
1 Introduction

This paper proposes a probabilistic generalisation of modal logic for reasoning about probabilistic multi-agent systems. There has been substantial work in this direction before [1, 6, 13]. However, here, rather than extending a propositional modal logic with the capability to represent and reason about probabilities, we revise all logical operators so that they are interpreted probabilistically. Thus we differentiate between reasoning about probabilities and reasoning probabilistically. Interpreting probabilities as epistemic entities suggests a Bayesian approach [2], where agents assess the likelihood of propositions based on a combination of prior assumptions and observations.

We provide a lightweight logic, the aleatoric calculus, for reasoning about systems of independent random variables, and give an extension, the modal aleatoric calculus for reasoning about multi-agent systems of random variables. We show that this is a true generalisation of modal logic and provide some initial proof theoretic results. The modal aleatoric calculus allows agents to express strategies in games or theories of how other agents will act, and we present a basic demonstration of this.

2 Related Work

There has been significant and long-standing interest in reasoning about probability and uncertainty, to apply the precision of logical deduction in uncertain and random environments. Hailperin’s probability logic [9] and Nilsson’s probabilistic logic [16] seek to generalise propositional, so the semantics of true and false are replaced by probability measures. These approaches in turn are generalised in fuzzy logics [19] where real numbers are used to model degrees of truth via T-norms. In [18] Williamson provide an inference system based on Bayesian epistemology.

These approaches lose the simplicity of Boolean logics, as deductive systems must deal with propositions that are not independent. This limits their practicality as well defined semantics require the conditional probabilities of all atoms to be known. However, these approaches have been successfully combined with logic programming [12] and machine learning [3]. Feldman and Harel [7] and Kozen [14] gave a probabilistic variation of propositional dynamic logic for reasoning about the correctness of programs with random variables. Importantly, this work generalises a modal logic (PDL) as a many valued logic.

More general foundational work on reasoning probabilistically was done by de Finetti [4] who established an epistemic notion of probability based on what an agent would consider to be a rational wager (the Dutch book argument). In [15], Milne incorporates these ideas into the logic of conditional events. Stalnaker has also considered conditional events and has presented conditional logic [17]. Here, conditional refers to the interpretation of one proposition being contingent on another, although this is not quantified nor assigned a probability.

The other approach to reasoning about uncertainty is to extend traditional Boolean and modal logics with operators for reasoning about probabilities. Modal and epistemic logics have a long history for reasoning about uncertainty, going back to Hintikka’s work on possible worlds [11]. More recent work on dynamic epistemic logic [5] has looked at how agents incorporate new information into their belief structures. There are explicit probabilistic extensions of these logics, that maintain the Boolean interpretation of formulae, but include probabilistic terms [6, 10]. Probabilistic terms are converted into Boolean terms through arithmetic comparisons. For example, “It is more likely to snow than it is to rain” is a Boolean statement, whereas the likelihood of snow is a probabilistic statement.

3 Syntax and Semantics

We take a many-valued approach here. Rather than presenting a logic that describes what is true about a probabilistic scenario, we present the Modal Aleatoric Calculus (\(\mathbf {MAC}\)) for determining what is likely. The different is subtle: In probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic [13] it is possible to express that the statement “Alice thinks X has probability 0.5” is true; whereas the calculus here simply has a term “Alice’s expectation of X” which may have a value that is greater than 0.5. We present a syntax for constructing complex terms in this calculus, and a semantics for assignment values to terms, given a particular interpretation or model.

3.1 Syntax

The syntax is given for a set of random variables X, and a set of agents N. We also include constants \(\top \) and \(\bot \). The syntax of the dynamic aleatoric calculus, \(\mathbf {MAC}\), is as follows:

$$ \alpha {:}{:}=\ x\ |\ \top \ |\ \bot \ |\ (\alpha ? \alpha \!:\!\alpha )\ |\ (\alpha \! \mid \! \alpha )_i$$

where \(x\in X\) is a variable and \(i\in N\) is a modality. We typically take an epistemic perspective, so the modality corresponds to an agent’s beliefs. As usual, we let \(v(\alpha )\) refer to the set of variables that appear in \(\alpha \). We refer to \(\top \) as always and \(\bot \) as never. The if-then-else operator \((\alpha ? \beta \!:\!\gamma )\) is read if \(\alpha \) then \(\beta \) else \(\gamma \) and uses the ternary conditional syntax of programming languages such as C. The conditional expectation operator \((\alpha \! \mid \! \beta )_i\) is modality i’s expectation of \(\alpha \) given \(\beta \) (the conditional probability i assigns to \(\alpha \) given \(\beta \)).

