1 Introduction

The speaker identification problem [11, 15, 16, 35] can be cast as a classification task aimed at determining if two voices were spoken by the same person or not. In this broad sense, it has applications in many fields. In particular, it is a crucial task in forensics, where there is a need to determine the speaker in phone calls. This application domain adds further complexity to the task because calls are typically short in duration with poor quality, ambient noise, interference, loss of signal (in the case of mobile phones), and reduced bandwidth may yield dramatic consequences. Traditionally, the problem has been tackled leveraging abilities of human experts in evaluating the similarities between voices, or in finding peculiarities and defects that allow one to identify the speaker. However, this practice has its drawbacks, among which the limited capabilities of humans in considering complex mixes of parameters and their subjectivity in evaluation.

Nowadays, the most popular methods for speaker identification are the following: (1) listening based methods [24]; (2) spectrograms comparison techniques [10, 19]; (3) phonetic parameters analysis [1, 12, 27, 37]; (4) automatic techniques [8, 9]. In particular, the latter represents a modern alternative to overcome the subjective evaluation of experts, since it relies on algorithmic procedures to predict whether two voices come from the same speaker or not. So, it may ensure more fairness to the classification procedure.

The need of fairness is one of the main motivations for which this research field is so primary for judiciary contexts. Forensics aims to be a fair scientific support to the logical composition of crime events. In this case, such support regards the phone-speaker identification.

From a technical point of view, we can distinguish between closed tests (aimed at finding the speaker in a set of voices that surely includes a sample of the speaker’s voice) and open tests (where this is not ensured). This paper deals with the open case, proposing a technique that uses the differences in speech of a set of different voices to build a population model, and the suspected person’s voice to build a speaker model, and then carries out the classification by evaluating the similarity among these models and the anonymous voice. While a preliminary evaluation of this approach was presented in [34], this work aims at a specific analysis of results with respect to the feature selection perspective.

The remainder of this work will present some related work and preprocessing details in Sect. 2, then our approach follows in Sect. 3, after that experimental evaluation is reported in Sect. 4. Forensic results must be understandable to the Court, then Sect. 6 proposes a human understandable translation of the possible classification outcome. Finally, Sect. 7 will conclude with some considerations and future works.

2 Related Works, Background and Preprocessing

Different features may describe the sounds produced by the human vocal apparatus, depending on how it is classified. A first classification is between consonants and vowels. Consonants are produced by forcing air passage in the restricted vocal apparatus. They can be further divided in voiceless, if produced without vibration of vocal cords, or voiced, otherwise. Vowels are produced when the apparatus puts no obstacles, and the sound is determined by the position of tongue and lips. Specifically, they are a periodic signal produced by three factors: the periodic movement of vocal cords that produces the fundamental frequency (\(f_0\) – related with the vocal tone of a person); the noise produced by the phonation; the modification of the sound caused by the sound expansion in the mouth. Such components make up the frequency spectrum. It is characterized by a sequence of peaks that change depending on the type of sound pronounced, a complex result of the cooperation of tongue, teeth, palate, lips, and so on. The frequency spectrum interacts with the harmonic structure of speech (integer multiples of the fundamental frequency). The harmonics near to the resonance frequency are called formants.

A spectrogram is a plot that represents the components of the sound in three dimensions: time (on the x axis), frequency (on the y axis) and intensity (represented using several color scales, here intensities of gray are exploited. The inner values are usually represented in Hertz. The lower frequency is known as first formant \(f_1\), followed by the successive peaks named \(f_2\), \(f_3\), and so on. Generally, vowels are captured by \(f_1\) and \(f_2\), since the first formant indicates the vertical tongue movement (i.e., up or down), and the second indicates the horizontal tongue movement (i.e., back or forth). Furthermore, \(f_2\) and \(f_3\) may provide useful hints for the lips rounding. Formant frequencies are widely accepted features for use in forensic phonetics [18]. Several works are based on the study of \(f_0\) only (e.g., [23]). Unfortunately, to date we cannot assert that voice is like a signature. So, in order to identify the speaker one needs as much information as possible, and it is questionable the fundamental frequency, alone, can be enough.

In order to overcome the uncertainty of the results using the fundamental frequency, [3] investigated the use of the first three formant frequencies and associated bandwidth. They are modeled using a multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model, in order to represent the vocal tract characteristics of the speaker, accounting for within-speaker variability. The results are expressed as a likelihood ratio, and highlight that since formants describe the cavity resonance, they are better suited for application in forensic speaker verification than Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC).

