
1 Introduction

Explosive growth of the digital storage and communication of data require adequate security. Cryptology is the science that aims to provide information security in the digital world. Information security comprises many aspects, the most important of which are confidentiality and authenticity. Confidentiality means keeping the information secret from all except those who are authorized to learn or know it. Authenticity involves both ensuring that data have not been modified by an unauthorized person (data integrity) and being able to verify who is the author of the data (data origin authentication). In this paper we provide data encryption with compression by focusing on the tweakable encipher scheme as these appear to offer the best combined security and performance. Our proposed work is a modified version of XTS that is Xor-Encrypt-Xor with Cipher Text Stealing. This work includes a Galois Field multiplier GF (2128) that can operate in any common field representations. This allows very efficient processing of consecutive blocks in a sector. To handle messages whose length is greater than 128-bit but not a multiple of 128-bit.The objective of the work is to develop a fast data encryption system. The requirement is actually to achieve security, speed and error propagation with less consumption of space, i.e., the size of hardware implementation and the amount of secure storage space required.

Data Encryption

Hard disk encryption is usually used to protect all the data on the disk by encrypting it. The whole disk is encrypted with a single/multiple key(s) and encryption/decryption are done on the fly, without user interference. The encryption is on the sector level, that means each sector should be encrypted separately. There are two ways to encrypt a hard disk: at the file level and at the driver level. Encryption at the file level means that every file is encrypted separately. To use a file that’s been encrypted, that file must be first decrypted, and then it is used, and then re-encrypts it. Driver-level encryption maintains a logical drive on the user’s machine that has all data on it encrypted. In this paper we used AES.The AES is a symmetric block cipher i.e., encryption rule ek is either the same as decryption rule dk, or easily derived from it. During one round of AES the entire traffic is divided into fixed block of size 128 bits which is known as a State. AES is an iterated cipher, i.e., ciphers frequently incorporate a sequence of permutation & substitution operations. There are three allowable key lengths, namely 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. It follows a number of rounds Nr, depends on the key length.Nr = 10 if the key length is 128 bits, and Nr = 12 if the key length is 192 bits, and Nr = 14 if the key length is 256 bits.

2 Existing Work

LRW Mode of Encryption in AES

In LRW mode of AES encryption two keys are used i.e. primary and secondary key. These keys are independent to each other. Each key length is 128 0r 256 bits. In this paper Key1 and Key2 are Primary and Secondary keys respectively. The entire message is divided into fixed size blocks which are known as Plain text P. The encryption process is applied to each plaintext block and corresponding cipher text block C is obtained. I is the index of the block.

figure a

LRW Mode of Decryption in AES

In LRW mode of AES dencryption two keys are used i.e. primary and secondary key. These keys are independent to each other Each key length is 128 0r 256 bits. In this paper Key1 and Key2 are Primary and Secondary keys respectively. The decryption process is applied to each Cipher text block C and corresponding Plain text block P is obtained. I is the index of the block.

figure c


LRW-AES tweakable mode scope is limited.

Large volume of data storage cannot be possible using this procedure.

3 Proposed Work

XTS-AES Tweakable Block Cipher

The XTS-AES Tweakable Block Ciphers XEX(Xor-Encrypt-Xor, designed by Rogaway [26])-basd Tweaked Code Book mode (TCB) with Cipher Text Stealing (CTS). Although XEX-TCB-CTS should be abbreviated as XTC, “C” was replaced with “S” (for “stealing”) to avoid confusion with the abbreviated ecstasy. Cipher text stealing provides support for sectors with size not divisible by block size, for example, 520-byte sectors and 16-byte blocks.

