
1 Introduction

From most recent few years, home security has become a crucial necessity of family units to keep home safe from interlopers to get burglarized. So the analysts and organizations try to actualize the calculations and make some gradates that can keep your home safe from the burglars [1]. What’s more there is a need to automate the home with the goal that client can exploit the mechanical headway in a manner that a man leaving his house unattended, does not need to consider his home security over and over again. It is subsequently this motivation behind this creation to give a gadget, which is able to give quick notice to the proprietor and administrations like police headquarters right away when the unwanted occasion may happen. This reason for existing is refined by means of utilization of a device which sends at least one SMS (Short Message Service) via GSM (Global System for Mobile) module to the proprietor and security administrations at the time of happening of theft [2]. This framework is minimal effort since it doesn’t contain sensors which may be unaffordable and it is additionally simple to actualize as this system if installed will take very less space for establishment.

This work is mainly focused on the situation when the user is not present at the home. The GSM-based model will update the user about the current scenario of his/her house. In case of intrusion, the PIR or the ultrasonic sensors will detect the motion of the intruders, giving out an alarm and sending an alert text message to the user at the same time using the GSM.

2 Methodology

For home security, this paper proposes a novel approach using a microcontroller, sensors for motion detection and alert via GSM module and alarm via buzzer. Figure 1 shows the interfacing of the required components to be connected together to provide a security check at the house.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed layout for the home security system

In order to practically layout the proposed model, the following components will be required:

  • Microcontroller preferably Arduino.

  • GSM for communication.

  • PIR sensor.

  • Ultrasonic sensor.

  • Power supply.

  • Buzzer as an alarm.

The following is the detailed description of components:

  • Arduino

The microcontroller Arduino Uno hardware is shown in Fig. 2. It has ATmega328P IC chip which is considered to be the brain of Arduino. It has a total of 14 digital input/output pins, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator for the clock cycle, a USB connector port, a power jack port and a reset button [3,4,5]. It has all the things needed for the functioning of the microcontroller. It can be connected to a PC with a USB wire or can be powered with an AC-to-DC adaptor [1]. One can play with Arduino UNO and test its limits and it will respond quite correctly, further, one can change the hardware for little amount and start the work again. Arduino can be used to create complex codes to interface various other modules, switches or sensors, and thereby figuring out to control various other outputs like buzzer, display, etc.

  • GSM

The Global System for Mobile (GSM) is an advanced innovation used for transmitting voice and information services. GSM is the most broadly used standard in media communications. GSM as shown in Fig. 3 is a GSM 800H, which is a quad-band GPS/GPRS module and works in frequency range of 850–1800 MHz [5, 6]. It requires a power supply of 3.4–4.4 V and does a current utilization of 0.7 mA in sleep mode of operation. It has a SIM card interface and can serially communicate with other devices using serial port. It works on “AT Commands” which it receives from the microcontroller. The GSM module can be used to send messages to users using AT Commands. This functioning ability of GSM to interact with a microcontroller and to send alert message to the user based on the microcontroller response makes it viable to be used in this type of security system [1].

  • PIR Sensor

Figure 4 is shown a passive infrared (PIR) sensor which has a variable resistance to align separation and deferral of timing. This sensor unit is definitely not hard to use rather it has a sensible cost. This sensor requires an operating current range of 100–150 μA and input voltage range of 3–5 V to be able to work. It can be calibrated to detect motion from 0.1 to 6 m. It also has the ability to work at a temperature range varying from −200 to 700 °C [1]. It works on a wavelength range of 7–14 μm. PIR sensors permit you to detect movement, additionally used to distinguish in the event that a person has stimulated in or out of the house. The PIR sensor has two regions from which the transmission and receiving of the electromagnetic waves take place [7]. When the PIR sensor is fitted in a region of space, and there is no motion of any body, a similar measure of IR from both the sensor openings is received, but when a bodily motion like that of a human comes in the sensor range, it automatically blocks first opening of the sensor, which tends to generate a positive differential change in current between the two openings of the sensor. Similarly, when the warm body tries to move away from the detecting range, the inversion takes place, making the sensor generate a negative differential change. These changes in beat are calculated and an output is given out by the sensor whether a motion has taken place or not. The PIR sensors are small, easily controlled and do not break easily. They are being used in various home automation and security devices.

  • Ultrasonic Sensor

This ultrasonic sensor provides a range measurement of 2–400 cm. It has a transmitter, receiver and a control unit. The module will be sending 8, 40 kHz signals [8]. The pulse in time of the signal is counted. This time is used to calculate the actual distance of the object from the module.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Arduino Uno microcontroller

Fig. 3
figure 3

GSM module to be used

Fig. 4
figure 4

View of PIR sensor

The following is the pin diagram of the ultrasonic sensor as shown in Fig. 5:

  • Power: +5 V

  • Trigger Input

  • Echo Output

  • Ground.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Ultrasonic sensor as seen from top

This module will measure the real-time distance of the objects. So if any intruder cuts its path, then the distance measured for a particular instance may drop below a set threshold, this would alert the microcontroller that an intruder has come inside the house. It will be fixed near the door or window, so any unwanted motion can easily be detected.

  • Power Supply

Figure 6 shows a 12 V, 1 A DC adaptor required to power up all the components.

  • Arduino IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment is shown in Fig. 7. It has a very easy to work platform since execution of code is very fast. The programs can be easily written in C/C++, Java. The Arduino IDE assigns Arduino hardware pins to work as input and output pins accordingly as needed by the user thereby making interfacing the microcontroller with other modules a lot easier. The following two subparts of the program are the building blocks of the Arduino program [9]: void setup (): used for initialization and void loop (): used for implementing a task.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Power supply unit

Fig. 7
figure 7

Arduino IDE software

3 Implementation

See Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Implementation of proposed home security system

4 Results and Discussion

Once an intruder enters the room, either the PIR sensor fitted on the ceiling of the room or the ultrasonic sensor near the door and window, detects a motion and sends the data to Arduino. The Arduino processes the data and correspondingly sends an alert SMS to the owner of the house. The message reads as, “THE THIEVE IS IN THE HOUSE”. Also a buzzer alarm goes high parallel to the SMS. Figure 9 shows the SMS received by the owner of the house.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Alert SMS is sent to the registered user

5 Conclusion

The proposed home security system is affordable and offers a standard security system to the people who have to go out of the house, no one being there to guard the house. It can easily be installed in homes and used by the people at any time since most of the people have access to mobile phones these days. Further, the efforts would be made in future to make the system cheaper and also to ensure that the power backup is provided to the system remotely which may last for long time to ensure security in case when there is no electricity at home.