Hierarchic correlation between adjacent levels of a goal model hierarchy only ensures the synchronization between different levels of the enterprise hierarchy. It does not ensure the compliance of goal models to business compliance rules. Model checkers or verifiers can do this type of analysis. Model checking is a method for formally verifying finite state concurrent systems represented by extended finite state models. Industry standard model checking tools—like SPIN [1], NuSMV [2]—accept these extended finite state models (E-FSM) as input. The input models are defined by a set of state transitions that characterize the possible execution traces that the system can generate. The model checking tools are also fed with specifications about the system, expressed using temporal logic. Efficient symbolic algorithms are used to traverse the model defined by the system and check if the specification holds or not. Thus, either a positive acknowledgement is generated, if the specification is satisfied, or a counterexample is produced, if the specification is violated. Figure 4.1 illustrates the general working mechanism of model checkers.

Requirement models capture the requirement specifications of the system and have the same impact as design models have on the coding phase [3]. Requirement models are generated in the requirements analysis phase of software development. This is the first phase of developing a software or system, irrespective of the particular development life cycle model being followed—Waterfall, Spiral, Prototype or Agile. Requirement models can help enterprise architects and developers by allowing them to perform different kinds of analysis on the system being developed. Model checking against a given set of temporal properties (see Fig. 4.1) is also an important type of analysis that may be performed on goal-oriented requirement models.

Fig. 4.1
figure 1

Block diagram of standard model verifiers

Even after a system has been deployed, its environment keeps changing. This results in the user requirements to change as well. The system has to adapt to the ever-changing user needs during runtime. Before incorporating the newly evolved requirements into the existing framework, developers and architects need to ensure that the changing requirements do not result in conflicting/inconsistent states within the system. Thus, some kind of model checking needs to be done on the changed requirements to ensure that the system will remain consistent after the changes take effect. This may be done with industrial model checkers, if they are fed with the updated requirement models and the evolved requirement specifications as shown in Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.2
figure 2

Problem with i\(^*\) model verification

i\(^*\) is a goal-oriented requirements modelling notation that models requirements with the help of actors and their goals, tasks and resources. Inter-actor dependencies are also captured by the i\(^*\) framework. An inherent attribute of the i* notation (and goal models in general) is that it is sequence agnostic and does not capture any sort of partial ordering between the goals and tasks. In the absence of sequencing information, standard industrial model checkers cannot verify i\(^*\) models against temporal property specifications as shown in Fig. 4.2. Model checkers accept extended finite state models (E-FSM) as input for verifying temporal properties. Process models, sequence diagrams or activity diagrams, capture some ordering of states within the system and, hence, E-FSM(s) can be easily derived from these models. The process of extracting E-FSM(s) from i\(^*\) models is far more complex as i\(^*\) models do not capture state transitions within the system. This is the underlying research question being addressed in this chapter and is the main motivation behind this research.

Formal Tropos introduces the concept of actor instances and how dependencies, assertions, possibilities and invariants can exist in either of three states—Not Created, Created Not Fulfilled and Fulfilled [4, 5]. Formal Tropos associates the Tropos methodology to a formal specification language that allows the specification of constraints, invariants, pre- and post-conditions, thereby capturing the semantics of the i\(^*\) graphical models. We extend this notion to i\(^*\) model constructs in general and state that every goal, task or resource also exists in either of these three states. Every model construct makes two state transitions to reach the Fulfilled state from the Not Created state. The Naïve Algorithm uses a brute-force method to generate all possible finite state models that can be obtained by permuting the state transitions of individual model constructs. This results in an explosion within the finite state model space.

It is interesting to observe that, although an i\(^*\) model is sequence agnostic, yet there exists some features or model constructs within the i\(^*\) model that provide a temporal insight into the underlying requirements of the enterprise. For instance, every dependency has a cause-effect property in the sense that it is only when a dependee satisfies a requirement of the depender does the dependency become fulfilled. The Semantic Implosion Algorithm identifies these untapped temporal characteristics and tries to contain the rate of growth of the finite state model space corresponding to an i\(^*\) model. Simulation results reveal that the Semantic Implosion Algorithm indeed outperforms the Naïve algorithm and provides a drastic improvement over the brute-force method.

The rest of the chapter is structured as follows. The next section (Sect. 4.1) details out the Naïve Algorithm and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. The drawbacks of the Naïve Algorithm are identified and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm is proposed as a solution to these drawbacks. Section 4.2 describes a detailed simulation where both the algorithms are applied to the same classes of i\(^*\) models and their performances are observed, compared and contrasted. Section 4.3 presents the i\(^*\)ToNuSMV tool that we have developed for implementing the Semantic Implosion Algorithm and performing model checks on i\(^*\) models. concludes the paper. This is followed by the version history and web links of the tool in Sects. 4.4 and 4.5, respectively. Finally, we conclude the chapter in Sect. 4.6.

4.1 Developing Finite State Models from an i\(^*\) Model

The main research motivation is to analyse an i* model and derive a finite state model (FSM) that captures all the finite execution sequences that satisfy the given i\(^*\) model. Without identifying a partial ordering of the operations within the enterprise, it becomes very difficult to check and verify temporal properties and compliance rules on the system. The underlying challenge of this work lies in the fact that i* models are sequence agnostic. Being complementary to the notion of FSMs, which define an ordering of states through which the system can go through, the conversion process cannot yield a unique execution trace corresponding to a given i\(^*\) model. The idea here is to generate all the possible execution traces that satisfy the requirement specifications captured in the given i\(^*\) model. The algorithms presented in this article produce a finite state model space, as output, which defines this set of plausible finite state sequences. Once the finite state model space is obtained, we can apply model checking and generate a subset of this model space which satisfies all the compliance rules necessary for the operation of the enterprise. This final set of pruned finite state sequences can then be reverted back to the enterprise owner in order to verify the requirements.

In the following algorithms we are considering the more detailed strategic rationale (SR) diagram of an i* model. The SR-diagram is much more comprehensive than its strategic dependency (SD) counterpart and encompasses all the dependency information that are captured in the SD-diagram. In fact, an SD-diagram only represents the inter-actor dependencies but does not depict which particular model construct of the depender is dependent on which particular model construct of the dependee. The SR model is much more elaborate in this sense.

4.1.1 The Naïve Algorithm

The most intuitive solution that has been given by the GORE community uses the notion that every i\(^*\) model element can exist in either of three possible states—Not Created (NC), Created Not Fulfilled (CNF), and Fulfilled (F). All the goals, tasks and resources that appear in the SR model are initially in the Not Created (NC) state and every model construct must make two transitions to reach the Fulfilled (F) state while transitioning through the intermediate Created Not Fulfilled (CNF) state. Unlike Formal Tropos [5], we do not consider multiple instances of goals, tasks or resources. We assume single instances and derive a finite state model corresponding to the given i\(^*\) model. We obtain sequences of states by considering all possible permutations of the model elements and the states in which they exist.

Let us demonstrate the above concept with an example. Consider the simplest possible SR-diagram with one actor consisting of only one goal G. This is shown in Fig. 4.3a. The goal G can be in either of three states—Not Created denoted by \(G_{(N)}\), Created Not Fulfilled denoted by \(G_{(C)}\) and Fulfilled denoted by \(G_{(F)}\). These three states give rise to 3! finite state sequences as shown in Fig. 4.3b–g. However, out all these six finite state models, only Fig. 4.3b is semantically correct. All the other finite state models are semantically inconsistent as a model element can go through its possible states in exactly one possible sequence—\(G_{(N)}\) \(\rightarrow \) \(G_{(C)}\) \(\rightarrow \) \(G_{(F)}\). We call this sequence the default sequence, and must be satisfied by all model elements. Now, let us increase the complexity by incorporating one more model element in the SR-diagram, i.e., let there exist two model elements in the SR-diagram. These two model elements can belong to the same actor or to two different actors. In either case, the complexity analysis remains the same.

