
1 Introduction

Motivation. Complete test suites guarantee to uncover all conformance violations of the implementation under test checked against a given reference model, provided that certain hypotheses – typically captured in a fault model – are fulfilled. This ideal test strength has attracted many researchers over the last 50 years, so that a large variety of contributions exists (a comprehensive overview has been given in [4, Sect. 5]). On the other hand, the often infeasible size of the test suites involved has frequently prevented their practical application. As a result, there is a considerable interest in testing strategies allowing to focus the effort on certain critical properties, while requiring lesser fault coverage for non-critical ones; we name [7] as one example among a multitude of publications in this field which is typically denoted as property-oriented testing.

Main Contributions. A novel contribution to property-oriented testing for the domain of finite state machines is presented. Our approach modifies the well-known Wp-Method in such a way, that complete coverage for output and transition faults (including addition of new states) is guaranteed, if these lead to erroneous outputs representing safety-violations. To this end, an abstraction concept for outputs is introduced, so that it can be formally captured whether an erroneous replacement of another output for the expected one presents a safety violation or just a non-critical deviation. In contrast to other publications in this field, we formally prove that our strategy is complete with respect to this safety-related fault coverage. We show by means of examples, that applying this Safety-complete Wp-Method can lead to significantly reduced test suites in comparison to the Wp-Method, though this is not guaranteed, but depends on the nature of the reference model and its safety-related abstraction.

Overview. In Sect. 2, basic terms and concepts are introduced, so that this paper remains sufficiently self-contained. In Sect. 3, the Safety-complete Wp-Method is introduced, and its completeness properties are proven. In Sect. 4, three small case studies are presented that provide some insight into the situations where the new method leads to a significant test case reduction. Section 5 presents the conclusion.

2 Notation and Technical Background

A deterministic finite state machine (DFSM) is a tuple \(M = (Q,\underline{q}, \varSigma _I, \varSigma _O,h)\) denoting the finite state space Q, initial state \(\underline{q}\in Q\), finite input and output alphabets \(\varSigma _I\) and \(\varSigma _O\), and the transition relation \(h\subseteq Q\times \varSigma _I\times \varSigma _O \times Q\). For deterministic machines, pre-state q and input x uniquely determine the associated output y and the post-state \(q'\), such that \(h(q,x,y,q')\) holds. We assume that all DFSMs are completely specified. This means that for every q and every x, there exists y and \(q'\) such that \(h(q,x,y,q')\).

The after operator \(q\text {-after-}\overline{x}\) maps a pre-state q and a finite sequence \(\overline{x}\) of inputs to the uniquely determined post-state \(q'\) resulting from repetitive application of h. The language of a DFSM is the set of finite input/output traces \(\overline{x}/\overline{y} \in \varSigma _I^*\times \varSigma _O^*\) resulting from applying all \(\overline{x}\in \varSigma _I^*\) to the initial state \(\underline{q}\) and associating the output trace \(\overline{y}\) which is uniquely determined by \(\underline{q}\), \(\overline{x}\), and h. Two DFSMs are I/O-equivalent ( \(M \sim M'\) ) if they produce the same language. The language of a state q is the set of \(\overline{x}/\overline{y}\) generated by applying all \(\overline{x}\in \varSigma _I^*\) to q. The prime machine \(\mathbf {prime}(M)\) of a DFSM M is the minimal DFSM producing the same language as M.

A test suite is a subset \({\text {TS}}\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\), each \(\overline{x}\in {\text {TS}}\) is a test case. This simplified notation is possible, since only deterministic machines are considered, so that the input trace \(\overline{x}\) uniquely determines the output trace to be expected according to the reference DFSM. An implementation passes a test case \(\overline{x}\) if the application of this input sequence produces an output sequence \(\overline{y}\), such that \(\overline{x}/\overline{y}\) is in the language of the reference DFSM.

For sets of input traces \(A, B\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\), the expression A.B denotes the set of all input traces resulting from concatenating a trace \(\overline{x}\in A\) with a trace \(\overline{x}'\in B\). Given a collection of sets of input traces indexed over the states of a DFSM M, say, \(W_q\subseteq \varSigma _I^*, q \in Q\), the notation \( A \oplus \{ W_q~|~q\in Q \} \) is used to denote the set of all input traces \(\overline{x}.\overline{x}'\) where \(\overline{x}\in A\) and \(\overline{x}'\in W_{(\underline{q}\text {-after-}\overline{x})}\). \(\varSigma _I^k\) denotes the set of all input traces of length \(k \ge 0\). For input or output traces \(\overline{z} = z_1\dots z_k\), the following notation is used for trace sections.