3.2 Semantics

The modal aleatoric calculus is interpreted over probability models similar to the probability structures defined in [10], although they have random variables in place of propositional assignments.

Definition 1

Given a set S, we use the notation PD(S) to notate the set of probability distributions over S, where \(\mu \in PD(S)\) implies: \(\mu :S\longrightarrow [0,1]\); and either \(\varSigma _{s\in S} \mu (s) = 1\), or \(\varSigma _{s\in S}\mu (s) = 0\). In the latter case, we say \(\mu \) is the empty distribution.

Definition 2

Given a set of variables X and a set of modalities N, a probability model is specified by the tuple \(P =(W, \pi , f)\), where:

  • W is a set of possible worlds.

  • \(\pi :N\longrightarrow W\longrightarrow PD(W)\) assigns for each world \(w\in W\) and each modality \(i\in N\), a probability distribution \(\pi _i(w)\) over W. We will write \(\pi _i(w,v)\) in place of \(\pi (i)(w)(v)\).

  • \(f:W\longrightarrow X\longrightarrow [0,1]\) is a probability assignment so for each world w, for each variable x, \(f_w(x)\) is the probability of x being true.

Given a model P we identify the corresponding tuple as \((W^P, \pi ^P, f^P)\). A pointed probability model, \(P_w = (W, \pi ,f,w)\), specifies a world in the model as the point of evaluation.

We note that we have not placed any restraints on the function \(\pi \). If \(\pi \) were to model agent belief we might expect all worlds in the probability distribution \(\pi _i(w)\) to share the same probability distribution of worlds. However, at this stage we have chosen to focus on the unconstrained case.

Given a pointed model \(P_w\), the semantic interpretation of a \(\mathbf {MAC}\) formula \(\alpha \) is \(P_w(\alpha )\in [0,1]\) which is the expectation of the formula being supported by a sampling of the model, where the sampling is done with respect to the distributions specified by \(\pi \) and f.

Definition 3

The semantics of the modal aleatoric calculus take a pointed probability model, \(f_w\), and a proposition defined in \(\mathbf {MAC}\), \(\alpha \), and calculate the expectation of \(\alpha \) holding at \(P_w\). Given an agent i, a world w and a \(\mathcal {MAC}\) formula \(\alpha \), we define i’s expectation of \(\alpha \) at w as

$$E^i_w(\alpha ) = \sum _{u\in W}\pi _i(w,u)\cdot P_u(\alpha ).$$

Then the semantics of \(\mathbf {MAC}\) are as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{rcl} P_w(\top ) &{}=&{} 1 \qquad P_w(\bot )\ =\ 0 \qquad P_w(x)\ =\ f_w(x) \\ P_w((\alpha ? \beta \!:\!\gamma )) &{}=&{} P_w(\alpha )\cdot P_w(\beta )+(1-P_w(\alpha ))\cdot P_w(\gamma )\\ P_w((\alpha \! \mid \! \beta )_i) &{}=&{} \frac{E^i_w(\alpha \wedge \beta )}{E^i_w(\beta )}\ \text {if}\ E^i_w(\beta )>0\ \text {and}\ 1\ \text {otherwise}\\ \end{array} $$

We say two formulae, \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \), a semantically equivalent (written \(\alpha \cong \beta \)) if for all pointed probability models \(P_w\) we have \(P_w(\alpha ) = P_w(\beta )\).

The concept of sampling is intrinsic in the rational of these semantics. The word aleatoric has its origins in the Latin for dice-player (aleator), and the semantics are essentially aleatoric, in that they use dice (or sample probability distributions) for everything. If we ask whether a variable is true at a world, the variable is sampled according to the probability distribution at that world. Likewise, to interpret a modality the corresponding distribution of worlds is sampled, and the formula is evaluated at the selected world. However, we are not interested in the result of any one single sampling activity, but in the expectation derived from the sampling activity.

