
1 Introduction

Helping computers to learn classification task is the very important area of machine learning, which has now dominated the artificial intelligence literature since last several decades. Supervised Learning has remained subject of research throughout this period. To evaluate the performance of the supervised learning methodology, the dataset is divided into training set and the test set. The model is trained on the training set and then is applied on the test set. Though it is not guaranty that the more accurate model on the training set produces more accurate results on the test set but retrieving accurate models from the datasets has always been subject of interest for knowledge acquisition and decision-making problems [1, 2]. The most popular system in this area is C4.5 inductive decision tree learners [3]. In this paper, we propose a method which is capable of highly accurate low-complexity models of the training set (i.e. models have very few parameters, and achieved 100% accuracy in training on the cases studied here). High accuracy on a training set provides, of course, generally no information about generalization quality in machine learning; however, when such accuracy is regularly obtained with a low complexity model, it becomes of potential interest for fields such as knowledge acquisition, especially if the model also performs well on test sets. The method is extension of our preliminary work [4, 5], now rendered more scalable for datasets with many features. The model can be described as a hierarchical nonlinear discriminant classifier that exploits a constrained pattern of feature combinations in a fixed tree data structure. The model is far more expressive than, for example, naïve Bayes [6], which does not consider feature combinations at all; and the model is far more parsimonious and scalable than unconstrained genetic programming [7], which does not rule out any feature combinations. The nonlinear discriminant classifiers have been in the literature now for a considerable time, such as Kernel based nonlinear discriminant classifiers [8, 9]. However, in this paper hierarchical nonlinear discriminant classifier model is proposed, which is constructed automatically through randomized training procedure. The model is stochastic, trained via an evolutionary algorithm, therefore produces potentially different models in each run. However, it seems to reliably find 100% accurate models of the training set in the cases we have studied so far, and present herein. This paper contains some examples of these models produced on three datasets Iris Flower, Balance Scale and Car Evaluation. These datasets are popular test cases for classification and knowledge acquisition problems and are present in the UCI machine learning repository [10]. Later, the method is used for classification of unseen data on the same datasets. The model is trained on the training set which is a randomly chosen subset of the original set. The trained model is then applied to classify the test set, which is a subset of the original set complimentary to the training set. Therefore, data in the test set is not seen by the model during training. The paper proposes two methods for application of model on the test set. One method is to exactly apply same hierarchical model on the test set and another method is to produce a model that is weighted sum of models present in each hierarchy of the trained model. The results are competitive with the state of art literature.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, a tree generation model for the feature set of any size is proposed. Section 3 consists of description of evolutionary algorithm that trains the tree data structure model. The detailed description of the three test datasets is given in the Sect. 4. Experimental design of supervised learning for classification of these datasets and their results are discussed in Sect. 5. Section 6 concludes the findings and speculates on the future work. Finally, an appendix is given which gives some examples of accurate models trained through an evolutionary algorithm on the complete test datasets.

2 Tree Generation Model

A tree generation model generates a tree that can represent a mathematical model consisting of full feature set of the dataset regardless of its size. The total number of nodes in the tree generation model is governed by Eq. 1.

$$ n = 3 *f - 1 $$


  • n = number of nodes in the tree

  • f = number of features in the dataset

The tree essentially consists of three types of nodes.

2.1 Weight Nodes \( \varvec{n}_{\varvec{w}} \)

These are the tail nodes of the tree which contain the weight of the features; therefore, number of weight nodes is equal to number of features. The id numbers of these weight nodes start from 2 × f and end at \( 3 \times f - 1 \). The value of weight ranges between 0–1. All the weight nodes are present at the last level of the tree or they are leaf nodes.

2.2 Feature Nodes \( \varvec{n}_{\varvec{f}} \)

These are the nodes preceding to weight nodes. The feature nodes contain the actual feature values and hence are also equal to number of features. The id numbers of these nodes start from f and end at \( 2f - 1 \). All the feature nodes are present at the second last level of the tree or one level before the leaf nodes.