$$ \overline{z}^{[i,j]} = z_i.z_{i+1}\dots z_j \ \text {where}\ 1 \le i\le j \le k. $$

Given a reference DFSM M, the W-Method defines the test suite

$$ \mathcal{W}(M) = V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n+1}\varSigma _I^i.W, $$

where V is a state cover and W is a characterisation set. A state cover is a set of input traces, such that every state of M can be reached by \(\underline{q}\text {-after-}\overline{x}\) for some \(\overline{x}\in V\). V contains the empty trace \(\varepsilon \) which “reaches” the initial state of M. It is assumed that \(\mathbf {prime}(M)\) has n states and that the prime machine representing the true behaviour of the SUT has at most \(m\ge n\) states. A characterisation set W contains input traces distinguishing all states of \(\mathbf {prime}(M)\). This means that for each pair of distinct states \(q,q'\) of \(\mathbf {prime}(M)\), there exists an \(\overline{x}\in W\) such that \(\overline{x}\) applied to q produces an output trace which differs from the one resulting from application of \(\overline{x}\) to \(q'\). It is shown in [1, 10] that test suite \(\mathcal{W}(M)\) uncovers every violation of I/O-equivalence, provided that the prime machine representing the true behaviour of the implementation does not have more than m states.

The Wp-Method [2, 8] is an alternative test strategy which has the same test strength as the W-Method, but requires fewer test cases.

$$ \mathcal{W}_p(M) = V.W \cup \big (V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n}\varSigma _I^i.W\big ) \cup \big (V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}\oplus \{W_{q}~|~q\in Q(\mathbf {prime}(M))\}\big ) $$

Here VW are defined as above. The state identification sets \(W_q\) are subsets of W, such that each \(W_q\) contains sufficient input traces to distinguish q from every other state in \(\mathbf {prime}(M)\).

3 A Safety-Complete Wp-Method

3.1 Safety-Related Output Abstractions

Let \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\) be a deterministic completely specified FSM. Then any reflexive and transitive relation \(\le _s\subseteq \varSigma _O\times \varSigma _O\) is called a safety-related output abstraction. The intuition behind this definition is that \(y \le _sy'\) indicates that an erroneous output of \(y'\) instead of an expected output y does not induce a safety violation. Reflexivity just indicates that the occurrence of the output expected according to the reference model M can never be a safety violation. Transitivity implies that output z must also be a safe replacement of w, if \(w\le _sy \wedge y\le _sz\) holds. Relation \(\le _s\) induces an equivalence relation \(\sim _s\) on \(\varSigma _O\times \varSigma _O\) by defining

$$ y_1 \sim _sy_2 \equiv y_1 \le _sy_2 \wedge y_2 \le _sy_1 $$

Example 1

Consider a train onboard controller which compares actual train speed against the allowed speed and progressively outputs

$$ \varSigma _O = \{ \mathtt{ok}, \mathtt{warning}, \mathtt{ServiceBrakeTrigger}, \mathtt{EmergencyBrakeTrigger} \},$$

depending on how much the train is overspeeding. The outputs \(\mathtt{ok}\) and \(\mathtt{warning}\) are shown on the display unit of the train engine driver, whereas the outputs \(\mathtt{ServiceBrakeTrigger}\) and \(\mathtt{EmergencyBrakeTrigger}\) directly act on the train’s braking system. The service brake slows the train down with lower braking force than the emergency brake, so that the latter is used only as the “last resort”, when warnings and service brake interventions do not suffice. These considerations induce a safety-related output abstraction \(\le _s\) as the reflexive and transitive closure of

$$ \begin{array}{l} \mathtt{ok} \le _s\mathtt{warning} \le _s\mathtt{ServiceBrakeTrigger} \le _s\mathtt{EmergencyBrakeTrigger} \end{array} $$

The intuition behind this definition is that a warning or even a braking intervention performed by the controller is an acceptable substitute for an expected \(\mathtt{ok}\)-output from the safety perspective: the substitute output may be a nuisance (a spurious warning when the speed is within range) or even a severe reduction of reliability (triggering the emergency brake without need), but it does not introduce a safety threat. The same holds for situations where the service brake should be triggered but instead, the emergency brakes are activated.

When an intervention by service brakes or emergency brakes is expected, however, an output \(\mathtt{ok}\) or \(\mathtt{warning}\) would certainly be regarded as a safety hazard.

