
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

ROMAS methodology defines a set of activities for the analysis and design of regulated open multiagent systems. The most relevant characteristics of systems of this kind are that they are social, open, and regulated. First, they are social in the sense that autonomous and heterogeneous entities interact between themselves to achieve global and individual objectives. Besides, the entities of the system can be structured as institutions or groups of agents with similar characteristics, functionality, or that interact with the rest of the system as a single entity. Second, they are open in the sense that, dynamically at runtime, external parties can interact and become part of the system. Third, they are regulated in the sense that every entity or institution in the system can have associated a set of norms that must fulfill. Besides, the expected behavior of each entity should be clearly specified by means of defining its rights and duties inside the system. In ROMAS, we consider the normative context of a system to be the set of norms that regulates the behavior of each entity and the set of contracts that formalizes the relationships between these entities. The normative context of each entity is specified by the set of norms that directly affects the behavior of a particular entity. ROMAS catchs the requirements of the design of systems from the global system’s purposes to the specification of the behavior of each individual entity. The rest of the chapter presents the ROMAS metamodel and phases. Following some useful references about ROMAS:

  • Emilia Garcia, A. Giret and V. Botti Regulated Open multiagent Systems based on contracts The 19th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2010) pp. 235–246. (2010)

  • Emilia Garcia, A. Giret and V. Botti A Model-Driven CASE tool for Developing and Verifying Regulated Open MAS Journal Science of Computer Programming (2011)

  • Emilia Garcia, G. Tyson, S. Miles, M. Luck, A. Taweel, T. Van Staa and B. Delaney An Analysis of Agent-Oriented Engineering of e-Health Systems 13th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE–AAMAS) (2012)

1.1 The ROMAS Process Lifecycle

ROMAS methodology is composed of five phases that help developers to analyze and design the system from the highest level of abstraction to the definition of individual entities. As shown in Fig. 1, this is not a linear process but an iterative one. The identification of a new element of functionality during one phase may imply the revision of previous phases. For example, during the second phase, when a role that can be played by an organization as a whole is detected, it is necessary to go back to the first phase of the methodology to analyze the characteristics, global objectives, and structure of this organization.

Fig. 1
figure 1

ROMAS design process

1.2 ROMAS Metamodel

The analysis and design of these systems are formalized by means of several diagrams that are instances of the ROMAS metamodel. Table 1 describes the ROMAS metamodel elements. In order to facilitate the modeling tasks, this unified metamodel can be instantiated by means of four different views that are described below:

Organizational View

In this view, the global goals of organizations and the functionality that organizations provide and require from their environment are defined (Fig. 2). The static components of the organization, that is, all elements that are independent of the final executing entities, are defined too. More specifically, it defines the following:

  • The entities of the system (Executer): AAgents and Roles. The classes Executer and AAgents are abstractions used to specify the metamodel, but neither of them are used by designers to model systems.

  • An AAgent is an abstract entity that represents an atomic entity (Agent) or a group of members of the organization (Organizational Unit), which is seen as a unique entity from outside.

  • The Organizational Units (OUs) of the system can also include other units in a recursive way as well as single agents. The Contains relationships include conditions for enabling a dynamical registration/deregistration of the elements of an OU through its lifetime.

  • The global Objectives of the main organization. The objectives defined in this view are nonfunctional requirements (soft goals) that are defined to describe the global behavior of the organization.

  • The Roles defined inside the OUs. In the contains relationship, a minimum and maximum quantity of entities that can acquire a particular role can be specified. For each role, the Accessibility attribute indicates whether a role can be adopted by an entity on demand (external) or it is always predefined by design (internal). The Visibility attribute indicates whether entities can obtain information from this role on demand. This attribute can take the value “public” if anyone can obtain information of this role, and it takes the value “private” if only members of this organizational unit (i.e., private role). A hierarchy of roles can also be defined with the InheritanceOf relationship.

  • The organization’s social relationships (RelSocialRelationship). The type of social relationship between two entities is related to their position in the structure of the organization (i.e., information, monitoring, supervision), but other types are also possible. Some social relationships can have a ContractTemplate associated with them, which can formalize some predefined commitments and rights that must be accepted or negotiated during the execution time. Each Contract Template is defined using the Contract Template view.

  • The Stakeholders interact with the organization by means of publishing offers and demands of Products and Services on the Bulletin Board.