2.3 Operator Nodes \( \varvec{n}_{\varvec{o}} \)

The nodes preceding to the feature nodes are operator nodes. These nodes contain the information about mathematical operator, which is supposed to be applied on the two expressions represented by two branches emanating from this node. The number of the operator nodes are one less than the feature nodes i.e., \( n_{o} = n_{f} - 1 \). The id numbers of operator nodes start from 1 and end at f − 1. The operator nodes are present at different hierarchy levels of the tree starting from the first level to the third last level. At the third last level, the operator nodes follow the following rule.

$$ n_{o}^{3} = INT\left( {\frac{f}{2}} \right) $$


  • \( n_{o}^{3} \) = Number of operator nodes at the third last level

On the levels preceding to 3rd last level, the operator nodes follow following rule.

$$n_o^m = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {INT\left({\frac{{n_o^{m - 1}}}{2}} \right) + 1,}&{if{\mkern 1mu} n_o^{m - 1},\,n_x^{m - 2}{\mkern 1mu} are\,odd} \\ {INT\left( {\frac{{n_o^{m - 1}}}{2}} \right),}&{otherwise} \end{array}} \right.$$


  • \( n_{o}^{m} \) = number of operator nodes at \( m^{th} \) last level

  • \( n_{x} \) = can be any nodes i.e. feature nodes or operator nodes depending on the level of tree.

The Eq. 3 says that the number of operator nodes at any level of tree depends on the number of nodes at two succeeding levels. If the number of nodes at two succeeding levels are odd then the number of operator nodes will be one more than the number of nodes in the other case. The operator nodes contain integer value from 1–4, each representing each of four mathematical operators \( + , - , \times , \div \) respectively.

Let us explain above model with the car evaluation dataset which has six features. The tree in Fig. 1 is representative of this model. The tree in Fig. 1 contains 17 nodes which follows the Eq. 1. The nodes 12–17 are weight nodes. The nodes 6–11 are feature nodes and the nodes 1–5 are operator nodes. At the third last level, there are three operator nodes 3–5, which follow the Eq. 2. At fourth last level (2nd level), there is only node 2 and at the fifth last level (1st level) again there is only node 1. The nodes at first and second level follow the Eq. 3. The node at 1st level follows conditional part of Eq. 3 and node at 2nd level follows otherwise part of Eq. 3.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A tree model for six feature set

Now if the weight nodes 12–17 contain weight values w1w6 respectively, the feature nodes 6–11 contain values f1f6 respectively, the operator nodes 4–5 contain the value +, the operator nodes 1–3 contain the values \( \div , \times , - \) respectively then the phenotype equivalent \( { \in } \) of this tree structure is given in Eq. 4.

$$ { \in } = \frac{{w_{1} f_{1} - w_{2} f_{2} }}{{\left( {w_{3} f_{3} + w_{4} f_{4} } \right) \times \left( {w_{5} f_{5} + w_{6} f_{6} } \right)}} $$

It can be seen from the example Eq. 4, that values at weight nodes are multiplied with corresponding feature nodes and then resultant expressions are subjected to operators represented in the operator nodes.

3 Evolutionary Algorithm (EA)

The evolutionary algorithm trains the tree data structure explained in Sect. 2. The evolutionary algorithm can be applied on the whole dataset for knowledge acquisition or it can also be applied on the randomly chosen part of the dataset for training purpose. The algorithm follows the hierarchical procedure used in our earlier work [5], summarized here as follows.

