
12.1 Introduction

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) was first proposed by Blei et al. to model documents [2]. Each document is modeled as a mixture of K latent topics, where each topic, k, is a multinomial distribution \({\mathbf V}{\phi}_k\) over a W-word vocabulary. For any document \(d_j,\) its topic mixture \({\mathbf V}{\theta}_j\) is a probability distribution drawn from a Dirichlet prior with parameter \(\alpha.\) For each \(i{\rm th}\) word \(x_{ij}\) in \(d_j,\) a topic \(z_{ij} = k\) is drawn from \({\mathbf V}{\theta}_j,\; \hbox{and}\; x_{ij}\) is drawn from \({\mathbf V}{\phi}_{k}.\) The generative process for LDA is thus given by

$$ \theta_{j} \sim {\hbox{Dir}}(\alpha), \phi_{k} \sim {\hbox{Dir}}(\beta), z_{ij}=k \sim \theta_j, x_{ij} \sim \phi_{k}, $$

where \({\hbox{Dir}}(\ast)\) denotes Dirichlet distribution. The graphical model for LDA is illustrated in Fig. 12.1, where the observed variables, i.e., words \(x_{ij}\) and hyper parameters \(\alpha\; \hbox{and}\; \beta,\) are shaded.

Fig. 12.1
figure 1

The graphical model for LDA

The computation complexity of Gibbs sampling is K multiplied by the total number of word occurrences in the training corpus. Prior work has explored multiple alternatives for speeding up LDA, including both parallelizing LDA across multiple machines and reducing the total amount of work required to build an LDA model. Three representative distributed LDA algorithms are Dirichlet compound multinomial LDA (DCM-LDA) [3], approximate distributed LDA (AD-LDA) [4], and asynchronous distributed LDA (AS-LDA) [5], which all parallelize Gibbs sampling on distributed machines. These algorithms suffer from either high communication cost or long convergence time (an approximate method reduces communication time but increases number of Gibbs sampling iterations). In this chapter, we present PLDA+ [1], which uses distributed data-placement and pipeline strategies to reduce the communication bottleneck. The distributed data placement strategy aims to first separate CPU-bound tasks and communication-bound tasks onto two sets of machines. It then ensures that both computation and communication loads can be balanced among parallel machines. The pipeline strategy aims to mask communication time by computation time; and hence the communication bottleneck can be reduced. Experiments show that the strategies of PLDA+ can significantly improve scalability of LDA over our initial attempt at Google [6].

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: we first present LDA and related distributed algorithms in Sect. 12.2. In Sect. 12.3 we present AD-LDA and explain how it works via a simple example. In Sect. 12.4 we analyze the bottleneck of AD-LDA. Sections 12.4.3 and 12.4.4 depict PLDA+ in details. Section 12.5 demonstrates that the speedup of PLDA+ on large-scale document collections significantly outperforms AD-LDA. In Sect. 12.6 we introduce two large-scale applications of distributed LDA. Finally, we discuss future research plans in Sect. 12.7. For the convenience of readers, we summarize the notation used in this chapter in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1 Symbols associated with LDA used in this chapter

12.2 Related Reading

According to the generative process of LDA shown in (12.1), the full joint distribution over all parameters and variables is

$$ p({\mathbf V}{x}, {\mathbf V}{z}, {\mathbf V}{\theta}, {\mathbf V}{\phi}|\alpha, \beta)=p({\mathbf V}{\phi}|\beta)\prod_{j=1}^{D}p({\mathbf V}{\theta}_j|\alpha) \prod_{i=1}^{N_{j}}p(x_{ij}|{\mathbf V}{\phi}, z_{ij})p(z_{ij}|{\mathbf V}{\theta}_j), $$

where \({\mathbf V}{x} = \{x_{ij}\}\) is the observed word occurrences in D documents, \({\mathbf V}{z} = \{ z_{ij}\}\) is the assigned latent topics to words \({\mathbf V}{x}\; \hbox{and}\;N_j\) the number of word occurrences in document \(d_j.\) Similar to most previous work, we use symmetric Dirichlet priors in LDA for simplicity. Given the observed words \({\mathbf V}{x},\) the task of inference for LDA is to compute the posterior distribution of the latent topic assignments \({\mathbf V}{z},\) the topic mixtures of documents \({\mathbf V}{\theta},\) and the topics \({\mathbf V}{\phi}.\)

Blei et al. [2] proposed using a variational expectation maximization (VEM) algorithm for obtaining maximum-likelihood estimate of \(\Upphi\) from V. This algorithm iteratively executes an E-step and an M-step, where the E-step infers the topic distribution of each training document, and the M-step updates model parameters using the inference result. Unfortunately, this inference is intractable, so variational Bayes is used in the E-step for approximate inference. Minka and Lafferty proposed a comparable algorithm [7], which uses another approximate inference method, expectation propagation (EP), in the E-step.

Griffiths and Steyvers [8] proposed using Gibbs sampling, a Markov-chain Monte Carlo method, to perform inference for LDA. By assuming a Dirichlet prior, \(\beta, {\mathbf V}{\phi}\) can be integrated (hence removed from the equation) using the Dirichlet-multinomial conjugacy. MCMC is widely used as an inference method for latent topic models, e.g., Author-topic model [9], Pachinko allocation [10], and special words with background model [11]. Moreover, since the memory requirement of VEM is not nearly as scalable as that of MCMC [12], most existing distributed methods for LDA use Gibbs sampling for inference, e.g., DCM-LDA [3], AD-LDA [4], and AS-LDA [5]. In this chapter, we thus focus on Gibbs sampling for approximate inference. In Gibbs sampling, it is usual to integrate out the mixtures \(\theta\) and topics \(\phi\) and just sample the latent variables z. The process is called collapsing. When performing Gibbs sampling for LDA, we maintain two matrices: word-topic count matrix \(C^{\rm word}\) in which each element \(C_{wk}\) is the number of word w assigned to topic k, and document-topic count matrix \(C^{\rm doc}\) in which each element \(C_{kj}\) is the number of topic k assigned to \(d_j\) document. Moreover, we maintain a topic count vector \(C^{\rm topic}\) in which each element \(C_{k}\) is the number of topic k assignments in document collection. Given the current state of all but one variable \(z_{ij},\) the conditional probability of \(z_{ij}\) is

