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1 Introduction

Over the last years, the demand of well-trained skilled workers in the fields of electrical engineering and information technology has been significantly increasing (e.g. [1, 2]). Yet, fewer and fewer students opt for the degree program of teaching at vocational schools in the field of electrical engineering even though career perspectives are above average. For example, in the field of electrical engineering for vocational schools, about seven students average began studying for a bachelor’s degree during the past years at Leibniz University of Hannover. The situation at other universities is similar. This results in a lack of teachers especially qualified in didactic and pedagogical aspects, who are able to train skilled workers. The project TechColleges, founded by the Federal State of Lower Saxony, aims at inspiring students of vocational schools to become a part of the first generation of academics. These students are trained to teach at vocational schools using small robots with Raspberry Pi ([3]) or Arduino ([4]) based control unit. During their university courses they are supported by mathematical introductory courses and electrotechnical projects, in which students are soldering, assembling and programming small robots. An important aspect is the evaluation of the measures taken aiming at optimizing and developing the overall concept. A catalog of measures will be created based on the evaluation and the experience gained to pave the way for continuous implementation of those measures at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover as well as for transferring this approach to other faculties and universities.

2 Current Situation of Robotics in Education

The use of robots in the field of teaching has a motivating effect [5]. For this reason, countless robot platforms are available. They differ in terms of price, number of sensors, demands on the learner, appearance, etc. The price for each platform varies between $ 50 (e.g. AREXX Arduino Roboter [6]), several hundred dollars (e.g. LEGO EV3 [7]), and several thousand dollars (e.g. NAO [8]). Since the target audience (future teachers) is not yet active at a school, we use a budget-priced open platform for the robots. Due to the popularity of Arduino and Raspberry Pi in schools, these boards appear to be very suitable. In addition, Arduino and Raspberry Pi can be used in other projects that are not focused on robots. Finally, it is possible for students to use their own Raspberry Pi as a media center or a favorable game console outside the projects.

A similar diversity can be observed in the field of projects. Projects like to use robots particularly to raise interest in technology. Preschool children (e.g. [9]), girls [10] and engineering students (e.g. [11]) are often focus of these projects. Already employed teachers will also be addressed, in order to encourage the curricular use of robotics (e.g. [12]). A project with future teachers as the target audience of is unknown to the author.

3 Education System of Germany

Besides the academic training, vocational education is an important pillar of the German education system ([13]). In this context, it must be distinguished between the dual vocational training and the fully school-based education. In the dual training system, students attend classes at school and receive on-the-job training at a company (e.g. [14]). Here, practical aspects of the future profession are always in the center of interest. For this reason, the theory is to be seen in the context of actual situations where action is required. A distinction is made between three categories. The full school vocational training, which is also preparing for a future professional activity, is most similar to the dual system of training. In the area of electrical engineering and computer science, there are two-year vocational schools, which provide both theoretical and practical contents. The second category prepares students for a dual training in one-year schools (BVJ, BGJ). Schools belonging to the latter category prepare for academic education and strongly link general and technical education. The age of the students in the respective school types varies due to the different goals of each category. In 2011, for example, students of the dual system of training (BIBB) were in average in their early twenties, whereas the students in classes preparing for academic education were often older, since they had already finished dual training.

Vocational school teachers in all mentioned types of school have a university degree (M.Ed.) ([15]). The diversity of the school types places high demands on their skills. In addition to a theoretical pedagogical background, teachers also need practical knowledge about professional job requirements. For this reason, most teachers have completed a vocational training themselves or have worked as engineers.

A vocational teacher training is divided into two phases. In the first (academic) phase (five years), they study pedagogy and a second subject (such as German, Politics etc.) in addition to their professional specialization (e.g. Electrical Engineering). They do internships at vocational schools in the different study terms. In the second phase (18 months), they already teach at a school while simultaneously attending study seminars to continue their theoretical training. This is comparable to a dual vocational training (from training on-the-job to teaching at a school and from school to study seminar) ([16]).

Having finished the training, an exciting job with young people awaits the graduates. This job also offers good possibilities to reconcile work with family life. Currently, the demand for teachers in the area of electrical engineering is very high (e.g. [17, 18]). For this reason, most teachers can freely choose the school they want to work at. Most jobs are offered with a permanent contract and an average gross income of approx. 3650 EURO (unmarried and without children). Promotion prospects are to become head of school department or school principal.

