1 Introduction

It is often posited that the user can be the “weakest link” [1] in information security, because even the strongest technical protection can be bypassed or undermined if an attacker successfully manipulates a user into divulging a password, opening a malicious file or visiting a compromised website. We begin by introducing the concept of “semantic social engineering attacks” formalised as Semantic Attack [31], which refers to a cyber threat targeting the user-computer interface as an attack vector, circumventing traditional technical security controls through user deception rather than by exploiting technical vulnerabilities. Common examples include phishing emails and websites, drive-by downloads, file and multimedia masquerading, domain typosquatting, malvertising and Trojan horse software to name a few.

Semantic attacks target human nature as a unique and distinct vulnerability in a computer system’s security by triggering key emotional, behavioural and cognitive processes designed to elicit specific user response which allows an attacker to defeat a system’s information security. Semantic attacks can be highly successful because without the requisite training and conditioning for threat detection (consider an operating system without the defense of antivirus scrutinising each and every system call it is being asked to make), human nature tends towards trust rather than mistrust. As a result, the threat is ubiquitous and the variation between attack vectors (such as their degree of complexity and target platform) is extreme, ranging from state-backed Advanced Persistent Threats employing multi-stage/platform attack vectors to that of script kiddies and pay-as-you-go bots generating automated phishing emails campaigns. Due to the vast problem space, attacks can be technically basic [34, 39, 40], highly complex [41, 60] or a combination of the two [36, 61].

Over the years, numerous defenses have been proposed at scientific research level to target exploitations such as website and phishing attacks [42,43,44,45, 62], as well as at commercial level [5, 6, 18,19,20]. However, they almost always fail to consider the wider problem space in which semantic attacks pose a threat, the result of which is the design of technical mitigations to address very specific attack vectors, lacking the flexibility to detect conceptually similar attacks across different platforms. Furthermore, over the years traditional deception-based attacks, such as phishing emails, spoofed websites and drive-by downloads, have shifted to new platforms in social media [35], cloud applications [36] and near field communications [37], and the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) [38] will extend considerably the impact of semantic attacks through threats to physical space. The more effective semantic “cyber-physical” attacks prove [2], the larger the threat space becomes.

1.1 A Brief History of Semantic Attacks in Computer Systems

Semantic social engineering attacks first emerged in computer systems as early as 1989 when the “AIDS Information Introductory Diskette” Trojan [63] was sent to a mailing group in which Dr Joseph Popp, the Trojan’s author, subscribed. To gain access to a computer system, a diskette pertaining to contain information about the AIDS virus deceived the recipients into inserting it into their system. The diskette contained a Cryptovirus [64] which ransomed users for money by encrypting their systems files. Another noteworthy semantic attack appeared a year later, introducing what we call today “Scareware”. The malware, aptly named Nightmare [7], was distributed via diskettes called “Fish Disks” designed to share applications between Amiga computer systems. On execution, every five minutes Nightmare would hijack the computer screen for 0.8 s to display a full-screen image of a skull with bullet wound and blood leaking out, whilst playing a loud shriek on the speakers. The malware posed no obvious risk to user data, but the concept of scaring/panicking a user would later be employed by many cyber criminals to force users into opening malware or paying for fraudulent services [46]. In 1995, new attacks were specifically designed to exploit users accessing resources over a new open network, called the Internet. Domain investor John Zuccarini introduced the concept of Typosquatting or Cybersquatting, where cyber criminals would purchase domain names that were similar to those of legitimate websites. Users who mistyped the domain name URL of a legitimate website would be redirected to a malicious or fraudulent website. During the same year, service provider America Online (AOL) experienced growing success with a popular instant messaging tool, which hackers soon realised that it could be exploited, and developed an attack tool that lead to the first use of the term “phishing”. AOHell [47] contained a “fisher” tool that enabled hackers to steal passwords and financial information by generating instant messages to random AOL users with content such as: “Hi, this is AOL Customer Service. We are running a security check and need to verify your account. Please enter your username and password to continue”.

Over the next decade, phishing attacks became widespread. In 2000, the infamous ILOVEYOU “worm”Footnote 1 contained a malicious visual basic script titled “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs” [9], initially spreading through corporate Philippine mailing lists and eventually affecting over 45 million computers systems worldwide. This attack was copied a year later in 2001 by the Anna Kournikova worm, using the same worm generating script [48]. The same year, the first known phishing attack against a financial institution was discovered, where E-Gold users were targeted with emails tricking them into entering their passwords into phishing websites [10]. Leading up to today, the rapid growth of the Internet, multimedia services and mobile platforms, have enabled semantic attacks to spread further into Android devices [49], peripheral hardware accelerated by direct memory access [11] (e.g., Thunderbolt and Firewire devices), file sharing networks [50], search engine optimisation engines [65] and drive-by malware on websites [51], and the landscape continues to expand. For example, the advent of online social networks and increase in online social media has introduced a paradigm shift in Internet communication where platform functionality promotes openness and information sharing amongst users. This online social paradigm has enabled cyber criminals to take advantage of “friend” recommendations, user “posts” and sharing of media or apps that are replicated and automated with the network [12, 35, 52]. Also concerning is the potential for semantic attacks to result in physical impact, through cyber-physical and IoT systems.

In Fig. 1, we provide a timeline of high-profile semantic attacks identifying the chronological emergence and persistence of different types.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Timeline of notable semantic attacks

1.2 Characterising the Extreme Diversity in Semantic Attacks

There exist over 35 individually types or variations of semantic attack, existing within and cross-contaminating between different platforms and systems (Table 1).

Table 1 Different types of semantic attack observed in today’s computer systems

2 The Scale of the Threat Today: Characterising the Impact of Semantic Attacks

Semantic attack statistics have been dominated by phishing incidents due to their widespread use by cyber criminals and consistent success in breaching computer systems. A 2012 report by Trend Micro identified that over 90% of targeted malware attacks discovered were initiated through spear-phishing [13]. In 2014, Social Engineer reported that 90% of the 129 billion emails sent daily are malicious. Clicking on email links accounted for 80% of reported phishing attacks, and phishing itself represented 77% of all socially-based attacks [14]. In 2015, Statista reported that phishing and deception-based attacks accounted for 62% of all cyber attacks experienced by companies world-wide [15], with 59% reported by US companies alone [16]. Furthermore, the average time to resolve this type of attack for a US-based company was 20 days [17], with damages of 12% for medium and 16% for large enterprises’ total operating costs. The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) produce yearly statistics related to the current trends across a multitude of different phishing attacks that are reported from around the world to their online phishing repository. We have compiled data from the APWG phishing activity trends report archive [3] for years 2008 to 2016, illustrating in Fig. 2 that the number of phishing reports received by APWG is dramatically increasing.

