
1 Introduction

RSA is the most widely deployed public-key cryptosystem. Its security relies on the difficulty of factoring large composite integer: if integer factorization is solved then RSA is broken. Factoring large numbers is long been believed as a mathematical hard problem in computational number theory. Now it is conjectured that integer factorization cannot be solved in polynomial-time without quantum computers.

However, even if integer factorization is indeed difficult to solve, one has to be very careful against the side-channel attacks, which is any attack based on information gained from the physical implementation of cryptosystems.

In this paper, we focus on the problem of integer factorization given the approximation of divisors. More precisely, we mainly focus on finding a nontrivial divisor of a composite integer N when it has a divisor in an interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\).

It is clear that this problem can be solved in \(\mathcal {O}(\beta -\alpha )\) time with trial division. However, based on the bit-size of parameters \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \), more efficient algorithms exist.

  • For sufficiently small interval bit-size \(\beta -\alpha \): Using Coppersmith’s method [5] of finding small roots of modular polynomial equations, we can recover all divisors in the interval in polynomial time in \(\log N\).

  • For relatively small \(\alpha \) and large \(\beta \): Using Pollard’s rho method [12], we can find a nontrivial divisor in \(\mathcal {O}(\beta ^{1/2})\) time.

  • For large \(\alpha \) and large \(\beta -\alpha \): Using Kim-Cheon’s algorithms [10], we can recover a nontrivial divisor in \(\widetilde{\mathcal {O}}((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2})\) time.

Specifically, in [10], Kim and Cheon proposed two algorithms, one is probabilistic and the other is its deterministic version, for achieving birthday complexity in finding a divisor in an interval. Using their proposed algorithms, one can check the existence of prime divisors in the interval, and if they exist, one can find all such prime divisors.

Compared with Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm, their deterministic algorithm is more complex, difficult to understand, and needs more time complexity. Besides, for the case of composite divisors, their probabilistic algorithm works well, but their deterministic algorithm fails. Therefore, Kim and Cheon posted as an open problem to design a deterministic algorithm for composite divisors.

1.1 Our Contributions

In this paper, we propose a deterministic algorithm to find a nontrivial divisor of a composite integer N when it has a divisor in an interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\). Our deterministic algorithm has the same time complexity as Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm, and also works for the case of composite divisors. In addition, we can further speed up the theoretical complexity of Kim-Cheon’s algorithms and our algorithm by a logarithmic term \(\log (\beta -\alpha )\) based on the peculiar property of polynomial arithmetic we consider.

Technically, recall that Kim-Cheon’s algorithm reduces the target problem to solving a discrete logarithm problem over \((\mathbb {Z}/n\mathbb {Z})^*\), where n is an unknown divisor of the known integer N. We view the original problem from a different perspective: we relate the original problem to a variant of deterministic integer factorization problem, and then use Strassen’s algorithm [13, 14] to solve it. More precisely, let \(p=\beta -x\) be a divisor of N in the interval \([\alpha ,\beta ]\), where \(x\in [0,\beta -\alpha ]\) is unknown. Then the problem of finding p can be transformed to computing \(\gcd (N,\beta -x)\). Although x is unknown, we can use \(\gcd \left( N, \prod _{i=0}^{\beta -\alpha }(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) \right) \) to find p. Therefore, how to calculate \(\prod _{i=0}^{\beta -\alpha }(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) \) efficiently becomes the key point of the complexity.

Moreover, recently Chen and Nguyen [4] used a similar algorithm as Strassen’s algorithm to solve Approximate Common Divisor Problem, the later was introduced by Howgrave-Graham [9] in CaLC 2001.

2 Preliminaries

Let a and b be integers. Let \(\nu _a(b)\) denote the nonnegative integer such that \(a^{\nu _a(b)} \mid b\) and \(a^{\nu _a(b)+1} \not \mid b\). Denote \([\alpha , \beta ]\) as the set of all integers \(\alpha \le i \le \beta \). Let \(|\beta -\alpha |_2\) denote the bit-size of \(\beta -\alpha \). We will use \(\log \) for the binary (base 2) logarithm. Let M(d) be the complexity of the multiplication of two polynomial with degree d [1]:

$$ M(d)=\mathcal {O}(d\log d \log \log d). $$

In this paper, we consider the univariate polynomial \(f(x) \in \mathbb {Z}_N[x]\) with N an arbitrary integer. We will use two polynomial arithmetic algorithms, \(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\) (compute a polynomial given as a product of d terms) and \(\mathbf{Alg}_{MPE}\) (evaluate a univariate polynomial with degree d at d points), as subroutines. It is clear that we can solve them using \(\mathcal {O}(d^2)\) additions and multiplications in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\). However, there are classic algorithms with quasi-linear complexity operations in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\) using a divide-and-conquer approach. Recently these two algorithms have been used in various area of public-key cryptanalysis [4, 6, 8]. We give the basic information of these two algorithms as follows:

