
1 Introduction

For achieving gain selected objectives, fertility of the soil and nutrition of plant are very important and vital factor for plant development. Thus soil nutrition performs a critical role in plant systems. An element is taken into consideration fundamental if it's far needed for nutrition of plant and completing of the plant's way of life-cycle. Regularly, 17 elements are taken into consideration to satisfy the standards and they may be divided into macronutrients and micro-nutrients. The crucial macronutrients may be segregated into main macronutrients, consist of Phosphorus (P),Potassium (K), Nitrogen (N), and other macronutrients, Sulfur(S), Calcium (Ca), and Magnesium (Mg). The eight micro-nutrients are Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Chlorine (Cl), Boron (B), Zinc (Zn), and Molybdenum (Mo). Other sustenance variables might be significant for certain plants to profit crop quality or growth, even though no longer being important for metabolic techniques or crowning glory of the plant's lifestyles cycle frequently this factors are stated as useful factors. Beneficial elements consist of Sodium (Na), Cobalt (Co), Vanadium (V), Selenium (Se), and Silicon (Si). Silicon is available in fixations at the request for some of the large scale nutrients in bunch of plant tissues.

Soil is important parameter for the growth of plant. Soil includes the list of nutrition’s which plays vital role in the plants life, health, and growth. Observing plants growth and analyzing its nutrition requirement is also key factor to maintain the plant health and growth. Sufficient and proper nutrients lead better growth of plant. But if plants did not receive sufficient nutritions, it may lead to severe plant problems like plant health issue, drying, and plant loss. This may lead for high level damage if we consider large area-based farm or agricultural area. Hence observing nutrition’s level of soil is very important parameter. Nowadays farming technology sick’s the need of some technology which will help to grow the plant and farm with healthier environment.

This research paper emphasis on the maintaining the quality of soil and doing its analysis for better health and growth of the plant. Quality of soil is observed through the proposed architecture and technique. This research paper includes the list of proposed procedures through which soil-based information is fetched through smart way. After receiving soil based information, its analysis is done through proposed machine learning-based approach. Further, through proposed system, it predicts and suggests the required parameters to improve the health of soil. Another important aspect of this research paper is that same information exchange can be from any location. User can access or retrieve the information from any location across the globe using internet. Preferred technologies are Internet of Things and 5G network. The main focus of this research paper is proposing the technique to observe the quality of soil and suggesting the good parameters for plants healthier life. It consists of the list of proposed procedures through which proposed work is carried out. Initial step is retrieving soil nutrition’s information using nutritions and PH sensor through smart way and without harming the soil and plant. Like traditional systems, hazardous chemicals are not used. This retrieved information is passed through the connected system to the sensor using internet to the server. Through the server, user can observe the retrieved information. Raspberry Pi is preferred server for circuitry connection and computing analysis which is acting as server also. Further, proposed machine learning approaches are applied for data analysis and recommendations. Important factor for this research paper is PH level of soil. By analysis of the PH values of soil, the weightage of micronutrients are observed and analyzed. More emphasis on some of the micronutrients is given like Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorous, Copper, Zinc, and Iron. Its detailed research is explained in the further points. Recommendations are given to the used in smart way to improve the quality of soil. Also, while recommending the nutrients parameters, the best qualitative nutritional products are suggested. This project can be accessed through the desktop-based systems or smartphone applications also. After applying the suggested changes for particular analyzed soil, its health improves in drastic manner which enhances the crops or plants health and production.

2 Literature Survey

Effectively overseeing soil supplements to give ideal plant sustenance has been a center act of farming creation all through mankind's history. For a long time, agrarian creation depended on the reusing of natural residuals, for example, compost and yield buildups. Industrialization and populace development of the nineteenth century requested expanded horticultural creation and corresponded with the advancement of financially delivered manures. Giving satisfactory treatment permitted the genuine capability of preparation to be acknowledged and mechanical creation of inorganic compost before long followed by advancement of the Haber–Bosch.

