1 Introduction

In the last few years crypto-currencies are in the center of the research ranging from financial, political and social to computer science and pure mathematics. Bitcoin [1] was one of the starters of this concentration of forces. It targeted the creation of a system where transactions between individuals can escape the strict control of the banks and financial markets.

Bitcoin was introduced as a pure peer-to-peer electronic currency or crypto-currency. It aims at fully decentralization of electronic transactions. Bitcoin allows to perform online transactions directly from one party to another one “without” the interference of a financial institution as a “trusted third party” [1]. It uses digital signatures to verify the bitcoin ownership and employs Blockchain in order to prevent double-spending attacks. In this attack the same bitcoin can be spent several times by a dishonest party. Blocks in the blockchain are created via a proof-of-work (cryptographic puzzle) [5] performed by honest parties (miners that follow the protocol). Blockchain is further broadcasted via a peer-to-peer overlay in order to agree on a common history of the transactions in the system.

Bitcoin is still vulnerable to various attacks including double-spending [7], selfish mining [4], Goldfinger [8], 51% attack [8] etc. In this paper we focus the selfish mining attack. Recently, [3] provided a full description of incentives to withhold or selfish mine in Bitcoin. That is, to force honest miners to waste their computational power such that their public blocks become useless (as orphan block), whereas the private chain of the selfish miners is accepted as a part of the Blockchain. To this end, the selfish miners reveal selectively their private blocks to make useless the blocks made by honest miners.

Our contribution. Our solution builds on the following simple idea: if a selfish miner keeps a block private more than a fixed interval of time, its block will be rejected by all the honest miners. Zeroblock scheme strives to reduce the probability of intentional forks that are result of block-withholding attacks. With ZeroBlock scheme a selfish mining pool cannot achieve more than its expected reward. Only with a low probability, selfish mining pool may create intentionally an unprofitable fork. We accentuate “unprofitable”, because this fork does not lead to more reward for selfish mining pool, but also reduces selfish pool’s likelihood to earn unexpected reward regardless of to its mining power. Thus, selfish mining pool is not incentivized to create such fork if its purpose is to achieve more reward. Furthermore, we prove that the maximum probability of such intentional fork is very low (\(\approx 0.04\)) when selfish pool uses its maximum hashing power. We further extend ZeroBlock in order to be tolerant to miners churn. The details of our solutions and the correctness proofs are proposed in [9].

2 ZeroBlock Algorithm

The key idea of our solution is that each block must be generated and received by the network within a maximum acceptable time for receiving a new block interval, mat (see Eq. 6 below). Within a mat interval a honest miner receives or discovers a new block. Otherwise, it generates a dummy block. The computation of each mat interval is done locally by each miner based on the following Bitcoin parameters: the expected delay for a block mining and the information propagation time in the Bitcoin network.

Expected delay for a block mining in Bitcoin depends mainly on the difficulty of proof-of-work. The major part of proof-of-work consists in discovering a byte string, nonce. As pointed out in [2] proof-of-work in Bitcoin is a Poisson process and causes blocks to be discovered randomly and independently. Moreover, in Bitcoin, the difficulty of proof-of-work required to discover a block is periodically adjusted such that, on average, one block is expected to be discovered every 10 min. Hence, the difficulty of proof-of-work is updated every 2016 blocks. It means that regarding to this adjustment (i.e. one block per 10 min) 2016 blocks, on average, is expected to be generated in 14 days. If 2016 blocks are discovered in a shorter time, the difficulty of proof-of-work will be increased and if they are generated in a longer time, difficulty of proof-of-work will be decreased.

The proof-of-work works as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} if \, H(pb + nonce) < T \, then proof\hbox {-}of\hbox {-}work succeeded \end{aligned}$$

where pb represents the hash of the previous block, nonce is the answer of proof-of-work that must be found by miners, T is target, ‘+’ is concatenation operation and H is the hash function.

Each mining pool can estimate the difficulty of proof-of-work using Eq. 2.

$$\begin{aligned} D = \frac{maxTarget}{T} \end{aligned}$$

where D is the difficulty of proof-of-work, T is current target and maxTarget is maximum possible value for target that is (\(2^{16}\) - 1)\(2^{208}\) \(\approx 2^{224}\). Since the hash function produces uniformly a random value between 0 and \(2^{256} - 1\) thus, the probability that a given nonce value would be the answer of proof-of-work is as follows (Eq. 3):

$$\begin{aligned} Prob(\textit{nonce is answer}) = \dfrac{target}{2^{256}} = \dfrac{2^{224}}{D \times 2^{256}} \approx \dfrac{1}{D \times 2^{32}} \end{aligned}$$

The number of hashes to discover a block is D \(\times \) \(2^{32}\) in expectation. If a mining pool can calculate hashes at a rate php (we call this as pool’s hashing power), then the expected time (or average time) avt in which this pool can discover a block is as follows (Eq. 4):

$$\begin{aligned} avt_{pool} = \dfrac{D \times 2^{32}}{php} \end{aligned}$$

When we replace php by hashing power of the network, nethp, we can use Eq. 3 for the entire network as follows (Eq. 5):

$$\begin{aligned} avt_{net} = \dfrac{D \times 2^{32}}{nethp} \end{aligned}$$

According to the relation between time, difficulty of proof-of-work, hashing power of the network in Eq. 5, Bitcoin network adjusts D such that regarding to hashing power of the network, the average time for block generation rate remains 10 min.

To calculate the maximum acceptable time for receiving a new block, mat, we use Eq. 6 below:

$$\begin{aligned} mat = avt_{net} + ipt \end{aligned}$$

where \(avt_{net}\) is given by the Eq. 5 and ipt is the information propagation time in Bitcoin network as estimated in [2].

figure a

The ZeroBlock algorithm (Algorithm 1) uses the following parameters and definitions: ipt : information propagation time in Bitcoin network that is an average delay for propagation a block into the network. This average delay has been estimated by simulation in [2]. avt : block generation rate that has been set by Bitcoin protocol according to which the difficulty of proof-of-work is adjusted regarding to the hashing power of the network using Eq. 5. mat : maximum acceptable time for receiving a new block that is computed by Eq. 6. During a mat interval if a miner cannot solve the proof-of-work, it has to generate a dummy Zeroblock. unpermitted block-withholding : occurs when a selfish mining pool discovers a new block and keeps the block private after the end of the current mat interval. Dummy Zeroblock : is generated locally by miners. It includes the index of mat interval and the hash of previous block. It is generated by honest miners to prevent unpermitted block-withholding. Note that our solution uses standard Bitcoin blocks discovered by solving the proof-of-work and dummy blocks that are generated by the Zeroblock algorithm for which miners do not need to solve any proof-of-work. The dummy Zeroblocks time generation is therefore ignored when adjusting the difficulty of the proof-of-work. orphan block : a block that has been discovered but is then rejected by the network. genesis block : the first block of a Blockchain on which all miners have a consensus. correct chain : a chain whose blocks have been discovered and inserted correctly according to the described protocol. creative miner: a miner that in a mat interval can solve proof-of-work and then generates a new block.