Fig. 4.3
figure 3

a Actor A with a single goal G; b The only semantically correct finite state sequence; cg Other possible finite state sequences that can be derived by permuting the state space but which are semantically incorrect

Let \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) be two different actors, each with a single goal node \(G_1\) and \(G_2\), respectively. Since each goal can be in either of three states, the total number of possible combined states is \(3^2\) (\(=\)9). However, since both \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) must individually satisfy the default sequence, it becomes interesting to enumerate the valid state transition sequences that do not violate the default sequence of individual model elements. We draw a State Sequence Graph that captures all possible valid state transition sequences from the source node—denoted by (\(G_{1(N)}\) \(G_{2(N)}\))—to the destination node—denoted by (\(G_{1(F)}\) \(G_{2(F)}\)). Figure 4.4b illustrates the State Sequence Graph for these two goals.

Fig. 4.4
figure 4

a Actors \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) with goals \(G_1\) and \(G_2\), respectively; b The State Sequence Graph over the set of 3\(^2\) = 9 possible states

The State Sequence Graph has all the nine possible combined state representations as vertices. These vertices are connected in the form of a lattice as all state transitions do not satisfy the default sequence. Each path in the State Sequence Graph, from the source node (\(G_{1(N)}\)G\(_{2(N)}\)) to the destination node (\(G_{1(F)}\) \(G_{2(F)}\)), defines a semantically valid sequence of state transitions. In other words, each such path represents a finite state sequence corresponding to the given i\(^*\) model. Thus, with two model elements, we obtain six different finite state sequences that satisfy the default sequences of the individual model elements. State Sequence Graph

A State Sequence Graph, \(G_{SS}\), can be defined as a 2-tuple \(\langle V,E\rangle \) where V represents the set of vertices and E represents a set of directed edges such that

  1. 1.

    Each vertex \(v_{i}\) \(\in \) V is an n-tuple (\(\bar{G}_1,\bar{G}_2,\ldots ,\bar{G}_n\)) that represents the state of each of the n model elements that appear in the SR model.

  2. 2.

    Each directed edge \(e_{ij}\) \(\in \) E is directed from vertex \(v_i\) to vertex \(v_j\) such that \(v_i\) \(\rightarrow \) \(v_j\) satisfies the default sequence for any one of the n model elements represented in every vertex. This implies that \(v_i\) \(\rightarrow \) \(v_j\) represents either of the following:

    1. (a)

      Some goal \(G_i\) goes from the NC state to the CNF state, denoted by (\(\bar{G}_1\)...\(G_{i(N)}\)...\(\bar{G}_n\)) \(\rightarrow \) (\(\bar{G}_1\)...\(G_{i(C)}\)...\(\bar{G}_n\)), or

    2. (b)

      Some goal \(G_i\) goes from the CNF state to the F state, denoted by (\(\bar{G}_1\)...\(G_{i(C)}\)... \(\bar{G}_n\)) \(\rightarrow \) (\(\bar{G}_1\)...\(G_{i(F)}\)...\(\bar{G}_n\)).

  3. 3.

    The number of vertices in the vertex set V is 3\(^n\), i.e., |V| = 3\(^n\).

  4. 4.

    Each path from the source vertex (\(G_{1(N)}\)...\(G_{n(N)}\)) to the sink vertex (\(G_{1(F)}\)...\(G_{n(F)}\)) represents a valid ordering of state transitions that satisfies the default sequence of the individual model elements, i.e., every unique path (\(G_{1(N)}\)...\(G_{n(N)}\)) \(\rightarrow \) .... \(\rightarrow \) (\(G_{1(F)}\)...\(G_{n(F)}\)) represents a finite state model.

The next level of complexity involves three different model elements. The analysis remains the same irrespective of how these three model elements are distributed between actors. Let \(G_1\), G\(_2\) and \(G_3\) be the three goals modelled in the SR-diagram. As mentioned above, since each goal can be in either of three states, this particular situation will result in a state space with 3\(^3\)(\(=\)27) combined states. The State Sequence Graph can be obtained as shown before. A detailed reachability analysis yields 90 different paths that exist between the source vertex (\(G_{1(N)}\) \(G_{2(N)}\) \(G_{3(N)}\)) and the sink vertex (\(G_{1(F)}\) \(G_{2(F)}\) \(G_{3(F)}\)). Each of these paths represents a sequence of valid state transitions such that none of the three goals \(G_1\), G\(_2\), and \(G_3\) violate the default sequence. Thus, with three model elements in the SR-diagram we get 90 possible finite state sequences that correspond to the given i* model. Counting Multidimensional Lattice Paths

In general, it is interesting to observe how the number of paths within a State Sequence Graph increases in accordance to the number of model elements (k) within an i\(^*\) model. It is intuitive from the above case studies that the growth of thestate space size can be represented as an exponential function \(f(k)=3^k\). This is because each model element can exist in either of three states. On the other hand, the function representing the growth of the finite state model space is far more complex. Before going into the details of evaluating an upper bound for the finite state model space, we need to keep in mind that every model element is initially in the Not Created state and it needs two transitions to reach the Fulfilled state. Thus, the distance covered by each model element is always 2.

Consider the case where \(k=2\). Since each model element needs to cover a distance of 2, we can consider \(P_{1(N)}\) \(P_{2(N)}\) and \(P_{1(F)}\) \(P_{2(F)}\) as the Least Upper Bound and the Greatest Lower Bound of a \(2\times 2\) lattice. In general, the number of paths within a \(n_1\)\(\times \) \(n_2\) lattice is given by

$$\begin{aligned} {L_P} = \left( {\begin{array}{c}{n_1}+{n_2}\\ {n_1}\end{array}}\right) = \frac{({n_1}+{n_2})!}{{n_1}! {n_2}!} \end{aligned}$$

So for a \(2\times 2\) lattice structure, we have

$$\begin{aligned} {L_P} = \left( {\begin{array}{c}2+2\\ 2\end{array}}\right) = \frac{(2+2)!}{2!\ 2!} = \frac{4!}{2!\ 2!} = \frac{24}{4} = 6. \end{aligned}$$

This is exactly what we obtain from our example of Fig. 4.4.

When \(k=3\), we can represent the set of all possible state sequences from \(P_{1(N)}\) \(P_{2(N)}\) \(P_{3(N)}\) to \(P_{1(F)}\) \(P_{2(F)}\) \(P_{3(F)}\) as a 3-dimensional cubic lattice with each dimension having distance 2. In general, the number of paths in a 3-dimensional cubic lattice with dimensions (\(n_1\), \(n_2\), \(n_3\)) is given by

$$\begin{aligned} {L_P} = \left( {\begin{array}{c}{n_1}+{n_2}+{n_3}\\ {n_1},{n_2},{n_3}\end{array}}\right) = \frac{({n_1}+{n_2}+{n_3})!}{{n_1}! {n_2}! {n_3}!} \end{aligned}$$

So for a 3-dimensional cubic lattice with dimensions (2, 2, 2), we have-

$$\begin{aligned} {L_P} = \left( {\begin{array}{c}2+2+2\\ 2,2,2\end{array}}\right) = \frac{(2+2+2)!}{2!\ 2!\ 2!} = \frac{6!}{2!\ 2!\ 2!} = \frac{720}{8} = 90. \end{aligned}$$

Again, this is exactly what we obtain from our previous case study.