figure a

It can be seen from the above procedure, that the algorithm continues to train models iteratively until all samples are classified. Finally, all the models can be put in a hierarchical way to represent decision model of the whole dataset or the training set under examination. The interesting thing about these models is that every single model correctly classifies some of the samples but it doesn’t misclassify any of the samples. This is accomplished through combination of fitness and unfitness function (step e). The primary objective is to maximize fitness function and secondary objective is to minimize unfitness function. The fitness function is equal to number of classified samples. Unfitness function is the value of partition wall that is incorporated into the model to prevent model from misclassifying the samples. The model is probabilistic. It measures probability of sample to be member of each class. These probabilities are computed with the help of the probabilistic model based on the distance of phenotype value \( \in \) (example Eq. 4) of sample i from the phenotype mean of class j. Figure 2 along with Eq. 5 illustrates this probabilistic principle of membership.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A principle of probabilistic membership

$$ p_{i}^{j} = \frac{\delta }{\mu } $$


  • \( p_{i}^{j} \) = probability that sample i is member of class j

  • \( \delta \) = Distance of phenotype value for sample i from estimated maximum/minimum of class j

  • \( \mu \) = Distance of estimated mean of phenotype value of all samples of class j in the training set from estimated minimum/maximum of the values of members of class j.

It is clear from the Fig. 2 and Eq. 5, that the sample will have greater probability of class membership when it is closer to the mean position of the class. Its probability of class membership decreases when it goes farther and becomes negative when it goes farther than the estimated minimum/maximum of the class phenotype value. We know that in standard probability theory probability ranges between (0–1), however, according to Eq. 5, its value can go much below zero and we keep it as it is because it is useful in our class membership function later discussed in Eq. 9. The estimated mean of phenotype value of class j is calculated from the training set as follows.

$$ \epsilon_{mean}^{j} = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{{i = t_{j} }} { \in_{i} } }}{{t_{j} + \Delta }} $$


  • \( \in_{i} \) = Phenotype value for sample i according to evaluation of model described in Sect. 2 (for example, Eq. 4)

  • \( t_{j} \) = Number of samples in the training set of class j

  • \( \Delta \) = Predictive parameter for larger sample = 1.0

The estimated maximum and minimum of phenotype value of class j are modelled as follows.

$$ \epsilon_{\begin{subarray}{l} max \\ min \end{subarray} }^{j} = \epsilon_{mean}^{j} \, \pm \,3.0\,*\, \epsilon_{sd}^{j} $$


  • \( \epsilon_{mean}^{j} \) = estimated mean of set of phenotype values of member samples of class j in the training set

  • \( \epsilon_{\begin{subarray}{l} max \\ min \end{subarray} }^{j} \) = estimated maximum/minimum of set of phenotype values of member samples of class j in the training set

  • \( \epsilon_{sd}^{j} \) = estimated standard deviation of set of phenotype values of member samples of class j in the training set

The estimated standard deviation of phenotype value of class j is modelled as follows.

$$ \epsilon_{sd}^{j} = \frac{{ \mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = 1}^{{i = t_{j} }} \left( {\epsilon_{i}^{j} - \epsilon_{mean}^{j} } \right)^{2} }}{{t_{j} - \Delta }} $$

The task of classifying the sample i is achieved through class membership function as given below.

$$ {\emptyset }_{i} = k\;{\text{iff }}\;P_{i}^{k} > \forall_{{j = 1,{\text{n}}_{c} }}^{j \ne k} \left( {P_{i}^{j} + \nabla } \right) $$


  • \( {\emptyset }_{i} \) = class of sample i

  • \( \nabla \) = Safety partition to avoid misclassification during training (unfitness function)

  • \( {\text{n}}_{c} \) = Total number of classes in the dataset

It is clear from the Eq. 9, that the sample is classified into the class with which it has highest probability of class membership among all the classes. However, it remains unclassified if highest probability of class membership is not greater enough than the second highest probability of class membership to overcome the obstacle of unfitness function \( \nabla \). Following are the steps of evaluation procedure of chromosome.

figure b

It is clear from the step e that the value of unfitness function is raised to minimum threshold level to avoid misclassification. Due to this raised value of safety partition none of the probability values of any class membership satisfy the condition placed in model (relation 9). Therefore, the sample i remains unclassified. Since the model has now been modified, therefore procedure of evaluation starts again from first sample with the new value of unfitness function. The procedure continues until all samples of training dataset are examined under same value of unfitness function and none of the samples are misclassified. Now the chromosome fitness value is composite of its fitness and unfitness function. The fitness function is number of classified samples and value of \( \nabla \) is unfitness function.