Fig. 2
figure 2

APWG phishing report statistics for years 2008–2016 [3]

The Internet Security Threat Report, a yearly security study produced by Symantec, expands beyond traditional phishing statistics and organises semantic attacks amongst four categories: mobile and IoT, social media and spam, web threats and targeted attacks. Figures 2, 3 and 4 summarise a number of semantic attacks and threats utilising deception techniques from years 2012 to 2016 [4]. For mobile platforms, from 2012 to 2016 approximately 14.8 million apps were categorised as malware; with a further 22.4 million apps categoried as grayware. Malware and grayware require users to agree to install applications, granting aggressive permissions to the applications on the device, irrespective of whether any further deception techniques are used (e.g., during app usage); which indicates low user awareness of mobile app vulnerabilities where users are likely to be deceived by a lack of perceived threat. Social media attacks were consistently shown to be propagated largely by users manually sharing posts and apps amongst friends and groups, instead of automated “free offerings” (e.g., surveys and malvertisements) that were dominant in 2013; further highlighting the vulnerability of users behaviour in online social network platforms. Spear phishing campaigns were also observed to have consistently increased over the period of 2013 to 2015, whilst the number of recipients per campaign have decreased by an average of 25% each year, which may indicate that attackers are developing methods for spear phishing which require fewer targets for successful exploitation and are more difficult to detect. Whilst spear phishing attacks continue to target the financial sector, attackers are now often targeting the energy and health-care sectors too (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Classification of mobile apps analysed by Symantec during 2012–2016 (left), Distribution method of social networks and social media scams/attacks by percent from 2013–2015 (right) [4]

Fig. 4
figure 4

Number of spear phishing campaigns and average number of attack recipients per campaign from 2013–2015 (left), top industries targeted by spear phishing attacks in 2015, ordered by majority percentage (right) [4]

3 Attacking the Weakest Link: Designing, Developing and Launching Semantic Attacks

Towards a core and collective understanding of semantic attack composition, beyond individual attacks on specific platforms, we start by exploring the specific characteristics which formulate the design, development and distribution of semantic attacks. To illustrate the functional components of a semantic attack, we employ taxonomy in [31], describing the generic schematic structures of semantic attacks, which apply irrespective of specific attack vectors that may be used (e.g., specific platform user interface). Next, we apply this approach on notable real world semantic attacks.

3.1 Generic Attack Structure

Semantic attacks, irrespective of attack vector, follow a generic functional structure in terms of design and delivery [31]. The high-level structure can be seen as comparable to any kind of cyber threat in that it consists orchestration, exploitation and execution. Orchestration consists of user targeting (including information gathering), distribution and automation parameters, exploitation is the application of deception vectors (to elicit compromising user actions) and their technical construction through the user interface, and execution is the functional interaction required by the user during attack runtime and the persistence of the deception vector(s) after the attack is complete. Below, we summarise each of these individual elements as to their functional behaviour in semantic attack design and illustrate the process in Fig. 5.

  • Target description. The targeting parameters of the semantic attack. Typically, this is a target user (an individual or organisation) or target platform. The former constitutes “explicit” targeting, which requires tailored attack delivery and may predetermine the method of distribution, automation and deception vectors to employ after a information gathering phase. By comparison, a specific user interface platform is a form of “promiscuous” targeting, as the attack vector does not control who is exposed, the functionality of the target platform and the behaviours of the users do (e.g., social media sharing).

  • Method of Distribution. The means by which a semantic attack reaches a target platform or user. There are two means of distribution: software or hardware, the latter of which can also result in subsequent software executed distribution. Hardware is always a local distribution vector (e.g., within physical proximity of the user), while software is local (i.e., through a hardware interface) or remote (over a distributed application and network i.e., the Internet). For local hardware interaction, examples include direct memory access peripherals (e.g., Firewire), local hardware with software executed distribution is a system that is locally interfaced with a target system (as initiated by the user), with physical communication and software execution (e.g., USB flash drives).

  • Method of Automation. The degree of attacker supervision of the semantic attack activation and administration. An attack can be fully automated by predefining all its functional procedures in a format similar to worms, whereby the attack contains all of the procedural code necessary to operate without specific attacker execution, interaction or administration. The degree of automation depends on the functionality of the target platform and the behaviour of its user base. For highly targeted attacks that require tailored deception vectors which are meaningful to specific user(s) or organisational attributes, manual attacker operation may be required. This includes activities such as specifying when the attack is executed, or responding in real-time to user interaction (e.g., instant messaging). The degree of attack automation is dependent on the target description.

  • Deception Vector. The deception techniques designed to persuade the target user(s) into performing a compromising action. The deception techniques developed for a semantic attack effectively represent the human exploitation parameters which persuade the user into performing a compromising action (e.g., clicking on a URL, or opening a executable file). At a high level, deception within a semantic attack has three modes. Firstly, the use of cosmetic, visually convincing deception by masquerading as a legitimate entity (through a specific user computer interface design), secondly behavioural deception by conforming to system convention in respect to expectations of user interface functionality and response to user interaction and thirdly a hybrid combination of cosmetic and behavioural deception.

  • Interface Manipulation. The technical implementation of an semantic attacks deception vector(s). Interface manipulation is the technical means used to establish a semantic attacks deception vector on a target platform’s user interface. There are two ways in which this achieved, either through (ab)using legitimate platform functionality or programmatically modifying and or spoofing it in order to change appearance of behaviour.

  • Executions steps. The number of functional steps an attack requires the user to carry out in order to execute the exploitation payload. The primary interaction with a semantic attack is the corresponding user action in response to exposure to its deception vector(s). Depending on the attacks required users actions, this can be a single step (e.g., a single user click) or multiple steps (e.g., multiple users clicks) in order for the attacks exploitation to complete; or as the means direct the user to another semantic attack in the attack chain.

