
1 Introduction

This paper presents the systems developed by Beijing Jiaotong University and Toshiba (China) Co., Ltd. for the CCMT 2021 quality estimation (QE) and automatic-post editing (APE) task. For QE, we participate in the sentence-level task of Chinese-English direction. For APE, we participate in the task of Chinese-English direction.

Machine translation quality estimation aims to evaluate the quality of machine translation automatically without golden reference [2]. The quality can be measured with different metrics, such as HTER (Human-targeted Edit Error) [18]. Machine translation automatic post-editing aims to fix recurrent errors made by a certain decoder given the source sentence, by learning from correction examples [4]. Both the two tasks serve as a post-processing procedure for machine translation (MT) and are inner-related.

Both tasks rely on human-annotated triplets. QE is trained with triplets of src (source sentence), mt (machine translated sentence) and score (human-assessed score), and APE is trained with triplets of src, mt and pe (post-edited sentence). Since both human-assessment and post-editing require professional translators to manually annotate src-mt pairs, both tasks are highly data-scarce with only 10k-20k training examples. How to train a accurate estimator or post-editor with limited data remains a challenge.

For QE task, our system mainly relies on multiple pretrained models, including four multilingual pretrained models, i.e. multilingual BERT [8], XLM [6], XLM-RoBERTa-base and XLM-RoBERTa-large [5], and one monolingual model, i.e. RoBERTa [16]. We propose a multi-phase pre-finetuning scheme, to adapt the pretrained model to the target domain and task. The pre-finetuning procedure includes language-adaptative finetuning (LAF), domain-adaptative finetuning (DAF) and task-adaptative finetuning (TAF). We also jointly train the sentence-level estimator with word-level QE task. Different models are ensembled to achieve further improvement.

For APE task, we choose BERT-initialized Transformer [7] as the back-bone model, which uses the pretrained BERT to initialize the parameters of both encoder and decoder. We create synthetic triplets from openly-available parallel data using different methods, i.e. forward translation [17], round-trip translation [12] and multi-source denoising autoencoder. We build the multi-source denoising autoencoder to restore the corrupted reference given the source text, and the restored reference is deemed as the synthetic mt. We apply domain-selection to the parallel data for creating synthetic data, and different models trained with different data are ensembled to achieve further improvement.

Experiments on the development set shows we obtain competitive results in both directions, verifying the effectiveness of our proposed method.

2 Chinese-English Sentence-Level Quality Estimation

2.1 Model Description

Given the data-scarcity nature of QE, we build our system based on multiple pretrained models. We mainly rely on four multilingual pretrained models, i.e. multilingual BERT (abbreviated as mBERT) [8], XLM [6], XLM-RoBERTa-base (abbreviated as XLM-R-base) and XLM-RoBERTa-large (abbreviated as XLM-R-large) [5]. All of these four models are based on multi-layer Transformer [22] architecture, and are pretrained on massive multilingual text with shared multilingual vocabulary, enabling them to transfer to downstream tasks with limited training data.

We concatenate src (source sentence) and mt (machine translated sentence) following the way pre-trained models treat sentence pairs, and then feed the sentence pair to the model. We try two different strategies to aggregate the sentence-level representation, the first one is to directly use the first hidden representation of the pretrained model, and the second one is to add a layer of RNN on the top of the model, to better leverage the global context information, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Pretrained model for quality estimation with joint training. [CLS], [SEP] are predefined segment separators, and could be different in different models. The component circled with dashed line is alternative.

Although we mainly focus on sentence-level QE, the sentence and word-level QE are highly related, since their quality annotations are commonly based on the HTER measure [14]. During the calculation of sentence-level HTER score, the word-level QE tag for each word in mt could also be derived, and can serve as a supplementary information for training. Therefore, we implement multi-task learning, jointly train the sentence and word-level estimator together. The word-level estimation is based on the output logit according to each word, and we only use the logit of the first sub-token if one word is segmented into multiple sub-tokens. The loss function of both levels are defined as follow:

$$L_{word}=\sum _{s\in D}\sum _{x\in s}-(p_{ok}\log p_{ok}+\lambda p_{bad}\log p_{bad}),$$
$$L_{sent}=\sum _{s\in D}\parallel sigmoid(h(s)) - hter_s \parallel ,$$

where s and x denote each sentence and word in the dataset D, and h(s) is the hidden representation, and \(\lambda \) is a hyper parameter. Notice the quality of mt is very high [19], which means most of word-level tags are OK. To force the model to pay more attention to the erroneously translated words, we assign a weight \(\lambda \) for BAD words when calculating word-level loss. The loss of both sentence and word level are combined and back-propagated together, defined as follow:

$$L_{joint}=\sum _{s\in D}(L_{sent} + \eta \sum _{x\in s}L_{word}),$$

where \(\eta \) is a coefficient to balance the word-level and sentence-level loss. Since the linear transformation for different levels are implemented on different positions, we can perform multi-task training and inference naturally without any structure adjustment. During the joint-training procedure, the word-level tags can provide fine-grained information for sentence-level QE.

Table 1. Results on the development and test sets of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English sentence-level QE with different pretrained models. We do not apply joint training for XLM-R-large due to time limitation, and the result on dev set for XLM-R-large is very low because we set the max length very short in training.

However, as shown in Table 1, joint training leads to degradation in all directions. This is not consistent with previous works which also apply joint training [11, 15]. In the end, we decide to keep all the models for ensemble.

2.2 Multi-phase Pre-finetuning

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models on domain-relevant unlabeled data have become a common strategy to adapt the pretrained parameters to down-stream tasks [9]. Previous works also demonstrate the necessity of pre-finetuning when performing QE on pretrained models [10, 15]. In our system, we propose a multi-phase pre-finetuning scheme, consisting of language-adaptative finetuning (LAF), domain-adaptative finetuning (DAF), and task-adaptative finetuning (TAF). We pre-finetune the pretrained model on unsupervised parallel data with no quality annotations, by continuing performing mask language modeling.

Table 2. Results on the development and test sets of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English sentense-leve QE. We do not apply LAF to XLM-R-large due to limited computation resource, and the result on dev set for XLM-R-large is very low because we set the max length very short in training.

LAF aims to adapt the pretrained model to bilingual concatenated pairs. Despite the shared multilingual vocabulary and training data, mBERT and XLM-R are originally monolingually trained, treating the input as either being from one language or another. But in our scenario, the input sentence pair is the concatenation of a bilingual parallel pair from two different languages. Therefore, we continue the mask language model on massive parallel sentence pairs (Table 2).

We use the parallel data from CCMT 2021 Chinese-English translation task, which contains roughly 9 million sentence pairs. We filter the data according to length and length ratio, and only keep sentence pairs with length shorter than 60, since we are unable to pre-finetune the pretrained model with max_len too big. The remaining 6 million pairs are used for LAF, which takes us roughly 10 days on two GPUs.

On the contrary, XLM is pretrained with the task of Translation Language Modeling, therefore we believe it is already adapted to bilingual concatenated sentence pair. Since LAF is performed on massive data with high computation overhead, we decide not to perform LAF on XLM.

DAF aims to adapt the pretrained model to the target domain. The representation of pretrained model is learned from the combination of various domains, and can be adapted to a certain domain if continued finetuning on unlabeled data from the domain. To this end, we select a domain-similar subset of the parallel data, and perform DAF for all the four pretrained models.

To be more specific, we finetune BERT as the domain classifier. The sentence pairs in the training and development set are deemed as in-domain data, and we randomly sample the same size of data as the general-domain data, for the training of classifier. We keep roughly 100k domain-similar sentence pairs for DAF, which takes us up to 3–4 hours on a single GPU.

TAF refers to pre-finetuning on the unlabeled training set for the given task. It uses a far smaller corpus (10k pairs) compared to DAF, but the data is much more task-relevant. We apply TAF for all the four models, and it is very fast with no more than 1 h on a single GPU.

