
1 Introduction

Under 1% water is accessible in the earth and accessible in lake, ocean, well and so on, and remaining water is not potable or drinkable water. Additionally, because of augmentation in universe populace, the measure of drinkable water is increasing step by step. Likewise the wellsprings of consumable water are constrained; consequently, the researchers are doing research on customary and additionally nonregular vitality sources. Utilization of customary sources makes contamination in the earth; subsequently, the nonordinary sources are just arrangement on the planet today. Panchal [14], Panchal et al. [57], Panchal and Shah [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19], Panchal and Patel [3], Panchal and Mohan [20] and Panchal and Sanjay [21].

2 Research Work on Passive Solar Still

Dynamic and in addition Passive sun-based still are two fundamental kinds of sun-oriented still on which investigation works have done by researchers. In uninvolved sun-based still, just sun-oriented vitality is in charge of distillate yield. In Active sun-oriented still, sun powered vitality and additionally incorporation of gatherer is in charge of augmentation in distillate yield. The exploration takes a shot at aloof sun-oriented still and is exhibited underneath:

Moustafa and Brusewitz [22] had outlined and manufactured wick compose sun-oriented still with water streaming framework controlled by stream controller and stop valve for the assessment of augmentation in distillate yield. They found that, stream framework is more beneficial for increase in distillate yield. Prakash and Kavanthekar [23] presented regenerative inactive sun powered still and contrasted and same zone and atmosphere conditions. They additionally made warm examination of regenerative sun powered still to foresee its execution and got a decent concurrence with warm investigation and test examination. Tiwari and Thakur [24] had completed the explanatory articulation for count of effectiveness of detached sunlight-based still. They took diverse factors like the mass of water in the bowl, sunlight-based insolation, wind speed, and so on. They discovered 2.4 kg normal distillate yield of inactive sun-oriented still. They reasoned that the lower mass, higher insolation, and lower wind speed expanded productivity of a sun-oriented still. Yadav and Kumar (1991) had composed and tried single bowl detached sun-oriented still and tried in atmosphere states of Delhi to decide the impacts of salt water profundity on glass cover temperature, distillate yield, and productivity. They inferred that, distillate yield and proficiency of inactive sun powered still expanded by bringing down mass of salt water inside sunlight-based still and furthermore glass cover temperature diminished by bringing down mass of saline solution. Yeh [25] had dissected the execution of upward twofold impact sun-oriented distiller. The still was put at 10° tendencies to a flat surface. He found that, utilization of upward-type twofold—impact sun-oriented still gave more proficient than descending sort unit due to the higher temperature ascent of water in upward-type latent sun based still. Mowla and Karimi [26] had built up a scientific model for single slant, single bowl detached sun powered as yet having zone of 1 m2 with reversed V write glass cover and contrasted with the model. They discovered great concurrence with the results. Adhikari et al. [27] had built up another idea of sun-based still, a multi-organize stacked sun powered still. The major point of the exploration work was to contrast exploratory outcomes and hypothetical outcomes and discovered great assentation of hypothetical model and trial comes about. Aboul-Enein et al. [28] arranged a numerical model of uninvolved sunlight-based still in light of observational formulae of vitality adjust conditions of different basic parts like glass cover, safeguard plate, and water mass. They additionally dissected numerical reenactment which comes with trial results and discovered great understanding.

Bilal et al. [29] had assessed the impact of utilizing different sun-oriented vitality retaining materials like dark elastic mate, dark color, and dark ink to assess execution examination of inactive sun-based still.

Khalifa et al. [30] had indicated change of sunlight-based still for increase in the distillate yield by preheating of the saline water and using outside and interior condensers. They finished up impressive increment in distillate yield of a sun powered still by preheating the water and inner and outside condensers. El-Bahi and Inan (1999) had manufactured enhanced outline of an uninvolved sunlight-based still incorporated with an evaporator territory of 1 m2 secured with 6 mm thickness of glass cover with a condenser through flat opening. They led a few analyses in Iran and contrasted and a similar zone of detached sunlight-based still and found that enhanced outline of sun powered still builds distillate yield fundamentally. El-Sebaii et al. [31] had examined mica as suspended safeguard material on the investigation of a traditional detached sun powered still. To lessen the side and base misfortunes was the prime point of their exploration work. They found 11% expansion in distillate yield.

