1 Introduction

Boolean Petri nets are a basic model for the description of distributed and concurrent systems. These nets allow at most one token on each place p in every reachable marking. Therefore, p is considered a Boolean condition that is true if p is marked and false otherwise. A place p and a transition t of a Boolean Petri net N are related by one of the following Boolean interactions: no operation (\(\textsf {nop}\)), input (\(\textsf {inp}\)), output (\(\textsf {out}\)), unconditionally set to true (\(\textsf {set}\)), unconditionally reset to false (\(\textsf {res}\)), inverting (\(\textsf {swap}\)), test if true (\(\textsf {used}\)), and test if false (\(\textsf {free}\)). The relation between p and t determines which conditions p must satisfy to allow t’s firing and which impact has the firing of t on p: The interaction \(\textsf {inp}\) (\(\textsf {out}\)) defines that p must be true (false) first and false (true) after t has fired. If p and t are related by \(\textsf {free}\) (\(\textsf {used}\)) then t’s firing proves that p is false (true). The interaction \(\textsf {nop}\) says that p and t are independent, that is, neither need p to fulfill any condition nor has the firing of t any impact on p. If p and t are related by \(\textsf {res}\) (\(\textsf {set}\)) then p can be both false or true but after t’s firing it is false (true). Also, the interaction \(\textsf {swap}\) does not require that p satisfies any particular condition to enable t. Here, the firing of t inverts p’s Boolean value.

Boolean Petri nets are classified by the interactions of I that they use to relate places and transitions. More exactly, a subset \(\tau \subseteq I\) is called a type of net and a net N is of type \(\tau \) (a \(\tau \)-net) if it applies at most the interactions of \(\tau \). So far, research has explicitly discussed seven Boolean Petri net types: Elementary net systems \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}\}\) [9], Contextual nets \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) [6], event/condition nets \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {used}\}\) [2], inhibitor nets \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {free}\}\) [8], set nets \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {used}\}\) [5], trace nets \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) [3], and flip flop nets \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {swap}\}\) [10]. However, since we have eight interactions to choose from, there are actually a total of 256 different types.

This paper addresses the computational complexity of the \(\tau \)-synthesis problem. It consists in deciding whether a given directed labeled graph A, also called transition system, is isomorphic to the reachability graph of a \(\tau \)-net N and in constructing N if it exists. It has been shown that \(\tau \)-synthesis is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {out}\}\)  [1], even if the inputs are strongly restricted [14, 17]. On the contrary, in [10], it has been shown that it becomes polynomial if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {swap}\}\). These opposing results motivate the question which interactions of I make the synthesis problem hard and which make it tractable. In our previous work of [13, 15, 16], we answer this question partly and reveal the computational complexity of 120 of the 128 types that allow \(\textsf {nop}\).

In this paper, we investigate for fixed \(g\in \mathbb {N}\) the computational complexity of \(\tau \)-synthesis restricted to g-bounded inputs, that is, every state of A has at most g incoming and at most g outgoing arcs. On the one hand, inputs of practical applications tend to have a low bound g such as benchmarks of digital hardware design [4]. On the other hand, considering restricted inputs hopefully gives us a better understanding of the problem’s hardness. Thus, g-bounded inputs are interesting from both the practical and the theoretical point of view. In this paper, we completely characterize the complexity of \(\tau \)-synthesis restricted to g-bounded inputs for all types that allow places and transitions to be independent, that is, which contain \(\textsf {nop}\). Figure 1 summarizes our findings: For the types of §1 and §2, we showed hardness of synthesis without restriction in [15]. In this paper, we strengthen these results to 2- and 3-bounded inputs, respectively, and show that these bounds are tight. The hardness result of the types of §3 originates from [16]. This paper shows that a bound less than 2 makes synthesis tractable. Hardness for the types of §4 to §8 has been shown for 2-bounded inputs in [16]. In this paper, we strengthen this results to 1-bounded inputs. The hardness part for the types of §9 origin from [13]. In this paper, we argue that the bound 2 is tight. Finally, while the results of §10 are new, the ones of §11 have been found in [15].

For all considered types \(\tau \), the corresponding hardness results are based on a reduction of the so-called cubic monotone one-in-three 3SAT problem [7]. All reductions follow a common approach that represents clauses by directed labeled paths. Thus, this paper also contributes a very general way to prove NP-completeness of synthesis of Boolean types of nets.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The computational complexity of Boolean net synthesis from g-bounded TS for all types that contain \(\textsf {nop}\).

2 Preliminaries

Transition Systems. A transition system (TS) \(A=(S,E, \delta )\) is a directed labeled graph with states S, events E and partial transition function \(\delta : S\times E \longrightarrow S\), where \(\delta (s,e)=s'\) is interpreted as . For we say s is a source and \(s'\) is a sink of e, respectively. An event e occurs at a state s, denoted by , if \(\delta (s,e)\) is defined. An initialized TS \(A=(S,E,\delta , s_0)\) is a TS with a distinct state \(s_0\in S\) where every state \(s\in S\) is reachable from \(s_0\) by a directed labeled path. TSs in this paper are deterministic by design as their state transition behavior is given by a (partial) function. Let \(g\in \mathbb {N}\). An initialized TS A is called g-bounded if for all \(s\in S(A)\) the number of incoming and outgoing arcs at s is restricted by g: and .

Boolean Types of Nets [2]. The following notion of Boolean types of nets serves as vehicle to capture many Boolean Petri nets in a uniform way. A Boolean type of net \(\tau =(\{0,1\},E_\tau ,\delta _\tau )\) is a TS such that \(E_\tau \) is a subset of the Boolean interactions: \(E_\tau \subseteq I = \{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {swap}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\). The interactions \(i \in I\) are binary partial functions \(i: \{0,1\} \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) as defined in Fig. 2. For all \(x\in \{0,1\}\) and all \(i\in E_\tau \) the transition function of \(\tau \) is defined by \(\delta _\tau (x,i)=i(x)\). Notice that I contains all binary partial functions \(\{0,1\} \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) except for the entirely undefined function \(\bot \). Even if a type \(\tau \) includes \(\bot \), this event can never occur, so it would be useless. Thus, I is complete for deterministic Boolean types of nets, and that means there are a total of 256 of them. By definition, a Boolean type \(\tau \) is completely determined by its event set \(E_\tau \). Hence, in the following we identify \(\tau \) with \(E_\tau \), cf. Fig. 3. Moreover, for readability, we group interactions by \(\textsf {enter}= \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\), \(\textsf {exit}= \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {swap}\}\), \(\textsf {keep}^+= \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\), and \(\textsf {keep}^-= \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

All interactions in I. An empty cell means that the column’s function is undefined on the respective x. The entirely undefined function is missing in I.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Left: \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {swap}, \textsf {free}\}\). Right: \(\tilde{\tau }=\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {swap}, \textsf {used}\}\). \(\tau \) and \(\tilde{\tau }\) are isomorphic. The isomorphism \(\phi : \tau \rightarrow \tilde{\tau }\) is given by \(\phi (s)=1-s\) for \(s\in \{0,1\}\), \(\phi (i)=i\) for \(i\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {swap}\}\), \(\phi (\textsf {out})=\textsf {inp}\), \(\phi (\textsf {res})=\textsf {set}\) and \(\phi (\textsf {free})=\textsf {used}\).

\(\tau \)-Nets. Let \(\tau \subseteq I\). A Boolean Petri net \(N = (P, T, H_0, f)\) of type \(\tau \), (\(\tau \)-net) is given by finite and disjoint sets P of places and T of transitions, an initial marking \(H_0: P\longrightarrow \{0,1\}\), and a (total) flow function \(f: P \times T \rightarrow \tau \). A \(\tau \)-net realizes a certain behavior by firing sequences of transitions: A transition \(t \in T\) can fire in a marking \(M: P\longrightarrow \{0,1\}\) if \(\delta _\tau (M(p), f(p,t))\) is defined for all \(p\in P\). By firing, t produces the next marking \(M' : P\longrightarrow \{0,1\}\) where \(M'(p)=\delta _\tau (M(p), f(p,t))\) for all \(p\in P\). This is denoted by . Given a \(\tau \)-net \(N=(P, T, H_0, f)\), its behavior is captured by a transition system \(A_N\), called the reachability graph of N. The state set of \(A_N\) consists of all markings that, starting from initial state \(H_0\), can be reached by firing a sequence of transitions. For every reachable marking M and transition \(t \in T\) with the state transition function \(\delta \) of A is defined as \(\delta (M,t) = M'\).