4 Concept

Young people often do not feel ready to study directly after graduation. To start a voluntary year or dare an orientation study to bridge the gap between school and university makes sense. The concept of TechColleges based on picking up the students at school and introducing them by means of technical projects to university studies. In this case, technology serves as an instrument to overcome the obstacle to an unknown academic world. The versatile technical projects should increase the motivation of students and reduce threshold fears of taking up university studies for intellectually gifted students less likely to access a university career. Furthermore, the relationship between students and their project supervisor plays an important role. The supervisor is meant to be mentor, consultant and trustworthy contact in one person. Since they know academic life due to their own studies, they may offer help in difficult situations. Secondly, they might assist in dealing with understanding difficulties regarding the tasks set. The focus is on mentors who are not teachers of (vocational) schools. The mentors are scientific staff from the Leibniz University of Hannover or students, who are studying in the master program of vocational schools or work as research assistants at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the Leibniz University of Hannover.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

TechColleges concept

TechColleges is divided into three levels (represented in Fig. 1 as green colored shapes), in which students are confronted with realistic problems in the field of robotics and teaching activities. In the first level (School-Level-TechCollege), a special teaching concept will be developed and performed in the classroom. In the second level (Cooperation-Level-TechCollege), students are supposed to realize a project at the university, thus offering them first contacts with university life and study practice. In the third level (University-Level-TechCollege), students visit an university course and deepen their technical knowledge. Furthermore, students get an insight into the life of a teacher by performing small teaching units. In all three levels, students (represented as learners), teachers and family members of the students visit informational or methodical workshops for free (represented in Fig. 1 as blue colored clouds). Students participate in technical and methodological workshops (e.g. time management). Informational events (e.g. studying or financing) are also offered for teachers and family members in order to arouse their interest in an academic career and to guarantee their support, especially if the student would establish the first generation of academically trained family members.

4.1 School-Level-TechCollege

School-Level-TechCollege is divided into twelve units (represented in Fig. 2). Nine blue colored units describe the technical approach of the TechColleges concept. Three green colored units represente the educational approach of the project. Each unit includes 180 min. This is equivalent to two double lessons at a vocational school in Germany. The first level takes place at vocational schools.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

School-Level-TechCollege - Concept

Fig. 3.
figure 3

School-Level-TechCollege - RPi robot

The concept of School-Level-TechCollege is based on developing a moving Raspberry Pi (RPi) robot, extended by line tracking and distance detection (represented in Fig. 3). Students additionally learn simple teacher specific activities, such as designing a worksheet to explain context, presenting work results and independently creating evaluation criteria by solving the task sets. Related seminars such as “Learning”, “Time Management” and “Motivation” facilitate the entry into the study system and are acknowledged as key competences for the teaching profession. Furthermore, counseling and reconnaissance units in form of individual and group interviews are offered to consolidate the knowledge obtained in study and teaching activities resulting in a sustainable improvement of the project and the individual levels. In interviews, the students’ socio-biographical background is discussed, the image of the teaching profession is depicted and it was investigated, whether a student is suitable to become a teacher. This review aims mainly at helping students to improve their self-reflection. On one hand, the tutors present the basic concepts and conditions for teaching at a vocational school from a teacher’s point of view. On the other hand, the students can experience, what it is like to be a teacher by actually assuming all related tasks. Other questions (such as career opportunities, salary) are also discussed in this context.

4.2 School-Level-TechCollege - Units

  1. 1.

    Unit 1: Knowledge (represented in Fig. 5 and explained in Sect. 4.4).

  2. 2.

    Unit 2: The second step is to solder a flip-flop to gain initial experience with soldering. Connecting the entire board of the robot with the necessary sensors and passive and active components is established. The parallel construction of the chassis completes this unit.

  3. 3.

    Unit 3: After the successful construction of the robot, students deal with a few simple commands of the operating system Linux. They take the first program (Hello World) into their programming environment and learn about the development environment, as well as the Python interpreter.

  4. 4.

    Unit 4: Students create the first program to make an LED blink, in which they learn the basic structures of Python.

  5. 5.

    Unit 5: The aim of this unit is to set the robot into motion. The H-bridge and PWM control are discussed.

  6. 6.

    Unit 6: Learner Process (represented in Fig. 5 and explained in Sect. 4.4).

  7. 7.

    Unit 7: In this unit, the forward and backward driving robot from unit 5 is extended. The aim is to avoid collision, which is realized by using the ultrasonic distance sensors.

  8. 8.

    Unit 8: Project (represented in Fig. 5 and explained in Sect. 4.4).

  9. 9.

    Unit 9: In preparation for the next unit, students deal with the detection of a line using phototransistors. To achieve this aim, they need to read the values of the phototransistors via the A/D converter.

  10. 10.