In [2], the authors focused on feature selection, investigating several ways to extract Cepstral Coefficients using the two major technologies for mobile communication (GSM and CDMA). Their approach uses the likelihood ratio to quantify the strength of speech evidence. The experiment highlighted the goodness of the MFCC, in spite of the outcomes obtained in [3]. They argue that such results are justified by the removal of the relevant information about the glottal shaping and lip radiation components due to the coding in mobile phone networks (both GSM and CDMA), that should make formant features useless.

In speaker verification task (i.e., the process of verifying the claimed identity of a speaker based on the speech signal), [5, 25] create speakers model by measuring the fundamental frequency and formant frequencies of vowels (a, e, i, o), and estimating their distributions via Gaussian kernel density estimator. The long-term formant distributions are plotted and examined, accepting or rejecting the speaker. However, the authors pointed out that other information can be extracted from the shape of distributions. Likelihood Ratio [26] is exploited, like in this work, to evaluate the results in [5].

Our approach is text-independent, i.e. it tries to verify the identity without constraint on the speech content. We consider only a real-valued, limited, and continuous signal, i.e., a function that represents the proceeding of a given physical quantity (in our case, sound waves and their spectrum) over time. If a signal has period T (i.e., \(x(t+T)=x(t)\)), then the function is known when its proceeding in a range of length T is known. The inverse of T is the fundamental frequency \(F=\frac{1}{T}\), measured in Hertz if time is expressed in seconds.

Conversely, formants are obtained from the signal spectrum. They are the resonance frequency measured where there is an energy peak in the sound produced by the air passage in the vocal apparatus, keeping into account absorptions due to the sound reflection. The fundamental frequency and the first three formants are the features of our speaker model.

The preprocessing step is carried out by a human operator that considers, for each word, only emphasized vowels, that are less affected by co-articulation and have a more constant signal than others. According to the literature (e.g., [5]), vowel U is not considered in this study. The human operator uses Praat Footnote 1, a software system able to show the graphical trend of the signal energy, allowing one to select the vowel to be analysed and to estimate the power spectrum. He selects the fundamental frequency \(f_0\) using the CEPSTRUM method (the result of the Fourier transformation applied to the signal spectrum measured in Decibel), and the formants \(f_1\), \(f_2\) and \(f_3\) (i.e., the first three peaks of the frequency spectrum captured via Fast Fourier Transform). Subsequent formants cannot be detected, due to the poor signal quality.

Figure 1 shows the measurement of the formants of the first vowel E in the Italian word gente (this particular GUI reports peaks of the spectrum, then the fundamental frequency \(f_0\) is not reported in this Figure).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Formants recognition using Praat.

3 Statistical Method Applied to the Recognition of the Talker - SMART

Suppose we have a distance measure. Then, we can describe the (possibly) large variability of voices among several speakers, as well as the small variability of several dialogues of the same speaker. Such a variability can be represented estimating a distribution of the distances, making a model of the population diversities, together with a distribution of the diversities of the speech produced by a speaker in several contexts. Unfortunately, often there are not enough tracks of the same speaker to evaluate such distributions. So, a method to artificially populate a dataset related to the single speaker is needed. Bootstrap [28] re-samples the dataset randomly picking whole records and repeating them. It cannot do otherwise, since the formants are related by complex relationships that impose to keep them together [30].

Missing Data. Often the recordings have poor quality, making hard the detection of some formants. We need to manage missing data. In order to face this necessity we adopted some policies. If the fundamental frequency is missing, the average of the known values is assigned to this cell; if a formant is missing, the cell is filled by its average conditioned by the values of the other formants, obtained via multiple regression; if the missing values are too many in a dimension (i.e. a feature), such dimension is removed completely, since estimations over few values are not reliable; it is noteworthy that first and second formants hardly are lacking. However, it might happen that there are no values for a vowel. In such a case the subject is pulled out from the dataset.

Speaker Representation. Given a generic speaker k, a generic vowel will be represented as \(V_k \in \mathbb {R}^{N \times 4}\), where N is the number of that vowel instances, whereas 4 stands for the fundamental frequency and the three formants. Considering that we measured only the instances of vowels A, E, I and O, we have \(V_{kj} \in \mathbb {R}^{N_{kj} \times 4}\) such that \(j \in \{ A, E, I, O \}\), and \(N_{kj}\) is the total amount of instances of the vowel j, speaker k. A speaker will be represented averaging the values over the columns, obtaining, for each \(V_{kj}\) a row vector \(\bar{V}_{kj}\). Then:

$$ \bar{S}_k = [\bar{V}_{kA}, \bar{V}_{kE}, \bar{V}_{kI}, \bar{V}_{kO}] \in \mathbb {R}^{1 \times 16}$$

where 16 is the total amount of vowels formants.

