
1 Introduction

As is known to all, applications are managed by OS (operating system), which always use large monolithic kernels that have complete access to and control over all system resources, including memory management, process scheduling and communication, device management, file management and so on [1]. A large amount of security defense systems are implemented based on the view that the OS is the trusted root.

However, there is no denying that there are many secure vulnerabilities [2,3,4] due to the large attack surfaces existed in the current OS kernel. This leads to the result that the application running on the OS is no longer safe since an attacker can exploit kernel vulnerabilities to escalate privilege or execute a rootshell. For example, attacker can tamper the kernel code or insert some malicious code through the data segment via PTMA [5] attack which can modify the attribute of physical pages by modifying the content in page table entry. Once the kernel is compromised, attacker can control the kernel to compromise applications. For example, it can manipulate the return value of system services to attack applications, which is named Iago attack [6]. Furthermore, attackers can freely acquire all the sensitive information belonging to security-sensitive applications by accessing main memory or intercepting the control or data flow of the applications, which can be achieved by the address mapping manipulation attacks [7], such as mapping overlap attack, double mapping attack, mapping reorder and mapping release attack. Even worse, the kernel has become an equally attractive attacked target in the recent years. It is in urgent need of protection mechanism to make security-sensitive application remain safe even if the OS is compromised.

Previous research about application protection mechanism widely relies on hypervisor [14, 15, 17, 18]. Most of them use extended page table to provide an isolated environment for sensitive applications. When the application interacts with the OS, hypervisor has to verify the legitimacy of the operation. However, they ignore the integrity of kernel code. Despite the fact that Virtual Ghost [19] interposes a thin hardware abstraction layer to intercept instruction of kernel which can prevent unauthorized code from executing, it still have drawbacks. For example, it depends on new instruction set and compiler and all operating system software has to be compiled again.

In this paper, we have proposed a secure framework named TZ-SSAP based on hardware-assisted environment provided by TrustZone technology. It provides a strong protection mechanism for security-sensitive applications (SSApps). Unlike previous protection mechanisms which need to establish an external page table to protect sensitive applications, our prototype does not modify the existing page table and our design is suitable to the current commercial OSes. TZ-SSAP traps all updates of the page table in the ROS (Rich OS). The result is that the ROS has no right to tamper the page table limited to its write protection mechanism. And each update of page table all follow those rules: Firstly, physical pages of code and static data in kernel space is mapped read only; and the rest of data pages is mapped non-executable forever. Second, the physical pages belonging to SSApp’s user space will never be mapped to the normal applications, vice versa. In the end, kernel stack of SSApps will be mapped read only when their state switches from running to other during process scheduling.

To summarize, we make the following contributions:

  • We enforce our security policies based on the existing page table mechanism in the current OSes without extending page table, which has little modification to the ROS. Therefore, our prototype is suitable to the existing commercial OSes.

  • We secure the execution environment for SSApps. Our design framework ensure the integrity of all the code and the kernel static data used by SSApp. In other words, the SSApp will always remain safe even if the ROS is compromised or even crashed. Furthermore, TZ-SSAP can guarantee the confidentiality of SSApp’s data because it prevents malicious process from accessing the memory of SSApp.

  • TZ-SSAP does not need to encrypt and hash any application pages which is accessed when the ROS is running. And it also does not need to validate the legitimacy of the parameter when it interacts with the ROS.

  • TZ-SSAP is safer than previous work which relies on hypervisor. It has been implemented in the hardware-assisted isolated environment, so it is enough safe to defense these attacks from the malicious ROS.

In the next section, we introduce something about application and our experiment platform. Section 3 gives our threat model and some assumptions of TZ-SSAP. Then Sect. 4 describes the TZ-SSAP design while Sect. 5 presents its implementation mode. Section 6 discusses the security and performance of TZ-SSAP. Finally, we also describe the related works at present in Sect. 7 and give a conclusion in Sect. 8.

