
1 Introduction

Automotive control systems have been at the forefront of technological advancements, driving the progression of vehicular technology from rudimentary mechanical systems to intricate computerized networks. The evolution of automotive control systems, encompassing Electronic Control Units (ECUs), telematics, and infotainment platforms, has significantly augmented the driving experience. These advanced systems amalgamate disparate functionalities—from engine and climate management to navigation and entertainment—into an intuitive, seamless package that bolsters control, safety, and convenience for drivers.

However, even with their advanced capabilities, these contemporary automotive control systems are not exempt from certain constraints. Conventional key-based ignition systems, for instance, present security issues due to their susceptibility to theft or misplacement. Furthermore, a lack of consolidated controls in existing systems can lead to a disjointed user experience. As the trend toward increasingly digitized and interconnected vehicles continues, the demand for more secure, integrated, and intuitive systems correspondingly intensifies.

This necessitates the development of a Secure Keyless Car Ignition System along with integrated controls. The introduction of a keyless ignition system, authenticated via secure digital mechanisms, signifies a substantial advancement in terms of security and user convenience. It mitigates the risks inherent to physical keys and refines the user experience by simplifying the vehicle’s ignition process. The incorporation of integrated controls advances this concept even further, fostering an interconnected ecosystem within the vehicle. The end product is a driving experience that is more streamlined, efficient, and user oriented.

In light of the rapid technological advancements in the automotive industry, the development of a Secure Keyless Car Ignition System and integrated controls represents a logical next step. This research will delve into the design and implementation of such a system, focusing on its feasibility, effectiveness, and potential for enhancing the future of automotive technology.

2 Literature Review and Related Work

The continuous evolution of the automotive industry is well-documented through a wealth of existing research, which has progressively tackled the complexities of vehicle controls. Several studies have explored the possibilities and the nuances of secure keyless car ignition systems and mobile app controls for cars [1, 2], illustrating the technological trajectory that has led us to the current state of the industry.

Investigations into secure keyless car ignition systems have predominantly concentrated on the advancement of radio-frequency identification (RFID) and nearfield communication (NFC) technologies [3]. These studies have showcased the potential of keyless systems in improving security and user experience. However, they often underscore the vulnerability of such systems to relay attacks and the necessity for additional layers of security to mitigate such risks.

Likewise, research on mobile app controls for cars has spanned from conceptual frameworks to applied methodologies. The integration of diverse in-car systems into a single mobile application has been extensively studied, with the majority of research focusing on user interface design, real-time controls, and security implications [4, 5]. Nonetheless, there remains a noticeable gap in the literature concerning the holistic integration of such systems, particularly with the incorporation of real-time passenger detection and automated window control.

Existing systems, despite their significant advances, demonstrate notable limitations. The current keyless systems often lack robust multi-layered security protocols and hence may still be vulnerable to advanced malicious attacks. Moreover, while mobile applications have emerged as practical interfaces for controlling various aspects of a car, there is a striking absence of comprehensive solutions that integrate an array of controls into a single, user-friendly platform.

The realm of instrumented cars, vehicles endowed with sensors and actuators designed to gather data and provide enhanced interaction with the driving environment, is rich in both applied research and commercially viable products. It is a rapidly evolving domain that blends the fields of automotive engineering, computer science, and human–computer interaction. Initial forays into the field focused on improving vehicular safety and driving comfort, culminating in features like Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS), Electronic Stability Programs (ESP), and adaptive cruise control. Alongside, many studies focused on the integration of advanced sensor technologies within automobiles, laying the groundwork for the emergence of smart vehicles [6, 7].

The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) brought a new dimension to instrumented cars. By connecting vehicles to broader digital ecosystems, numerous research works demonstrated opportunities for improved traffic management, efficient fuel utilization, and personalized in-car experiences. Indeed, the potential for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications has expanded the horizons of instrumented cars beyond the vehicle itself [8, 9]. Recent years have seen an exponential growth in instrumented car technology, notably with the rise of autonomous driving [10]. However, despite this advancement, a number of challenges persist in the domain of instrumented cars. Most notable are the issues of security, privacy, and usability. The need for user-friendly interfaces that can efficiently control and manage the multitude of functions provided by the instrumented car is an area that has not seen sufficient attention.