For the sake of completeness, we can give a fast look to an example of real data. Fixed the speaker k and the instance \(i_0\) of the vowel A, we have:

$$ V_{kA}(i_0) = [f_{00}, f_{01}, f_{02}, f_{03}] $$

an example record of which might be:

$$ V_{kA}(i_0) = [129, 635, 1288, 2325] $$

Mahalanobis Distance and Statistical Distribution. Several measures have been investigated in [6, 7, 17, 29]. Summing up the results, these works shown the goodness of the Mahalanobis distance, that considers the position of the observations, it weights each observation with a coefficient extracted from the empirical covariance matrix. Such a matrix can be computed over the observed values, it represents the relationship between the features and shows how much a feature changes if related to the other ones.

A covariance matrix \(\varSigma \in R^{16 \times 16}\) is computed over population matrix S, obtained chaining down the subjects in the population as shown in the following. In particular, recalling that each vowel of a speaker k is \(V_{kj} \in \mathbb {R}^{N_{kj} \times 4}\) with \(j \in \{ A, E, I, O \}\), we expect different values for each \(N_{kj}\), from which we can compute:

$$M_k = max_{j = \{A,E,I,O\}}(N_{kj})$$

The gap of each matrix that does not have \(M_k\) rows is filled. The instances are duplicated in the same order starting from the first, until the \(M_k\) number of rows is reached. The result, for each vowel, is a new matrix \(V'_{kj}\). The representation of the speaker’s data \(S_k\) will be:

$$ S_k = [V'_{kA}, V'_{kE}, V'_{kI}, V'_{kO}] \in \mathbb {R}^{M_k \times 16}$$

where 16 is the total amount of vowels formants. Putting in a single matrix the set of available speakers, we obtain S.

At this point, given two subjects represented as \(\bar{S}_i\) and \(\bar{S}_j\), computed averaging column values of the respective matrices, the Mahalanobis distance \(d(\cdot ,\cdot )\) is:

$$ d(\bar{S}_i, \bar{S}_j) = \sqrt{(\bar{S}_i - \bar{S}_j) \varSigma ^{-1} (\bar{S}_i - \bar{S}_j)^T} $$

Now, suppose we have a pair of voices and we want to evaluate the possibility that they are produced by the same speaker or not. From a Bayesian point of view, we can introduce two statistical hypotheses to encode these possibilities. Say \(H_0\) is the hypothesis that the two voices come from the same person (accusatory hypothesis):

$$ P(H_0 | d) = \frac{P(H_0)P(d|H_0)}{nf} $$

and \(H_1\) is the hypothesis that the two voices do not come from the same person (defensive hypothesis):

$$ P(H_1 | d) = \frac{P(H_1)P(d|H_1)}{nf} $$

where nf is a normalization factor, which can be overlooked. We can combine them, obtaining:

$$ \frac{P(H_0|d)}{P(H_1|d)} = \frac{P(H_0)}{P(H_1)} \frac{P(d|H_0)}{P(d|H_1)} \frac{nf}{nf} = \bigg ( \frac{P(H_0)}{P(H_1)} \bigg ) \cdot lr(d) $$
$$ lr(d) = \frac{P(d|H_0)}{P(d|H_1)} = \frac{p_B(d)}{p_W(d)} $$

where lr(d) denotes the likelihood ratio over d, \(p_B(d)\) is the distribution of distance between the suspected speaker and the population (a.k.a. inter-distance), whereas \(p_W(d)\) is the distribution of distance taken within different instances of the suspected speaker (a.k.a. intra-distance). Note that \(p_B(d)\) and \(p_W(d)\) are real valued functions of d. The strength of evidence is computed in \(d(S_i,S_j)\) where \(S_i\) is the evidence speaker and \(S_j\) is the suspected speaker. Then, in our case, d is:

$$ lr\big (d(S_i,S_j)\big ) = \frac{P\big (d(S_i,S_j)|H_0\big )}{P\big (d(S_i,S_j)|H_1\big )} = \frac{p_B\big (d(S_i,S_j)\big )}{p_W\big (d(S_i,S_j)\big )} $$

Anyhow, the computation of \(p_W(d)\) is not so direct, since often the sample is poor (just a few minutes of recording for the suspected person’s voice). We need to refill the gap in order to have a number of simulated suspected-person’s recordings comparable to the size of the population dataset. Then we recur to the bootstrap [28] procedure. It builds simulated registration using a random movement of the suspected person’s data, generating as many suspected-person’s samples as the subjects of the population. The Mahalanobis distance is computed for each pair of samples.