  • Attack persistence. The persistent level of deception after user exploitation. After successful exploitation, it is rare for a deception vector to continuing executing, as typically exploitation is a one-off procedure to forward the user to another semantic attack in a attack chain or as the user action has enabled execution of the intended attack payload. However, in some cases a semantic attack will continually execute deception vectors, as is common with Scareware.

Fig. 5
figure 5

High-level attack model showing the interactions between each behavioural function within semantic social engineering attacks

Semantic attacks follow the same functional structure, regardless of whether they are executed as individual semantic attacks or chained together within a multi-phase attack. Each individual semantic attack is distinguished by its functional elements (as per Fig. 6), even if in practice certain parameters, such as the target description and method of distribution, are shared as a consequence of attack chaining. To illustrate this, Fig. 7 provides an abstract example of a single semantic attack against a chain semantic attack model, and Fig. 8 provides examples of how multiple individual semantic attacks form a multi-phase semantic attack through chaining.

Fig. 6
figure 6

High-level structure of a semantic social engineering attack illustrated as series of linear steps which together formulate the design, development and execution behaviour of a semantic attack [31]

Fig. 7
figure 7

Attack models for a single phase (top) and multi-phase (bottom) semantic attack. Here each individual attack (e.g. semantic 1 …n), is formulated by and therefore contains the linear structured criteria and corresponding parameters defined in Fig. 6

Fig. 8
figure 8

Examples of single (top) and multi-phase semantic attacks (middle and bottom). Here the waterhole vulnerability is a one step attack requiring that a target simply visit the infected website for the attack to complete. For the typosquating attack, after a user visits the website, they are then prompted with a scareware download, which formulates a second phase semantic attack in the attack chain. For the spear phishing email, the user must download a masqueraded file, which consitutes the second phase semantic attack through user execution of the file to complete the attack

3.2 Semantic Attacks in the Press

In the following attacks, we employ these generic attack structure principles to provide a low-level breakdown of three notable semantic attacks: Spear phishing, QR code phishing and multimedia masquerading on social network platforms.

3.2.1 The Podesta Spear-Phishing E-mails

During the 2016 United States presidential election race, John Podesta, former chief of staff to Bill Clinton (and at the time chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign), received an email purportedly from Google with a warning that his Gmail account had received a sign-in attempt from an IP address in Ukraine. It advised Podesta “you should change your password immediately”, including a blue “CHANGE PASSWORD” box to be clicked. This attack was part of a chained semantic attack process, whereas once this button was clicked, Podesta’s Gmail account was redirected to a Google login phishing page, where his credentials were entered and ultimately stolen, giving the attackers access to over fifty thousand emails with highly sensitive exchanges and data related to the Hilary Clinton presidential campaign. In Table 2 we take a closer look at the low-level configuration of this spear phishing email, illustrating the attacks visual deception in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Gmail spear phish attack against US former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The top email body illustrates the spoofed gmail login alert with a change password button, with the bottom image showing the malicious link obfuscated by the button

Table 2 Podesta spear-phishing e-mail attack

3.2.2 WhatsApp “Jack” (QRLjacking)

In 2016, ethical hacker Mohamed Abd Elbaset demonstrated how to hack the WhatsApp web connectivity service (which is associated to a WhatsApp account) by employing a variation of QR code phishing (Qrishing). Unlike previous QRishing attacks which opted to generate QR code with malicious URLs, this attack employs the concept of QR link jacking where the attacker creates a legitimate client side browser session to WhatsApp web service to generate a QR code and forwards this legitimate QR code through a phishing webpage to the victim. Here, QR link phishing would normally be logically ordered after a phishing email in a chained set of semantic attacks. If the attacker has access to the victim’s network, a phishing email can be replaced by using ARP cache poisoning to forward the victim to the phishing website. On scanning the legitimate QR code, the victim’s WhatsApp account on their mobile device registers with the WhatsApp service, which subsequently allows the attackers to register their connection to the WhatsApp web application with the victim’s accounts. This results in the attacker having full access to any data transmitted from the victim’s WhatsApp application on their device (Table 3).

Fig. 10
figure 10

WhatsApp QR link hijacking attack (initiated via sending a target victim a phishing website link). Here the spoofed QR code is automatically refreshed through the Javascript that has been copied from the legitimate WhatsApp authentication page

Table 3 QRcode phishing link jacking attack

Facebook video masquerading (Fig. 11)


The attack targets all Facebook users


The fake video is distributed through social media profile timelines, provided as feeds to a profile’s subscribers or friends through the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm; this increases the virality of the fake video post based on popularity such as post comments and links


The video masquerading post is automated once launched, whereby user sharing behaviour enables the video to be spread through inbuilt Facebook functionality. The process of redirection to a fake video website also requires no attacker intervention. It is a URL that activates once the image is clicked on


By superimposing the Facebook specific play video button on the image and augmenting the post with fake comments, the video masquerading attack utilises crude visual deception


The attack is constructed by simply creating a timeline post from a Facebook account and attaching the doctored image; using standard inbuilt Facebook functionality to embed the image as a hyperlink to an external website


Once the fake video image is clicked by a user, the Facebook video deception vector is complete and the victim is forwarded to the secondary semantic attack

Fig. 11
figure 11

The “Hungry Bear” Facebook video masquerading. The top image shows the fake Facebook video post of a bear allegedly attacking a woman, which once clicked directs the user to a new web page prompting the user to complete a survey that harvests sensitive user information to watch the spoofed video (bottom image)

3.2.3 The Case of the Facebook “Hungry Bear”

In 2009, there was an incident in a Berlin zoo where a lady jumped into a polar bear enclosure, which she subsequently survived. Soon, a Facebook multimedia masquerading scam emerged, using a doctored image, which appeared to be clickable video. The video was an image with a superimposed play video icon button, which redirected users to a secondary semantic attack in the form of a typical scam video webpage coercing the victim into completing a pop-up survey for access to the video and installing malware.

