
1 Introduction

CMOS technology played a vital role in the semiconductor industry in the past few decades by implementing very large-scale integrated devices. Due to the physical limits of this technology, researchers have switched to novel nanotechnology such as Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA), which is a top emerging technology with potential application in future computers. QCA is based on Coulombic interaction instead of the current used in CMOS with advantages such as high switching speed, extremely low power consumption without using transistors. QCA cell is the building block of QCA devices, which consists of four quantum dots with two mobile electrons.

The basic building block of QCA circuit is majority gate and using majority gate and inverter basic gates can be built. Complex logic circuits are constructed very easily with the help of QCA basic gates. In this chapter, we are implementing the design of 2:1 multiplexer using QCA which is the basic block of MAC. In real-time DSP systems, many applications such as speech codecs, MP3, etc., require MAC operations. In this chapter, we propose a new design methodology for 2:1 multiplexer using QCA Designer software with a decreased number of cells giving efficient output.

2 Quantum Dot Cellular Automata

The square nanostructure of electron wells which confines free electrons is basically called as QCA. Each cell constitutes four quantum dots, which are situated at the corners of a square coupled by means of tunneling barrier. As physical occupancy of quantum dots varies in nanometer range, they are capable of entrapment of electrons in three dimensions. Two electrons occupy nonadjacent corners representing two polarizations by Coulombic repulsion. Here, binary “Low” is represented by P = −1 and P = +1 represents binary “High”. Figure 1a, b represents how charge designation of P2 is affected by its neighbor P1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Basic quantum dot. b Polarization states

Majority gate is the basic unit of QCA which consists of five cells, three inputs, one output, and a middle cell. Middle cell is named as device cell as it determines the stable output by switching the device to major polarization. Using majority gate basic AND and OR gates can be designed by fixing one of the inputs to P = −1 or P = +1 respectively. Boolean expression for majority gate is represented as (Fig. 2):

$$ {\text{M}}\, ( {\text{A}},\,{\text{B}},\,{\text{C)}} = {\text{AB}} + {\text{BC}} + {\text{AC}} $$
Fig. 2
figure 2

Majority gate

3 Design

Multiply-accumulate unit architecture is as shown in Fig. 3, which mainly consists of several 2:1 multiplexers. We are implementing 2:1 multiplexer which uses less area with high switching speed and low power consumption, which will lead to efficient MAC design.

Fig. 3
figure 3

MAC architecture

The basic functional block of 2:1 multiplexer is as follows (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Functional block of 2:1 multiplexer

Output of the multiplexer is based on select input. 2:1 multiplexer consists of two inputs A and B, depending upon the select line either A or B is produced at the output. Truth table is represented in Table 1, using this output expression can be given as

$$ {\text{C}} = {\text{A}}.{\text{SEL}}^{\prime} + {\text{B}}.{\text{SEL}} $$
Table 1 Truth table of 2:1 multiplexer

Majority gate implementation of 2:1 multiplexer is represented as (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Outline of the proposed 2:1 multiplexer

Using QCA Designer 2.0.3 multiplexer design is implemented which is the basic block for MAC unit. This design is very efficient compared to previous designs in terms of number of cells and area usage (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Layout of 2:1 multiplexer in QCAD

The proposed design is compared with the previous designs and results are tabulated and plotted as (Table 2; Fig. 7).

Table 2 Comparison of the proposed design with some previous designs
Fig. 7
figure 7

Cell count comparison graph

This design is compared with the classical logic gate design and it is summarized as follows (Table 3; Fig. 8).

Table 3 Comparison of cell area in the design of multiplexer using logic gates and QCAD
Fig. 8
figure 8

Cell area comparison of QCAD result with logic gates

4 Simulation Results

Circuit functionality is verified using QCA Designer 2.0.3 [1]. Following parameters are used for bistable approximation:

  • Number of samples = 12,800

  • Convergence tolerance = 0.00100

  • Radius of effect = 65 nm

  • Cell size = 35 nm

  • Relative permittivity = 12.9

  • Clock high = 9.8e−22

  • Clock low = 3.8e−23

  • Clock amplitude factor = 2 (Fig. 9).

    Fig. 9
    figure 9

    Simulation results

Simulation results shown above give the working of 2:1 multiplexer and this design is used for MAC architecture.

5 Conclusion

Our proposed design of multiplexer is very simple and efficient with a remarkable reduction in the number of cells and is utilized in the architecture of MAC unit which has a large number of applications including future computers. As the design is implemented in QCA, we achieve advantages such as reduced cell area by 34.78% and it uses only 15 cells with high switching speed and low power consumption giving more efficient output when compared to previous designs. Hence, our proposed design is the promising step toward the goal of low power design.