This gives us an interesting combination approaches for understanding probability. Aleatoric approaches appeal to frequentist interpretations of probability, where likelihoods are fixed and assume arbitrarily large sample sizes. This contrasts the Bayesian approach where probability is intrinsically epistemic, where we consider what likelihood an agent would assign to an event, given the evidence they have observed. Our approach can be seen as an aleatoric implementation of a Bayesian system. By this we mean that: random variables are aleatoric, always sampled from a fixed distribution, and modalities are Bayesian, always conditioned on a set of possible worlds.

The if-then-else operator, \((\alpha ? \beta \!:\!\gamma )\), can be imagined as a sampling protocol. We first sample \(\alpha \), and if \(\alpha \) is true, we proceed to sample \(\beta \) and otherwise we sample \(\gamma \). We imagine an evaluator interpreting the formula by flipping a coin: if it lands heads, we evaluate \(\beta \); if it lands tails, we evaluate \(\gamma \). This corresponds to the additive property of Bayesian epistemology: if A and B are disjoint events, then \(P(A\ {or}\ B) = P(A)+P(B)\) [2]. Here the two disjoint events are \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) and \(\lnot \alpha \) and \(\gamma \), but disjointedness is only guaranteed if \(\alpha \) and \(\lnot \alpha \) are evaluated from the same sampling.

The conditional expectation operator \((\alpha \! \mid \! \beta )_i\) expresses modality i’s expectation of \(\alpha \) marginalised by the expectation of \(\beta \). This is, as in the Kolmogorov definition of conditional probability, i’s expectation of \(\alpha \wedge \beta \) divided by i’s expectation of \(\beta \). The intuition for these semantics corresponds to a sampling protocol. The modality i samples a world from the probability distribution and samples \(\beta \) at that world. If \(\beta \) is true, then i samples \(\alpha \) at that world and returns the result. Otherwise agent i resamples a world from their probability distribution, and repeats the process. In the case that \(\beta \) is never true, we assign \((\alpha \! \mid \! \beta )_i\) probability 1, as being vacuously true.

Abbreviations: Some abbreviations we can define in \(\mathcal {MAC}\) are as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{c} \alpha \wedge \beta = (\alpha ? \beta \!:\!\bot ) \qquad \alpha \vee \beta = (\alpha ? \top \!:\!\beta ) \qquad \alpha \rightarrow \beta = (\alpha ? \beta \!:\!\top ) \qquad \lnot \alpha = (\alpha ? \bot \!:\!\top )\\ E_i\alpha = (\alpha \! \mid \! \top )_i \qquad \Box _i \alpha = (\bot \! \mid \! \lnot \alpha )_i\\ \alpha ^{\frac{0}{b}} = \top \qquad \alpha ^{\frac{a}{b}} = \bot \ \text {if}\ b<a\qquad \alpha ^{\frac{a}{b}} =(\alpha ? \alpha ^{\frac{a-1}{b-1}}\!:\!\alpha ^{\frac{a}{b-1}})\ \text {if}\ a\le b \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

where a and b are natural numbers. We will show later that under certain circumstances these operators do correspond with their Boolean counterparts. However, this is not true in the general case. The formula \(\alpha \wedge \beta \) does not interpret directly as \(\alpha \) is true and \(\beta \) is true. Rather it is the likelihood of \(\alpha \) being sampled as true, followed by \(\beta \) being sampled as true. For this reason \(\alpha \wedge \alpha \) is not the same as \(\alpha \). Similarly \(\alpha \vee \beta \) is the likelihood of \(\alpha \) being sampled as true, or in the instance that it was not true, that \(\beta \) was sampled as true.