4 Methods for Defense Against Semantic Attacks

The extreme diversity of semantic attacks has led to many types of defenses proposed, often with multiple techniques developed for a single type (especially, phishing emails). Most defense mechanisms aiming to protect against the wider semantic attack space remain experimental products of research without integration or long-term empirical validation. So, the problem space is left with research and commercial tools which address only a small portion of the problem space. Here, we analyse the different defense approaches. We have already shown that individual types of semantic attack, irrespective of attack vector, are composed of the same functional elements. We have illustrated that individual semantic attacks can be used in attack chaining to direct users from one semantic attack to another to deliver the desired attack payload, and that in this composite attack architecture, some attack parameters such as targeting and automation can be shared across attacks. By focusing on both technical and non-technical mitigation concepts, rather than conducting an exhaustive search of the defense literature across all possible attack vectors (of which there are many, see Table 1), here we take a view of defense according to key concepts that would address the wider semantic attack problem space. This is because relying solely on the low-level functionality of any single defense is insufficient as a means for defending against the wider threat space. Here, we consider defense across three complementary dimensions, which may offer a holistic defense architecture against semantic attacks: Semantic attack killchain for targeted defense simplification; principles for preemptive and proactive protection for passive threats; and platform based defense-in-depth lifecycle designed to harness technical and non-technical defense capabilities of platform providers and their user base.

4.1 Semantic Attack Killchain: Defense Simplification

A primary aim for lasting and practical defense against semantic attacks is to address a wide range of attack vectors without introducing considerable complexity. Intuitively, it is possible to limit the number and types of user interfaces in which to target defense mechanisms by focusing defense on initial (i.e., entry) attack vectors, that if mitigated, would serve to kill a wider semantic attack chain. In line with Lockheed Martin’s killchain model [70], we refer to this as the semantic attack killchain. For example, consider a phishing email containing a URL to an attack website, where once clicked the user is forwarded to a drive by download resulting in infection with a Trojan horse spyware application. Focusing on the individual semantic attacks in the attack chain (e.g., the drive-by download), rather than its possible permutations (phishing email → attack website → drive-by download → spyware), simplifies the objective of defense. In the above example, the spyware would be thwarted by blocking the phishing email or the attack website or the drive-by download.

Figure 12 illustrates how a semantic attack killchain architecture is constructed. Firstly, the aim is to identify the different entry vectors by which a semantic attack may target and reach an organisation/individual (which may change based on the environment context and platforms used). The purpose is to help establish an indicative threat landscape by highlighting the means by which both single and multi-phase semantic attacks pose a risk to technical security. Determining the potential entry vectors of semantic attacks then simplifies the strategic placement of defence mechanisms to both address semantic attacks that rely on attack chains in order execute certain deception vectors, as well as minimising the number of different defence systems required to be implemented to address such threats specifically. In Fig. 13, an example of how a semantic attack killchain would function is illustrated.

Fig. 12
figure 12

The semantic attack killchain architecture aims to simplify the object of defence by providing a means to identify key platform entry vectors for semantic attacks. The aim is to design and implement defences which address a wide range of attacks whilst reducing the complexity of security mechanisms employed

Fig. 13
figure 13

Here an (1) abstract semantic attack chain from Table 7 is illustrated to show how a semantic attack consisting of multiple phases can be effectively nullified by addressing defence against the attack parameters of its first phase. By example, using the spear phishing threat example from Fig. 8 (2), we can see that by simply blocking the spear phishing attack as the first phase of the semantic attack chain, all subsequent phases and attack vectors can be averted. Equally, by blocking a malicious URL on a website, a malicious Dropbox share hosting PDF file malware can be also be prevented from deceiving the user into downloading and opening the file (3)

Table 7 Summary of preemptive and proactive defenses based on generic semantic attack components

Table 4 provides an indicative list of common user interface platforms required to distribute different semantic attacks. For the instant messaging and website distribution categories, we include functionality observed in modern social media and networking sites, chat forums and message boards, whereas for the Appstore category we include the functionality provided by online webstores, appstore and app marketplaces for mobile devices. The table shows that prevalent user interfaces are website platforms, followed by email and instant messaging platforms. However, for an attacker to initiate a targeted user attack (Target Description =  “Explicit”), direct communication with a specific victim user is always required. Therefore, the sole use of a website or appstore interface as the primary distribution for user targeting becomes impractical for attackers as it limits the types of attack vectors available – especially for targeted attacks (thus introducing the need for an attack chain). For instance, if a website were the primary distribution means for a targeted exploit, the attacker may need to develop a complicated waterhole attack after finding a vulnerable platform that their target visits, ensuring that the deception vector for the target only activates for their specific browser’s user agent string; this approach is of course complex and time consuming and therefore of less practicality to threat actors. In the same sense, for an appstore, or network (Net) or hardware (H/W) interface, simplicity is reduced by the need to direct the users through some means to these platform types. As a result, attackers often first rely on an initial unsolicited communication vector as distribution dependency in an attack chain, such as the use of email or instant messages containing a link to the target platform where a secondary semantic attack is positioned. As a basic high-level example of defense simplification against targeted semantic attacks specifically, for unsolicited targeted attacks (e.g., attacker directly contacts the target) the killchain can be reduced from 28 to 9 different attacks. The corresponding attacks and distribution platforms are shown in Table 5. The number can be further reduced if an attacker does not have control of a website for a waterhole and Bluetooth snarfing is mitigated by simply turning off Bluetooth. Further analysis of Table 5 shows that by developing defense mechanisms for email or instant messaging platforms would address 6 of the remaining different semantic attack vectors.

Table 4 Methods of distribution required to directly exposure target users to corresponding semantic attacks
Table 5 Example of reduced semantic attack vectors by killchain platform defense

For completeness, in Table 6 we expand beyond the key killchain defences identified in Table 5 by further identifying applicable protection mechanisms that have been proposed for the wider landscape of different semantic attacks (Table 1). While we have no expectation to provide an exhaustive literature characterisation for such a long list of attacks, here, a sample of defense mechanisms and literature papers on each of these attacks provides a useful tool for evaluating the current protection mechanisms against these threats. Here, we aim to identify existing approaches to defence that can be employed in unison with the semantic attack killchain to establish a practical and selective means of holistic defence against semantic attacks.

Table 6 The application of defence

The examples in Table 5 largely agree with recent commercial defense products focusing on messaging platforms. Currently, most major email (Gmail [23], Microsoft Outlook [24], Yahoo [22]) and antivirus (Norton [25], Kaspersky [18], Sophos [20]) providers claim to have integrated robust detection capabilities for email threats.

