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Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis

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Cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis was, perhaps, first described by the ancient Egyptians in 1534 B.C. The medical papyrus of Ebers (Ebers papyrus 1875) comprises 110 pages and contains the description of two cases of tuberculosis of the cervical lymph nodes. These medical papyri were purchased in Luxor by Edwin Smith in 1862 and are now in the university library of Leipzig (see Chap. 1). Cervical lymph node tuberculosis is commonly known as scrofula, a Latin term for “glandular swelling” or from the French “full necked sow”.

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Madkour, M.M., Al-Kuhaymi, R. (2004). Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis. In: Madkour, M.M. (eds) Tuberculosis. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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