This present study seeks to address these concerns and contribute to the existing body of knowledge by proposing a Secure Keyless Car Ignition System and integrated mobile application controls. By leveraging an RFID-based ignition system, the security of vehicle operation is significantly enhanced. The mobile application offers a unified interface for the control of various elements of the car, optimizing the user experience. The inclusion of innovative features like GPS integration, real-time passenger detection, and Bluetooth-controlled window operation extends the capabilities of existing instrumented cars, making them safer, more user-friendly, and better integrated with other digital services.

3 Theoretical Foundations and Conceptual Framework

At the heart of this investigation lies the Arduino platform—an open-source electronics platform centered on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino’s widespread adoption and straightforward programming language have made it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications, spanning from home automation to robotics, and even extending to automotive control systems [11]. Previous research has demonstrated Arduino’s suitability in managing complex tasks such as engine management, climate control, and even semiautonomous driving [12]. The inherent flexibility and accessibility of the Arduino platform make it an excellent choice for the implementation of our Secure Keyless Car Ignition System and integrated controls.

The study further builds upon several theoretical foundations encompassing secure keyless ignition, GPS integration, real-time passenger detection, and Bluetooth window controls. The principles of secure keyless ignition involve the use of encrypted digital signals for vehicle ignition, ensuring only authorized users can start the vehicle. GPS integration serves as a navigation aid and allows vehicle tracking, enhancing the security and functionality of the system [13]. Real-time passenger detection uses seat sensor data to monitor the presence and number of passengers in the vehicle [14], contributing to safety and customizability of the in-vehicle experience. Bluetooth window controls allow for wireless command of window positions [15], enhancing the convenience of vehicle operation.

These components, when isolated, each provide specific benefits. However, their true potential is realized when they are combined into an integrated system. This is where our conceptual framework comes into play. The framework envisages a system where these disparate technologies are harmonized under a single, user-friendly mobile application. The secure keyless ignition serves as the central pillar, around which the GPS, passenger detection system, and Bluetooth window controls revolve.

Conceptually, this implies the formation of a unified control environment where a user, through a single mobile interface, can securely ignite the vehicle, navigate roads, monitor passenger presence, and control window positions. By intertwining these technologies into one integrated system, we aim to create a seamless and enriched driving experience, one that elevates user convenience and security to new heights.

3.1 System Architecture and Design

The system architecture for the Secure Keyless Car Ignition System and integrated controls comprises multiple interconnected components, each serving a distinct function within the larger framework. At the heart of the architecture is the Arduino microcontroller, acting as the central processing unit that controls and manages the various subsystems, as depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
A flow diagram. User interface in the mobile app such as G P S or passenger detection system connects to the Arduino microcontroller via either a secure keyless car ignition system or a Bluetooth window operating system. The microcontroller connects to car systems bi-directionally.

System architecture

The design choices were made primarily with three objectives in mind: security, convenience, and integration. RFID was selected for the keyless ignition system due to its robustness and difficulty to duplicate, thereby enhancing vehicle security [16]. The mobile application was designed as the main control interface to enhance convenience and provide an integrated control environment. GPS integration provides both convenience through navigation support and an extra layer of security through vehicle tracking. Real-time passenger detection and Bluetooth window controls add layers of safety and user-centric customization to the vehicle’s environment, enhancing the overall driving experience.

4 Implementation

The following sections elaborate on the implementation phase. Every component of the system was designed based on precise requirements and objectives.

4.1 Secure Keyless Car Ignition System

The Secure Keyless Car Ignition System is at the heart of our proposed design. It uses RFID technology to offer a reliable, touch-free ignition method. This system primarily consists of an RFID reader, distinct RFID tags, and their related encryption processes.

The RFID reader, linked to the Arduino microcontroller, is the bridge between the car and the driver. Every driver gets a distinct RFID tag, acting as their identifier. When the tag is placed in close proximity to the reader, the latter scans it, processes the encrypted data, and validates its authenticity. Upon successful validation, the microcontroller gets the go-ahead to initiate the car’s ignition.

Ensuring high security is fundamental in crafting the Secure Keyless Car Ignition System. The system incorporates cryptographic techniques to protect the data embedded in the RFID tag. A robust encryption algorithm is used to encode the unique identifier of each tag. This ensures that even if the tag’s data is intercepted during communication, it would be incomprehensible without the decryption key. Moreover, each tag is uniquely paired with the car’s RFID reader, thereby preventing unauthorized access even from duplicate or spoofed tags.