Table 1 Definition of ROMAS metamodel elements
  • The Bulletin Board can be considered as an information artifact for Open MAS. This artifact allows the designer to define the interaction with external entities and facilitates trading processes. When an agent wants to trade, they can consult or publish their offer on the Bulletin Board. Each offer or demand can be associated with a Contract Template. It means that this offer or demand has some predefined restrictions that are specified in this Contract Template view.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Organizational view (the class RelXXX represents the attributes of the relationship XXX)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Internal view (the class RelXXX represents the attributes of the relationship XXX)

Internal View

This view allows defining the internal functionality, capabilities, belief, and objectives of each entity (organizations, agents, and roles) by means of different instances of this model (Fig. 3). More specifically, it defines the following features of each entity:

  • The Objectives represent the operational goals, that is, the specific goals that agents or roles have to fulfill. They can also be refined into more specific objectives. They might be related to a Task or Interaction that is needed for satisfying this objective.

  • TheMental States of the agent, using belief, events, and facts.

  • The products (resources/applications) available by an OU.

  • The tasks that the agent is responsible for, that is, the set of tasks that the agent is capable of carrying out. A task is an entity that represents a basic functionality that consumes resources and produces changes in the agent’s Mental State.

  • the Implements Service Profile

  • Internal entities can publish offers and demands in a BulletinBoard, as external stakeholders can do by means of the organizational view. This publication can also have an associated Contract Template to describe some predefined specifications.

  • the roles that an agent or an organizational unit may play inside other organizational units (Plays relationship). ActivationCondition and LeaveCondition attributes of this relationship indicate in which situation an OU acquires or leaves a role.

  • the roles played by each agent. ActivationCondition and LeaveCondition attributes of this play relationship indicate in which situation an agent can acquire or leave a role.

  • the Norms specify restrictions on the behavior of the system entities. The relationship Contains Norm allows defining the rules of an organization and which norms are applied to each agent or role. Norms control the global behavior of the members of the OU.

Contract Template View

This view allows defining Contract Templates. Contracts are inherently defined at runtime. Despite this, designers represent some predefined restrictions that all final contracts of a specific type should follow by means of a contract template. Contract templates can be used at runtime as an initial point for the negotiation of contracts and to verify if the final contract is coherent with the legal context. The syntax of a contract template is defined in Fig. 4. More specifically, it defines the following:

  • The relationship Signants indicates who is allowed to sign this type of contracts. It could be a specific agent, an agent who plays a specific role, or an organization. A ThirdPart could be anyone who participates in the negotiation protocol or who is affected by the final execution of the Contract.

  • The relationship Protocol indicates which protocols are recommended to negotiate this type of contract.

  • After the negotiation, the Notary is responsible for verifying the correctness and coherence of the final contract definition. He should check if any term of a contract violates any norm of the regulated environment.

  • Each type of contract can define which Receipts will be generated during the execution time. Receipts are proof of facts; for example, a receipt can be generated when an agent successfully provides a service.

  • In case of conflict, the Judge has to evaluate the Complaints and the generated Receipts following the ConflictResolution protocol. If he decides that there has been a violation of a norm, the RegulationAuthority, who is the main authority in the context of a contract, can punish or reward the agent behaviors.

  • The relationship Hard clause indicates that any instance of this type of contract has to include this norm. Soft clauses are recommendations, so during the negotiation stage, Signants will decide whether this norm will be included or not in the final contract.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Contract template view (the class RelXXX represents the attributes of the relationship XXX)

Fig. 5
figure 5

Activity view (the class RelXXX represents the attributes of the relationship XXX)

Activity View

This view allows defining the sequence of actions in which a task, a service, or a protocol can be decomposed (Fig. 5). Each state represents an action or a set of actions that must be executed. An action is a first-order formula that indicates which task or service is executed or which message is interchanged between the agents that participate in this state. The relationship next indicates the sequence of states. These sequences can be affected by a translation condition that indicates under which circumstances the a state is going to be the next step of the process.

1.2.1 ROMAS Metamodel Notation

ROMAS diagrams use an UML-like graphical notation called GOPPR [6]. A caption to understand the graphical elements of the diagram is shown in Fig. 6. This notation is also used to define diagrams on INGENIAS, GORMAS, and ANEMONA methodologies. Some metamodel constructions proposed by ROMAS, such as contract templates, have been added to the notation.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Entities from the ROMAS graphical notation

2 Phases of the ROMAS Process

In this section, the phases that compose the ROMAS methodology are described. ROMAS offers a set of guidelines to analyze and formalize the requirements of the system, its functionality, the social relationship between the entities, and their normative context. These guidelines also guide designers to specify the interactions and service interchanges between the entities of an organization and between external entities.