The three-phase finetuninig scheme is performed in a pipelined manner, namely the latter phase is performed based on the parameters of the former phase. The representation of the pretrained model is adapted to our target language, domain and task, and can serve as a better start point to be finetuned on downstream task. Despite the limited training data, parallel data is readily accessible, therefore multi-phase finetuning is a convenient yet effective method to improve the performance without extra annotation.

2.3 Partial-Input Estimation

As denoted by Sun [20], QE systems trained on partial inputs perform as well as systems trained on the full input. Although the alignment information is absent, estimation can still be performed solely on the source text (to estimate the complexity) or solely on the target text (to estimate the fluency). This enables the incorporation of powerful monolingual models.

In our system, we perform partial-input estimation on the target side. We utilize the monolingual models of BERT and RoBERTa [16] to estimate the fluency. Only the target side of the bilingual pair is fed for training and evaluation. Despite the absence of the source text, the partial-input estimation still achieve high correlation because of the introduction of powerful monolingual model.

We also perform DAF and TAF to the monolingual model to adapt it to our scenario, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Results on the development and test sets of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English sentense-leve QE with partial-input.

2.4 Model Ensemble

After exhaustive hyper-parameter searching, we obtain more than ten strong models with different architectures and training procedures. To combine different predictions and achieve further improvement, we try two model ensemble techniques, namely averaging and linear regression. Averaging simply averages the predicted logits of different models. Linear regression learns a linear combination of different predictions using \(l_2\)-regularized regression over the dev set.

Table 4. Results on the development and test sets of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English sentense-leve QE. The results of single models are inconsistent with previous sections due to our final hyper-parameter searching.

As shown in Table 4, both two ensemble techniques achieve considerable improvement. Although the result of partial-input is comparatively low, it can provide complimentary information for other bilingual models when doing ensemble. Therefore, the incorporation of partial-input estimation is necessary.

3 Chinese-English Automatic Post-Editing

3.1 BERT-initialized Transformer

The current state of the art in APE is based on encoder-decoder structure with Transformer [22] as the backbone network. To alleviate the data-scarcity problem, we follow [7] and use multilingual BERT to initialize the parameters of Transformers, as shown in Fig. 2, which we call BERT-initialized Transformer. We follow their default setting, namely use the self-attention in BERT to initialize both the encoder and the decoder.

Specifically, instead of using multiple encoders to separately encode src and mt, we use BERT pre-training scheme, where the two strings after being concatenated by the [SEP] special symbol are fed to the single encoder, and assign different segment embeddings to each of them. Both the self-attention and context attention of the decoder are initialized with BERT. The self-attention and embedding between encoder and decoder are shared, to reduce parameter size and improve training efficiency (Table 5).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

BERT-initialized Transformer. Dashed lines show shared parameters.

Table 5. Results on the development set of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English APE with different architectures.

We also compare with the dual-source transformer architecture of [13] and multi-source Transformer architecture of [21]. With 10k training triplets combined with 2 million synthetic triplets, the BERT-based Transformer outperforms the previous methods by a large margin, showing the effectiveness of pretrained parameters in APE task.

3.2 Domain Selection

Firstly we believe generative task is data-hungry, and therefore we use all the available parallel data to create synthetic triplets. We use the parallel data provided by CCMT 2021 Chinese-English translation, which consists of 23 million sentence pairs after filtering. However, during training we find that the model converges very soon and can not be improved afterwards. Therefore, we decide to apply domain selection for the synthetic data.

Table 6. Results on the development set of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English APE with different size of synthetic data. 10k refers to the model trained only with real data.

To perform domain classification, we use the 10k training triplets as in-domain data, and randomly sample the same size of general domain data. We try two domain classification methods, [1] finetune BERT as a binary classifier, [2] use bilingual cross-entropy filtering method [1], and we use kenlmFootnote 1 to train 4-gram language models for filtering. Then synthetic triplets are combined with real triplets (which is oversampled 20 times) for training.

However, we do not see a clear difference between the two domain selection methods. On the contrary, we find that data size matters a lot. As shown in Table 6, we get the best result when incorporating 200k data. More data leads to domain irrelevance while only using the 10k real data is not enough for training. Therefore, we adopt the same data size in the following experiments.