The development process entailed configuring the RFID reader and the Arduino to communicate securely, implementing the cryptographic algorithms, and programming the ignition initiation upon successful authentication. During the implementation, considerable emphasis was placed on ensuring the system’s reliability and responsiveness, as any delay or failure in the ignition process directly impacts the user experience.

Essentially, the Secure Keyless Car Ignition System enhances the traditional ignition process by incorporating secure, contactless technology. Its implementation underscores the integral role of security in the broader system and exemplifies the seamless fusion of advanced technology with traditional automotive systems.

4.2 Mobile Application Control

The Mobile Application Control plays an instrumental role in the proposed system, acting as the unified control interface for the user. The application is developed for both iOS and Android platforms, incorporating multiple functionalities such as an integrated dashboard, GPS navigation, real-time passenger detection, and Bluetooth-controlled window operation.

The design of our mobile app is rooted in a user-focused approach, promoting ease of use and seamless navigation. Its primary interface showcases a dashboard that offers live updates on various car metrics, including speed, fuel status, and engine temperature, to name a few. This information is sourced directly from the car’s diagnostic system, processed by the Arduino microcontroller, and transmitted to the app through Bluetooth. The app also incorporates a GPS feature, drawing on the car’s in-built GPS unit. This delivers both navigational aid and tracking capabilities. Besides aiding in direction, this dual-use tool adds a security dimension, offering the ability to pinpoint the car’s location when necessary. Another feature is the real-time passenger detection, utilizing pressure-sensitive sensors on the seats. This information is channeled through the Arduino to the app, which in turn visualizes the occupied seats, giving the driver a clear sense of passenger occupancy. The app’s window control capability enables users to operate the car’s windows remotely. Commands are sent from the app to the Arduino using Bluetooth, and windows are then adjusted with the help of servo motors.

Building this mobile app demanded meticulous coordination between the hardware input (via Arduino) and the software mechanics (within the app itself). This involved crafting a Bluetooth communication structure, designing dashboard and seat occupancy visuals, integrating GPS features, and establishing the window operation mechanism.

4.3 Dashboard Interface

The Dashboard Interface is central to the mobile app, offering users live updates on their vehicle’s condition. It was built based on principles of user-friendliness, visual attractiveness, and clear data presentation. While the digital dashboard emulates the conventional car dashboard, it has the added advantage of adaptability. It vividly presents several live vehicle metrics, including speed, engine RPM, remaining fuel, and coolant temperature, among others.

These parameters are captured from the vehicle’s onboard diagnostics system, processed by the Arduino microcontroller, and transmitted to the mobile application via the Bluetooth connection.

The design of the dashboard prioritizes readability and ease of understanding. Key parameters like speed and fuel level are displayed prominently, using intuitive gauges and meters that dynamically change in response to real-time data. Smaller icons and indicators provide additional information such as headlights status, seat belt warnings, and door ajar warnings, among others.

Interaction with the dashboard interface is intentionally kept minimal to avoid driver distraction. The focus is on information display rather than interaction. However, certain interactive elements, such as clicking on a particular gauge for more detailed data or settings, are incorporated. For example, a user could tap on the fuel gauge to view detailed fuel economy statistics.

In addition, the dashboard interface integrates alerts and notifications. These are triggered in response to specific events or when certain thresholds are reached—like critical fuel levels or excessive speed. These alerts appear as pop-up messages on the dashboard, thereby ensuring the driver is promptly informed of any crucial vehicle parameters.

4.4 GPS Integration

The GPS feature in the mobile app is multifunctional, acting both as a navigation tool and for vehicle tracking. Thus, the app seamlessly merges ease of use and safety features.

By tapping into the car’s built-in GPS unit, the system captures live location details. The Arduino microcontroller processes this data before it is sent to the mobile app via Bluetooth. Within the app, this information is interpreted, placing the car’s current position on a map using a built-in map service. This GPS feature primarily caters for two requirements. One, it acts as a navigation tool, offering step-by-step directions. Users simply set their desired destination in the app, and the map service plots the best path. The journey is visualized on the map, with live updates. On the other hand, this GPS feature also bolsters security by continuously monitoring the car’s whereabouts. If the car is lost or stolen, this system can pinpoint its location. Additionally, the system logs the vehicle’s past locations, further reinforcing its safety credentials.