\(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\): Takes integer N and d points (suppose that \({a_0,\dots ,a_{d-1}}\)) as inputs; outputs a monic degree d polynomial over \(\mathbb {Z}_N\) having d points as roots: \(f(X)=\prod _{i=0}^{d-1}(X-a_i) (\bmod \ N) \). According to a classic result [1], the time complexity is \(\mathcal {O}(\log d M(d))\) operations modulo N, and the storage requirement is \(\mathcal {O}(d \log d) \) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\).

\({\mathbf{Alg}}_{MPE}\): Takes integer N, a polynomial f(x) with degree d over \(\mathbb {Z}_N\) and d points (suppose that \({c_0,\dots ,c_{d-1}}\)) as inputs; outputs the evaluation of f(x) at d input points: \(f(c_0),\dots ,f(c_{d-1}) (\bmod \ N)\). According to a classic result [1], the time complexity is \(\mathcal {O}(\log d M(d))\) operations modulo N, and the storage requirement is \(\mathcal {O}(d \log d) \) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\).

3 Review Kim-Cheon’s Algorithms

In this section, we will review Kim-Cheon’s two algorithms: one is probabilistic and the other is its deterministic version. Their algorithms essentially work by solving the discrete logarithm problem over \((\mathbb {Z}/n\mathbb {Z})^*\), where n is an unknown divisor of the target composite integer N. Before given the full description of Kim-Cheon’s algorithms, we would like to introduce a lemma from [10]:

Lemma 1

There exists an algorithm \(\textit{FINDING}\) which, given as input positive integers Ngh, and \(\delta \) with \(1<g,h<N\), \(\gcd (gh,N)=1\), outputs an integer \(x\in [1,\delta ]\) with \(\gcd (g^x-h,N)>1\) or shows that no such x exists in

$$ \mathcal {O}\left( M(\delta ^{1/2}) \log \delta \right) $$

operations modulo N by using storage \(\mathcal {O} (\delta ^{1/2} \log \delta ) \) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\).

We recall the FINDING algorithm, given as Algortihm 1.

figure a

The complexity of Algorithm \(\textit{FINDING}\) mainly relies on the complexity of \(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\) and \(\mathbf{Alg}_{MPE}\), thus the overall complexity is \(\mathcal {O}\left( \log \delta M(\delta ^{1/2}) \right) \) operations modulo N with using storage \(\mathcal {O} (\delta ^{1/2} \log \delta ) \) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\).

Now we review Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm for computing a nontrivial divisor of a composite integer N, given as Algortihm 2.

figure b

Algortihm 2 takes \(\mathcal {O}\left( M((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2}) \log (\beta -\alpha ) \right) \) operations modulo N. The storage requirement is \(\mathcal {O} ((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2} \log (\beta -\alpha )) \) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\). In [10], Kim and Cheon showed that Algortihm 2 succeeds with a probability of at least 1 / 2.

Kim-Cheon’s Deterministic Algorithm. Since we do not know exactly how many a’s are to be tested or how to choose a to split N in Algortihm 2, hence, the algorithm works probabilistically. Therefore, Kim and Cheon proposed a deterministic algorithm to overcome this problem, the key tool of their deterministic algorithm was the distribution of smooth numbers, which was originally used for devising a deterministic primality test under some condition by Konyagin and Pomerance [11]. We omit the details of their algorithm here, instead, we refer to [10]. Obviously, Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm performs better than their deterministic algorithm.

4 Our Deterministic Algorithm

In this section, we propose a deterministic algorithm to find a nontrivial divisor of a composite integer N when it has a divisor in an interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\). Our algorithm has the same time complexity as Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm, and also works for the case of composite divisors.