Table 6 (continued)

In general, the utility of the semantic attack killchain can be expanded as a function of defense strategy across multiple and independent platforms, where platform providers aim to simplify their own semantic attack security by focusing protection mechanisms to address specific user interface functionality that would also serve to thwart other potential deception vectors that this may lead to through attack chaining. For instance, in the case of the social networking platform Facebook, focusing defense measures on Facebook Messenger as a distribution mechanism to plant malicious links to other semantic attacks within Facebook (e.g., Facebook pages with malicious content, fake Facebook videos, file masquerading etc.) or external phishing websites would serve as a killchain that simultaneously addressed multiple deception-based threats distributed on or via the Facebook platform.

4.2 Principles for Preemptive and Proactive Protection Against Semantic Attacks

The use of a semantic attack killchain helps to simplify the placement and scope of defense against semantic attacks by reducing to what kind of platforms and where in those platforms to place defenses; with the aim to reduce the diversity of where an attacker can initiate the exposure of a semantic attack on a given platform. However, the killchain method alone cannot cater for the unpredictability of user access to different computer platforms through passive activity. That is, where a user inadvertently exposes themselves to a semantic attack through their computing habits and behaviour. For example, the effectiveness of a semantic killchain blocking certain semantic attacks by placing defenses within an email platform is effectively bypassed if a user chooses them self to access a malicious website or application directly, without being coerced to by an attacker. It is necessary therefore to design defenses to protect against user activity and behaviour which may expose users to passive semantic attack threats. Namely, preemptive (prevention of semantic attack execution) and proactive (detection and treatment of semantic attack exposure) system security. However, it remains a continued challenge to develop best practice preemptive and proactive defense techniques when their exists such extreme diversity between semantic attacks, even when they employ conceptually similar deception vectors across multiple disparate platforms. To address this complexity, it is valuable to revisit the generic semantic attack structure in Sect. 3.1 and analyse each modular component of a semantic attack to develop insights for establishing generic principles of preemptive and proactive defense that are independent of individual attack vectors. Below, we provide instructional examples for eliciting key parameters that aid the construction of preemptive and proactive defense mechanisms based on each generic semantic attack component, as well providing corresponding examples of defense systems that have been developed in research and commercial platforms. Figure 14 summarises the key defense considerations for each individual component of a semantic attacks structure.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Defense considerations with the generic semantic attack model. Here, the semantic attack model is employed as a template framework to develop defence measures against key aspects of an attack’s construction and behaviour

  • Target description. Distinguish between the different of targeting parameters across a range of semantic attack to identify both distinct and common conditions for exposure. For example, whether a user is at risk due to their identity (so that these attributes can be monitored and evaluated), or whether a users passive computer (whether personal or work related) usage inadvertently exposes them to certain semantic attacks.

    Recent advances in the detection of spear phishing email have demonstrated that by monitoring explicit user attributes and interactions in email content, corresponding meta-data can be learned proactively to generate anomalous behaviour facilitating the detection of spear phishing. For example, in 2015 researchers Stringhini and Thonnard developed a prototype spear phishing classification engine which collected and profiled behavioural features associated to email writing style, composition, communication context (e.g., time/date, email chain, contact interaction) within a support vector machine learning system to detect compromised email accounts. Similarly, commercial security vendor Barracuda [21] have introduced a spear phishing detection system called Sentinel that monitors an organisations communication history based on specific user email interactions as a context feature-set to train an artificial intelligence system to predict and prevent future attacks.

  • Method of Distribution. Identify platforms that are involved in an attack to provide defense developers with the insight to choose which remote (e.g., involving a network) or local system to monitor to determine where best place the defense mechanism. Establish patterns in distribution between systems, such as shared functionality (e.g., cross-site advertising plugins) to highlight where functionality supply chains open up a semantic attack distribution vector. Again, guiding developers as to points of vulnerability within a platforms user interface.

    Stringhini et al. have shown that by monitoring the redirection path taken to reach a web destination effectively identifies attack platforms involved in a malicious website, which are intentionally obfuscated from blacklists [56]. Instead of positioning defense locally on a web browser platform which scrutinises physical website features, the researchers demonstrated that patterns in HTTP redirection can be used as a distributed means of detection through network-based analysis; hence informing developers that such detection may be implemented within network security systems monitoring DNS and HTTP requests.

  • Method of Automation. The type of automation exhibited dictates to a large degree the response mechanism or the type of data that can be collected for its detection. For instance, an attack that is fully automated is likely to leave a fingerprint of behaviour that can be used to develop attack signatures, whereas an attack that is conducted manually will benefit from focusing on specific attacker behaviour.

    In 2014, an example of measuring automated attack procedures by Ruskov et al. demonstrated how by dynamically monitoring the sequence of actions within a semantic attack can help to model user and attacker behaviour through simulation. This process can then be used to facilitate the development of knowledge-based defense systems that can more efficiently detect deception-based threats through enumeration of automatic attack procedures.

  • Deception Vector. Establish the different deception vectors possible on a platforms user interface so that developers and researchers can pinpoint the mechanisms by which an attacker can manipulate the visual and/or system behaviour to “trick” the user into committing a compromising action.

    As susceptibility to deception vectors triggers user exploitation, it is generally agreed that semantic attack education is a core element of defense-in-depth against semantic attacks where technical mechanisms fail to prevent or proactively detect threats. As a result, research has explored interactive training through bitesize quizzes, test and games and attack simulations to maximise the effectiveness of learning [57, 58, 62], some of which have empirically proven to reduce susceptibility to deception vectors and have been converted into popular commercial offerings, with examples including PhishGuru [26], Anti-Phishing Phil and Phyllis [27] and PhishMe’s Simulator [28] applications. However, most commercial solutions for security awareness training focus almost exclusively on phishing emails and websites, which constitute only a small portion of different semantic attacks possible deception vectors. Where research has explored further deception vectors in other attacks, these remain largely as prototype products. Moreover, the type of awareness training can vary just as much as the diversity of different semantic attacks if training is based on specific attack vectors rather than general concepts of good cyber hygiene; the prior of which can become outdated quickly. Therefore, where possible it is important that embedded awareness training and user interface security indicators are integrated both individually and across interdependent platforms based on generic semantic attack principles rather than specific attack vectors.