$$ p(z_{ij}=k|{\mathbf z}^{\neg ij}, {\mathbf x}^{\neg ij}, x_{ij} = w, \alpha, \beta) \propto {\frac{C_{wk}^{\neg ij}+\beta} {C_{k}^{\neg ij}+W\beta}} \left(C_{kj}^{\neg ij}+\alpha \right), $$

where \(\neg ij\) means that the corresponding word is excluded in the counts. Whenever \(z_{ij}\) is assigned to a new topic drawn from (12.3), \(C^{\rm word},\; C^{\rm doc}\; \hbox{and} \; C^{\rm topic}\) are updated. After enough sampling iterations to burn in the Markov chain, \({\mathbf V}{\theta}\; \hbox{and}\;{\mathbf V}{\phi}\) can be estimated by

$$ \theta_{kj} = {\frac{C_{kj} + \alpha} {\sum_{k=1}^T C_{kj} + T\alpha}},\;\hbox{and} $$
$$ \phi_{wk} = {\frac{C_{wk} + \beta} {\sum_{w=1}^W C_{wk} + W\beta }} , $$

where \(\theta_{kj}\) indicates the probability of topic k given document j, and \(\phi_{wk}\) indicates the probability of word w given topic k. Griffiths and Steyvers conducted an empirical study of VEM, EP and Gibbs sampling and the comparison shows that Gibbs sampling converges to a known ground-truth model more rapidly than either VEM or EP [8].

12.2.1 LDA Performance Enhancement

The computation complexity of Gibbs sampling is K multiplied by the total number of word occurrences in the document collection. Prior work has explored multiple alternatives for speeding up LDA, including both parallelizing LDA across multiple processors and reducing the total amount of work required to build an LDA model. Relevant distributed methods for LDA include:

  • Nallapati et al. [13] and Wolfe et al. [14] both reported distributed computing of the VEM algorithm for LDA [2].

  • Mimno and McCallum proposed DCM-LDA [3], where the data sets are distributed to processors, Gibbs sampling is performed in each processor independently without any communication between processors, and finally a global clustering of the topics is performed.

  • Newman et al. [4] proposed AD-LDA, where each processor performs a local Gibbs sampling iteration followed by a global update using a reduce-scatter operation. Since the Gibbs sampling in each processor is performed with the local word-topic matrix, which is only updated at the end of each iteration, it is named with approximate distributed LDA.

  • An asynchronous distributed learning algorithm of LDA was proposed in [5], where no global synchronization step like that in [4] is required. Each processor performs a local Gibbs sampling step followed by a step of communicating with other random processors. We name this method as AS-LDA.

In addition to these parallelization techniques, the following optimizations can reduce LDA model learning times by reducing the total computational cost:

  • Gomes et al. [15] presented an enhancement of the VEM algorithm using a bounded amount of memory.

  • Porteous et al. [16] proposed a method to accelerate the computation of (12.3). The acceleration is achieved by no approximations but using the property that the topic probability vectors for document \(d_j, \;{\mathbf V}{\theta}_j,\) are sparse in most cases.

12.3 Approximate Distributed LDA

Before introducing PLDA+, let us review our prior implementation [6] of the AD-LDA algorithm [4]. We present the algorithm’s dependency on the collective communication operation, AllReduce, and how to express the AD-LDA algorithm in the model of MPI. AD-LDA serves as the performance yardstick of PLDA+.

12.3.1 Parallel Gibbs Sampling and AllReduce

AD-LDA distributes D training documents over P processors, with \(D_p=D/P\) documents on each processor. AD-LDA partitions document content \({\mathbf V}{x}=\{{\mathbf V}{x}_d\}_{d=1}^D\; \hbox{into} \{{\mathbf V}{x}_{|1},\ldots,{\mathbf V}{x}_{|P}\}\) and the corresponding topic assignments \({\mathbf V}{z}=\{{\mathbf V}{z}_d\}_{d=1}^D\; \hbox{into} \{{\mathbf V}{z}_{|1},\ldots, {\mathbf V}{z}_{|P}\}, \; \hbox{where}\; {\mathbf V}{x}_{|p}\; \hbox{and}\;{\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) exist only on processor p. Document-topic count matrix, \(C^{\rm doc},\) are likewise distributed. We denote the document-topic count matrix on processor p as \(C^{\rm doc}_{|p}.\) Each processor maintains its own copy of word-topic count matrix, \(C^{\rm word}.\) Moreover, AD-LDA uses \(C^{\rm word}_{|p}\) to temporarily store word-topic counts accumulated from local documents’ topic assignments on each processor.

In each Gibbs sampling iteration, each processor p updates \({\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) by sampling every \(z_{ij|p}\in {\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) from the approximate posterior distribution:

$$ p(z_{ij|p}=k \mid {\mathbf V}{z}^{\neg ij}, {\mathbf V}{x}^{\neg ij}, x_{ij|p}=w) \propto {\frac{C^{\neg ij}_{wk} + \beta} {C^{\neg ij}_{k} + W\beta}} \left(C^{\neg ij}_{jk|p} + \alpha \right), $$

and updates \(C^{\rm doc}_{|p}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm word}_{|p}\) according to the new topic assignments. After each iteration, each processor recomputes word-topic counts of its local documents \(C^{\rm word}_{|p}\) and uses the AllReduce operation to reduce and broadcast the new \(C^{\rm word}\) to all processors.

12.3.2 MPI Implementation of AD-LDA

Our AD-LDA implementation [6] uses MPI [17] to parallelize LDA learning. The MPI model supports AllReduce via an API function:

$$ \begin{aligned} \,&{\mathtt{int\; MPI\_Allreduce\, (void\; {\ast}sendbuf,\; void\; {\ast}recvbuf,\;int}}\\ &\quad {\mathtt{count,\; MPI\_Datatype\; datatype,\; MPI\_Op\; op);}} \end{aligned} $$

When a worker, meaning a thread or a process that executes part of the parallel computing job, finishes sampling, it shares topic assignments and waits for AllReduce by invoking MPI_Allreduce , where sendbuf points to word-topic counts of its local documents: a vector of count elements with type datatype . The worker sleeps until the MPI implementation finishes AllReduce and the results are in each worker’s buffer recvbuf . During the reduction process, word-topic counts vectors are aggregated element-wise by the addition operation op explained in Sect. 12.3.1.

