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Serologic Testing for Tuberculosis

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Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one-third of the world’s population is latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. From this pool, roughly 10 million active TB cases emerge annually, resulting in 2 to 3 million deaths. Early identification and proper treatment of individuals with active TB have a great impact on public health. The bacteriologic methods are either not sufficiently efficient and specific (acid-fast smear) or require an extended turn around time from the laboratory (culture isolation). The development of a rapid nonbacteriologic diagnostic test that is both sensitive and specific for active TB continues to be formidable. This difficulty is due, in part, to the inability of many tests to distinguish latent infection from active disease. This chapter focuses on the current serological methods to diagnose TB.

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Kotaru, C., Chan, E.D. (2004). Serologic Testing for Tuberculosis. In: Madkour, M.M. (eds) Tuberculosis. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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