
1 Introduction

Speaker recognition is used to identify an individual person who is speaking, independent of what has been said. The production of speech involves the brain, vocal cords, lips, tongue, lungs, diaphragm, mouth and nasal/sinus cavities. The two steps in speaker recognition are perception and recognition. The brain receives a sound wave principally through the ears. The wave is transformed into electrical nerve impulses in the cochlea and those impulses are sent to the brain for processing and recognition.

Digital systems need to be given training on speech samples to identify a speaker. These speech samples are collected from each person speaking through a microphone and processed by a processor to recognise the voice/speech. Voice characteristics include both physical and behavioral components. The shape of the vocal tract is fundamental in the physiological component. The vocal tract is made up of the mouth, tongue, jaw, pharynx and larynx which articulate and control speech production by manipulating the airflow generated by the lungs and diaphragm. The behavioral component comprises emotion, accents, rate of speech and pronunciation. Some elements of speech, such as the ability to roll the letter ‘r,’ are controlled genetically.

Human speech conveys two levels of information [11]. At the primary level, speech signal conveys the words being spoken by a user, which helps us to recognise a user’s pronunciation, accent, age and language. On secondary level, the signal conveys information that can identify a speaker on more fundamental characteristics rather than what has been said. Humans are generally good at identifying a speaker in very limited time by listening to their speech/voice [1] especially if the speaker is familiar to them. However, even when the speaker is not known to the listener, it is still possible to learn a lot about the person from how they speak. For example, if you are in a flight and some people are sitting behind you and they started talking with people who are sitting beside them; by listening to their speech, you would be able to identify the gender, predict their age, emotion and accent (if you are familiar with their accent), even though if you may have not seen them before).

Humans can even identify intent by listening to a sound that does not have any obvious semantic meaning [15]. For example, parents of young children can often under- stand what the child or infant wants, irrespective of the fact that the child is not using proper words, or merely making sounds to indicate what they need or how they feel. Speech conveys different types of information such as message, language information, emotional and physiological characteristics [3, 9].

Machines can process audio signals in real-time such as speech recognizers e.g.: Siri and Alexa. However, it is difficult for a machine to distinguish sounds from different resources such as music, human voice, animal sound etc. as humans do. Thus, to make an algorithm that can identify the speaker, it is important to understand the components of the human voice. Current speaker identification systems extract short- term acoustic features from a human speech [2], as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Speaker identification system

In this paper, we are investigating the differences in the frequencies of phonemes. Hence, we conducted an experiment, which includes collecting voice samples from ten participants and extracted phonemes. This paper is organized as follows, Sect. 2 presents a brief overview of the background of the speaker identification system, followed by results, discussion and given the conclusion of using phonemes to identify a speaker.

2 Background

The sounds of human speech are complex and have been studied for centuries and are still being researched [e.g., 12, 13]. Research suggests that phonetics has always been an important part of sound production. Phonetics is derived from a Greek word, ‘phōnētikós’; phone means a sound or voice. The small units of sounds are called phonemes, with each language having their own phonetic set. Phonetics have played the main role in learning and understanding a language rather than identifying a speaker. There are 20 letters that are considered to be “voiced,” which, in English, include consonants B, D, G, J, L, M, N, NG, R, SZ, TH, V, W, Y, Z and vowels A, E, I, O and U. There are 8 “unvoiced” sounds: CH, F, K, P, S, SH, T and TH [4, 5].

There are three types of phonetics: acoustic, auditory and articulatory phonetics [5]. Acoustic phonetics is the physical property of the sounds of a language; that is the volume of sound, frequency of the sound waves, frequency of vibrations, etc. Auditory phonetics is focused on how speakers perceive the sounds of a language, with the help of the ears and the brain. Articulatory phonetics conveys how the vocal tract produces the sounds of a language that is, with the help of moving parts of our mouth and throat, also known as the articulators [5, 7]. Phonetics helps when learning and distinguishing within a language, or between multiple languages. By uttering a sequence of discrete sounds (or phonemes) with the help of our articulators, words are composed [2, 10]. A combination of coherent words leads to a sentence. Phonemes are discrete or different sounds within a particular language but make up the building blocks of all speech. Thus, all words and sentences are ultimately collections of phonemes [8].