Figure 12.2 presents the detail of MPI implementation for AD-LDA. The algorithm first attempts to load checkpoints \({\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) if a machine failure took place and the computation is in the recovery mode. The procedure then performs initialization (lines 5–9), where for each word, its topic is sampled from a uniform distribution. Next, \(C^{\rm doc}_{|p}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm word}_{|p}\) can be computed from the histogram of \({\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) (line 11). To obtain \(C^{\rm word},\) the algorithm invokes MPI_Allreduce (line 12). In the Gibbs sampling iterations, each word’s topic is sampled from the approximate posterior distribution (12.6) and \(C^{\rm word}_{|p}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm doc}_{|p}\) is updated accordingly (lines 14 to 18). At the end of each iteration, the algorithm checkpoints \({\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) (line 20) and recomputes \(C^{\rm word}_{|p}\) (line 21). Using \(C^{\rm word}_{|p},\) the algorithm perform global MPI_AllReduce to obtain up-to-date \(C^{\rm word}\) for the next iteration (line 22). After a sufficient number of iterations, the “converged” LDA model is outputted by the master (line 24).

Fig. 12.2
figure 2

The MPI implementation of AD-LDA

Different MPI implementations may use different AllReduce algorithms. The state-of-the-art is the recursive doubling and halving (RDH) algorithm presented in [17], which was used by many MPI implementations including the well known MPICH2. RDH includes two phases: Reduce-scatter and All-gather. Each phase runs a recursive algorithm, and in each recursion level, workers are grouped into pairs and exchange data in both directions. This algorithm is particularly efficient when the number of workers is a power of two, because no worker would be idle during communication.

RDH provides no facilities for fault recovery. In order to provide fault-recovery capability in AD-LDA, the worker state can be check-pointed before AllReduce. This ensures that when one or more processors fail in an iteration, the algorithm can roll back all workers to the end of the most recent succeeded iteration, and restart the failed iteration. The checkpointing code is executed immediately before the invocation of MPI_Allreduce in AD-LDA. In practice, only \({\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}\) is flushed onto the disk, because \({\mathbf V}{x}_{|p}\) can be reloaded from data set, \(C^{\rm doc}_{|p}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm word}\) can also be recovered from the histogram of \({\mathbf V}{z}_{|p}.\) The recovery code is at the beginning of AD-LDA: if there is a checkpoint on the disk, load it; otherwise perform random initialization.

12.4 PLDA+

To further speed up AD-LDA [4], PLDA+ algorithm employs distributed data placement and pipeline processing strategies.

12.4.1 Reduce Bottleneck of AD-LDA

As presented in the previous section, in our AD-LDA implementation [6], D documents are distributed over P processors with approximately D/P documents on each processor. This is shown with a D/P-W matrix in Fig. 12.3a, where W indicates the vocabulary of the collection of documents. The word-topic count matrix is also distributed, with each processor keeping a local copy, which is the W-K matrix in the figure.

Fig. 12.3
figure 3

The assignments of documents and word-topic count matrix for AD-LDA and PLDA+

In AD-LDA, after each iteration of Gibbs sampling, local word-topic counts on each machine are globally synchronized. This synchronization process is expensive partly because a large amount of data is sent and partly because the synchronization starts only when the slowest machine has completed its work. To avoid unnecessary wait, AS-LDA does not perform global synchronization like AD-LDA. AS-LDA only synchronizes word-topic counts with its neighbors. However, since word-topic counts can be outdated, the sampling process may take a larger number of iterations than that AD-LDA takes to converge. Figure 12.4 illustrates the spread patterns of the updated topic distribution of a word from one processor to the others. AD-LDA has to synchronize all word updates after one full Gibbs sampling iteration, whereas AS-LDA performs updates only with a small subset of processors. The memory requirement of both AD-LDA and AS-LDA is O(KW), since the whole word-topic matrix is maintained on all machines.

Fig. 12.4
figure 4

The spread patterns of the updated topic distribution of a word from one processor for AD-LDA, AS-LDA and PLDA+

Although having different strategies for model combination, existing distributed methods share two characteristics:

  • These methods have to maintain all word-topic counts in memory of each processor; and

  • These methods have to send and receive the entire word-topic matrix between processors for updates.

For the former characteristic, suppose we want to estimate a \({\mathbf V}{\phi}\) with W words and K topics from a large-scale data set. When either W or K is large to a certain extent, the memory requirement will exceed that available on a typical processor. Due to the bottleneck of latency and transfer-rate of hard disks, it is not practical to maintain the word-topic counts on hard disks. This characteristic makes the existing distributed methods face a significant challenge in terms of memory scalability. For the latter characteristic, the communication bottleneck caps the room for speeding up the algorithm. This communication bottleneck will only acerbate over years as a study of high performance computing [18] shows that floating-point instructions improve speed historically at \(59\%\) a year, but inter-processor bandwidth improves \(26\%\) a year, and inter-processor latency improves only \(15\%\) a year.

12.4.2 Framework of PLDA+

To address the increasing communication bottleneck, PLDA+ uses an enhanced distributed method for LDA. In addition to partitioning documents, PLDA+ also partitions the word-topic count matrix and distributes them to several processors. Thus, processors are divided into two types: one maintains documents and document-topic matrix to perform Gibbs sampling (\(P_{d}\) processors, and the other stores and maintains word-topic count matrix (\(P_{w}\) processors). During each iteration of Gibbs sampling, a \(P_d\) processor assigns a new topic to a word in a document in three steps:

  1. 1.

    Fetching the word’s topic distribution from a \(P_w\) processor,

  2. 2.

    Performing Gibbs sampling at the \(P_d\) processor and assigning a new topic to the word, and

  3. 3.

    Updating all \(P_w\) processors maintaining that word.

There are two reasons to divide processors into two groups. First, the communication bottleneck can be halved on the CPU-bound processors. This way, not only the communication time on \(P_w\) processors is cut into about one half, the reduced IO time can also be masked by the computation time much easily. Second, by separating two tasks onto two sets of machines, load balancing can be more flexibly performed.

Besides improving parallelization, PLDA+ employs pipeline processing. The pipeline technique has been used in many applications to increase throughput, such as the instruction pipeline in modern CPUs [19] and in graphics processors [20]. Although pipeline does not decrease the time for a job to be processed, it can efficiently improve throughput by overlapping IOs with computation. Figure 12.5 illustrates the Pipeline-based Gibbs Sampling for four words, i.e., \(w_1, w_2, w_3\; \hbox{and}\;w_4,\) where F indicates the fetching operation, U indicates the updating operation, and S the Gibbs sampling operation. In this figure, the top chart demonstrates the case when \(t_{s} > t_{f} + t_{u},\) and the bottom chart the case when \(t_{s} < t_{f} + t_{u}, \; \hbox{where}\;t_s, t_f\; \hbox{and}\;t_u\) denote the time of Gibbs sampling, fetching topic distribution, and updating topic distribution, respectively.