In a macrosense, the connection between the advancement of N and P composts reflects one of managing premises of soil richness unequivocally expressed as hypothesis of the base created by Sprengel and mainstream sized as ‘Liebig's law’ expresses that creation is constrained by the measure of the most restricted supplement comparative with the plant's required. In different words, regardless of how much amount N is included; yield could be constrained if P is inaccessible in enough amounts. When satisfactory P was given through preparation, after the improvement of P manures, at exactly that point could additional crop be cultivated by N fertilizer. The careful usage of the intelligent strategy, Sprengel and counterparts propelled the order of soil richness and plant nourishment to satisfy world developing need for nourishment. Most prominent commitment was understanding the mineral enhancements outside of plant that were needed by plant advancement. Perceiving fundamental segments and understanding that they ought to be offered external to plant was fundamental move in horticultural production. A few supplements were provided through reusing of harvest deposits and composts, and N could be given through N-fixing crops in turn in any case, most of the supplements were lost from the framework (because of framework wasteful aspects) and yield creation was constrained and farming terrains were frequently exhausted following a couple of long periods of the cropping. Daniel Webster comprehended the significance of protection of issue to this framework when he expressed it is upon this key thought of consistent creation without weariness, that the arrangement of development, and undoubtedly. The improvement of the ideas of soil ripeness and plant nourishment and the acknowledgment that supplements must be provided remotely through preparation to stay away from the ‘fatigue’ of the soil during the nineteenth century by another type of soil physicists and agronomists assisted with maintaining a strategic distance from the Malthusian Catastrophe. These standards under stuck the ‘Green Revolution’ of twentieth century. Somewhere in the range of 1960 and 2000, worldwide grain creation multiplied while worldwide N utilize expanded seven overlaps and P utilize expanded three and one-half overlay. In any case, this expansion underway and attendant increment in compost use have not come without cost. Thus, in spite of the fact that overseeing soil supplements for ideal plant sustenance and yield keeps on being a squeezing worry considering worldwide populace development, the administration of supplements in a productive way to ensure assets is a significant part of conversation of soil richness and plant nutrition.

During the 1980s, North American Author talk about and characterize another idea soil quality representing the numerous measurements (physical, compound, and natural) and capacities of soil. The principal meanings of soil quality were near those of manageable farming. Basically, preserving or improving soil quality is tied in with keeping up the drawn out components of soils, for instance, it is about reasonability. The ebb and flow most ordinary definition is ‘Soil quality is the wellbeing of a specific sort of soil to work inside its current circumstance, support plant and creature efficiency, keep up or improve water and air quality, and backing human wellbeing and residence’. Complement is put on both inborn properties of soil (‘a specific kind of soil’) and dynamic intuitive cycles. Nowadays, a couple of creators in spite of everything fight that dirt nourishment and soil quality may be exchangeable; also, the wording stays comparative with the control or on the other hand the application segment.

3 Proposed System

Soil pH is an indication of acidity or alkalinity of soil and is estimated in pH units. pH is described as a bad logarithm of hydrogen particle concentration. The pH scale is going from zero to fourteen with pH 7 in view of the fair-minded point. As the quantity of hydrogen particles inside the soil increases the soil pH decreases thus becoming greater acidic. From pH 7 to 0 the soil is progressively more acidic and from pH 7 to 14 the soil is more and more alkaline or basic (Table 1).

Table 1 pH range

Suitable soil is one that has excessive water keeping capacity but drains freely leaving air space. Water and vitamins in the sort of soil can be easily available to flora. A good soil might be barely acid (pH 6–6.8) at which stage the vitamins required by vegetation are maximum freely to be had. Topsoil will have all of the nutrients required for growth in the correct balance.

There are various types of soils are available that are as follows.

  1. 1.

    Sandy Soil

Sandy Soil is mild, heat, and tends to be in nature of acidic and less in vitamins. Sandy soil is fast to warm up in spring as compared to clay soils. Nerveless have a bent to dry get into the time of year and be afflicted by low nutrients which could be washed away by suggests that of rain. The addition of organic depends on will give plants an extra raise of nutrients with the help of enhancing the nutrient and water holding capability of the soil.

Mostly found in the western area of Rajasthan, Southern Haryana, the South-west part of Punjab, north-western parts of Gujarat, and along east and west coasts of India.

  1. 2.

    Clay Soil

Clay Soil may be a significant soil kind that edges from excessive value of nutrients. Preserve Associate in nursing extreme quantity of water. Channel of Clay soils generally take more time to warm up in summer. Also it blended in with drying out and converted into broken form in summer.

Usually found in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh states of India.

  1. 3.

    Loam/Loamy Soil

Loam soil is combination of clay, Silt, and sand that area unit combined to avoid the adverse consequence of each kind of soils.

Nutrient deficiency and its effect

  1. 1.

    Calcium—Tender leaves gets dry and plant dies.

  2. 2.

    Magnesium—leaves Start drying from tip.

  3. 3.

    Sulfur/Sulfur—Brownish spots on leaf.

  4. 4.

    Iron—veins of leaves becomes green.

  5. 5.

    Manganese—Younger leaves shows chlorotic spot on veins.

  6. 6.

    Copper—leaves become yellow and fall off.

  7. 7.

    Boron—leaves become petiole and start folding.

  8. 8.

    Nitrogen—stems of your plants will turn purple or reddish.

Nutrient required for plant growth

The factors required for plant boom fall into three groups.

  1. 1.

    Major elements—required in enormous quantities—potassium (K), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)

  2. 2.

    Minor factors—sulfur (S), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca)

  3. 3.