\(\tau \)-Regions. Let \(\tau \subseteq I\). If an input A of \(\tau \)-synthesis allows a positive decision then we want to construct a corresponding \(\tau \)-net N purely from A. Since A and \(A_N\) are isomorphic, N’s transitions correspond to A’s events. However, the notion of a place is unknown for TSs. So-called regions mimic places of nets: A \(\tau \)-region of a given \(A=(S, E, \delta , s_0)\) is a pair (supsig) of support \(sup: S \rightarrow S_\tau = \{0,1\}\) and signature \(sig: E\rightarrow E_\tau = \tau \) where every transition of A leads to a transition of \(\tau \). While a region divides S into the two sets \(sup^{-1}(b) = \{s \in S \mid sup(s) = b\}\) for \(b \in \{0,1\}\), the events are cumulated by \(sig^{-1}(i) = \{e \in E \mid sig(e) = i\}\) for all available interactions \(i \in \tau \). We also use \(sig^{-1}(\tau ') = \{e \in E \mid sig(e) \in \tau '\}\) for \(\tau ' \subseteq \tau \). A region (supsig) models a place p and the corresponding part of the flow function f. In particular, sig(e) models f(pe) and sup(s) models M(p) in the marking \(M\in RS(N)\) corresponding to \(s\in S(A)\). Every set \(\mathcal {R} \) of \(\tau \)-regions of A defines the synthesized \(\tau \)-net \(N^{\mathcal {R}}_A=(\mathcal {R}, E, f, H_0)\) with flow function \(f((sup, sig),e)=sig(e)\) and initial marking \(H_0((sup, sig))=sup(s_{0})\) for all \((sup, sig)\in \mathcal {R}, e\in E\). It is well known that \(A_{N^{\mathcal {R}}_A }\) and A are isomorphic if and only if \(\mathcal {R}\)’s regions solve certain separation atoms [2], to be introduced next. A pair \((s, s')\) of distinct states of A defines a state separation atom (SSP atom). A \(\tau \)-region \(R=(sup, sig)\) solves \((s,s')\) if \(sup(s)\not =sup(s')\). The meaning of R is to ensure that \(N^{\mathcal {R}}_A\) contains at least one place R such that \(M(R)\not =M'(R)\) for the markings M and \(M'\) corresponding to s and \(s'\), respectively. If there is a \(\tau \)-region that solves \((s,s')\) then s and \(s'\) are called \(\tau \)-solvable. If every SSP atom of A is \(\tau \)-solvable then A has the \(\tau \)-state separation property (\(\tau \)-SSP). A pair (es) of event \(e\in E \) and state \(s\in S\) where e does not occur at s, that is , defines an event state separation atom (ESSP atom). A \(\tau \)-region \(R=(sup, sig)\) solves (es) if sig(e) is not defined on sup(s) in \(\tau \), that is, \(\lnot \delta _\tau (sup(s), sig(e))\). The meaning of R is to ensure that there is at least one place R in \(N^{\mathcal {R}}_A\) such that for the marking M corresponding to s. If there is a \(\tau \)-region that solves (es) then e and s are called \(\tau \)-solvable. If every ESSP atom of A is \(\tau \)-solvable then A has the \(\tau \)-event state separation property (\(\tau \)-ESSP). A set \(\mathcal {R}\) of \(\tau \)-regions of A is called \(\tau \)-admissible if for every of A’s (E)SSP atoms there is a \(\tau \)-region R in \(\mathcal {R}\) that solves it. The following lemma, borrowed from [2, p.163], summarizes the already implied connection between the existence of \(\tau \)-admissible sets of A and (the solvability of) \(\tau \)-synthesis:

Lemma 1

([2]). A TS A is isomorphic to the reachability graph of a \(\tau \)-net N if and only if there is a \(\tau \)-admissible set \(\mathcal {R}\) of A such that \(N=N^{\mathcal {R}}_A\).

We say a \(\tau \)-net N \(\tau \)-solves A if \(A_N\) and A are isomorphic. By Lemma 1, deciding if A is \(\tau \)-solvable reduces to deciding whether it has the \(\tau \)-(E)SSP. Moreover, it is easy to see that if \(\tau \) and \(\tilde{\tau }\) are isomorphic then deciding the \(\tau \)-(E)SSP reduces to deciding the \(\tilde{\tau }\)-(E)SSP:

Lemma 2

(Without proof). If \(\tau \) and \(\tilde{\tau }\) are isomorphic types of nets then a TS A has the \(\tau \)-(E)SSP if and only if A has the \(\tilde{\tau }\)-(E)SSP.

In particular, we benefit from the isomorphisms that map \(\textsf {nop}\) to \(\textsf {nop}\), \(\textsf {swap}\) to \(\textsf {swap}\), \(\textsf {inp}\) to \(\textsf {out}\), \(\textsf {set}\) to \(\textsf {res}\), \(\textsf {used}\) to \(\textsf {free}\), and vice versa.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Let \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set}, \textsf {swap}, \textsf {free}\}\). The TSs \(A_1,\dots , A_4\) give examples for the presence and absence of the \(\tau \)-(E)SSP: TS \(A_1\) has the \(\tau \)-ESSP as a occurs at every state. It has also the \(\tau \)-SSP: The region \(R=(sup, sig)\) where \(sup(s_0)=sup(s_2)=1\), \(sup(s_1)=0\) and \(sig(a)=\textsf {swap}\) separates the pairs \(s_0,s_1\) and \(s_2, s_1\). Moreover, the region \(R'=(sup', sig')\) where \(sup'(s_0)=0\) and \(sup'(s_1)=sup'(s_2)=1\) and \(sig'(a)=\textsf {set}\) separates \(s_0\) and \(s_1\). Notice that R and \(R'\) can be translated into \(\tilde{\tau }\)-regions, where \(\tilde{\tau }=\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {swap}, \textsf {used}\}\), via the isomorphism of Fig. 3. For example, if \(s\in S(A_1)\) and \(e\in E(A_1)\) and \(sup''(s)=\phi (sup(s))\) and \(sig''(e)=\phi (sig(e))\) then the resulting \(\tilde{\tau }\)-region \(R''=(sup'', sig'')\) separates \(s_0, s_1\) and \(s_2,s_1\). Thus, \(A_1\) has also \(\tilde{\tau }\)-(E)SSP. TS \(A_2\) has the \(\tau \)-SSP but not the \(\tau \)-ESSP as event a is not inhibitable at the state \(s_2\). TS \(A_3\) has the \(\tau \)-ESSP (a occurs at every state) but not the \(\tau \)-SSP as \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are not separable. TS \(A_4\) has neither the \(\tau \)-ESSP nor the \(\tau \)-SSP.

3 Hardness Results

In this section, for several types of nets \(\tau \subseteq I\) and fixed \(g\in \mathbb {N}\), we show that \(\tau \)-synthesis is NP-complete even if the input TS A is g-bounded, cf. Fig. 1. Since \(\tau \)-synthesis is known to be in NP for all \(\tau \subseteq I\) [16], we restrict ourselves to the hardness part. All proofs are based on a reduction of the problem cubic monotone one-in-three 3-SAT which has been shown to be NP-complete in [7]. The input for this problem is a Boolean expression \(\varphi =\{\zeta _0,\dots , \zeta _{m-1}\}\) of m negation-free three-clauses \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) such that every variable \(X\in V(\varphi )=\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-1}\zeta _i\) occurs in exactly three clauses. Notice that the latter implies \(\vert V(\varphi )\vert =m\). Moreover, we assume without loss of generality that if \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) then \(i_0< i_1 < i_2\). The question to answer is whether there is a subset \(M\subseteq V(\varphi )\) with \(\vert M\cap \zeta _i\vert =1\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). For all considered types of nets \(\tau \) and corresponding bounds g, we reduce a given instance \(\varphi \) to a g-bounded TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) such that the following two conditions are true: Firstly, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has an ESSP atom \(\alpha \) which is \(\tau \)-solvable if and only if there is a one-in-three model M of \(\varphi \). Secondly, if the ESSP atom \(\alpha \) is \(\tau \)-solvable then all ESSP and SSP atoms of \(A^\tau _\varphi \) are also \(\tau \)-solvable. A reduction that satisfies these conditions proves the NP-hardness of \(\tau \)-synthesis as follows: If \(\varphi \) has a one-three-model then the conditions ensure that the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the \(\tau \)-(E)SSP and thus is \(\tau \)-solvable. Conversely, if \(A^\tau _\varphi \) is \(\tau \)-solvable then, by definition, it has the \(\tau \)-ESSP. In particular, there is a \(\tau \)-region that solves \(\alpha \) which, by the first condition, implies that \(\varphi \) has a one-in-three model. Consequently, \(A^\tau _\varphi \) is \(\tau \)-solvable if and only if \(\varphi \) has a one-in-three model. Due to space restrictions, we omit for all considered types the proof that \(A^\tau _\varphi \) satisfies the second condition, that is, that the solvability of \(\alpha \) implies the (E)SSP. However, the corresponding proofs can be found in the technical report [11].

A key idea, applied by all reductions in one way or another, is the representation of every clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\), \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), by a directed labeled path of \(A^\tau _\varphi \) on which the variables of \(\zeta _i\) occur as events:

The reductions ensure that if a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) solves the atom \(\alpha \) then \(sup(s_{i,0})\not =sup(s_{i,n})\). This makes the image of this path under (supsig) a directed path from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 in \(\tau \). Thus, there has to be an event e on the path that causes the state change from \(sup(s_{i,0})\) to \(sup(s_{i,n})\) by sig(e). We exploit this property and ensure that this state change is unambiguously done by (the signature of) exactly one variable event per clause. As a result, the corresponding variable events define a searched model of \(\varphi \) via their signature. The proof of the following theorem gives a first example of this approach, and Fig. 5 shows a full example reduction.

Theorem 1

For any fixed \(g\ge 2\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {free}\}\), \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\), \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {used}\}\) and \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) for \(\varphi =\{\zeta _0,\dots , \zeta _{5}\}\) with clauses \(\zeta _0=\{X_0,X_1,X_2\},\ \zeta _1= \{X_0,X_2,X_3\},\ \zeta _2= \{X_0,X_1,X_3\},\ \zeta _3= \{X_2,X_4,X_5\},\ \zeta _4=\{X_1,X_4,X_5\},\ \zeta _5= \{X_3,X_4,X_5\}\) . The red colored area sketc.hes the \(\tau \)-region (supsig) that solves \((k_1,h_0)\) and corresponds to the one-in-three model \(M=\{X_0,X_4\}\). (Color figure online)


We argue for \(\tau \in \{\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {free}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\} \}\), which by Lemma 2 proves the claim for the other types, too.

