
1 Introduction

Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have created opportunities for sequencing at an unprecedented depth and breadth and multiplex sequencing has emerged as an important strategy for sequencing of many different samples in parallel. In multiplex sequencing, a unique multiplex identifier (MID), or “barcode” sequence, is added to the DNA that is to be sequenced. After sequencing, reads are sorted into sample libraries via detection of the appropriate barcode.

Atherosclerotic diseases, including coronary artery disease (CAD) and myocardial infarction (MI), are the leading causes of death in the world [1]. The genetic basis of CAD and MI, which are caused by multiple interacting endogenous and exogenous factors, has gained considerable interest in the last years as genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified many new susceptibility loci for CAD and MI (for review see [2]). The underlying genes provide new insights into the genetic architecture of these diseases.

This protocol describes the detailed experimental procedure for multiplex amplicon sequencing. The procedure begins with a PCR amplification of a sequence of interest. This is then followed by a second PCR with universal primers containing barcodes and sequences for the 454 sequencing reaction. Optimization will be needed dependent on reagents or instruments for PCR. The amplicons are then quantified prior to sequencing (Fig. 33.1).

Fig. 33.1
figure 1

Work flow for the sequencing procedure using the 454 GS Junior

2 Materials

2.1 First and Second PCR

Oligonucleotide primers

Life technologies

Genomic DNA (100 ng)

DNA polymerase and PCR reaction buffer

Bioline reagents

DNaseZap DNase decontamination


RNase/DNase free water


DNA LoBind 1.5 mL tubes, PCR clean


ART self-sealing barrier pipette tips


Mastercycler PCR thermocycler


96-well PCR reaction plate

Applied biosystems

96-well adhesive film

Applied biosystems

Multipurpose tabletop centrifuge

Refrigerated centrifuge



[Optional] Ethidium bromide solution (0.5 μg/ml)


[Optional] Agarose


[Optional] 1X TBE buffer

Thermo scientific

[Optional] Gel Doc™ XR+

Bio-rad laboratories

[Optional] DNA hyperladder I and loading buffer

Bioline reagents

[Optional] Gel electrophoresis tanks, casts and power unit

Bio-rad laboratories

2.2 PCR Clean-Up

UltraClean PCR clean-up kit


Multipurpose tabletop centrifuge

ART self-sealing barrier pipette tips


2.3 Amplicon Quantification

2100 Bioanalyzer

Agilent technologies

DNA 1000 kit

Agilent technologies

Multipurpose tabletop centrifuge

DNA LoBind 0.5 mL tubes, PCR clean



2.4 454 Library Preparation, Sequencing and Data Analysis

454 GS Junior sequencer


GS Junior Titanium emPCR kit (Lib-A)


GS Junior Titanium PicoTiterPlate kit


GS Junior Titanium sequencing kit


GS Junior Titanium control bead kit


  1. For a full list of all of the materials required for the sequencing procedures refer to the GS Junior System Tables of Materials document [3]

3 Detailed Procedure

3.1 First PCR (Target Amplification)

We implemented a two-step PCR procedure [4]. The first reaction involves conventional PCR primers (designed against the region of interest) to amplify the desired sequence form genomic DNA (Fig. 33.2). It is advisable to keep amplified products below 600 bp (see App. A.3). During primer design a ‘universal tail’ is also added to the 5′-end of each primer. The purpose of this modification is to allow the product gained from the first PCR to be used as a template for the second PCR.

Fig. 33.2
figure 2

Schematic representation of the two PCR reactions. The gene specific sequences for each primer are highlighted in blue. The universal tails which enable secondary primer binding are coloured red. The unique MID codes are highlighted in green and the 454 adaptor sequences are coloured purple

  1. 1.