Feature extraction plays a crucial part in speech processing. Features should provide the necessary information to be able to identify a speaker. There are numerous feature extraction methods are available such as: Linear Predictive Codes (LPC), Perceptual Linear Prediction (PLP), Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), PLP-RASTA (PLP-Relative Spectra) etc. The most popular feature extraction method is MFCC, but extraction features would be difficult when speaker changes their voice such as: their emotional state, context, with whom they are talking etc. MFCC does not provide enough resolution in frequency regions and moreover, signal cannot be reverted from frequency analysis by using MFCC [13].

3 Experiment

In this paper, we extracted a phoneme from human speech. Each phoneme’s amplitude and frequency values were measured and evaluated. The participant’s task was to read a script provided by the researcher and this took place in a silent/quiet room allocated especially for the research. The script was designed so that it could be read easily by all participants and prevented the use of foul language as well.

3.1 Data Collection

The speech was recorded from ten participants reading a script. Participants were asked to read the script, which comprised of ten sentences, which are shown below. They aimed to cover the main phonemes used within the English language (there are 44 in total), these sentences are:

  1. 1.

    The boys enjoyed playing dodgeball every Wednesday.

  2. 2.

    Please give me a call in ten minutes.

  3. 3.

    I love toast and orange juice for breakfast.

  4. 4.

    There is heavy traffic on the highway.

  5. 5.

    If you listen closely, you will hear the birds.

  6. 6.

    My father is my inspiration for success.

  7. 7.

    I will be in the office in 10 min.

  8. 8.

    I will go India to meet my parents.

  9. 9.

    Turn the music down in your headphones.

  10. 10.

    It all happened suddenly.

3.2 Instructions to Use Recording Equipment

The researcher will offer participants the option to do some trial recordings before the actual recording to allow the participant to become comfortable with the process. The equipment used in this research includes an audio recorder which in itself was not harmful, nevertheless, the researcher gave clear instructions on how to use the recording equipment (e.g. distance to the microphone) before the start of the recording.

In the case that the participant becomes anxious, the researcher would remind the participant that they are not obliged to take part in the study. Since one of the recording locations was enclosed (anechoic chamber), there was a chance that a participant did not want to record their voice in this location. The lead researcher was available in the anechoic chamber to calm the participants down if they were to appear to become anxious since it was an enclosed space. If the participant was still uncomfortable to do the recordings in that environment, then an alternative space could have been used. The alternative space would be outside of the anechoic chamber or any of the classrooms on campus. It was explained to the participants how his/her data would be used and handled in the project before the task started.

The participants were given a choice to not take part if they decided to do so. The participants were given the option to leave the study at any point of the research. Assuming they gave their consent, their recorded voices were added anonymously to the database. Since the recorded voices could be used as a biometric identification means, there could be a consequent potential security risk [14]. However, as all data was anonymized before storage and usage this risk was minimised as there was no personal ID linked with the recordings. All data was stored safely and will be deleted once the project is completed. The following were used for the recording as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The equipment used in this research

3.3 Methodology

After recording the voices of all participants, the next step was to extract phonemes from a script. There is no software available to do extract phonemes from a speech, so it was extracted manually. To observe how the frequency and relative amplitude values changed for a specific phoneme a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), was applied to the voice signal to observe the frequency spectrum. The FFT was applied to phonemes of all 10 participants.