To generalize an upper bound on the growth function of the finite state model space, we need to realize that for k different model elements in the i\(^*\) model we need a k-dimensional hypercube lattice. The number of paths in such a k-dimensional hypercube lattice with dimensions (\(n_1\), \(n_2\), ..., \(n_k\)) is given by

$$\begin{aligned} {L_P} = \left( {\begin{array}{c}{n_1}+{n_2}+ \cdots +{n_k}\\ {n_1},{n_2},\ldots ,{n_k}\end{array}}\right) = \frac{({n_1}+{n_2}+\cdots +{n_k})!}{{n_1}! {n_2}!\ldots {n_k}!} = \frac{(\sum _{i=1}^k {n_i})!}{\prod _{i=1}^k ({n_i}!)} \end{aligned}$$

Irrespective of the number of model elements in the i\(^*\) model, since each model element travels a distance of 2 to become fulfilled, we have the condition \(\forall _{i=1}^k, {n_i}\) \(=\) 2. The total number of paths is, thus, given by

$$\begin{aligned} {L_P} =\frac{(\sum _{i=1}^k 2)!}{\prod _{i=1}^k (2!)} = \frac{(2*\sum _{i=1}^k 1)!}{\prod _{i=1}^k (2)} = \frac{(2k)!}{2^k}. \end{aligned}$$
(4.4) The Naïve Algorithm

Input: SR-diagram of the i* model of an enterprise

Output: The set of plausible finite state sequences that can be derived from the given i* model

Data Structure: A List that stores all the model elements appearing in the SR model  


Select actor \(A_j\) and populate List with all the model elements that appear within the actor boundary of \(A_j\).


Repeat Step-1 for all actors and proceed to create the State Sequence Graph.


Initialize the vertex set V with the vertex (\(P_{1(N)}\)...\(P_{n(N)}\)) representing all model elements in the Not Created state.


Select a vertex \(v_i\) from the vertex set V.


Create a new vertex \(v_i^\prime \) at a distance of 1 from \(v_i\) such that


Some model element \(P_{k}\) makes a transition from Not Created to Created Not Fulfilled state, i.e., (\(\bar{P}_{1}\)...\(P_{k(N)}\)...\(\bar{P}_{n}\)) \(\rightarrow \) (\(\bar{P}_{1}\)...\(P_{k(C)}\)...\(\bar{P}_{n}\)), OR


Some model element \(P_{k}\) makes a transition from Created Not Fulfilled to Fulfilled state, i.e., (\(\bar{P}_{1}\)...\(P_{k(C)}\)...\(\bar{P}_{n}\)) \(\rightarrow \) (\(\bar{P}_{1}\)...\(P_{k(F)}\)...\(\bar{P}_{n}\)).




If \(v_i^\prime \) \(\notin \) V, then V = V \(\cup \) \(v_i^\prime \).


Repeat Steps 4–6 till the vertex set V is not filled, i.e., while \(\mid \)V\(\mid \) < \(3^n\).


Select any two vertices \(v_i\),\(v_j\) from the vertex set V that are separated by a distance of 1.


Set up a directed edge from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\) if and only if \(v_i\) \(\rightarrow \) \(v_j\) satisfies the default sequence for any one of the n model elements.


Repeat Steps 8–9 till we obtain the n-dimensional hypercube lattice structure (State Sequence Graph) for the SR model.


Each path from the vertex (\(P_{1(N)}\)...\(P_{n(N)}\)) to the vertex (\(P_{1(F)}\)...\(P_{n(F)}\)) represents a finite state sequence that corresponds to the given SR model.


Stop. Simulation Results: The Hyperexponential Explosion

Equation 4.4 of Sect. can be used to generate a data set and observe how the state space and the finite state model space grows with increasing number of model elements in the i\(^*\) model. Table 4.1 represents such a data set with the number of model elements increasing from 5 to 85 in steps of 5. Data thus obtained have been plotted on a graph and the trends are observed. Figure 4.5 depicts the rate of growth for both the state space and the finite state model space with respect to the number of model elements appearing in the given i* model.

Table 4.1 Rate of growth of space w.r.t. the number of model elements
Fig. 4.5
figure 5

Graph depicting the rate of growth of the state space and finite state model space with respect to the number of model elements in the i* model for the Naïve Algorithm

Interpretation of the graph is quite interesting. Both the growth curves plotted in Fig. 4.5 appear to be somewhat linear in nature, although they are not straight lines. A careful analysis of the graph reveals that the vertical axis is a logarithmic scale where the values represent exponentially increasing integers. These values range from 1 to \(1.876E+281\). Thus, although the curves appear to be somewhat linear, they represent exponential growth functions on the logarithmic scale. In fact, the state space growth function, as represented by the blue curve, actually represents the growth function \(f(k)=3^k\). The growth function of the finite state model space, as represented by Eq. 4.4, is shown by the red curve.

The most significant inference that can be drawn from the graph is that the gradient of the blue curve is much less compared to that of the red curve. The gradient of a linear curve on a logarithmic scale signifies the rate of growth of the exponential function. This implies that although both the state space and the finite state model space grow exponentially, the rate of growth of the finite state model space is significantly large compared to that of the state space. In fact, the values in Table 4.1 reveal that, in every step, the state space grows by an approximate factor in the range (\(10^2,10^3\)), whereas the finite state model space grows by an approximate factor in the range (\(10^{19},10^{20}\)). This is really huge in terms of the rate of growth.

This extremely rapid growth in size of the finite state model space, caused by the Naïve Algorithm, results in a hyperexponential explosion. The growth curve of the finite state model space is so steep that it reaches infinitely large values for quite small number of model elements in the i* model. This implies that the finite state model space becomes quite unmanageable in real time when we are looking at the i* model of an entire enterprise. Thus, it becomes necessary to tackle this explosion in the finite state model space. One of the means to control this undesirable explosion is to extract partial sequence information that remains embedded within an i* model and perform some pruning activities while the finite state models are being generated. The Semantic Implosion Algorithm is proposed in the next section with this same intent. The proposed solution provides a significant improvement in terms of the rate of growth of the finite state model space.

4.1.2 The Semantic Implosion Algorithm (SIA)

The motive here is to prevent the hyperexponential explosion of the finite state model space that is caused by the Naïve Algorithm. Although the Naïve Algorithm generates all possible finite execution traces that can be derived from an i* model, some sort of pruning can be done on this model space. The simplest means of doing this is to feed the derived FSM into some standard model checker like NuSMV and check the model against user-defined temporal compliance rules, specified using CTL or LTL. However, since this needs to be done on the entire finite state model space, the time complexity of the entire process becomes unmanageable even when machine-automated.

It is desirable to prevent the hyperexponential explosion from occurring in the first place. We propose the Semantic Implosion Algorithm, or SIA, that tries to achieve this and proves to be successful to a good extent. SIA is based on the underlying hypothesis that although an i\(^*\) model is sequence agnostic, there exists some embedded temporal information that can be extracted and exploited to reduce the plausible space of finite state models. Temporal compliance rules may be further defined to reduce the size of the finite state model space.

Every model element \(P_i\) residing within the SR-diagram of an actor is uniquely identified using a system variable \(V_i\). Every system variable \(V_i\) can have either of three values—0, 1, or 2—representing the Not Created (\(P_{i(N)}\)), Created Not Fulfilled (\(P_{i(C)}\)) and Fulfilled (\(P_{i(F)}\)) states, respectively. Every time a new model element \(P_j\) is encountered, a corresponding system variable \(V_j\) is created and initialized to 0 representing the Not Created state. This is reflected in the finite state model of the enterprise with a transition from the current state to a new state where the corresponding system variable \(V_j\) becomes a member of the state variable list.

The algorithm proceeds to explore the children of a chosen model element \(P_i\). Before doing so, the corresponding system variable \(V_i\) is changed from 0 to 1 and pushed onto a stack. This is reflected in the finite state model with a state transition from the current state to a new state that reflects the fact that \(P_i\) has been created but not fulfilled. A model element is said to be Fulfilled when either it has no children (we have reached the actor boundary) or all its child model elements have been individually fulfilled. When this happens, the system variable \(V_i\), corresponding to the model element \(P_i\), is popped from the stack and updated with the value 2. A corresponding state transition is incorporated in the finite state model that reflects the fact that model element \(P_i\) has been fulfilled. Figure 4.6 illustrates the finite state model corresponding to a single model element and how the corresponding system variable is incorporated and updated along each transition.