The modality \(E_i \alpha \) is agent i’s expectation of \(\alpha \) being true, which is just \(\alpha \) conditioned on the uniformly true \(\top \). The operator \(\Box _i\alpha \) corresponds to the necessity operator of standard modal logic, and uses a property of the conditional operator: it evaluates \((\alpha \! \mid \! \beta )_i\) as vacuously true if and only if there is no expectation that \(\beta \) can ever be true. Therefore, \((\bot \! \mid \! \lnot \alpha )_i\) can only be true if modality i always expects \(\lnot \alpha \) to be false, and thus for the modality i, \(\alpha \) is necessarily true. The formula \(\alpha ^{\frac{a}{b}}\) allows us to explicitly represent degrees of belief in the language. It is interpreted as \(\alpha \) is true at least a times out of b. Note that this is not a statement saying what the frequency of \(\alpha \) is. Rather it describes the event of \(\alpha \) being true a times out of b. Therefore, if \(\alpha \) was unlikely (say true 5% of the time) then \(\alpha ^{\frac{9}{9}}\) describes an incredibly unlikely event.

3.3 Example

We will give simple example of reasoning in \(\mathbf {MAC}\). Suppose we have an aleator (dice player), considering the outcome of a role of a die. While the dice is fair, our aleator does not know whether it is a four sided die or a six sided die. We consider a single proposition: \(p_1\) if the result of throw of the die is 1. The aleator considers two worlds equally possible: \(w_4\) where the die has four sides, and \(w_6\) where the die has 6 sides. The probability model \(P = (W, \pi , f)\) is depicted in Fig. 1: We can formulate properties such as “at least one of the next two throws will be a 1”: \(p_1^{\frac{1}{2}} = (p_1 ? \top \!:\!p_1)\). We can calculate \(P_{w_4}(p_1^{\frac{1}{2}}) = \frac{7}{16}\), while \(P_{w_6}(p_1^{\frac{1}{2}}) = \frac{11}{36}\). Now if we asked our aleator what are the odds of rolling a second 1, given the first roll was 1, we would evaluate the formula \((p_1\! \mid \! p_1)_a\) (where a is our aleator), and in either world this evaluates to \(\frac{5}{24}\). Note that this involves some speculation from the aleator.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A probability model for an aleator who does not know whether the die is four sided (\(w_4\)) or six sided (\(w_6\)).

4 Axioms for the Modal Aleatoric Calculus

Having seen the potential for representing stochastic games, we will now look at some reasoning techniques. First we will consider some axioms to derive constraints on the expectations of propositions, as an analogue of a Hilbert-style proof system for modal logic. In the following section we will briefly analyse the model checking problem, as a direct application of the semantic definitions.

Our approach here is to seek a derivation system that can generate equalities that are always valid in \(\mathbf {MAC}\). For example, \(\alpha \wedge \beta \simeq \beta \wedge \alpha \) will be satisfied by every world of every model. We use the relation \(\simeq \) to indicate that two formulae are equivalent in the calculus, and the operator \(\cong \) to indicate the expectation assigned to each formula will be equal in all probability models. We show that the calculus is sound, and sketch a proof of completeness in the most basic case.

4.1 The Aleatoric Calculus

The aleatoric calculus, AC, is the language of \(\top ,\ \bot ,\ x\) and \((\alpha ? \beta \!:\!\gamma )\), where \(x\in X\). The interpretation of this fragment only depends on a single world and it is the analogue of propositional logic in the non-probabilistic setting. The axioms of the calculus are:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{lrcllrcl} \mathbf{id}&{} x &{}\simeq &{} x &{}\qquad \mathbf{vacuous}&{}(x ? \top \!:\!\bot ) &{}\simeq &{} x\\ \mathbf{ignore}&{} (x ? y\!:\!y) &{}\simeq &{} y &{}\qquad \mathbf{tree}&{}((x ? y\!:\!z) ? p\!:\!q) &{}\simeq &{} (x ? (y ? p\!:\!q)\!:\!(z ? p\!:\!q))\\ \mathbf{always}&{} (\top ? x\!:\!y) &{}\simeq &{} x &{}\qquad \mathbf{swap}&{}(x ? (y ? p\!:\!q)\!:\!(y ? r\!:\!s)) &{}\simeq &{} (y ? (x ? p\!:\!r)\!:\!(x ? q\!:\!s))\\ \mathbf{never}&{} (\bot ? x\!:\!y) &{}\simeq &{} y &{}&{}&{}&{} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

