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Introduction and Related Work

In this chapter, we seek to quantify the benefit of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) within a complex system, specifically a motorway traffic system made up of agents with or without an AmI system. In addition to the potential autonomy of the individual AmI systems, the overall system of traffic is autonomous in general, because no external control is needed for the interaction between the devices. It is completely decentralized: although the rules are pre-installed in the vehicles, the decisions about when to activate them are induced by the local interactions, so no central instance is needed for controlling or for the configuration of the system. Such systems can be adaptive with respect to changes in the environment (e.g. presence of an accident or not) and to changes in the system itself, (e.g. a change in car density or a change in the equipment rate r, which is the percentage of all cars having the AmI device). Because of the decentralization, there is no single point of failure, so a breakdown of a device has only a small influence on the behavior of the system. Under these conditions we have a self-organizing system. For a formal definition of the self-organizing properties, see the appendix.

There are many possible approaches to establish whether a given self-organizing, AmI-driven system at work in society is having a desired or undesired effect. We could perform longitudinal studies that try to tie societal changes to new technologies. Or questionnaires could be used to establish users’ attitudes and use of a device. In the area considered here (vehicle traffic), instrumented vehicles or video recordings can be used to try and understand traffic effects. All of these assume that the device already exists and/or is at work in traffic at large. If we only have an idea of what the device could or should do, modeling approaches come into play, and the question of what manner and level to measure needs to be answered.

One recent approach for the analysis and evaluation of such system is quantitative measures [13]. In the micro-level model, measures are defined for the evaluation of global properties like emergence, target orientation, adaptivity, autonomy or global state awareness. These measures are described in detail in the appendix and have the advantage that they are comparable across scenarios and systems because of normalization. In addition, some of the measures (when proposed) were novel in the sense that they quantified for the first time various qualitative properties of self-organizing systems. In this chapter, we concentrate on the measure for target orientation. In some sense this is more traditional than some of the other measures: it describes how well the system is performing, which of course is the usual goal of any system evaluation. However, due to normalization we can describe the systems success along a scale of worst possible state to best possible state with a single number. For the measure of target orientation, the goals have to be defined in advance in the form of a fitness function. The target orientation of the system is a value in the interval [0, 1] indicating how “good” the system behaves. The analysis and optimization of system parameters can then be made in accordance with predefined goals encapsulated in the target orientation measure.

The measures (including target orientation) and fitness function are generically defined for any system. The main problem considered here is how to make them domain specific. The domain at hand is vehicle traffic on a motorway, and the specific problem that of vehicle breakdowns and crashes on motorways. These have direct and indirect impacts on traffic flow (e.g. efficiency and economy) and traffic safety. The loss of a lane available to traffic can create a sudden drop in traffic flow and make driving conditions dangerous through the sudden change in traffic speed and the requirement of many braking and merging manoeuvres within a confined region. These changes often result in follow-on accidents. In recent years, a large amount of development effort has been invested in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication technologies which will allow incident information and driving instruction to be delivered to motorists far more rapidly than it was traditionally possible. Hence, it is now technically plausible that a vehicle-communication based system could allow even a small number of equipped and compliant drivers to rapidly improve the driving situation for others by taking appropriate action. This could happen without the aid of any infrastructure. For a longer introduction to the problem, please see [4]. We begin by giving a short overview of the system and its goals (Sect. 2) which motivates the choice of measures made in Sect. 3. The measurement process through simulation is also briefly covered in Sect. 3. Results are presented in Sect. 4 followed by a discussion and conclusions in Sects. 5 and 6 respectively. The background information on the quantitative measures themselves is contained in an appendix to the chapter.

