
1 Introduction

Cloud can be visualized as a distributed system comprising of a set of virtual machines that can be dynamically provisioned to meet the varying resource requirements of a consumer [1]. The organization/entity that maintains a public cloud is referred to as the Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Cloud relieves an enterprise of the overhead of physical installation and maintenance of its system, which automatically reduces the overall operational cost and enhances system efficiency. The modalities of CSP-Consumer relationship are governed by the terms and conditions defined within a Service Level Agreement (SLA). An underlying concern lies in the fact that the consumer has to rely completely on the CSP for the maintenance of privacy and security of sensitive data and services. The notion of mutual trust is achieved to some extent by negotiating the SLA, but still a good number of cloud-specific security issues become inevitable that need to be handled by either the CSP or the consumer [2].

Maintenance of data security in Cloud poses serious challenges owing to its distributed nature and multi-tenant architecture [3]. The data life cycle comprises of several phases, namely data generation, data storage, data usage, data distribution and data deletion. CSP should support all these phases with appropriate security mechanisms [4]. Most importantly, the process of data deletion is crucial in Cloud; this should be handled carefully by the CSP to ensure permanent and complete deletion of data on a consumer’s request. Moreover, the data backups (scope, saving intervals, saving times, storage duration, etc.) should be transparent and auditable for the consumers. Lack of secure deletion strategies may lead to leakage of sensitive data to unauthorized entities.

Traditional security models fail to address the requirements that are specific to Cloud systems [5]. Recently developed cloud-centric models are either too intricate, or fall short in properly representing the actual state and operations of Cloud systems [6]. Moreover, these models do not address the issue of secure data deletion, which continues to remain an open problem. This paper attempts to address this research gap by proposing a novel methodology that would enable a CSP to avoid data leakage that may occur due to incomplete removal of consumers’ data. The proposed methodology also includes a technique for identifying the Virtual Machines (VMs) that are most suited as well as secured with respect to a consumer’s requirements.

Rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, a survey of related work is given. Section 3 describes the System model and design goal. It presents the proposed methodology, including the service units involved and the algorithm for secure data removal. Section 4 illustrates the usefulness of the proposed methodology with the help of a case study. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

Several security models and mechanisms for cloud-based services have been proposed in recent years. Some of the significant contributions are surveyed here.

Wang et al. [7] proposed a Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing scheme meant for assuring data integrity/correctness within Cloud storage. Here, CSP is considered to be an untrusted party which may hide data losses or even free storage by deleting the blocks that are rarely accessed by the consumer. A Third Party Auditor and a public key based homomorphic authenticator have been used to prevent such breaches. However, it lacks dynamic file handling capabilities and involves large number of message transfers.

Yu et al. [8] introduced a fine-grained access control scheme for clouds. Each data file is stored in encrypted form, and is associated with a set of attributes. A logical expression is associated with each user which defines her access structure over the attributes, thus identifying the data files that she is allowed to access. However, complications arise when a user is to be removed from the server, which requires the data owner to re-encrypt all the data files accessible to that user.

Liu, Wang and Wu [9] proposed a time-based proxy re-encryption scheme that allows a user’s access right to expire automatically after a pre-determined period of time. Each data is associated with an attribute-based access structure and an access time, and each user is identified by a set of attributes and a set of eligible time periods which denote the period of validity of the user’s access right. The main drawback of this scheme is that it does not have provision for fine-grained time accuracy.

Wang, He and Tang [10] introduced a Cloud data integrity checking scheme based on identity-based proxy-oriented technique, which eliminates the tedious job of certificate maintenance required for verification. The verification is done based on the tag-block configuration of the stored files, a pseudo-random function and a pseudo-random permutation generated by the system, and the bilinear pairings.

Besides, some research has been carried out on cloud sensing/monitoring schemes which help in automating the provisioning of cloud services [11].

It is obvious that most of the existing cloud security models are either costly or too complex. Moreover, they are mostly consumer dependent, which is quite infeasible in a practical Cloud computing scenario. It is important to develop a comprehensive solution that could address cloud specific data security problems at the CSP end. This paper presents such a consumer-independent data security scheme.

3 Proposed Methodology

The Cloud model that has been presented here is composed of the CSP and the Cloud user or service owner (consumer) who deploys her service or stores her data in the Cloud system. The main aim is to formulate a detailed procedure that should be followed when a user requests for some VM instance to deploy her service. The goal here is to achieve user data confidentiality as well as proper utilization and balance between the VMs such that the most appropriate VM (based on user requirement, security issues as well as present condition of the Cloud system) is allocated to the user efficiently.