Next, suppose that the outputs to the train engine driver are extended by status messages

$$ \varSigma _O' = \{ \mathtt{s}_1,\dots ,\mathtt{s}_n \}. $$

Since these informative messages have no safety-relevance at all, we wish to extend the relation \(\le _s\) in a way expressing that each status message can be replaced by any other output of \(\varSigma _O\cup \varSigma _O'\) without causing any safety hazard. This is achieved by extending \(\le _s\) according to the rules

figure a

Finally consider a design extension, where the onboard controller operates in a de-centralised distributed train control environment, so that it switches its own points

$$ \varSigma _O'' = \{ \mathtt{p}_i^+, \ \mathtt{p}_i^-~|~i = 1,\dots ,m\} $$

along the route (such a system has been investigated, for example, in [3]). Notation \(\mathtt{p}_i^+\) stands for switching point number i into the straight position, \(\mathtt{p}_i^-\) for switching the point into the branching position. From the safety-perspective, switching a point into the desired position cannot be replaced by any other event without introducing a safety hazard. Therefore we extend \(\le _s\) this time as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} {}&p \le _sp \text { for all } \mathtt{p}\in \varSigma _O''\\&\mathtt{s} \le _s\mathtt{p} \text { for all } \mathtt{s}\in \varSigma _O', \mathtt{p}\in \varSigma _O'' \quad \square \end{aligned}$$

Given a safety-related output abstraction \(\le _s\) on \(\varSigma _O\), this is extended in the natural way to a reflexive and transitive relation (again denoted by \(\le _s\)) on output traces \(\iota , \pi \in \varSigma _O^*\) by setting

$$ \iota \le _s\pi \equiv \big ( \#\iota = \#\pi \wedge \forall i\in \{1,\dots ,\#\iota \} : \iota (i)\le _s\pi (i)\big ) $$

for \(\iota , \pi \in \varSigma _O^*\).

Now let \(q, q'\) be two states of the same state machine or of different state machines over the same input/output alphabet \((\varSigma _I, \varSigma _O)\). In the latter case, it is assumed without loss of generality that their states come from disjoint sets \(Q, Q'\). Then it is possible to specify a joint output function \(\omega : (Q\cup Q')\times \varSigma _I \rightarrow \varSigma _O\) which is extended in the natural way to operate on sequences of inputs, i.e. \(\omega : (Q\cup Q')\times \varSigma _I^* \rightarrow \varSigma _O^*\). Let \(\overline{x} \in \varSigma _I^*\) be an input trace. We define

$$ q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q \equiv \big ( \omega (q',\overline{x}) \le _s\omega (q,\overline{x}) \big ). $$

Intuitively speaking, \(q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q\) states that applying input trace \(\overline{x}\) to state q produces an output sequence \(\omega (q,\overline{x})\) which is an admissible substitute to the output sequence \(\omega (q',\overline{x})\) expected when applying the same input sequence to \(q'\).

Relation \(\mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}}\) induces an equivalence relation on states by defining

$$ q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q \equiv \big ( q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q \wedge q \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q' \big ) $$

These relations can be extended to sets of input traces in the natural way by defining

$$ \begin{array}{l} q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{W} q \equiv \big ( \forall \overline{x} \in W: q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q \big ) \\ q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W} q \equiv \big ( \forall \overline{x} \in W: q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q \big ) \end{array} $$

for arbitrary \(W\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\). Finally, the specific case where \(W = \varSigma _I^*\) is written in the simplified notation

$$ \begin{array}{l} q' \le _sq \equiv \big ( q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\varSigma _I^*} q \big ) \\ q' \sim _sq \equiv \big ( q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{\varSigma _I^*} q \big ). \end{array} $$

If \(q' \sim _sq\) holds, any input trace applied to \(q'\) will lead to an output trace which – regarded from the safety perspective – is an admissible replacement of the outputs expected when applying the same inputs to q and vice versa. If the initial states \(\underline{q}\) and \(\underline{q}'\) of two state machines \(M, M'\) are s-equivalent (\(\underline{q}' \sim _s\underline{q}\)), we denote this by \(M' \sim _sM\).

We call \(W_s\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) an s-characterisation set of DFSM M, if and only if

$$ q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} q \Leftrightarrow q' \sim _sq $$

holds. For any \(q\in Q\), \(W_{s_q}\subseteq W_s\) is called an s-state identification set of q, if and only if

$$ \forall q' \in Q: \big ( q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s_q}} q \Leftrightarrow q' \sim _sq \big ) $$

holds. The sets of input traces in \(W_s\) and \(W_{s_q}\), respectively, allow to distinguish states from the perspective of their safety-relevant outputs. Conversely, different states are indistinguishable by \(W_s\) and \(W_{s_q}\), if their safety-relevant outputs are equivalent, while the non-relevant outputs may differ for certain input traces.