Now the primary objective is to maximize fitness function i.e., maximize number of classified samples and the secondary objective is to minimize unfitness function i.e. value of \( \nabla \). Therefore, while comparing fitness of chromosomes, a chromosome with higher number of classified samples is considered better regardless of value of its unfitness function. The value of unfitness function is only considered when the two chromosomes have equal score in number of classified samples. The flowchart of whole procedure is depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Flowchart of hierarchical model evolution

The flowchart starts from the process of tree generation, which is described in Sect. 2. Understandably the tree is generated after reading the dataset. The dataset is then partitioned into training set and test set through the procedure of set partition, which is entirely random procedure but it ascertains the proportional representation of each class in the training set. The variable i is initialized with zero. This variable represents a model or hierarchy number, which will be incremented later with the generation of model. The evolutionary algorithm starts with generation of random population followed by typical cycle of evolutionary iteration consisting of fitness evaluation, selection and reproduction until termination condition is achieved. After the termination the training set is further partitioned into the solved set and unsolved set. The solved set consists of classified samples of the training set by the trained model while the unsolved set consists of samples which the model failed to classify. Now if this unsolved set is not a null set, then it is considered as a training set for the next phase of application of evolutionary algorithm, which is again starts from generation of random population of solutions. This iterative procedure continues until unsolved set becomes null set.

4 Description of Datasets

This paper considers three datasets which are taken from UCI repository [10] to analyze the performance of the method proposed. Following is the description of those datasets.

4.1 Iris Flower

This is a botanical dataset. The dataset contains 150 samples of 3 species of iris flower called Setosa, Virginica and Versicolour. The dataset has 50 samples of each class, with details of four features i.e., sepal width, sepal length, petal width and petal length. The dataset was created by Anderson in 1935 [11] and later was popularized by Sir Fisher in 1936 [12]. The dataset is most popular in pattern recognition and classification domain.

4.2 Balance Scale

This is a psychological dataset. This dataset was created by Siegler in 1976 [13] to model psychological experimental results. The dataset contains 625 examples of persons with attributes left weight, right weight, left distance and right distance. This data is helpful in determining whether person is balanced, right tipped or left tipped. The dataset contains 288 examples for each right and left tipped people while only 49 examples for the balanced people. This is a very popular test case in the classification domain.

4.3 Car Evaluation

This is a decision-making dataset. The dataset has six attributes namely buying price, maintenance cost, number of doors, maximum number of accommodable persons, size of lug-boot and level of safety measures. The dataset has total of 1728 samples. The dataset has four classes unacceptable, acceptable, good and very good. The unacceptable class has 1210 samples. The acceptable class has 384 samples. The good class has 69 samples and very good class has 65 samples.

Table 1 summarizes feature list of these datasets. Column 1 contains name of the dataset, column 2 provides number of features in the dataset and columns 3–8 provide name of the feature corresponding to label used in the column head. These labels are later used to represent classifier models of the dataset in Table 5 in the Appendix. Table 2 summarizes the class list of the dataset. Again column 1 contains name of the dataset, column 2 informs about number of classes in the dataset and columns 3–6 give name of the class corresponding to label used in the column head. These labels are later used in Table 6 in Appendix to give statistical data about generated models.

