matching equation. Similar to Eq. (7), the generic full-round matching equation can be written as

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {MC} ^{-1}(I_1)\oplus X_1\oplus \cdots \oplus X_t=\texttt {MC} ^{-1}(I_2). \end{aligned}$$

The matching equation can be computed for each byte individually. In the i-th column and j-th row (\(i,j=0,1,2,3\)), the byte matching equation is linearly computed from \(X_k[4i+j]\) (\(k=1,\cdots , t\)) and \(I_1[4i,4i+1,4i+2,4i+3]\) and \(I_2[4i,4i+1,4i+2,4i+3]\). From our analysis on the generalization of matching in Sect. 3, if all these involved bytes are not bytes, there will be valid matching for MitM attack. For j-th byte of \(X_k\), we introduce a Boolean variable \(\omega _j^{X_k}\), where \(\omega _j^{X_k}=1\) means this byte is , otherwise \(\omega _j^{X_k}=0\). Let

$$ \omega _{4i+j} = \texttt{OR}\left( \omega ^{X_1}_{4i+j}, \cdots , \omega ^{X_t}_{4i+j}, \omega ^{I_1}_{4i}, \cdots , \omega ^{I_1}_{4i + 3}, \omega ^{I_2}_{4i}, \cdots , \omega ^{I_2}_{4i + 3} \right) . $$

If \(\omega _{4i+j}=0\), then we get one valid matching byte for MitM in the i-th column and j-th row.

5 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on Reduced Feistel-SP

With our new model, we find a 12-round preimage attack of Feistel-SP-MMO as shown in Fig. 19, which improves Sasaki’s attack [47] by 1 round. The starting states are \(\tilde{A}^{(7)}_\texttt{MC}\) and \(\tilde{A}^{(8)}_\texttt{MC}\). The initial DoFs for and are \(\lambda _{\mathcal {B}} = 14\), \(\lambda _{\mathcal {R}} = 2\), respectively.

Fig. 19.
figure 19

MitM attack on 12-round Feistel-SP

From \(\tilde{A}^{(9)}_\texttt{MC}\), \(\tilde{A}^{(6)}_\texttt{MC}\) and \(\tilde{A}^{(5)}_\texttt{MC}\), we get 12 constraints on forward neutral words and 0 constraints on backward neutral words, i.e. \(l_{\mathcal {B}} = 12\), \(l_{\mathcal {R}} = 0\). Then we have \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} = 2\) and \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} = 2\). The matching points are \(\tilde{A}^{(5)}\) and \(\tilde{B}^{(5)}\). But only a full-round match is found through \(\tilde{B}^{(5)}\), which is

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {MC} ^{-1}\left( \tilde{A}^{(7)}_\texttt{MC}\right) \oplus \tilde{A}^{(8)}_\texttt{SB} \oplus \texttt {MC} ^{-1}(H_A) \oplus \tilde{A}^{(3)}_\texttt{SB} \oplus \tilde{A}^{(5)}_\texttt{SB}\oplus \tilde{A}^{(7)}_\texttt{SB}=\texttt {MC} ^{-1}\left( \tilde{A}^{(8)}_\texttt{MC}\right) , \end{aligned}$$

with \(\tilde{A}^{(1)}_\texttt{SB}=\tilde{A}^{(10)}_\texttt{SB}\) by assigning the same assumption to Sasaki’s attack [47], i.e., \(k_0=k_{11}\oplus H_A\) and \(k_1=k_{10}\oplus H_B\). From Eq. (9), 2 bytes degree of match indexed by [6, 7] are derived, i.e. \(\textrm{DoM} = 2\). The 12-round MitM attack is given in Algorithm 1. The time complexity to precompute U is \(2^{8 \cdot \lambda _\mathcal {B}} = 2^{112}\). The memory to store U is \(2^{8 \cdot (\lambda _\mathcal {B}- 8)} = 2^{48}\). The final time complexity is

$$ 2^{64+48} + 2^{8 \times \left( 16 - \min \{ 14-12,~ 2,~ 2\}\right) } \approx 2^{113}. $$
figure cz

6 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on Reduced Simpira V2

For Simpira v2 [29] with branch number \(b>2\), the designers suggested the permutation-based hashing based on Davies-Meyer (DM) construction: \(\pi (x)\oplus x\), where \(\pi \) is Simpira v2 permutation. For the common size of digest, i.e., 256 bits, the output of Simpira v2 has to be truncated. For a fair comparison with Schrottenloher and Stevens’ attacks [51], we follow the same way of truncation for Simpira v2. We introduce the first 7-round attack on Simpira-2 and 11-round attack on Simpira-4. To fill a gap left by Schrottenloher and Stevens [51], we introduce the first attack on reduced Simpira-6 in Supplementary Material C in our full version paper [32]. We also give an experiment based on a new 7-round MitM characteristic of Simpira-2 in Supplementary Material F in [32].