Fig. 12.5
figure 5

Pipeline-based Gibbs sampling in PLDA+ (Top: \(t_s > t_f + t_u.\) Bottom: \(t_s < t_f + t_u\))

On the top chart of Fig. 12.5, PLDA+ begins by fetching the topic distribution of \(w_1.\) Then it begins Gibbs sampling on \(w_1,\) and at the same time, it fetches the topic distribution of \(w_2.\) After it has finished Gibbs sampling for \(w_1,\) it updates the topic distribution of \(w_1\) on \(P_w\) processors. When \(t_{s} > t_{f} + t_{u},\) PLDA+ can begin Gibbs sampling on \(w_2\) immediately after it has completed that for \(w_1.\) Total ideal time for PLDA+ to process \(W\) words is \(Wt_s + t_f + t_u.\)

The bottom chart of Fig. 12.5 shows a suboptimal scenario where the IO time cannot be entirely masked. PLDA+ is not able to begin Gibbs Sampling for \(w_3\) until after some communication delay. The example shows that in order to mask communication, the tasks must be scheduled to ensure as much as possible that \(t_{s} > t_{f} + t_{u}.\) There are two important scheduling considerations:

  1. 1.

    Word bundling. To ensure \(t_s\) to be sufficiently long to mask IOs, Gibbs sampling can be performed on a group of words.

  2. 2.

    Low latency IO scheduling. IOs must be scheduled in such a way that a CPU-bound task is minimally delayed by a fetch operation.

Since each round of Gibbs sampling can be performed in any word order, it makes word bundling flexible. First, rather than processing one document after another, PLDA+ performs Gibbs sampling according to a word order. A word that occurs several times on the documents at a node can be process in a loop. Moreover, for words that do not occur frequently, they can be bundled with frequently-occurred words to ensure that \(t_s\) is sufficiently long. In fact, if one can estimate \(t_f + t_u,\) one can decide how many word-occurrences to process in each Gibb Sampling batch. The remaining challenge is that one ought to ensure that \(t_f + t_u\) can indeed be shorter than \(t_s.\) If a fetch cannot be completed by the time when the last Gibbs sampling task has completed, the wait time adds to the bottleneck, and hence hampers speedup.

To perform Gibbs sampling word by word, PLDA+ builds word indexes to documents on each \(P_d\) processor. Words are organized in a circular queue as shown on the top of Fig. 12.6. Gibbs sampling is performed by going around the circular queue. To avoid concurrent access to the same words, different processes are scheduled to begin at a different position of the queue. For example, Fig. 12.6 shows four \(P_d\) processors, \(P_{d1}, P_{d2}, P_{d3}\; \hbox{and}\;P_{d4}\) start their first word from \(w_1, w_3, w_5\; \hbox{and}\;w_7,\) respectively. To ensure that this scheduling algorithm works, PLDA+ must distribute the word-topic matrix also in a circular fashion on \(P_w\) machines. This static allocation scheme enjoys two benefits. First, the workload among \(P_w\) processors can be relatively balanced. Second, avoiding two \(P_d\) nodes from concurrently updating the same word can roughly maintain serializability of the word-topic matrix on \(P_w\) nodes. This makes PLDA+ more advantageous over an asynchronous scheme such as AS-LDA [5], which may miss updates. The detailed description of word placement is presented in Sect.

Fig. 12.6
figure 6

Vocabulary circular queue in PLDA+

12.4.3 Algorithm for \(P_w\) Processors

The task of the \(P_w\) processors is to process fetch and update queries from \(P_d\) processors. PLDA+ distributes the word-topic matrix to \(P_w\) machines according to words. After allocation, each \(P_w\) processor keeps approximately \(W/P_w\) words with their topic distributions. Figure 12.7 depicts the word-topic matrix distribution process to \(P_w\) machines.

Fig. 12.7
figure 7

The construction of word-topic matrix in \(P_w\) processors Word Placement Over \(P_w\) Processors

The goal of word allocation is to ensure spatial load balancing. To balance load, one would like to make sure that all nodes receive about the same number of work requests in a round of Gibbs sampling.

For bookkeeping, PLDA+ maintains two data structures. First, for each word, it records how many \(P_d\) processors on which that word resides. Form W words, PLDA+ maintains a \(P_d\) vector \({\mathbf m}=(m_1, m_2, \ldots, m_W).\) The second data structure keeps track of each \(P_w\) processor’s workload, or the number of word occurrences on that processor. The workload vector is denoted as \({\mathbf l}=(l_1, l_2, \ldots, l_{P_w}).\)

A simple placement method is to place words independently and uniformly at random onto \(P_w\) processors. This method is referred to as random word allocation. Unfortunately, this random placement method may cause load imbalance among \(P_w\) processors in high probability. To balance workload, PLDA+ uses the weighted round-robin method for word placement. It first sorts words in decreasing order by their weights, and then picks the word with the largest weight from the vocabulary and assigns to a processor in a round-robin fashion. This placement process is repeated until all words have been placed. Weighted round-robin has been empirically shown to achieve balanced load with high probability [21]. Processing Requests from \(P_d\) Processors

Each \(P_w\) processor handles all requests related to the words it is responsible for maintaining. After allocating words with their topic distributions over \(P_w\) processors, \(P_w\) processors begin to receive and respond the requests from \(P_d\) processors. A \(P_w\) processor \(pw\) first builds its responsible word-topic count matrix \(C^{\rm word}_{|pw}\) by receiving initial word-topic counts from all \(P_d\) processors. Then, that \(P_w\) processor pw begins to process requests from \(P_d\) processors. PLDA+ defines three types of requests (communications):

  • fetch(w, pw, pd). Node pw requests for fetching topic distribution of word w from a \(P_d\) processor pd. For the request, the \(P_w\) processor pw retrieves the topic distribution \(\phi_{w}^{(pw)},\) which will be used by the pd node as \(n_{wk}^{\neg ij}\) in (12.3) for performing Gibbs sampling.

  • update(w, u, pw, pd). Node pw updates topic distribution for word w using u after receiving the information from node pd.

  • fetch(pw, pd). Node pw requests for all topic counts from node pd. The \(P_w\) Processor pw requires the data from pd to sum up the topic distributions of all words on pw in vector \({\mathbf n}^{(pw)} = (n_{k}^{(pw)}, k={1,\ldots,T}),\) which will be used as \(n_{k}^{\neg ij}\) in (12.3) for performing Gibbs Sampling.