    Trace elements—manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), Selenium (Se), Aluminum (Al), boron (B), zinc (Zn).

While all those factors are normally gift in maximum soils, several are often gift in inadequate amount to enable a satisfactory yield.

Most contemporary compound/combined fertilizers include tiers of maximum or all of the above in stability that suits the boom of most plants. Hence those compound fertilizers are the favored nutrient source. There may be a few florae and a few situations or boom tiers where more amount of a selected element may want to be supplemented, e.g—extra potassium to provoke flowering or fruiting, or to provide disorder resistance, chelated aluminum sulfate to make certain blue hydrangeas.

Acid soils with a pH of under 6 typically have deficiencies in

  • Potassium

  • Phosphorus

  • Calcium

  • Molybdenum

  • Magnesium

Acid soils with a pH of significantly less than 4 generally have harmful amounts of:

  • Aluminum and Manganese

Alkaline soils with a pH of additional than 7 the following nutrients are regularly absurd:

  • Zinc

  • Boron

  • Copper

  • Iron

  • Manganese.

Raising Soil pH of Soil

Soil pH can be raised in different types:

  1. 1.

    Limestone (Calcium Carbonate)

The most ordinarily used approach to elevate the soil pH scale is applying carbonate or agricultural lime. If the soil is simply too acidic, then agricultural rock (calcium carbonate) must be applied. The number needed can vary hoping on the pH scale and therefore the soil sort. The solubility of lime is genuinely low, in this manner if its miles applied handiest to the soil surface, it ordinarily influences exclusively the most noteworthy layer of the soil, not a scope of centimeters down.

The adequacy of a liming material is straightforwardly identified with its virtue. Immaculateness of a liming material could be a component of the carbonate equivalent (CCE). It’s a degree to the measure of acid that the liming material can neutralize, when contrasted with regular carbonate (CaCO3).

The higher the calcium carbonate identicalness, the more remarkable the item in neutralizing acidity (Table 2).

Table 2 Limestone (in Pounds) required increasing pH (per 1000 square Feet)
  1. 2.

    Potassium Carbonate

Potassium carbonate is especially dissolvable as are regularly applied by means of trickle water system. In light of its inordinate dissolvability, carbonate are often just distributed for the duration of the premise space put along with water system water and arrive at more profound soil. It will speedily have an effect on chemical reactions inside the foundation sector; as a result, elevate root sector pH.

Applying potassium carbonate frequently as part of the fertilization will forestall the pH drop. Potassium carbonate also contributes potassium to the nutrient content material of the irrigation water.

When making use of potassium carbonate through the irrigation water, it's far important to hold the pH below 7 in order to avoid emitter clogging.

Sometimes growers need to extend the buffer capacity of the irrigation water, at the same time as keeping pH degrees low sufficient. In this case, it's far possible to add potassium carbonate to water, and an equal time to acidify the water. The acid will neutralize a number of the carbonate ions, at the same time as the pH degree will still be low sufficient to save you emitter clogging.

  1. 3.

    Cow Dung

It is found that Cow dung is a best supply of natural fertilizer. Cattle fertilizer is essentially obtained from grain and grass. Cow Dung constituents of 1% potassium, 2% of Phosphorus, 3% nitrogen. Subsequent to convert into natural fertilizer it could act as an unique role in soil, that facilitates to increase fertility of the soil, natural count number, soil bodily, and environmental behavior of microbial (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3 Fresh nutrient content of cow dung
Table 4 Nutrition content of solid cow dung

Lowering Soil pH of Soil

  1. 1.


Sulfur gets converted to sulfuric acid with the assistance of soil microscopic organisms yet it needs some time. The change charge of sulfur relies on the fineness of sulfur, measure of soil moisture, soil temperature, and furthermore the presence of the microorganisms. These elements, the transformation rates of sulfur, are often terribly gradual and take numerous months if the conditions don't seem to be ideal (Table 5).

Table 5 Sulfur (in Pounds) needed to lowering the Soil pH (per 10 square feet)
  1. 2.

    Aluminum Sulfate

Aluminum sulfate can alternate the pH scale because aluminum produces the acidity because it soluble within soil. This compound immediately makes the soil extra acidic because of a chemical reaction related to aluminum. It alters the pH of the soil so quickly, it is able to be greater tough to control the soil acidity (Table 6).

Table 6 Pounds of aluminum sulfate needed to lowering the pH (per 10 square feet)
  1. 3.