Note that \(W_s\) and \(W_{s_q}\) coincide with the conventional characterisation sets and state identification sets introduced in [8], if we choose \(\le _s\) to be the reflexive and transitive relation defined by the diagonal of \(\varSigma _O\), that is,

$$ \le _s= \mathbf {diag}(\varSigma _O) = \{ (y,y)~|~y\in \varSigma _O \}, $$

where every output is only comparable to itself.

The following lemma states an obvious but useful fact about the \(\le _s\)-relation, input prefixes, and input suffixes.

Lemma 1

Let \(\overline{x}=x_1\ldots x_k\) and \(1\le i< k\). Let \(q,q'\in Q\cup Q'\) satisfying \(q' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} q\). Define states

$$\begin{aligned} q_i= & {} q\text {-after-}\overline{x}^{[1,i]} \\ q_i'= & {} q'\text {-after-}\overline{x}^{[1,i]} \end{aligned}$$

Then \(q_i' \mathop {\le _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}^{[i+1,k]}} q_i\) holds.    \(\square \)

3.2 A Safety-Complete Variant of the Wp-Method

Throughout this section, let \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\), \(M'=(Q',\underline{q}',\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h')\) be completely specified, deterministic, and minimised FSMs over the same input/output alphabet \(\varSigma = \varSigma _I\times \varSigma _O\) with \(|Q|=n\), \(|Q'|\le m\) and \(m\ge n\).

Definition 1

(Safety-related Fault Model). Let \(\le _s\subseteq \varSigma _O\times \varSigma _O\) be a safety-related output abstraction with associated equivalence relation \(\sim _s\). A safety-related fault model

$$\mathcal{F} = (M,\sim _s,\mathcal{D}(m))$$

is composed of

  1. 1.

    the reference model M,

  2. 2.

    the conformance relation \(\sim _s\), and

  3. 3.

    the fault domain \(\mathcal{D}(m)\) consisting of all finite, completely specified, deterministic, and minimised state machines \(M'\) over input/output alphabet \(\varSigma \), such that \(|Q'|\le m\) and \(m\ge n\).   \(\square \)

Definition 2

(Safety-complete Test Suite). With the definitions above, let \({\text {TS}}\subseteq \varSigma ^*\) be a test suite.

  1. 1.

    \({\text {TS}}\) is called sound w.r.t. fault model \(\mathcal{F}\), if and only if every member \(M' \in \mathcal{D}(m)\) which is I/O-equivalent to M (\(M' \sim M\)) passes the test suite.

  2. 2.

    \({\text {TS}}\) is called safety-exhaustive w.r.t. fault model \(\mathcal{F}\), if and only if every member \(M' \in \mathcal{D}(m)\) which is not safety-equivalent to M (\(M' \not \sim _sM\)) fail at least one test case in \({\text {TS}}\).

  3. 3.

    \({\text {TS}}\) is called safety-complete w.r.t. fault model \(\mathcal{F}\), if it is both sound and safety-exhaustive.   \(\square \)

Theorem 1

Let \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\), \(M'=(Q',\underline{q}',\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h')\) be two completely specified, deterministic, mimimal FSMs with \(|Q|=n\), \(|Q'|\le m\) and \(m\ge n\). Let \(\le _s\subseteq \varSigma _O\times \varSigma _O\) be a safety-related output abstraction. Suppose that

  1. 1.

    \(\varepsilon \in V\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) is a state cover of M,

  2. 2.

    \(W\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) is a characterisation set of M, and

  3. 3.

    \(W_s\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) is an s-characterisation set of M.


$$ A = V.W \ \text {and}\ B = V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n+1}\varSigma _I^i.W_s $$


$$ \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim }\limits ^{A} \underline{q} \wedge \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{B} \underline{q} $$

implies \(\underline{q}' {\sim _s} \underline{q}\) and therefore \(M' \sim _sM\).


We prove by induction over \(|\overline{x}|\) that for any \(\overline{x}\in \varSigma _I^*\),

  1. 1.

    \( \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}} \underline{q}\).

  2. 2.

    \(\underline{q}'\text {-after-}{\overline{x}}\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} \underline{q}\text {-after-}{\overline{x}} \)

Statement 2 is an auxiliary assertion needed to prove Statement 1. The latter directly implies the statement of the theorem.

Induction Base. Statements 1 and 2 trivially hold for \(\overline{x}=\varepsilon \).