Firstly, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadget H (left hand side) that provides the events \(k_0, k_1\) and the atom \(\alpha =(k_1, h_0)\). Secondly, it has for every clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) the following gadget \(T_i\) (right hand side) that applies \(k_0\), \(k_1\) and \(\zeta _i's\) variables as events.

figure a

Finally, \(A^\tau _\varphi \) uses the states \(\bot _0,\dots , \bot _m\) and events \(\ominus _1,\dots \ominus _m\) and \(\oplus _0,\dots ,\oplus _m\) to join the gadgets \(T_0,\dots , T_{m-1}\) and H by and , for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), and , cf. Fig. 5.

The gadget H ensures that if (supsig) is a region that solves \(\alpha \) then \(sup(h_0)=1\) and \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {free}\) which implies \(sup(h_1)=0\) and \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {inp}\). This is because \(sig(k_1)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {used}\}\) and \(sup(h_0)=0\) implies \(sig(k_0)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\), which is impossible. Consequently, and imply \(sup(s)=1\) and \(sup(s')=0\), respectively. The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) uses these properties to ensure via \(T_0,\dots , T_{m-1}\) that the region (supsig) implies a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

More exactly, if \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) then for \(T_i\) we have by and that \(sup(t_{i,0})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,3})=0\). Thus, there is an event \(X_{i_j}\), where \(j\in \{0,1,2\}\), such that \(sig(X_{i_j})=\textsf {inp}\). Clearly, if \(sig(X_{i_j})=\textsf {inp}\) then \(sig(X_{i_\ell })\not =\textsf {inp}\) for all \(j < \ell \in \{0,1,2\}\) as \(X_{i_\ell }\)’s sources have a 0-support. Consequently, there is exactly one variable event \(X\in \zeta _i\) such that \(sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\). Since i was arbitrary, this is simultaneously true for all clauses \(\zeta _0,\dots , \zeta _{m-1}\). Thus, the set \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

Conversely, if \(\varphi \) is one-in-three satisfiable then there is a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) of \(A^\tau _\varphi \) that solves \(\alpha \). In particular, if M is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \) then we first define \(sup(\bot _0)=1\). Secondly, for all \(e\in E(A^\tau _\varphi )\) we define \(sig(e)=\textsf {free}\) if \(e=k_1\), \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\) if \(e\in \{k_0\}\cup M\) and else \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\). Since \(A^\tau _\varphi \) is reachable, by inductively defining \(sup(s_{i+1})=\delta _\tau (sup(s_i), sig(e_i))\) for all paths , this defines a fitting region (supsig), cf. Fig. 5.

This proves that \(\alpha \) is \(\tau \)-solvable if and only if \(\varphi \) is one-in-three satisfiable.

In the remainder of this section, we present the remaining hardness results in accordance to Fig. 1 and the corresponding reductions that prove them.

Theorem 2

For any fixed \(g\ge 3\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res}\}\cup \omega \) and \(\emptyset \not =\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).


The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadgets \(H_0, H_1\) and \(H_2\) (in this order):

figure b

The gadget \(H_0\) provides \(\alpha =(k_0,h_{0,2})\). By symmetry, \(A^\tau _I\) is \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res},\textsf {used}\}\)-solvable if and only if it is \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\)- or \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}, \textsf {used}\}\)-solvable. Thus, in the following we assume \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res},\textsf {used}\}\), \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {used}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\) if (supsig) \(\tau \)-solves \(\alpha \). As a result, by \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {used}\), implying \(sup(h_{0,1})=1\), and \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\) we have \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {res}\). Especially, if then \(sup(s)=1\) and if then \(sup(s)=0\). Thus, \(sup(h_{1,0})=sup(h_{2,1})=1\) and \(sup(h_{1,1})=sup(h_{2,0})=0\) which implies \(sig(k_2)=\textsf {res}\) and \(sig(k_3)=\textsf {set}\).

The construction uses \(k_2\) and \(k_3\) to produce some neutral events. More exactly, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) implements for all \(j\in \{0,\dots , 16m-1\}\) the following gadget \(F_{j}\) that uses \(k_2\) and \(k_3\) to ensure that the events \(z_j\) are neutral:

figure c

By \(sig(k_2)=\textsf {res}\) and \(sig(k_3)=\textsf {set}\) we have \(sup(f_{j,1})=0\) and \(sup(f_{j,4})=1\). This implies and and thus \(sig(z_j)=\textsf {nop}\).

Finally, for every \(i\in \{0, \dots , m-1\}\) and clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\), the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following four gadgets \(T_{i,0}, T_{i,1}T_{i,2}\) and \(T_{i,3}\) (in this order):

figure d
figure e
figure f
figure g

\(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,4}\) ensure that there is exactly one \(X\in \zeta _i\) with \(sig(X)=\textsf {res}\): By \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {used}\) and \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {res}\) we get \(sup(t_{i,0,0})=sup(t_{i,1,0})=sup(t_{i,2,0})=sup(t_{i,3,7})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,0,7})=sup(t_{i,1,7})=sup(t_{i,2,7})=sup(t_{i,3,0})=0\). Since \(z_{16i}, \dots , z_{16i+11}\) are neutral, this implies \(sup(t_{i,0,6})=sup(t_{i,1,6})=sup(t_{i,2,6})=0\) and that there is a variable event with a \(\textsf {res}\)-signature. Moreover, by \(sup(t_{i,3,0})=0\) and \(sup(t_{i,3,7})=1\) and the neutrality of \(z_{16i+12}, \dots , z_{16i+15}\) there is an event of \(y_{3i}, y_{3i+1}, y_{3i+2}\) with a \(\textsf {set}\)-signature. We argue that there is exactly one variable event with a \(\textsf {res}\)-signature: By \(sup(t_{i,0,6})=sup(t_{i,1,6})=sup(t_{i,2,6})=0\), we have \(sig(X)\not \in \{\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\) for all \(X\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\). Hence, if \(sig(X_{i_0})=\textsf {res}\) then \(sup(t_{i,0,2})=\dots =sup(t_{i,0,6})=0\) which implies \(sig(y_{3i+1})\not =\textsf {set}\) and \(sig(y_{3i+2})\not =\textsf {set}\) and thus \(sig(y_{3i})=\textsf {set}\). By \(sig(y_{3i})=\textsf {set}\) we have \(sup(t_{i,1,2})=sup(t_{i,1,4})=1\) which implies \(sig(X_{i_1})\not =\textsf {res}\) and \(sig(X_{i_2})\not =\textsf {res}\).

If \(sig(X_{i_1})=\textsf {res}\), then \(sup(t_{i,0,4})=sup(t_{i,1,2})=0\) which implies \(sig(y_{3i})\not =\textsf {set}\) and \(sig(y_{3i+2})\not =\textsf {set}\) and thus \(sig(y_{3i+1})=\textsf {set}\). By \(sig(y_{3i+1})=\textsf {set}\) we have \(sup(t_{i,0,2})=sup(t_{i,2,2})=1\) which implies \(sig(X_{i_0})\not =\textsf {res}\) and \(sig(X_{i_2})\not =\textsf {res}\).

Since \(sig(X_{i_0})=\textsf {res}\) or \(sig(X_{i_1})=\textsf {res}\) implies \(sig(X_{i_2})\not =\textsf {res}\), we conclude that \(sig(X_{i_2})=\textsf {res}\) implies \(sig(X_{i_0})\not =\textsf {res}\) and \(sig(X_{i_1})\not =\textsf {res}\). Thus, there is exactly one variable of the i-th clause with a signature \(\textsf {res}\). Hence, the set \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {res}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

To finally build \(A^\tau _\varphi \), we use the states \(\bot =\{\bot _0,\dots , \bot _{20m+2}\}\) and the events \(\oplus =\{\oplus _{0},\dots , \oplus _{20m+2}\}\) and \(\ominus =\{\ominus _{1},\dots , \ominus _{20m+2}\}\). The states of \(\bot \) are connected by and for \(j\in \{0,\dots , 20m+1\}\). Let \(x=16m+3\) and \(y=19m+3\). For all \(i\in \{0,1,2\}\), for all \(\ell \in \{0,\dots , 16m-1\}\) and for all \(j\in \{0,\dots , m\}\) we add the following edges that connect the gadgets \(H_0,H_1,H_2\) and \(F_0,\dots , F_{16m-1}\) and \(T_{0,0},T_{0,1},T_{0,2},\dots , T_{m-1,0},T_{m-1,1}T_{m-1,2}\) and

figure h

If M is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \) then \(\alpha \) is \(\tau \)-solvable by a \(\tau \)-region (supsig): If \(s\in \{h_{0,0}, h_{1,0}, h_{2,1}\}\) or \(\{f_{j,0} \mid j\in \{0,\dots , 16m-1\}\}\) then \(sup(s)=1\). The support values of the states of \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,3}\), where \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), are defined in accordance to which event of \(X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\) belongs to M. The red colored area above sketches \(X_{i_0}\in M\). Moreover, we define \(sup(s)=0\) for all \(s\in \bot \). Let \(e\in E(A^\tau _\varphi )\setminus \oplus \). We define \(sig(e)=\textsf {used}\) if \(e=k_0\) and \(sig(e)=\textsf {res}\) if \(e\in \{k_1\}\cup M\). For all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) and clauses \(\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) and all \(j\in \{0,1,2\}\) we set \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) if \(e=y_{3i+j}\) and \(X_{i_j}\in M\). Otherwise, we define \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\). For all events \(e\in \oplus \) and edges of A we define \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) if \(sup(s')=1\) and, otherwise, \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\). The resulting \(\tau \)-region (supsig) of \(A^\tau _\varphi \) solves \(\alpha \).    \(\square \)

Theorem 3

For any fixed \(g\ge 2\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if (1) \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\cup \omega \) and \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {out},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\) or if (2) \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\cup \omega \) and \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).


