

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the health and economy of many countries. In Indonesia, the social distancing campaign has been implemented to minimize the effects of the pandemic. Since the pandemic has affected small-medium enterprises (SMEs), they are more vulnerable to the impact of the disease than other businesses. Due to the decrease in demand, this type of business usually experiences a drop in sales. It causes it to affect the company’s cash flow. The government has imposed various restrictions on travel and consumption. Due to the pandemic, people have started to shop online for their basic needs. However, some SMEs are worried that the government’s rule on work from home (WFH) will cause a decrease in productivity. The profitability of businesses depends on the amount of space they have and the use of technology to manage their operations. In today’s digital world, they can transact without leaving their physical stores. Due to the lack of knowledge about digital skills, many SMEs fail to realize the potential of their businesses. This condition has caused many SMEs to improve their offerings during the pandemic. The use of digital marketing can help SMEs increase sales. Due to the pandemic, many SMEs are now focusing on increasing their online sales by converting their offline stores into online platforms. The digital skills needed for SMEs to thrive in the future are the key factors considered when implementing digital transformation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, various aspects of the economy can be considered. It can be achieved through the proper handling of purchases and fast-paced sales. Aside from being able to supply goods to consumers, the pandemic logistics can also be utilized to manage the supply chain of raw materials. Due to the prevalence of the pandemic, the government launched a stimulus program to help SMEs avoid a drastic reduction in sales. Through the program, the government can also handle complaints related to the distribution of goods. SMEs can utilize this benefit to sustain their income. Due to the current economic conditions, companies are starting to adopt technology to improve operations. One example is the use of cloud-based accounting software. The cloud-based software allows businesses to access and monitor their financial reports at an affordable price. It can also be used to keep track of inventory. It can also automate various tasks such as managing expenses and sales. It can help drive down costs and provide a better customer experience.

Digital transformation is a broad and transformative shift in the way people and businesses use technology. It is carried out using various digital platforms and methods to improve its performance. The internet is a must-have component for any business model. It can be used for multiple purposes such as data-based management, marketing, sales, and design. Through digital transformation, SMEs can quickly implement various business models and procedures. It can be done by carrying out multiple tasks such as establishing a digital value network, digital design of business models, etc.

The digital transformation is a major disruptor of the modern world in each aspect of business, where enterprises strive to adjust to every dynamic change happening with technology (Renjen, 2021). It has led to profound changes in how we live our lives, and it is here to stay. According to a Deloitte insight survey, only 30% of companies that implement digitalization successfully have a significant success rate of surviving than those who have not embraced the changes during the pandemic (Renjen, 2020). Digital transformation is already here to stay, and business associations need to start taking advantage of it (Sallomi, 2020). The first step in implementing a digital strategy is deciding what and when to embrace the change (Mondal et al., 2022). Creating an online community is a great way to allow members to connect and share with others while also providing them with training digitally (Tiwari & Mondal, 2022). One of the most cost-effective tools to save money is marketing automation (Mondal and Das, 2021).

Automation software can help the enterprise communicate with the right people at the right time for customization (Sharma & Das, 2021). Artificial intelligence and machine learning are digital tools that can be quickly built and used for social media platforms (Das, 2021a).

Cost-Effectiveness, Impactful Digitalization Alternatives

Creating a culture of digital transformation starts with cultivating a mindset of change and small-scale experimentation (Siri & Das, 2021). This process works with limited financial resources and minimal impact. Content analytics tools are an integral part of any digital strategy. They allow you to identify which content and platforms your members use most and develop digital marketing campaigns that take advantage of these platforms (Ravi & Mondal, 2021). Creating an online community is an excellent way for members to connect and share content with like-minded individuals (Yegen & Mondal, 2021). Some organizations, for instance, provide their members with training through various online platforms. Another cost-effective tool is marketing automation. This digitalized support helps the organization segment and communicate with the right person at the right time (Das, 2021b). A.I. and machine learning tools are becoming more prevalent in the digital world (Sharma et al., 2020). They can be used to improve the interactions between members and the company.