6.1 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 7-Round Simpira-2

As shown in Fig. 20, we give a 7-round preimage attack on \(\texttt {Simpira} \)-2. The starting states are \(\tilde{A}^{(3)}_\texttt{MC1}\) and \(\tilde{A}^{(4)}_\texttt{MC1}\), where \(\lambda _{\mathcal {R}} = 4\) and \(\lambda _{\mathcal {B}} = 28\). Along the forward and backward computation paths, there are 0 constraints on and 20 constraints on , i.e. \(l_{\mathcal {R}} = 0\) and \(l_{\mathcal {B}} = 20\) as shown in Fig. 21. Then, we have \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} = \lambda _{\mathcal {R}} - l_{\mathcal {R}} = 4\) and \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} = \lambda _{\mathcal {B}} - l_{\mathcal {B}} = 8\). The matching points are \(\tilde{A}^{(2)}\) and \(\tilde{B}^{(2)}\) and the full-round matching equation is (10). Due to \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}(\tilde{A}^{(3)}_{\texttt {MC} 1})\) appears in both directions, \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}(\tilde{A}^{(3)}_{\texttt {MC} 1})\) makes no contribution to the match and can be canceled without influence as shown in Fig. 22.

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{A}^{(2)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \tilde{A}^{(4)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \tilde{A}^{(6)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \texttt {MC} ^{-1}(H_B) = \tilde{A}^{(0)}_\texttt{SR2}. \end{aligned}$$

Then, 4 bytes for matching in the Eq. (10) indexed by [3, 6, 9, 12] are only determined by the bytes, i.e. M\(_\mathcal {R} = 4\). The detailed attack procedure is shown in Algorithm 2. The time to construct U is \(2^{8 \cdot \lambda _\mathcal {B}} = 2^{224}\). The memory cost to store U is \(2^{8 \cdot (\lambda _\mathcal {B}- 16)} \approx 2^{96}\). According to Eq. (2), the overall time complexity to mount a MitM attack is

$$ 2^{224} + 2^{8 \times \left( 32 - \min \{8, 4, 4\} \right) } \approx 2^{225}. $$

The memory cost is about \(2^{96}\) to store hash table U.

Fig. 20.
figure 20

MitM attack on 7-round Simpira-2

Fig. 21.
figure 21

The MC-then-XOR-Rule of Simpira-2 in superposition framework

figure dd
Fig. 22.
figure 22

Full-round matching in 7-round Simpira-2

6.2 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 11-Round Simpira-4

Figure 23 is an 11-round MitM characteristic of \(\texttt {Simpira} \)-4. Figure 28 given in Supplementary Material B in our full version paper [32] is an alternative representation of the MitM characteristic with MC-then-XOR-Rule in superposition states. The starting states are \(\tilde{A}^{(7)}_{\texttt{MC1}}\), \(\tilde{C}^{(6)}_{\texttt{MC1}}\), \(\tilde{A}^{(6)}_\texttt{MC1}\), and \(\tilde{C}^{(7)}_\texttt{MC1}\). The initial DoFs for and are \(\lambda _\mathcal {R} =24\) and \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} =4\), respectively. Along the forward and backward computation paths, there are a total of 20 constraints on and 0 constant constraints on , i.e., \(l_\mathcal {R} = 20\) and \(l_\mathcal {B} = 0\). Hence, we get \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} = \lambda _\mathcal {R}- l_\mathcal {R} = 4\) and \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} = \lambda _\mathcal {B}- l_\mathcal {B} = 4\). The matching points are \((\tilde{A}^{(2)}, \tilde{B}^{(2)}, \tilde{C}^{(2)}, \tilde{D}^{(2)})\). The full-matching equation is (11), where \(\texttt {MC} ^{-1}(\tilde{C}^{(7)}_\texttt{MC1})\) appears in both directions and can be cancelled.