Abou-Rayan and Djebdedjian [32] had analyzed the execution of a latent sun-based still by Navier–strokes condition. They arranged a scientific model by thinking about a blend of air and water vapor blend and got a decent concurrence with exploratory outcomes. Al-Hinani et al. [33] had considered hypothetical examination of shallow bowl latent sun-oriented still to get comes about on glass cover, tilt, protection impact, and black-top covering on the safeguard plate in atmosphere states of Oman. They found that the shallow water bowl with edge of tilt is equivalent to the scope of Oman with higher protection thickness and an addition of distillate yield by the black-top bowl absorber. Voropoulos et al. [34] had tentatively and hypothetically assessed the conduct of aloof sun-oriented still in light of atmosphere information and working conditions in Jeddah. They found that, the principle atmosphere information and working conditions significantly affect uninvolved sun-oriented still distillate yield. They likewise got great straight relationship. Fath Hassan and Hosny [35] had recommended the utilization of balance on one of the consolidating covers for improvement of the warmth exchange from outside gathering spread to the surrounding for higher vanishing. They discovered 55% augmentation in distillate yield by utilization of balance on the gathering front of inactive sun-oriented still. Valsaraj [36] had led an examinations on the single slant, single bowl aloof sunlight-based still with a coasting punctured aluminum sheet on the surface of saline solution for significant concentrating sun beams. This game plan keeps the entire water mass getting warmed and henceforth increase in distillate yield significantly when the water profundity is high.

Ward [37] designed and fabricated a new modular plastic solar still. He took several laboratory experiments with the help of solar simulator and received considerable distillate output of passive solar still in laboratory conditions due to neglecting losses. Bassam et al. [38, 39] had spreader sponge cubes inside the passive solar still for increasing surface area of brine. They took several experiments with different depths with same size sponge cubes and received a 20% increase in distillate output due to capillary action of water inside the sponge cubes. Abdallah and Badran [40] had proposed a new concept of increasing the distillate output of passive solar still by solar tracking mechanism. To track the sun and increase distillate output were the objectives of their research work and they found a remarkable increase in potable water production in still.

Naim and Mervat [41] had examined the impact of utilizing charcoal as warmth stockpiling material in atmosphere states of Jordan. They found that, charcoal is a successful warmth stockpiling material for expanding 20% distillate yield of aloof sunlight based still. Tiwari et al. (2003) proposed a PC demonstrate for different warmth exchange coefficients for assessing the numerical reproduction aftereffects of internal glass cover temperature, external glass cover temperatures, and distillate yield. They inferred that, PC show is a best strategy to assess hypothetical investigation of above parameters. Ben Bacha et al. [42] performed hypothetical investigation and model of the inventive refining module in light of sun-based numerous buildup, vanishing cycle, and tried in atmosphere states of Egypt. They found a decent assentation among hypothetical and exploratory results. Shukla [43] prepared a PC model of the customary uninvolved sun-oriented still to assess the hypothetical distillate yield in view of the vitality adjust condition. They contrasted hypothetical distillate yield and trial distillate yield and discovered great understanding.

Al-Karaghouli and Alnaser [44] had performed examinations to investigate improvements in distillate yield from twofold bowl and single bowl latent still in atmosphere states of Jeddah. From a half year of nonstop work, they presumed that, twofold bowl sunlight-based still expanded distillate yield of 40% more contrasted and single bowl still.

Hansonet al. [45] had done in-house and field preliminaries on the execution of single bowl latent sun-oriented still for evacuation of a chose gathering of inorganic and bacteriological and natural defiles. They found that, capacity of evacuating sullies did not change altogether between the units and the capacity to expel the natural mixes relies upon Constant of Total disintegrated strong. Shukla and Sorayan [46] had built up another method for upgrade in the distillate yield of uninvolved sun powered still by utilization of Jute material. They found that, jute fabric has a property to build dissipation because of decrease in saline water inside the bowl. They additionally thought about hypothetical and test results and discovered great understanding between them. Zeinab and Ashraf [47] had directed a few examinations on a solitary incline detached sun-oriented still with different sun-oriented vitality engrossing materials like glass, elastic, dark rock for increase in distillate yield. Following a multimonth of research on above materials, they found that, dark rock was more viable for expanding the distillate yield of inactive sun-based still took after by elastic and glass. Sow et al. [48] had examined single, twofold, and triple impact detached sunlight-based still in atmosphere states of Egypt by thought of various misfortunes. They found that, misfortunes of triple impact sun-based still were more contrasted and single impact and twofold impact. Nijmeh et al. [49] had inspected the impacts of different sunlight-based vitality stockpiling materials on the distillate yield of a detached sun-based still in atmosphere states of Spain. They utilized broke up salts, violet color, and charcoal and got 26% addition in distillate yield by utilization of potassium permanganate contrasted and regular aloof sunlight-based still.