Induction Hypothesis. Suppose that Statements 1 and 2 are true for some \(k\ge 0\).

Induction Step. Let \(\overline{x}.x\in \varSigma _I^*\) be any input trace with \(|\overline{x}|=k\) and \(x\in \varSigma _I\). Let

$$ q = \underline{q}\text {-after-}\overline{x}/\overline{y},\, q_1 = \underline{q}\text {-after-}(\overline{x}/\overline{y}).(x/y) $$


$$ q' = \underline{q}'\text {-after-}\overline{x}/\overline{y}', q_1' = \underline{q}'\text {-after-}(\overline{x}/\overline{y}').(x/y'). $$

From induction hypothesis we have \(q'\,\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s}\, q\).

Since \(\underline{q}' \mathop {\sim }\limits ^{V.W} \underline{q}\) and since W is a characterisation set of M, the set

$$\{\underline{q}'\text {-after-}\overline{x}~|~\overline{x}\in V\}$$

contains \(n = |M|\) states of \(M'\). Consequently,

$$ V' = V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n}\varSigma _I^i $$

is a state cover of \(M'\). Therefore, there exists some input trace \(\pi \in V'\) such that \(\underline{q}'\text {-after-}\pi =q'\) (note that it is not necessarily the case that \(\overline{x} \in V'\)). Let \(q_2=\underline{q}\text {-after-}\pi \). We wish to show that \(q \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} q_2\) holds.

Assume that \(\pi \in V.\varSigma _I^i\) for some \(i\in \{ 0,\dots ,m-n \}\). Now assumption \(\underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{B} \underline{q}\) of the theorem, together with Lemma 1 implies again that \(q' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} q_2\).

This fact is now combined with the induction hypothesis which implies that \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} q\). From these facts we can conclude that \(q \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} q_2\). Now \(W_s\) is an s-characterisation set of M, so \(q \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} q_2\) implies \(q\ {\sim _s}\ q_2\).

Let \(q_3=q_2\text {-after-}(x/y_1)\). Then \(q \sim _sq_2\), \(\omega (q, x)=y\), and \(\omega (q_2, x)=y_1\) implies \(y \sim _sy_1\). From Lemma 1 we have \(q_1=q\text {-after-}x\,\,{\sim _s}\, \,q_3=q_2\text {-after-}x\). Since \(\pi .x\in V.\bigcup _{i=1}^{m-n+1}\varSigma _I^i\) we have \(q_1' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s}\, q_3\) and \(y\, \sim _s \, y'\). Hence we have \( \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{\overline{x}.x} \underline{q}\) and \(\underline{q}'\text {-after-}(\overline{x}.x)\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_s} \underline{q}\text {-after-}(\overline{x}.x)\), which proves the induction step.   \(\square \)

Theorem 2

Let \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\), \(M'=(Q',\underline{q}',\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h')\) be two completely specified, deterministic, minimal FSMs with \(|Q|=n\), \(|Q'|\le m\) and \(m\ge n\). Let \(\le _s\subseteq \varSigma _O\times \varSigma _O\) be a safety-related output abstraction. Suppose that

  1. 1.

    \(\varepsilon \in V\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) is a state cover of M,

  2. 2.

    \(W\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) is a characterisation set of M,

  3. 3.

    \(W_s\subseteq \varSigma _I^*\) is an s-characterisation set of M, and

  4. 4.

    \(W_{s_q}\subseteq W_s\) are s-identification sets of M for all \(q\in Q\).


$$ A = V.W, \quad C = V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n}\varSigma _I^i.W_s, \ \text {and}\ D = V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}\oplus \{W_{s_q}~|~q\in Q\}. $$


$$ \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim }\limits ^{A} \underline{q} \wedge \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{C} \underline{q} \wedge \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{D} \underline{q} $$

implies \(\underline{q}' {\sim _s} \underline{q}\), and therefore \(M' \sim _sM\).


From Theorem 1 we conclude that it suffices to prove that the assumptions of Theorem 2 imply the validity of \(\underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{B} \underline{q}\), with \(B = V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n+1}\varSigma _I^i.W_s\) as specified in Theorem 1. Since Theorem 2 is already based on the assumption \(\underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{C} \underline{q}\), it suffices to prove that

$$ \underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}. W_s} \underline{q} $$


Let \(\overline{x}\in V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}\) and define \(q =\underline{q}\text {-after-}\overline{x}\) and \(q'=\underline{q}'\text {-after-}\overline{x}\). We need to show that \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{ W_{s}} q\) follows from the assumptions of the theorem.