From a technical point of view, the challenge was in guaranteeing smooth communication between the GPS unit, the Arduino, and the app, along with embedding the map service. Special attention was dedicated to the precision of the GPS readings and ensuring that the map interface reacted swiftly.

4.5 Real-Time Passenger Detection

The Live Passenger Detection system stands out in the mobile app, giving users an immediate view of which seats are occupied in the vehicle. It’s more than just a feature; it enhances awareness, security, and safety, complementing the multifaceted mobile control application. At its foundation, this system relies on pressure-sensitive sensors embedded in the car seats. These sensors gauge the weight on each seat, with the Arduino microcontroller deciphering this data to determine occupancy.

Once processed, this information is transmitted to the mobile app. Here, users see a current visual layout of the car’s seating. Seats with passengers light up, offering a quick glance at where everyone is seated. This display is straightforward and clear, using easily understood icons and color distinctions to mark filled and vacant seats.

In terms of its utility, the Live Passenger Detection system serves a dual role. It enhances a driver’s grasp of who’s in the car, invaluable in bigger vehicles like vans, minibuses or buses. Additionally, it bolsters safety by alerting the driver if a seat suddenly empties, signaling potential issues like a passenger not seated securely or a child seat concern.

Developing this feature required careful calibration of the seat sensors to ensure accurate detection of occupancy. The Arduino code had to be written to reliably interpret sensor data and communicate this information to the mobile application. On the application side, the interface for displaying the seating layout had to be designed and integrated.

4.6 Bluetooth-Controlled Window Operation

The Bluetooth-Controlled Window Operation feature extends the reach of the mobile application control into the physical aspects of the vehicle, offering a level of convenience and control that merges the digital and physical realms of the vehicle environment.

At the heart of this feature are servo motors installed within the window mechanism of the vehicle. These motors are controlled by the Arduino microcontroller, which interprets command signals sent from the mobile application and translates them into physical movement of the windows.

The mobile app offers a window control feature, allowing users to adjust individual or multiple windows as they wish. In the app, each window’s status is shown with an easy-to-use slider, making the interface straightforward.

In designing this feature, safety and prevention of unintentional operations were paramount. Users must confirm any window adjustment to avoid inadvertent changes due to accidental taps. Additionally, there’s a built-in safeguard: if anything obstructs a window while it’s moving, it’ll automatically stop, minimizing the risk of harm or damage.

The Bluetooth Window Control System's foundation lies in creating a steadfast Bluetooth connection between the app and the Arduino microcontroller. It was crucial to ensure precise transmission of commands and that the servo motors acted upon them correctly.

5 System Testing and Evaluation

Ensuring system testing and evaluation is pivotal in the development of any system. It’s essential to ascertain that each module operates optimally and that, collectively, they function seamlessly in diverse situations. Our methodology was systematic, encompassing both isolated module evaluations and comprehensive system assessments.

5.1 Component Testing

The RFID-centered Secure Keyless Car Ignition System was subjected to numerous tests, emphasizing factors like range sensitivity and tag recognition time. Our primary aim was to ensure that the ignition would be activated exclusively when an authenticated RFID tag was detected within a specified distance.

The Mobile Control App was put through rigorous user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) evaluations, assessing its versatility, reaction speed, and adaptability on various mobile platforms and devices. We devised multiple simulated situations to appraise the dependability and precision of features like the dashboard, GPS capability, real-time passenger identification system, and Bluetooth-aided window adjustment feature.

The modules underwent testing in environments mirroring real-world user settings. Parameters such as driving speed, number of occupants, window adjustment velocity, and GPS signal potency were altered systematically to gauge consistent performance. The Mobile Control App was further scrutinized through a set of functionality tests, emphasizing its promptness, user-friendliness, and reliability. Additional tests mimicking conditions like weak signal reception or intense data traffic were also executed to determine the app’s resilience.

Individual and combined assessments were carried out for the Dashboard Display, GPS Integration, Instantaneous Passenger Identification, and Bluetooth-enabled Window Adjustment. Our emphasis was on confirming the precision of data shown, the swiftness of commands, and the uninterrupted operation of assimilated capabilities, including alert mechanisms.