12.4.4 Algorithm for \(P_d\) Processors

The algorithm for \(P_d\) processors executes according to the following steps:

  1. 1.

    At the beginning, it allocates documents over \(P_d\) processors and then builds inverted index for documents on each \(P_d\) processor.

  2. 2.

    It groups the words in vocabulary into bundles for Gibbs Sampling and IO requests.

  3. 3.

    It schedules word bundles to minimize communication bottleneck.

  4. 4.

    Finally, it performs pipelined Gibbs sampling iteratively until the terminate condition is met.

In the following, we present these four steps in details. Document Allocation and Building Inverted Index

Before performing Gibbs sampling, D documents must be distributed onto \(P_d\) processors. The goal of document allocation is to achieve good CPU load balance among \(P_d\) processors. AD-LDA may suffer from imbalanced load problem since it has a global synchronization phase at the end of each Gibbs sampling iteration, which may force fast processors to wait for the slowest processor. In contrast, Gibbs sampling in PLDA+ is performed without the synchronization requirement. In other words, a processor that completes its work early can start its next round of sampling without having to wait for stragglers. Dealing with stragglers is a critical issue in distributed computing. PLDA+ tackles this problem through both static allocation and dynamic migration. PLDA+ first allocates words to nodes in a balanced fashion. Each \(P_d\) processor hosts approximate \(D/P_d\) documents. The time complexity of this allocation step is O(D). After documents have been distributed, we build inverted index for documents on each \(P_d\) processor. The construction process is demonstrated in Fig. 12.8. If a node is always a straggler due to run-time load imbalance or hardware configuration, the data on that node can be split and migrated onto additional nodes to eliminate stragglers.

Fig. 12.8
figure 8

The construction of data structure in \(P_d\) processors

Using inverted index, each time after a \(P_d\) processor has fetched the topic distribution of a word w, that processor performs Gibbs sampling for all instances of w on that node. After that, the processor (or node) sends back the updated information to the corresponding \(P_w\) processor. The clear benefit is that for multiple occurrences of a word on a node, PLDA+ requires to perform only two communications: one fetch and one update, and substantially reducing communication cost. The index structure for each word w is:

$$ w \rightarrow \{(d_1, z_1), (d_1, z_2), (d_2, z_1), \ldots \}, $$

in which, w occurs in document \(d_1\) twice and there are two entries. In implementation, to save memory, all occurrences of w in \(d_1\) can be recorded in one entry, \(\left( d_1, \{z_1, z_2\} \right).\) Word Bundle

Bundling words is to prevent the situation that too short the duration of Gibbs samplings cannot mask a communication IO. Use an extreme example: a word appears only once in one document on a node. Performing Gibbs sampling on that word takes a much shorter time than the time required to fetch and update the word-topic matrix. The remedy is intuitive: combining a few words into a bundle so that the IO time can be masked by the longer duration of Gibbs sampling time.

To bundle words, each \(P_d\) processor groups words in sets, each matches words on a \(P_w\) processor. For each word set, words are sorted into a list according to their occurrence times in descending order. Then, words are picked from both ends of the list to form bundles. Each time a \(P_d\) node sends a request to a \(P_w\) node to fetch topic distributions for words in a bundle. The size of a bundle should be large enough so that the time to perform Gibbs sampling on a bundle is longer than the time to fetch the bundle from a \(P_w\) node. Pipelined Gibbs Sampling

The core step of PLDA+ is the pipelined Gibbs sampling. As shown in (12.3), to compute and assign a new topic for a given word \(x_{ij} = w\) in a document \(d_j,\) we have to obtain \(C^{\rm word}_{w}, C^{\rm topic}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm doc}_{j}.\) The topic distribution of document \(j\) is maintained by \(P_d\) processors. While the up-to-date topic distribution \(C^{\rm word}_{w}\) is maintained by a \(P_w\) processor, global topic count \(C^{\rm topic}\) should be collected over all \(P_w\) processors. Therefore, before assigning a new topic for w in a document, a \(P_d\) processor has to request \(C^{\rm word}_{w}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm topic}\; \hbox{from}\;P_w\) processors. After fetching \(C^{\rm word}_{w}\; \hbox{and}\;C^{\rm topic},\) the \(P_d\) processor computes and assigns new topics for occurrences of w. Then the \(P_d\) processor returns the updated topic distribution of word w to the responsible \(P_w\) processor.

For a \(P_d\) processor pd, pipeline processing is performed according to the following steps:

  1. 1.

    Fetch overall topic counts for Gibbs sampling.

  2. 2.

    Select F word bundles and put them in thread pool tp to fetch words’ topic distributions. Once a request is responded from \(P_w\) processors, the returned topic distributions are put in a wait queue \(Q_{pd}.\)

  3. 3.

    Pick words’ topic distributions from \(Q_{pd}\) to perform Gibbs Sampling.

  4. 4.

    After Gibbs sampling, put the updated topic distributions in thread pool tp to send update requests to \(P_w\) processors.

  5. 5.

    Select a new word bundle and put it in tp.

  6. 6.

    If the update condition is met, fetch new overall topic counts.

  7. 7.

    If the termination condition has not met, go to Step 3 to start Gibbs sampling for other words.

In Step 1, processor pd fetches overall topic distributions \(C^{\rm topic}.\) In this step, pd sends requests fetch(pw, pd) to each \(P_w\) processor \(pw =1, 2, \ldots, P_w.\) The requests are returned with \((C^{\rm topic}_{|pw}, pw = 1, 2, \ldots, P_w),\; \hbox{and}\;pd\) thus gets \(C^{\rm topic}\) by sum overall topic counts from each \(P_w\) processors:

$$ C^{\rm topic} \leftarrow \sum_{pw} C^{\rm topic}_{|pw}. $$

Since thread pool \(tp\) can send requests and process the returned results in parallel, in Step 2 it puts a number of requests to fetch topic distributions simultaneously in case some requests are responded with latency. Thus, once a response is returned, it can start Gibbs sampling immediately. Here, we mention the pre-fetch number of requests as F. In PLDA+, F should be properly set to make sure that the wait queue \(Q_{pd}\) always has returned topic distributions of words waiting for Gibbs Sampling. If not, Gibbs sampling is stalled by communication, which is considered a part of communication time of PLDA+. To make best use of threads in the thread pool, F should be larger than the number of threads in the pool.