Fig. 4.6
figure 6

a Actor \(A_1\) with goal \(G_1\); b The corresponding finite state model

However, it is interesting to note how the child model elements of a particular parent are processed. The processing differs for task decompositions and means-end decompositions. A task decomposition is an AND-decomposition and demands that all the child model elements be fulfilled in order to declare that the parent has also been fulfilled. A means-end decomposition, on the other hand, is an OR-decomposition and provides alternate strategies to fulfil the parent model element. Let us elaborate on the consequences of these two decompositions.

A task decomposition requires that all the child model elements be fulfilled before changing the state of the parent model element to the fulfilled state. However, since an i\(^*\) model is sequence agnostic, the child model elements may be fulfilled in any random order. System variables associated with the child model elements should not defy the default sequence defined in Sect. 4.1.1. Let a model element \(P_j\) be decomposed by a task decomposition to a set of model elements \(\langle {P_1}, {P_2}, \ldots , {P_m}\rangle \). The system variables associated with these model elements are \(V_1\), \(V_2\), ..., \(V_m\), respectively. We define a state transition from the current state with \(V_j\) \(=\) 1 to a new state with the state variables \({V_j}=1\), \(\forall _{r=1}^m,{V_r}\) \(=\) 0. There exists several execution sequences of the decomposed model elements that finally results in a state with the state variables, \(V_j\) \(=\) 1, \(\forall _{r=1}^m,{V_r}\) \(=\) 2. The set of all possible execution sequences can be defined using a lattice structure, similar to the one shown in Fig. 4.4. Since all child model elements are fulfilled, we define another state transition in the finite state model that reflects the fact that the parent model element is also fulfilled, i.e., the new state has state variables \(V_j\)=2. The finite state model corresponding to such a task decomposition is shown in Fig. 4.7.

Fig. 4.7
figure 7

a Actor \(A_1\) with goals \(G_1\), \(G_2\) and \(G_3\) connected through a task decomposition; b The corresponding set of all possible finite state models captured in a state sequence graph

The interpretation of the figure is quite interesting. The lattice structure represents the set of all possible execution sequences that result in the successful fulfilment of the task decomposition. As seen in Sect. 4.1.1, the number of paths in a lattice structure for two model elements is 6. All of these 6 paths represent valid execution sequences or state transitions. Each path gives rise to a different finite execution sequence. This implies that the task decomposition shown in Fig. 4.7 gives rise to 6 possible finite state sequences. The Naïve Algorithm, on the other hand, would generate a lattice structure with three model elements and the number of possible finite state sequences would become 90. This is a significant reduction in the finite state model space. In fact, the significant observation here is that a lattice structure will be generated only where task decompositions take place. In other words, only task decompositions will increase the size of the finite state model space.

A means-end decomposition is easier to handle. OR-decompositions, in general, do not increase the size of the finite state model space. Rather, if a particular model element \(P_j\) decomposes via a means-end decomposition into k model elements \(\langle {P_1}, {P_2}, \ldots , {P_k}\rangle \), then we introduce k different transitions from the current state (\({V_j}\,=1\)) to k unique new states, each representing one of the k alternate means (\({V_j}=1, {V_p}=0, \forall _{p=1}^k\)). An OR-decomposition is characterized by the fact that fulfilling any one of the alternate means implies fulfilling the parent model element. Thus, each of these k new states will make two transitions (labelled by \(V_p\):0\(\rightarrow \)1 and \(V_p\):1\(\rightarrow \)2) to reach their respective fulfilment states. Each alternate means will have a separate fulfilment state labelled by \({V_j}\,=1\), \({V_p}\,=2\), \(\forall _{p=1}^k\). All the k fulfilment states will converge to a final state that represents the fulfilment of the parent model element \(P_j\) and is labelled by \({V_j}\,=2\). The structure obtained is similar to the longitudinal lines on the globe of the earth. Figure 4.8 illustrates this further.

Fig. 4.8
figure 8

a Actor \(A_1\) with goals \(G_1\), \(G_2\), \(G_3\) and \(G_4\) connected through a means-end decomposition; b The corresponding finite state model Some Interesting Features

  1. 1.

    Decompositions can be nested. This implies that decompositions can occur within other decompositions. One particular decomposition link may be further blown up with a second decomposition. For instance, means-end decompositions may be followed by a task decomposition along one means-end link and a means-end decomposition along some other means-end link. Figure 4.9 illustrates this scenario. This nesting of decompositions does not require any modifications on the algorithm. The corresponding finite state model is built accordingly where the state subsequences of the lower level decomposition is mereologically connected to the finite state model of the higher level decomposition.

  2. 2.

    It is interesting to note what happens if we reach a model element \(G_3\), located at the actor boundary of actor \(A_1\), that is dependent on some model element \(G_4\) that is located at the actor boundary of actor \(A_2\) (refer Fig. 4.10a).

    In this situation, we first proceed to complete the finite state models of the individual actors. We assume that the dependency between model elements \(G_3\) and \(G_4\) will be satisfied and pop out the system variable \(V_3\) from the stack to set its value to 2. At the same time, we introduce a temporary transition in the corresponding finite state model that changes the state of \(G_3\) from Created Not Fulfilled (CNF) to Fulfilled (F). This is shown in Fig. 4.10b. Such an assumption is necessary to proceed with the construction of the finite state model of individual actors.

    We need to maintain a list of all such dependencies. A Global List is maintained that stores 2-tuples of the form \(\langle {depender variable, dependee variable}\rangle \). Once the finite state models of the individual actors have been built, the elements of the Global List are accessed. The above dependency has an entry of the form \(\langle {{V_{13}}, {V_{24}}}\rangle \) and is interpreted as model element \(G_3\) within actor \(A_1\) depending on actor \(A_2\) for model element \(G_4\). The temporary transition in the finite state model of actor \(A_1\) representing the change \(V_3\): \(1\rightarrow 2\) is replaced by two new transitions that connect the finite state models of actors \(A_1\) (FSM\(_1\)) and \(A_2\) (FSM\(_2\)). The first transition is established from the state in \(FSM_1\) having label \({V_3}\,=1\) to the state in \(FSM_2\) having label \({V_4}\,=2\). The second transition is placed from the state in \(FSM_2\) having label \({V_4}\,=2\) to the state in \(FSM_1\) having label \({V_3}\,=2\). \(\langle {{V_{13}}, {V_{24}}}\rangle \) is removed from the Global List. Figure 4.10c illustrates this process.

  3. 3.

    Dependency resolution causes state transitions to be set up between states belonging to the finite state models of the depender and the dependee. If the depender and dependee have M and N possible finite state sequences in their models, respectively, then we get \(M \times N\) combination of sequences for interlinking the finite state models of the depender and dependee. The dependency resolution is reflected in all the \(M \times N\) combinations.

Fig. 4.9
figure 9

The state sequence graph corresponding to a nested decomposition. A higher level means-end decomposition contains another means-end decomposition along the leftmost link and a task decomposition along the rightmost link

Fig. 4.10
figure 10

a Goal \(G_3\) of actor \(A_1\) dependant on Goal \(G_4\) of actor \(A_2\); b Temporary transition from \(G_{3(C)}\) to \(G_{3(F)}\) introduced; c Resolution of the dependency by replacing the temporary transition with two permanent transitions

Let n be the total number of model elements occurring in the SR-diagram of the enterprise. The terminating condition of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm is given by the constraint, \(\forall _{j=1}^n, {V_j}\,=2\), the stack is empty and the Global Dependency List is empty. The algorithm initiates with the root model elements at the actor boundaries. State transitions are defined in the corresponding finite state model as and when model elements are discovered, explored and fulfilled. Let us look into the Semantic Implosion Algorithm now. The Semantic Implosion Algorithm

Input: SR-diagram of the i* model of an enterprise.