2.1 PHASE 1: System Description

During this phase, the analysis of the system requirements, global goals of the system, and the identification of use cases are carried out. Besides, the global goals of the organization are refined into more specific goals, which represent both functional and nonfunctional requirements that should be achieved. Finally, the suitability of the ROMAS methodology for the specific system to develop is analyzed.

2.1.1 Process Roles

There are two roles involved in this phase: the system analyst and the domain expert. The domain expert is responsible for: (1) describing the system requirements, by means of identifying the system’s main objectives, the stakeholders, the environment of the organization, and its restrictions; (2) supporting the system analyst in the analysis of the objectives of the system; and (3) supporting the system analyst in the description of the use cases of the system. The system analyst is responsible for: (1) analyzing the objectives of the system; (2) identifying the use cases; and (3) evaluating the suitability of the ROMAS methodology for the system to be developed regarding its requirements.

2.1.2 Activity Details

The flow of tasks of this phase is reported in Fig. 7, and each task is detailed in Table 2.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Phase 1: activity tasks

Table 2 Phase 1: activity tasks

2.1.3 Work Products

Fig. 8
figure 8

Phase 1: resources and products used

The following section describes the products generated on the System definition phase and the guidelines used to define them: (1) System definition document; (2) Objectives description document, (3) Use case diagram, (4) ROMAS suitability guideline. Figure 8 shows graphically the products used and produced by each task.

System Description Document

This document is employed to identify the main features of the system and its relationship with the environment. It is a structured text document whose template is shown in Table 3. Table 4 presents the analysis of CMS case study using this document.

Table 3 Template for system description document
Table 4 Phase 1—Case study: system description document

Objectives Description Document and Objective Decomposition Diagram

This document analyzes the global objectives of the system and decomposes them into operational objectives. It is a structured text document whose template is shown in Table 5. Every global objective specified in the system description document is described using this document. The global objectives of the systems are refined into more specific ones that should also be described using this document. The document will be completed when all the global objectives are decomposed into operational objectives, that is they are associated to tasks, protocols, or restrictions that must be fulfilled in order to achieve these objectives. It is recommended to create one table for each global objective. The first column of each table will contain the property’s name, the second the description of the global objective, and the following columns the descriptions of the objectives in which this global objective has been decomposed.

It is recommended to graphically represent the decomposition of the objectives by means of a diagram in order to provide a general overview of the purpose of the system that can be easily understood by domain experts. The graphical overview of the CMS case study objectives is shown in Fig. 9, where A means abstract objective and O means operational objective. As an example of the decomposition of a global objective into operational ones, Table 6 shows the decomposition of the global objective Conference registration.

Table 5 Phase 1: Objectives description
Table 6 Phase 1—Case study: objective description document
Fig. 9
figure 9

Case study: objective decomposition diagram

Use Case Diagram

These diagrams are UML graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration, and concurrency. The actions identified in the analysis of the operational objectives are related, forming activity diagrams in order to clarify the sequence of actions that will be performed in the system. Figure 10 shows the sequence of actions that can be performed in the CMS case study.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Case study: use case

ROMAS Suitability Guideline

After analyzing the requirements of the system, it is recommended to use this guideline in order to evaluate the suitability of the ROMAS methodology for the development of the analyzed system. Table 7 shows the criteria used to evaluate whether ROMAS is suitable.

ROMAS is focused on the development of regulated multiagent systems based on contracts. ROMAS is appropriate for the development of distributed systems, with autonomous entities, with a social structure, with the need of interoperability standards, regulation, and trustworthiness between entities and organizations. ROMAS is not suitable for the development of centralized systems or non-multiagent systems. Although non-normative systems could be analyzed using ROMAS, it is not recommended.

The analysis of the CMS case study features following this guideline shows that ROMAS is suitable for the development of this system. It is a distributed system, composed of intelligent systems with social relationships between them. The entities of the system should behave following the regulations of the system. The rights and duties that an entity acquires when it participates in the system should be formalized. For example, reviewers should know, before they acquire the commitment of reviewing a paper, when its revision must be provided. Therefore, a contract-based approach is recommendable.

2.2 PHASE 2: Organization Description

During this phase, the analysis of the structure of the organization is carried out. In the previous phase of the methodology, the operational objectives are associated to specific actions or restrictions. In this phase, these actions and restrictions are analyzed in order to identify the roles of the system. A role represents part of the functionality of the system, and the relationships between roles specify the structure of the system.