It is expensive for \(P_w\) processors to process the request for overall topic counts because the operation has to access topic distributions of each word on each \(P_w\) processor. Fortunately, as indicated by the results of AD-LDA, topic assignments in Gibbs Sampling is not sensitive to the values of overall topic counts. Thus PLDA+ reduces the frequency of fetching overall topic counts to improve the efficiency of \(P_w\) processors. Therefore, in Step 6, PLDA+ does not fetch overall topic counts frequently. Experimental results show that fetching new overall topic counts only after performing one pass of Gibbs sampling can obtain the same learning quality compared to LDA and AD-LDA.

Figure 12.9 summarizes a \(P_d\) node’s interprocess communication with multiple \(P_w\) nodes. The figure shows a key reason for PLDA+ to reduce communication bottleneck: that a \(P_d\) node of PLDA+ commuicates with multiple \(P_w\) nodes, rather than that multiple \(P_d\) nodes of AD-LDA communicate with one master \(P_w\) node. Furthermore, the thread pool on \(P_d\) nodes enables pre-fetching, and thereby allows communication to be masked by computation working on completed requests.

Fig. 12.9
figure 9

PLDA+ Gibbs sampling

12.4.5 Straggler Handling

So far, both presented data placement and scheduling schemes of PLDA+ are static. Static placement and scheduling cannot guarantee run-time load balancing. Run-time imbalanced workload can be caused by at least three reasons:

  1. 1.

    Uneven hardware configuration. Not all nodes are equally configured. In a realistic distributed environment, not all computer nodes are equipped with exactly the same class of processors, memory, and disks. Also, not all nodes are equally distanced. Computation on and communication with different nodes can thus take different amount of time to complete.

  2. 2.

    Resource contention. Distributed data centers must deal with a large number of simultaneous computation tasks. It is impossible to ask all nodes to be in a quiesce mode when PLDA+ is being executed. Therefore, PLDA+ can be slowed down by tass competing for resources.

  3. 3.

    Failures. When a large number of nodes are involved, the probability of failure becomes non-negligible. When a processor or a router fails, no static scheme can continue ensuring balanced workload among all nodes.

PLDA+ deals with run-time dynamics by employing two simple approaches. First, PLDA+ uses a reset and timeout scheme. When a \(P_w\) node notices that the number of requests in its work queue has reached a threshold, it informs all \(P_d\) nodes to reset their pointers into the circular queue depicted in Fig. 12.6. In each request, the \(P_d\) node also registers a deadline. When the deadline has expired, the \(P_w\) node discards that request and proceeds to processing the next request. Occasionally missing a round of Gibbs Sampling does not affect overall performance due to the stochastic nature of Gibbs sampling.

If a \(P_w\) node has missed too many request deadlines, then PLDA+ replicates that node to balance workload. For the details of a data replication scheme that can guarantee balanced workload in probability, please consult our previous work in [22].

12.4.6 Parameters and Complexity

In this section, we discuss the parameters that may influence the performance of PLDA+. We also analyze the complexity of PLDA+ compared to other distributed methods represented by AD-LDA. Parameters

Given the total number of processors P, the first parameter is the proportion of the number of \(P_w\) processors to \(P_d\) processors, \(\gamma = {\frac{P_w} {P_d}}.\) The larger the value of \(\gamma,\) the more processors serve as \(P_w,\) and hence the average time of communication at \(P_d\) processors decreases. At the same time, the average time of Gibbs sampling will increase due to less processors are used to perform that CPU-bound task. A good system design must balance the number of \(P_w\) and \(P_d\) processors to (1) make both computation and communication time low, and (2) ensure that communication is short enough to be masked by computation. This parameter can be derived once the average time for Gibbs sampling and communication of the word-topic matrix is known. Suppose the total time of Gibbs sampling for the whole data set is \(T_s,\) the communication time of transferring the topic distributions of all words from one processor to another processor is \(T_t.\) For \(P_d\) processors, the sampling time will be \(T_s/P_d.\) Suppose topic distributions of words can be simultaneously transferred to \(P_w\) processors, and thus transfer time will be \(T_t/P_w.\) To make sure the sampling time can overlap the fetching and updating process, PLDA+ thus must make sure that

$$ {\frac{T_s}{P_d}} > {{2T_t}\over {P_w}}. $$

Suppose \(T_s = W \bar{t}_s\; \hbox{where}\;\bar{t}_s\) is the average sampling time for all instances of a word, and \(T_t = W \bar{t}_f = W \bar{t}_u,\; \hbox{where}\;\bar{t}_f\; \hbox{and}\;\bar{t}_u\) are the average fetching and update time for a word, we can get

$$ \gamma = {\frac{P_w}{P_d}} > {\frac{\bar{t}_f+\bar{t}_u} {\bar{t}_s}}, $$

where \(\bar{t}_f, \bar{t}_u\; \hbox{and}\;\bar{t}_s\) can be obtained by performing PLDA+ on a small data set and then empirically set a appropriate \(\gamma\) value. Under the computing environment of our experiments, we empirically set \(\gamma = 3/5.\)

The second parameter is the number of threads in thread pool R, which caps the number of parallel IO requests. Since thread pool is used to prevent from being blocked by some busy \(P_w\) processors and thus R is determined by the network environment. The setting of R can be empirically tuned during Gibbs sampling. That is, when the waiting time during the previous iteration is large, the thread pool size is increased.

The third parameter is the number of requests F for pre-fetching topic distributions before performing Gibbs sampling on \(P_d\) processors. This parameter is dependent on R.

The last parameter is the maximum interval \({\it inter}_{max}\) for fetching overall topic counts from all \(P_w\) processors during Gibbs Sampling of \(P_d\) processors. This parameter influences the quality of PLDA+. Experiments show that in order to learn LDA models with similar quality to AD-LDA and LDA, \({\it inter}_{max}\) should be set to \(W.\)

It should be noted that the optimal values of the parameters of PLDA+ are highly related to the distributed environment including network bandwidth and processor speed. Complexity

Table 12.2 summarizes the complexity of \(P_d\) processors and \(P_w\) processors in both time and space. For comparison, the table also lists the complexity of LDA and AD-LDA. We assume \(P = P_w + P_d\) when comparing PLDA+ with AD-LDA.