Output: The finite state model that can be derived from the given i* model containing the set of plausible finite state sequences.

Data Structure: A Local Stack for each actor that stores model elements of the actor and a Global List to keep track of dependencies between actors.



For every model element \(P_i\) that is not at the end of a task decomposition or means-end link, assign a system variable \({V_i} = 0\). Perform a Depth-First Scan of the SR-diagram of each actor starting at these boundary model elements.


For any model element \(P_j\) with \({V_j} = 0\), set \({V_j} = 1\) and push it onto the Local Stack. Reflect this transition in the finite state model by plotting a transition from the Not Created state to the Created Not Fulfilled state. Label this transition \(V_j\):0\(\rightarrow \)1.


Discover all model elements \(\langle {P_1}, {P_2}, \ldots , {P_q}\rangle \) that stem from the element \(P_j\) and are connected to \(P_j\) with task decomposition or means-end links. For each such element \(P_k\), initialize a system variable \(V_k\) such that \(\forall _{k=1}^q{V_k}\,=0\).


If \(P_j\) is at an actor boundary with no elements stemming from it and with no dependencies to other actors, pop \(V_j\) from the Stack and set \({V_j} = 2\). Set up a corresponding transition in the finite state model from the Created Not Fulfilled state to the Fulfilled state. Label this transition \(V_j\):1\(\rightarrow \)2.


If \(P_j\) is dependent on some other actor for fulfilment, then pop \(V_j\) and insert it into the Global List with value \({V_j} = 2\). Insert a temporary transition between states Created Not Fulfilled and Fulfilled for element \(P_j\). No need to label this transition as it is a temporary transition.


If \(P_j\) undergoes a task decomposition then we obtain several different finite state sequences for the task decomposition by permuting the order of execution of the child model elements. Each such permutation can be considered to be a valid execution trace and can be attached to the overall finite state model to obtain the unique finite state model for that actor.


If \(P_j\) undergoes a means-end decomposition then we obtain multiple transitions from the current node in the same finite state model. Each transition represents an alternate strategy and is triggered by the corresponding guard condition. All the alternate state transitions emanating from the parent model element must converge at a state that represents that the parent model element has been fulfilled.



Repeat Steps 2–3 for all siblings of \(P_j\) in all the finite state models generated for actor \(A_i\).


Repeat Steps 1–4 until the Local Stack is empty. This leaves us with the set of plausible finite state models of an actor \(A_i\).


Repeat Steps 1–5 to extract all the possible finite state models of all the actors in the i* model.


Remove elements of the form \(\langle {{V_{ik}}, {V_{jl}}}\rangle \) from the Global List.


Remove the temporary transitions corresponding to V\(_{ik}\) from the finite state model of actor \(A_i\).


Insert transitions from the \(P_k\)-Created Not Fulfilled state in the finite state model of actor \(A_i\) to the \(P_l\)-Fulfilled state in the finite state model of actor \(A_j\). Label these transitions \(V_k\):1\(\rightarrow \)1.


Insert another set of transitions from the \(P_l\)-Fulfilled state to the \(P_k\)-Fulfil- ed state between the finite state models of actors \(A_i\) and \(A_j\). Label these transitions \(V_k\):1\(\rightarrow \)2.


Repeat Steps 7–10 until the Global List is empty and all the dependencies have been resolved.




4.1.3 Soundness and Completeness

Both the Naïve Algorithm and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm are complete because given a goal model both the algorithms are capable of generating a finite state model which include all the possible state transitions for valid execution traces. However, it is not wise to say that the Naïve Algorithm is sound because the generated finite state model also contains invalid state transitions. The Semantic Implosion Algorithm, on the hand, is sound because it contains all the valid transitions within the finite state model.

4.2 Complexity Analysis

Let us perform some analytics on comparing and contrasting the heuristics of the Naïve Algorithm and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. The two metrics that are used for this analysis are the State Space (SS) and the Finite State Model Space (FSMS). However, since both algorithms share the concept of every model element going through 3 states, the SS metric will be the same for both algorithms and is defined by the function f(k) = 3\(^k\), where k represents the number of model elements in the given SR-model. The FSMS metric is far more crucial in contrasting the heuristics that underline the two algorithms.

Figure 4.5 of Sect. clearly illustrates the hyperexponential explosion caused by the Naïve Algorithm in the finite state model space. This is mainly due to the fact that the Naïve Algorithm considers all possible orderings of the model elements while ensuring the default sequence of each individual model element. A careful understanding of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm reveals that, while the finite state models of individual actors are being built, the finite state model space increases only when the following conditions hold:

  1. 1.

    Whenever a nested Task Decomposition is encountered. Suppose a goal/task is decomposed to k different model elements. Since an i\(^*\) model is sequence agnostic, these k model elements can be executed in any order. The set of all possible execution traces is given by a k-dimensional hypercube lattice with each dimension having distance 2. As discussed in Sect., the finite state model space increases by a factor of \(\frac{(2k)!}{2^k}\) as given by Eq. 4.4. This implies that if the finite state model space already has p execution traces, a Task Decomposition into q model elements causes the size of the finite state model space to become p.\(\frac{(2q)!}{2^q}\). In general, if the SR-diagram of an actor within the i* model has \(D_T\) task decompositions, and the number of possible alternate execution sequences generated by each of these task decompositions be given by #Seq\(_1\), #Seq\(_2\), ..., #Seq\(_{D_T}\), then the finite state model space size is given by the following relation:

    $$\begin{aligned} S = \prod _{i=1}^{D_T} {\#Seq_i} \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Whenever a dependency is being resolved. Dependency resolution results in merging the finite state model space of the depender and the dependee. If the finite state model spaces of actors \(A_i\) and \(A_j\) contain M and N finite state sequences, respectively, and there exists at least one dependency between these actors, then irrespective of the number of dependencies between \(A_i\) and \(A_j\), the size of the finite state model space changes from \(M+N\) to \(M \times N\). Again, if actor \(A_j\) requires dependency resolution with actor \(A_k\), and actor \(A_k\) has L finite state models, then the combined finite state model space has size \(L \times M \times N\).

  3. 3.

    Let there be n actors participating in an i\(^*\) model. Let the size of the finite state model spaces of the individual actors be given by \(S_{1}, S_{2}, \ldots , S_{n}\), respectively. Assuming that all the actors are interconnected with dependencies, the finite state model space (FSMS) for the entire enterprise is given by the following equation:

    $$\begin{aligned} FSMS = \prod _{i=1}^n S_i \end{aligned}$$

Both Dependency Resolution and nested Task Decomposition conditions are represented using the cartesian product relation. So, performance analysis of the two heuristics boils down to two basic steps. The first step involves observing the growth of the finite state model space for each individual actor. The second step is to observe the growth of the finite state model space for the entire enterprise.

4.2.1 Actor Internal Analytics

It is very difficult to predict the distribution of model elements within the SR-diagrams of individual actors. Since this is the first step of behaviour analysis, we are concerned with the growth of the finite state model space for individual actors within an i* model. In order to generate a consistent data set, we assume a uniform distribution of model elements. We increase the number of model elements occurring within the SR-diagram of an actor in the i\(^*\) model, in steps of 5. Without loss of uniformity, we assume that for every 5 model element within an actor, there exists a task decomposition of 4 elements. This assumption is necessary as we want to estimate an upper bound on the growth function and the number of finite state sequences grows significantly with Task Decompositions as opposed to Means-End Decompositions.

We know that the Naïve Algorithm causes the finite state model space to grow according to Eq. 4.4, i.e., FSMS-N = \(\frac{(2k_1)!}{2^{k_1}}\), where \(k_1\) is the number of model elements in the i\(^*\) model. The Semantic Implosion Algorithm grows only on the basis of task decompositions. The number of possible execution sequences generated by a 4-element task decomposition is obtained by substituting \(k=4\) in Eq. 4.4, i.e., \(\frac{(2\times 4)!}{2^4} = \frac{8!}{16}\) = 2520. Since every 4-element task decomposition increases the finite state model space size by a factor of 2520, applying the cartesian product relation, we obtain the growth function of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm to be given by FSMS-S = \(2520^{k_2}\), where \(k_2\) is the number of 4-element task decompositions occurring within the SR-diagram of an actor. Table 4.2 reflects such a data set.