Digitalized Transformational Alternatives

The rise of digital apps has also affected how the digitalized process takes shape during pandemics (Mondal, 2020a). Digital apps are also becoming more prevalent to provide attendees with various features and functionalities. One example of this is the content services platform (CSP) to streamline the live action through different stakeholders simultaneously so that all concerned can actively participate (Das, 2020a). Before bringing out a content management system, the organizations must have a clear goal and plan in mind. Despite the complexity of digital transformation, it can be very beneficial for an organization to take the necessary steps to become more digitally aware and successful (Das, 2021c). Doing so can help the organization stand out and become a leader in the industry.

Identifying the DNA of Digitalization

The days of incremental improvement in digital enablement are over. Instead, it is time to go big. This chapter follows the research conducted by MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte to explore the H.R.’s role in digital transformation. This chapter discussed the traits that make up digital DNA (Renjen, 2021; Sallomi, 2020). Some of the characteristics that make up a digital DNA include continuous innovation, collaborative work, and collaboration with other organizations.

Technology as a Driving Force

As technology changes the way work is done, it is necessary to redesign the activities and processes used to perform them (Mondal, 2021). The new technology involves finding the best combination of humans and automation. High-volume, repetitive, and data-intensive tasks are being outsourced (Duy et al., 2020). Instead of being bound by rules and regulations, they can focus on more strategic activities.

Leadership Network

Drive work through cross-functional teams that are agile and have a low hierarchy by developing leaders with different skills sets of leadership. A great leader will remain the same. A great leader will have to convince skeptical individuals that their ideas are worth pursuing in the new digital environment (Van et al., 2020).

Digitally Superior Workforce

The future of work depends on introducing new talent categories that are more open and collaborative (Siri et al., 2020). They should also develop and acquire the skills needed to support the evolving needs of their employees. The new process includes employees with different skills sets and levels of experience (Singh et al., 2020).

Experience as the Vital Ingredient for Effective Employee

This whole process will create a truly immersive work experience by combining the physical and virtual worlds (Sharma & Das, 2020). Putting these drivers into action requires a high-impact H.R. partnership and a marketing approach to manage the evolution (Das, 2020b). Human resources should play a critical role in the growth of any digital organization. It should also be a part of its cultural behaviors and consumer-grade experiences (Mondal, 2020b).

Digitalized Human Resources for Efficient Employee

A successful digital strategy should start with a design thinking approach around the customer and the employees (Nadanyiova & Das, 2020). This approach should enable the organization to identify and address the various factors that affect the workers’ development (Mohanty et al., 2019). Having the right people in place can also help accelerate the digital organization’s evolution (Behera et al., 2019). It should also be part of the strategy’s marketing mix. Putting these drivers into action requires a high-caliber H.R. partnership and a marketing strategy designed to manage the evolution (Gupta et al., 2019). Human resources should play a vital role in developing any digital organization. Human resources should also be part of the strategy that enables the organization to thrive (Singh & Das, 2018). It should also create consumer-grade experiences to help the organization grow (Jain et al., 2018). To do this, enterprises should use analytics to identify and address the key factors that affect workforce development. Using analytics to identify and address the various factors that affect the development of the workforce is a vital part of the strategy (Mondal et al., 2017). It can help accelerate business by developing an insight-driven approach that enables enterprises to navigate the human factors affecting the workforce (Das & Mondal, 2016). The right digital system helps build a robust and continuous learning environment. It encourages employees to think digitally.

Digital Resource

Leaders committed to digital transformation cultivate a culture of collaboration across departments and functions so that smart ideas and tools are not limited to one area of the organization (“Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Engines of the Digital Revolution,” 2019). They plan and execute their digital strategy in all its forms. The complexity of technology leaders’ digital transformation challenges is immense (Hwang & Kim, 2021). They have been asked to support various new pressures, such as providing better connectivity and collaboration capabilities to help a slew of new demands (Barden, 2018). Although there is no proven strategy to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, technology leaders should plan their response in three phases (Darun et al., 2019). They will then transition into the subsequent recovery, thrive, and next to regular stages. Due to the complexity of the pandemic, the recovery phase of COVID-19 will require the deployment of unprecedented levels of communication and collaboration (Syreyshchikova et al., 2020). The new standard step will be a challenging and possibly protracted period. Many technology leaders will also have to make significant changes in their operations to prepare for the inevitable impact of the pandemic (Dantas & Soares, 2021). Some of their pertinent objectives are as follows.