From assumption \(\underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{D} \underline{q}\) and Lemma 1, we already have \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s_q}} q\). Since \(V' = V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n}\varSigma _I^i\) is a state cover of \(M'\) (this has been established in the proof of Theorem 1), there is some \(\overline{x}'\in V'\) such that \(\underline{q}'\text {-after-}\overline{x}'=q'\). Let \(q_2=\underline{q}\text {-after-}\overline{x}'\). Then \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s}} q_2\) follows from assumption from \(\underline{q}' \mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{C} \underline{q}\) (this has also been shown in detail in the proof of Theorem 1). Since \(W_{s_q}\subseteq W_s\), the fact that \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s}} q_2\) holds implies that \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s_q}} q_2\) holds as well. In combination with \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s_q}} q\), this implies \(q_2\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s_q}} q\), Therefore, \(q_2 {\sim _s} q\) and \(q_2\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s}} q\). From \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s}} q_2\) and \(q_2\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s}} q\), we conclude that \(q'\mathop {\sim _s}\limits ^{W_{s}} q\). This completes the proof.    \(\square \)

The theorem above induces a safety-complete test suite, this time it is based on the original Wp-Method.

Corollary 1

(Safety-complete Wp-Method). Let \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\) be a completely specified, deterministic, minimal FSM with \(|Q|=n\), and let m be a fixed integer satisfying \(m\ge n\). Let \(\le _s\subseteq \varSigma _O\times \varSigma _O\) be a safety-related output abstraction. Using the notation and terms introduced in Definitions 1 and 2, and Theorem 2. Then the test suite

$$ {\text {TS}}= V.W \cup \big (V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n}\varSigma _I^i.W_s\big ) \cup \big (V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}\oplus \{W_{s_q}~|~q\in Q\}\big ) $$

is safety-complete with respect to fault model \(\mathcal{F} = (M,\sim _s,\mathcal{D}(m))\).    \(\square \)

3.3 Implementation

For implementing an algorithm calculating the safety-complete test suite according to Corollary 1, we proceed as follows.

FSM Abstraction. Given a completely specified, deterministic, minimal FSM \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\), every safety-related output abstraction \(\le _s\subseteq \varSigma _O \times \varSigma _O\) induces an abstraction \(\alpha _s\) of the alphabet by mapping each output \(y\in \varSigma _O\) to the set of outputs \(y'\in \varSigma _O\) that are greater or equal to y according to \(\le _s\).

$$ \alpha _s : \varSigma _O \rightarrow \mathbb {P}(\varSigma _O); \quad y \mapsto \{ y'\in \varSigma _O~|~y\le _sy' \} $$

The image \(\varSigma _O^s = \alpha _s(\varSigma _O)\) is again finite, therefore it can be used as a new output alphabet of a state machine \(M_s\) which is an abstraction of M with respect to \(\le _s\) in the following sense.

$$\begin{aligned} M_s= & {} \mathbf {prime}(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O^s,h_s) \\ h_s= & {} \{ (q,x,\alpha _s(y),q')~|~(q,x,y,q')\in h \} \end{aligned}$$

Though M is assumed to be already minimised, the abstracted machine \((Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O^s,h_s)\) will not be minimised in general, because the output abstraction may result in fewer states of Q being distinguishable. Therefore \(M_s\) is specified as the prime machine of \((Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O^s,h_s)\).

By construction, two different states \((q,q')\) in \(M_s\) produce outputs for certain input traces that differ in \(\varSigma _O^s\). As a consequence, \(q\not \sim _sq'\) holds. Therefore, the characterisation set of \(M_s\) equals the s-characterisation set \(W_s\) of M, as specified in Sect. 3.1. Analogously, the state identification sets of \(M_s\) are exactly the s-state identification sets of M. As a consequence, s-characterisation sets and s-state identification sets can be calculated by using the existing algorithms for characterisation sets and state identification sets, but the calculation needs to be performed on the abstracted FSM \(M_2\).

Algorithm. With the FSM abstraction at hand, the algorithm for calculating the safety-complete test suite works as follows.

  1. 1.

    Input 1. Reference model \(M=(Q,\underline{q},\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O,h)\) with \(|Q| = n\).

  2. 2.

    Input 2. Integer m satisfying \(m \ge n\).

  3. 3.

    Input 3. Deterministic, completely specified, minimised FSM \(M_s=(Q_s,\underline{q}_s,\varSigma _I,\varSigma _O^s,h_s)\) resulting from the abstraction of M with respect to \(\le _s\).

  4. 4.