3.3 Data Augmentation Techniques

Data augmentation is a de-factor paradigm for APE task [3]. The creation of synthetic data requires to generate synthetic mt given the parallel data (which are deemed as synthetic src and pe). Previous works rely on translation model to generate synthetic mt [12, 17], but the connection between synthetic mt-pe is not consistent with real mt-pe. Actually, most synthetic mts generated by machine translation are a correct translation of src but with different syntactic structure from pe. Forcing the APE model to transform the syntax of a correct translation is of little help to the training objective.

In this work, we propose to generate synthetic mt via Multi-source Denoising Autoencoder (MDA), to better simulate the real error distribution. Denoising autoencoder is trained with two steps: (1) corrupt the text with an arbitrary noising function, and (2) learn a sequence-to-sequence model to reconstruct the original text. Specifically, in our scenario, we provide both the corrupted text and its corresponding translation to the encoder, leading to a multi-source denoising autoencoder structure, as shown in Fig. 3. The MDA learns to reconstruct the text based on its corruption and corresponding translation. This procedure is performed on massive publicly-available parallel sentence pairs (which are denoted as src and ref), without the need of extra annotations.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Multi-source denoising autoencoder for generating synthetic triplets.

After that, the MDA can be used to generate synthetic triplets following the same formula. To be concrete, given parallel src-ref pairs, we would corrupt the ref by the same noising function, which is combined with src to generate reconstruction via MDA. Then the original and reconstructed refs are deemed as pe and mt, respectively. The generated mt would inevitably differ pe (due to the corruption-reconstruction procedure), but their connection would be close since mt is inferred directly from pe. An also because the existence of source text, the restored mt would be not semantically far from the src. This is a better simulation of the MT error distribution.

Specifically, we try the combination of three noising transformations, i.e. word omission, word replacement and word permutation. Word omission randomly omits words in a sequence, and word replacement randomly replaces words, and word permutation randomly permutes words with a maximum distance. We use the 23 million CCMT 2021 Chinese-English data, and adopt two-fold jackknifing, namely split the data into two folds, one for training and another for decoding.

However, during the experiment, we find that if the corruption on the target side is too heavy, then the model would ignore the corrupted pe and only attend to the src. In that case, our multi-source denoising autoencoder would degrade to a normal machine translation model. Therefore, we try two strategies to force the model to attend to the corrupted target text.

[1] Corrupt the source text with similar flavor;

[2] Disturbing the embedding of the source text with Gaussian noise.

Both strategies make it difficult for the autoencoder to generate reference only relying on src, since the information of source side is also corrupted now. Therefore, it will try to restore the target sentence by both reorganising the corrupted pe and translating the disturbed src, leading to semantically deviated (but not unrelated), and syntactically consistent mt.

We also follow previous works and adopt forward translation and round-trip translation to create synthetic data. Forward translation [17] uses a forward-translation model to translate src to the target language as mt. Round-trip translation [12] uses two translation models, to translate pe firstly to the source language then to the target language, to generate synthetic mt. All the translation models are trained with the 23 million data with two-fold jackknifing.

Table 7. Results on the development set of CCMT 2021 Chinese-English APE with different augmentation methods. 200k synthetic triplets is combined with 10k real triplets oversampled 20 times.

Although the MDA-based method does not outperform the round-trip translation based method, different methods lead to different data distributions and can provide complimentary information for each other. Therefore, we use all the models for ensemble, and achieve further improvement, as shown in Table 7.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we described our submission in CCMT 2021 quality estimation and automatic post-editing task. For QE task, we verify that the pretrained models can be further improved on target language and target domain via pre-finetuning, and incorporate powerful monolingual model to perform partial-input estimation. For APE task, we find that data-scarcity is alleviated to a large extent if use pretrained model to initialize the encoder-decoder, and propose to use multi-source denoising autoencoder to generate synthetic triplets.

Due to time limitation, we only participate in the Chinese-English direction. In the future, we will extend our system to QE and APE tasks on other languages, to verify the effectiveness of our proposed methods. Besides, we will also investigate how to combine these two inner-related tasks together to achieve further improvement.