Table 12.2 Algorithm complexity

Finally, let us analyze the speedup efficiency of PLDA+. Suppose \(\delta \rightarrow 0\; \hbox{and}\;\gamma={\frac{P_w} {P_d}}\) for PLDA+, the ideal parallel efficiency will be always:

$$ \hbox {speedup efficiency} = {\frac{S/P} {S/P_d}} = {\frac{P_d}{P}} = {\frac{1} {1 + \gamma}}, $$

where S denotes the running time of LDA on a single machine, S/P is the ideal time cost using P processors, and \(S/P_d\) is the ideal time achieved by PLDA+ with communication completely masked by Gibbs sampling.

12.5 Experimental Results

This section compares the performance of PLDA+ and AD-LDA. The comparisons help understand benefits of data placement and pipeline processing strategies.

12.5.1 Datasets and Experiment Environment

We used four datasets shown in Table 12.3 to conduct experiments. The NIPS dataset consists of scientific articles appeared at NIPS conferences. Dianping dataset consists of restaurant reviews from . NIPS and Dianping datasets are both relatively small, and we used them to carry out training-quality assessment. Two Wikipedia datasets were collected from English Wikipedia articles of the March 2008 snapshot from . By setting the size of vocabulary to 20,000 and 200,000, respectively, the two Wikipedia datasets are named Wiki-20T and Wiki-200T. These two large datasets were used for testing scalability of PLDA+. The experiment environment was run on distributed machines with 2,048 processors, each with a 2 HZ CPU, 3 GB memory, and disk allocation of 100 GB.

Table 12.3 Detailed information of data sets

12.5.2 Perplexity

We used test set perplexity to measure the quality of LDA models learned by various distributed methods for LDA. Perplexity is a common way of evaluating language models in natural language processing, computed as:

$$ \hbox{Perp}({\mathbf x}^{{\rm test}})=\exp\left(-{\frac{1} {N^{{\rm test}}}}\log p({\mathbf x}^{\hbox {test}})\right), $$

where \({\mathbf x}^{{\rm test}}\) denotes test set. A lower test perplexity value indicates a better quality. For every test document in the test set, we randomly designated half the words for fold-in, and the remaining words were used for testing. The document mixture \(\theta_j\) was learned using the fold-in part, and the log probability of the test words was computed using this mixture. This ensures the test words were not used in estimating model parameters. The perplexity computation follows the standard way of averaging over multiple chains when making predictions with LDA models trained via Gibbs sampling as shown in [8]. For PLDA+ and LDA, the test perplexity was computed using S = 40 samples from the posteriors of 40 independent chains using:

$$ \log p({\mathbf x}^{{\rm test}})=\sum_{j, w}n_{jw}^{\hbox {test}}\log {\frac{1} {S}}\sum_{k}\theta_{kj}^{S}\phi_{wk}^{S}, $$


$$ \theta_{kj} = {\frac{C_{kj}^{S} + \alpha}{\sum_{k=1}^T C_{kj}^{S} + T\alpha}}, \quad \phi_{wk} = {\frac{C_{wk}^{S} + \beta} {\sum_{w=1}^W C_{wk}^{S} + W\beta }}. $$

To compare the quality of PLDA+ to single-machine LDA and distributed AD-LDA, we computed the test perplexity for all methods after each iteration of Gibbs sampling going through a round of whole vocabulary. The test perplexities on NIPS with the number of topics K = 10, 20, 40, 80, and Dianping with K = 8, 16, 32, 64 are shown in Figs. 12.10 and 12.11, respectively. (Since we concerned only about training quality, the number of machines used in this experiment may not be relevant.)

Fig. 12.10
figure 10

Test perplexity on NIPS versus # topics T when the number of iterations is 400 (See color insert)

Fig. 12.11
figure 11

Test perplexity on Dianping versus \# topics T when the number of iterations is 400 (See color insert)

From both figures we can see that the quality of PLDA+ is similar to single-machine LDA and distributed AD-LDA. Thus, we can conclude that PLDA+ can train as good a model as traditional LDA methods.

Figures 12.12 and 12.13 show the convergence of test perplexity versus \(\#\) of iteration for LDA, AD-LDA and PLDA+ on NIPS and Dianping with different number of processors. (The parameters were set as depicted in Sect. 12.5.2.) The figures show the convergence rate of PLDA+ is virtually identical to LDA and AD-LDA.

Fig. 12.12
figure 12

Convergence of test perplexity versus iteration on NIPS with T = 80 (See color insert)

Fig. 12.13
figure 13

Convergence of test perplexity versus iteration on Dianping with T = 64 (See color insert)

12.5.3 Speedups and Scalability

The primary motivation for developing distributed algorithms for LDA is to achieve a good speedup. In this section, we report the speedup of PLDA+ comparing to AD-LDA. We used Wiki-20T and Wiki-200T for speedup experiments. By setting the number of topics T = 1,000, we ran PLDA+ and AD-LDA on Wiki-20T using P = 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1,024 processors, and on Wiki-200T using P = 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024 and 2,048 processors. For PLDA+, the ratio of \(P_w P_d\) was empirically set to \(\gamma = 0.6\) according to the unit sampling time and transferring time. The number of threads in a thread pool is 50, which is sufficient to handle the peak load. As analyzed in Sect., the ideal speedup efficiency of PLDA+ is \({\frac{1} {1+\gamma}}=0.625.\)

Figure 12.14 compares speedup performance. The speedup was computed relative to the time per iteration when using P = 64 processors, because it was not possible to run the algorithms on a smaller number of processors due to memory limitations. We assumed that the speedup on P = 64 to be 64, and then extrapolated on that basis. From the figure, we can observe that when P increases, PLDA+ simply achieves much better speedup than AD-LDA, thanks to the much reduced communication bottleneck of PLDA+.

Fig. 12.14
figure 14

Parallel speedup results for 64 to 1,024 processors on Wiki-20T (see color insert)

Figure 12.15 compares the ratio of communication time over computation time when P = 1,024. The communication time of AD-LDA is 13.38 s, much longer than that of PLDA+’s 3.68 s. The communication time of AD-LDA is about the same as its computation time at P = 512.

Fig. 12.15
figure 15

Communication and sampling time 64 to 1,024 processors on Wiki-20T (see color insert)

From the results, we can conclude that: (1) when word-topic matrix is not large, PLDA+ performs similarly to AD-LDA, and when the number of processors increases to large enough (e.g., P = 512), PLDA+ begins to achieve better speedup than AD-LDA; (2) In fact, if we take the waiting time for synchronization in AD-LDA into consideration, the speedup of AD-LDA could have been even worse. For example, in a busy distributed computing environment, when P = 128, AD-LDA may take about 70 s for communication in which only about 10 s are used for transmitting word-topic matrix and most of time is used to wait for each other (Fig. 12.16).