Omri et al. [50] had prepared natural convection numerical modeling in triangular cavity with uniform solar insolation by control volume finite element method. Their study proved that, the flow regime and the heat transfer were most critical parameters for cavity and Rayleigh Number.

Kauzo Murase et al. [51] proposed another idea of uninvolved sunlight-based still coordinated with water dispersion organize in atmosphere states of Algeria. They tried tube compose sun-oriented still numerically and tentatively and got great agreement. Ayber [52] had contemplated slanted wick compose detached sun-based still and reasoned that the day by day yield of such sun-oriented still is 2.5–3.5 kg/m2/day for summer states of Turkey. The normal water temperature accessible from such detached sunlight-based still is around 40 °C, which can be utilized for the household application notwithstanding refined water.

Tanaka and Nakatake [53] had proposed another model of latent sunlight-based still by joining inner and outside reflectors for reflecting sun-oriented beams toward the bowl. They completed a few trials in atmosphere states of China and inferred that, inner and outer reflectors expanded distillate yield of 48%. Tiwari and Tiwari [54] had assessed the execution of aloof sunlight-based still with changing the thickness of brackish water in summer atmosphere states of New Delhi, India. They took five profundities of water from 0.04 to 0.18 m amid 24 long stretches of time interim on various five days in seven days. They reasoned that bring down profundity of brackish water expanded distillate yield because of decline of volumetric warmth limit. Omar Badran [55] had demonstrated an execution of aloof sunlight-based still by fluctuating parameters on distillate yield. He led a few trials in atmosphere states of Jordan and presumed that still expands distillate yield of 51% when it is joined with a black-top bowl liner and sprinkler and furthermore builds the nighttime generation of 16% by including above parameters.

Kumar and Bai [56] had performed research on passive solar still with new improved condensation technique to provide better condensation of inner glass cover for different brine samples. They concluded that higher distillate output from tap water is available for comparison with seawater and dairy industry effluent.

Torchia-Nunez et al. [57] had performed enduring state transient hypothetical energy investigation of an inactive sun powered still to discover the variables concentrated on the energy demolition. They inferred that, surrounding temperature was not a compelling parameter for energy effectiveness and protection thickness ought to be higher than 0.02 m to get higher energy productivity. They likewise reasoned that, the better thermodynamic execution acquired when temperature holes were diminished. Velamurugan et al. [58] had done a few investigations of the incorporation of wipe 3D shapes and balances with ventured sun-oriented still for better distillate yield in atmosphere states of Tamil Nadu, India. Expanding the surface zone of salt water was the prime point of their present research. They got 30% addition in distillate yield by combined impacts of wipe solid shapes and balances. Shakthivel and Shanmugasudaram [59] had led an explore on different avenues regarding rock of various sizes as sun powered vitality retaining materials in uninvolved sunlight-based still. They took 2, 4, and 6 mm sizes of rock took for the present trial. They likewise directed warm examination of a sun-oriented still with different sizes of rock and contrasted and trial results and discovered great ascension. After a basic report, they found that, inactive sun powered still with 6-mm estimate rock was more beneficial for expanding distillate yield. Sahoo et al. [60] had done work to expel the fluoride content in drinking water utilizing sun-oriented still and furthermore adjust the bowl liner and protection to build productivity and distillate yield. They presumed that, fluoride diminished by 92–96% and productivity expanded by 6% with reasonable darkened bowl liner and thermocol protection. Shanmugan et al. [61] had used sponsor reflect simply over the glass front of detached sun-oriented still to reflect abundance sun beams for addition of sunlight-based still. They got noticeable 4.2 kg/m2 distillate yield by utilization of sponsor reflect.

Nafey et al. [62] had carried out an experiment of single-basin passive solar still with use of concentration of surfactant on distillate output. They took different concentration of surfactant like 50, 100, 200, and 300 ppm added to solar still. They found an increase in distillate output by 0.7, 2.5, 4.7. and 7% by use of 50, 100, 200, and 300 ppm. They also conclude that, adding of more than 400 ppm decreases distillate output by 6%.

Jiang et al. [63] had fabricated desalination technique of passive solar still integrated with flash equipment. The aim of the work was to increase distillate yield by flashing of brine in solar still. They carried out theoretical analysis and compared with experiment analysis to see the agreement and found good agreement. Kabeel [64] had designed and tested concave-type passive solar still with the pyramid-shape glass cover. They used Jute cloth as a wick material on the base of passive solar still for better absorption of sun rays and increased distillate output by capillary effect. They found 30% increment in daily efficiency of a solar still compared with conventional still.