We also have the rules of transitivity, symmetry and substitution for \(\simeq \):

$$ \begin{array}{l} \mathbf {Trans}:\qquad \text {If }\alpha \simeq \beta \text { and }\beta \simeq \gamma \text { then }\alpha \simeq \gamma \\ \mathbf {Sym}:\qquad \text {If } \alpha \simeq \beta \text { then } \beta \simeq \alpha \\ \mathbf {Subs}:\qquad \text {If } \alpha \simeq \beta \text { and } \gamma \simeq \delta \text { then } \alpha [x\backslash \gamma ] \simeq \beta [x\backslash \delta ] \end{array} $$

where \(\alpha [x\backslash \gamma ]\) is \(\alpha \) with every occurrence of the variable x replaced by \(\gamma \). We let this system of axioms and rules be referred to as \(\mathfrak {AC}\).

As an example of reasoning in this system, we will show that the commutativity of \(\wedge \) holds:

$$ \begin{array}{rcll} (x ? y\!:\!\bot ) &{} \simeq &{} (x ? (y ? \top \!:\!\bot )\!:\!(y ? \bot \!:\!\bot )) &{} \mathbf{vacuous }, \mathbf{ignore } \\ &{} \simeq &{} (y ? (x ? \top \!:\!\bot )\!:\!(x ? \bot \!:\!\bot )) &{} \mathbf{swap } \\ &{} \simeq &{} (y ? x\!:\!\bot ) &{} \mathbf{vacuous }, \mathbf{ignore } \\ \end{array} $$

The axiom system \(\mathfrak {AC}\) is sound. The majority of these axioms are simple to derive from Definition 3, and all proofs essentially show that the semantic interpretation of the left and right side of the equation are equal. The rules Trans and Sym come naturally with equality, and the rule Subs follows because at any world, all formulae are probabilistically independent.

We present arguments for the soundness of the less obvious tree and swap in the long version of the paper [8].

Lemma 1

The axiom system \(\mathfrak {AC}\) is sound for AC.


This follows from Lemmas 2 and 3 presented in [8], and Definition 3.2. Also, from the semantics we can see that the interpretation of subformulae are independent of one another, so the substitution rule holds, and the remaining rules follow directly from the definition of \(\simeq \).

To show that \(\mathfrak {AC}\) complete for the aleatoric calculus, we aim to show that any aleatoric calculus formula that are semantically equivalent can be transformed into a common form. As the axioms of \(\mathfrak {AC}\) are equivalences this is sufficient to show that the formulae are provably equivalent. The proofs are presented in the long version of the paper.

A tree form Aleatoric Calculus formula is either atomic, or it has an atomic random variable condition and both its left and right subformulae are in tree form.

Definition 4

The set of all tree form Aleatoric Calculus formulae \(T \subset \varPhi \) is generated by the following grammar:

$$\varphi {:}{:}= \top \mid \bot \mid (x ? \varphi \!:\!\varphi )$$

Lemma 2

For any Aleatoric Calculus formula there exists an equivalent (by \(\simeq \)) tree form formula.

Definition 5

A path in a tree form aleatoric calculus formula is a sequence of tokens from the set \({\{}x, \overline{x} \mid x \in X{\}}\) corresponding to the outcomes of random trials involved in reaching a terminal node in the tree. We define the functions and to be the set of paths that terminate in a \(\top \) or a \(\bot \) respectively:

where \(^\frown \) is the sequence concatenation operator:

$$ {(}a_1,\dots ,a_n{)} ^\frown {(}b_1,\dots ,b_n{)} = {(}a_1,\dots ,a_n, b_1, \dots , b_n{)} $$

We say two paths are multi-set equivalent if the multiset of tokens that appear in each path are equivalent, and define to be the set of all paths through a formula.

Lemma 3

For any tree form aleatoric calculus formula \(\alpha \):

where \(P(\overline{x}) = (1 - P(x))\).


This follows immediately from the Definition 3.

Lemma 4

Suppose that \(\phi \) is a formula in tree form such that (resp. ). Then, for any \(i<n\) there is some formula \(\phi _a^i\) such that:

  1. 1.

    \(\phi \simeq \phi _a^i\)

  2. 2.

    (resp. )

  3. 3.