Basu et al. [12] addressed security based on the present content of each VM by applying suitable separation policies. This paper enhances that work by considering traces of deleted data before granting access to a particular VM. Thus, one of the most vital areas of Cloud data security, data deletion and disposal issues, have been addressed here. The problem with data deletion, when using a Cloud-based service, lies in the fact that when a request for data or service removal is made by a consumer, the CSP usually deletes only the pointers that point to the particular data that need to be deleted. However, problems might ensue when a user is assigned a VM which previously hosted data of another user with whom she has conflict of interest. A malicious user may try to obtain sensitive data of some other enterprise that may reside there, thus posing a threat to data confidentiality. Figure 1 illustrates this scenario with a sample case.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Cloud with 6 VMs (Grey VMs contain applications/data; white VMs are empty), and 2 users with conflict of interest. Security breach occurs when UserB tries to access a particular memory location in VM1.

The present work is a small step towards handling such data deletion and access issues efficiently. An important assumption of the proposed methodology is the existence of mutual trust between the CSP and the Cloud user. The CSP is believed to be honest and the security issues that have been considered here are from the perspective of malicious users. The entire procedure from request initiation by a user to fulfillment of the request by allocating necessary resources (i.e. VM) by the CSP involves various functions and data structures. These are described in the following sub-section.

3.1 Service Units and Data Structures

The proposed methodology comprises of four units, namely VM Allocation unit, Service Automation unit, Deletion Analyzer unit and Conflict Analysis unit; they are used for managing VM allocation, VM reservation, complete removal of deleted data and analyses of Conflict of Interest classes [12], respectively.

3.1.1 VM Allocation Unit

This particular module inputs the user requirements (in terms of memory, hardware, storage, etc.) and searches for the best possible set of VMs that are able to meet those requirements. Once such a set is found, an LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm is used to select a single VM out of this set. Use of LRU algorithm ensures proper and uniform utilization of CSP’s resources and helps avoid cloud sprawl or VM sprawl [13].

3.1.2 Conflict Analysis Unit

The VM selected by the VM Allocation unit is input to this module which checks for existing conflicts based on Conflict of Interest classes [12]. This module uses the Chinese wall security policy for conflict analyses as suggested in [12]. After a VM passes this unit, it enters the next module.

3.1.3 Deletion Analyzer Unit

This module uses a binary variable flag. When deleting enterprise data from a VM, the value of flag is set to “true”. A list Org-index is used to store the names of enterprises whose data have been deleted, along with the pointers which were actually removed from the memory. Both flag and Org-index are maintained on a per-VM basis. The field “status” in User_details table is set to “absent” and the timestamp value (explained in the next section) of the corresponding entry of the VM in User_reservation queue (if present) is set to zero. If the value of flag is “false”, the VM is assigned to the user. However, if it is “true”, the module checks Org-index list to identify names of conflicting enterprises [12]. If no conflicts exist, the VM can be assigned to the user. On the other hand, if conflicts are detected, the deleted pointers, corresponding to the conflicting enterprises, are identified and the corresponding memory blocks are overwritten by some garbage value. After the completion of this process the VM can be safely allocated to the user. This helps to prevent illegal leakages of sensitive data.

3.1.4 Service Automation Unit

In addition to managing secure deletion of data, the proposed methodology also employs efficient means of handling user requests by using a reservation technique. The Service Automation (SA) unit reserves Virtual Machine Images (VMIs) for each user and manages the respective copies of reserved VMIs [14], as follows:

  1. 1.

    When a user request is made for the first time, a suitable VM is assigned to her using the procedure mentioned in the earlier modules. In addition to this, the SA unit constructs a reservation queue for that user containing the presently assigned VMI ID, along with those VMI IDs that have been found to be equally suitable for allocation by the earlier modules.

  2. 2.

    The same VMI may be reserved by the SA unit for more than one user. In such a scenario, any update (i.e. actual allocation of the VM to a particular user) must be reflected in all copies of reservation queues that contain the affected VMI IDs.

  3. 3.

    Periodic checks are conducted by the SA unit in order to detect security conflicts that might arise owing to new allocations. If security conflicts are detected, SA unit associates a status flag with the corresponding VMI ID in the reservation queue and sets its value to “FALSE”. Later, if some VM is de-allocated, as a result of which previous conflicts are removed, the same change is reflected in the user reservation queue during periodic updates by setting the status flag to “TRUE”.

  4. 4.

    When a user request is encountered for the second time, no further configuration checking or security checking is required, as a suitable VM could be assigned to the user readily from the reservation queue. Thus, though the implementation of the SA unit incurs some provider-overhead, it enables the CSP to serve its users efficiently.

  5. 5.

    It has been assumed here that a user follows the same trend of requests, which may not be the case always. It may so happen that the same user now has different requirements. In such a scenario, the user has the freedom to choose a new VM of suitable configuration from the list of available ones.

  6. 6.