2.2.1 Process Roles

The roles involved in this phase are the same as in the previous phase: the system analyst and the domain expert. The domain expert is in charge of supporting the system analyst facilitating information about domain requirements and restrictions.

2.2.2 Activity Details

The flow of tasks of this phase is reported in Fig. 11, and each task is detailed in Table 8.

Table 7 ROMAS suitability guideline

2.2.3 Work Products

This phase uses the work products produced in the previous phase (System definition), and it produces the following work products: one role description document for each role; one internal view diagram for each role; and one organizational view diagram. Figure 12 shows graphically the products used and produced by each task.

Some of the work products generated are instances of the ROMAS metamodel. Figure 13 describes the relation between these work products and the metamodel elements in terms of which elements are defined (D), refined (F), quoted (Q), related (R), or relationship-quoted (RQ). These terms are described in the specification of the FIPA template [2].

Fig. 11
figure 11

Phase 2: activity tasks

Table 8 Phase 2: activity tasks
Fig. 12
figure 12

Phase 2: resources and products used

Fig. 13
figure 13

Phase 2: relations between work products and metamodel elements

Role Identification Guideline

A role is an entity representing a set of goals and obligations, defining the services that an agent or an organization could provide and consume. The set of roles represents the functionality of the system; therefore, the roles that a system should have are defined by the objectives of the system and should also take into account previous system requirements. The relationships and interactions between roles are the basis to define the structure of the organization. This guideline is designed to help the system analyst to identify the roles that are necessary in the system. Figure 14 represents de sequence of activities to do.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Phase 2: role identification guideline

The first step of the process consists in asking the domain expert and checking in the system description document whether there is any pre-established role defined in the requirements of the system.

After that, every operational objective described in the Objective description document should be analyzed. It is recommended to analyze all the operational objectives obtained by the decomposition of an abstract objective before analyzing the next abstract objective.

If this operational objective is associated to a restriction, it would add a norm in the organization that pursues this objective. Besides, if this restriction is associated to an external event or a threshold, there must be an entity responsible for handling this event or measuring this threshold variable.

If this operational objective is associated to a protocol, the system analyst should revise the sequence of actions necessary to perform this protocol in order to obtain all the entities that participate in this protocol.

Usually, each task and functionality are associated to a role in order to create a flexible and distributed system. However, decomposing the system into too many entities can increase the number of messages between entities, the number of restrictions, and the complexity of each activity. Although the system analyst is responsible for finding the balance taking into account the specific features of the domain, here we present some general guidelines:

It is not recommended to assign two functionalities to the same role when

  • These functionalities have different physical restrictions, that is, they must be performed in different places.

  • These functionalities have temporary incompatible restrictions, that is, when they cannot be executed at the same time by the same agent. For example, it is usual that an entity was able to buy and sell, but as far as he is not able to sell and buy the same item at the same time, it is recommended to create one role Buyer and one role Seller. Remember that roles represent functionalities, so any final entity of the system could be able to play several roles at the same time.

  • These functionalities involve the management of resources that are incompatible. For example, the functionality of validating who is able to access a database should not be joint to the functionality of accessing the database. The reason is that if the entity who is accessing the database is responsible for validating its own access, the security can be compromised.

It is recommended to assign two functionalities to the same role when

  • These functionalities cannot be executed concurrently and they are part of a sequence.

  • These functionalities access the same resources and have the same requirements.

  • These functionalities can be considered together as a general functionality.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Case study: roles overview

In order to provide a fast and general overview, it is recommended to create a graphical representation of the relationships between the identified roles and the tasks and protocols. A relationship between a role and an action in this diagram means that the role is responsible for this action, participates in it, or is affected by its results. Figure 15 gives an overview of the results obtained when applying this guideline to the CMS case study. As is shown, seven roles have been identified:

  • The User role is an entity of the system that must be registered in order to access the system. On the contrary of the rest of the roles, this role is not related to any specific conference.

  • The Author role is an entity attached to a specific conference in which this role can submit papers and receive information about the status of its papers.

  • The Chair role is the main role responsible for a conference. This role is able to create a conference and share the responsibility of selecting the reviewers, validate the revisions, and update the conference details with the Vice-Chair role.

  • The PC member role is responsible for managing the reviews, can participate in the selection of the reviewers, and have access to the information about submissions and reviews for a specific conference.

  • The Reviewer role is responsible for submitting the reviews to the system.

  • The Publisher role is responsible for managing the revised versions of the papers and printing the proceedings.

