
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) has been one of the most important classification techniques, specially used on recommender systems [1, 2], and information retrieval applications.

KNN is a process of finding the most similar neighbors of a node/entity from a dataset. Each node of the dataset is represented for some data, commonly known as profile. We consider two data entities as neighbors if their profiles are similar based on a similarity metric as cosine or Jaccard.

Unfortunately, the main bottleneck of KNN is its huge memory requirements. Besides, some of the KNN applications witness high rate of changes in profiles over time, making very difficult to take these changes into account. These updates only increase the computation time considerably, making the algorithm less and less scalable. Due to this cost, many current approaches [2,3,4] simplify the processing assuming the dataset remains static throughout the computation. Consequently, the computation of KNN on static datasets does not consider data’s dynamism, relying on content that is always outdated. Unfortunately, nowadays data changes continuously [7, 8] at unimaginable rates, specially on those web-based, or recommendation systems’ applications [5, 6].

Hence, we propose UpKNN, a multithreading approach for processing real-time profile updates in KNN algorithms. UpKNN is designed to perform well on a single commodity PC, through an efficient out-of-core approach that leverages disk and main memory efficiently. The use of a single commodity PC, instead of a more complex computing platform, is motivated by its lower cost and ease of access for a vast majority of potential users, compared to a distributed system.

2 Background

Given N entities with their profiles in a D-dimensional space, the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm finds the K closest neighbors for each entity. The distance between two entities is computed based on a well-defined metric that takes into account their profiles. To compute KNN efficiently we adopt an approximate approach as proposed in [1].

Let us consider a set of entities U (\(|U| = N\)), associated with a set of items denoted by I. Each entity u has a profile \(UP_u\), composed of items in I. UpKNN assumes that the N entities are randomly partitioned into M partitions, in such a way that at least one partition can be processed in memory at a time.

Corresponding to each of the M partitions there is a partition file \(PF_j\) in disk, storing the profiles UP of all the entities belonging to partition j.

To update the profiles, UpKNN receives an unsorted set of updates S consisting of entity-item tuples: \(S = \{<u, i> \,|\, u \in U,\, i \in I\}\).

3 UpKNN Algorithm

3.1 Classify

UpKNN classifies each update of the set S per its entity’s partition, such that all updates for the entities of a partition are applied at once, avoiding further IO operations. For a fast classification, we use a set of in-memory buffers, which are read and written in parallel. UpKNN performs the expensive read operations from S (on disk) in parallel with the classification, achieving a higher throughput.

Figure 1 depicts the classify phase. The classification separates the updates and stores them into M update files, \(UF_m\). To do so, we have pairs of reader-classifier threads (\({T_r}_i\) and \({T_c}_i\)). Each pair shares a unique communication channel \(C_i\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Classify. Reader threads in continuous lines, classifier threads in dashed lines

Each reader thread \({T_r}_i\) reads one of the equal-sized slices of S at a time. Once the \({T_r}_i\) has read a slice from S, it puts that slice in the communication channel \(C_i\) and notifies the corresponding \({T_c}_i\). When \({T_c}_i\) receives the notification, it reads data from \(C_i\), freeing it for new data (from \({T_r}_i\)).

To classify the updates into the update files \(UF_m\), each classifier thread \({T_c}_i\) has access to its M partitioned local buffer \(LB_i\) of size \(M \times 4[mb]\).

Keeping the large size of updates in mind, we implement a second level of buffer called Global buffer, mostly to reduce synchronizations and IO operations. This buffer of size \(M \times 8[mb]\) is common to all the classifier threads, consequently is protected by a mutex, preventing multiple classifiers to access the same partition concurrently. The size of the buffer is experimentally selected to achieve the best performance.

Each thread \({T_c}_i\) classifies the updates and stores them into their corresponding local buffer partitions: \({LB_i}_j\). As soon as a partition j of the local buffer \(LB_i\) becomes full, its data is put into the corresponding partition of the global buffer by \({T_c}_i\). Once the global buffer partition is full, the data of that particular partition j is written into the update profile file \(UF_j\). The thread \({T_c}_i*\), who made j’s partition in the global buffer full, writes the update profile file \(UF_j\). As only one thread has access to the global buffer of some partition j, when this is full, there is no need of synchronization to write \(UF_j\) file.

In UpKNN a key factor to achieve high performance is the overlap of computations and IO operations. While a reader thread obtains data from S (IO request), a classifier thread classifies updates in partitions, preliminarily stored on in-memory buffers and later written into the corresponding update files.

