
1 Introduction

At the first meeting of the central network security and Informatization Leading Group, General Secretary Xi stressed that “without network security, there will be no national security”. Nowadays, the problem of network security also puzzles the personal and property safety of college students. There are more and more cases of network fraud, which has a certain negative impact on the physical and mental health of college students. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out network security education for college students in the new era [1].

2 The Necessity of Integrating Ideological and Political Education into Network Security Education

With the rapid development of the Internet, the majority of college teachers and students have become the largest group of network applications. The network not only provides great convenience for teachers and students in teaching, life and work, but also faces severe challenges. In view of the mixed information on the network will have a certain impact and impact on the thoughts and life values of college students, some college students have suffered from online scams, the password of online transaction account has been leaked, online games have become the main entertainment mode of the youth generation, and bad information published on the network. These problems will affect the physical and mental health of college students and the correct development of their outlook on life. In view of such network phenomena, it is necessary to bring network security education into the talent training mode, strengthen college students’ network security awareness, improve their self discrimination ability and awareness and self-protection awareness, and create a good campus network environment. At the same time, the combination of education and mental education and the continuous improvement of Ideological and political education play a great role in promoting campus network security education [2].

With the popularization of network application, college students are affected by some bad information on the network, so it is difficult to establish a correct outlook on life and values, and it is difficult to really focus on professional learning. Some are even addicted to online games and online novels, and some are affected by the phenomenon of Online fraud on campus. In view of the above problems, the cultivation of contemporary college students should put morality and people first, To solve the problem fundamentally, the ideological and political education of the course should run through the whole teaching process. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate campus college students’ network security awareness and network security skills. Starting from the ideological and political training of students, combined with the curriculum characteristics of various majors and the current network security problems, it is urgent to improve the teaching methods and teaching level of contemporary college students’ Network Security Education [3]. Therefore, building a perfect campus network security system, improving students’ Ideological and political understanding and ensuring the campus network security environment of contemporary college students is an important problem that needs to be solved urgently in the field of education in the information age.

3 Problems in Current Network Security Education

3.1 Insufficient Efforts to Strengthen Network Security Education in Colleges and Universities

In his speech at the national network security and information work conference, General Secretary Xi mentioned that “there is no national security without network security”. Since then, the state and all departments have attached great importance to it. However, colleges and universities have little awareness of network security education, and there are still incidents such as network fraud and information leakage, which have affected the physical and mental health of students. The main reason is that colleges and universities regard network security management as the responsibility of a functional part. Managing the campus network environment is to do a good job of network security, ignore the constraints on students’ network behavior, and lack the guidance of security education. School security education mainly focuses on Ideological and political theory courses or computer courses. The contents and methods of network security education mastered by contemporary college students are difficult to cope with a series of new network security problems with the rapid development of the network [4].

3.2 The Campus Network Security Environment Needs to Be Strengthened

Nowadays, the Internet has become a part of people’s life, and its impact on College Students’ campus study and life can not be underestimated. The Internet is also a large information platform for college students to obtain knowledge, online courses, make friends, entertainment, job hunting and so on. While enjoying the convenience, college students also bring some negative effects. The good and bad network information affects college students’ thinking style, outlook on life and values, and their views on the country, society, work and life. The Internet also makes some college students indulge in online games and online novels, which has a serious impact on their studies and life. Meanwhile, the era of “Internet plus” also makes personal privacy information face various challenges. Network “human flesh search”, hacker attack, information disclosure, mobile phone eavesdropping, virus intrusion, monitoring personal sensitive information and other behaviors are hard to prevent [5]. Therefore, the construction of network security environment directly affects the degree of campus network security risk. The network security management departments of each school shoulder the important task of ensuring the network security environment and do a good job in the construction and maintenance of network facilities, involving network communication equipment, network terminal equipment, network software, etc.

3.3 Contemporary College Students Have Superior Growth Conditions and Weak Awareness of Network Security

With the rapid development of society and the stability and unity of the country, people now live a happy life. Most of the family living conditions of contemporary college students are superior, and every child is the hope of the family. Parents try their best to meet the needs of their children, and no matter how hard they work, they will provide better learning protection. Such a growth environment has led to some students’ weak safety awareness and weak self-defense and self-protection ability, At the same time, due to the mixed network information, college students’ recognition ability of network information is not enough. Therefore, in the new era when online shopping and online games are popular, college students’ personal information is leaked due to the security problems of the network environment when registering their account or online recharge.

3.4 The Form of Network Security Education in Colleges and Universities is Single

With the rapid development of network technology, colleges and universities have quickly entered the period of information processing of daily affairs, transforming from the traditional education mode to information and digitization. Although the traditional education mode can not meet the training needs of contemporary college students, due to various changes in the situation, they have also carried out teaching modes such as online live classroom, flipped classroom and online and offline mixed teaching. Now, they vigorously promote ideological and political education, Strengthen the integration of Ideological and political elements into classroom teaching of various disciplines and integrate with the development of the times. However, in the course teaching process, the teachers still adopt the traditional teaching mode, inserting a network security example or playing a network security video in the classroom to let the students understand the network security problems. This mode is like embedding an advertisement in the classroom, which can not attract the special attention of the students, and the students do not really participate in the network security education, Arm yourself with network security knowledge and skills. If a single teaching method is still used for ideological and political education, the effect is still very little [6]. Therefore, strengthening campus network security education in multiple dimensions can create a good campus network environment.