4.1 Algorithmic Details

Now we show how to reduce the target problem to a variant of integer factorization problem. Let p be the divisor of N in the interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\). At first, we can write p as

$$ p=\beta -x $$

where x is an unknown variable satisfying \(0\le x \le \beta -\alpha \). Then in this case, we are given one exact multiple \(N (N\equiv 0 \bmod p)\) and one integer \(\beta =p+x\), and the goal is to learn the divisor p. Here, we do not require that p is prime.

Next we give our algorithm based on Strassen’s algorithm [13, 14] for solving the integer factorization problem. It is clear that

$$ p=\gcd \left( N, \prod _{i=0}^{\beta -\alpha }(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) \right) $$

The key problem is how to calculate \(\prod _{i=0}^{\beta -\alpha }(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) \) faster.

To calculate faster, we require the degree of polynomial be a power of two. Let \(|\beta -\alpha |_2 = l\). Therefore, we focus on

$$ p=\gcd \left( N, \prod _{i=0}^{2^l-1}(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) \right) $$

Set \(l^*=\lceil l/2 \rceil \), we can rewrite it as

$$ \prod _{i=0}^{2^{l}-1}(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) =\prod _{i=0}^{2^{l^*-(l \,\bmod \,2)}-1}\prod _{j=0}^{2^{l^*}-1}(\beta -2^{l^*}i-j) \ (\bmod N) $$

We define the polynomial \(f_j(x)\) of degree j modulo integer N:

$$ f_{j}(x)=\prod _{k=0}^{j-1}(\beta -x-k) \ (\bmod N) $$

Therefore, we have

$$ \prod _{i=0}^{2^{l}-1}(\beta -i) \ (\bmod N) =\prod _{i=0}^{2^{l^*-(l\, \bmod \,2)}-1} f_{2^{l^*}}(2^{l^*}i) \ (\bmod N) $$

which means

$$ p=\gcd \left( N, \prod _{i=0}^{2^{l^*-(l \,\bmod \,2)}-1} f_{2^{l^*}}(2^{l^*}i) \ (\bmod N) \right) $$

We need to compute the polynomial \(f_{2^{l^*}}(x)\) explicitly and evaluate this polynomial at \(2^{l^*-(l\, \bmod \,2)}\) points, which can fortunately be done using \(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\) and \(\mathbf{Alg}_{MPE}\). We give a full description of our algorithm as follows.

figure c

In our algorithm, the condition \(d=1\) means that there is no divisor in the interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\) and if \(1<d\le \beta \), d is the divisor what we want. However, if there are more than one divisors in the interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\), we will obtain that \(d>\beta \). According to the Strassen’s algorithm, for this case we can use a trick of computing greatest common divisor based on a product tree to determine which \(f_{2^{l^*}}(2^{l^*}k)\), where \(1\le k\le 2^{l^*-(l\,\bmod \,2)}\) has only one divisor. Algorithm 4 gives a brief description of this trick. Note that, if it is still that \(\gcd (N,\,f_{2^{l^*}}(2^{l^*}k))>\beta \) which means there are still more than one divisors of N fall in the same interval \([ \beta -2^{l^*}(k+1)+1,\,\beta -2^{l^*}k ]\), we can further use same trick as Algorithm 4 to construct a product tree based on the following expression

$$ f_{2^{l^*}}(2^{l^*}k) = \prod _{i=0}^{2^{l^*}-1} (\beta -2^{l^*}k-i)\,\,\,(\bmod \,\,N). $$

Then the divisor in the interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\) can be finally determined.

figure d

Now, we analyze the complexity of Algorithm 3. The complexity of \(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\) and \(\mathbf{Alg}_{MPE}\) takes \(\mathcal {O}\left( \log (\beta -\alpha ) M((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2}) \right) \) operations modulo N and the storage requirement is \(\mathcal {O} ((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2} \log (\beta -\alpha )) \) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\). In addition, we need GCD computations at most \(2\log (\beta -\alpha )^{1/2}\) times and \(\mathcal {O} ((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2})\) multiplications on modulo N. Therefore, the complexity of our algorithm mainly relies on the complexity of \(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\) and \(\mathbf{Alg}_{MPE}\), just like Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm our deterministic algorithm takes \(\mathcal {O}\left( \log (\beta -\alpha ) M((\beta -\alpha )^{1/2}) \right) \) operations modulo N.