3.2 Merge

The phase merges the updates from these \(UF_m\) files with the already existing M profile files \(PF_m\) in disk. We use a set of M threads \(T_{me}\) to process the updates from these files in parallel. We have enough threads \(T_{me}\) so that each file is read and merged in parallel, leveraging IO parallelism observed on modern SSDs.

To merge, each thread \(T_{me}\) loads the updates from the corresponding update profile file \(UF_i\) into memory. These updates are inserted sequentially into a heap to sort them by entities’ id. The purpose of sorting the updates by entities’ id is to have all the occurrences of a particular user continuously. Now that the updates are sorted by id, \(T_{me}\) proceeds to read sequentially from disk the profile file \(PF_i\) (obtained from the underlying KNN approach) and to merge them with the updates from the heap. The process of merging old profiles with new items is performed in-memory. Finally, \(T_{me}\) writes the updated profiles back to \(PF_i\). Using the same thread for reading and writing, avoids synchronization operations and related costs, and hence, achieves full parallelism in IO operations.

4 Evaluation

UpKNN is implement in C++, clang-omp++ 3.5.0, −O2 optimization. Openmp and Pthreads enable multithreading computation. We ran our experiments on a MacBook Pro laptop, Intel Core i7 4 cores, 16 GB RAM and a 500 GB SSD.

Table 1. Datasets

Although UpKNN is independent of the underlying KNN algorithm, we show a particular instance of its implementation on Pons [3]. UpKNN is evaluated on Movielens, which provides the movie-rating data from the Movielens website. Users’ profiles are composed of their affinities for some movies. Additionally, we use Mediego (MED)’s dataset, which consists of users and the webpages they visit from various websites. In both cases, each user activity has a timestamp, which is used to divide the profiles into initial profiles (\(20\%\) of the items) and the update set S (\(80\%\) of the items) (Table 1).

Baseline. To the best of our knowledge, there are no out-of-core algorithms updating profiles while computing the KNN. To overcome this, we choose a natural baseline, which also uses a multithreading approach, where several threads read the updates from the update set and add them to the respective profiles.

4.1 UpKNN’s Performance

Runtime. Table 2 shows UpKNN’s and baseline’s wall-time and speedup for computing the corresponding \(\#Up\) (20/80% division, 10 M and 100 M randomly generated updates).

UpKNN considerably outperforms the baseline on both the datasets. UpKNN achieves a speedup of 49.5X on Movielens, taking only 3.687 s for about 16 million updates. We obtain a speedup of 47X on Mediego’s dataset.

Table 2. UpKNN’s performance
Table 3. \(\#Up/second\)

We notice from Table 3, that UpKNN processes more than 4 million [updates/second], for both the datasets, being consistent with the motivation of our work. UpKNN not only performs the computation on a single commodity PC, but also does it in real-time, making it a novel approach in itself.

In Fig. 2, we verify UpKNN’s scalability in terms of updates processed. Even after increasing the number of updates from 10 M to 100 M, the execution time increases only by a factor of 10.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Updates Scalability

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Threads Scalability

Number of Threads. Figure 3 presents the wall-time of executing 100 M updates, varying the numbers of threads. We observe near-linear decrease in the runtime when the number of threads increases. This small difference is due to the increase in threads synchronization, and to some small pieces of sequential code.

Disk Operations. As evident from Table 4, UpKNN reduces considerably the number of disk operations performed throughout the process. In the case of ordering the updates in time, we obtain better results than the case where the updates are randomly put in the set. In the former case, UpKNN takes only \(0.0006\%\) of the seeks performed by the baseline. The bytes written in our approach are reduced to only 1.98% of those of the baseline, and the bytes read are reduced to 3.88% of those of the baseline. These differences are explained by UpKNN’s capability to apply all the updates for a profile at once. Conversely, the baseline reads/writes the whole profile each time there is an update for it.

Table 4. Disk Operations

UpKNN’s performance relies on its capacity to reduce disk operations throughout each phase of the computation. For instance, the updates (read from disk) are accessed only once on the classification. In addition, the heap reduces the need of multiple profile readings/writings.

5 Conclusions

We presented UpKNN, a multithreading out-of-core approach to handle updates on users-profiles, while the K-Nearest Neighbors computation is performed. The performance of our novel approach relies on a carefully designed set of in-memory buffers. UpKNN uses these buffers to overlap IO requests and CPU computation throughout the processing. This optimization goes together with a significant reduction in IO operations, the main bottleneck on out-of-core algorithms.