    Output. Test suite \({\text {TS}}\) which is safety-complete with respect to fault model \(\mathcal{F} = (M,\sim _s,\mathcal{D}(m))\).

  5. 5.

    Calculate state cover V from M.

  6. 6.

    Calculate characterisation set W from M.

  7. 7.

    Calculate characterisation set \(W_s\) from \(M_s\).

  8. 8.

    For all \(q\in Q_s\), calculate state identification sets \(W_{s_q}\) from \(M_s\).

  9. 9.

    Calculate \(V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}\oplus \{W_{s_q}~|~q\in Q_s\}\) from \(M_s\).

  10. 10.


    $$ {\text {TS}}= V.W \cup \big (V.\bigcup _{i=0}^{m-n}\varSigma _I^i.W_s\big ) \cup \big (V.\varSigma _I^{m-n+1}\oplus \{W_{s_q}~|~q\in Q_s\}\big ) $$
  11. 11.

    Remove test cases from \({\text {TS}}\) that are prefixes of longer test cases.

  12. 12.

    Return \({\text {TS}}\).

FSM Open Source Library. We have published the open source C++ library fsmlib-cppFootnote 1 which contains all algorithms needed for implementing the algorithm above. This library also provides essential methods for minimising DFSMs and for making nondeterministic FSMs observable. Moreover, a generator main program is provided which uses these methods to calculated W-Method, Wp-Method, and Safety-complete Wp-Method test suites. An overview over this library is given in the lecture notes [9, Appendix B].

4 Case Studies and Strategy Evaluation

4.1 Control of Fasten Seat Belt and Return-to-Seat Signs in the Aircraft Cabin

Application. The following example is a (slightly simplified) real-world example concerning safety-related and uncritical indications in an aircraft cabin. A cabin controller in a modern aircraft switches the fasten seat belt (FSB) signs located above the passenger seats in the cabin and the return to seat (RTS) signs located in the lavatories according to the rules modelled in the DFSM shown in Table 1.

As inputs, the cabin controller reads the actual position of the fasten seat belts switch in the cockpit, which has the position f0 (OFF), f1 (ON), and f2 (AUTO). Further inputs come from the cabin pressure control system which indicates “cabin pressure low” by event d1 and “cabin pressure ok” by d0. This controller also indicates “excessive altitude” by e1 or “altitude in admissible range” by e0. Another sub-component of the cabin controller determines whether the so-called AUTO condition is true (event a1) or false (a0).

The cabin controller switches the fasten seat belt signs and return to seat signs on and off, depending on the actual input change and its current internal state. As long as the cabin pressure and the cruising altitude are ok (after initialisation of the cabin controller or if last events from the cabin pressure controller were d0, e0), the status of the FSB and RTS signs is determined by the cockpit switch and the AUTO condition: if the switch is in the ON position, both FSB and RTS signs are switched on (output 11 in Table 1). Turning the switch into the OFF position switches the signs off. If the switch is in the AUTO position, both FSB and RTS signs are switched on if the AUTO condition becomes true with event a1, and they are switched off again after event a0. The AUTO condition may depend on the status of landing gears, slats, flaps, and oil pressure, these details are abstracted to a1, a0 in our example.

As soon as there occurs a loss of pressure in the cabin (event d1) or an excessive altitude is reached, the FSB signs must be switched on and remain in this state, regardless of the actual state of the cockpit switch and the AUTO condition. The RTS signs, however, need to be switched off, because passengers should not be encouraged to leave the lavatories in a low pressure or excessive altitude situation.

After the cabin pressure and the altitude are back in the admissible range, the FSB and RTS signs shall automatically resume their state as determined by the “normal” inputs from cockpit switch and AUTO condition.

Table 1. State-transition table of DFSM specifying the control of FSB signs and RTS signs in an aircraft cabin.
figure b

Safety Considerations. Analysing the outputs

$$ (\text {FSB},\text {RTS}) \in \varSigma _O = \{ 00, 10, 11, 01 \} $$

from the safety-perspective, leads to the identification of one safety-critical output \((\text {FSB},\text {RTS}) = (1,0)\), which should be set whenever cabin decompression or excessive altitude occurs. If the other outputs \(\{ 00, 11, 01 \}\) are changed due to an application error, this is certainly undesirable, but does not represent a safety hazard. Note that the output combination 01 should never occur at all.