    On ice prepare the following reaction mixture. Mix the reagents well before use with a vortex. Also allow an additional 10 % volume to account for pipetting inaccuracies:


1 Reaction

5× PCR reaction buffer (3 mM MgCl2 final concentration)

5 μl

10 μM forward primer

1 μl

10 μM reverse primer

1 μl

dNTPs (10 mM of each)

2.5 μl

1.25 U DNA polymerase

0.25 μl

Genomic DNA template (100 ng)

As required

RNase/DNase free water

Up to 25 μl

Final volume

25 μl

  1. 2.

    Pipette the above mixture into a 96 well plate whereby one well contains one DNA individual sample.

  2. 3.

    Attach the 96-well adhesive film tightly to the plate ensuring all of the wells are suitably covered and briefly pulse spin in a refrigerated centrifuge.

  3. 4.

    Place the plate in a thermocycler with the following cycle conditions applied:




Initial denaturation

95 °C

10 min

30 cycles


95 °C

1 min


User determined

45 s


72 °C

1 min

Final extension

72 °C

5 min


5 °C


  1. Additional information: A heated lid option is advisable to prevent condensation inside the wells. Also the ramp speed is recommended to be kept at standard
  1. 5.

    Once complete the plate can be stored at −20 °C.

    It is advisable to run some of the product on an agarose gel along with a DNA ladder to be confident of target amplification and primer specificity e.g. 5 μl of product on a 2 % agarose gel.

  1. 6.

    Before beginning the next PCR reaction all of the samples should be purified to remove any remaining primers and salts (see App. A.1).

3.2 Second PCR (Attachment of Barcodes)

A unique combination of forward and reverse barcode primers (Table 33.1) are then added to each sample in the second PCR (Fig. 33.2). These primers contain the same aforementioned 10 bp universal tails thus allowing attachment to the previously amplified product. Next to the universal tail is a 10 bp MID sequence which is used for sample identification during the sequencing. Adjacent to this is a 25 bp sequence which is able to hybridize to the DNA capture beads during the 454 sample library preparation.

Table 33.1 A selection of primers required to be able to undertake multiplex sequencing. The forward and reverse universal tails are in red italics. The multiplex identifier (MID) is underlined in green and the 454 adaptors are in purple. For an extended list of MID primers available to use on the 454 GS Junior system refer to appropriate technical bulletin [9]
  1. 1.

    On ice prepare the following reaction mixture, remembering to vortex all of the reagents well before use and to add an additional 10 % volume:


1 Reaction

5× PCR reaction buffer (3 mM MgCl2 final concentration)

5 μl

10 μM forward primer

1 μl

10 μM reverse primer

1 μl

dNTPs (10 mM of each)

2.5 μl

1.25 U DNA polymerase

0.25 μl

PCR product template

1 μl

RNase/DNase free water

14.25 μl

Final volume

25 μl

  1. 2.

    Pipette the above mixture into a 96 well plate. Each well should contain a unique combination of forward and reverse primers to allow for successful barcoding. This will allow the tracking of each sample when they are later pooled for sequencing.

  2. 3.

    Attach the film lid tightly to the plate ensuring all of the wells are suitably covered and briefly pulse spin in a refrigerated centrifuge.

  3. 4.

    Place the plate in a thermocycler with the following cycle conditions applied:




Initial denaturation

95 °C

10 min

20–30 cycles


95 °C

1 min


60 °C

45 s


72 °C

1 min

Final extension

72 °C

5 min


5 °C


  1. Additional information: A heated lid option is advisable to prevent condensation inside the wells. Also the ramp speed is recommended to be kept at standard
  1. 5.

    Once complete the plate can be stored at −20 °C.

    It is advisable to run some of the product on an agarose gel along with a DNA ladder to be confident of barcode attachment. If the attachment of the barcodes has been successful then the product size should be 70 bp larger than the product gained from the first PCR.

  2. 6.

    Finally, purify all of the newly gained PCR products (see App. A.1) to prepare for quantification.

3.3 Amplicon Quantification

Precise quantification of the PCR products gained in the previous reaction is essential to allow equal reads when it comes to multiplex sequencing. An inconsistently quantified amplicon library will ultimately lead to difficulties during data normalization. There are numerous methods available to quantify the purified PCR amplicons.