    \(\phi \) and \(\phi _a^i\) agree on all paths that do not have the prefix \((a_0,\ldots , a_{i-1}\). That is, for all , where for some \(j<i\), \(b_j \ne a_j\), we have if and only if and if and only if .

Lemma 5

Given a pair of multi-set equivalent paths a and b in a tree form aleatoric calculus formula, \(\phi \), such that and , we can find a formula \(\phi _a^b\simeq \phi \) where

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.


Lemma 6

For any pair of tree form aleatoric calculus formulae, \(\phi \) and \(\psi \), there exists a pair of tree forms \(\phi '\simeq \phi \) and \(\psi '\simeq \psi \), such that .

Theorem 1

For any pair of semantically equivalent aleatoric calculus formulae \(\phi \) and \(\psi \), we can show \(\phi \simeq \psi \).


By Lemma 2 it is possible to convert both formulae in question, \(\phi \) and \(\psi \), into tree form, respectively \(\phi ^\tau \) and \(\psi ^\tau \). By Lemma 6 it is then possible to convert \(\phi ^\tau \) and \(\psi ^\tau \) to a pair of equivalent formulae, respectively \(\varPhi \) and \(\varPsi \), with the same structure (so ), but possibly different leaves (so is possibly not the same as . By Lemma 5 it is possible to swap any multiset-equivalent paths between and . By Lemma 3 two formula, \(\varPhi \) and \(\varPsi \), with the same structure are semantically equivalent if and only if there is a one-to-one correspondence between paths of \(\varPhi \) and \(\varPsi \) such that corresponding paths a and b are multi-set equivalent, and if and only if . Therefore, if and only if the two formulae are equivalent we are able to define \(\varPhi '\) by swapping paths between and such that \(\varPhi ' = \varPsi \). As all steps are performed using the axioms and are reversible, this is sufficient to show \(\phi \simeq \psi \).

4.2 The Modal Aleatoric Calculus

The modal aleatoric calculus includes the propositional fragment, as well as the conditional expectation operator \((\alpha \! \mid \! \beta )_i\) that depends on the modality i’s probability distribution over the set of worlds.

The axioms we have for the conditional expectation operator are as follows:

$$\begin{array}{rrcl} \mathbf{A0:}&{}\qquad ((x ? y\!:\!z)\! \mid \! c)_i &{}\simeq &{} ((x\! \mid \! c)_i ? (y\! \mid \! (x ? c\!:\!\bot ))_i\!:\!(z\! \mid \! (x ? \bot \!:\!c))_i).\\ \mathbf{A1:}&{}\qquad (\bot \! \mid \! x)_i\wedge (x\! \mid \! y)_i &{}\simeq &{} (\bot \! \mid \! x\vee y)_i\\ \mathbf{A2:}&{}\qquad (\bot \! \mid \! x)_i &{}\simeq &{} ((\bot \! \mid \! x)_i ? (\bot \! \mid \! x)_i\!:\!\lnot (\bot \! \mid \! x)_i)\\ \mathbf{A3:}&{}(\top \! \mid \! x)_i &{}\simeq &{} \top \\ \mathbf{A4:}&{}(x\! \mid \! \bot )_i &{}\simeq &{} \top \end{array}$$

We let the axiom system \(\mathfrak {MAC}\) be the axiom system \(\mathfrak {AC}\) along with the axioms A0-A5.

We note that the conditional expectation operator \((x\! \mid \! y)_i\) is its own dual, but only in the case that agent i does not consider x and y to be mutually exclusive: \((\lnot x\! \mid \! y)_i\simeq (x\! \mid \! y)_i\rightarrow \Box _i(\lnot (x\wedge y)).\) We can see this in the following derivation:

$$\begin{array}{rclr} (\lnot x\! \mid \! y)_i&{}\simeq &{}{((x ? \bot \!:\!\top )\! \mid \! y)_i} &{}\text {abb.}\\ &{}\simeq &{} ((x\! \mid \! y)_i ? (\bot \! \mid \! x\wedge y)_i\!:\!(\top \! \mid \! (x ? \bot \!:\!\bot ))_i)&{}\text {A0}\\ &{}\simeq &{} (x\! \mid \! y)_i\rightarrow \Box _i\lnot (x\wedge y)&{}\text {abb.} \end{array}$$