Table 4.2 Actor internal analytics

The performance ratio parameter in Table 4.2 represents the reduction in finite state model space, obtained by the Semantic Implosion Algorithm, with respect to the Naïve Algorithm. The smaller the ratio the greater is the reduction in finite state model space achieved by the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. As the values in this column reflect, the reduction rate is not constant and increases from \(\varTheta (10^{-9})\) to \(\varTheta (10^{-17})\). This is also evident from the graph plotted for this data.

Fig. 4.11
figure 11

Behaviour analysis with respect to the finite state model space of individual actors for the Naïve Algorithm (FSMS-N) and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm (FSMS-S) as the number of model elements in the i\(^*\) model varies

The graph plotted on the basis of this data is shown in Fig. 4.11. It is interesting to analyse the graph. The vertical axis is again a logarithmic scale of integers. The almost linear curves plotted on this scale represent exponential functions. The gradient of these approximately linear curves represent the rate of growth of the corresponding exponential function. The following observations can be concluded from the graph:

  1. 1.

    The blue curve depicts the growth of the state space and is consistent for both scenarios, given by \(3^k\). As both algorithms have the same underlying basis that every model element goes through three states, the state space growth remains the same for both the algorithms.

  2. 2.

    The green curve represent the behaviour of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. The two lines with triangle and diamond annotations are very close to each other and have almost similar gradients. This implies that the rate of growth of the finite state model space, as observed from the Semantic Implosion Algorithm, is almost similar to the rate of growth of the state space.

  3. 3.

    The red curve depicts the finite state model space growth of the Naïve Algorithm. The slope of this line is much greater than those of the green and blue lines. This represents the hyperexponential explosion that is a characteristic of the Naïve Algorithm.

  4. 4.

    A closer look at the FSMS values in Table 4.2 reveals the fact that the FSMS metric increases by a factor in the range of (\(10^{19}\), \(10^{20}\)), for the Naïve Algorithm, whereas, for the Semantic Implosion Algorithm, the FSMS metric increases by a factor of \(10^3\).

From the above data set—Table 4.2 and Fig. 4.11—it is evident that the Semantic Implosion Algorithm provides a huge improvement with respect to the rate of growth of the finite state model space for individual actors in comparison to the Naïve Algorithm. This is the significant contribution of the heuristic proposed in the Semantic Implosion Algorithm.

4.2.2 Inter-Actor Analytics

These analytics provide an insight into how Actor Internal Analytics scales up and impacts the growth rate of the finite state model space with respect to the entire i\(^*\) model representing an enterprise. There are two events that impact Inter-Actor Analytics as follows:

  1. 1.

    Density of Actors participating in the i\(^*\) model, and

  2. 2.

    Distribution of Model Elements within the SR-diagram of the actors.

Let us individually analyse how these two parameters effect the growth rate of the finite state model space. Variation of Actor Density

In order to simulate a data set, we assume a uniform density of five model elements within individual actors and evaluate the rate of growth of the finite state model space. Similar to the data in Table 4.1, we assume that every actor has a 4-element task decomposition. The Naïve Algorithm does not take the semantics of the model elements into consideration and, thus, the finite state model space size can be evaluated by replacing \(k=5\) in Eq. 4.4. The finite state model space size of every actor is obtained as

$$\begin{aligned} \forall i, {S_i} = \frac{(2\times 5)!}{2^5} = \frac{10!}{32} = 113400. \end{aligned}$$

Replacing this value of \(S_i\) in Eq. 4.6, we get the finite state model space for the entire enterprise (FSMS-N) as

$$\begin{aligned} FSMS{\text {-}}N = (113400)^n \end{aligned}$$

The Semantic Implosion Algorithm, on the other hand, causes the finite state model space of individual actors to grow only when task decompositions are encountered. Since we assume a 4-element task decomposition to exist in each actor, the finite state model space(S\(_i\)) of all the actors remains constant and is given by replacing \(k=4\) in Eq. 4.4. Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} \forall i, {S_i} = \frac{(2\times 4)!}{2^4} = \frac{8!}{16} = 2520. \end{aligned}$$

Since uniform distribution of model elements has been assumed, replacing this value of \(S_i\) in Eq. 4.6 gives the finite state model space for the entire enterprise (FSMS-S) as generated by the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} FSMS{\text {-}}S = (2520)^n \end{aligned}$$

In order to generate a simulated data set, we restrict the number of model elements in each actor to 5 and increase the density of actors (n) within the i\(^*\) model of the enterprise from 5 to 55 in steps of 5. The data set is obtained by replacing these values of n in Eqs. 4.7 and 4.8. Table 4.3 represents such a data set. The performance ratio column represents the relative decrease in the finite state model space that is obtained by the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. Figure 4.12 shows the corresponding graph structure that is obtained by plotting this data.

Table 4.3 Inter-actor analytics obtained by varying actor density
Fig. 4.12
figure 12

Behaviour analysis with respect to the finite state model space of the entire enterprise for the Naïve Algorithm (FSMS-N) and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm (FSMS-S) as the density of actors in the i\(^*\) model varies

Interpretation of the graph is quite intuitive. The blue curve represents the growth function of the Naïve Algorithm. In this data set, it represents the exponential function \((113400)^n\). The red curve plots the growth function of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm and represents the exponential \((2520)^n\). With the vertical axis representing a logarithmic scale of integers, the two functions are mapped as nearly linear curves with different gradients. The gradient of the blue curve is greater than the gradient of the red curve. This implies that the Naïve Algorithm increases the size of the finite state model space more rapidly as compared to the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. This is evident from the growth functions Eqs. 4.7 and 4.8 itself. However, this is an overly simplified data set with uniform distribution and semantics. Variation of the Distribution of Model Elements

In this particular simulation, we fix the number of actors involved in the enterprise model to five. Keeping the number of actors fixed, the distribution of model elements peractor is increased from 5 to 25 in steps of 5. Assuming uniform distribution across all the actors in the i\(^*\) model, every actor generates it’s finite state model space with the same size. The space size changes with varying model element distribution. Let the size of the finite state model spaces of the individual actors be given by \(S_{1}\), \(S_{2}, \ldots , S_{5}\), respectively, for some model element distribution k.

The Naïve Algorithm combines Eqs. 4.4 and 4.6 to give a function representing the growth of the finite state model space as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {FSMS{\text {-}}N} = \bigg (\frac{(2k_1)!}{2^{k_1}}\bigg )^5, \forall k_1, k_1\in \{5,10,15,20,25\}. \end{aligned}$$

The Semantic Implosion Algorithm expands the finite state model space for Task Decompositions only. Our underlying assumption that there exists a 4-element Task Decomposition for every group of 5 elements dictates the growth function of the finite state model space as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} FSMS{\text {-}}S = \bigg (\frac{(2k_2)!}{2^{k_2}}\bigg )^5, k_2=k_1\div 5, \forall k_1, k_1\in \{5,10,15,20,25\}. \end{aligned}$$
Table 4.4 Inter-actor analytics obtained by varying the distribution of goals
Fig. 4.13
figure 13

Behaviour analysis with respect to the finite state model space of the entire enterprise for the Naïve Algorithm (FSMS-N) and the Semantic Implosion Algorithm (FSMS-S) as the distribution of model elements within actors in the i\(^*\) model varies

The data generated from Eqs. (4.9) and 4.10 is shown in Table 4.4. The number of actors has been fixed to be 5. The performance ratio values represent the improvement in finite state model space that is achieved by the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. The smaller the value, the greater is the gain in performance achieved by the SIA heuristics. The rapid rate of increase in performance reflects the benefits of using the improved heuristics of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm. Figure 4.13 represents the graph corresponding to this data.