System Overview

Two broad types of system are tested for the AmI devices. The first is a fine-grained speed reduction system (also known as harmonization (HAR) or speed ‘funnel’) where the (desired) speeds of vehicles are set individually by an on-board system according to the distance from a point of danger. This is inspired by traditional overhead, sign-based systems but differs in having the ability to communicate a speed at any place and hence with smaller increments. A similar system is investigated in [5]. In previous work, it has been shown that reducing traffic speed approaching a disturbance in traffic flow through vehicle communication improves the harmonization of the flow of traffic approaching the blockage [5]. Harmonization in this context means the reduction of sudden changes in traffic speed over time and/or space (i.e., at a macro level), that are thought to be responsible for micro changes in vehicle speed that result in accidents. Indeed, the experience of motorway operators has shown that overhead, variable message signs bring an improvement on safety (e.g. [6]). However, in these systems speed is changed (or attempted to be changed) more-or-less at the macro level directly. In a peer-to-peer AmI system, we derive these changes from many drivers changing behavior at different places and times. The danger is that one ‘informed’ driver may react suddenly to information that an ‘uninformed’ driver does not have. Hence, the macroscopic changes in traffic speed might appear similar to those obtained using an infrastructure-based system that is fixed in position (e.g. variable speed limit signs), but the microscopic interactions between the drivers may be different. This makes an evaluation based on individual agent experience more appropriate.

The second system is an adaptive cruise control (ACC) system that, when following another vehicle in range, is that of Kesting and colleagues in a special configuration for being upstream of a bottleneck [7]. Here, the acceleration is set in order to maintain a certain time headway. The ACC system when no preceding vehicle is in following range is a simple ACC that applies acceleration or deceleration within limits (± 1.4 m/s2) until the desired speed is reached. Both systems feature a common danger point detection algorithm that decides whether alerts are generated, forwarded, and whether a system is activated. Thereafter the control of the vehicle is governed by the HAR algorithm or ACC algorithm until the origin of the alert is passed. Full details on both systems can be found in [4].

Measurement Definition and Simulation Testing

To establish what measurements should be made, the target(s) of the system should be agreed upon. Derived from this, we can define which of the system states are safe or desirable and which not. These should then be assigned concrete numbers from a quantity that can be measured from the system entities. This facilitates normalization, which can either be explicit (a chosen relevant maximum and minimum) or taken from the properties of the data (both approaches are taken below).

Considering the goal of the system, i.e. reducing the risk of accidents, we want to test for the most stable possible system state, where variations in vehicle interaction states are minimized, while maintaining traffic flow. A number of possibilities exist for utilizing the vehicle data (including simply averaging measures like headway or deceleration). Specific to speed harmonization evaluation, we know of no measures applied to individual vehicle data to assess the degree of “harmonization”. One recent approach applied to single-point detection data is to measure the variation coefficient of the data [8]. This normalizes the standard deviation of the data (e.g. speed) by the average, hence removing ‘disharmony’ that is only due to the magnitude itself. This approach is included in our application of quantitative measures to try and directly assess the success of supposed system functionality (rather than indirect benefits).

Target orientation is a time dependent measure, which describes how good the current situation is. For this purpose, a fitness function g: S → [0, 1] has to be defined on the set S of all possible states of the system. Then the level of target orientation TOt = E(g(s(t))) at time t is the mean value of the fitness of the current state s(t), where in a stochastic system s(t) is a random variable.

Based on the two properties we are seeking from the systems (traffic harmonization and safety in general), we examine three measures (expressed formally below). With measure #1, bad states are situations where velocities have a high variance coefficient, because a high variance of velocities implies that many different speeds are present in the system. Analogously, measure #2 specifies a good state by a low variance coefficient for the velocity changes that each vehicle makes from one time step to the next. These measures express the “system goals” of motorway speed management, namely to see less variance in the overall speed, and to prevent drivers from having to adjust the speed suddenly. Measure #3 attempts to examine the safety effects more directly by using a simple safety ‘proxy’ indicator, Time-To-Collision [9] (TTC, time until collision if one vehicle is closing in on another).

Measure #1: Link Velocity Harmonization

This measure is based on the variance coefficient of velocities {vi(t)|i vehicle} at each point in time t.