4.2 Logarithmic Speedup

The complexity of Kim-Cheon’s algorithms and our algorithm mainly relies on \(\mathbf{Alg}_{Poly}\) and \(\mathbf{Alg}_{MPE}\). However, since the peculiar property of these polynomials we consider, hence more efficient algorithms exist. Thus, we can speed up the theoretical complexity of Kim-Cheon’s algorithms and our algorithm by a logarithmic term \(\log (\beta -\alpha )\).

Revisiting Kim-Cheon’s Algorithms. In Algortihm 1, they want to compute the polynomial \(F(X)=\prod _{0\le i \le L-1}(X-hg^i) \bmod N\) and evaluate F(x) at points \(g^{L}, g^{2L},\dots , g^{L^2}\). Notice that both \((hg^i)\) and \((g^{iL})\) are geometric progressions, hence we can use more efficient algorithm of Bostan et al. [3] to compute polynomial interpolation and polynomial evaluation at a geometric progression. Bostan gave his pseudocode in [2]. This technique can speed up the overall complexity of Kim-Cheon’s algorithms by a logarithmic term \(\log (\beta -\alpha )\).

Revisiting Our Algorithm. Likewise, our deterministic algorithm can also been improved by using a smarter way to calculate the evaluation of function \(f_{2^{l^*}}(x)\) at \(2^{l^*-(l\,\bmod \,2)}\) points. We use Chen-Nguyen’s technique, which based on Bostan, Gaudry and Schost’s result [3], to speed up Algortihm 3.

More specifically, Bostan, Gaudry and Schost’s result can be described as follows:

Theorem 1

(Theorem 5 of [3]). Let ab be in ring \(\mathbb {R}\) and d be in \(\mathbb {N}\) such that \({\varvec{d}}(a,b,d)\) is invertible, with \({\varvec{d}}(a,b,d)=b\cdot 2\cdots d\cdot (a-db)\cdots (a+db)\), and suppose that the inverse of \({\varvec{d}}(a,b,d)\) is known. Let F(x) be in \(\mathbb {R}[X]\) of degree at most d and \(r\in \mathbb {R}\). Given \(F(r), F(r+b),\dots ,F(r+db)\), one can compute \(F(r+a), F(r+a+b), \dots , F(r+a+db)\) in time \(2M(d)+\mathcal {O}(d)\) time and space \(\mathcal {O}(d)\). Here, M(d) is the time of multiplying two polynomial of degree at most d.

Define set \(S(k_1,\dots ,k_j):=\{\sum _{i=1}^{j} p_{k_i}2^{k_i} \ | \ p_{k_i}\in \{0,1 \} \}\). Suppose that we already have the evaluation of \(f_{2^j}(x)\) at points \(S(k_{l-j+1},\dots ,k_l)\), if we can calculate the evaluation of \(f_{2^{j+1}}(x)\) at points \(S(k_{l-j},\dots ,k_l)\), then with each iteration, we can evaluate the \(f_{2^{l^*}}(x)\) at \(2^{l^*-(l\,\bmod \,2)}\) points closer until \(j=2^{l^*}\).

The key technique is how to calculate the evaluation of \(f_{2^{j+1}}(x)\) at points \(S(k_{l-j},\dots ,k_l)\) using Theorem 1. For every \(X\in S(k_{l-j},\dots ,k_l)\), we have

$$ f_{2^{j+1}} (X)=f_{2^j}(X) \cdot f_{2^j}(X+2^{j+1}) $$

We can easily calculate \(f_{2^j}(X)\) and \(f_{2^j}(X+2^{j+1})\) using Theorem 1, and evaluate \(f_{2^{j+1}}(x)\) at points \(S(k_{l-j},\dots ,k_l)\).

Note that, our algorithm does not need to impose that the divisor in the interval is prime. However, if we impose that the divisor is prime, we can use the method of [7], proposed by Costa and Harvey, to further speed up the theoretical complexity by removing some elements in the interval that do not contribute any useful information.

5 Conclusion

In this paper we revisit the problem of finding a nontrivial divisor of a composite integer N when it has a divisor in an interval \([\alpha , \beta ]\). We present a deterministic algorithm to solve this problem, and our algorithm has the same complexity with Kim-Cheon’s probabilistic algorithm. Besides, based on the special structure of polynomial, we give a method to speed up the theoretical complexity of Kim-Cheon’s algorithm and our algorithm by a logarithmic term \(\log (\beta -\alpha )\).