  • Interface Manipulation. Identify whether the deception vector occurs in code or by abusing intended user space functionality, to shape the design of a defense system and to narrow down its scope.

    To prevent or detect deception vectors without relying on the effectiveness of user awareness training requires platform developers to pinpoint vulnerabilities in the user interface where it may be (ab)used to execute deception vectors, whether through programmatic manipulation or intended user space functionality. In both cases, preemptive functions have been explored in research [53] for the android operating system to block malicious apps executing visual and behavioural deception through spoofing a legitimate applications appearance. The preemptive defense was implemented by capturing and analysing application program interface calls to the android graphic user interface to classify malicious behaviour. In the commercial space, the use of sandbox environments has gained popularity to interrogate the legitimacy of user interface functionality, for example as to whether certain functions result in potentially malicious behaviour. For instance, most modern web browsers employ sandbox technologies to isolate prevent website JavaScript coding from manipulating browsers’ visual and behavioural properties, examples include the presentation of URLS in the address bar and the format of visual user security indicators such as the level of websites transport layer security. In the majority of cases commercial security technologies focus on preemptive programmatic manipulation rather than the misuse of normal user functionality.

  • Executions steps. Execution steps: An attack that relies on more than one step can potentially be detected more easily than a single-step one and before it completes by looking for traces of its initial steps. It may also be thwarted by preventing even one of the compromising actions that a user needs to be deceived into committing.

    Recent advances and greater uptake in the FIDO authentication protocol [29] has demonstrated robust proactive defense against phishing attacks, by enforcing two-factor authentication integrated between multiple architectures. Successful deception will not always result in user account compromise as the FIDO protocol employs temporal session keys generated by a second factor of authentication always available to the user (typically biometric).

  • Attack persistence. Contrary to one-off deception attempts, persistent ones may have a high chance of succeeding in their target but could also help a learning-based defense system (or platform user) to gradually identify its pattern of behaviour and report or block it.

    Whilst persistent deception for a singular semantic attack is uncommon, for Scareware attack vectors in particular persistent deception forms part of the exploitation payload. In 2011, Shahzad and Lavesson [54] proposed a machine learning approach based on mining variable length instruction sequences as a means for detection of persistent attack behaviors. In 2013, Microsoft demonstrated high detection accuracy in a prototype system that identified persistent patterns in visual scareware deception through image detection with Logistic Regression using stochastic gradient descent [55].

Table 7 summarises the types of preemptive and proactive defenses, according to the generic functional elements of a semantic attack, their practicality for both the personal (P) user and organisational (O) operating environment, including their general maturity as defense solutions at the time of writing.

4.3 Platform-Based Defense-in-Depth Lifecycle

A defense-in-depth lifecycle for user platforms is intended to provide a multi-faceted framework approach for effectively implementing semantic attack defense. Its primary aim is to establish key roles and responsibilities for different components of a system (e.g., platform provider, security, developer and users) that contribute holistically to defense against semantic attacks. The platform defense lifecycle does not just represent a specific software or hardware platform providers’ (e.g., social media or app vendor, email or website host), but also includes any organisational context providing access to user-interface platform(s) for their incumbent user base. In both scenarios, the lifecycle applies as a framework to provide through life defense for preemptive and proactive defense measures against semantic attack threats by establishing the ecosystem of responsibility which can be utilised to harness different defense capabilities through each functional element of the lifecycle.

In Fig. 15, we illustrate three key roles: platform developer, platform security and platform user, which form each element of a platforms defense lifecycle against semantic attacks. Whilst each role is distinct in its own right (e.g., contribution to defense and dependencies for its utilisation), this is not intended to indicate an implicit separation of the particular role amongst different entities, as each role in the lifecycle can exist in the same organisation. As an example, Facebook is a independent social network platform which implements internal functions for each role described, but for the Facebook platform and users only. However, within an organisational environment, each role may serve as a holistic function across all platforms that the organisation hosts or makes available to their user base. So, the lifecycle is intended as a high-level functional model that is applicable across multiple contexts to describe how to combine the capabilities of each type of platform role for defense against semantic attacks. Below, we elaborate on each role as to their defense function:

Fig. 15
figure 15

The semantic attack defence life cycle consists of three continuously interacting defence functions: secure platform development, user threat reporting and platform security systems; which in combination aim to provide holistic and complementary preemptive and proactive protection against semantic attacks

  • Platform developer. Developers are responsible for programming both the internal and user interface functionality of a platform that is both secure and resilient to technical threats or abuse of intended user space functionality that would result in deception vectors for semantic attacks. Platform developers can employ the Secure Software Development Life cycle (S-SDLC) framework to design and integrate security considerations systematically into the core requirements and design of the platforms architecture, as well as utilise threat classification from system and user security telemetry. The following S-SDLC life cycle stages provide indications of activities to be carried out when introducing new user interface functionality or applying security patches against deception based threats.

    – Requirements: Define intended user space functionality and its expected limitations to establish any possible attack surface through misuse. This requires documenting system-to-system and system-to-user interactions which form the platforms system of interest, then identifying how and if these interactions affect other related platforms within the deployment environment.

    – Design: Develop user interface threat models which consider different elements of the platforms design. Highlight potential weak spots in the user interface that may be targets for misuse or vulnerabilities in data representation and transfer (within and externally from the platform) which can be used to inject toward or extract data from target users.

    – Coding: Build programmatic determinism through static code analysis to establish confidence that the platforms programmatic features do not force the platform to exhibit visual or behavioural deception vectors if targeted by spoofed or injected data on the user interface (e.g., where a graphic or physical button may be (ab)used through normal user usage).

    – Testing: Utilise “fuzzing” based test within user interface scenarios where different types of behaviour are arbitrarily executed as means to elicit anomalous system responses or situations which can form the basis for a deception vector.

    – Release/Maintain: Implements processes and procedures from the platforms security monitoring capability as part of continual integration to support the delivery of telemetry based patching (both system and user awareness based) against internal as well as external platform vulnerabilities.