\( TO_t^1=1-K\cdot \frac{{{\sigma_t}}}{{{\mu_t}}} \) where K is a normalizing constant,

\( {\mu_t}=\frac{1}{{{n_t}}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{{{n_t}}} {{v_i}(t)} \) is the mean velocity

nt = number of cars in the system at time t,

\( \sigma_t^2=\frac{1}{{{n_t}-1}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{{{n_t}}} {{{{({v_i}(t)-{\mu_t})}}^2}} \) is the empirical variance of velocity.

Measure #2: Acceleration Harmonization

This measure is based on the variance coefficient of velocity change (acceleration) {vi(t + 1) – vi(t)|i vehicle} from the current point in time t to the next time step.

\( TO_t^2=1-K\cdot \frac{{{\sigma_t}}}{{{\mu_t}}} \) where K is a normalizing constant,

\( {\mu_t}=\frac{1}{{{n_t}}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{{{n_t}}} {\Delta {v_i}(t)} \) is the mean velocity change,

$$ \Delta {v_i}(t)=\left| {{v_i}(t+1)-{v_i}(t)} \right| $$

nt = number of cars in the system at time t,

\( \sigma_t^2=\frac{1}{{{n_t}-1}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{{{n_t}}} {{{{(\Delta {v_i}(t)-{\mu_t})}}^2}} \) is the empirical variance of velocity change.

Measure #3: Individual Safety

This measure is based on the mean of all finite Time-To-Collision (TTC) values.

\( TO_t^3=1-K\cdot \frac{{{\sigma_t}}}{{{\mu_t}}} \) where K is a normalizing constant,

\( {\mu_t}=\frac{1}{{{n_t}}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{{{n_t}}} {TT{C_i}(t)} \) is the mean TTC,

$$ TT{C_i}(t)=\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\frac{dist(i,succ(i)) }{{{v_i}(t)-{v_{succ(i) }}(t)}}} & {\mathrm{for}\kern0.5em {v_i}(t)>{v_{succ(i) }}(t)} \\ 3 & {\mathrm{if}\ {v_i}(t)\leq {v_{succ(i) }}(t)\ \mathrm{or}\ succ(i)\ \mathrm{does}\ \mathrm{not}\ \mathrm{exist}} \\ \end{array}} \right. $$

succ(i) = car driving in front of car i,

dist(i, succ(i)) = distance between car i and the car driving ahead,

nt = number of cars in the system at time t,

\( \sigma_t^2=\frac{1}{{{n_t}-1}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{{{n_t}}} {{{{(TT{C_i}(t)-{\mu_t})}}^2}} \) is the empirical variance of TTC.

Measure #3 represents an improvement over our previous work [4] where all TTC values were considered. Here we define a threshold of 3 s [9] to represent a safe state; hence any values above 3 s are quantized to this value for the analysis.

Although the level of target orientation TOt is defined analytically (see appendix), it is usually impossible to evaluate the level of target orientation analytically, because the set S of all global states is very large. Therefore approximation methods are needed [10]. We use the results of simulations to approximate the level of target orientation.

For such a simulation, we require the ability to model vehicles in detail (because the measures used require detailed data concerning the vehicle interactions) and the ability to simulate the system and its communication needs in an integrated fashion. For our simulations, the vehicle traffic simulation VISSIM [16] (version 5.30, PTV AG, Karlsruhe) has been used, but there are several other possibilities(e.g. ITETRIS, VSIMRTI). Generally speaking, all approaches (including ours) utilize an application programming interface(API) whereby a logic for the system and communication can be defined for when messages are sent, and what action should be taken by the driver when they are received [5]. How the communication is modeled is usually flexible depending on the level of detail required and in the event of a large amount of detail being required, the exact properties of the communication system (e.g. medium type and bandwidth). We use a specialized version of the VCOM communication model [11].