These considerations lead to an abstraction function

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _s&: \varSigma _O \rightarrow \mathbb {P}(\varSigma _O) \\ 00&\mapsto \{ 00, 10, 11, 01 \} \\ 11&\mapsto \{ 00, 10, 11, 01 \} \\ 01&\mapsto \{ 00, 10, 11, 01 \} \\ 10&\mapsto \{ 10 \} \\ \end{aligned}$$

as introduced in Sect. 3.3, and the abstracted FSM described there is obtained by replacing outputs 00, 11 by \(\text {YY} = \{ 00, 10, 11, 01 \}\), while leaving every occurrence of output 10 unchanged.

Comparison Wp-Method Versus Safety-Complete Wp-Method. The reference FSM with 24 states as specified in Table 1 is already minimal, and a characterisation set has 4 elements. The minimised version of the FSM abstraction only has 4 states and a characterisation set with 3 elements.

These figures motivate why the Wp-Method requires 549 test cases if the minimised machine representing the implementation has the same number of states as the reference model (\(m = n\)). The Safety-complete Wp-Method only requires 468 test cases in this situation; this corresponds to a test case reduction of approx. 15%.

4.2 Synthetic Example

Application. The following example does not come from a practical application, but has been constructed to illustrate that the reduction of test cases in comparison to the original Wp-Method can be quite significant. The reference state machine is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Example showing the effectiveness of the safety-complete Wp-Method

Safety Considerations. We assume that outputs 1 and 2 can be considered as non-critical, so that they can be abstracted to a single output Y. Output 0 is considered as critical.

figure c

Comparison Wp-Method Versus Safety-Complete Wp-Method. The reference machine in Table 2 with its 7 states is already minimal, but the minimised abstracted FSM only has 2 states. As a consequence, both characterisation set and state identification sets of the abstracted machine are significantly smaller. Therefore, the Wp-Methods with assumption \(m = n\) requires 87 test cases, while the Safety-complete Wp-Method only requires 41, this corresponds to a test case reduction of approx. 53%.

While this example is of no practical value, it illustrates effectively that test case reductions to less than half of the cases required for the Wp-Method are possible when using the Safety-complete Wp-Method.

4.3 Garage Door Controller

Application. This example has been originally proposed in [6]. We use it here as a negative example: it is not guaranteed that the Safety-complete Wp-Method will always require fewer test cases than the Wp-Method, though the former has lesser test strength than the latter. Therefore it is important to compare the required test case numbers beforehand – for example, by using the algorithms made available in the FSM Library described in [9, Appendix B] – before deciding which test suites to run against the system under test.

The garage door controller uses inputs from a remote control, two sensors indicating whether the door has reached the up position or the down position, respectively, and a light sensor indicating whether the door area is crossed while the door is closing or opening. The controller commands the motor to go down, up, stop, or to reverse the down direction to the up direction. Its detailed behaviour is specified in Table 3.

Safety Considerations. The only output considered as safety-critical is the command to reverse the down-direction to the up direction. All other outputs can be abstracted to some value Y.

Comparison Wp-Method Versus Safety-Complete Wp-Method. Both the reference model in Table 3 and its abstraction are not minimal. It turns out, however, that the minimised abstracted model still has as many states as the minimised reference model. Moreover, the characterisation set and the state identification sets of the abstracted model are larger than the equivalent sets derived from the minimised reference model.

As a consequence, the Wp-Method requires only 17 test cases for \(m = n\), while the Safety-complete Wp-Method requires 33 cases.

Table 3. DFSM modelling the garage door controller.
figure d

5 Conclusion

We have presented a testing strategy which guarantees to uncover every safety violation when testing an implementation against a deterministic finite state machine reference model. These guarantees hold under the assumption that the true behaviour of the implementation, when expressed by a minimised state machine, does not exceed a certain maximum of states m, in comparison to the number n of states in the minimised reference model. Safety criticality has been modelled by means of a safety-related output abstraction which allows to express that certain outputs can be exchanged by certain others without introducing a safety violation. The new strategy has been derived from the well-known Wp-Method. A proof has been presented which shows that – while no longer guaranteeing to uncover every violation of input/output equivalence – the strategy will uncover every failure which ends in an erroneous output representing a safety violation.

First experiments have shown that this Safety-complete Wp-Method may require significantly fewer test cases than the Wp-Method (reductions between 15% and 50% have been observed). It has been indicated by another example, however, that this reduction is not guaranteed.

The concept described here can be extended to more complex systems whose behaviour can be represented by a certain class of Kripke structures over infinite input domains, but with finite domains for internal states and outputs. It has been shown in [5] that a specific input equivalence class construction technique can be applied, so that any complete testing theory valid for FSMs can be translated to a likewise complete equivalence class partition testing strategy for these systems with Kripke semantics.