  • Platform security. The security role within the platform defense lifecycle is responsible for both implementing preemptive security measures (e.g., to prevent technical vulnerability exploitation or platform misuse), as well supporting proactive defenses through monitoring and collecting system and user telemetry to aid in the detection of unknown or emergent threats. The latter of which feeds into preemptive defense through activation of security rules (e.g., blocking an activity), as well as providing crucial platform analytics and classification data that is forwarded to platform developers to produce platform patches and or to develop future secure user interface functionality. For semantic attacks, unlike traditional platform security controls such as intrusion detection systems or firewalls, the platform security requires to monitor and respond to key measurable elements of the user interface via telemetry produced by the platform itself and by the user base who access it.

  • Platform user. Sole reliance on platform security alongside external technical defense mechanisms provided by platform users is often insufficient as a means of defense for detecting the vast range of semantic attacks, especially when deception vector utilises legitimate user space functionality [33]. It is imperative that outside of technical controls employed, that user telemetry is also harnessed. Here, the contribution of platform users for semantic attack defense is twofold. Firstly, platform users generate activity that can be analysed to determine if their behaviour is consistent with malintent or victimisation. Platform-based user activity creates meta-data that has been shown to be useful in a number contexts where human activity can be used for establishing situational awareness in natural disasters [59]. From a security standpoint, the same method can be used to identify where user activity is consistent with exploitation by a semantic attack or indeed the construction of one. The second utility of platform users is their ability to report security threats, where a growing trend in platform security to address semantic attacks is to provide a means for users to report suspected threats. Most major email and browser platforms now provide inbuilt mechanisms for users to report phishing attacks or malicious content, with various external security companies developing enterprise platforms, such as PhishMe Reporter and Wombat Security PhishAlarm. In general, with access to both types of user telemetry (passive platform usage and active threat reporting), platform security and developers are provided with rich analytics that can be used to classify and intercept suspected threats in online platform defense systems or through patching of vulnerabilities in the user interface.

4.4 Defense in Hindsight

Taking in to consideration the three dimensions of defense we have discussed, here we evaluate how these defense approaches would have provided defense against the three real world semantic attacks illustrated in Sect. 3.2.

  • Podesta Emails.

    • Semantic Attack killchain: By detecting and blocking the Google phishing email, the Google login phishing website which was used to capture user credentials would have been thwarted. Therefore, to prevent this exploitation it would have required only that the email was blocked or detected as malicious to prevent compromise.

    • Principles of preemptive and proactive defense: If the email account in question had enabled mails two form factor authentication mechanisms then on redirection to the attackers phishing login page and input of login credentials the attackers would still have been unable to successfully access the email account.

    • Defense-in-depth lifecycle: This particular email template was spoofed directly from Google and was not the first time it had been used or reported as phishing. Therefore, if first phishing report had been forward by Google’s platform security to their Gmail platform security developers the combination of the emails content, images and domain name (i.e., not being an official Google email address) would have served as key features to create a detection signature. Which could have subsequently been built into Gmails phishing detection engine. Here, the combination of user reporting, Gmail’s security analyst (or system) forwarding the report details and classification to developers, and security system updates by developers would have prevented the email ever having reached John Podesta’s email account.

  • WhatsApp QRishing.

    • Semantic Attack killchain: As this specific attack it is dependent on either a phishing email, instant message or SMS in order to coerce the user in to accessing the supposed WhatsApp URL detecting the attack through these initial methods of distributions would prevent the user from being persuaded into visiting the phishing webpage.

    • Principles of premptive and proactive defense: A combination of standard phishing defenses analysing the integrity of webpage content (e.g., use of logos, scripts and redirection from site mirroring) alongside common phishing website awareness training (e.g., domain highlighting) would provide both a preemptive and proactive defense measure against this threat.

    • Defense-in-depth lifecycle: Through a user reporting mechanism this particular threat to WhatsApp web application would have alerted the platform security team of the QR code authentication vulnerability. As a result, prompting developers to patch the system to enforce a secure means for authentication through a secondary authentication mechanism only accessible to the legitimate user, as well as instead exploring ways to protect to their web platform by prevent third party mirroring of their website scripts generating the QR code.

  • The case of the “Hungry Bear”.

    • Semantic Attack killchain: Multimedia masquerading serves as the first attack in a chain, spreading through Facebook via user activity (“liking” and manually sharing the video). However, the subsequent phishing website and fake survey attack chain could have been thwarted by focusing defense on the redirection behaviour of the post to external platforms outside Facebook.

    • Principles of preemptive and proactive defense: Much like the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm analyses features associated to social interaction to suggested friends, posts, advertisements and material it believes certain users are interested in, by monitoring post behaviours alongside textual information and responses from affected users, this attack could be proactively identified by developing machine learning models that match patterns of anomalous redirection activity. For example, collecting data associated to the post video nature (such as title text), user comments asking how to view the video on Facebook, alongside the URL redirection provides features that can be fed into a learning algorithm to classify the post’s malicious and deceptive behaviour.

    • Defense-in-depth lifecycle: The combination of platform security measures monitoring both platform functionality activity and that of its user base would have served as crucial telemetry to Facebook security teams for classifying this as a suspected malicious post automatically, in turn, highlighting to platform developers the need to embed security measures in certain post configuration (e.g., an image post with an embedded URL) before users are redirected to external platforms automatically. Alongside technical detection, providing user notification requesting for confirmation of external website would highlight the nature of the post to users and indicate anomalous activity.

5 Open Research Challenges

5.1 Emerging Threats in the Internet of Everything

Historically, semantic attack exploits in computer systems were limited to traditional Internet communications such as messaging and web application platforms. However, in IoT, the threat landscape includes vehicles, industrial control systems, and even smart home appliances. The result of this is that the impact is not limited to cyberspace (such as stealing information, compromising a system, crashing a web service etc.), but is branching into physical space too. Early examples can be observed through physical damage dealt by malware in manufacturing plants, rail signalling, water treatment plants and even nuclear facilities. We anticipate that cyber-physical systems, such as industrial control systems and vehicles, will soon become realistic targets for user deception. The potential impact in physical space makes them attractive targets, and the limited diversity of human-system interaction, makes it difficult for the users to detect misbehaviour. For instance, consider the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) on a modern automobile. It consists of a sensor inside the tire, which monitors tire pressure and periodically transmits that data wirelessly to an electronic control unit (ECU) on the in-vehicle network of the automobile. If the tire pressure is below a threshold, this is displayed on the driver’s dashboard as a tire pressure warning. Rouf et al. [68] have shown from as early as 2010 that spoofing these messages can be relatively straightforward. So, an attacker can wirelessly transmit fake TPMS data to the ECU and trigger a fraudulent warning. The driver-system interface does not provide anything more than a visual display of the warning. So, there is no way for the driver to tell that this is a deception attempt rather than a legitimate safety issue, and as such will probably decide to pull over as soon as possible.