The main axiom in \(\mathfrak {MAC}\) is the axiom A0 which is a rough analogue of the K axiom in modal logic. We note that in this axiom:

$$((x ? y\!:\!z)\! \mid \! c)_i\simeq ((x\! \mid \! c)_i ? (y\! \mid \! (x ? c\!:\!\bot ))_i\!:\!(z\! \mid \! (x ? \bot \!:\!c))_i)$$

if we substitute \(\top \) for y and \(\bot \) for w, we have: \(E_i x\wedge (y\! \mid \! x)_i\simeq E_i(x\wedge y)\) whenever agent i considers x possible (so that \((\bot \! \mid \! \lnot x)_i\simeq \bot \)). In that case we can “divide” both sides of the semantic equality by \(P_w(E_i x)\) which gives the Kolmogorov definition of conditional probability:

$$P_w((y\! \mid \! x)_i) = \frac{P_w(E_i(x\wedge y))}{P_w(E_i x)}.$$

Axioms A1 and A2 deal with formulas of the type \((\bot \! \mid \! \alpha )_i\). The probability associated with such formulas is non-zero if and only if \(\alpha \) is impossible in all the successor states, so in these states, we are able to substitute \(\alpha \) with \(\bot \).

Finally axioms A3 and A4 allow us to eliminate conditional expectation operators.

As with the aleatoric calculus, soundness can be shown by deriving equivalence of the semantic evaluation equations, although the proofs are more complex.

Lemma 7

The system \(\mathfrak {MAC}\) is sound for \(\mathbf {MAC}\).


The nontrivial cases of A0 and A1 are presented in the long version of the paper [8]. and the axioms A2, A3 and A4 follow immediately from the semantics.

Given its correspondence to axiomatizations of modal logic and adequacy for proving small equivalences, we conjecture that \(\mathfrak {MAC}\) is complete for the given semantics.

5 Expressivity

In this section we show that the modal aleatoric calculus generalises the modal logic K. The syntax and semantics of modal logic are given over a set of atomic propositions Q. The syntax of \(\mathrm {K}_n\) is given by:

$$\phi {:}{:}=\ q\ |\ \phi \wedge \phi \ |\ \lnot \phi \ |\ \Box \phi $$

where \(q\in Q\), and the operators are respectively and, not, necessary. The semantics of \(\mathrm {K}_n\) are given with respect to an epistemic model \(M = (W,R,V)\) where W is the nonempty, countable set of possible worlds, \(R\subseteq W\times W\) is the accessibility relation, and \(V:Q\longrightarrow 2^W\) is an assignment of propositions to states. We require that:

$$\begin{array}{cl} \text {1}&{} \forall w,u,v\in W,\ u\in R(w)\ \text {and}\ v\in R(w)\ \text {implies}\ v\in R(u)\\ \text {2}&{} \forall w,u,v\in W,\ u\in R(w)\ \text {and}\ v\in R(u)\ \text {implies}\ v\in R(w)\\ \text {3}&{} \forall w\in W,\ R(w)\ne \emptyset . \end{array}$$

We describe the set of worlds \(\Vert \alpha \Vert ^M\) in the model \(M = (W,R,V)\) that satisfy the formula \(\alpha \) by induction as follows:

$$\begin{array}{lcl} \Vert q\Vert ^M = V(q) &{}&{} \Vert \alpha \wedge \beta \Vert ^M = \Vert \alpha \Vert ^M\cap \Vert \beta \Vert ^M\\ \Vert \lnot ]\alpha \Vert ^M = W-\Vert \alpha \Vert ^M &{}&{} \Vert \Box \alpha \Vert ^M = \{u\in W\ |\ uR\subseteq \Vert \alpha \Vert ^M\}\ \\ \end{array}$$

where \(\forall u\in W\), \(uR^\alpha = u^R\cap \Vert \alpha \Vert ^M\), if \(uR^\alpha \cap \Vert \alpha \Vert ^M\ne \emptyset \) and \(uR^\alpha = uR\), otherwise.