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{A}^{(8)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \tilde{C}^{(10)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \texttt {MC} ^{-1}(H_B) \oplus \tilde{A}^{(0)}_\texttt{SR2} = \tilde{C}^{(6)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \tilde{A}^{(4)}_\texttt{SR2} \oplus \tilde{C}^{(2)}_\texttt{SR2}. \end{aligned}$$

Then, 4 bytes in Eq. (11) indexed by [0, 7, 10, 13] are derived as the degree of match, i.e. \(\textrm{DoM} = 4\). The 11-round attack is given in Algorithm 3. The time to construct V is \(2^{8 \cdot \lambda _\mathcal {R}} = 2^{192}\) and memory is \(2^{8 \cdot (\lambda _\mathcal {R}- 4)} = 2^{160}\). We need to traverse \(2^{32}\) values of the in \(\tilde{A}^{(6)}_\texttt{MC1}\), \(\tilde{C}^{(6)}_\texttt{MC1}\) and \(\tilde{C}^{(7)}_\texttt{MC1}\). Hence, the total time complexity can be computed by \( 2^{32} \times 2^{192} + 2^{8 \times \left( 32 - \min \{24 - 20, 4, 4\}\right) } \approx 2^{225}. \) The overall memory is \(2^{160}\) to store V.

Fig. 23.
figure 23

MitM attack on 11-round Simpira-4

figure dj

7 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 17-Round Lesamnta-LW

Fig. 24.
figure 24

MitM attack on 17-round Lesamnta-LW

We also apply our automated model to Lesamnta-LW [31]. Since the Lesamnta-LW does not have the feed-forward mechanism, there are only two forward chunks. We find a 17-round MitM characteristic for Lesamnta-LW without linear transformation, which is shown in Fig. 24. The initial DoFs for and are \(\lambda _{\mathcal {B}} = 4\), \(\lambda _{\mathcal {R}} = 4\), respectively. Without consuming DoF of in the computation from round 0 to round 17, there is \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} =\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} =4\). The matching happens between \(D^{(17)}\) and the targeted hash value, where \(\textrm{DoM} =8\). The attack procedure is given in Algorithm 4, where two message blocks \((m_1,m_2)\) are needed as shown in Fig. 11. In this attack, we only use the first column of \(D^{(17)}\) for matching. At first, we randomly fix the first 32-bit in \(D^{(17)}\) as constant. Then, in one MitM episode, we can get \(2^{32+32-32}=2^{32}\) \((m_1, m_2)\) satisfying the 32-bit partial target. When we find \(2^{(256-32)/2}=2^{112}\) different \((m_1, m_2, h)\) with the same fixed 32-bit partial target, we can find a collision on the remaining \((256-32)\) bits of the full 256-bit target. The time complexity is \(2^{16+64}\cdot (2^{32}+2^{32}+2^{32})\approx 2^{113.58}\). The memory complexity is \(2^{112}\). The same time and memory cost can also be obtained when considering the linear transformation of collision.

Besides, we also found a 20-round MitM collision attack on Lesamnta-LW when targeting the linear transformation of collision, the overall time complexity is \(2^{124}\) which is better than the generic birthday bound \(2^{128}\). However, it’s not better than the designers’ security claim against collision attack, which is \(2^{120}\). We still put the 20-round MitM characteristic in Supplementary Material D in our full version paper [32] to clearly specify the superiority of our new model.

figure dn

8 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on Reduced Areion

Based on DM hashing mode, Isobe et al. [35] built hash functions Areion256-DM and Areion512-DM. This section studies the MitM preimage attacks on these two ciphers. However, in the left branch of Areion, there exist additional operations, such as \(\mathtt{SR \circ SB}\) for Areion-256. If we just transform it like Simpira, the left branch still preserved additional operations so that the full-round matching (only \(\texttt {XOR} \)ed states) cannot be applied. Therefore, we use the generalized matching strategy proposed in Sect. 3 to detect matching equations at two consecutive rounds, together with the superposition MitM technique.