While the potential of attacks on vehicles captures the public’s interest, it is cyber-physical systems in industrial control that have been targeted several times in high-profile incidents in the past. The exploitation was almost always highly technical, but usually the initial point of entry was standard spear-phishing and in some cases watering hole attacks. In 2014, a German steel mill was attacked via spear-phishing, with the aim to capture user credentials, gain access to the back office and from there to the control network, ultimately damaging a blast furnace. In 2015, 80,000 homes in Ukraine lost power when phishing emails deceived employees of the electricity provider into clicking on an attachment in an email, purportedly from the Prime Minister of Ukraine [69].

Smart home IoT systems also constitute attractive targets as deception devices. Most commonly, they involve access to cloud, voice-activated artificial intelligence (such as Alexa or Siri) and workflow automation services, such as IFTTT and Stringify. Each one of these can be compromised by deceiving a user or with the purpose to deceive a user. A simple example would be to inject audio commands (e.g. “Alexa, purchase item X”) in an audio or video file sent to a user via email. In fact, a similar incident (albeit not an attack by design) occurred in 2016, when a 6-year old girl asked Alexa Can you play dollhouse with me and get me a dollhouse? and Alexa actually did order a $160 dollhouse. Then, when a news presenter repeated this on TV while covering the story, several Amazon Echos in people’s homes attempted to order further dollhouses. At the same time, any breach of confidentiality relating to the smart home can lead to breach of physical privacy and thus be useful information in the hands of attackers building a picture about a household’s pattern of life. Data sniffed from sensors or smart meters can tell when someone is in or out during the week, and even how they look or sound like if their Internet-connected camera is compromised. The impact can be further accentuated if the breach of privacy extends to users’ smart wearables, especially when they relate to health, as attackers can use information on likely medical conditions to target them convincingly. Consider the impact that ransomware would have if it were designed for wearable or implantable medical devices. Protecting against semantic attacks in cyber-physical context has not been explored yet.

5.2 Human-as-a-Security-Sensor

By their very nature, semantic attacks are challenging for autonomous technical defenses to detect and prevent. In recent years, the focus on user awareness training has shifted to actively involving users as human sensors spotting and reporting suspected attacks. As alluded to in Sect. 4.3, the user plays a crucial role in the platform defense-in-depth lifecycle against semantic attacks, supplementing technical defense mechanisms with human detection efficacy. In [32], we established the concept of Human-as-a-Security-Sensor by demonstrating how one’s ability to detect different semantic attacks can be predicted. We then showed experimentally how predictive modelling can be integrated into a real-world technical system to actively engage and empower users to report detection of different semantic attacks across a range of platforms in real-time; outperforming all technical defense systems compared against [33]. Moreover, there are now examples of security vendors and public organisations advocating and actively employing human security sensor functions to augment defense against semantic attacks, such as the “human sensor” publicised phishing detection platform PhishMe Reporter and the University of Oxford CERT team’s phishing reporting portal [30]. However, to realise this concept’s long term benefits, there is a need to extend to a wider range of threats (other than phishing) and to find effective means of encouraging users to take part. Furthermore, in IoT space, the means by which to report suspected threats may be less intuitive or “safe” as that of a laptop or mobile device user interface. If a deception vector is executed within the user interface of an industrial control system or vehicle, it may be dangerous to stop any activity to report a suspected threat and similarly dangerous to ignore a suspected deception as false. Taking the example of spoofed tire pressure warnings again, if onboard vehicle security fails to detect the deception, the driver has to make the decision whether to report the suspected deception and ignore the tire pressure warnings or pull over as per the attacker’s aim. The Human-as-a-Security-Sensor paradigm harbours great potential for augmenting existing technical defenses in the fight against semantic attacks, but finding a consolidated and secure means of reporting threats against multi-platform user interfaces is a complex challenge.

5.3 Cyber Hygiene 2.0

Perhaps the most common advice for stepping up the security of an individual or organisation is to protect themselves against basic cyber threats by keeping their software and operating system up to date, avoiding unsafe websites or email attachments from people they do not know, and other basic measures collectively referred to as “cyber hygiene”. The aim is prevention, and it is without doubt that such measures do improve overall security posture. However, as threats gradually become more advanced, and this is certainly the case for semantic attacks, individual users need to be equipped with recommendations on not only how to prevent, but also how to identify and respond to less basic attacks that have not been thwarted through prevention. Here, researchers can make use of the early steps that have been taken in the field of neuroscience, for instance using fMRI to show that the areas that exhibit the most brain activity when a user successfully distinguishes between a phishing and a legitimate website are those associated with decision-making, attention, and problem-solving [67], or using mindfulness to improve attention when facing a phishing attempt [66]. We anticipate that the next phase for cyber hygiene efforts will be in the form of simple techniques and habits that can help detect threats rather than relying on successful prevention.

6 Conclusion

Semantic attacks have been posing a significant and sustained threat to computer information security for almost 30 years, with a cryptovirus appearing as early as 1989 and scareware existing since 1990. The basic principles in deceiving users have remained largely the same, yet the threat has not been thwarted. On the contrary, all statistics point to a continuous increase in the number and diversity of semantic attacks and worsening impact. We argue that the ineffectiveness of the very large number of technical security approaches developed is that they look at each type of attack in isolation. For example, the deception logic and the nature of the tell-tale signs of phishing in email and in social media are the same. Yet, the two cannot be addressed by the same technical security mechanism. In response to this challenge, we have discussed three high-level defense approaches, which can be attractive areas for further exploration in addressing the wider semantic attack space. Wholly unsurprisingly for a type of threat that is based on user deception, the key in defense is again the human, whether as developer of user interfaces or as a user acting as human sensor, but not making the same mistake of attempting to detect threats in isolation. The human users are best placed to thwart deception attempts against them if this capability can be leveraged as part of technical defense systems.