
2.1 Introduction

With the rise of aging populations, desire for independent living, high healthcare costs, non-invasive health monitoring, and smart personal and home communications, the time for “healthy-living” companion robots are approaching. Every 11 s, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 19 min, an older adult die from a fall. Healthcare cost of falls in the USA, including hospitalization, surgery, therapy, etc., is expected to increase as the population ages and may reach $67.7 billion by 2020 [1, 2].

According to Selke [3], lifelogging is understood as different types of digital self-tracking and recording of everyday life. Another feature of lifelogging is that it is a continuous process that requires no user interaction. In the context of active-assisted living (AAL), sensors used for lifelogging can also be ambient-installed as opposed to wearable sensors, for instance, video surveillance or other cameras installed in nursing or smart homes to monitor and support older and fragile people [4,5,6]. Recently, there is a growing research on robots and their amplification in AAL Healthcare humanoid robots are designed and used by individuals at home or healthcare centers to analyze, treat and improve their medical conditions.

The quantitative gait analysis requires specific devices such as a 3D motion capture system, accelerometer, or force plate, which are time-, labor-, space-, and cost-consuming to use daily. Furthermore, monitoring gait in home using monocular camera without any annotations is interesting and not explored (practically unavailable for gait analyses).

The goal of this study is to develop a video-based marker-less system for non-invasive healthcare monitoring, using skeleton and joint location from pose estimation to extract gait features and generate alerts for abnormal gait, indicating needs for further medical attention. We propose use of Open Pose [7], a deep learning–based 2D keypoint framework that estimates the joint coordinates of persons in the image or videos obtained using a monocular camera, as it does not require external scales or markers. Using this estimator, we can automatically obtain the joint coordinates of persons in each image/movie recorded, thus enabling the calculation of joint angles or other spatial parameters useful for further gait analysis.

We first designed experiments to measure consistency of the system on a healthy population, then monitoring gait of subjects walking caring the weight to replicate gait decay. The second set of experiments is “nudge” human posture monitoring. The system guides individuals in regular walking, freely assesses gait states and provides real-time personalized feedback to evaluate correct body posture. The robot will also connect individuals with family and friends through a virtual connection, and if needed, it will set up alarms.


Can we evaluate gait and motion dynamic integrating deep learning-based 2D skeleton estimator and time series analysis?

Research involves two complementary tasks:

  1. 1.

    Designing set of experiments and creating own dataset.

  2. 2.

    Analyzing gait changes using lower body skeleton representation and calculate falling risk.

Our contribution

  1. 1.

    We designed system to evaluate gait deviation and classification of normal and abnormal gait non-invasively over time.

  2. 2.

    Perform experiments on subject walking normally and the same subject walking caring the weight.

  3. 3.

    Feature extraction and machine learning evaluation of human pose changes.

In Sect. 2.2, we describe evidence primarily from the medical and health-related literature on the correlation between gait and health. We also give an overview of other video gait recognition systems. In Sect. 2.3, we describe the methodology, which combines use of a deep learning gait and pose recognition engine, and classification module to determine significant health-related changes. Section 2.4 contains description of the experiment which simulated an attempt to understand how the system would work for people with changing gait or emotional state. Finally, in Sect. 2.5, we discuss results and current and future utility of this approach.

2.2 Related Work

In terms of data modalities, there are mainly two categories of gait analysis approaches: sensor based and vision based. Although sensor-based approach has shown its ability to reflect human kinematics, the requirement of certain sensors or devices and needs to be worn on human body for some approach has made it less convenient to be applied. Vision-based approaches are more unobtrusive and only requires cameras for data collection [8].

Recently, skeleton has been widely used [9,10,11,12,13,14]. Some researchers employed Microsoft Kinect camera to generate 3D skeleton using its camera SDK. Gait abnormality index is estimated using 3D skeleton in [11], joint coordinates are used as input of auto-encoders. Then, reconstruction errors from auto-coders are used to differentiate abnormal gaits. Jun et al. [12] proposed to extract features from 3D skeleton data using a two recurrent neural network-based auto-encoder for abnormal gait recognition and then evaluated the performance by feeding the features extracted to discriminative models. While Kinect RGB-D camera provided additional depth information, in our preliminary experiment of comparing skeleton output from Azure Kinect body tracking SDK and Open Pose, it is not as robust as Open Pose.

