
1 Introduction

Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP) is the study of feature modularity in program families and programming models supporting it. The key idea behind FOP is to build software by the composition of features. Features are the characteristics of software that distinguish members of a program family. The FOP paradigm is concerned with identifying functionality in the form of features.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 highlights an overview of some previous works. Section 3 presents a brief idea of Feature-Oriented Programming. Section 4 describes our proposed work on dynamic slicing of feature-oriented programs. Section 5 concludes the paper. We use node and vertex interchangeably in this paper.

2 Overview of Previous Work

Apel et al. [1] presented FeatureC++ with an additional adoptation to Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) concepts. Apel et al. [2] presented a novel language for FOP in C++ namely FeatureC++. They showed few problems of FOP languages during implementation of program families and proposed ways to solve them by the combination of AOP and FOP features. We find no work discussing the slicing of FOP. We present an approach for dynamic slicing of FOPs using FeatureC++ as a FOP language. We have extended the work of Mohapatra et al. [3] to incorporate feature-oriented features.

3 Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP)

The term Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP) was coined by Christian Prehofer in 1997 [4]. FOP is a vision of programming in which individual features can be defined separately and then can be composed to build a wide variety of particular products. The step-wise refinement, where features are incrementally refined by other features, results in a layered stack of features. A suitable technique for the implementation of features is the use of Mixin Layers. A Mixin Layer is a static component that encapsulates fragments of several different classes (Mixins) to compose all fragments consistently.

FeatureC++ is an extension to C++ language supporting Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP). Figure 3 shows an example FeatureC++ program. This program checks the primeness of a number. Figure 1 shows different features supported by our prime number checking problem and Fig. 2 shows the corresponding stack of Mixin Layers. Details of FeatureC++ can be found in [1, 2].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Features supported by prime number checking problem

Fig. 2
figure 2

Stack of mixin layers in prime number checking problem

4 Proposed Work

This section describes our Execution Trace file Based Dynamic Slicing (ETBDS) algorithm to compute dynamic slices of FOPs alongwith few definitions.

4.1 Definitions

Definition 1: Digraph

A directed graph or digraph is defined as a collection of a finite set, V, of elements called vertices or nodes and the set, E, of ordered pairs of elements of V called edges or arcs.

Definition 2: Arc-classified digraph

An arc-classified digraph is defined as a digraph where more than one type of edges exist between two vertices and the direction of edges between two vertices are not same.

Definition 3: Path

A path in a digraph is a sequence of edges or arcs connecting a sequence of vertices and the edges are directed in the same direction.

Definition 4: Execution trace

The path that an input data to a program actually executes is referred to an execution trace. For example, Fig. 4 shows the execution trace of the program given in Fig. 3 for the input data n = 5.

Fig. 3
figure 3

A FeatureC++ program to check the primeness of a number. a Base/Prime.h. b Check/Prime.h. c Result/Prime.h. d Main/PrCheck.h. e Test-Prime.equation

4.2 The Dynamic Feature-Oriented Dependence Graph (DFDG)

The DFDG is an arc-classified digraph consisting of vertices corresponding to the statements and edges showing dynamic dependence relationships exist amongst statements. The following types of dependence edges exist in the DFDG of a feature-oriented program:

  • Control dependence edge: Control dependences represent the control conditions or predicates on which the execution of a statement or an expression depends. For example, in Fig. 5, the edge between nodes 21 and 22 indicates that node 21 controls the execution of node 22.

  • Data dependence edge: Data dependences represent the flow of data amongst the statements and expressions. For example, in Fig. 5, the edge between nodes 13 and 14 indicates that node 14 uses the value of i defined at node 13.

  • Mixin call edge: Mixin call edges denote the entry of a function in a mixin layer in response to a function call in another mixin layer. For example, in Fig. 5, the edge from node 12 to node 22 indicates that node 22 in one mixin layer calls a function check() that is defined in another mixin layer at node 12.

  • Mixin data dependence edge: Mixin data dependences represents the flow of data amongst the statements and expressions in different mixin layers. For example, in Fig. 5, the edge from node 14 to node 11 indicates that node 14 in one mixin layer uses the value of n and n is defined in another mixin layer. Similarly, node 22 in one mixin layer uses the value returned by node 19 and node 19 exist in another mixin layer.

  • Call edge: Call edges are used to reflect the entry of a function in response to a function call. For example, in Fig. 5, there is an edge from node 5 to node 2 since node 2 calls a function main defined at node 5 in the same mixin layer.

4.3 Computation of Dynamic Slices

Let FP be a feature-oriented program and G = (V, E) be the DFDG of FP. We use a slicing criterion with respect to which the dynamic slice of FOP is to be computed. A dynamic slicing criterion for G has the form <x, y, e, i> , where xV represents an occurrence of a statement for an execution trace e with input i and y is the variable used at x. A dynamic slice DS G of G on a given slicing criterion <x, y, e, i>  is a subset of vertices of G such that for any x′ ∊ V, x′ ∊ DS G (x, y, e, i) if and only if there exists a path from x′ to x in G.

Algorithm 1 gives our proposed ETBDS algorithm.

Working of ETBDS Algorithm

The working of our ETBDS algorithm is exemplified with an example. Consider the example FeatureC++ program given in Fig. 3. The program executes the statements 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 8, 21, 22, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 14, 1, 17, 14, 15, 17, 14, 18, 19, 23, 3, 4 in order for the input data n = 5. The execution trace file, shown in Fig. 4, kept these executed statements. Then, applying Steps 6 to 23 of ETBDS algorithm and using the trace file shown in Fig. 4, the Dynamic Feature-Oriented Dependence Graph (DFDG) is constructed. The DFDG of the example program given in Fig. 3 is shown in Fig. 5 with input data n = 5. Suppose, we want to find the dynamic slice of the output statement at node 23. Then, starting from node 23 and applying the Step 25 of the ETBDS algorithm, the breadth first traversal yields the vertices 23, 22, 21, 19, 8, 5, 2, 1, 18, 12, 11, 17, 9, 7, 14, 17, 14, 17, 14, 13 and the depth first traversal yields the vertices 23, 22, 21, 19, 18, 12, 11, 17, 14, 17, 14, 17, 14, 13, 9, 7, 5, 2, 1, 8. Both the traversals yields the same result i.e., the same set of vertices in the slice. These vertices are shown bold in Fig. 6. The statements corresponding to these vertices are found using the Steps 26 to 27 of the ETBDS algorithm. This produces the required dynamic slice consisting of statements numbered 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Execution trace of the program given in Fig. 3 for n = 5

Fig. 5
figure 5

Dynamic feature-oriented dependence graph (DFDG) for the execution trace given Fig. 4

Fig. 6
figure 6

Dynamic feature-oriented dependence graph (DFDG) for the execution trace given Fig. 4 and node 23 as the starting point

5 Conclusion

We presented an algorithm for dynamic slicing of feature-oriented programs. First, we executed the program for a given input and stored the execution history in an execution trace file. Then, we constructed an intermediate representation called Dynamic Feature-Oriented Dependence Graph (DFDG) based on various dependences. The DFDG was traversed in breadth-first and depth-first manner and the resultant nodes were mapped to the program statements to compute the dynamic slice.