2 Background

2.1 Application Analysis

There is no doubt that applications are made up of codes and data, which is illustrated in Fig. 1. The first one states the implementation of the functionality it absolutely needs while the last one is the carrier of sensitive information and the direction of control flow. Therefore, it can ensure the security of applications if we can guarantee the safe of its codes and data.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Application architecture

Each application’s code consists of three parts: basic code written by developer, the standard library code and the kernel code when it is in kernel mode. It is clear that the basic code is private and the kernel code must be shared with other applications. As for standard library code, it will be shared with other applications when compiled dynamically, and will be private like basic code while compiled statically.

For application’s data, it consists of two parts: the kernel data and the user data. The kernel data contains the dynamic data in application’s kernel stack and the static data. Meanwhile, the static data is initialized when the OS starts and shared with other applications, such as the system call table and the exception vectors table. Despite the fact that each process has unique kernel stack to store dynamic data produced by application during the run time, the data in kernel stack still can be accessed by other processes because all processes share the same kernel page tables. Moreover, the user data belonging to application is private as the basic code of application since they are stored in the user space which is separated from other applications normally by OS.

2.2 ARM TrustZone

ARM TrustZone [10, 11] technology is a set of security extensions first added to ARMv6 processors. Its architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2. Based on hardware logic present in AMBA bus fabric, peripherals and processors, it partitions the computing platform into two execution domains: SW (the Secure World) and NW (the Normal World) and partitions system resources into two parts: the non-secure resources and the secure resources. The OS running in NW is named ROS while TOS is running in SW. ROS can only access non-secure resources whereas TOS can see all resources. TZ-SSAP uses this feature to manage the page table mechanism in ROS.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

TrustZone architecture

To control the context switch between the two worlds, a special processor mode, known as the monitor mode, is added by TrustZone. The monitor mode resides in SW, and maintains the processor state during the world switch. To trigger the entry to monitor mode, ROS or TOS can execute a Secure Monitor Call (SMC) instruction. Therefore, TZ-SSAP can switch between ROS and TOS through SMC instruction. Monitor can acquire the current context of the domain through the Non-secure (NS) bit from the Secure Configuration Register (SCR). That’s to say, monitor can access NW if the NS bit is set. TZ-SSAP takes advantage of this to save the coprocessor CP15 of NW when it acquires the context of data abort exception.

Our software is the OV [13], which is the first open source and free implementation for ARM TrustZone. When the system is power on, it starts from BootROM security. Once the TOS is running, it will establish security perimeter and perform key operations such as decrypting NW OS images. And before activating NW bootloader, keys, media and other assets are fully protected.

3 Threat Model and Assumption

We briefly describe our threat model and assumption in this section. Our goal is to protect SSApps by guaranteeing the integrity of SSApps’ code and data as well as the confidentiality of SSApps’ data. We assume the SSApp has strong sense to protect its derived data using encryption techniques, for example, it can encrypt the file contents before writing to disk, and use existing secure I/O path schemes like [8, 9] to protect I/O data which used by peripheral devices, such as the fingerprint reader and keyboard. Thus, attacks against the SSApp itself are not in our consideration. We assume that SSApp’s base code is bug-free, thus to say, it will be carefully designed and tested in order to achieve high confidence in its own security.

Besides, we also assume that SSApp is static-compiled. In other words, SSApp will not share the standard library code with other processes, which can avoid malicious applications attacking it by tampering the standard library code. And the LKM (Loadable Kernel Module) is outside the scope of the current work.

We assume that the hardware implements the TrustZone extensions, and can be trusted with no Trojan-Horse circuits and no bus traffic interception and so on. Both ROS and TOS have been loaded securely which is guaranteed by the trusted boot. The worst thing of all is that it cannot guarantee the security of ROS during its run time since the kernel in ROS is vulnerable because of those discovered vulnerabilities, such as [5,6,7]. The attacker may use existing attack methods to damage SSApp, such as PTMA attack, Iago attack and address mapping manipulation attacks.

Moreover, the security-sensitive feature varies with the user. In this paper, we assume that the user has established a whitelist about SSApps that should be protected by TZ-SSAP. To prevent attacker modifying the whitelist, the user uses the TOS to encrypt and hash it in a relatively safe environment. And TOS will decrypt the whitelist and check the hash whenever it starts.