Similar to our work, Xue et al. [14] presented a system for senior care using gait analysis. They accurately calculated gait parameters, including gait speed, stride length, step length, step width, and swing time from 2D skeleton. Compare to their work, besides gait parameters, we also employed time series analysis techniques to characterize motion dynamics. In addition, our system gives classification result of normal or abnormal gait.

There are several gait-related public datasets. CASIA gait database [15] includes video files of the subject walking with variations in view angle, clothing, whether or not carrying a bag. However, it does not have samples of the subject walking with abnormal gait patterns. And the resolution is quite low, 320 × 240, and captured at 25 fps. INIT Gait database [16] is designed for gait impairment research; it consists of one normal gait pattern and seven simulated abnormal gait styles. But only binaries silhouettes sequences were released. The walking gait dataset by Nguyen et al. is designed for abnormal gait detection [11]. It includes point cloud, skeleton, and frontal silhouette captured by Microsoft Kinect 2 camera. Nine subjects performed nine different gaits on a treadmill. Aside from one normal gait, they simulated abnormal gaits by padding a sole with three different levels of thickness and attaching a weight to ankle. However, it is captured in front view, while our method is designed on sagittal plane from the side view. Thus, we captured our own dataset for this research.

2.3 Methodology

2.3.1 Pipeline Overview

Our system is set up to capture people walking left-right or right-left through a camera view, termed an event. A camera is placed to capture the movement in sagittal plane of human body while walking (see Fig. 2.7).

The processing system contains the three modules as shown in Fig. 2.1. The system continually monitors a camera view, and when a person walks through the camera view, that event is detected and captured to a video clip. Pose estimation is performed on the clip to obtain a sequence of skeleton which contains location of body joints. In feature extraction and gait classification stage, we extracted gait and postural parameters and employed time series analysis to classify if the gait is normal or abnormal.

Fig. 2.1
figure 1

Three processing modules of the system

Event detection is performed in tripwire areas which located in both edges of the frame. When motion is detected in one side of the tripwire area, it starts recording an event; when motion is detected in another side, it ends the recording. We use a motion edge method (akin to optical flow) described in [17, 18].

After we captured the video clip of the subject walking perpendicular to the camera, we applied pose estimation on each frame of the video. The output of the pose estimation is a sequence of 25 anatomical joint coordinates in each frame. As shown in Fig. 2.2, in order to prepare the data for the binary classification, the following steps are performed: Trim the sequence to ensure all videos start from the same walking position. Keep a few samples of walking videos of normal gait as the standard gait template. Split the rest of the dataset into training and test set. We trained and evaluated two different algorithms of time series analysis to classify whether the gait in a video is normal or abnormal.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

Data processing flow

If the gait is classified as abnormal, it means the gait has deviated from their normal gait. To better analyze the gait, we also extract gait and posture features to help understand how the gait has changed.

2.3.2 Pose Estimation and Skeleton Extraction

Open Pose is an open-source real-time human 2D pose estimation deep learning model. It introduces a novel bottom-up approach to pose estimation using Part Affinity Fields (PAFs) to learn to associate body parts of a person in images or videos. Figure 2.3 shows Open Pose architecture (TensorFlow-based framework) [7].

Fig. 2.3
figure 3

Architecture of the multi-stage CNN The Architecture of Open Pose

  1. 1.

    The system takes a color image as input, then analyzes it with a convolutional neural network (CNN) initialized and fine-tuned based on the first 10 layers of Visual Geometry Group-19 model (VGG-19).

  2. 2.

    A set of feature maps generated from CNN are feed into another multi-stage CNN.

  3. 3.

    The first set of stages predicts and refines PAFs, which is a set of 2D vector fields that encode the degree of association between body parts.

  4. 4.

    The last set of stages generates confidence maps of body part locations.

  5. 5.

    Finally, the confidence maps and the PAFs are parsed by bipartite matching to obtain 2D key points for each person in the image. Part Affinity Fields for Part Association

PAFs contain location and orientation information across the region of support of the limb. It is a set of flow fields that encodes the unstructured pairwise relationship between body parts. Each pair of body parts have one PAF. PAFs are represented as set \({\mathbf{L}} = \left( {{\mathbf{L}}_{1} ,{\mathbf{L}}_{2} , \ldots ,{\mathbf{L}}_{C} } \right)\), where \({\mathbf{L}}_{c} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{w \times h \times 2}\), \(c \in \left\{ {1, \ldots ,C} \right\}\). C denotes the number of pairs of body parts, \(w \times h\) is the size of the input image. Each image location in \({\mathbf{L}}_{c}\) encodes a 2D vector, if it lies on the limb \(c\) between body parts \(j_{1}\) and \(j_{2}\), the value of PAF at that point is a unit vector that points from \(j_{1}\) to \(j_{2}\); otherwise, the vector is zero-valued. The ground truth PAF \({\mathbf{L}}_{c,k}^{*}\) at a point \({\mathbf{p}}\) for person \(k\) as