    A problem may arise owing to the periodic update of reservation queues that is executed at specified time intervals. It may be the case that a certain allocation is done before the required update has taken place in the local VMI copy, thus resulting in conflicting enterprises sharing the same VM. Such situations can be handled by using a time-stamp. Whenever a VM is allocated to some user, the change is immediately reflected in the main VMI and a time-stamp is associated with the particular VMI (main copy) showing the time of allocation. Later on, when periodic checks are carried out, the change is propagated to all the local copies (residing in the user queues) corresponding to the particular VMI and a new time-stamp is assigned to the main as well as the local VMI copies. Now, when a user requests a VM, the SA unit can automatically allocate one, after checking the time-stamps associated with the local VMI copy in the reservation queue and that of the main VMI copy. If both the time-stamps are same, the VM is allocated to the user. However, if the time-stamp of the main copy is found to be greater than that of the local copy, it implies that the local copy of the VMI is not updated. In such a scenario, SA unit first synchronizes all local copies of the VMI with the main copy and then performs the necessary allocation.

Figure 2 shows the detailed workflow needed to implement the proposed data deletion and VM allocation scheme, while the algorithms for implementing the methodology are described in the following sub-section.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Flowchart for secured cloud access.

3.2 Algorithm for Secured Cloud Access

Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 contain various algorithms that can be used to implement the proposed data deletion and VM allocation scheme.

Table 1. Secured cloud access algorithm
Table 2. Cloud user registration subroutine
Table 3. Cloud user login subroutine
Table 4. Enter requirement subroutine
Table 5. Check configuration subroutine
Table 6. Check security subroutine
Table 7. Connect-VM subroutine
Table 8. Check scaling request subroutine
Table 9. Cloud user deletion subroutine
Table 10. Service automation subroutine
Table 11. Cloud periodic update subroutine
Table 12. Check validation subroutine

The Secured Cloud Access algorithm (Table 1) has been designed to implement the service units described in the previous sub-section. It comprises of several subroutine calls which are detailed in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The entry point of the algorithm is at Cloud User Registration and the exit point occurs at line no. 51 or 54 when Connect-VM(VM_ID) either establishes a connection between the CSP and the Cloud user, or prints an Error message, as the case may be.

If the total number of VMs in the system is considered to be ‘n’, then a simple analysis shows that the Worst case Time Complexity of the proposed Algorithm is O(n).

4 Case Study

The proposed scheme is illustrated with the help of the following case study. The present state of the Cloud server is depicted in Tables 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

Table 13. User_details table
Table 14. User_requirement table
Table 15. VM_allocation table
Table 16. VM_details Table (including Flag and Org-index)
Table 17. State of User_reservation queue

A new user, UserC wants to deploy her ERP application in Cloud. Tables 18 and 19 show the user details and requirements, respectively, after the subroutines Cloud User Registration and Enter Requirement (stated in Sect. 3.2) have been invoked.

Table 18. User_details table
Table 19. User_requirement table

The algorithm checks for a suitable VM by invoking the subroutine Check Configuration. It is evident that VM-23 is the only one capable of meeting the user requirements (Table 16). VM-23 is now checked for security compliance by the subroutine Check Security. No conflicting enterprise data is found but the value of flag is “true”. As is evident from Table 16, Org-index contains UserB as an entry whose enterprise type is “ERP” which is the same as that of UserC. Therefore, the memory locations stored in Org-index are first overwritten and then VM-23 is allocated to UserC with the corresponding entry being done in VM_allocation table. It should be noted here that the User_reservation queue for UserC contains only VM-23, since this is the only one which matches the configuration requirements of the user. The post-allocation changes in the Cloud system are depicted in Tables 20, 21 and 22.

Table 20. VM_allocation table
Table 21. VM_details table (including Flag and Org-index)
Table 22. State of User_reservation queue

Thus, the case study illustrates the functions of the proposed scheme.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, a novel methodology for Cloud system security has been proposed. The different service units and their functions have been described. An algorithm for implementing the functionalities of the proposed scheme has been detailed. Cloud operations have been described considering aspects of security, data deletion and access control. The methodology can be used to manage the operations and security aspects of cloud services smoothly, and provide assurance to users about the safety of hosting such services. It ensures that a user is not able to access data that belongs to an enterprise within the same Conflict of Interest class [12] as that of the requesting user. This helps to protect the confidentiality of enterprise data. A detailed case study has been included to demonstrate the utility of the work.

The main overhead of this scheme lies in implementing the subroutine, Cloud Periodic Update which is to be executed at regular intervals of time for assuring updated and safe copies of VMI. An erroneous update would result in an incorrect and unbalanced state of the Cloud system leading to improper allocation and de-allocation of the VMs and, possibly, security issues. Moreover, the assurance made by the scheme of overwriting memory locations of conflicting datasets would need hardware-level intervention which should be done carefully, avoiding other unrelated memory locations from getting affected. Future work is geared towards the development of an automated tool based on the proposed methodology. This would help in eliminating such errors while implementing the proposed operations.