4 TZ-SSAP Design

TZ-SSAP is implemented on TrustZone which provides a hardware-assisted isolation environment. According to application analysis in background, we can know that SSApp consists of code and data. In the following, we put forward the SSApp protection module in accordance with the characteristics of SSApp’s code and data. Then we present the security arrangement including page table update and process schedule in ROS. Afterwards, we propose how TZ-SSAP traps all updates of the page table and the security policies mechanism that TZ-SSAP uses them to verify the operation of the kernel in ROS. TZ-SSAP prototype as illustrated in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

TZ-SSAP system architecture

4.1 SSApp Protection Module

Code Protection.

SSApp is static-compiled according to assumption. Thus, it only contain the private code and the kernel code. The private code will not be changed since it has become an executable file through compiling and linking. However, it is different for the kernel code. In Linux, administrator may load LKM due to some special requirements. In that case, additional code will be injected into the kernel at run time. For convenience, we do not take LKM into consideration. Therefore, the kernel code will remain unchanged during the system operation as well as the private code.

In order to protect integrity of the code executed by SSApp, TZ-SSAP maps all physical pages of code to read-only. Meanwhile, it must make sure that there won’t be any writable map of them to prevent attacker tampering them. Those can be achieved through the page table management mechanism, which defines the virtual to physical address mapping and the access permissions of virtual memory in ROS. That’s to say, TZ-SSAP modifies the access permissions of those physical pages so that they are write-protected and traps all updates of page table to avoid writable mapping of them.

Data Protection.

According to application analysis, the user data is private in the whole operation period. Therefore, the integrity and confidentiality of the user data can be guaranteed as long as TZ-SSAP prevents malicious process from accessing them. We know that the memory can be accessed by OS only if it is mapped to the virtual address space. Therefore, TZ-SSAP can keep the SSApp’s user data from attacker by preventing double mapping the memory holding SSApp’s user data to general applications.

TZ-SSAP takes different measures to protect the integrity and security of SSApp’s kernel data. For static data, TZ-SSAP protects it by mapping its physical pages to read-only as the kernel code. And for dynamic data in kernel stack, it cannot be write-protected since it may be changed when SSApp’s process is running. Similarly, it cannot prevent other process accessing them because they share the same kernel page tables. For those reasons, TZ-SSAP makes the SSApp’s kernel stack to be write-protected when the process’s state switches from running to other during process scheduling. As a result, other process cannot tamper it via kernel page table, which can ensure the integrity of SSApp’s control flow in kernel mode.

4.2 Security Arrangement

Page Table Protection.

As mentioned above, both code protection and data protection of SSApp are based on the page table management mechanism which is managed by the kernel in OS. When a new process is created, kernel establishes a new set of page tables for it. And after that, the kernel always keep updating it whenever process wants to change its map, such as applying for new physical pages, releasing old physical pages or modifying the attribute in page table entry. Unfortunately, because of the kernel ability to manage page table management, attacker can make SSApp protection module be out of control by attacking kernel through privilege escalation or PTMA attack.

To guarantee the security of SSApp protection module, we have to protect the page table management mechanism. Moreover, page tables are also in the form of physical pages in kernel. The updates of page table are normal memory writes which can be controlled by memory access permissions like code protection. And as described in background, TOS is capable of accessing the non-secure physical memory in NW. As a result, we replace kernel with TZ-SSAP to control the update of page tables. This can be achieved by modifying the access permissions of page tables to be read only in ROS. Besides, a great part of TZ-SSAP is realized in SW. Details are as follows.

In order to deprive the kernel’s ability to update page tables, TZ-SSAP makes page tables of every process read-only once the process is scheduled into the ROS at the first time. Then TZ-SSAP intercepts the update of page tables through data abort whenever the kernel attempts to modify them. At that point, TZ-SSAP acquires the intention of kernel by decoding the instruction that generates the data abort exception in ROS. Furthermore, TZ-SSAP verifies the legitimacy of the instruction on the basis of the security policies. If it goes against any point of them, it will be rejected. On the opposite, TZ-SSAP will write the value to the corresponding address in SW.

Process Schedule.