The simulation tests used a simple straight road length where one vehicle equipped with a system is stationary and broadcasts accident alerts. More details can be found in [4]. This tests the system in a generic way, but for many use-cases it may be more appropriate to use a specially calibrated simulation for a specific road stretch [12].

Table 1 specifies the values for the system parameters. Two parameters are variable for both systems: The input traffic flow f (unit: vehicles per hour) and the equipment rate r (unit: %) of the AmI device. For the ACC system, there is another variable system parameter thwf0 for the target time headway (unit: seconds). For all variations of f and r, the HAR and ACC systems were tested, with the ACC system in addition being subject to the three variations of thwf0. All other parameters are constant. This leads to a total of 36 + 12 = 48 configurations for the evaluation of target orientation.

Table 1 Examined system parameters

Each configuration is tested for a simulation time of 1,800 s, with simulation time steps of 0.1 s (although the analysis is performed utilizing data from every tenth time step, i.e. 1 s intervals). This is both to reduce computational effort, but also to provide some aggregation of acceleration (which fluctuates highly) differences in Measure #2, as suggested in [4]. The analysis is performed over a relevant stretch of the road where communication takes place. The simulation scenario file, application/control script and evaluation scripts are available from the authors upon request.


Although for some cases it may be useful to examine the change in Target Orientation over time, we examine here only the mean values (Fig. 1a–c). These show the target orientation measures #1–#3 (see Sect. 3) calculated from simulation results in dependency of the system variant (HAR or ACC with variable thwf0, f and r). The overall level of target orientation of the system is

$$ T{O^i}=\frac{1}{s}\sum\limits_{i=1}^s {TO_t^i} $$

for i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, where s is the number of analyzed steps in a simulation run.

Fig. 1
figure 00091

Target orientation TO1–TO3 measured within the relevance area of the three ACC system variants (thwf0 = 1.5, 1.8 or 2.1) and HAR system separated by input traffic flow f in veh/h and equipment rate r in %, according to (a) the variance coefficient of the speed of all vehicles, (b) the variance coefficient of the speed change of all vehicles between time steps and (c) the mean of all finite Time-To-Collision values of all vehicles. To assess a system benefit in a given situation, one should generally compare within the three f-value blocks against the “base case” of r = 0 %

For a first analysis of these figures, we can examine the values of the measures for one variable parameter and two constant parameters:

  • For fixed values thwf0 and f and variable values for r we observe:

    • For the ACC system measure #1 is generally decreasing as r increases. For the HAR system the picture is similar except for f = 1,500 veh/h where it is increasing

    • For the ACC and HAR systems measure #2 is generally increasing as r increases except for f = 500 veh/h and f = 1,500 veh/h with r = 100 % (outlier)

    • For the ACC and HAR systems measure #3 is generally increasing with r but values are very similar. As the base case gets worse with increasing f, these differences become bigger.

  • For fixed values f and r and variable values for thwf0 in the ACC system the only pattern is that measure #3 slightly increases with thwf0. This difference is larger with increasing f.

  • For fixed values thwf0 and r and variable values for f we observe:

    • Measure #1 decreases as f increases

    • Measure #2 increases as f increases (except for the ACC system at f = 1,500veh/h)

    • Measure #3 decreases as f increases (except for the ACC system at f = 1,500veh/h and r = 100 %)


The measures were tested for varying parameters, which can be freely set (under simulation conditions). Whereas the time headway thwf0 can be chosen for the system, the equipment rate r and the input traffic flow f cannot be controlled at the individual system level. However, the variables can still either be used to understand what system rules should be employed, or an infrastructure operator could use them to exert some control over the traffic system. For a nominally high equipment rate r, the possibility could exist to deactivate the AmI device in a certain number of vehicles (in case of undesired effects at high equipment rate). Unfortunately, the opposite problem, of too low equipment rate, can only be solved in the longer term by market take-up, and hence is only useful for market and policy-making decisions. Regarding the input traffic flow f, the variable can be somewhat controlled by the road operator where diversion or ramp metering facilities exist. These factors must be borne in mind when discussing the results.