  1. a.

    To prepare for the inevitable disruptions, leaders must support and improve the collaboration experience for their employees.

  2. b.

    To support the new work environment, leaders must secure technology for enabling their employees towards seamless collaboration with others.

  3. c.

    Leaders must also build effective command centers to manage the various phases of the pandemic.

As organizations recover from the recession, they must keep an eye on the future to prepare for changes (Duman & Das, 2021). When the pandemic eventually subsides, the quickly fixed methods and untested process implemented solutions may not withstand the rigorous testing (Gladys Khoase et al., 2020). Leaders must then focus on stabilizing and strengthening the various solutions and strategies rushed into action (Tawaststjerna & Olander, 2021). Technology leaders can help prepare for the changes that will happen in the future by focusing on three key areas. Some of the critical steps which technology leaders may plan are as follows.

  1. 1.

    Enhance digital innovation and presence.

  2. 2.

    Post-modernize your operations and build a trusted technology ecosystem.

  3. 3.

    Scale automation pilots: Create a resilient and adaptable technology infrastructure.

  4. 4.

    Reallocate tech funding for agility. Learn about people inside out.

  5. 5.

    Post-modernize your operations and build a trusted technology ecosystem.

  6. 6.

    Reimagine the customer experience and connect it to the digital world.

  7. 7.

    Creating a link between the physical and virtual worlds can create new value.

  8. 8.

    Trust a critical business value. Position yourself to thrive in the future by shaping the “next to normal.”

New Supply Chain and Climate Change Effects Due to COVID-19

The effects of COVID-19 have affected the supply chain and posed various inflationary risks to products. As a result, many companies have focused on assessing and de-risking their entire value chain. The potential reduction in carbon emissions has led to a renewed focus on sustainable practices. Despite the current challenges, COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation in I.T. services, Hardware/software, Semiconductors, and Networking activities. This chapter explores the multiple changes in the supply chain and the impact of climate change on businesses. The consensus is that COVID-19 will continue to be a prominent global trend a few more times than predicted previously.

The COVID-19 economic downturn is a complex and unpredictable event. It can affect the entire economy and its various moving components. During the 2008 financial crisis—the start of the digital age—the tech companies that were able to capitalize on the opportunity were able to execute their plans successfully. Many companies waited for the recovery to happen, while the others were focused on delivering an exceptional digital experience to their customers. After the crisis, these companies started to grow accelerated, exceeding expectations and achieving impressive customer growth rates.

Climate change was also an important topic at this moment, with prominent world leaders emphasizing the importance of working together to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. Many of them also noted the importance of transitioning to renewable energy. There were also various debates about the future of green technologies, such as how they will transform industries and be funded. Due to the complexity of the task involved in launching and scaling a green tech company, it can be difficult for startups to commercialize these ideas successfully during and after COVID-19. COVID-19 encourages companies to integrate sustainability into their digital transformation plans so that the new enterprises can survive and sustain in the long run. This digital sustainability can be achieved by following two critical integrations such as.

  1. 1.

    Digital sustainability can be done using data-sharing and tracking platforms that help companies reduce their environmental impacts.

  2. 2.

    Data-sharing and tracking platforms can help companies reduce their environmental impacts without causing them to become more costly.

In 2020, most companies accelerated their digital transformation efforts. However, how many digital techno-leaders could sustain and grow their businesses long-term? Maintaining and growing a sustainable business is often linked to higher operational performance and better business success. It was the case when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged. According to the World Economic Forum, climate action failure is considered the second most imminent threat to our society. Society must support sustainable businesses and develop future environmental sustainability. Companies must align their goals and decisions with data-driven initiatives to meet expectations. Sustainable development goals are the essential things enterprises can aim at during and post-COVID-19.