The interpretation of the graph is quite similar to the previous graphs. The vertical axis represents a logarithmic scale of integers. Both the exponential functions, given by Eqs. 4.9 and 4.10, appear as straight lines. However, the gradients of the two lines are widely different. This implies that the rate of growth of FSMS-N (represented by the blue curve) is much greater than that of FSMS-S (represented by the red curve).

4.2.3 SIA Analytics

The analytics provided in Tables 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4, and the corresponding graphs shown in Figs. 4.11, 4.12, and 4.13, all point in the same direction. The obvious conclusion from these data sets is that the Semantic Implosion Algorithm provides a huge improvement over the more simple Naïve Algorithm. This improvement is in the context of the finite state model space and clearly establishes the superiority of the SI-heuristics in comparison to the Naïve-heuristics.

The above conclusion triggers an urge to take an insight into the behaviour of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm when both the parameters—Actor Density and Model Element Distribution—are varied simultaneously. Table 4.5 presents such a data set. The data is generated by varying the distribution of model elements in individual actors from 5 to 25 peractor, in steps of 5. The finite state model space size is obtained using the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} {FSMS{\text {-}}A}=\bigg (\frac{(2k_2)!}{2^{k_2}}\bigg )^A, k_2=k_1\div 5 \end{aligned}$$

Here, A represents the number of actors in the i\(^*\) model of the enterprise. \(k_2\) is obtained from \(k_1\) based on the assumption that we have a 4-element task decomposition for every group of 5 model elements. Maintaining the uniformity of model element distribution across all the actors, we obtain the data set for 5, 10 and 15 actors, represented by FSMS-5, FSMS-10 and FSMS-15, respectively. The graph obtained from the data set in Table 4.5 is shown in Fig. 4.14.

Table 4.5 Inter-actor analytics obtained by varying both actor density and distribution of goals for the Semantic Implosion Algorithm
Fig. 4.14
figure 14

Behaviour analysis of the Semantic Implosion Algorithm (w.r.t. the finite state model space) as the distribution of model elements within actors and the actor density in the i\(^*\) model are both varied

The graph is fairly simple to analyse and interpret. The vertical axis is again a logarithmic scale. Each of the individual curves (green, red, and blue) appears to be linear but represent exponential growth functions. The fact that the finite state model space size will increase with greater number of actors has already been observed in Fig. 4.12. Hence, as the number of actors increase, the curves are positioned higher. It can also be concluded from Fig. 4.13 that for a fixed actor density, the finite state model space size increases with increasing density of model elements. Hence, the positive gradient in each of the three approximately linear curves.

The more important observation here is that the nearly linear curves are not parallel to each other. The gradient of the lines increase with increasing actor density, i.e., the green curve is steeper than the red curve which, in turn, is steeper than the blue plot. The gradient of these approximately linear curves represent the rate of growth of the exponential functions that capture the growth of the respective finite state model spaces. This means that as the actor density increases, the finite state model space increases even more rapidly.

4.3 The i\(^*\)ToNuSMV Tool

Unlike dataflow and workflow models, goal models do not capture sequences of activities within the system or enterprise being designed. This makes it difficult for analysts to check the correctness of these models in the requirements phase itself. Since goal models have their own motivation, quite distinct from those of process models or workflow models, researchers have come up with completely different analysis techniques that provide new insights into the system or enterprise being developed.

Horkoff and Yu [6] have documented an exhaustive survey of the existing goal model analysis techniques and how requirement analysts can select from these alternatives based on different criteria and attributes. Applying model checking techniques to goal models (like i\(^*\)) has been considered by researchers from the community. The main research problem here is that model checkers accept extended finite state models as input. Finite state models capture some sort of sequential information that represents the possible state transitions that a system can go through. Since goal models are sequence agnostic they cannot be adapted and fed into model checkers directly. We aim to provide a significant contribution in this direction by proposing the \(i^*ToNuSMV\) tool.

The \(i^*\)ToNuSMV tool addresses this issue and performs model transformation of the given i\(^*\) model. Figure 4.15 illustrates the architecture of the proposed solution. The FSM Building module generates a finite state model corresponding to the given i\(^*\) model and the NUSMV Mapper module maps the generated finite state model to the NuSMV input language. The output of the \(i^*ToNuSMV\) tool can be fed directly into the NuSMV model verifier and can be checked against temporal properties, behavioural characteristics or compliance rules written using LTL, or CTL.

Fig. 4.15
figure 15

The \(i^*ToNuSM\!V\) tool

Fig. 4.16
figure 16

An i\(^*\) model of a single actor Doctor

4.3.1 i\(^*ToNuSMV\) Input

The \(i^*ToNuSMV\) prototype does not provide a graphical interface for drawing i\(^*\) models. Rather, it takes a textual representation of the i\(^*\)-SR-diagram as input. We use the tGRL notation as our input language. This may help in the integration of tool with the jUCMNav framework. For the i\(^*\) model shown in Fig. 4.16, the corresponding tGRL representation is as follows:

grl test_model

{        actor Doctor{

              goal ProvideHealthcare{decompositionType=or;}

                     task Symptoms_Treat{decompositionType=and;}

                     task Symptoms_EMR_Treat{decompositionType=and;}

                            goal ObtainSymptoms{}

                            resource PatientEMR{}

                            task ConsultSpecialist{}

                     Symptoms_Treat decomposedBy ObtainSymptoms;

                     Symptoms_EMR_Treat decomposedBy ObtainSymptoms,PatientEMR,


              ProvideHealthcare decomposedBy Symptoms_Treat,Symptoms_EMR_Treat;



4.3.2 The Preprocessing Module

We perform a simplified lexical analysis of this textual input by tokenizing the text (using filtokn.exe) and then identifying keywords, operators and user-defined model artefacts (using recognit.exe). We proceed to identify the tree structure of the model artefacts (using modlroot.exe) and begin our model transformation process from the root of this tree structure.

4.3.3 The Model Transformation Module

After obtaining the desired tree structure, we proceed to generate the finite state model corresponding to the given SR-diagram. We use the Semantic Implosion Algorithm (SIA) [7] for converting the given i\(^*\) model to a finite state model. The algorithm, as proposed by the authors, proposes a methodology for exploiting the semantics of SR-diagrams and creating a finite state model with minimum number of state transitions.

SIA uses the notion of each model artefact going through three states—Not_Created (NC), Created_Not_Fulfilled (CNF), and Fulfilled (F)—as proposed by Fuxman in [5]. SIA controls an explosion of the state transition space by mapping k-element means-end decompositions to k-conditional branch structures and k-element task decompositions to k-dimensional hypercube lattices. A detailed illustration of the algorithm and the significant improvement achieved w.r.t. the state transitional space complexity, has been documented in the original article [7]. This model transformation is achieved in the \(i^*ToNuSMV\) tool by executing the extract.exe binary.

4.3.4 The Mapper Module

The mapper module takes the extended finite state model produced by the Semantic Implosion Algorithm and maps it to the input language of the NuSMV model verifier. We assign identifiers with all goals, tasks and resources that appear in the given SR-diagram. Each such identifier can have three possible values—NC, CNF, FU—corresponding to the three states mentioned in the previous section. All identifiers are initialized to the NC value which marks the initial state of our finite state model. The final state of the state model is denoted by any state where the root node has the value FU. The state transitions of the finite state model are captured using next() value assignments in the NuSMV input language. The mapper.exe binary does this mapping and generates an NuSMV input model as the final output.

4.3.5 i\(^*ToNuSMV\) Output

The particular example shown in Fig. 4.16 generates a finite state model STT.opm and the corresponding NuSMV input model NUSMV_input.smv. Var.opm is a text file that contains the list of state variables that have been assigned to all the goals, tasks and resources. For the above example, Var.opm gets populated as shown below.