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\mathbf{L}}_{c,k}^{*} ({\mathbf{p}}) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\frac{{{\mathbf{x}}_{{j_{2} ,k}} - {\mathbf{x}}_{{j_{1} ,k}} }}{{||{\mathbf{x}}_{{j_{2} ,k}} - {\mathbf{x}}_{{j_{1} ,k}} ||_{2} }}} \hfill & {{\text{if}}\;p\;{\text{on limb}}\;c} \hfill \\ 0 \hfill & {\text{otherwise}} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.} \\ \end{array}$$

where \({\mathbf{x}}_{j,k}\) is the ground truth position of the body part \(j\) of person \(k\). Confidence Map for Part Detection

Each confidence map is a 2D representation of the belief that a particular body part can be located in any given pixel. Each body part has one corresponding confidence map. Confidence maps are represented as set \({\mathbf{S}} = \left( {{\mathbf{S}}_{1} ,{\mathbf{S}}_{2} , \ldots ,{\mathbf{S}}_{J} } \right)\), where \({\mathbf{S}}_{j} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{w \times h}\), \(j \in \left\{ {1, \ldots ,J} \right\}\) and J denotes the number of body parts. Individual confidence maps \({\mathbf{S}}_{j,k}^{*}\) for each person \(k\) is defined as

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\mathbf{S}}_{j,k}^{*} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) = \exp \left( { - \frac{{||{\mathbf{p}} - {\mathbf{x}}_{j,k} ||{}_{2}^{2} }}{{\sigma^{2} }}} \right)} \\ \end{array}$$

where \({\mathbf{x}}_{j,k}\) is the ground truth position of the body part \(j\) of person \(k\). The ground truth confidence map is an aggregation of individual confidence maps:

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\mathbf{S}}_{j}^{*} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) = \mathop {\hbox{max} }\limits_{k} {\mathbf{S}}_{j,k}^{*} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right)} \\ \end{array}$$
(2.3) Multi-stage CNN

Stage \(t = 1\): Given the feature maps F generated from VGG-19, the network computes a set of part affinity fields, \({\mathbf{L}}^{1} = \phi^{1} \left( {\mathbf{F}} \right)\), where \(\phi^{1}\) refers to the CNN at stage 1.

Stage \(2 \le t \le T_{P}\): Original feature maps F and the PAF prediction from previous stage are concatenated to refine the prediction,

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\mathbf{L}}^{t} = \phi^{t} \left( {{\mathbf{F}},{\mathbf{L}}^{t - 1} } \right), \forall 2 \le t \le T_{P} } \\ \end{array}$$

\(T_{P}\) refer to the number of PAF stages, \(\phi^{t}\) is the CNN at stage t.

Stage \(T_{P} < t \le T_{P} + T_{C}\): After \(T_{P}\) iterations, starting from the most updated PAF prediction \({\mathbf{L}}^{{T_{P} }}\), the process is going to be repeated for \(T_{C}\) iterations to refine confidence map detection.

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\mathbf{S}}^{{T_{P} }} = \rho^{t} \left( {{\mathbf{F}},{\mathbf{L}}^{{T_{P} }} } \right),\quad \forall t = T_{P} } \\ \end{array}$$
$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\mathbf{S}}^{t} = \rho^{t} \left( {{\mathbf{F}},{\mathbf{L}}^{{T_{P} }} ,{\mathbf{S}}^{t - 1} } \right),\quad \forall T_{P} < t \le T_{P} + T_{C} } \\ \end{array}$$

\(T_{C}\) refer to the number of confidence map stages, \(\rho^{t}\) is the CNN at stage t.