The rapid emergence and evolution of COVID-19 have allowed us to rethink how technology can make more sustainable decisions. For instance, by 2030, the value of data collected by artificial intelligence in the design of waste disposal could be $127 billion annually.

Using environmental factors as input into a company’s decision-making process can rethink how business models are built. New models such as product-as-a-service and leasing are being introduced to improve the efficiency of operations. It is why many service-providing enterprises are shifting their focus away from traditional product-only processes to a platform-as-service provider. Customers are looking for ways to reduce their energy and capital expenditures by taking advantage of cloud computing and its associated benefits. Digital enterprises are also looking to minimize their carbon footprint by consuming less energy and operating their infrastructure as a service. With the help of blockchain, many digital enterprises have been able to track the movement of its critical ingredients throughout their supply chain.

Consumers are expecting companies to be more concerned about the sustainable environment. It is especially true for younger generations. Both employees and potential employees expect companies to be more sustainable. It will help them capitalize on their opportunities in 2022. It helps them retain and attract top talent. Digital leaders need to adopt a strategy that focuses on sustainable business practices to avoid being left behind in the digital transformation race. It will help them realize their goals and position themselves for success in 2022.

During COVID-19, many small-medium enterprises were being taken over by larger digital enterprises. So, after acquiring these smaller entities, their executives found themselves in a place of indecision. But, due to the more prominent company’s proactive planning, the executives of smaller ones are now focused on the most critical capabilities: workforce safety and security, enterprise agility, and cost management. As executives prepare for the uncertain future, they shift their top priority. Leaders believe that continuous digital transformation is the essential benefit their organizations can cash on. However, they are not focusing on the right relationships with their customers during the pandemic. According to executives, the essential use of continuous digital transformation is more focused on workforce resilience and competitiveness. The complexity of today’s world has caused business leaders to reassess their expectations. In response, their perspectives have been re-examined. The rapid pace of change and unrelenting disruption has swept away old barriers during the pandemic.

COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation in more than 60% of all organizations worldwide (Das, 2021a). This study identifies a few critical insights that business leaders can use to guide their organizations through this transformative period. The wisdom in this study help business leaders recognize the various factors shaping their organizations’ digital transformation. They also provide a playbook for leaders who are ready to take on the changes in their industries. Implementation of game-time pivots, such as the rise of distributed workforces and the remaking of supply chains, are authentic and potentially disrupt industries. The pace of transformational changes has become the norm, and organizations that can adapt are more likely to succeed in this environment. The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating digital transformation faster than most organizations expected.

Before the pandemic, many organizations were worried about their ability to manage the complexity of the digital transformation process. However, during the crisis, those fears were largely unfounded. After years of being afraid to rely on technology, leaders are now more confident in their capabilities. New platforms’ rapid emergence and adoption helped organizations quickly implement digital transformation. Although new technology was not immediately available, the existing tools were used to their fullest potential. Those enterprises that started immediately saw immediate results. The pandemic has completely changed the way businesses operate globally.

Findings and Discussion

According to our survey, over 55% of organizations have made permanent changes to their strategy. A majority of responding enterprises of the study stated that they see a shift toward more cloud-based processes and management. Following the pandemic, many organizations made significant changes. They shifted to a more cloud-based approach to operations. Sixty percent of the respondents said they used automated process acceleration. After years of being convinced of the capabilities of technology, executives are planning to invest in various new technologies such as artificial intelligence (A.I.), blockchain, and cloud to improve their organizations’ operations and ward off COVID-19. The key to success is ensuring that the people in your organization are equipped with the necessary skills and capabilities to handle the changes brought about by new technologies. While many of these digital transformation goals focus on increasing the number of tech-related competencies, the human element is still the key to success (Van et al., 2020). According to our observation during the study, expected growth is due to the development of skilled workers. The study found that the most robust growth for an organization is attributed to its employees and customers.