We say \(\mathbf {MAC}\) generalises K if there is some map \(\varLambda \) from pointed epistemic models to pointed probability models, and some map \(\lambda \) from K formulae to \(\mathbf {MAC}\) formulae such that for all pointed epistemic models \(M_w\), for all K formulae \(\phi \), \(w\in \Vert \phi \Vert ^M\) if and only if \(\varLambda (M_w)(\lambda (\phi )) = 1\).

We suppose that for every atomic proposition \(q\in Q\), there is a unique atomic variable \(x_q\in X\). Then the map \(\varLambda \) is defined as follows: Given \(M = (W,R,V)\) and \(w\in W\), \(\varLambda (M_w) = P_w\) where \(P = (W,\pi ,f)\) and

  • \(\forall u,v\in W\), \(\pi _i(u,v)>0\) if and only if \(v\in uR\)Footnote 1.

  • \(\forall w\in W\), \(\forall q\in Q\), \(f_w(x_q)=1\) if \(w\in V(q)\) and \(f_w(x_q) = 0\) otherwise.

This transformation replaces the atomic propositions with variables that, at each world, are either always true or always false, and replaces the accessibility relation at a world w with a probability distribution that is non-zero for precisely the worlds accessible from w. It is clear that there is a valid probability model that satisfies these properties.

We also define the map \(\lambda \) from K to \(\mathbf {MAC}\) with the following induction:

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} \lambda (q) &{}=&{} x_q &{}\qquad &{} \lambda (\alpha \wedge \beta )&{}=&{}(\lambda (\alpha ) ? \lambda (\beta )\!:\!\bot )\\ \lambda (\lnot \alpha )&{}=&{} (\lambda (\alpha ) ? \bot \!:\!\top ) &{}\qquad &{} \lambda (\Box \alpha ) &{}=&{} (\bot \! \mid \! (\lambda (\alpha ) ? \bot \!:\!\top )) \end{array}$$

Lemma 8

For all epistemic models \(M = (W,R,V)\), for all \(w\in W\), for all K formula \(\phi \), we have \(w\in \Vert \phi \Vert ^M\) if and only if \(\varLambda (M_w)(\lambda (\phi )) = 1\).

The proof may be found in the long version of this paper [8].

6 Case Study

We present a case study using some simple actions in a dice game illustrating the potential for reasoning in AI applications. A simple version of the game pigFootnote 2 uses a four sided dice, and players take turns. Each turn, the player rolls the dice as many times as they like, adding the numbers the roll to their turn total. However, if they roll a 1, their turn total is set to 0, and their turn ends. They can elect to stop at any time, in which case their turn total is added to their score.

To illustrate the aleatoric calculus we suppose that for our dice we have two random variables, odd and gt2 (greater than 2). Every roll of the dice can be seen as a sampling of these two variables: 1 is an odd number not greater than 2, and so on. Now we suppose that there is some uncertainty to the fairness of the dice, so it is possible that there is a 70% chance of the dice rolling a number greater than 2. However, we consider this unlikely and only attach a 10% likelihood to this scenario. Finally, we suppose there is an additional random variable called risk which can be used to define a policy. For example, we might roll again if the risk variable is sampled as true. This scenario if visualised in Fig. 2, and the formalization of relevant properties is given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A simple two world representation of the game pig, where the dice is possibly biased.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Formulas describing different event in the model at the left world.

These formulas show the different types of information that can be represented: bust and four are true random variables (aleatoric information), whereas ifBust and if-4-1 are based on an agent’s mental model (Bayesian information). Finally roll describes the condition for a policy to roll again. In a dynamic extension of this calculus, given prior assumptions about policies, agents may apply Bayesian conditioning to learn probability distributions from observations.

7 Conclusion

The modal aleatoric calculus is shown to be a true generalisation of modal logic, but gives a much richer language that encapsulates probabilistic reasoning and degrees of belief. We have shown that the modal aleatoric calculus is able to describe probabilistic strategies for agents. We have provided a sound axiomatization for the calculus, shown it is complete for the aleatoric calculus and we are working to show that the axiomatization is complete for the modal aleatoric calculus. Future work will consider dynamic variations of the logic, where agents apply Bayesian conditioning based on their observations to learn the probability distribution of worlds.