Table 1. Feature description for each dataset
Table 2. Class description for each dataset

5 Experimental Design and Analysis

The experiments are performed on the datasets described in Sect. 4. The objective of experiments is two-fold. First objective is to retrieve 100% accurate models from complete datasets. The results of these experiments are included in the Appendix. The second objective is to develop models on the randomly generated training sets and then verify those models on the test set. On the test set trained models are applied in two different ways. First method is to apply models in hierarchical way as stored in model hierarchy list described in procedure 1. Following is the stepwise method for hierarchical application of models.

figure c

The second method is weighted sum method, i.e., weighted sum of all models present in the model hierarchy list is produced and applied on the test dataset. The weights to the models are assigned based on the fitness i.e. number of classified samples by the model. The experiments are performed on randomly generated training sets of three different sizes equivalent to around 50%, 80% and 90% of the original size of the dataset. The training sets are generated in a way that samples of each class are chosen proportionally for proper representation of each class in the training set. 30 simulations are run on each dataset. However, each simulation has different randomly generated training set. The results of experiments are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Classification results on the datasets.

In Table 3, column-1 contains name of the dataset, column 2 provides name of the classification method, column 3 gives size of the training set in terms of percentage to original size, columns 4–5 informs about best and average result of 30 simulations respectively. The results are in terms of percentage of correctly classified samples. Finally, column 6 provides percentage of accurate results i.e., the percentage of number of simulations out of 30 simulations where 100% accurate results are obtained.

It can be seen from the Table 3, that better results are obtained with weighted sum method on the iris flower dataset while on the balance scale and car evaluation datasets better results are obtained with hierarchical method of classification. It can also be noticed that best results are obtained on training set of 80% size on balance scale and car evaluation dataset, while for iris flower dataset best results are obtained at the training set of 90% size. The hierarchical method has been most successful on the balance scale dataset with up to 99.76% average results on test set with the training set of 80% size, whereas accurate results on test set have been obtained on 80% of simulations.

Table 4, has also been prepared to compare results with other methods. In Table 4, column 1 gives reference of the method, column 2 provides name of the dataset, column 3 informs about number of simulations/cross validation, size of training set in terms of percentage to original dataset is given in column 4. Columns 5–6 give average and best results respectively of all the simulations in terms of percentage of correctly classified samples.

Table 4. Classification results in the literature

It can be seen by comparing results in Tables 3 and 4 that proposed method has produced average of 96.44% correct results on the test set of iris flower dataset with the 90% of the training set, which is better than all the methods presented in Table 2. On the balance scale dataset, the proposed method has produced staggering average of 99.76% accurate results on test set with 80% training set, which is again best results among all the contemporary methods. On the car evaluation dataset, the proposed method has produced average of 95.81% correct results against 98.48% average of random forest method [15]. However, random forest method [15] has used 15x10-fold X-validation, whereas proposed method hasn’t made any use of x-validation.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, a hierarchical nonlinear discriminant classifier is presented. The method proposed automatically produces a tree data-structure according to number of features that can represent nonlinear discriminant classifier based on only four basic mathematical operators \( + , - , \times , \div \). The method can retrieve 100% accurate model from the iris flower, balance scale and car evaluation datasets. The example retrieved models are given in appendix. Thus, the model can be useful in knowledge acquisition and decision-making expert systems. Those retrieved models are the array of models placed hierarchically in the model hierarchy list. They can be applied hierarchically to the dataset for the classification purpose. Further, the method is used for classification of the previously unseen data by the model. To achieve this the model was trained on the randomly chosen training set. To classify the test set two models were used i.e. hierarchical application of models present in the model hierarchy list and weighted sum model of all the models present in the model hierarchy list. Weighted sum model produced better results on the iris flower dataset while hierarchical application of models produced better results on the balance scale and car evaluation dataset. Also, the method produced competitive average results when compared with the state of art. Encouraged by these results, now the authors are determined to expand this method to make it applicable to more datasets. Furthermore, detailed analysis is needed to establish why on some datasets weighted sum application of model on the test set performs better than the actual hierarchical application.