Despite the various factors that have eluded techno-leaders, more than three-fourths of them believe that the changes caused by COVID-19 will continue affecting the way customers behave. It is where customer experience management is expected to become a top priority. Almost three-fourths of executives predict changes in customer behavior to continue following COVID-19. Despite this, 60% of them stated that they would use AI-based tools to improve the customer experience. If digital transformation is their primary goal, how do they plan to improve the customer experience? Most executives believe that employee satisfaction is their top priority. They acknowledge that working under stress has caused their employees to suffer. If they are not convinced of this, they are failing their employees. A large majority of respondents stated that they would start adopting a more cloud-based approach to their business operations. The COVID-19 survey revealed that they have adjusted their approach to change management and are now focusing on cloud-based activities. Following the pandemic, many organizations shifted to a more cloud-based approach. Almost 70% of the respondents stated implementing an automated process acceleration system. They also indicated that they would be increasing their investments in digital transformation. They noted that they would start investing in artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things to recover from the COVID-19 crisis.

Despite the number of employees who believe that their immediate authority genuinely cares about their well-being, only half of them think that their employers’ support and training efforts are practical. It suggests that leaders should start taking the initiative to improve their employees’ well-being. The trust gap between employees and their employers is not simply a matter of perception. Since the pandemic started, about 22% of employees have left their job. It indicates that the employer’s commitment to human resources is being questioned. The rise of artificial intelligence and automation has reduced the number of people needed to do the work. It also caused many companies to focus on cost-cutting instead of employee well-being. The stress caused by the pandemic has affected the way executives define their company’s vision. As a result, they tend to focus on the current priority instead of developing a new one. The shifts in the leaders’ priorities have caused them to focus on their internal operations instead of improving the customer experience.

Over the next two years till 2023, leaders plan to improve their organizations’ capabilities over external growth. Most new entrants are focused on addressing these areas of concern. Out of all the digital enterprises considered for the study, eighty-seven percent focus on cost management, eighty-seven percent concentrate on the flexibility of operation. Eighty-six percent believe cash flow and liquidity are their priority, and seventy-six percent of all enterprises prioritize cybersecurity. On the other hand, seventy-five percent of all organizations focus on information technology (I.T.) resiliency, and sixty-five percent of all leaders believe in the internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, and flexibility. Fifty-eight percent think of new product development as a priority, and fifty-two percent emphasize new market entrants.

According to the survey results, we can see corporate priorities have shifted to include safety and security, crisis management, and cash-flow management. Most leaders also expect these areas to become more critical in the future. For the respondents, cost control is also becoming more urgent. They also noted that resiliency is becoming more critical. Supply-chain reliability is also becoming an increasingly important factor. Platform-based businesses are expected to be the norm in the next couple of years. Over ninety percent of industries also have concerns about cyber security. AI-powered solutions are also likely to improve this area’s performance. The COVID-19 pandemic has not affected all industries and organizations. It is because the various sectors have different needs and want. Some economists refer to this environment as a K-shaped consumer environment, where they thrive while the others languish. The stock market’s bifurcation is just one example of how the various sectors have different needs and want.

Most businesses require more than just scale to thrive. They also need to work together to create ecosystems and solve real problems. Health-related industries, such as hospitals and healthcare, were expected to be the most likely winners from the pandemic. Entertainment, telecommunications, and media were also expected to benefit from the rise of home-based orders. However, these industries were expected to lose to the effects of the pandemic. Over the next two years, leaders of enterprises expect the number of partners and collaborations to increase significantly. Within sectors, the expectation is that the broader reach of the pandemic will help define winners.

Flexibility is not a guarantee of success, and large enterprises have successfully operated in volatile industries. Large enterprises that can manage agility have been the ones that have successfully held steady in a volatile sector. Large enterprises that can handle volatility have outperformed in the past. Along with this, there has been an increased appreciation for employees’ contributions. Due to the importance of growth and competitiveness, organizations have a renewed focus on managing their expansion and development. This explains why digital transformation is not expected to have the same positive impact on customer service. A renewed focus on these two factors requires organizations to re-evaluate their operations and plans for new ventures. Doing so will require them to keep their goals in mind and approve their resources according to their needs. If the goal is to improve competitiveness, then the process of allocating and approving resources will have to be thoroughly reviewed.