We present a reduction for the types of (1). By Lemma 2, this proves the claim also for the types of (2). The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadget H:

figure i

The intention of the gadget H is to provide the atom \(\alpha =(k, h_{0,6})\) and the events of \(Z=\{z_0,\dots , z_{3m-1}\}\), \(V=\{v_0,\dots , v_{3m-1}\}\) and \(W=\{w_0,\dots , w_{3m-1}\}\).

Moreover, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following two gadgets \(F_0\) and \(F_1\) and for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 6m-2\}\) the following gadget \(G_i\) (in this order):

figure j

Finally, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has for every clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\), \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), the following gadgets \(T_{i,0}, T_{i,1}\) and \(T_{i,2}\) (in this order):

figure k
figure l

In the following, we argue that \(H,F_0,F_1\) and \(G_0,\dots , G_{m-2}\) collaborate like this: If (supsig) is a \(\tau \)-region solving \(\alpha \) then either \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\), \(V\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {enter})\) and \(W\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {keep}^-)\) or \(sig(k)=\textsf {out}\) and \(V\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {exit})\) and \(W\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {keep}^+)\). Moreover, we prove that this implies by the functionality of \(T_{0,0},\dots , T_{m-1,2}\) that \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)\not =\textsf {nop}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

Let (supsig) be a \(\tau \)-region that solves \(\alpha \). Since the interactions \(\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\) and \(\textsf {nop}\) are defined on both 0 and 1, this implies \(sig(k)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\). If \(sig(k)=\textsf {used}\) then \(sup(s)=sup(s')=1\) for every transition . Hence, we have \(sup(f_{0,3})=sup(f_{1,1})=sup(h_{0,4})=1\). By definition of \(\textsf {inp}, \textsf {res}\) we have that and \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\) implies \(sup(s)=0\). Consequently, by and we get \(sig(z_0), sig(q_0)\in \textsf {keep}^+\) and thus \(sup(h_{0,4})=sup(h_{0,5})=sup(h_{0,6})=1\) which contradicts . Hence, \(sig(k)\not =\textsf {used}\). Similarly, \(sig(k) =\textsf {free}\) implies \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\), which is a contradiction. Thus, we have that \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) or \(sig(k)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\).

As a next step, we show that \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) together imply \(sig(v_0)\in \textsf {enter}\) and \(sig(z_0)\in \textsf {keep}^-\). By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and and we get \(sup(h_{0,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=1\). Moreover, by and \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) we obtain \(sig(z_0)\in \textsf {keep}^-\), which by \(sup(h_{0,1})=0\) implies \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\). Finally, \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=1\) imply \(sig(v_0)\in \textsf {enter}\). Notice that this reasoning purely bases on \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\). Moreover, \(A^\tau _\varphi \) uses for every \(j\in \{0,\dots , 6m-2\}\) the TS \(G_j\) to ensure \(sup(h_{0,6})=sup(h_{1,6})=\dots =sup(h_{6m-1,6})\). This transfers \(z_0\in \textsf {keep}^-\) and \(v_0\in \textsf {enter}\) to \(V\subseteq \textsf {enter}\) and \(W\subseteq \textsf {keep}^-\). In particular, by \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) we have \(sup(g_{i,0})=sup(g_{i,1})=1\) and \(sup(g_{i,2})=sup(g_{i,3})=0\), that is, \(sig(c_i)=\textsf {nop}\). Hence, if \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) then \(sup(h_{i,6})=0\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 6m-1\}\). Perfectly similar to the discussion for \(z_0\) and \(v_0\) we obtain that \(V\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {enter})\) and \(W\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {keep}^-)\), respectively. Similarly, \(sig(k)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\) imply \(V\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {exit})\) and \(W\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {keep}^+)\).

We now argue that \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{m-1,2}\) ensure that \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi )\mid sig(X)\not =\textsf {nop}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \). Let \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) and \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) implying \(V\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {enter})\) and \(W\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {keep}^-)\). By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(V\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {enter})\) and \(W\subseteq sig^{-1}(\textsf {keep}^-)\) we have that \(sup(t_{i,0,2})=sup(t_{i,1,2})=sup(t_{i,2,2})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,0,5})=sup(t_{i,1,5})=sup(t_{i,2,5})=0\). As a result, every event \(e\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) has a 0-sink, which implies \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\), and every event \(e\in \{x_{i_0}, x_{i_1}, x_{i_2}\}\) has a 1-sink, which implies \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\). By \(sup(t_{i,0,2})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,0,5})=0\) there is a \(X\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) such that \(sig(X)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\). We argue that \(sig(Y)=\textsf {nop}\) for \(Y\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\setminus \{X\}\). If \(sig(X_{i_0})\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\) then \(sup(t_{i,0,3})=0\) which implies \(sig(x_{i_0})\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) and, therefore, \(sup(t_{i,1,4})=1\). Since \(sig(X_{i_1}), sig(X_{i_2})\not \in \{\textsf {out}, \textsf {set}\}\) and \(sig(x_{i_1}), sig(x_{i_2})\not \in \{\textsf {inp}, \textsf {res}\}\), it holds \(sup(t_{i,0,3})=sup(t_{i,0,4})=0\) and \(sup(t_{i,1,3})=sup(t_{i,1,4})=1\), respectively. Thus, for all \(e\in \{X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\), there are edges and such that \(sup(s)=0\) and \(sup(s')=1\). This implies \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\). Similarly, if \(sig(X_{i_1})\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\), then \(sig(X_{i_0})=sig(X_{i_2})=\textsf {nop}\), and if \(sig(X_{i_2})\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\), then \(sig(X_{i_0})=sig(X_{i_1})=\textsf {nop}\). Hence, every clause \(\zeta _i\) has exactly one variable event with a signature different from \(\textsf {nop}\). This makes \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi )\mid sig(X)\not =\textsf {nop}\}\) a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \). Similarly, if \(sig(k)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\), then M is also a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

To join the gadgets and finally build \(A^\tau _\varphi \), we use the states \(\bot =\{\bot _0,\dots , \bot _{9m+1}\}\) and the events \(\oplus =\{\oplus _{0},\dots , \oplus _{9m+1}\}\) and \(\ominus =\{\ominus _{1},\dots , \ominus _{9m+1}\}\). The states of \(\bot \) are connected by for \(j\in \{0,\dots , 9m+1\}\). Let \(x=6m+2\). For all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 6m-2\}\), for all \(j\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) and for all \(\ell \in \{0,1,2\}\) we add the following edges that connect the gadgets \(H_0, F_0,F_1, G_0,\dots , G_{6m-2}\) and \(T_{0,0},T_{0,1},T_{0,2}\) up to \(T_{m-1,0},T_{m-1,1},T_{m-1,2}\) to \(A^\tau _\varphi \):

figure m

If M is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \) then there is a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) of \(A^\tau _\varphi \) that solves \(\alpha \). The red colored area of the figures introducing the gadgets indicates already a positive support of some states. In particular, if \(s\in \{h_{j,0}, h_{j,3} \mid j\in \{0,\dots , 6m-1\}\}\) or \(s\in \{f_{0,0}, f_{0,2}, f_{0,3}, f_{1,0},f_{1,1} \}\) \(s\in \{g_{j,0}, g_{j,1} \mid j\in \{0,\dots , 6m-2\}\}\) then \(sup(s)=1\). The support values of the states of \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,2}\), where \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), are defined in accordance to which of the events \(X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\) belongs to M. The red colored area above sketches the situation where \(X_{i_0}\in M\). Moreover, for all \(s\in \bot \), we define \(sup(s)=0\). Let \(e\in E(A^\tau _\varphi )\setminus \oplus \). We define \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\) if \(e\in \{k\}\cup M\). For all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) and clauses \(\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) and all \(j\in \{0,1,2\}\) we set \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) if \(e=n\) or \(e\in \{v_j,p_j\mid j\in \{0,\dots , 3m-1\}\}\) or \(e=x_{i_j}\) and \(X_{i_j}\in M\). Otherwise, we define \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\). Finally, for all events \(e\in \oplus \) and edges of A we define \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) if \(sup(s')=1\) and, otherwise, \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\).

Joining of 1-Bounded Gadgets. In the following, we consider types \(\tau \) where \(\tau \)-synthesis from 1-bounded inputs is NP-complete. All gadgets \(A_0,\dots , A_n\) of the reductions are directed paths on pairwise distinct states \(s^i_0,\dots , s^i_n\). For all types, the joining is the concatenation

figure n

with fresh states \(\bot _1,\dots ,\bot _n\) and events \(\ominus _1,\dots \ominus _n,\oplus _1,\dots \oplus _n\).

Theorem 4

For any fixed \(g\ge 1\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\cup \omega \) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {res}\} \cup \omega \) and \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\).


Our construction proves the claim for \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {out}\}\cup \omega \) with \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\). By Lemma 2, this proves the claim also for the other types.