Role Description Document and Internal View Diagram

Each role should be described by means of the guideline offered in Table 9. This guideline allows the analysis of the roles and also the analysis of the relationships between them. After this analysis, this information is graphically represented by means of an internal view diagram for each role.

Table 9 Phase 2: role description document

As an example, Table 10 shows the description of the role reviewer from the case study. Figure 16 shows its graphical representation using a ROMAS internal view diagram.

Table 10 Phase 2: Case study—reviewer role description document
Fig. 16
figure 16

Case study: reviewer role diagram

Organizational View Diagram

One organizational view diagram is created to graphically represent the structure of the system. Besides, this diagram also describes the overview of the system by means of its global objectives and how the system interacts with the environment of the system (which services offers and demands to/from the stakeholders and which events the system is able to handle). The necessary information to fulfill these diagrams is obtained from the System description document. Due to the fact that in the literature, there are several well-defined guidelines to identify the organizational structure of a system, ROMAS does not offer any new guideline. Instead, the use of the guideline defined by the GORMAS methodology in [1] is recommended.

Figure 17 shows the organizational view diagram of the CMS case study. Inside the main system, the Conference organization represents each conference that is managed by the system. Each conference is represented as an organization because using this abstraction, each one can define its own internal legislation and can refine the functionality assigned to each entity of the system.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Case study: organizational diagram

2.3 PHASE 3: Normative Context Description

During this phase, the normative context of the system is analyzed by means of identifying and formalizing the norms and the social contracts that regulate the entities’ behavior inside the system. Norms are formalized using the following syntax: (normID,Deontic,Target,Activation,Expiration,Action,Sanction,Reward).

2.3.1 Process Roles

The system analyst is responsible for performing the activities of this phase. The domain expert will support the system analyst during the identification of the norms that regulate the system.

2.3.2 Activity Details

The flow of tasks inside this activity is reported in Fig. 18, and the tasks are detailed in Table 11. Figure 19 describes the relation between these work products and the metamodel elements in terms of which elements are defined (D), refined (F), quoted (Q), related (R), or relationship-quoted (RQ).

Fig. 18
figure 18

Phase 3: activity tasks

Table 11 Phase 3: activity tasks
Fig. 19
figure 19

Phase 3: relations between work products and metamodel elements

2.3.3 Work Products

Fig. 20
figure 20

Phase 3: resources and products used

Figure 20 shows graphically the products used and produced by each task. The remainder of this section details the following work products: (1) Organizational norms guideline, (2) Social contracts guideline, (3) Normative context validation guideline, (4) Contract template view diagram. The organizational view diagram of the organization associated to the identified norms is refined by means of adding these norms to the diagram, in the same way that the internal view diagram of each role is refined by adding the social contracts and norms attached to this role.

Organizational Norms Guideline

This guideline specifies a process to identify and formalize restrictions on the behavior of entities gained from the analysis of system requirements. These normative restrictions are associated with specific features of the system and are usually well known by domain experts but not formally expressed in any document. This guideline helps the system analyst identify these restrictions with the support of the domain expert.

Step 1 Analysis of system description documents These documents contains in plain text the requirements of the system, and if the system is composed of several organizations, there will be one system description document for each organization. The norms that arise from a document only affect the entities inside the organization that this document describes. The following steps are executed:

1.1 Analysis of the resources For each resource of the system, such as a database or an application, it is analyzed who has access to the resource, who cannot access it, and who is responsible for its maintenance. Therefore, permission, prohibition, and obligation norms are associated with these resources. For example, the analysis of the Conference database highlights the norm that only the chair of the conference can modify the details of the conference (NModifyDetails, FORBIDDEN, !Chair, Modify(ConferenceDB),-,-,-,-).

1.2 Analysis of the events: For each event that the organization must handle, an obligation norm to detect this event is created. If the organization should react to this event by executing a task, another obligation norm is specified. The activation condition of this norm is the event itself.

1.3 Analysis of the offers/demands: External stakeholders can interact with the organization, offering and demanding services or resources. If the system is obliged to offer any specific service, an obligation norm is created. If there are specific entities that are allowed to offer, demand, or use a service, a related permission norm is created. On the other hand, if there are specific entities that are not allowed to offer, demand, or use it, a related prohibition norm is created.