3.3.1 2100 Bioanalyzer

The 2100 Bioanalyzer is able to size and quantify PCR products from just 1 μl of sample via a microfluidic approach. Each sample produces an artificial gel image as well as an electropherogram (Fig. 33.3). In conjunction with the DNA 1,000 kit each chip can simultaneously analyze 12 samples ranging from 25 to 1,000 bp in size. One possible limitation to this assay, however, is the narrow quantitation range and low sensitivity available (Table 33.2).

Fig. 33.3
figure 3

Left: A gel representation of two samples generated with the 2100 Bioanalyzer on a DNA 1,000 chip. Right: The corresponding electropherogram for sample ‘A1’ denoting the concentration (ng/μl) of the desired amplicon and the two markers

Table 33.2 Comparison between the 2100 Bioanalyzer and the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA methods for quantitation of amplions prior to sequencing. The values quoted for the 2100 Bioanalyzer are when using the DNA 1,000 kit. The values for the Quant-iT PicoGreen assay are based on a standard 2.0 ml reaction with a fluorometer

3.3.2 Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Kit

An alternative method for quantifying PCR products prior to sequencing is to use the commercially available Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA assay (Invitrogen). The fluorescent stain in the kit specifically binds to double stranded DNA (dsDNA), even in the presence of single stranded nucleic acids and other contaminants, and measured with a standard fluorometer. Quantification is extrapolated from an 8-point standard curve. The assay also supports 96- and 384-well plate formats to increase throughput capabilities.

3.4 454 Library Preparation

Prior to preparing the reagents required for sequencing it is first necessary to dilute and pool the amplicon library. This DNA pool is then processed in an emulsion-based clonal amplification (emPCR) reaction (Fig. 33.4). Finally the DNA capture beads containing the different amplicons are retrieved (approximately 500,000).

Fig. 33.4
figure 4

Workflow of 454 amplicon library preparation prior to sequencing

All of the above steps including amplicon dilution and emPCR procedures can be found in detail in the Amplicon Library Preparation Manual [5] and the emPCR Amplification Method Manual – Lib-A [6] respectively.

3.5 454 Sequencing

Before a sequencing run can commence a pre-wash of the machine is required to prepare the instrument. The amplicon-enriched beads are injected onto a PicoTiterPlate (PTP) device in a series of layers. Following a final prime of the 454 GS Junior the PTP device is then loaded into the instrument and the sequencing can take place overnight. Raw data generated in a series of images following repeated deoxynucleotide base additions is captured, normalized and collated into runs.

For in-depth methodology on sequencing with the 454 GS Junior refer to the Sequencing Method Manual [7].

3.6 Data Analysis

The benefit of next generation sequencing is having an immense data set containing thousands of reads therefore allowing the confidence to interpret results. However with such a vast supply of results provides difficulties during the analysis stage. Fortunately there is software available to aid in the presentation and interpretation of the experimental data.

A suitable program to analyze amplicon library reads is the GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer (Roche). This software is able to analyze both uni- and bi-directional sequencing reads (see App. A.2). Each amplicon sequenced is compared against a desired reference sequence to highlight any possible variants in the amplicon library (Fig. 33.5). The corresponding MIDs must first be selected on the software for each sample to differentiate between subjects. Flowgrams can also be created which are useful when presenting any novel variant found in a sequencing run (Fig. 33.6).

Fig. 33.5
figure 5

Using the GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer to highlight single nucleotide polymorphisms. The top line (green) is the reference sequence. The second line is the sample sequence. Nucleotides highlighted (red) are those which differ from the expected sequence. The additional data represents individual reads for that sample

Fig. 33.6
figure 6

A flowgram demonstrating an A/G substitution. Top: The expected reference sequence. Middle: An amplicon sample sequence. Bottom: The difference between both the amplicon and the reference. Notice a single A removal (−1) and a single G addition (+1)