The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadgets \(H_0, H_1,H_2\) and \(H_3\) (in this order):

figure o

If \(\textsf {used}\in \tau \) then \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadget \(H_4\):

figure p

For all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has for the clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) and the variable \(X_i\in V(\varphi )\) the following gadgets \(T_i\) and \(B_i\), respectively:

figure q

The gadget \(H_0\) provides the atom \(\alpha =(k_0,h_{0,6})\). Moreover, the gadgets \(H_0,\dots , H_4\) ensure that if (supsig) is a \(\tau \)-region solving \(\alpha \) then \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sig(k_1)\in \{\textsf {out}, \textsf {set}\}\). In particular, \(H_4\) prevents the solvability of \(\alpha \) by \(\textsf {used}\). As a result, such a region implies \(sup(t_{i,1})=1\), \(sup(t_{i,4})=0\) and \(sup(b_{i,1})=0\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). On the one hand, by \(sup(b_{i,1})=0\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) we have \(sig(X)\not \in \{\textsf {out}, \textsf {set}\}\) for all \(X\in V(\varphi )\). On the other hand, by \(sup(t_{i,1})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,4})=0\) there is an event \(X\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1},X_{i_2}\}\) such that \(sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\). Since no variable event has an incoming signature we obtain immediately \(sig(Y)\not =\textsf {inp}\) for \(Y\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1},X_{i_2}\}\setminus \{X\}\). Thus, \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

We argue that \(H_0,\dots , H_4\) behave as announced. Let (supsig) be a region that solves \((k_0,h_{0,6})\). If \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {inp}\) then \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) and \(sig(h_{0,7})=1\), implying \(sig(o)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=1\). Thus, there is an event \(e\in \{k_1, z_0,z_1\}\) with \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\). By \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {inp}\) we have \(sup(h_{1,1})=sup(h_{2,1})=1\) and \(sup(h_{3,1})=0\) implying \(sig(e)\not =\textsf {inp}\) for all \(e\in \{k_1, z_0,z_1\}\), a contradiction.

If \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {free}\) then \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\) and \(sup(h_{0,1})=sup(h_{0,7})=sup(h_{1,1})=0\) which implies \(sig(o)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=1\). By \(sup(h_{0,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=1\) we have \(sig(z_0)\in \{\textsf {out}, \textsf {set}\}\) which by \(sup(h_{1,1})=0\) is a contradiction.

If \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {used}\) then \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) and \(sup(h_{0,1})=sup(h_{0,7})=sup(h_{1,1})=sup(h_{2,1})=1\). This implies \(sig(o)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=1\). Thus, by \(sup(h_{0,6})=0\) there is an event \(e\in \{k_1,z_0,z_1\}\) with \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\). By \(sup(h_{1,1})=sup(h_{2,1})=1\), we have \(e\not \in \{z_0,z_1\}\). If \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {inp}\) then \(sup(h_{4,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{4,2})=1\), implying \(sig(z_0)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\). This is a contradiction. Altogether, this proves \(sig(k_0)\not \in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).

Consequently, we obtain \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\) which implies \(sig(o)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=0\). By \(sup(h_{0,6})=1\), this implies that there is an event \(e\in \{k_1,z_0,z_1\}\) with \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {out}, \textsf {set}\}\). Again by \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {out}\), we have \(sup(h_{1,1})=sup(h_{2,1})=0\), which implies \(e=k_1\). The signatures \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sig(k_1)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) and the construction of \(T_0,\dots , T_{m-1}\) and \(B_0,\dots , B_{m-1}\) ensure that \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \): By \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sig(k_1)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) we have \(sup(t_{i,1})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,4})=sup(b_{i,1})=0\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). By \(sup(t_{i,1})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,4})=0\), there is an event \(X\in \zeta _i\) such that \(sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\). Moreover, by \(sup(b_{i,1})=0\), we get \(sig(X_i)\not \in \textsf {enter}\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). Thus, X is unambiguous and thus M is a searched model.

Conversely, if M is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \) then there is a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) that solves \(\alpha \). The red colored area above sketches states with a positive support. Which states of \(T_{i}\), besides of \(t_{i,0}, t_{i,1}\) and \(t_{i,5}\), get a positive support depends for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) on which of \(X_{i_0}, X_{i_1},X_{i_2}\) belongs to M. The red colored area above sketches the case \(X_{i_0}\in M\). Moreover, we define \(sup(s)=1\) if \(s=b_{i,0}\) and \(X_i\in M\) or if \(s\in \bot \). The signature is defined as follows: \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {set}\); for all \(e\in E(A^\tau _\varphi )\setminus \{k_1\}\) and all , if \(sup(s')>sup(s)\), then \(sig(e)=\textsf {out}\); if \(sup(s)>sup(s')\), then \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\); else \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 5

For any \(g\ge 1\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {free}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {used}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {out}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\).


Our reduction proves the claim for \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {free}\}\) and \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) and thus by Lemma 2, for the other types, too.

The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadgets \(H_0\) and \(H_1\) providing the atom \((k_0,h_{0,3})\):

figure r

For all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), the \(A^\tau _\varphi \) for the clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) and the variable \(X_i\in V(\varphi )\) the gadgets \(T_i\) and \(B_i\) as previously defined for Theorem 4. The gadgets \(H_0\) and \(H_1\) ensure that a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) solving \((k_0,h_{0,3})\) satisfies \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {free}\) and \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {set}\). This implies \(sup(t_{i,1})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,4})=sup(b_{i,2})=0\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). By \(sup(t_{i,1})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,4})=0\), there is an event \(X\in \zeta _i\) such that \(sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\) and, by \(sup(b_{i,2})=0\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), we have \(sig(X)\not =\textsf {set}\) for all \(X\in V(\varphi )\). Thus, the event \(X\in \zeta _i\) is unique and \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {inp}\}\) is a one-in-three model.

We briefly argue that \(H_0\) and \(H_1\) perform as announced: Let (supsig) be a \(\tau \)-region that solves \(\alpha \). If \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {inp}\) then \(sup(h_{1,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{1,2})=1\) which implies \(sig(z_0)=\textsf {set}\) and thus \(sup(h_{0,3})=1\), a contradiction. Hence, \(sig(k_{0})\not =\textsf {inp}\). If \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {used}\) then \(sup(h_{0,1})=sup(h_{1,2})=1\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=0\). Consequently, \(sig(z_0)=\textsf {inp}\) or \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {inp}\) but this contradicts \(sup(h_{1,2})=1\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=0\). Thus, \(sig(k_0)\not =\textsf {used}\). Thus, we have \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {free}\) and \(sup(h_{0,3})=1\), which implies that one of \(k_1,z_0\) has a \(\textsf {set}\)-signature. By \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {free}\), we get \(sup(h_{1,3})=0\) and thus \(sig(k_1)=\textsf {set}\).

If M is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \) then we can define an \(\alpha \) solving region similar to the one of Theorem 4, where we replace \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {inp}\) by \(sig(k_0)=\textsf {free}\).

Theorem 6

For any fixed \(g\ge 1\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {swap}\}\cup \omega \) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\cup \omega \) and \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).


The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadgets \(H_0, H_1, H_2\) and \(H_3\):

figure s

The gadgets \(H_0,\dots , H_3\) provide the atom \(\alpha =(k,h_{0,2})\) and ensure that a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) solving \(\alpha \) satisfies \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\). The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadgets \(F_0, F_1\) and for all \(j\in \{0,\dots , 10\}\) the gadget \(G_j\):

figure t

For all \(j\in \{0,\dots , 10\}\), the gadgets \(F_0,F_1, G_j\) ensure \(sig(u_j)=\textsf {swap}\) for any \(\tau \)-region (supsig) solving \(\alpha \).

For all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has for the clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) some gadgets \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,6}\) and \(B_i\). The purpose of these gadgets is to make the one-and-three satisfiability of \(\varphi \) and the solvability of \(\alpha \) the same. In particular, the TS \(T_{i,0}\) is defined by:

figure u

The gadgets \(T_{i,1}, T_{i,2}\) and \(T_{i,3}\) are defined (in this order) as follows:

figure v

Moreover, the gadgets \(T_{i,4}, T_{i,5}\) and \(T_{i,6}\) are defined like this:

figure w

Finally, the gadget \(B_i\) is defined as follows:

figure x

Let (supsig) be a \(\tau \)-region solving \(\alpha \). We first argue that the gadgets \(H_0,\dots ,H_3\) and \(F_0,F_1\) and \(G_0,\dots , G_{10}\) ensure that a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) solving \(\alpha \) satisfies \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\), \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\) and \(sig(u_0)=\dots =sig(u_{10})=\textsf {swap}\).

If \(sig(k)=\textsf {free}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=1\) then implies \(sup(s)=sup(s')=0\). Especially, by \(sup(h_{0,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=1\) we have \(sig(y_0)=\textsf {swap}\). Moreover, by \(sup(h_{2,1})=sup(h_{2,4})=0\) and \(sig(y_0)=\textsf {swap}\) we have that \(sup(h_{2,2})=sup(h_{2,3})=1\). This implies \(sig(y_1)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {used}\}\). By \(sup(h_{1,1})=0\) and this implies \(sig(y_1)=\textsf {nop}\) and thus \(sup(h_{1,2})=0\). Furthermore, by \(sup(h_{1,2})=sup(h_{1,3})=0\) and this implies \(sig(y_0)\not =\textsf {swap}\), a contradiction. Thus, we have \(sig(k)\not =\textsf {free}\).

If \(sig(k)=\textsf {used}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\) then implies \(sup(s)=sup(s')=1\). Thus, we get \(sup(h_{0,1})=sup(h_{0,3})=sup(h_{1,3})=1\) which with \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\) implies \(sig(y_0)=sig(v)=\textsf {swap}\). Moreover, \(sup(h_{1,3})=1\) and \(sig(y_0)=\textsf {swap}\) imply \(sup(h_{1,2})=0\). By \(sup(h_{1,1})=1\), this implies \(sig(y_1)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\). Finally, \(sup(h_{3,3})=1\) and \(sig(v)=sig(y_0)=\textsf {swap}\) imply \(sup(h_{3,1})=1\). This contradicts \(sig(y_1)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\). Thus, \(sig(k)\not =\textsf {used}\). Altogether, this shows that \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\), which implies \(sig(v)=\textsf {swap}\).