An \(L_{2}\) loss function is applied at the end of each stage; it is specially weighted to tackle the case when people in some images are not completely labeled. Loss function at PAF stages \(t_{i}\) is

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {f_{{\mathbf{L}}}^{{t_{i} }} = \mathop \sum \limits_{c = 1}^{C} \mathop \sum \limits_{{\mathbf{p}}} {\mathbf{W}}\left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) \cdot ||{\mathbf{L}}_{c}^{{t_{i} }} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) - {\mathbf{L}}_{c}^{*} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right)||{}_{2}^{2} } \\ \end{array}$$

where \({\mathbf{L}}_{c}^{ *}\) is the ground truth PAF, \({\mathbf{W}}\) is a binary mask. If pixel \({\mathbf{p}}\) is not labeled, \({\mathbf{W}}\left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) = 0.\) Loss function at confidence map stages \(t_{k}\) is

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {f_{{\mathbf{S}}}^{{t_{k} }} = \mathop \sum \limits_{j = 1}^{J} \mathop \sum \limits_{{\mathbf{p}}} {\mathbf{W}}\left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) \cdot ||{\mathbf{S}}_{j}^{{t_{k} }} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right) - {\mathbf{S}}_{j}^{*} \left( {\mathbf{p}} \right)||_{2}^{2} } \\ \end{array}$$

where \({\mathbf{S}}_{j}^{*}\) is the ground truth part confidence map. The overall objective is to minimize the total loss.

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {f = \mathop \sum \limits_{t = 1}^{{T_{P} }} f_{{\mathbf{L}}}^{t} + \mathop \sum \limits_{{t = T_{P} + 1}}^{{T_{P} + T_{C} }} f_{{\mathbf{S}}}^{t} } \\ \end{array}$$

The output of the Open Pose is BODY-25 output format as Fig. 2.4 shows; it consists of an (x, y) coordinate pair and confidence score for each of 25 joints [19].

Fig. 2.4
figure 4

Source [19]

BODY_25 skeleton output.

2.3.3 Gait and Postural Feature Extraction

After getting pose estimation of each frame in the videos, we calculated angles of back and each lower leg respect to the vertical axis in each frame. The vertical axis in the coordinate system oriented downwards. Back angle is the angle of the vector start from “Neck” (key point 1) to “Mid Hip” (key point 8) respect to vertical. The angle of lower legs uses the vector point from knee to ankle, respect to vertical. Left lower leg: “LKnee” (key point 13) and “LAnkle” (key point 14); Right lower leg: “RKnee” (keypoint 10) and “RAnkle” (key point 11) (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 List of body parts angles

Each video has three corresponding time series representing the angles mentioned above. And preprocessing is performed to clean up missing data, crop, and align time series.

In Fig. 2.5, left and right lower leg (knee-ankle) angles are colored in blue and orange, respectively. The first row (a–d) is a sample of normal gait, while the second row (e–h) is for abnormal gait. First column shows the original frame, the skeleton was extracted and displayed as shown in (b) and (f). (c) And (g) shows the vector, point from knee to ankle. The lower leg angle is the angle between the vector and vertical axis. (d) and (h) are the sequence of lower leg angle in the video, the horizontal axis of the plot is the frame index, and the vertical axis is angle in degree.

Fig. 2.5
figure 5

Time series of lower leg angles

From the pose estimation result of the video, we also extracted gait and postural features listed below (see Figs. 2.6 and 2.7):

Fig. 2.6
figure 6

Gait and postural feature

Fig. 2.7
figure 7

Phases of the gait cycle

Stance Phase: The period starts from the heel strike, the heel of the same foot strike floor to toe-off, the foot is lifted from the floor. Swing Phase: The period that foot left the floor and swung forward in the air until the heel strikes the floor again [20].

Cadence: Cadence is the number of steps taken in a given period of time, expressed in steps per minute.

Step length: Distance between the contact points of two heels.

Stride length: Distance between two consecutive heel contact points of the same leg [21].

Lower leg angle extrema: The maximum and minimum of the lower leg angle time series, which reflects knee flexion while walking.

Asymmetry measure: To represent feature’s asymmetry between left and right leg, we calculate the asymmetry measure of each feature. Let \(f\) denote feature, \(f_{L}\) and \(f_{R}\) denote feature extracted from left and right leg, respectively. Asymmetry measure \(A_{f}\) is defined as [22]:

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {A_{f} = \frac{{\left| {f_{L} - f_{R} } \right|}}{{\hbox{max} \left( {f_{L} ,f_{R} } \right)}}} \\ \end{array}$$

Walking speed: Walking speed is calculated by dividing walking distance with the time period taken.

Back Angle: Back angle is between the mid-hip (key point 8) and bottom of the neck (key point 1)

Neck Angle: Neck angle is between the bottom of the neck and the nose (key point 0).