The results of Sect. 4 show that the influence of the system parameters differs according to the measure used, even though ideally all measures, which are examining desirable states, should show similar results. Intuitively, a higher equipment rate should lead to a situation, which is safer. But the simulation results show, that while this often works for measure #2, which pertains to individual driver experience, it rarely holds for measure #1, which examines the entire analyzed area. For measure #3, we observe large improvements only for the r = 100 %, f = 1,500veh/h case. Measure #1 showed little system success except for the HAR system at higher equipment rates for the largest input traffic flow. Specific to the HAR system, this can be explained partly by noting that the velocity of the whole system is inherently unlikely to be ‘harmonized’ when not all vehicles are controlled and furthermore those that are controlled are not controlled in a synchronized way. Interestingly here also, when there is less congestion (lower f), higher r values do not improve the outcome. This may be because more cars can drive at their desired speeds such that the arrival of speed reduction instructions results in (relatively) more diversity of speeds in the system.

Measures #1 and #2 suggest that the HAR system is often better than the ACC system, especially for a high input traffic flow. For measure #3 there is so little improvement to be made that the use of any of the systems usually seems unnecessary.

Overall, the results are mixed. In this case they cannot be used to choose one measure as the ideal or one system is better or worse than the other. While there is evidence to show that speed harmonization based on variable message signs (VMS) improves safety (e.g. [6]), we cannot automatically assume that the same will be true of a peer-to-peer system, or show (via measure #3) that any large safety benefit is present. None of the measures bring a noticeable benefit at low equipment rates. This may serve as a warning: Systems that seem sensible for a single driver may only bring about benefits for all traffic when we ensure high equipment rates.

Conclusions and Future Work

In this work, we have discussed how a self-organizing AmI-based system may be evaluated in a targeted and comparable fashion using the quantitative measure of target orientation. The system was designed to increase safety on a section of highway in the event of one lane being blocked by an accident. It can be seen that quantitative measures are a useful evaluation tool, which can be used for the design, analysis and optimization of a complex decentralized system, in this case traffic. We have applied the measure for target orientation based on different fitness functions to analyze the system. The results were used to investigate the influence of system parameters on the safety in such a situation and to understand when the system performs well and when not.

There are several areas where the work can be extended upon both in terms of improving the analyses and understanding how to improve the systems themselves. The traffic situation and road network were artificial (constant input traffic flow) and hence the base driver model, while validated in general [13] is not calibrated to real data. This may have led to overly ‘safe’ driving demonstrated through measure #3. Obviously the examined scenario needs to be plausible and valid for the measures, no matter how suitable they may be, to be of any use. Indeed, the measures can be used to augment traditional calibration techniques whereby (if data is available) the measure from reality and an “as-is” simulation is compared. Overall, the results should not be used for the recommendation for or against the implementation of any particular system in traffic. Only one simulation per case was used for this analysis. This prohibits plotting standard error which can inform as to the likely significance of differences. We are currently performing additional simulations to make this possible. The systems are also somewhat simplistic in nature and have not been tested with real drivers.

In scenarios where there is a tradeoff between different goals that should be achieved, the corresponding measures for target orientation may be combined into a single measure. A methodology for deriving such a combination and the corresponding evaluation is left for future work. Elsewhere [4] we have considered the measure of emergence, to examine the appearance of global patterns arising from the local interactions between the entities. It is also worthwhile to investigate other quantitative measures like global state awareness [3] to answer questions like “Which system parameters can increase the global state awareness of all drivers?” Finally, we wish to stress that the evaluation methodology used in this chapter is not restricted to the special scenario of an accident on a highway, but can be used in any other context of self-organizing systems where input data can be measured. The critical steps are to define what the target(s) of the system should be, which of the states safe or desirable states are and which not, and to assign these concrete numbers from a quantity that can be measured from the system entities.