By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) we have \(sup(f_{0,1})=sup(f_{1,1})=sup(g_{j,1})=0\) and \(sup(f_{0,3})=sup(f_{1,3})=sup(g_{j,4})=1\). By \(sig(v)=\textsf {swap}\), this implies \(sup(f_{0,2})=sup(f_{1,2})=0\) and thus \(sig(z_0), sig(z_1)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\). Moreover, \(sup(g_{j,1})=0\), \(sup(g_{j,4})=1\) and \(sig(z_0), sig(z_1)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\) imply \(sup(g_{j,2})=0\) and \(sup(g_{j,3})=1\) and thus \(sig(u_j)=\textsf {swap}\).

Let \(i\in \{0,\dots ,m-1\}\). We now show that \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,6}\) and \(B_i\) collaborate as announced. By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sig(u_{9})=sig(u_{10})=\textsf {swap}\), we have \(sup(b_{i,1})=1\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). Since for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), the gadget \(B_i\) ensures for all \(X\in V(\varphi )\) that and \(sup(s)\not =sup(s')\) imply \(sig(X)=\textsf {swap}\).

The gadget \(T_{i,0}\) works like this: By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) we get that \(sup(t_{i,0,1})=0\) and \(sup(t_{i,0,8})=1\). Consequently, the image of the path performs an odd number of state changes between 0 to 1 in \(\tau \). Since \(sig(u_0)=\dots =sig(u_3)=\textsf {swap}\), the events \(u_0,\dots , u_3\) perform an even number of state changes. Thus, either all of \(X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\) are mapped to \(\textsf {swap}\) or exactly one of them. The construction of \(T_{i,1},\dots , T_{i,6}\) guarantees that there is exactly one variable event mapped to \(\textsf {swap}\).

In particular, the gadgets \(T_{i,4}, T_{i,5}\) and \(T_{i,6}\) ensure that if \(e\in \{w_{3i}, w_{3i+1} ,w_{3i+2}\}\) then \(sig(e)\not \in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {used}\}\). We argue for \(w_{3i}\): By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) we get \(sup(t_{i,4,1})=0\) and \(sup(t_{i,4,4})=1\) which, by \(sig(u_7)=sig(u_8)=\textsf {swap}\), implies \(sup(t_{i,4,2})=1\) and \(sup(t_{i,4,3})=0\). Clearly, this implies \(sig(w_{3i})\not \in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {used}\}\). Similarly, we obtain that \(sig(w_{3i+1})\not \in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {used}\}\) and \(sig(w_{3i+2})\not \in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {used}\}\).

Finally, the gadgets \(T_{i,1}, T_{i,2}\) and \(T_{i,3}\) ensure that no two variable events of the same clause can have a swap signature: By \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) we get that \(sup(t_{i,1,1})=0\) and \(sup(t_{i,1,7})=1\) which with \(sig(u_4)=sig(u_5)=sig(u_6)=\textsf {swap}\) implies \(sup(t_{i,1,3})=0\) and \(sup(t_{i,1,6})=0\). Thus, if \(sig(X_{i_0})=sig(X_{i_1})=\textsf {swap}\) then \(sup(t_{i,1,4})=sup(t_{i,1,5})=1\) which implies \(sig(w_{3i})\in \{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {used}\}\), a contradiction. Similarly, one uses \(T_{i,2}\) and \(T_{i,3}\) to show that neither \(X_{i_0}\) and \(X_{i_2}\) nor \(X_{i_1}\) and \(X_{i_2}\) can simultaneously be mapped to \(\textsf {swap}\). As i was arbitrary, there is exactly one variable per clause that is mapped to \(\textsf {swap}\). Thus, \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {swap}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \).

Conversely, a one-in-three model M of \(\varphi \) allows a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) that solves \(\alpha \): The red colored area above indicates which states of \(H_0,\dots , H_3\), \(F_0,F_1\), \(G_0,\dots , G_{10}\) and \(T_{0,4},T_{0,5},T_{0,6},\dots , T_{m-1,4},T_{m-1,5},T_{m-1,6}\) have positive support. Moreover, we define \(sup(s)=1\) for all \(s\in \bot \). Which states of \(T_{i,0}, \dots , T_{i,3}\), where \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), besides of k’s sources get a positive support depends on which of \(X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\) belongs to M. The red colored area sketches the situation for \(X_{i_0}\in M\). It is easy to see that there is for all \(e\in E(A^\tau _\varphi )\) a fitting sig-value making (supsig) a (solving) \(\tau \)-region where \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{0,2})=0\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 7

For any fixed \(g\ge 1\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\cup \omega \) and \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\) or if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {swap}\}\cup \omega \) and \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).


We present the reduction for the types built by \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\cup \omega \) where \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {out}, \textsf {res}, \textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\). Again, the other types are covered by Lemma 2.

The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has the following gadgets \(H_0,H_1,H_2\) and \(H_3\):

figure y

If \(\tau \cap \{\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\not =\emptyset \) then \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has also the following gadgets \(H_4,\dots , H_{12} \):

figure z

The gadgets \(H_0,\dots , H_3\) (\(H_4,\dots , H_{12}\), if added) provide \(\alpha =(k,h_{3,3})\). They ensure that if (supsig) \(\tau \)-solves \(\alpha \), then \(sig(k)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {out}\}\). The TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) adds the following gadgets \(F_0,F_1,F_2\) and, for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 13\}\), the gadgets \(G_i, N_i\):

figure aa

The gadgets \(F_0,F_1,F_2\) and \(G_0,N_0,\dots , G_{13}, N_{13}\) guarantee that if (supsig) solves \(\alpha \) then \(sig(u_i)=\textsf {swap}\). Similarly to the reduction of Theorem 6, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has for every \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) gadgets \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,6}\) and \(B_i\) to make the one-in-three satisfiability of \(\varphi \) and the \(\tau \)-solvability of \(\alpha \) the same. These gadgets and the ones for Theorem 6 have basically the same intention. However, since the current types have different interactions, the peculiarity of these gadgets is slightly different. In particular, \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has for each clause \(\zeta _i=\{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) the following gadget \(T_{i,0}\):

figure ab

Moreover, the gadgets \(T_{i,1}, T_{i,2}\) and \(T_{i,3}\) are defined as follows:

figure ac

Furthermore, the gadgets \(T_{i,4}, T_{i,5}\) and \(T_{i,6}\) are defined by

figure ad

Finally, the TS \(A^\tau _\varphi \) has for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) the following gadget \(B_i\):

figure ae

We briefly argue for the announced functionality of the gadgets. Let (supsig) be a \(\tau \)-region solving \(\alpha \). If \(sig(k)=\textsf {free}\) then \(sup(h_{3,3})=1\) and implies \(sup(s)=sup(s')=0\). Since \(sup(h_{3,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{3,3})=1\), there is an event \(e\in \{v_0,v_1\}\) such that \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\). If \(sig(v_0)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\), then, by \(sup(h_{1,1})=0\), we get \(sig(v_{0})=\textsf {swap}\). Moreover, if \(sig(v_1)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\), which implies \(sig(h_{3,2})=1\), then, by \(sup(h_{2,3})=0\), we get \(sig(v_1)=\textsf {swap}\). By \(sig(v_1)=\textsf {swap}\) and \(sup(h_{2,3})=0\), we get \(sup(h_{2,2})=1\). By \(sup(h_{1,1})\), this implies \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\). Thus, in any case we get \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\). By \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\) and \(sup(h_{4,3})=sup(h_{5,1})=0\) we obtain \(sup(h_{4,2})=sup(h_{5,2})=1\) which implies \(sig(x)=\textsf {swap}\). Using this and \(sup(s)=sup(s')=0\) if , we have that \(sup(h_{j,2})=1\) for all \(j\in \{6,\dots , 11\}\). This implies \(sig(y_0)=sig(y_1)=sig(y_2)=\textsf {swap}\). By \(sup(h_{12,1})=sup(h_{12,4})=0\), the image of is a path from 0 to 0 in \(\tau \). The number of state changes between 0 and 1 on such a path is even. This contradicts \(sig(y_0)=sig(y_1)=sig(y_2)=\textsf {swap}\). Thus, \(sig(k)\not =\textsf {free}\). The assumption that \(sig(k)=\textsf {used}\) and \(sup(h_{3,3})=0\) yields a contradiction, too.

We conclude that \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(h_{3,3})=0\). This implies \(sig(v_0)\not \in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\) and if , then \(sup(s)=1\) and \(sup(s')=0\). Thus, by \(sup(h_{2,1})=0\) and \(sup(h_{2,3})=1\) there is an event \(e\in \{v_0,v_1\}\) such that \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\). If \(e=v_0\) then \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\). Moreover, if \(e=v_1\) then \(sup(h_{3,2})=1\) which with \(sup(h_{3,3})=0\) and \(sup(h_{1,1})=1\) implies \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\). Consequently, any case implies \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\). This results in \(sig(u_j)=\textsf {swap}\) for all \(j\in \{0,\dots , 13\}\) as follows. By \(sup(f_{0,3})=sup(f_{1,3})=1\) and \(sig(v)=\textsf {swap}\) we obtain \(sup(f_{0,2})=sup(f_{1,2})=0\) which with \(sup(f_{0,1})=sup(f_{1,1})=0\) implies \(sig(z_0), sig(z_1)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\). Moreover, by \(sig(z_0), sig(z_1)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\) and \(sup(f_{2,1})=0\) we get \(sup(f_{2,3})=0\) which with \(sup(f_{2,4})=1\) implies \(sig(z_2)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\). By \(sig(z_0)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\) and \(sup(g_{i,1})=0\), we get \(sup(g_{i,2})=0\). Furthermore, \(sig(z_1)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\) and \(sup(g_{i,4})=1\) yields \(sig(z_1)=\textsf {nop}\) and \(sup(g_{i,3})=1\). This implies \(sig(u_i)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\). Finally, by \(sup(n_{i,1})=0\) and \(sig(z_2)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\), we get \(sup(n_{i,1})=1\) and, by \(sup(n_{i,4})=1\) and \(sig(v_0)=\textsf {swap}\), we have \(sup(n_{i,3})=0\). Since \(sig(u_i)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}\), this yields \(sig(u_i)=\textsf {swap}\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 13\}\).