Trapping the update of page tables is critical to TZ-SSAP. Since TZ-SSAP completely makes page tables write-protected, the attacker can bypass TZ-SSAP through one possible method which is forging the whole page tables of process. In other words, attacker can forge a whole page table via rootkit and then set the base physical address of it to TTBR0 (translation table base register 0) which stores the base address of page table in ARM Linux. On this occasion, TZ-SSAP will lose the ability to trap the update of fake page table since it not be write-protected by TZ-SSAP. As a result, attacker can steal the sensitive information and tamper the critical data structure or code of SSApp by double mapping SSApp’s physical page into fake page table.

To prevent these attack, TZ-SSAP must make sure that the value in TTBR0 keep the same with which transferred to TZ-SSAP at the first time. TZ-SSAP enforces this policy by depriving the kernel from its own ability to set the value of TTBR0 during the process scheduling. Once the kernel tries to schedule process, it must request TZ-SSAP for changing the value in TTBR0. In that case, TZ-SSAP can use this opportunity to verify the legitimacy of kernel operation in ROS.

4.3 Page Table Update Verification

TZ-SSAP gets the ability to update all page table of process running in the ROS since the physical pages of page table are write-protected. In order to verify the legitimacy of kernel operation, TZ-SSAP must get the content of the instruction that caused the fault. Then, TZ-SSAP decodes this instruction and retrieve it on the basis of the data abort exception context. Finally, TZ-SSAP takes action based on the result whether it goes against security policies mechanism. Security policies mechanism is described in Sect. 4.4 and implementation is described in Sect. 5.

4.4 Security Policies Mechanism

TZ-SSAP enforces the following policies for protecting the SSApp whenever the kernel attempts to update page table or schedule process.

  • Write-protection. The access permissions of all process’s page tables play an important role in TZ-SSAP. Not only physical pages of code and static data in kernel mode should be write-protected, but also all page tables should be non-writable in ROS at run time. Any writable maps of write-protected pages or operations changing the read only attribute of kernel space into writable should be prohibited.

  • Double-mapping. It’s important to make sure that any physical page of SSApp does not exist double-mapping to general applications. When the SSApp tries to map a new physical page to its address space, TZ-SSAP must guarantee that it does not exist virtual to physical mapping. In this way, we can easily keep security-sensitive data from attacker, which ensures the integrity and confidentiality of those data.

  • Executable attribute. In order to prevent attacker from inserting some malicious code through its data area and then making it executable by attacks such as PTMA, operations that change those non-executable attribute to executable should be prohibited.

  • Inherited attribute. It’s clear that child process which is created by parent process belonging to SSApp is also security-sensitive, and the same with normal process. Any protection mechanism for parent process is still suitable for its child process.

  • Share property. All SSApps can share protected physical pages with each other. However, it should be rejected between SSApps and general applications since it may damage protection mechanism.

  • Zero clearing. Whenever SSApp requests physical page frames from the ROS, it’s necessary to verify that all virtual to physical mappings for this frames have been removed. Afterwards, it cannot be neglected to clear the frame’s contents since malicious applications may have injected some threat thing. Moreover, TZ-SSAP also zero out the physical frame’s contents when it’s no longer needed by SSApps.

5 Implementation

We have implemented TZ-SSAP on the ARM platform which supports TrustZone hardware extensions. In order to facilitate debugging, we used Fastmodel to emulate ARM Cotex-A15 in the beginning. Finally, we presented TZ-SSAP on a TrustZone-enabled development board ARM CoreTile Express A9x4 [12]. Our software experimental environment is Open Virtualization [13], which is the first open source and free implementation for ARM TrustZone.

5.1 Foundation Work of TZ-SSAP

Splitting Section Mapping.

According to Sect. 4, we learn that TZ-SSAP’s design idea is mainly concentrated on write-protection method to deprive the kernel from its ability to update the page tables. Only under such circumstance can TZ-SSAP prevent malicious process from accessing the private physical pages of SSApp and tampering the share content in kernel space via damaging the page table mechanism. Unfortunately, the kernel space is mapped in section, which just use the first-level table and each entry of it consists of 1 MB blocks of memory in ARM-Linux OS. However, the user space is converted to small page mapping through the second-level table. In other words, the first-level descriptors contains the pointers to a second-level table for a small page, which consists of 4 KB blocks of memory, instead of the base address and translation properties for a section. Meanwhile, the page tables allocated by kernel are page-aligned small page, and the physical page of page tables must be mapped in kernel space to prevent unauthorized tampering with the user. Therefore, if TZ-SSAP makes the memory area where the page table information is stored read only through translation properties in first-level table, the 1 MB blocks of memory mapped by the entry will all become read-only. The trouble is that we cannot make sure the content stored in the 1 MB blocks of memory are page table information since all small pages are allocated dynamically. It may cause the system to crash if there are some dynamic data.

