
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

The original version of the book had typos and incorrect symbols/characters which have been fixed in the respective chapters of this book.


p. vii, line 9 from top, 1966 should read as 1967

Chapter 1

p. 1, line 12 from bottom: Insert “ — half line” before ‘;’.

p. 2, line 7 from top: cellurality should read as cellularity

p. 19, line 9 from top: \(n \in \varGamma\) should read as \(n \in \mathbb{N}\)

Chapter 2

p. 47, Fig. 2.7 should read as Fig. 2.8. This figure should be on p. 48

p. 47, line 5 from bottom: Fig. 2.8 should read as Fig. 2.7

p. 48: Fig. 2.8 should read as Fig. 2.9. This figure should be on p. 50

p. 48, line 13 from bottom: Remove “— Fig. 2.9”

p. 48, line 1 from bottom: Insert “— Fig. 2.8” before ‘.’

p. 49, line 10 from bottom: (Fig. 2.7) should read as (Fig. 2.9)

p. 50: Fig. 2.9 should read as Fig. 2.7. This figure should be on p. 47

p. 51, line 1 from top: Remove “Let X be a paracompact space.”

p. 51, line 3 from top: Insert “Let A be a subspace of X.” before ‘To find ...’

p. 65, line 7 from bottom: with (1) should read as with (2)

Chapter 4

p. 137, line 7 from bottom: call should read as called

p. 156, line 11 from top: fs should read as f is

p. 160, line 10 from bottom: polyhedra should read as polyhedron

p. 186, line 4 from top: \({K}^{{\prime}}\!\left (0\right )\) should read as \({K'}^{\left (0\right )}\)

p. 187, line 2 from top: Insert “If \(x \in {K}^{\left (0\right )}\) then K x  = K.”

Chapter 5

p. 249, line 3 from top: Insert “dim X” after ‘dimension

p. 249, line 4 from top: n + 1. and should read as n + 1, and

p. 254, line 15–21: This proof is only for the case X and Y are closed in \({\mathbb{R}}^{n}\).

For the general case, the proof should be written as follows:

Proof. For each homeomorphism h : X → Y , we will show that \(h\!\left (\mbox{ int}\ X\right ) \subset \mbox{ int}\ Y\). Then, applying this to the inverse homeomorphism h −1 : Y → X, we can also obtain \({h}^{-1}\left (\mbox{ int}\ Y \right ) \subset \mbox{ int}\ X\), that is, \(\mbox{ int}\ Y \subset h\!\left (\mbox{ int}\ X\right )\). Thus, we will have \(h\!\left (\mbox{ int}\ X\right ) = \mbox{ int}\ Y\).

To see \(h\left (\mbox{ int}\ X\right ) \subset \mbox{ int}\ Y\), note that each x ∈ int X has a compact neighborhood C in \({\mathbb{R}}^{n}\) with C ⊂ X. Since \(\mbox{ int}\ h\left (C\right ) \subset \mbox{ int}\ Y\), we may show that \(h\left (x\right ) \in \mbox{ int}\ h\left (C\right )\). On the contrary, assume that \(h\left (x\right ) \in \mbox{ bd}\ h\left (C\right )\). For each neighborhood U of x in C, \(h\left (U\right )\) is a neighbourhood of \(h\left (x\right )\) in \(h\left (C\right )\). We can apply Theorem 5.1.7 to find a neighbourhood V of \(h\left (x\right )\) in \(h\left (C\right )\) such that \(V \subset h\left (U\right )\) and every map \(g : h\left (C\right )\setminus V \rightarrow {\mathrm{\mathbf{S}}}^{n-1}\) extends to a map\(\mathop{\tilde{g}} : h\left (C\right )\setminus V \rightarrow {\mathrm{\mathbf{S}}}^{n-1}\). Then, \({h}^{-1}\left (V \right )\) is a neighborhood of x in C with \({h}^{-1}\left (V \right ) \subset U\). For every map \(f : C\setminus {h}^{-1}\left (V \right ) \rightarrow {\mathrm{\mathbf{S}}}^{n-1}\), \(f{h}^{-1} : h\left (C\right ) \rightarrow {\mathrm{\mathbf{S}}}^{n-1}\) can be extended to a map \(\tilde{f} : \mbox{ }h\left (C\right ) \rightarrow {\mathrm{\mathbf{S}}}^{n-1}\). Then, \(\tilde{f}h : C \rightarrow {\mathrm{\mathbf{S}}}^{n-1}\) is an extension of f. Due to Theorem 5.1.7, this means that x ∈ bd C, which is a contradiction. Therefore, \(h\left (x\right ) \in \mbox{ int}\ h\left (C\right )\).

p. 261, line 6 from bottom: f −1 should read as h 0 −1

p. 263, line 14 from top: Insert the following at the end of the sentence:

Corollary 5.2.16 is valid even if n = . In fact, \(\left (\mbox{ pr}_{i}^{-1}\left (0\right ),\mbox{ pr}_{i}^{-1}\left (1\right )\right )_{i\in \mathbb{N}}\) is essential in \({\mathrm{\mathbf{I}}}^{\mathbb{N}}\). This will be shown in the proof of Theorem 5.6.1.

p. 264, line 6 from top: Insert “and” between ‘CHARACTERIZATION’ and ‘the’.

p. 264, line 7 from top: Insert “respectively” after ‘dimension’

p. 268, line 12 from top: Since should read as Note that \(\mathcal{U}_{i}\)

p. 268, line 12 from top: it should read as \(\mathcal{U}_{i}\). Then, it

p. 293, line 16 from bottom: Y should read as \({\mathbb{R}}^{2n+1}\)

p. 316, line 6 from bottom: \(\upvarepsilon /2\) should read as \(\upvarepsilon /3\)

p. 319, line 13 from top: \(n \in \mathbb{N},\) and should read as and \(n \in \mathbb{N}\). For any infinite set

p. 319, line 14 from top: Delete ‘such that … infinite. Then’.

p. 320, line 6 from bottom: B 1 should read as B 1 in \({\mathrm{\mathbf{I}}}^{\mathbb{N}}\).

p. 320, line 6 from bottom: Replace ‘which implies that’ by the following:

By Lemma 5.3.7, if P is a partition between A 1S and B 1S in S, then there is a partition P between A 1 and B 1 in \({\mathrm{\mathbf{I}}}^{\mathbb{N}}\) such that P S ⊂ P. Then, it follows that P. Due to Theorem 5.2.17, this means that \(\dim S \geq 1\), that is,

Chapter 6

p. 346, line 11 from bottom: homotopy should read as deformation

p. 346, line 10 from bottom: Deleteh 0 = id and’.

p. 346, line 1 from bottom: Add the following:

It is said that X is deformable into \(A\left (\subset X\right )\) if there is a deformation h : X ×I → X with \(h_{1}\left (X\right ) \subset A\). A retract A of X is a deformation retract of X if X is deformable into A (refer 6.2.10(9)).

p. 348: Insert the following before Section 6.3:

(9) A subset A of a space X is a deformation retract if and only if X is deformable into A and A is a retract of X.

To see the “if” part, let h : X ×I → X be a deformation with \(h_{1}\left (X\right ) \subset A\) and let r : X → A be a retraction. Using the fact that r h 1 = h 1, we can define a homotopy from id X to r.

p. 363, line 5 from top: Add “as a closed set” after ‘Banach space)’.

p. 371, line 5 from top: 4.9.10 should read as 4.9.11


p. 516, right-side line 2 from bottom: cellurality should read as cellularity

p. 518, left-side line 12 from top: hedgehog, 33 should read as hedgehog, 33, 296