8.1 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 5-Round Areion-256

By applying the automatic MitM attack, we find a 5-round preimage attack on Areion-256 as shown in Fig. 25. The starting states are \(A^{(3)}\) and \(B^{(3)}\). The initial DoFs for and are \(\lambda _\mathcal {R} =8\) and \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} =23\), respectively. The consuming degrees for backward and forward are 0 and 15, i.e. \(l_\mathcal {R} = 0\) and \(l_\mathcal {B} = 15\). Then we have \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} = \lambda _\mathcal {R}- l_\mathcal {R} = 8\) and \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} = \lambda _\mathcal {B}- l_\mathcal {B} = 8\). The matching happens between \(A^{(1,\alpha )}_{\texttt{SR2}}\) and \(B^{(1)}\oplus A^{(2)}\), by combining MixColumn and XOR operations as Fig. 14, where \(\textrm{DoM} =6\). According to Sect. 3, we get additional M\(_\mathcal {R} = 2\) bytes from the last column of \(B^{(1)}\oplus A^{(2)}\), which are determined only by cells and can also be used in matching phase.

The new 5-round attack on Areion-256 is given in Algorithm 7 in Supplementary Material E in our full version paper [32]. The time to construct table U is \(2^{8 \cdot \lambda _\mathcal {B}} = 2^{184}\). Hence, we have the time complexity \( 2^{8} \cdot 2^{184} + 2^{8 \times \left( 32 - \min \{23 - 15, 8, 8\} \right) } \approx 2^{193}. \) The overall memory complexity is \(2^{88}\) to store U.

Fig. 25.
figure 25

MitM attack on 5-round Areion-256

8.2 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 7-Round Areion-256

The attack figure and algorithm on 7-round Areion-256 are given in Fig. 34 and Algorithm 8 in Supplementary Material E in our full version paper [32]. The starting states are \(A^{(4)}\) and \(B^{(4)}\). The initial DoFs for and are \(\lambda _{\mathcal {R}}=22\) and \(\lambda _{\mathcal {B}}=4\), respectively. The consumed DoFs of and are \(l_{\mathcal {R}}=20\) and \(l_{\mathcal {B}}=2\), so there is \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} =\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} =2\). The matching happens between \(A^{(1,\alpha )}_{\texttt{SR2}}\) and \(B^{(1)}\oplus A^{(2)}\), by combining MixColumn and XOR operations as Fig. 14, where \(\textrm{DoM} =2\). The time to construct table V is \(2^{8 \cdot \lambda _\mathcal {R}} = 2^{176}\) and memory is \(2^{8 \cdot (\lambda _\mathcal {R}- 14)} = 2^{64}\). The overall time complexity is \( 2^{48} \cdot 2^{176} + 2^{8 \times \left( 32 - \min \{22 - 20, 4 - 2, 2\} \right) } \approx 2^{240}. \) The memory cost is \(2^{64}\) to store V.

8.3 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 11-Round Areion-512

The attack figure and algorithm on 11-round Areion-512 are given in Fig. 35, 36, and Algorithm 9 in Supplementary Material E in our full version paper [32]. The starting states are \(A^{(3)}\), \(B^{(3)}\), \(C^{(3)}\) and \(D^{(3)}\). The initial DoFs for and are \(\lambda _\mathcal {R} = 30\), \(\lambda _\mathcal {B} = 2\), respectively. The consuming DoF of backward and forward neutral words are \(l_\mathcal {R} = 28\) and \(l_\mathcal {B} = 0\). Then, we have \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {R} = \lambda _\mathcal {R}- l_\mathcal {R} = 2\) and \(\textrm{DoF} _\mathcal {B} = \lambda _\mathcal {B}- l_\mathcal {B} = 2\). The matching phase happens between \(C^{(9, \beta )}_\texttt{SR}\) and \(B^{(10)}\) through MixColumn, where \(\textrm{DoM} = 2\). The time complexity to precompute V is \(2^{8 \cdot \lambda _\mathcal {R}} = 2^{240}\). The time complexity is \( 2^{240} + 2^{8 \times \left( 32 - \min \{30 - 28,~ 2,~ 2\}\right) } \approx 2^{241} \). The overall memory complexity is \(2^{48}\) to store V.

9 Conclusion

In this paper, we build a new Meet-in-the-Middle automatic tool for Feistel networks. In our model, we generalize the traditional direct or indirect partial matching strategies and also Sasaki’s multi-round matching strategy. We also find some equivalent transformations of Feistel and GFN to significantly simplify the MILP models. Applying our new models, we obtain improved preimage attacks on Feistel-SP-MMO, Simpira-2/-4-DM,16 Areion-256/-512-DM and the first 11-round attack on Simpira-6. Besides, we significantly improve the collision attack on the ISO standard hash Lesamnta-LW by 6 rounds.