Falling risk: Body posture at left heel strike phase is used to calculate falling risk. Similar to [22], falling risk Fr is defined as:

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\text{Fr}} = \frac{{\left| {{\text{Nose}}_{x} - \frac{{\left( {{\text{LHeel}}_{x} + {\text{RHeel}}_{x} } \right)}}{2}} \right|}}{{\frac{{\left| {{\text{LHeel}}_{x} - {\text{RToe}}_{x} } \right|}}{2}}}} \\ \end{array}$$

where \({\text{Nose}}_{x}\) is the x-coordinate of Nose (key point 0), \({\text{LHeel}}_{x}\), \({\text{RHeel}}_{x}\) and \({\text{RToe}}_{x}\) are x-coordinate of Left heel (keypoint 21), Right heel (keypoint 24), and Right big toe (keypoint 22).

2.3.4 Time Series Analysis

In order to measure the similarity between time series derived from pose estimation, we use fast dynamic time warping (DTW) [23] method to help calculate Euclidean distance with optimal alignment (see Fig. 2.8). And, support vector machine (SVM) is used for binary classification of normal and abnormal gait.

Fig. 2.8
figure 8

Source [23]

Cost matrix with the minimum-distance wrap path traced through it.

Due to the nature of the human walk, there might have shifts and distortions in gait data between each walk in the time axis, caused by subtle difference in walking speed or cadence. It is hard to have sequences aligned perfectly. Even between multiple samples of the normal walk, the slight time shift causes the distance to be considerably large, making it unable to differentiate with abnormal gait, as their distances are both large. So directly calculating Euclidean distance is going to give poor results.

Dynamic time warping (DTW) [24] algorithms are commonly used to overcome shifts in the time dimension. Assume we have two time series X and Y. The value of a cell \(D\left( {i, j} \right)\) in cost matrix D is the minimum-distance warp path of sequence \(X^{\prime} = x_{1} , \ldots ,x_{i}\) and \(Y^{\prime} = y_{1} , \ldots ,y_{j}\), \({\text{Dist }}\left( {i, j} \right)\) denote distance of two data points \(x_{i}\) and \(y_{j}\).

$$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {D\left( {i, j} \right) = {\text{Dist}} \left( {i, j} \right) + \hbox{min} \left[ {D\left( {i - 1, j} \right),D\left( {i, j - 1} \right),D\left( {i - 1, j - 1} \right)} \right]} \\ \end{array}$$

Fast DTW approximates DTW, using a multi-level approach to achieve linear time and space complexity, in contrast to quadratic time and space complexity in standard DTW algorithm. It first produces different lower resolutions of the time series, by taking an average of adjacent pairs of points. Then, project the minimum distance calculated from lower resolution to higher resolution as an initial guess. Finally, refine the wrap path by local adjustments.

After calculation of DTW distance for each time series, we used support vector machine (SVM) on a multidimensional DTW distance vector for classification.

2.4 Experiments and Results

2.4.1 Data Collection

In our experiment, we aim to simulate gait in different health states within the laboratory. Because it is difficult to change health status of our volunteers, we propose to use different levels of physical ankle weights in the experiment to help them demonstrate abnormal gait. Intuitively, when additional weights added on human body, gait will change accordingly as mobility and stability of walking are affected.

The adjustable ankle weights strap with removable sand packets were used because it can easily adjust the weight by adding or removing sand packets on the strap. Each strap has five slots to hold sand packets, and each packet weighs around 0.6 lbs.

We designed the experiment capturing the same person walking across the camera normally for 10 times, walking with three different levels of weights 10 times, respectively, and walking with the 3rd level of weights plus carrying a heavy box for 10 times (see Fig. 2.9).

Fig. 2.9
figure 9

Sample frames in the dataset: a original frame in video of normal walk; b normal walk frame with skeleton overlay; c original frame in video of walk with 3rd level of weights; d frame of 3rd level of weights experiment with skeleton overlay; e original frame in video of walk with 3rd level of weights and carrying a heavy box; f frame of 3rd level of weights and a heavy box with skeleton overlay

2.4.2 Experiment Setting

Videos we captured are with resolution of 1920 × 1080 and frame rate of 30 frames per second. In pose estimation stage, Open Pose was also processed at 30 FPS. We dropped frames with incomplete or low confidence joints to filter out the low-quality frames. Failure of pose estimation in these frames usually caused by motion blur in the frame, especially at lower leg and foot area where the amplitude of motion is largest.