Estimating Speakers Distributions. In order to estimate \(p_{B/W}(d)\) we exploit a semi-parametric kernel estimator method. Direct Plug-in Kernel [36] (as used in [7, 17]), needs to estimate its smoothing parameter h, using \(lsdpi(\cdot )\), shown in Algorithm 1. The semi-parametric kernel [4] is:

$$ \tilde{p}_{B/W}(d) = \frac{1}{N} \sum \limits _{j=1}^N \frac{1}{h} H \Bigg ( \frac{d - d_j}{h} \Bigg ) $$

where \(\tilde{p}_{B/W}(d)\) denotes the model density of \(p_B\) or \(p_W\), N is the size of the population, \(d_j\) is the distance between \(S_k\) and \(S_j\), h is the smoothing parameter chosen via l-stage Direct Plug-in Kernel, \(H(\cdot )\) is the kernel function (Gaussian in our case).

Such parameters ensure the satisfaction of:

$$ H(\cdot ) \ge 0 $$


$$ \int H(\cdot ) du = 1 $$

in this way the first formula will satisfy \( \tilde{p}_{B/W}(d) \ge 0 \) and \( \int \tilde{p}_{B/W}(d) dx = 1 \), as required for a function to be a probability density function.

figure a

4 Evaluation

We considered a dataset of Italian-male phone-call recordings, represented as described in Sect. 2 and made up as follows. \(K = \{ k_1,\cdots ,k_i,\cdots ,k_m \}\) is the set of pairs of same-speaker’s recordings (in this experimental setting, recording 50 speakers twice). P is the set of single entries (they have not a paired recordings, so they can be used only as negative examples – in this experimental setting, we evaluated 350 single entries). So, we have just K positive test, while the number of negative tests will be:

$$ nt(K,P) = \frac{P(P-1)}{2} + 2KP + \Bigg ( 4 \frac{K(K-1)}{2} \Bigg ) $$

In this experimental setting, \(nt(50,350) = 100.975\). Our evaluation has a two-fold objective: on the one hand, understanding the performance, on the other, finding the set of formants that best represent a voice signature.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Diagram of the feature-subset performances

Table 1. Feature-subset performances

The Likelihood-Ratio \(lr(\cdot )\), reported in Sect. 3, expresses how many times more likely we can observe distance d between unknown and evidence voices under the accusatory hypothesis than the defensive hypothesis. It has been used to build the graph in Fig. 2, that shows Detection Error Curve for each subset of features. Table 1 shows the Equal Error Rate (EER) and the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) for each subset. The former value is useful to balance the misclassification types, whereas the latter is used to identify the subset that makes less mistakes. The best EER in Table 1 is the curve nearest to zero in Fig. 2, i.e. the subset \(\{f_0,f_3\}\), whereas the best AUC in Table 1 is the curve that goes faster to zero in both dimensions in Fig. 2, i.e. \(\{f_0,f_2,f_3\}\).

Since both include \(f_0\) and \(f_3\), we should comment the role of \(f_2\). Examining the subset \(\{f_0,f_2,f_3\}\) in Fig. 2 we can see that the false alarm rate (the worst justice mistake) goes to zero faster than others. Looking at the values in Table 1, the EER of \(\{f_0,f_2,f_3\}\) is greater than the EER of \(\{f_0,f_3\}\) just a little bit with respect the trend of growth of the EER in general. Furthermore, the subset \(\{f_0,f_2,f_3\}\) gives the maximum value of AUC, denoting the smallest error area.

5 SMART: A Particular Case of a Biometric System in the Bayesian Framework

In Sect. 3 we have described step-by-step how the system SMART works. Anyway, it can be seen as a particular case of a more general Biometric system used to compute the strength of evidence in terms of Likelihood Ratio in the Bayesian Framework. Let us give a look to Fig. 3. Say \(E_1\) is the crime-scene evidence, and \(E_0\) is the suspected-person’s one. For the sake of clarity, example of such pairs could be DNAs, fingerprints, Photos (one from a video-surveillance system that recorded the crime, and the other from suspected-person’s); audio tracks, as in our case; and so on.