Meaning of Used Symbols:

Symbols which are used in the equations has the following meaning:

figure e

Data Units and Tweaks

The size of each data unit must be greater than or equal to 128 bits. The number of blocks having length 128 bits must be less than or equal to 2128–2. The number of block of size 128-bit should be less than or equal to 220. A tweak value is assigned to each data unit which is a positive integer. The values of the tweak are assigned sequentially. The assignment of tweak value will be started from any arbitrary positive integer. In AES tweak encryption the tweak will be converted into array of little-endian byte. For example, 123456789A16 is a tweak value which is converted into byte array 9A16, 7816, 5616, 3416, 1216.

XEX Tweakable Mode Using Cipher Text Stealing Encryption (XTS-AES Encrypt)

XEX Tweakable Mode using Cipher text Stealing Encryption procedure, a single block of size 128-bit block is implemented by the following equation:

$$ {\text{C}} \leftarrow {{\rm XTS}} \text{-} {{\rm AES}} \text{-} {{\rm Encrypt }}\left( {{{\rm Key}},{{\rm P}},{\text{i}},{{\rm j}}} \right) $$
figure f

XTS-AES Encryption of a Data Unit

The encoding process of 128 or more bits plain text block can be implemented by using the following equation:

$$ C \leftarrow {{\rm XTS}}text{-} {{\rm AES}} \text{-} {{\rm Encrypt }}\left( {Key,P,i} \right) $$
figure h

XEX Tweakable Mode Using Cipher Text Stealing Decryption (XTS-AES Decrypt)

XEX Tweakable Mode using Cipher text Stealing Decryption procedure, a single block of size 128-bit block is implemented by the following equation:

$$ {{\rm P}} \leftarrow {{\rm XTS}}text{-} {{\rm AES}} \text{-} {{\rm Decrypt }}\left( {{{\rm Key}},{{\rm C}},{{\rm i}},{{\rm j}}} \right) $$
figure j

XTS-AES Decryption of a Data Unit

The decoding process of 128 or more bits cipher text block can be implemented by using the following equation:

$$ P \leftarrow {{\rm XTS}} \text{-} {{\rm AES}} \text{-} {{\rm Decrypt }}\left( {Key,{{\rm C}},i} \right) $$
figure l

4 Performance Analysis

With the wide spread of multi-core processors, speeding up encryption using parallelization is made possible and parallelization is not a luxury anymore and can increase the performance significantly. Encryption mode of operation should support parallelization. CBC and CFB cannot be parallelized, while XTS can be parallelized on the sector level as each sector is encrypted independently to other sectors. Also a plaintext can be recovered from just two adjacent blocks of cipher text. As a consequence, decryption can be parallelized.

5 Conclusion

In this paper a highly secure XTS-based Tweaked Block Enciphering scheme with Cipher text Stealing has been proposed for hard disk encryption. The important features of this scheme are the use of Cipher block chaining mode like operations to gain the error propagation property. A one-bit change in a plaintext affects all following cipher text blocks in a sector. The tweak T is calculated by encrypting (using AES) the block address (after being padded with zeros) with the tweak key due to this step the value of the tweak is neither known nor controlled by the attacker. Any difference between two tweaks result full diffusion in both the encryption and decryption directions. All these factors improve security. It has been shown that the proposed mode possesses a high throughput as compression is done before enciphering scheme. Only standard shift and add (xor) operators have been used for the non-linear multiplication function in the finite field GF(2128) having O(1) time complexity, therefore gives better resistance against linear cryptanalysis without degradation in performance. This proposed mode has ability to encrypt arbitrary length messages due to the use of cipher text stealing technique.

6 Open Problems

There still remain many open problems in the search for efficient and secure data encryption. It can therefore be hoped that many remaining open problems can be solved in the coming years. These are some of the interesting open problems: that is: There is a lack of good Boolean functions for the tweak generator which are efficient and also resist the cryptanalytic attacks, in particular algebraic and fast algebraic attacks, Extend the current work to audio, and video encryption. The given XEX ciphertext Stealing technique can be efficiently implemented by using AES having key length 256-bit. Introduce the hardware implementation of the entire work.