Table 4.6 State variable listing of entities

Also, according to the Semantic Implosion Algorithm, every state variable is initialized to zero, which represents the Not Created state of the entity. As the finite state model is built, every state variable makes two transitions. A 0\(\rightarrow \)1 transition implies that the entity represented by that state variable goes from the Not Created state to the Created Not Fulfilled state. A 1\(\rightarrow \)2 transition, on the other hand, implies that the represented entity goes from the Created Not Fulfilled state to the Fulfilled state. A sample finite state model for the healthcare example is shown in Table 4.7. The state variables used in the finite state model are in accordance with Table 4.6.

Table 4.7 Finite state model recorded in STT.opm

The same set of state variables are used to build the NuSMV input models. The NuSMV model corresponding to the finite state model shown in Table 4.7 is as follows:



V101 : NC, CNF, FU;

V102 : NC, CNF, FU; ....

All state variables are declared with enumerations NC (Not Created), CNF (Created Not Fulfilled), and FU (Fulfilled). Once all variables are declared, all the state variables are initialized to NC.


init(V101) := NC;

init(V102) := NC; ....

After the declaration and initialization of state variables, we proceed to define the transition of state variables as captured in the finite state model of Table 4.7. For instance, rows 1, 6 and 15 of the finite state model represent transitions for state variable V101. We read these three lines of the finite state model and create the next state value for the NuSMV model as follows:

next(V101) :=


V101=CNF & V102=NC & V103=FU : FU;

V101=CNF & V102=FU & V103=NC : FU;

V101=NC : CNF;

TRUE: V101;


This is done for all the state variables appearing in Table 4.6. The complete NuSMV model corresponding to the finite state model of Table 4.7 is obtained in NUSMV_input.smv.

4.3.6 The i\(^*ToNuSMV\) Algorithm

An algorithm for the entire process may be specified as follows:

Input: Textual representation of an i\(^*\) model SR-diagram.

Output: An extended finite state model and the corresponding NuSMV input model.



Tokenize the input text file using filtokn.exe and separate all tokens.


Identify all the tokens and distinguish the keywords, user-defined variables and operators, separately, using recognit.exe.


Identify the root model element from which the Semantic Implosion Algorithm will begin execution by using modlroot.exe. Associate state variables/identifiers with each goal, task and resource appearing in the i\(^*\) model.


Run the Semantic Implosion Algorithm by executing the extract.exe binary. This code generates the extended finite state model that can be derived from the i\(^*\) model.


Finally this finite state model is mapped to an NuSMV input model with the mapper.exe executable.


cleanup.exe is used to clear the working directory before loading and converting the next i\(^*\) model.


4.3.7 Platforms Used

The front end of the tool has been developed in the Microsoft Visual Basic environment. The 64-bit binaries have been generated using the Eclipse and Pelles C platforms.

4.3.8 Application Scenario

Let us consider the remote healthcare example illustrated in Fig. 4.16. A remote healthcare enterprise may want to comply to a temporal constraint that a Doctor will provide long term treatment only after it receives a Symptoms Message from the patient through the ObtainSymptoms goal. This implies that in the task decomposition of Symptoms_EMR_Treat, ObtainSymptoms must be Fulfilled before resource PatientEMR is acquired and task ConsultSpecialist is performed. This can be captured as a system property specified in CTL. The state variables listed in Table 4.6 can be used to define this property as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&AG((V103=CNF \wedge V105=FU \wedge \lnot (V108=FU \vee V109=FU)) \\&\qquad \rightarrow F(V105=FU\wedge V108=FU\wedge V109=FU)) \end{aligned}$$

This property can be fed into the NuSMV model checker and verified against the NUSMV_input.smv input model generated by the \(i^*ToNuSMV\) prototype. The NuSMV input model passes the model verification test if and only if all execution paths in the corresponding finite state model satisfy the condition that V105 is fulfilled before V108 and V109 are fulfilled. Otherwise, the CTL property is violated and NuSMV generates counterexamples.

4.4 i\(^*{\text {ToNuSMV}}\) Version Manager

The tool has evolved through several versions as described below:

  • \(\mathbf{i} ^*\)ToNuSMV Version 1.01: Beta prototype that supported only 3-level goal models. Multi-actor scenarios were also not supported.

  • \(\mathbf{i} ^*\)ToNuSMV Version 1.02: This version accepts an i* model in non-standardized textual format and only converts it to the corresponding finite state machine and NuSMV input model. Model checking is not supported.

  • \(\mathbf{i} ^*\)ToNuSMV Version 1.03: The NuSMV model verifier is integrated into the tool. Users can now verify CTL specifications on the NuSMV model being generated.

  • \(\mathbf{i} ^*\)ToNuSMV Version 1.04: Bug fix. Previous version was path dependent. User was compelled to instal the tool in path C:Äù\(\backslash \)istarToNuSMV. Path dependency removed.

  • \(\mathbf{i} ^*\)ToNuSMV Version 2.01: MAJOR UPGRADE. The input language of the tool has been changed from the previous non-standardized textual input to tGRL [8]. Supports multi-actor scenarios nut not inter-actor dependencies.

  • \(\mathbf{i} ^*\)ToNuSMV Version 2.02:: MAJOR UPGRADE. Inter-actor dependencies have been implemented.One finite state machine for the entire goal model is generated rather than peractor finite state machines as in the previous versions.

4.5 Contact and URL

The \(i^*ToNuSMV\) tool can be freely downloaded from the following URL—http://cucse.org/faculty/tools/. The URL also contains a user manual of the \(i^*ToNuSMV\) prototype in pdf format and can be downloaded from the link provided at the end of the page. For any further queries, please mail the authors at novarun.db@gmail.com.

4.6 Conclusion

Model checking tools, typically check a model against certain temporal properties. The need to bridge the gap between i* models and any other model with partial ordering is evident. Although model transformations have existed in the industry for quite some time, no work has been done to derive finite state models from i* models. This paper first illustrates and presents a Naïve Algorithm for extracting sequences from i* model constructs. Simulation results demonstrate how this causes a hyperexponential explosion in the finite state model space. The Semantic Implosion Algorithm provides an improvement to counter this explosion.

Detailed simulations have been done by applying both the algorithms to similar types of i* models and the results show that the Semantic Implosion Algorithm provides a significant improvement over the Naïve Algorithm. Typically, the finite state model space grows in the order of 10\(^{20}\) for the Naïve Algorithm, whereas, for the Semantic Implosion Algorithm, the growth rate is restricted to the order of 10\(^3\). Although this may not be the best approach to extract a minimal set of plausible finite execution sequences, it definitely provides a significant improvement over the Naïve Algorithm.

The set of possible finite execution traces, that correspond to a given i\(^*\) model, can be further pruned by feeding them into a model checking tool like NuSMV and checking them against certain enterprise-specific temporal properties or compliance rules. All models that generate counter-examples may be discarded. This is one of the biggest advantages of having a model that captures ordering of states. Also, once the set of valid finite state models have been obtained, we can map them to BPMN models, Petri Nets, or even UML models. This helps enterprise architects by allowing the automated generation of code snippets, thereby, reducing the efforts required to build the enterprise. Thus, once the requirements have been finalized and modelled by the architects, the development of the enterprise becomes fully automated. This ensures greater consistency and correctness and reduces the risks of failure.

The \(i^*\)ToNuSMV tool is a research prototype that takes a tGRL representation of an SR-model as input. The tool can also be extended to any goal modelling framework due to the generic nature of the model transforming Semantic Implosion Algorithm. A detailed working of the i\(^*\)ToNuSMV tool with a multi-actor scenario having inter-actor dependencies is illustrated in the User Manual and Tutorial Video on the tool page.Footnote 1 Appropriate screenshots of the tool interface have also been provided.