Phonemes play an important role in human’s speech as shown in Fig. 2. Phonemes help us to recognise the sound, as soon one’s heard a sound [6]. For example, when one speaks/say, “Hello”. What is the first sound that comes first in the human’s brain? The sound which comes as “/h”. Identification of a phoneme helps to identify a common sound in different words [15]. For example, when some say: boys, breakfast, birds and ball. The first sound one can hear is “/b”.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Description of phonemes

In this experiment, the frequency of phonemes in words has been observed at various points such as the position of a phoneme in several words. In this experiment, participants were asked to read a list of sentences. Participant read a bunch of sentences from a script which consists of several words, and then words have the same phoneme in different positions. For example, phoneme ‘B’ was read in different words by the same participant. However, their frequency and amplitudes values were changed drastically for a few participants which were noted in Table 2. The hypothesis of this experiment was, phonemes would be individual to a speaker, then one can use phonemes to identify a speaker-independent of a language. But then, once experiment was conducted and results were observed, one can use phonemes to identify a speaker but with some boundaries, as explained in the conclusion.

Table 2. Frequency of phoneme “B”.

4 Results

The voiced phonemes are extracted from participants and FFT is applied to observe how relative amplitude and frequency values of a phoneme vary for different words from the same participant. The highest peak of the frequency does not change. Each phoneme represents a different visual representation of the phonemes of a participant. Once the voiced phonemes of one participant are compared with another participant, it is observed that some phonemes are very similar to others and some of them are very distinctive. The frequency and relative amplitude values were derived and recorded, from each phoneme.

Next, voiceless phonemes of all participants are extracted to find out if there is any consistency, sufficient enough to identify a speaker. Surprisingly, voiceless phonemes of some participants are very distinctive to recognize a person. FFT graphs are prepared for both phonemes of all participants and voiced versus voiceless phonemes is com- pared to draw a conclusion. Moving forward, voiced and voiceless phonemes of all participants are compared. Participants voices are used as an initial data set and only their phonemes are extracted. Participant 1 and participant 3 have the same similarity, when they pronounce the letter “P” as shown in Fig. 3 and 4; on the other hand, participant 6 and participant 9 have 100% of similarity of producing phonemes “r”. Participant 1 is similar to participant 4 when pronouncing the phoneme “th”. Lastly, participant 5 is the only one with a distinctive pronunciation of the phoneme “SZ”.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Spectrograph of phoneme ‘p’ of a participant

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Spectrograph of phoneme ‘p’ of a participant 3

There are several factors, which make a phoneme sound different and represent different relative amplitude and frequency values. Another phenomenon that will be questioned is how easy it is for a participant to pronounce a phoneme?

Phonemes are extracted for ten participants. For each participant, a boundary is set up for dominant frequency, independent of phonemes, meaning he/she can say any phoneme but, the dominant frequency should lie between the range. For several phonemes, like Sz, Y, P, W and TH, the dominant frequency lies between 50 to 200 Hz. For the phoneme T and V, the dominant frequency lies between 200 to 285 Hz. It was observed that the dominant frequency of phoneme “V” of participant 1 and 2 are the same. The frequency of “SZ” of participant 1 and 2 are same but differs in amplitude values. The highest peak of participant 1 of “Sz” is same as “w” of participant 2.

In our daily conversation, as a listener we recognize/concentrate words to under- stand the meaning, which helps us, communicate with each other. Hence, it is not practical to use frequencies to differentiate the phonemes. For example, if someone is continuously saying b, b, b, … several times and say p 20 times in between and then continue saying b, we don’t recognize the ‘p’ and perceive as if the participant said b only. Participants of saying Phoneme ‘s’ as shown in Fig. 5 and 6.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Spectrograph of phoneme ‘S’ of a participant 5

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Spectrograph of phoneme ‘S’ of a participant 1

5 Discussion

Several questions arise about the recording of the above data. These questions include: why phonemes are changing even though the same person is speaking? Why some phonemes are distinctive to a participant and a few of them are very similar between different participants?

There are several limitations of using phonemes as a fundamental factor that affects voice recognition: Phonemes produce different sounds because of the exaltation of air from our mouth. It is hard to keep track of how these different sounds are produced, as it is dependent on many factors such as how much air is exhaled whilst speaking, how big the vocal cord is open, the shape of lips, placement of tongue etc.