    Gypsum/Calcium Sulfate

Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate, CaSO4. 2H2O) is a sedimentary mineral. It is very crucial for the treatment of alkaline soil. It is a tremendous supply of Sulfur for plant nutrients and enhancing crop yield. It can lessen Aluminum toxicity specifically in the subsoil. It allows in reducing runoff and erosion by retaining Phosphorous and other nutrients from the soil. Gypsum replaces Sodium and drained descending and out of achieving of plant roots and it may be carried out a supply of Ca +  + ions to replace the Sodium on the exchange complex within the soil. While using Gypsum, there has to be sufficient natural drainage to the underground, in any other case artificial subsurface drainage systems have to be present.

  1. A.

    Equipment Used

    1. 1.

      Raspberry PI—It is used to connect all the Sensors.

    2. 2.

      Temperature Sensor (DHT22)—The probes are inserted in the farms to induce the temperature of the soil. It can measure temperature from −40 °C to 80 °C.

    3. 3.

      Moisture Sensor—Moisture sensor is applied to measure dampness present in the soil and will comprehend the water within area to regulate water deliver for plants.

    4. 4.

      Analog to Digital converter (ADS1115)—Converting the pH sensor analog signal to digital signal. It includes a programmable gain amplifier to boost up smaller single/differential signals to the full range.

    5. 5.

      pH Sensor—pH meter, electrical instrument, is utilized to degree hydrogen particle inside the soil. A pH meter depends on voltage take glance to determine hydrogen ion. It's accustomed decide the pH of soil.

  2. B.

    Development and Implementation

Programming Languages Used (Fig. 1)

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.


  4. 4.


  5. 5.


Fig. 1
figure 1

Circuit diagram

Server Used

  1. 1.

    Apache Tomcat

The pH sensor will connect with ADS1115 and other sensors like Humidity and Temperature (DHT22). Moisture Sensor can be directly connected with the Raspberry PI as the output of this sensors is Digital signals and the output of pH sensor is analog signal so it converts this analog signal into digital signal using ADS1115. After getting this input from sensors it will be further processed by raspberry pi using some algorithms. The processed result can be viewed using website or Android Application. The result can be downloaded in PDF format which will have Recommendation and Suggestion regarding the Soil Quality and Fertility.

4 Result

Nutritional content of soil pH

The presented concept tends to become acceptable manure to advise farmers to grow their yield in order so that there will be no cause of ruination the crop and land it also helps in enhance the nutrition of soil and crops production (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Nutrition availability and Soil pH

Based on above Chart the approximate values are generated by using GetData Graph Digitizer software. The GetData Graph Digitizer software is used for digitizing graphs and plots. It’s necessary to get original (x, y) data from graphs. It is used when data values are not available (Table 7).

Table 7 Soil pH and its nutritional content

5 Discussion

The study demonstrates Soil assumes in the field of agriculture, atmosphere, and yield developed during earlier years. According to the availability of nutrients, suggestions for developing the specific yield and appropriate fertilizer will be given. Using classification algorithm, prediction of appropriate crops supported the values we have a tendency to get from our device which we tend to additionally can provide acceptable fertilizers required for that land. The prediction of the crop can be done by Soil pH which is measured of the acidity and alkalinity in soils. The Macronutrients (Potassium, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous) and Micronutrients (Zinc, Iron, and Copper) are essentials for healthy plant development. Soil pH could be an important parameter for crop efficiency. Soil pH influences the soils chemical, physical, and natural properties and therefore plant growth will increase.

The objective of the experiment is to provide an Embedded-based soil analyzer that can be created with the brisk and dependable computerized framework which is used to analyze different soil nutrients with the assistance of pH value. Soil pH could be a proportion of Hydronium particle (H+) concentration historically tested in labs to determine what quantity chemical to use to the sector. Various Data of all types of crops are collected like pH value of crop, min–max temperature of the soil, and a database is formed. With the help of all the databases, predictions will be made of the required soil. The device which focuses on increasing the crop productivity at a lesser cost where the system can facilitate help in cultivating by giving important idea identifying with the yields and all fundamental data.

6 Conclusion

Fertility of soil and nutrition of plant cover the executives of soil condition to give the fundamental nutrition within necessary adds-up to plants for ideal performance. Basic nutrients are those elements that assume an important job in plant development, advancement, multiplication, or metabolic capacities. Every nutrient is needed into specific focus in plant tissue, beneath that typical plant capacities are restricted. Along these lines, soil nutrition analysis to specify the quantity of obtainable important nutrients present in fertility of soil and nutrition of plant management program. Various factors on the far side simply nutrient concentration within soil impact potential of soil to provide fertilizer to the plant and furthermore the ability of plant to need up and use those fertilizer. The substance, natural, and actual soil characteristics and procedures impact plant Nutrients use rather like other environmental factors like pressure, environment, and management of crop practices. Consequently, soil richness and plant sustenance that coordinates everything of soil and yields the executive's orders to give ideal nutrient offer to plants for a unique objective (e.g., plant food used for nourishment, vitality) while ensuring common assets and natural quality.