Before the coronavirus, sustainable development focused on addressing consumers’ environmental concerns. The demand for products and brands that are authentic was driving regulators’ attention. They were increasingly looking for products and brands that were authentic. People avoided public places during the coronavirus outbreak and used more individual packaging. Since they were afraid of getting sick, many people sent their goods to their homes. Despite the coronavirus outbreak, the interest in environmental issues remains strong. It has resulted in the use of more hazardous products. As corporations try to improve their operations through various sustainable measures, they face new regulations and standards. How can we improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our supply chains? Due to the rise of interest in sustainable issues, many companies have considered meeting this standard. Doing so will require adopting new materials and processes and improving efficiency and data collection. Leaders must step up their game to optimize supply chains through more sophisticated questions.

The pandemic served as a wake-up call that the unexpected and plausible are more prevalent than we thought. It has caused many companies to rethink their operations and strategies. It has also provided some lucky individuals with an unexpected windfall. Although the pandemic may have caused changes in design, processes, and financial priorities, these are unavoidable. The rapid pace of digital transformation and cloud adoption is expected to accelerate in the next couple of years. It is an opportunity for executives to manage complexity and drive business competitiveness. While others wait for the normal to return, it presents an opportunity for executives to work complexly and develop digital transformation strategies. The risks and opportunities posed by the pandemic are too significant to allow people to return to their everyday lives. One of the most significant barriers to progress is organizational complexity.

According to data, employee burnout contributes to the rise of complexity. It can be triggered by the overload of work that employees feel due to the complexity of their jobs. To thrive in the new environment, organizations must act quickly and decisively. It all starts with ensuring that the customers get priority and trust, which they deserve. They must work in three critical areas: strategy, operations, and finance. Work environments should enable people to lead and engage in new ways. They should also support their mental health and well-being. Mental health and well-being should also be prioritized. Doing so can help build trust and attract the right talent.

  1. 1.

    Use artificial intelligence and other technologies to make processes more intelligent.

  2. 2.

    Companies should adopt a continuous change strategy and minimize risk to prepare for uncertainties and opportunities.

Implementations and Suggestions Towards Restructuring of Digital Enterprises for Future

The discussions and findings of this chapter suggested that there can be a tricyclic framework for digital transformation in the prevailing pandemic. In the first frame, there is RETORT, the second is RECUPERATE, and the third is RISE. In this 3-R frame, digital enterprises will cyclically move from one aspect to another. In the first frame, enterprises deal with the present crisis and maintain continuity, which means they must find ways to retort. Then in the second frame, digital enterprises will learn and evolve stronger to recuperate from the initial crisis. In the last frame, enterprises will define and shape new normal operations to ultimately come out of the situation and rise. Figure 1.1 represents this 3R or tricyclic framework.

Fig. 1.1
figure 1

(Source Authors’ research)

Tricyclic framework for digital transformation


The coronavirus pandemic caused by COVID-19 has surpassed other recent epidemics. It has caused significant economic damage and killed millions of people. Although the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak varies depending on the industry and geographic region, we believe that the five qualities of resilient leadership are essential to successful leaders. Reinforcement of resilient leaders is a process that involves identifying five qualities that distinguish individuals from failures during a crisis. This step is followed by developing a strategy and implementing actions geared toward addressing three dimensions. As business leaders brace for the uncertainties await them, they are also looking for practical solutions to address their most pressing concerns. In this chapter, the authors try to provide practical guidance on implementing resilient leadership strategies and actions in five steps.

  1. 1.

    Design from the heart and the head are the two critical components of resilient leadership. Leaders who can manage uncertainty and respond effectively to crises are those who can both empathize with their employees and customers.

  2. 2.

    Resilient leaders can handle the challenges of today’s world while still creating opportunities for tomorrow.

  3. 3.

    Believing in the importance of speed over elegance, resilient leaders act with courage.

  4. 4.

    Believing in the power of the narrative, resilient leaders seize the opportunity to tell a compelling story while being transparent about their current realities.

  5. 5.

    Resilient leaders are focused on the long-term horizon, anticipating the emergence of new business models that will transform the world.