Fig. 12.16
figure 16

Parallel speedup results for 64 to 2,048 processors on Wiki-200T (see color insert)

On the larger Wiki-200T dataset, the speedup of AD-LDA starts to flat out at P = 512, whereas PLDA continues to gain in speed. Footnote 1 For this dataset, we also list the sampling and communication time ratio of AD-LDA and PLDA+ in Fig. 12.17. As shown in this figure, PLDA+ keeps communication time to quite low values from P = 64 to P = 2,048. While for AD-LDA, the communication time finally became a bottleneck to prevent it from speedup as the number of processors grows. Though eventually the Amdahl’s law would kick in to cap speedup, it is evident that the reduced overhead of PLDA+ permits it to achieve much better speedup for training on larger datasets.

Fig. 12.17
figure 17

Communication and sampling time 64 to 2,048 processors on Wiki-200T (see color insert)

12.6 Large-Scale Applications

LDA has been shown effective in many tasks (e.g., [2325]). In this section, we use two large-scale applications, community recommendation of Google Orkut and label suggestion of Google Confucius [26], to demonstrate the usefulness of PLDA+.

12.6.1 Mining Social-Network User Latent Behavior

Users of social networking services (e.g., Orkut, Facebook, and MySpace) can connect to each other explicitly by adding friends, or implicitly by joining communities. When the number of communities grows over time, finding an interesting community to join can be time consuming. We use LDA to model users’ community membership [27]. On a matrix formed by users as rows and communities as columns, all values in user-community cells are initially unknown. When a user joins a community, the corresponding user-community cell is set to one. We apply LDA on the matrix to assign a probability value between zero and one to the unknown cells. When LDA assigns a high probability to a cell, this can be interpreted as a prediction that that cell’s user would be very interested in joining that cell’s community.

The work of [27] conducted experiments on a large community data set of 492,104 users and 118,002 communities in a privacy-preserved way. The experimental results show that PLDA V1.0 (AD-LDA based implementation) achieves effective performance for personalized community recommendation.

12.6.2 Question Labeling

Confucius is a Q&A system developed by my team at Google Beijing, and has been launched in more than 60 countries [26]. The goal of Question Labeling is to help organize and route questions with automatically recommended labels. The Question Labeling subroutine takes a question as the input and outputs an ordered list of labels that best describe the question. Labels consist of a set of words or phrases that best describe the topic or type of the question. Confucius allows at most five labels per question, but puts no limit on the size of the global label vocabulary. Confucius organizes the most important category labels into a two-layer hierarchy, in order to provide a better browsing experience. Question Labeling is used by two other subroutines: User Rank and Question Labeling . When ranking users, User Rank uses popular labels to compute the topic-dependent rank scores. Question Routing assigns questions to users via either subscription or expert identification, during which labels generated by Question Labeling are used for matching. The precision and recall of suggested labels are two important metrics for measuring Question Labeling performance. Precision measures the correctness of suggested labels, while recall measures the completeness.

Figure 12.18 shows the two parts of Question Labeling offline training and online suggestion. In the offline training part, we employ LDA to model the relationship between words and topic labels. The training data is the existing set of questions with user-submitted labels. First, we merge all questions with the same label l into a meta-document \(d_l,\) and form a set of meta-documents \(\{d_l\}\) (Fig. 12.18, Steps 1 and 2). Second, we remove all stop words and rare words to reduce the size of each meta-document (Step 3). Third, we use \(\{d_l\}\) as the corpus to train LDA models (Steps 5–6). The label corresponds to the document in LDA definition, while the words in the meta-documents correspond to the words. The resulted LDA model decomposes the probability Question Labeling —this is similar to the factor model in recommendation algorithms, expressed in terms of probabilities. Instead of a single model, Question Labeling trains several LDA models with different number of latent topics. Using multiple LDA models with different k-s is known as bagging, which typically outperforms a single model and avoids the difficult task of setting an optimal k, as discussed by Hofmann [28]. In the current Question Labeling Question Labeling system, the following numbers of topics are used: k = 32, 64, 128 and 256. We collect all LDA models into a set M (Step 7) and save it to disk. The training part works offline. To handle large training data, we use PLDA+ on thousands of machines in order to maintain training time within the range of a few hours.

Fig. 12.18
figure 18

Question Labeling subroutine

The online suggestion part assigns labels to a question as the user types it. The bottom half of Fig. 12.18 depicts the suggestion algorithm. First, we use each LDA model in M to infer the topic distributions \(\{\theta_{q,k}\}\) of the question q (Step 1). Then, we compute the cosine similarity \(CosSim(\theta_{q,k}, \theta_{d_l,k})\; \hbox{between}\;\theta_{q,k}\; \hbox{and}\;\theta_{d_l,k}\) (Step 2). Third, we use the mean similarity over different values of k as the final similarity S(q,l) between a question and a label (Step 3). Finally, we sort all \(l\in L\; \hbox{by}\;S(q,l)\) in descending order, and take the first N (say ten) labels as recommended ones (Step 4).

Using PLDA+ for Question Labeling has two benefits: semantic matching and scalability. PLDA+ decomposes each question and answer into a distribution over a set of latent topics. When encountering ambiguous words, PLDA+ can use the context to decide the correct semantics. For example, Question Labeling suggests only labels such as ‘mobile’ and ‘iPhone’ to the question How to crack an apple?, although the word apple also means the fruit “apple.” In addition, PLDA+ is designed to scale gracefully to more input data by employing more machines.

12.7 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter, we first presented the implementation of AD-LDA based on MPI. We then analyzed the communication bottleneck of AD-LDA. In order to reduce this communication bottleneck, PLDA+ divides processors into two types, namely \(P_d\) processors and \(P_w\) processors, and also employs pipeline-based Gibbs sampling (PGS). Though any distributed scheme may subject to pathological workload, PLDA+ appears to be resilient to substantial deadline misses caused by imbalanced workload. Extensive experiments on large-scale document collections demonstrated that PLDA+ can achieve much higher speedup than AD-LDA, thanks to both its improved load balancing and reduced communication overhead. From the experience with implementing PLDA+ we learned that on top of MapReduce or MPI, advanced strategies such as data placement and pipeline processing should be considered to further smooth out bottlenecks.