5.2 Overall System Testing

Following module evaluations, the whole system underwent a holistic review, simulating real-time operational scenarios: activating the car, employing the mobile app to observe and regulate different factors, navigating via the GPS, and window adjustments.

Furthermore, we exposed the system to intense tests, encompassing scenarios like back-to-back start/stop cycles, concurrent utilization of various app features, and functionality in diverse environmental backdrops. The ultimate goal was to guarantee that the system remained resilient and efficient, even when facing heightened demands or less-than-ideal conditions.

6 Results and Discussion

This section presents a comprehensive analysis of the empirical results obtained during the testing and evaluation phase. The insights derived here serve to substantiate the system’s efficacy and utility and provide a broader perspective on its implications.

Our RFID-based Secure Keyless Car Ignition System demonstrated excellent performance, promptly recognizing authorized RFID tags within the designated proximity range and successfully activating the car ignition. Importantly, it provided robust security by refusing to engage when unauthorized RFID tags were tested. This indicates a successful implementation of a secure keyless ignition system, significantly enhancing the security profile over traditional key-based systems.

Our tests confirmed that the Dashboard Interface provided an intuitive and user-friendly method of monitoring various vehicle parameters. GPS Integration effectively served its dual role as a navigation aid and vehicle tracking feature. Real-Time Passenger Detection offered the driver an overview of seat occupancy, a useful safety feature that aligns with our hypothesis on enhancing in-vehicle safety awareness. Finally, Bluetooth-Controlled Window Operation was shown to be an effective method of remote window control, demonstrating that digital controls can successfully interface with the physical environment of a vehicle.

While these results align well with our objectives, we also identified potential areas for improvement. For instance, the Mobile Application’s performance may be affected under low network coverage or in data-congested areas, which could result in latency in data representation or control responses.

Strengths of our system lie in its integrative approach, combining multiple control and information features within a single mobile application, and the robust performance of the RFID-based Secure Ignition System. However, the system’s dependence on reliable network coverage and potential vulnerability to advanced security threats can be considered as its weaknesses.

Overall, the test results and subsequent analysis confirm that our system achieves its objectives, providing a secure and comprehensive control and monitoring system for an Arduino-based instrumented car. However, it is important to keep iterating on the design and implementation to address potential weaknesses and adapt to future needs and technologies.

7 Conclusion and Future Work

In this pioneering endeavor, we have successfully developed and implemented an RFID-based Secure Keyless Car Ignition System and a comprehensive, user-friendly mobile application interface for an Arduino-based instrumented car. The overarching aim, enhancing the security landscape of vehicular controls while simultaneously enriching the user experience, has been productively realized in this research work.

Delving into the secure keyless ignition system, we employed the intricate mechanics of RFID technology to mitigate the security drawbacks associated with traditional key-based ignition systems. The RFID system fortified the car’s ignition security by adding layers of digital authentication. This technology’s successful implementation marks a significant stride in our quest for enhanced vehicular security. Alongside this, our study explored the domain of integrated controls with a user-centric lens. The creation of a comprehensive mobile application interface harbored the functionalities of various car operations, forming an interconnected ecosystem that fosters efficiency and ease of use. This integration amalgamated functionalities such as ignition, GPS navigation, real-time passenger detection, and Bluetooth-controlled window operations under a singular, intuitive platform.

Despite the successful implementation of the system components, our evaluation and testing process brought forth areas warranting further improvement and research. For instance, enhancing the sensitivity and reliability of the RFID system could yield better user experience and even greater security. Also, making the mobile application less power-intensive and more resilient to network fluctuations can significantly elevate the system’s robustness.

As we peer into the future, the potential to imbue our system with more technologically advanced features is abundant. Emerging technologies like voice recognition, AI-driven predictive analysis, and biometric authentication can introduce an added layer of personalization and security. Furthermore, improving power management for both the RFID system and mobile application could lead to less energy consumption and reliance on external power sources.

Lastly, as vehicular technology continues its rapid evolution, the potential for integration with other smart city infrastructures or vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems also presents a promising avenue for research. As we stand at this junction, the findings from our study serve as a beacon, illuminating the path toward a future where vehicular control systems are not only secure and user-friendly but are also an integral part of an interconnected, intelligent transportation network.