In the preprocessing stage, we first performed imputation using interpolation to fill the missing data. Then, we cropped all the sequences to start from the first peak (maximum) point of the right lower leg angle’s time series, so that all of the sequences should start from nearly the same gait phase which minimized the noise from data misalignment.

In our experiment, for each person, we set aside three videos of normal gait as standard template gait data to be compared with. The rest of the videos were split into training and test set, and for each one of them, we calculate the distance with three standard template gait data using fast DTW then take an average to measure how close it is comparing to normal gait. Linear kernel is used in SVM for classification.

2.4.3 Results for Gait Classification Evaluation Metrics

Gait classification is a binary classification task to predict if an unlabeled video shows normal or abnormal gait. Detection of abnormal gait is defined as “positive.” If the ground truth label of the data matches detection result, it is defined as “true,” otherwise it is “false.”

We employed accuracy rate, precision rate, recall rate and \(F_{1}\) score in our experiment. Intra-subject Cross Validation

To evaluate the performance of our proposed methods, leave-one-out cross validation is performed within each subject. As Fig. 2.10 shows, for each subject’s data, we reserve one as test set and use the rest of this subject’s data to train the algorithms. The same process is performed on each of four subjects.

Fig. 2.10
figure 10

Leave-one-out cross validation

Results of leave-one-out cross validation are listed as below (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 Results of leave-one-out cross validation Inter-subject Cross Validation

We also performed leave-one subject-out cross validation to validate the performance when applied on a different subject that is not included in training set. As Fig. 2.11 shows, in each iteration, one subject’s data is used as test set. All other subjects’ data is used for training.

Fig. 2.11
figure 11

Leave-one-subject-out cross validation

From the result of leave-one-subject-out cross validation, we can see that both methods successfully classified normal and abnormal gaits. The DTW-SVM-based method achieved 0.982 in \(F_{1}\) score (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3 Results of leave-one subject-out cross validation

2.4.4 Discussion

The proposed DTW-SVM-based method performed classification by measuring the deviation from the standard gait template. As Fig. 2.12 shows, the x-, y-, z-axis denotes the DTW distance of left and right lower leg angle, back angle compares to standard gait template, respectively. Normal gait’s data is marked with blue while abnormal gait’s data is marked with red. Intuitively, normal gait is closer to the standard gait template, yet the distance should be small, so the data points are clustered near origin of the coordinate system.

Fig. 2.12
figure 12

DTW distance to standard gait template; data points of normal gait were marked with blue dots; data points of abnormal gait were marked with red dots

As DTW-SVM-based method measures deviation, so it has better performance while applied on inter-subject prediction. It only requires a few samples as standard gait template to be compared with.

2.4.5 Graphical User Interface and Companion Robot

The gait monitoring system based on body posture and walking speed is implemented as a module in companion robot. On a robot’s monitor directly in line with the walking trajectory (see Fig. 2.7), we displayed a graphical “reward” of the person’s gait with respect to average values among the population (see Fig. 2.13). So, people can see the results of the evaluation after they walked through the room. We have heard from users that this system motivates them to improve body posture.

Fig. 2.13
figure 13

Graphical user interface (GUI) of the gait analysis system

2.5 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper proposed a video-based gait analysis system to detect abnormal gait and capture gait features non-invasively over time. Gait analysis and gait abnormality detection allows early intervention and treatment to prevent underlying conditions develops and cause a fall. It can also evaluate the recovery progress of the physical therapy.

The system consists of three stages; first, the event detection module records the gait event video clip while a person walks through the camera. Second, pose estimation is applied to extract sequence of skeleton and joints in the video. Then, feature extraction and gait classification is performed to calculate gait and postural parameters and to classify if the gait is normal or abnormal.

In gait classification task, we proposed DTW-SVM-based method, using time series of lower leg angle and back angle. Experiment results shows that DTW-SVM-based method achieved higher accuracy in inter-subject classification. Gait and postural parameters extracted shows distinction between normal and abnormal gait. With tracking the parameters on a day-to-day basis, we can quantitatively monitor the gait changes in long term.

In the future, this work can be extended by adding another camera, located in front view, to analyze the motion and gait asymmetry in the coronal plane or frontal plane of the human body. The system can be integrated with a face recognition module to fit the need of a multi-person household or facility so that it can automatically recognize the identity of the person in the video and then add the extracted gait features to their record. When the system detected gait abnormality of a person, an alert will be generated for medical attention.