1.4 Analysis of domain restrictions The last attribute of the system description document analyzes if there are normative documents attached to the organization or if there are specific domain restrictions that must be taken into account. In both cases, the restrictions are specified in plain text, so the system analyst should analyze and formalize these restrictions using a formal syntax. For example, in the CMS case study, the domain expert has claimed that “Each conference should describe its internal normative”. This restriction is formalized as (confNormative, OBLIGED, Conference, Define(Normative),-,-,-,-). This norm will be attached to every conference; therefore, the task of defining the internal normative should be added to a role inside the conference. In this case, this task has been added to the chair responsibilities.

Step 2 Analysis of the objectives description document We can differentiate two types of objectives: the objectives attached to restrictions and the objectives attached to specific actions. First, for each objective that pursues the stability of any variable of the system in a threshold, a forbidden norm should be created to ensure that the threshold is not exceeded. A variable of a system is anything that the system is interested in measuring; for example, the temperature of a room or the quantity of money that a seller earns. Second, for each objective that is attached to an action, an obligation norm is created in order to ensure that there is an entity inside the system that pursues this objective. The activation and expiration conditions of the created norms are determined by the activation and expiration conditions of the related objective.

Social Contracts Guideline

This guideline specifies a process to identify and formalize social contracts inside a specific organization regarding the information detailed in the role description document, the roles’ internal view diagrams, and the structure of the organization. Social contracts are used to formalize two kinds of social relationships: (1) play role contract template, which specifies the relationship between an agent playing a role and its host organization; and (2) social relationship contract template, which specifies the relationship between two agents playing specific roles. Social order thus emerges from the negotiation of contracts over the rights and duties of participants.

One play role contract template should be defined for each role of the organization in order to establish the rights and duties that any agent playing this role should fulfill. Therefore, in the CMS case study, seven play role contract templates should be formalized: one for role user of the main organization and six for each role described inside the Conference organization (author, reviewer, PC member, Chair, Vice-chair, Publisher). That means that the rights and duties of an agent that tries to play a role inside a conference can be different, depending on how each conference negotiates these contracts. For example, one conference can establish that a PC member cannot submit a paper to this conference while other conferences do not add any restriction like that. Since every agent that intends to play a specific role inside the system must sign a play role contract, every agent will be aware of its rights and duties inside the organization in advance.

One social relationship contract template should be defined for each pair of roles that must interchange services and products as part of the social structure of the organization. Contracts of this kind should be negotiated and signed by the related entities and not by the organization as a whole. However, if the terms of the contract are not negotiated by the entities and the relationship between these agents is determined by their organization, it is not necessary to create a social relationship contract. Instead, the rights and duties of each role over the other are included in their respective play role contracts. In the CMS case study, there is an authority relationship between the chair role and the vice-chair role. The terms of this relationship are specified by each conference. Therefore, the rights and duties from one entity to the other are formalized in their respective play role contracts, and no social relationship contract is created.

Below, each step of the guideline that should be applied to each role of the system is described.

  • Adding identified norms: Every restriction or norm identified during the application of the Organizational norms guideline that affects the role should be added to the contract. The norms that are attached to several roles but that include this specific role should be added. This can increase the size of the contract, so it is the responsibility of the domain expert to specify which norms should be communicated. For example, in the case of CMS case study, not all governmental norms related to the storage of personal data are included in the contracts; only a norm that specifies that any agent inside the system should follow this regulation is specified in the contracts.

  • Analysis of the organizational objectives: In previous phases of the ROMAS methodology, the requirements of the system are analyzed by means of the analysis and decomposition of the objectives of the system. Each objective is associated with an action that must be performed in order to achieve it, and these actions are associated with specific roles that become responsible for executing them. Therefore, for each objective related to a role, an obligation norm must be created that ensures the execution of this action. If the action related to the objective is a task, the role is obliged to execute this task. If it is related to a service, the role is obliged to offer and register this service. The activation and expiration of the norm match the activation and expiration of the objective.

  • Analysis of offers/demands: The description of each role should specify which resources and services this role must offer and which ones it can use. For each resource and service that this role is able to use, a permission norm is added. For each resource or service that this role cannot have access to, a prohibition norm is created. Also, for each resource and service that this role is supposed to provide, an obligation norm is added. In this sense, an agent would not be able to play a role unless it were able to provide all the services and resources that are specified in the play role contract.

  • Analysis of the events: For each event that the role must handle, a norm that forces any agent that plays this role to detect this event is created. If the role should react to that event by executing a task, an obligation norm is created whose activation condition is that event and indicates that the role should execute this action.