Kumar and Umanad [65] had proposed a bond chart procedure to assess the distillate yield and proficiency of latent sun powered still numerically and contrasted and trial results and discovered great ascension. Ayber and Assefi (2009) had checked on vital components influencing on the distillate yield of uninvolved sunlight-based still. In their investigation, they took different elements like glass cover edges, glass cover tendency edge, and salt water profundity on the distillate yield of uninvolved sunlight-based still. After a thorough survey of a half year, they proposed the majority of the above parameters for increase in distillate output. Abdullah et al. [66] had considered different wick materials on the distillate yield of aloof sun-based still. Wick materials spread inside the still and expanded distillate yield. They directed different examinations in atmosphere states of Jordan. They discovered volcanic shakes as best wick material, and it expanded distillate yield by 45%.

Feilizadeh et al. [67] proposed another idea of aloof sun-oriented still execution investigation called a radiation show. They took different impacts of the radiation show on water surface, side dividers, and back dividers of an inactive sun-oriented still. They inferred that, side dividers and back dividers critically affect sun-oriented still distillate yield and effectiveness. Dwivedi and Tiwari [68] had assessed life cycle cost investigation of twofold and single slant latent sunlight-based still in atmosphere states of New Delhi, India. The point of their examination work was to look at single and twofold slant, sun powered still with same saline solution profundity in atmosphere states of New Delhi, India. They presumed that, solitary slant latent sun powered is discovered more profitable contrasted and a twofold slant uninvolved sun-oriented still. Kalidasa Murugavelet al. [69] had utilized different sensible warmth stockpiling materials like quartzite shake, red blocks pieces, bond, solid pieces, washed stones, and iron pieces on the distillate yield of inactive sun-oriented still. They found that, quartzite shake is a best sensible warmth stockpiling material.

Khaled [70] had manufactured latent sunlight-based still with pressed media for increase in distillate yield. They utilized helical copper spring as adaptable stuffed medium to create symphonious swaying. They found that, copper spring produces great vibrating impact on expanding distillate yield 3.4 kg/m2/day and increment of productivity 35% contrasted and customary sun-based still. Setoodeh et al. [71] had arranged a model in ANSYS CFD in light of dissipation and buildup process that happens in the latent sun powered still. They contrasted reproduction results and 24-h time interim to acquire fitting outcomes and got great concurrence with the aftereffects of recreations and tests.

Khalifa and Ibrahim (2011) had explained performance analysis of a passive solar still for evaluation of distillate output with internal and external reflector tilted at 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, and 40° angles. They compared experimental results with a mathematical model results and received good similarity in results.

Dev et al. [72] proposed a characteristic equations and correlation analysis for predicting performance of double slope passive solar still in climate conditions of New Delhi, India. They used quasi-static conditions for the analysis and obtained good agreement of regression analysis for predicted and experimental values.

Kalidasa Murugavel and Srithar [73] had performed an experiment with a double-slope passive solar still with a minimum mass of water inside the basin. They used various solar energy absorbing materials integrated with varying fins configurations and tested in climate conditions of Tamil Nadu, India. They found that, light cotton cloth covered with a lengthwise fin arrangement increased distillate output of passive solar still.

Mahdi et al. [74] investigated performance analysis of a single slope solar still with 4-mm plexi glass and its effect on internal heat transfer coefficients of a passive solar still. They evaluated the performance of wick solar still with evaporator material as charcoal in climate conditions of Iran. They conducted experiments with different depth, flow rate, and salinity of brine. They found that, charcoal was the best material to increase distillate output by 2 mm depth with less mass flow rate and low salinity of brine.

3 Conclusion

Following points are derived from the review paper:

  • Passive solar still has average distillate output around 3 L per day.

  • The main reason behind lower distillate output of passive solar still is loss of latent heat for condensation from glass cover to ambient.

  • The reason behind use of single- and double-slope solar still is the latitude of the particular location.

  • Higher evaporation temperature and lower condensation chamber leads to higher distillate output.

  • Use of cloth in passive solar still leads to capillary action of water and leads to better evaporation for increment in distillate output.

  • Lower depth of water inside the basin of sola still leads to lower volumetric heat capacity and hence distillate output.

  • Various computational software are also used to predict the distillate output as well as various temperatures obtained at solar still.