Some of the other factors included are the actual placement of the phoneme in a word; emotions can alter the phonetic emphasis on a word and context of the word (paint and pain/sell and cell). Phonemes are good enough to identify their origin, but not consistent to identify a person. Even in the linguistics, the aim of the listener is not to concentrate on individual phoneme, but to understand the meaning of the words/sentences. It is difficult to extract phonemes from a voice signal manually.

The same sound may be represented by different letters or combination of letters. One should be knowledge of phonemes completely or can use of IPA to find out the phonemes in a word. The same letter produces a different sound. Different combination of letters represents a single sound. Some letters do not even produce a sound. There is no letter but still represents a sound. Phonemes change their frequency based on their place, that is in the starting/middle/end of the sentences. The spectral analysis showed that, participant information is non-uniformly distributed. Some of the frequency domains clearly showing the differences to be able to identify a speaker. However, the problem is, how one can decide the frequency bands for individual when other participants also have the same differences, for example phoneme ‘p’ is exactly same as shown in Fig. 3 and 4.

6 Conclusion

Nowadays, most people tend to go abroad to pursue their higher studies or for their dream job. One tends to learn or adopt a foreign language in terms of accent and pronunciation. However, some individuals pronounce certain words in a unique style, which helps identify their origin. For instance, the emphasis on a certain letter of a word is different in different accents like ‘water’ in British English, has the ‘t’ silent when pronounced, whereas, in an Indian accent that “ter” in ‘water’ is pronounced as turr, with an emphasis on the “r”. Production of sounds in the vocal tract during speech describes and characterizes the sounds. There are two types of sounds, voiced and unvoiced/voiceless. A voiced sound will produce vibrations in the vocal cord as compared to unvoiced sounds. Unvoiced sounds produce no vibrations in the vocal cord but still generate sounds through the mouth and lips.

Participants can adjust the boundaries of a phonemes’ frequency based on the context. For example, the participant will learn how to say words in different ways. There are numerous papers focused on how phonemes are used to identify a person, but it is only available for a few languages [4, 5, 10]. This is mainly because they have their own systems because of know which phonemes are used very often. Phonemes mainly arise from a language perceptive. As humans, we don’t listen to phonemes on its own, however, we do listen to complete phonemes to understand the language, but not to identify a speaker. Language carries information from a human speech, by using words. Changes in the position of a phoneme create a lot of difference that would reflect a different pattern of a human speech. Then it would become more difficult to identify a speaker. Moreover, English is not a phonetical language. In the English language, one phoneme can be represented by using other letters. For example, \k\ in Cat, kite, KitKat. \k\ is represented by using ‘c’.

Participants have used knowledge of phonemes from their original language that helps us identify which country they belong to. It is difficult to extract a phoneme, if you don’t know observe/listen what has been said. For example, /p/in cap and /b/in cab. If system is trained based on phonemes only, without context/situation system cannot figure out which phoneme is pronounced. The dominant frequency of phoneme ‘p’ did not change for all ten participants as shown in Fig. 6.

Phoneme “B” of participant 1 and 2 were extracted from word: boys, ball, breakfast and birds. The frequency values were varied, even though same person is speaking the same phoneme were noted in the Table 2 and spectrum of a phoneme ‘B, for all ten participants were shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Spectrograph of phoneme ‘B’ of 10 participants

When we consider the Chinese language, it is a tonal language. The way of expressing phonemes would be different to convey the message/information. After observing the data, it is concluded that phonemes will not help us identify a speaker, but instead help us find out their nativity. Phonemes can play an important role in the linguistic theory of speech. One of the main problems with phonemes is that participants had an influence from their native language on the other familiar language (English). Participants pronounced differently or mispronounced, phonemes in words. They tend to use their native language phonology skill on other languages that helped us recognise their nativity. If would be helpful to understand the language, so we can use it in speech recognition and language identification. we can presume which language a person is speaking and/or what is their origin (for example, Indians, British and so.).