  • Analysis of the relationships: As is discussed earlier, the norms derived from the social relationships between roles should be included in the play role contract template when they cannot be negotiated by the entities playing these roles, that is, they are rigidly specified by the organization. In other cases, a social relationship contract should be created and these norms included in it. The norms that are derived from the social relationship should be activated only when the social relationship is active and their deontic attribute depends on the type of relationship between the parties. If two roles are incompatible, a prohibition norm is added specifying this fact. In the same way, if any agent playing one role is required to play another, an obligation norm is included in the contract. Usually, a social collaboration appears when several roles should interact to achieve a global goal of the organization. In such cases, a set of obligation norms specifies which actions and services are the responsibility of each entity. If the collaboration relationship indicates information, it means that one role is obliged to inform another when some conditions occur. An authority/submission relationship requires the specification of: (1) which services should provide the submitted party, (2) which actions the authority can force the other agent to do, and (3) which actions the submitted party cannot perform without the consent of the authority.

  • Analysis of personal objectives: A personal objective of a role is a goal that is not directly related to the main goals of the system, but that all the agents that play this role will pursue. The system as an entity can establish some restrictions on the performance of personal objectives. An example of a personal objective in the CMS case study is that although the agents that play the role author pursue the objective of Submitting as many papers as possible, each conference can establish limits on the quantity of papers that an author can submit to the same conference.

Normative Context Validation Guideline

The validation of the normative context is understood as the verification that there are no norms in conflict, that is, that the normative context is coherent. As is presented in [3], conflicts in norms can arise for four different reasons: (1) the obligation and prohibition to perform the same action; (2) the permission and prohibition to perform the same action; (3) obligations of contradictory actions; (4) permissions and obligations of contradictory actions. Therefore, after the specification of the organizational norms and the social contract templates that define the structure of the organization, it is necessary to verify that the normative context as a whole is coherent.

Each organization can define its own normative context independently of the other organizations that constitute the system. The first step is analyzing the normative context of the most simple organizations, that is, the organizations that are not composed of other organizations. After that, we will analyze the coherence between this simple organization and the organization in which it is. This process will continue until analyzing the coherence of the main organization of the system.

In order to analyze the coherence of a specific organization, it is necessary to verify that: (1) There is no state of the system in which two or more organizational norms in conflict are active. (2) There is no norm that avoids the satisfaction of an organizational objective, that is, there is no norm that is active in the same states as the objective is pursued and whose restriction precludes the satisfaction of this objective. (3) There is no social contract that specifies clauses that are in conflict with the organizational norms. (4) There is no pair of social contracts whose clauses are in conflict between them and, therefore, the execution of one contract would preclude the satisfactory execution of the other one. (5) There is no social contract in which a role participates whose clauses preclude the satisfaction of the roles objective.

The validation task can be performed manually or by means of automatic techniques such as model checking. In [4], we present a plug-in integrated in our case tool that allows a simple verification of the coherence between the organizational norms and the contracts by means of the SPIN model checker [5].

Contract Template View Diagram

One contract template diagram is created for each identified social contract. The recommended steps to specify a contract template are

  • Identify signants: If it is a play role contract template, the signants are the entity that tries to pursue this role and the organization as a whole. If there is a specific role in charge of controlling the access to the organization, the entity playing this role will sign the contract on behalf of the organization. If it is a social relationship contract template, the signants are the entities playing the roles that have the relationship.

  • Attach clauses: The norms that have been identified by means of the social contract guideline are included in the contract. If the norm to be included in the contract must be in any contract of this type, this norm is defined as a hard clause. On the contrary, if the norm to be included in the contract is a recommendation, this norm is defined as a soft clause.

  • Define receipts: In order to monitor the correct execution of the contract, it is recommended to define specific artifacts that entities participating in the contract should provide in order to prove the fact that they have executed their required actions.

  • Define authorities: Optionally, the designer can define who is responsible for verifying the coherence of the final contract (notary), for controlling the correct execution of the contract (regulation authority), and for acting in case of dispute between the signant parties (Judge).

  • Identify protocols: Optionally, the designer can define specific negotiation, execution, and conflict resolution protocols. At this phase, only a general description of these protocols is provided. They will be completely specified in the next phase of the methodology.

Figure 21 shows the play role contract template that any entity that wants to play the role reviewer should sign. It is signed by the role that wants to play the role reviewer and by the conference in which the entity wants to participate. There are six clauses attached to this contract template that specify that an entity playing this role is not allowed to modify the details about a conference unless it is also the chair of this conference (NModifyDetails norm), neither to access the submission information about a paper in which he is also author (Incompatibility norm). This entity would have permission to access the reviews database (WriteReviews norm) and to use the service Get Info Submission (ReadSubmission norm). This entity would be obliged to detect when the conference details have changed (DetectChanges norm) and to provide the service Execute review (ProvideReview norm).

