
1 Introduction

Art is the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination typically in a visual form and work to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power [1]. Art presides in every human irrespective of his knowledge about it. The success of a work is determined considerably by its capacity to redefine an idea to give it altogether different dimensions. Art is believed to be consisting of number of features, one of them being imagination. Other trait can be identified as uniqueness or integration. Another striking quality in art form is expressionism not be confused with realism. Expressionism is frenzied, intense and fantastic. Doodle art is the fun way of expressing our inner self. A doodle work usually portrays feelings of the Artist. The more the work is made with feeling, the more exciting work is produced. Doodling is an action to scribble absent-mindedly. Everyone has hidden artist in themselves which is awakened by some means or inspiration or sometimes just by chance. It is enriching exercise. Doodling opens doorways into imagination: there is no such thing as mindless doodles. Doodling art can create wonderful results collaborating with other Arts.

Art and fashion have been linked from years ago. But both disciplines interact and are recognized as interpreters of their time, normally it is the fashion designers who transfers the world of paintings to their creations. From the influence of one art, other arts come up and lead to the new art forms. Therefore with the collaboration of the finest techniques of art and textile printing to produce creations never seen before has opened up amongst many textile art practitioners from different background. Since art has a major role to play in almost all spheres, therefore, the possibilities of creating new areas captivating the interests of art lovers and fashion practitioners in fashion is unfolded through the present study by collaborating the doodling art with textile decoration technique colour blending. And this research strives to work towards spreading awareness regarding doodling as an art. The physical act of producing a doodle necessarily engages the mind, opening doorways into imagination, the intellect, and the hidden centers of insight [2, 3].

The study “Doodling: Introducing paper art into textiles” involves development of doodling designs inspired from students scribbled designs with colour blending for living area range. It would serve as a guideline for new designers to develop innovative creations and introduce something new to the world for manufactures as well as the consumers of textile products. In today’s hyper-digital environments, there seems to be a near-universal sensation of fractured attention for many of us, where doodling elevates focus and concentration. Understanding of doodling art is moderate so the awareness of concept and practice of doodling art can be spread among the youth [4, 5].

1.1 Objectives

  • To study the Doodling Art and Colour Blending.

  • To collect scribbled design from student notebooks.

  • Design development inspired from scribbled design and documentation of both.

  • To create products for living area range using doodling art and colour blending.

  • To find out marketability and consumer acceptability of the created range.

  • To spread awareness regarding doodling as stress buster art.

2 Methodology

To achieve the aims of the study, the methodology was divided into the following sections.

  • Study of doodling art and colour blending.

  • Collection of students scribbled designs.

  • Selection of product range.

  • Sourcing of suitable fabric.

  • Evaluation of colours for background.

  • Pretesting of samples with colour blending and doodling.

  • Design development taking inspiration from students scribbled designs and evaluation of designs.

  • Documentation of both scribbled and doodled designs.

  • Creation of products for living area range using doodling art and colour blending.

  • Costing of products.

  • Marketability and consumer acceptability of the products.

  • Awareness regarding doodling art.

3 Results and Discussions

3.1 Study of Doodling and Color Blending

To study the history, benefits, techniques and other characteristics of doodling art and colour blending data was collected from books, internet, and art gallery.

3.2 Collection of Students Scribbled Design

Scribbled designs from student’s notebook were collected randomly from hostel and college students of Govt. Home Science College, Chandigarh (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Collection of students scribbled design

3.3 Selection of Product Range

For the selection of product range a market survey was conducted to explore the various ranges by visiting various home décor shops of Chandigarh. Shopkeepers were asked to fill the questionnaire regarding end use of the product and to make it affordable with higher market demand (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Distribution of respondents on the basis of suitability of doodling art in different ranges

3.4 Sourcing of Suitable Fabrics, Colors for Background

Sourcing of suitable fabric was done in which different fabrics were evaluated by panel of judges. For selection of background colour for blending, six different colour themes were created and evaluated by judges.

It is clear from Table 1 that sample no. 1 i.e. Glazed Cotton got maximum marks (284) and was at 1st rank. Sample no. 8 i.e. Cotton was at 2nd position with 240 marks. Sample no. 3 i.e. Cotton Linen was at 3rd position with 223 marks. Sample no. 2 i.e. Khadi Cotton was at 4th position with 214 marks. Sample no. 5 i.e. Crepe was at 5th position with 200 marks. Sample no. 4 i.e. Muslin was at 6th position with 134 marks. Sample no. 6 i.e. Matty was at 7th position with 113 marks. Sample no. 7 i.e. Linen was at 8th position with 78 marks. Thus sample no. 1 i.e. Glazed cotton was selected for living area range due to its good absorbency, soft touch and blending effect and doodling was good on glazed cotton when compare to others.

Table 1 Selection of most preferred fabric for living area range

It is clear from Table 2 that sample no. 5 was at 1st position with score 206. Sample no. 3 was at 2nd position with score 204. Sample no. 2 was at 3rd position with score 184. Sample no.4 was at 4th position with score 181. Sample no. 6 was at 5th position with score 144. Sample no. 1 was at 6th position with score 123. Majority of respondents referred Sample no. 5 and 3 for living area range due to their soft and soothing effect.

Table 2 Selection of most preferred colour theme for background for living area range

3.5 Design Development Taking Inspiration from Students Scribbled Designs and Evaluation

A total 10 range designs were designed inspired from students scribbled designs. For selection of range designs, range designs were evaluated by panel of judges. Documentation of both scribbled and developed designs was done (Fig. 3; Table 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3figure 3

Design development taking inspiration from students scribbled designs and evaluation

Table 3 Evaluation of designs for living area range

3.6 Creation of Products

Selected ranges were constructed into final products (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Creation of products

3.7 Marketability and Consumer Acceptability

Market and consumer acceptability was done and responses from both for living area range were found appreciable, very innovative, unique and exclusive (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Distribution of the respondents on the basis of their willingness to buy/place order

The above figure reveals that 78% of the shopkeepers wanted to place order. They were ready to buy the products at the coated price whereas 22% of the shopkeepers like the products but wanted to place order later on.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Distribution of respondents on the basis of their liking of the overall appearance of the products

The above figure reveals that:

Majority of shop keepers i.e. 100% of them appreciated the overall appearance of wall panels. They found that the designs were very unique, innovative and exclusive (Fig. 6).

Majority of shop keepers i.e. 100% of them appreciated the overall appearance of cushion covers. They found that the designs were very unique, innovative and exclusive.

Majority of shop keepers i.e. 93% of them appreciated the overall appearance of lampshades very good and rest of i.e. 7% appreciated the overall appearance of lampshades good. They found that the designs were very unique, innovative and exclusive.

Majority of shop keepers i.e. 100% of them appreciated the overall appearance of tea coasters. They found that the designs were very unique, innovative and exclusive.

3.8 Awareness Regarding Doodling Art

The objective of dissemination of the gathered data was achieved by conducting workshops for students on doodling art. The workshop conducted received positive responses and ample interest was shown by students for attending more such programs.

4 Conclusion

The study “Doodling: Introducing paper art into textiles” involves development of doodling designs inspired from students scribbled designs with colour blending for living area range. Major finding of this study was developed designs inspired from students scribbled designs artistically combined with colour blending for living area range. The awareness of concept and practice of doodling art can be spread further among the students of fine arts and to the society as the present understanding was moderate. The created doodling art techniques and products encouraged the viewers to ask questions regarding the skill involved and conception delivered. The techniques were demonstrated to students in workshops who immensely enjoyed the ideas and showed interest in attending more such workshops.