Leaders of resilient organizations recognize that recovery is a journey that can be utilized for the organization’s benefit. Five critical steps will guide the organization’s journey from recovery to success.

  1. 1.

    Understand the required mindset shift: The concept of the recovery period shifts from an abrupt and unpredictable phase to a more settled yet still uncomfortable state of mind.

  2. 2.

    Identify and navigate the uncertainties and implications: The focus of leadership shifts from an inward-looking approach to a market-facing one. Leaders should also consider the destination in terms of stakeholder outcomes.

  3. 3.

    Embed trust as the catalyst to recovery: The goal of recovery management is to manage the transition from the crisis to the organization’s restoration.

  4. 4.

    Define the implementation and launch recuperation: This process involves developing a recovery strategy that addresses the various impacts of the crisis on the organization. This strategy should also consider the different financial resources needed to support the operations.

  5. 5.

    Imbibe learning other’s successes: The recovery mindset shifts from a reactive mode to a more optimistic one. Leaders should adopt a strategy that confidently addresses the future.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to various sectors and human communities. It has also pushed organizations and individuals into uncharted territories. Technology leaders are no exception, as they have had to grapple with many of the most critical issues facing organizations today. Some of these include the rapid emergence and evolution of digital channels, the need for increased collaboration capabilities, and the complexity of their infrastructures. So, to rise, enterprises must leverage technology in a more significant way which must be sustainable and scalable at the same time. Here authors tried to present this stage in the following steps as follows.

  1. 1.

    Quick rise to fasten recovery and achieve sustainable growth: Due to the complexity of the COVID-19 pandemic, the recovery phase will require an orchestration of various configurations and changes in existing setups to rise. This transition will need many technology leaders to take stock of their past actions and make necessary adjustments. The leaders must support and enhance the productivity and experience of the workforce through secure technology and solutions that support the new work environment.

  2. 2.

    Stable operations to facilitate resilience: The world will eventually reopen. While quick fixes may be implemented to get back to normal, they may not stand up to rigorous tests. To get back to normal, technology leaders need to step back and analyze their solutions and processes and develop a strategy for their deployment. Digital leaders must scale automation pilots, build a resilient I.T. architecture, improve customer support operations, and more.

  3. 3.

    Reshaping the new normal: As organizations recover from the pandemic, they should also look at the future competitive landscape to rise. While it is likely that many changes will occur, we already see signs of seismic shifts in society and behavior. Digital leaders must plan to reimagine the way customers experience goods and services by focusing on human-centric approaches.


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the various ways that organizations could have been affected by the pandemic. Video conferences and remote monitoring have been around for a decade, but few companies are rushing to implement them. Since people tend to adopt until the need is urgent, this pandemic has allowed them to change their attitudes. COVID-19 provided an opportunity to learn, but it also likely won’t be a long-term memory. Instead, take advantage of it and tell your people what they need to be prepared for the next crisis. There are three phases to consider when transforming a company: the planning phase, the journey, and the lack of knowledge. This chapter aims to reimagine the work environment in the future and how it will change as technology is used. It involves identifying the most effective ways to use automation and human skills to improve efficiency and minimize risk. Instead of focusing on repetitive tasks, humans are freed up to engage in activities that provide value-add or strategic activities. Enterprises must drive work through cross-functional and agile teams with limited hierarchy. This requires different leadership skills. As organizations embark on a digital transformation journey, they need to identify and weave key digital DNA traits to accelerate their progress. Here, the guide will help determine the most critical digital characteristics and help organizations start. The future of work requires a new approach to talent management, including establishing a more open talent economy. This includes identifying which skills are needed to build and adopt a more flexible workforce. In an increasingly connected world, organizations are starting to harness the power of experience design to drive bottom-line results. By creating consumer-grade experiences, they aim to improve the productivity and performance of their workforces. Those who can improve their workforces’ productivity and engagement will see significant rewards. The future of work also involves introducing new talent categories such as freelancers, gig, and private labels. To achieve this, organizations should start by understanding which skills are needed and which can be bought or rented. Creating a change management culture is an integral part of any digital transformation strategy. This process should identify the right tools and methods to help employees develop and evolve.