    Unit 10: In this unit, particularly the results of the units 5 and 9 are assembled. The aim is to follow a black line. It is not enough to assemble the existing source code. Due to the disturbing influence of light around, some tweaks need to be made to the robot.

  11. 11.

    Unit 11: Interviews (explained in Chap. 5).

  12. 12.

    Unit 12: In the final unit, the recent improvements are to be made to the robot to drive a race. Each group presents the capabilities of their own robot on a racetrack.

4.3 School-Level-TechCollege - Technical Approach

Since the target audience consists of predominantly inexperienced learners and embedded programming is introduced, the electrical engineering and computer science are directly linked to the microcontroller platform (e.g. Arduino) and a small computer (e.g. RPi). The RPi computer was selected as control unit for the traveling robot. Decisive for this choice was the Linux operating system, which also provides enough space for additional domestic use (e.g. as a multimedia console for the living room). Currently, the first version of the RPi in the B-variant is applied in the project. Therefore, the students use a networkable small computer. The numerous Python libraries allow a comfortable access to the GPIOs and to the associated sensors and actuators. During the development phase, students work on a LAN and a Remote Desktop connection at the RPi. Once the individual robots start to move, a wireless stick can replace LAN.

Control of the motors (represented in Fig. 4 as engine) is obtained via the motor driver (represented in Fig. 4 as engine driver) L293D including two H-bridges. Thus, it is possible to control a motor using only one operating voltage. The motor speed should vary in order to ensure stable driving on the lines. To solve this task, the students have to deal with pulse-width modulation (PWM).

First, the RPi robot orients itself in the room using two ultrasonic sensors. The sensors measure distances between 2 cm and 4 m. At this point, it is necessary to implement a simple communication protocol that is adhered to at all times. Measurement started via a trigger signal. Then, the sensor responds with the setting and subsequent resetting of the echo signal. Based on the time difference between the set and reset signal, the students can determine the measured distance.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

School-Level-TechCollege - technical approach

A second way to navigate the robot is the pursuit of a black line, which is mounted on a white background. To facilitate this, two phototransistors are used. A RPi has no analog inputs, which would be able to detect the measured values of the phototransistors. For this reason, the A/D converter MCP3008 is applied. In addition to a 10-bit resolution of the A/D converter, it provides eight channels and a sample rate of 200 kHz. The A/D converter is controlled using the SPI protocol.

The entire circuit is installed on a circuit board that is mounted on a chassis together with the RPi and the individual sensors. A further sensor is mounted on the circuit board with which the color can be detected. Due to time constraints, however, the color sensor, which deals with yet another protocol (I2C), is not integrated into the School-Level-TechCollege concept.

Nevertheless, the necessary hardware and materials are represented in Fig. 4.

4.4 School-Level-TechCollege - Educational Approach

The School-Level-TechCollege concept follows the didactic approach of self-organized learning ([19]), a three-stage approach divided into “‘Knowledge”’, “‘Learner Process”’ and “‘Project”’ (represented in Fig. 5).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

School-Level-TechCollege - learning approach diagram

Learners are integrated as active participants in a constructive learning process. They work out their own tasks, construct their own robot designs and acquire the knowledge necessary for operating a traveling robot. In the first stage, named “Knowledge”, the participants form groups to exchange their knowledge. Furthermore, independent learning is possible via video tutorials and seminars. The second stage, called “‘Learner Process”’, is divided into six phases ([20]). Working in study groups of up to three people, the students independently pass the following six phases: “‘Information”’, “‘Planning”’, “‘Decision”’, “‘Action”’, “‘Check”’ and “‘Analysis”’. Having finished the last phase, they can return to the first phase in order to optimize the results obtained on their robot. In the third stage, named “‘Project”’, all the groups present their results in plenary and give a status report on the difficulties and findings while solving the task.

4.5 Cooperation-/University-Level-TechCollege

The concepts for Cooperation- and University-Level-TechCollege are in the planning stage. Both levels are based on the experience, proposals and suggestions that resulted of the first pass of the School-Level-TechCollege. The technical projects, such as construction and control of a quadrocopter, zeppelin, segway, and an arm robot or programming a humanoid robot NAO ([21]) are used in the two secondary levels. The technical and conceptual approaches are already in the development phase.

Students receive particular support in their orientation phase by providing mathematical and electrical basic courses. They can expand their mathematical skills and close potential knowledge gaps. The electrical basic courses enable the linking of theoretical contents with practical aspects giving a first insight into teaching. Based on these experiences, students will assume the role of teachers in the third level of TechColleges supporting first level participants. They are confronted with teaching as early as possible, thus being able to reflect on their own suitability for the job.

The aim is the permanent implementation of the School-Level-TechCollege in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover and the support of young future teachers during their study with an early experience of teaching in vocational schools.