Fig. 21
figure 21

Phase 3: Case study—reviewer play role contract template

2.4 PHASE 4: Activity Description

During this phase, each identified task, service, and protocol is described by means of instances of the activity model view.

2.4.1 Process Roles

The domain expert should provide the domain ontology and should give support to the system analyst in the definition of the protocols, tasks, and services.

2.4.2 Activity Details

The flow of tasks inside this activity is reported in Fig. 22, and the tasks are detailed in Table 12. Figure 23 describes the relation between these work products and the metamodel elements in terms of which elements are defined (D), refined (F), quoted (Q), related (R), or relationship-quoted (RQ).

Fig. 22
figure 22

Phase 4: activity tasks

Table 12 Phase 4: activity tasks

2.4.3 Work Products

Figure 24 shows graphically the products used and produced by each task. One activity view diagram is created for each task, protocol, or service identified in the previous phases of the methodology. Phase 2 shows the tasks, services, and protocols that each role should implement, and phase 3 identifies the negotiation, execution, and conflict resolution protocols for the contract templates.

An example is presented in Fig. 25. It shows the description of the reviewer play role negotiation protocol. First, the chair sends to the user that tries to play the role reviewer the details about the conference (deadlines, topics of interest, …). The user analyzes this information, and if necessary, proposes a change in the review deadlines. This change can be accepted or rejected by the chair. If the chair rejects the change, he can finish the interaction or modify his proposal and send it again to the user. Once they have agreed on the conference details, the chair sends the user the specification of the contract, that is, the rights and duties that the user will acquire if he becomes a reviewer. This contract cannot be negotiated, so the user can reject it and finish the interaction or accept it and begin playing the role reviewer within this conference.

2.5 PHASE 5: Agents Description

During this phase, each identified agent is described by means of an instance of the internal view metamodel.

2.5.1 Process Roles

The tasks of this phase are executed by the collaboration between the system analyst and the domain expert. The domain expert should provide the information related to agent development requirements. The system analyst should formalize these requirements using the ROMAS diagrams.

Fig. 23
figure 23

Phase 4: relations between work products and metamodel elements

Fig. 24
figure 24

Phase 4: resources and products used

Fig. 25
figure 25

Phase 4: Case study—reviewer play role negotiation protocol

2.5.2 Activity Details

The flow of tasks inside this activity is reported in Fig. 26, and the tasks are detailed in Table 13. Figure 27 describes the relation between these work products and the metamodel elements in terms of which elements are defined (D), refined (F), quoted (Q), related (R), or relationship-quoted (RQ).

Fig. 26
figure 26

Phase 5: activity tasks

Table 13 Phase 5: activity tasks
Fig. 27
figure 27

Phase 5: relations between work products and metamodel elements

2.5.3 Work Products

Fig. 28
figure 28

Phase 5: resources and products used

Figure 28 shows graphically the products used and produced by each task. First, an agent description document is created for each agent. Table 14 shows the related guideline and an example from the CMS case study. After that, each identified objective is analyzed following the guideline objective description document described in Phase 1. The analysis of the objectives in our running example shows that the main objective of the Ph.D. student agent, Improve CV, is decomposed into: Submit thesis draft, Increase number of publications, and Collaborate in conferences. The first objective is not related to any objective of the system, so it cannot be achieved inside the conference management system. The second objective, Increase number of publications, could be achieved if the agent joined conferences as an author. The authors’ play role contract templates establish that any agent that wants to join a conference as an author should submit an abstract of the paper. Since Bob has unpublished papers that he could submit to a conference, he can play the role author. The third objective, Collaborate in conferences, could be achieved by being the PC member of a conference. However, after the validation step, it is shown that Bob cannot play the role PC member because any agent that wants to play this role must be a doctor, and the agent is a Ph.D. student. One internal view diagram is created for each to specify the features of each agent. As an example, Fig. 29 shows the internal view diagram of the Ph.D. student agent.

Table 14 Phase 5: agent description document
Fig. 29
figure 29

Phase 5: Case study—Ph.D. student agent description

3 Work Product Dependencies

Figure 30 describes the dependencies among the different work products. For instance, the analysis of the system description document is necessary to define the objective description document and the use case diagrams.

Fig. 30
figure 30

Work product dependencies