The gadgets \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,6}\), where \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), use \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sig(u_i)=\textsf {swap}\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 13\}\) similarly to the ones of Theorem 6 to ensure that \(M=\{X\in V(\varphi ) \mid sig(X)=\textsf {swap}\}\) is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \): By \(sup(t_{i,4,6})=sup(t_{i,5,6})=sup(t_{i,6,6})=1\) and \(sig(u_{5})=sig(u_{6})=\textsf {swap}\) we have \(sup(t_{i,4,4})=sup(t_{i,5,4})=sup(t_{i,6,4})=1\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\). Thus, if \(X\in V(\varphi )\), and \(sup(s)\not =sup(s')\) then \(sig(X)=\textsf {swap}\). Using this, one argues in a manner quite similar to that of the proof of Theorem 6 that \(T_{i,0},\dots , T_{i,6}\) collaborate in such a way that there is exactly one variable event \(X\in \{X_{i_0}, X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}\}\) such that \(sig(X)=\textsf {swap}\). Thus, M is a corresponding model. Moreover, if \(sig(k)=\textsf {out}\) and \(sup(h_{3,3})=1\) then we obtain again that \(sig(u_i)=\textsf {swap}\) for all \(i\in \{0,\dots , 13\}\) which also guarantees that M is a searched model.

Conversely, if M is a one-in-three model of \(\varphi \) then we can define analogously to Theorem 6 a \(\tau \)-region solving \(\alpha \).    \(\square \)

Theorem 8

([12]). For any fixed \(g\ge 1\), deciding if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is NP-complete if \(\tau \in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {out}\}\cup \{\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).


The claim follows directly from our result of [12]. There we use 1-bounded cycle free gadgets to prove that synthesis of (pure) b-bounded Petri nets is NP-complete. The joining of [12] yields a 2-bounded TS. However, it is easy to see that the 1-bounded joining of this paper fits, too. The (pure) 1-bounded Petri net type is isomorphic to \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {used}\}\) (\(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {out}\}\)). By symmetry, \(\tau \)-solving ESSP atoms by \(\textsf {used}\) is equivalent to solving them by \(\textsf {free}\).    \(\square \)

4 Polynomial Time Results

Theorem 9

For any fixed \(g < 2\), one can decide in polynomial time if a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable if \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res}\}\cup \omega \) with non-empty \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\).


If A is \(\tau \)-solvable then no event e of A occurs twice in a row. Otherwise, the SSP atom \((s',s'')\) of a sequence is not \(\tau \)-solvable. Thus, in what follows, we assume that A has no event occurring twice in a row. Moreover, it is easy to see that a 1-bounded TS is a simple directed path on pairwise distinct states \(s_0,\dots , s_m\) or a directed cycle, that is, all states \(s_0,\dots , s_m\) except \(s_0\) and \(s_m\) are pairwise distinct. This proof proceeds as follows. First, we assume that \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) and that A is a directed cycle and argue that the \(\tau \)-solvability of a given ESSP atom (ks) or a SSP atom \((s,s')\) of A is decidable in polynomial time. Secondly, we argue that the presented algorithmic approach is applicable to directed paths, too. Thirdly, we show that the procedure introduced for \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) can be extended to \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\). By Lemma 2, this proves the claim for \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res}\}\) and \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {free}\}\), too. After that we investigate the case where \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res}\}\cup \omega \) with non-empty \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\). We argue that it is sufficient to decide the \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\)- and \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\)-solvability of A and that this is doable in polynomial time. The corresponding procedures again modify those introduced for \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

A sketch of a cyclic 1-bounded input A with ESSP atom \(\alpha =(k,s^i_j)\).

Let \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) and A be 1-bounded (cycle) TS with event \(k\in E(A)\) that occurs m times. Since A is a cycle, we can assume that k occurs at A’s initial state: . Moreover, since k does not occur twice in a row, its occurrences partition A into m k-free subsequences \(I_0,\dots , I_{m-1}\) such that , \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), and \(s^{m-1}_{n_{m-1}}=\iota \), cf. Fig. 6.

Obviously, defining \(sup(\iota )=1\), \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus \{k\}\) inductively yields a region (supsig) solving the ESSP atoms (ks) where . Thus, it remains to consider the case . Since , there is an \(i\in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) such that s is a state of the i-th subsequence \(I_i\). In particular, there is a \(j\in \{1,\dots ,n_i-1 \}\) such that \(s=s^i_j\). The state \(s^i_j\) divides \(I_i\) into the sequences and , cf. Fig. 6.

If (supsig) is a region that solves \(\alpha \) then \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(sup(s^i_j)=0\) is true. This implies for all \(\ell \in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\) that \(sup(s^\ell _0)=0\) and \(sup(s^\ell _{n_\ell })=1\). Thus, it remains to define the signature of the events of \(\bigcup _{\ell =0}^{m-1}E(I_\ell )\) such that , for all \(\ell \in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\setminus \{i\}\), and and .

If there is for all \(\ell \in \{0,\dots ,m-1\}\setminus \{i\}\) an event \(e_\ell \in E(I_\ell )\) such that \(e_\ell \not \in E(I^0_i)\) and if there is an event \(e_i\in E(I^1_i)\) so that \(e_i\not \in E(I^0_i)\) then \(sup(\iota )=1\), \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\), \(sig(e_\ell )=\textsf {set}\) for all \(\ell \in \{0,\dots , m-1\}\), and \(sig(e)=\textsf {nop}\) for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus \{k,e_0,\dots ,e_\ell \}\) yields a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) of A that solves \(\alpha \). Clearly, whether A satisfies this property is decidable in polynomial time.

Otherwise, there is a sequence \(I\in \{I_0,\dots , I_{i-1}, I^1_i,I_{i+1},\dots , I_{m-1}\}\) so that \(E(I)\subseteq E(I^0_i)\). Thus, if (supsig) is a \(\tau \)-region that solves \(\alpha \) then there is a \(\ell \in \{1,\dots , j-1\}\) such that \(sig(y^i_{\ell })=\textsf {set}\). Consequently, there has to be a \(\ell ' \in \{\ell +1,\dots , j\}\) such that \(sig(y^i_{\ell '})=\textsf {inp}\) and, in particular, \(sig(y^i_{\ell ''})=\textsf {nop}\) for all \(\ell ''\in \{\ell '+1,\dots ,j\}\). Using this, one finds that (supsig) implies a region \((sup',sig')\) that solves \(\alpha \) and gets along with at most two \(\textsf {inp}\)-events. More exactly, defining \(sup'(\iota )=1\), \(sig'(k)=sig'(y^i_{\ell '})=\textsf {inp}\), \(sig'(e)=\textsf {nop}\) for all \(e\in \{y^i_{\ell '+1}, \dots , y^i_{j}\}\) and \(sig'(e)=\textsf {set}\) for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus (\{k,y^i_{\ell '},\dots , y^i_j\})\) yields a valid \(\tau \)-region \((sup', sig')\) that solves \(\alpha \). Since (supsig) was arbitrary, these deliberations show that in the second case the atom \(\alpha \) is \(\tau \)-solvable if and only if there is a corresponding region \((sup',sig')\). This yields the following polynomial procedure that decides whether \(\alpha \) is \(\tau \)-solvable: For \(\ell \) from j to 2 test if \((sup_\ell , sig_\ell )\) (inductively) defined by \(sup_\ell (\iota )=1\), \(sig_\ell (y^i_\ell )=\textsf {inp}\), \(sig_\ell (y^i_{\ell '})=\textsf {nop}\) for all \(\ell '\in \{\ell +1,\dots , j\}\) and \(sig_\ell (e)=\textsf {set}\) for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus (\{k,y^i_{\ell },\dots , y^i_j\})\) yields a \(\tau \)-region of A. If the test succeeds for any iteration then return yes, otherwise return no.

We can modify this approach to test the \(\tau \)-solvability of an SSP atom \(\beta =(s,s')\) as follows. Since is a cycle we can assume without loss of generality that \(s=\iota \) and \(s'=s_i\) for some \(i\in \{1,\dots , m-1\}\). The states \(\iota \) and \(s_i\) partition A into two subsequences and . If \(\beta \) is solvable by a region \((sup', sig')\) such that \(sup'(\iota )=1\) and \(sup'(s_i)=0\) then there is an event \(e\in I_0\) such that \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\). In particular, there is a region (supsig) as follows: \(sup(\iota )=1\), \(sig(e_j)=\textsf {inp}\) and \(j\in \{1,\dots , i\}\), \(sig(e_{\ell })=\textsf {nop}\) for all \(\ell \in \{j+1,\dots , i\}\) and \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus \{e_j,\dots , e_i\}\). Similar to the approach for \(\alpha \), we can check if such a region exists in polynomial time. Moreover, the case where \(sup(\iota )=0\) and \(sup(s_i)=1\) works symmetrically.