3.5 Contemporary College Students Have Poor Ability of Network Self-control

For freshmen, they have just experienced the intense learning pressure of three years in senior high school. After entering the University, compared with the learning and living environment of senior high school, the university has more autonomy and flexible free time. Some students are affected by external factors and confused by network information to find happiness and release pressure in the network. There are also some students who have just entered a new environment. How to get along with students with different personalities and life backgrounds requires a certain adaptation period. These students will choose to escape, rely on the network and invest themselves in a virtual world. In this way, freshmen are most likely to form internet addiction, so they are misled by some improper remarks and bad information on the Internet and are easy to distort their values. Because college students have weak discrimination ability, they are also easy to be targeted by some criminals. Therefore, freshmen are the group with the highest incidence of network security incidents in Colleges and universities, Campus network security education has become a primary concern in the cultivation of college students.

4 Implementation Measures of Strengthening College Students’ Network Security Education

By analyzing the current situation of College Students’ network security education in the new era, this paper analyzes the reasons for the current campus network security events. In order to better solve the problems and provide network security for teachers and students, we will strengthen the decision-making of College Students’ network security education from the aspects of Internet Environment, network security education knowledge system, education form and so on.

4.1 Change Ideas and Improve Safety Awareness

Ideas are the guide of action and ideas are the guide of practice. Only by changing ideas can we effectively guide the development of various work. Only by fully recognizing the scientificity and systematicness of the content of College Students’ network information education can we improve the security awareness and organically combine the increasingly urgent network security education with the quality education of cultivating high-quality qualified talents. Therefore, the college can set up a quality education development center to be responsible for the quality education development of college students, especially the network security education and psychological security education of college students.

4.2 Build a Solid Network Security Barrier

With the development of the network, the majority of teachers and students not only rely on the network, but also choose many ways to surf the Internet. They roam online all the time. Therefore, the school network center should establish the first security line for teachers and students. Strengthen the construction of campus network security infrastructure, set rules for campus network firewall, shield some illegal access, filter the spread of some bad information, ensure the security of information resources viewed by students, protect students’ personal information from infringement, supervise campus network security vulnerabilities, and do a good job in identity authentication of campus network access. Arm the campus network with technology and create a green network environment for students.

4.3 Institutionalization of Safety Education

Network security education should constantly adapt to the changes of the situation and keep up with the pace of the development of the times. We must adhere to reform and innovation and establish the concept of scientific development. Realize diversified network security education and management on the basis of not limiting content, time and form. The college can establish a network security teaching platform to enrich students’ knowledge. At the same time, technical means can be used to filter the bad information on the network to the greatest extent by displaying rich and colorful multimedia resources and the “green network” action of the campus network.

4.4 Establish and Improve the Long-Term Mechanism for the Operation of College Students’ Network Information Security Education

The college can build a quality education and training center led by the Department of study and work, often carry out quality development training in various forms, and be specifically responsible for the safety education of college students. At the same time, it can conduct network security practice exercises, use some of the latest security means to carry out practical exercises, improve students’ safety awareness and implement the contents of safety education, Counselors, teachers and head teachers can organize the explanation of network security cases to students at the class theme class meeting, and bring the safety education of college students into the whole teaching plan of the school. Grasp students’ psychology at any time, form a planning and implementation system, and truly implement network security education (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Implementation measures of network security education

4.5 Build a Perfect Network Security Knowledge System

In today’s world, network technology goes deep into people’s daily life. Maintaining network security is the due social responsibility of every citizen. We need everyone’s joint participation and improve the people’s awareness of network security. Therefore, network security education is included in college classroom education and teaching, the relevant contents of network security are reflected in the chapters of information courses, and the relevant contents are added to the knowledge system of students’ literacy, so that students can imperceptibly receive network security education. In the new era, college students’ access to network security knowledge is not only in the teaching content of university computer courses, but also in the whole education process. In the talent training program, network security education should be integrated into the knowledge system of general courses and professional courses. Improve students’ network security awareness and network processing ability ideologically. Therefore, we should build a pattern of full staff, whole process and whole course education, integrate network security education into curriculum ideological and political education, and peer professional courses with ideological and political courses. The classic cases of network security will be good curriculum materials in curriculum ideological and political education. Through the playback of network security examples, students can understand the connotation of curriculum ideological and political education and improve their awareness of network security.

4.6 Building Diversified Forms of Education

Course teaching is the main form of education. While giving full play to the main role of course teaching, college students’ network security education can also give full play to the role of the second classroom and adopt diversified forms of education to carry out network security education. From the network security knowledge education, we can promote the network security education knowledge through carrying out lectures on network security education, network safety education theme class meeting, network security education open class, network security knowledge official account, online topics, network security Week activities, campus announcement columns, so that every student can have a chance to browse and learn. In terms of publicity form, we can attract the interest of all teachers and students through the graphic analysis of security cases such as publicity videos, “personal information protection”, “online dating fraud”, “online rumor management”; Or carry out network security education through special websites, microblog, wechat, electronic newspaper reading column, mobile newspaper, QQ, wechat, campus radio and other ways; From the perspective of network technology, through carrying out network security community activities, campus network security attack and defense drills, network security knowledge competitions, etc.; Improve the network security awareness of all teachers and students through various forms, strengthen their own defense ability, constantly standardize their own network behavior, and create a healthy and civilized campus network environment.

5 Summary

Network security has become a hot issue in today’s society. While the rapid development of network has brought great convenience to our daily life, there are also many traps and unsafe factors. Due to the increasing demand of college students for the network in the new era, college students’ network security education has become an indispensable part of the field of education. Due to the impact of the network environment, students’ own network security awareness is not strong, colleges and universities lack network security education for students, single form of education and other problems, it is imperative to popularize network security knowledge and network security operation skills for teachers and students on campus, Improve the network security awareness of contemporary college students in various forms, create a green network environment, and further enhance the consciousness and initiative of teachers and students to maintain national network security.