Correction to: K. Iida, Head-Related Transfer Function and Acoustic Virtual Reality,

The book was inadvertently published with errors in chapters 1, 5 and 7.

In chapter 1, reference citation (Morimoto et al. 1976) was added on page 3. The reference was included later as follows “Morimoto M, Joren N, Ando Y, Maekawa, Z (1976) On the Head-related Transfer Function. Technical report of technical committee of psychological and physiological acoustics, Acoust Soc Jpn H-31-1 (in Japanese)”.

In chapter 5, reference citation (Morimoto et al. 2003) was added on pages 117 and 120. The reference was included later as follows “Morimoto M, Itoh M, Iida K (2003) Localization of sound image produced by two sound sources in sagittal planes. Proc. 8th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (WESPAC VIII), TE13 (4 pages), Melbourne, Australia, 7–9 April”.

Equation 7.1 was updated as \( BSPL=6{\log}_2\left({2}^{L_l/6}+{2}^{L_r/6}\right) \) on page 137.