5 Evaluation

Prior to the beginning of the project, 12 participants without prior knowledge of electrical engineering tested the technical contents of School-Level-TechCollege in a 5-day workshop. The participants, three of them females, came from different regions of northern Germany and visited the school grades 8 to 9. The workshop served primarily to determine the period, to assess the difficulty of the technical issues, to evaluate the fun factor while performing the task and to verify improvements suggested by the students. After having implemented the suggestions of the test group and having taken into consideration further educational aspects a pilot first level project has been performed at the vocational school of Oldenburg in Germany with a total of five students interested in the overall concept and willing to participate after their regular school time. The analysis of the transcriptions and the survey sheets returned the following results on the following five main subjects: “Socio-biographical background”, “Attitude towards studying”, “Attitude towards the teaching profession”, “Skills in the context of TechColleges” and “Review of School-Level-TechCollege”.

5.1 Socio-Biographical Background

The educational level of the parents is rather low (hardly any academic degree). The majority of the parents (60%) have completed professional training and have been working in traditional occupations such as locksmith, elder care or office clerk. The remaining 40% have completed a course of study, but only 20% of them became a teacher. Nevertheless, all participating students get the parental support. Parents support academic training and are willing to help (e.g. assistance in moving to a new city). However, the parents are not the primary point of contact in terms of advising on the decision to study, because they have little experience in any training. Tips for selecting the studies, the end of the study, the student life etc. are rather preferred to be received from sports colleagues or from friends, who already enrolled in a study. For all parents, the financial support is of not matter anymore. However, they are partially positive about it, expecting a better earning potential after graduation, and are negative in parts, due to the loss of earnings in the period of study. The majority of participants (90%), who take up studies, have no barriers. The minority (10%) feared only the loss of social contacts in their town. Half of the participants are even very positive about the study, due to better earning potential in the private sector, the civil servant status and financial security, and have role models to look up at in mind.

5.2 Attitude Towards Studying

Participants generally have a very positive attitude towards studying. This is reflected in hopes and expectations and in the desire for education, because of intellectual underload, e.g. in the profession as a construction worker, which is more dominated by the physically practiced work. Furthermore, flexible scheduling, a new image and safety aspects due to the academic degree are highly appreciated among the students. The only reason why all participants would hesitate to take up studies, is their fear of failing to meet the challenging requirements.

5.3 Attitude Towards the Teaching Profession

The group discussion regarding the attitude towards the teaching profession resulted in the following findings. All of the participants evaluated job security, personal development and deepening of interests as positive. The low promotion opportunities as in the private sector, a low social status of teachers in society of Germany, exam corrections at home and partly flexible time scheduling based on lessons preparation were evaluated as negative by all participating persons.

5.4 Skills in the Context of TechColleges

All participants have teaching competencies. They had already gained experience in social work, tutoring or as a youth coach. The minority of the respondents (40%) like to explain things and feel competent enough to take up a teacher-training course. The challenges and development needs they see are in self, time and conflict management and their capacity to show empathy as well as in the future change of roles (from student to teacher).

5.5 Evaluation of School-Level-TechCollege

After the project, all participants feel better informed and prepared as to the choice of an adequate study course. The consulting resulted in a significant reduction of their socio-cultural inhibitions. The insight into the teaching practice was very exciting and consequently contributed to the decision for or against the teaching degree. The technical part of the project was valued by 100% of the respondents as positive. It was very exciting for the participants to build their own moving robot and make them travel around. Students felt valued by the university mentors and often highlighted their positive personal and non-hierarchical supervision. The tasks were understandable and clearly formulated and offered exciting topics from electrical engineering, programming and didactics. All of the participants were very satisfied with the tasks to be solved. Due to the parallel school and the additional homework, the high workload was heavily criticized. However, in some cases, there was a desire for more contents from the educational field. All participants recommended the project and were determined to participate in the second level of the project.

6 Conclusion

First experiences gained in the first level (School-Level-TechCollege) show that there are dedicated students, who are interested in technical and pedagogical aspects. Due to the low numbers of participants in the first round of School-Level-TechCollege, the subject teachers at vocational schools significantly enhance marketing activities. Besides that, additional vocational schools could be gained as partner in the region of Hannover. In addition, the Cooperation- and the University-Level-TechCollege will be prepared. The concept of the School-Level-TechCollege should be integrated into the school curriculum at vocational schools at an early stage to enable the university’s students from the first semester on get an insight into teaching and to carry out first own projects of the University-Level-TechCollege. An additional goal is to implement the project permanently at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover and to integrate it into other faculties and universities.