Whatever is the evidence type, the objective is to establish the strength of evidence that \(E_0\) and \(E_1\) belong to the same person versus the hypothesis that they come from different persons. This objective can be framed in the Bayesian framework as introduced in Sect. 3, in which the Likelihood Ratio is the strength-of-evidence measure.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Biometric Bayesian framework

In order to estimate the Likelihood Ratio all we need is a “black box” able to compute the similarity “score”, between two evidences and a database containing both pairs of evidences coming from same persons and pairs coming from different ones. Note that in SMART such black box is simply the Mahalanobis distance between a pair of speakers and the score that can be obtained by the inverse of the distance. Going on, the black box Likelihood Ratio computation works in two steps:

  • the training phase, in which two sets of scores are computed from pairs of evidences coming from same (i.e. \(SS_1\)) and different (i.e. \(SS_2\)) source(s) contained in the database. The sets of scores \(SS_1\) and \(SS_2\) are used to infer the score distributions given the accusatory (i.e. \(H_1\)) and the defense (i.e. \(H_2\)) hypothesis respectively. In SMART, the set \(SS_1\) is obtained using the bootstrap, whereas the score distributions are computed using a semi-parametric kernel estimator method. After that SMART estimates the Likelihood-Ratio function (i.e. \(lr(\cdot )\), or lr(1 / d) as defined in Sect. 3). For the computation of \(SS_2\) there are two different approaches: suspect anchored and suspect independent. The former computes \(SS_2\) as the set of scores between the suspected-person’s evidence and each other evidence belonging to the database. The latter approach computes \(SS_2\) as the set of scores between all possible (different) pairs of evidences stored in the database. SMART is a suspect-anchored approach;

  • the test phase, in which the Biometric-system box is used to compute the score between \(E_0\) and \(E_1\). The resulting score value is exploited to obtain the final Likelihood Ratio.

6 Presenting Likelihood Ratio to the Court

Noteworthy, the bootstrap makes our approach non-deterministic, for which the evaluation between speakers \((S_1, S_2)\) is different from \((S_2, S_1)\). There is no theoretical reason to apply the bootstrap to the suspected speaker instead of anonymous one; given that the same classification is expected applying the approach in both directions. Anyway, from a practical point of view, suspected-person’s data are often more rich than anonymous, since when the suspects arise, there is enough time to organize the activities in order to record as much dialogues as possible. This is the reason for which the only reliable classification is carried out applying the bootstrap to the suspected-person’s data.

We recall that the value of Likelihood Ratio \(lr(\cdot )\) quantifies the strength of the evidence. This values must be presented to the Court, then the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (a.k.a. ENFSI) provided detailed guidelines for this purposeFootnote 2.

Table 2. \(lr(\cdot )\) values supporting the prosecution hypothesis
Table 3. \(lr(\cdot )\) values supporting the defense hypothesis

In order to cope with the great amount of different applications of \(lr(\cdot )\), its logarithm is commonly used, known as Log-Likelihood Ratio. Given two speakers \(S_i\) and \(S_j\), and a distance \(d(S_i,S_j)\) on which lr(d) is computed, the Log-Likelihood Ratio function llr(d) is:

$$ llr(d) = Log_{10} \big (lr(d)\big ) $$

Tables 2 and 3 show the ranges used to evaluate this proposal. For the sake of completeness, corresponding Log-Likelihood Ratio is reported, given that it is easy to use and widely adopted. Since the numeric form of a \(lr(\cdot )\) may not be readily interpretable to the Court, the last column reports translations into verbal scale, that prosecutor (Table 2) and defender (Table 3) lawyers can use to present the classification result to the Court.

7 Conclusion

This work presented an approach to Speaker Identification that models the speaker via fundamental frequency and formant features. Distances among these descriptions have been computed using the Mahalanobis distance, in order to model the typical distance in speech among several speakers. Such a model has been obtained estimating the distributions of the differences. In particular, both the set of different speakers and the set of tracks recorded from the same speaker have been modeled, in order to obtain comparable models useful to decide if a novel speaker description is nearest to the unknown speaker model or it is nearest to the population model.

The interpretation of SMART as a general Biometric System, working in the Bayesian framework, provides novel insights for future developments and tests. For instance, one could try to assess how the performance change varying score functions, after that the investigation could follow with the comparison of the outcomes using suspect anchored or suspect independent approach. Moreover, we recall that in forensics it is mandatory to have a system with good discrimination ability (generally verified by AUC and/or EER), but it is mandatory also to have a reliable Likelihood Ratio, making fundamental an investigation about the use of Cost Likelihood Ratio.

Other future works will be focused on clustering speaker description via unsupervised techniques, in order to understand whether formant features are enough to obtain clusters representing italian dialects. Moreover in forensics the discrimination of the model measured by AUC and EER does not suffice to measure the reliability of the computed Likelihood Ratio. For example it is mandatory that the system does not give high positive/negative Log-Likelihood Ratio for the wrong hypothesis. To this aim other error functions, such as Cost-Likelihood Ratio error function, will be investigated in future works.