So far we have shown that the \(\tau \)-solvability of (E)SSP atoms of A are decidable in polynomial time if A is a cycle. If is a directed path then its cycle extension \(A_c\) has a fresh event \(\oplus \not \in E(A)\) and is defined by . The event \(\oplus \) is unique thus an (E)SSP atom of A is solvable by a \(\tau \)-region of A if and only if it is solvable by a \(\tau \)-region of \(A_c\). Thus, we can decide the solvability of atoms of A via \(A_c\). Altogether, this proves that the \(\tau \)-solvability of (E)SSP atoms of 1-bounded inputs is decidable in polynomial time. Since we have at most \(\vert S\vert ^2+\vert E\vert \cdot \vert S\vert \) atoms to solve, the decidability of the \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\)-solvability for 1-bounded TS is polynomial.

Similar to the discussion for \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\), one argues that the following assertion is true: If \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\) then there is a \(\tau \)-region \((sup', sig')\) with \(sig'(k)=\textsf {used}\) and \(sup(s^i_j)=0\) if and only if there is a \(\tau \)-region (supsig) and an number \(\ell \in \{1,\dots , j\}\) such that \(sup(\iota )=1\), \(sig(k)=\textsf {used}\), \(sig(y^i_\ell )=\textsf {inp}\), \(sig(y^i_{\ell '})=\textsf {nop}\) for all \(\ell '\in \{\ell +1,\dots ,j\}\) and \(sig(e)=\textsf {set}\) for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus \{k,y^i_\ell ,\dots , y^i_j\}\). Clearly, the procedure introduced for \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) can be extended appropriately to a procedure that works for \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\).

It remains to investigate the case where \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\cup \omega \) with non-empty \(\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {out},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\). For a start, let’s argue that deciding the \(\tau \)-solvability is equivalent to deciding the \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\)-solvability or the \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set},\textsf {used}\}\)-solvability of A. This can be seen as follows: If (supsig) is a region that solves an ESSP atom \(\alpha =(k,s)\) such that \(sig(k)=\textsf {inp}\) then there is a \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\)-region \((sup', sig')\) that solves (ks), too. The region \((sup',sig')\) originates from (supsig) by \(sup'=sup\), \(sig'(k)=\textsf {inp}\) and for all \(e\in E(A)\setminus \{k\}\) by \(sig'(e)=\textsf {nop}\) if \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\), \(sig'(e)=\textsf {res}\) if \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {inp},\textsf {res}\}\) and, finally, \(sig'(e)=\textsf {set}\) if \(sig(e)\in \{\textsf {out},\textsf {set}\}\). Similarly, one argues that \(\alpha \) is \(\tau \)-solvable such that \(sig(k)=\textsf {out}\) if and only if it is \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\)-solvable. Moreover, \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\) and \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\) are isomorphic thus \(\tau \)-solvability with \(\textsf {inp}\) or \(\textsf {out}\) reduces to \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\)-solvability. Similarly, the \(\tau \)-solvability with \(\textsf {used}\) or \(\textsf {free}\) reduces to \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}, \textsf {used}\}\)-solvability. It is easy to see that the procedure introduced for \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\) can be extended to the types \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\) and \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}, \textsf {used}\}\). The only difference is that we now search for an event \(y^i_\ell \) such that \(sig(y^i_\ell )=\textsf {res}\) instead of \(sig(y^i_\ell )=\textsf {inp}\).

Finally, we observe that a SSP atom \(\beta =(s,s')\) is \(\tau \)-solvable if and only if it is \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\)-solvable. The states s and \(s'\) induce again a partition \(I_0\) and \(I_1\) of A and we can adapt the approach above to \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}\}\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 10

For any fixed \(g\in \mathbb {N}\), deciding whether a g-bounded TS A is \(\tau \)-solvable is polynomial if one of the following conditions is true:

  1. 1.

    \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {free}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {used}\}\) or \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) and \(g < 2\).

  2. 2.

    \(\tau =\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {set}, \textsf {res}\} \cup \omega \) and \(\emptyset \not =\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {used}, \textsf {free}\}\) and \(g < 3\).

  3. 3.

    \(\tau =\tau '\cup \omega \) and \(\tau '\in \{\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {swap}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {set}, \textsf {swap}\} \}\) and \(\emptyset \not =\omega \subseteq \{\textsf {used},\textsf {free}\}\) and \(g < 2\).

  4. 4.

    \(\tau \in \{ \{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {used}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {out},\textsf {free}\} \}\) or \(\tau \in \mathcal {T}=\{\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {swap}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {res},\textsf {swap}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {set},\textsf {res},\textsf {swap}\}\}\),


  1. (1):

      It is easy to see that A is a loop, or that A is cycle free, since there is an unsolvable SSP atom otherwise. Moreover, if an event e occurs twice consecutively, , then \((s,s')\) is not \(\tau \)-solvable. Thus, for every \(e\in E(A)\) there is a \(s\in S(A)\) such that (es) has to be solved by \(sig(e)=\textsf {inp}\) (\(sig(e)=\textsf {out}\)) and \(sup(s)=0\) (\(sup(s)=1\)). If e occurs twice on the directed path A then such a region does not exist. On the other hand, A is \(\tau \)-solvable if every event occurs exactly once. Consequently, A is \(\tau \)-solvable if and only if it is 1-bounded and every event occurs exactly once.

  2. (2):

    Since ESSP atoms of a \(\tau \)-solvable input A are only solvable by \(\textsf {used}\) and \(\textsf {free}\), we have that if then . If \(s=s''\not =s'\) or if \(s,s',s''\) are pairwise distinct then \((s,s')\) is not \(\tau \)-solvable. This implies . As a result, \(\tau \)-solvable inputs have the shape

    figure af

    Thus, if the loop erasement \(A'\) of A originates from A by erasing all loops , that is, , then deciding the \(\tau \)-solvability of A reduces to deciding if \(A'\) has the \(\tau \)-SSP and if all ESSP atoms (es) with of \(A'\) are \(\tau \)-solvable. This is doable in polynomial time by the approach of Theorem 9.

  3. (3):

    Since ESSP atoms of an input A are only solvable by \(\textsf {used}\) and \(\textsf {free}\), if and \(s\not =s'\) then . If and \(s,s',s'', s'''\) are pairwise different, then the SSP atom \((s',s''')\) is not \(\tau \)-solvable. As a consequence, \(\tau \)-solvable inputs can have at most 3 different states.

  4. (4):

    Let \(\tau \in \{\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp}\}, \{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {used}\}\}\). If A is \(\tau \)-solvable, then for all \(e\in E(A)\) holds . Otherwise, \((e,\iota )\) is not \(\tau \)-solvable. Similarly, if \(\tau \in \mathcal {T}\), then ESSP atoms are not \(\tau \)-solvable thus, every event occurs at \(\iota \). A is g-bounded. This implies \(\vert E(A)\vert \le g\). Thus, A has at most \(2\cdot \vert \tau \vert ^g\) \(\tau \)-regions. Since g is fixed, \(\tau \)-synthesis is polynomial by brut-force. By Lemma 2, the claim follows.

   \(\square \)

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we fully characterize the computational complexity of \(\textsf {nop}\)-equipped Boolean Petri nets from g-bounded TS for any fixed \(g\in \mathbb {N}\). Our results show that if \(\tau \)-synthesis is hard then it remains hard even for low bounds g. Moreover, they also show that when g becomes very small, sometimes it makes the difference between hardness and tractability, cf. Fig. 1 §1–§3 and §9, but sometimes it does not, cf. Fig. 1 §4–§7. In this sense, the parameter g helps to recognize interactions that contribute to the power of a type. By Theorem 3 and Theorem 9, \(\{\textsf {nop}, \textsf {inp},\textsf {set}\}\)-synthesis is hard if \(g\ge 2\) and tractable if \(g < 2\), respectively. By Theorem 5, \(\{\textsf {nop},\textsf {inp},\textsf {set},\textsf {free}\}\)-synthesis remains hard for all \(g \ge 1\). Thus, if restricted to 1-bounded inputs then the test interaction \(\textsf {free}\) makes the difference between hardness and tractability of synthesis. Surprisingly enough, by Theorem 9, replacing \(\textsf {free}\) by \(\textsf {used}\) makes synthesis from 1-bounded TS tractable again. It remains future work, to characterize the computational complexity of synthesis for the remaining 128 types which do not contain \(\textsf {nop}\). Moreover, since \(\tau \)-synthesis generally remains hard even for (small) fixed g, the bound of a TS is ruled out for FPT-algorithms. Future work might be concerned with parameterizing \(\tau \)-synthesis by the dependence number of the searched \(\tau \)-net: If \(N=(P, T, f, M_0)\) is a Boolean net, \(p\in P\) and if the dependence number \(d_p\) of p is defined by \(d_p=\vert \{ t\in T\mid f(p,t)\not =\textsf {nop}\} \vert \) then the dependence number d of N is defined by \(d=\text {max}\{ d_p \mid p\in P\}\). At first glance, d appears to be a promising parameter for FPT-approaches because this parameterization puts the problem into the complexity class XP: Since a \(\tau \)-region of \(A=(S,E,\delta , \iota )\) is determined by \(sup(\iota )\) and sig, for each (E)SSP atom \(\alpha \) there are at most \(2\cdot \vert \tau \vert ^d\cdot \sum _{i=0}^d \left( {\begin{array}{c}\vert E\vert \\ i\end{array}}\right) \) fitting \(\tau \)-regions solving \(\alpha \). Thus, by \(\vert \tau \vert \le 8\), \(\tau \)-synthesis parameterized by d is decidable in \(\mathcal {O}(\vert E\vert ^d \cdot \vert S\vert \cdot \text {max}\{\vert S\vert ,\vert E\vert \} )\).