That problems described above can be solved by either one of two ways. First, we can aggregate the small page belonging to page tables of all process so that they are in a 1 MB blocks of memory. Only in this way can we make the 1 MB blocks of memory read-only through first-level descriptors. Second, we can change the section map into small page map in kernel space by modifying the kernel initialization code. In order to facilitate subsequent operation, TZ-SSAP directly change the map mode into small page and map the kernel code and static data to read only at the same time.

TZ-SSAP Interaction Between the ROS and TOS.

In our implementation, TZ-SSAP uses SMC instruction to switch between ROS and TOS and passes parameters through general-purpose register. Specific implementation details are as follows. When switching from the ROS to TOS, TZ-SSAP uses ARM core register R0 to transfer the variable corresponding to the SMC handler while register R1 transfers the parameters that required by SMC handler. Examples as below.

figure a

The content CALL_TRUSTZONE_FAULT in register R0 indicates that TOS will invoke the function corresponding to CALL_TRUSTZONE_FAULT after monitor mode switch to SW. The content param in register R1 indicates the parameters that SMC handler in TZ-SSAP requires. When the number of parameters is greater than one, we can transfer the parameters via memory since TOS is able to access all physical memory including the source in NW. In other words, TZ-SSAP in ROS declares a parameter structure, and uses register R1 to transfer the physical base address of this structure. TZ-SSAP in TOS can acquire those parameters through mapping these physical address to its virtual address space.

The same goes with TOS switch to ROS when TZ-SSAP completed SMC handler.

Getting the Context of Data Abort Exception.

It will generate a data abort exception whenever the kernel of ROS tries to update the page tables since they are read only. Next, the kernel saves the context of data abort exception and jumps to exception handler which has been set in the exception vector table. As a result, it will execute SMC instruction which has been added in the __do_kernel_fault() by TZ-SSAP to enter to monitor mode. Then the monitor saves the context of the ROS and restores the context of the TOS. Finally, TZ-SSAP invokes the SMC handler related to the parameters transferred by the ROS.

The context of the ROS does not contain the coprocessor CP15 because most of the CP15 register are banked in NW and SW. It’s necessary for TZ-SSAP to access the coprocessor CP15 of NW. On one hand, TZ-SSAP has to get the value in TTBR0 of NW to traverse the page table in ROS. On the other hand, TZ-SSAP has to set the value in TTBR0 of NW due to it removes the ability to set TTBR0 from kernel in ROS to prevent attacker from forging page tables. This can be achieved in monitor mode because monitor can access the coprocessor CP15 of NW when the NS bit in SCR is set. Pseudocode is as follows.

figure b

The procedures above proves that TZ-SSAP gets the context of ROS is the context of SMC exception instead of the context of the data abort exception. Therefore, we must transfer them to the TOS in the form of parameter relating to SMC exception in order to get the specific content of the instruction which generated the data abort.

In ARMv7, OS will invoke __dabt_svc assemble function when it generates data abort in kernel mode. Moreover, the __dabt_svc calls the svc_entry assemble function to save the context of data abort exception in stack in the form of global structure pt_regs in kernel firstly. As a result, TZ-SSAP introduces a global variable svc_dabt_sp to store the base address of the context in stack. TZ-SSAP in TOS can acquire the context of data abort exception in ROS by mapping svc_dabt_sp into its virtual address space. In order to get the instruction that has generated the data abort exception, TZ-SSAP must get the address of the instruction. Besides, the register LR is a special register which holds return link information. However, in ARMv7 architecture, the LR register is banked in supervisor mode and abort mode, which of them are named lr_svc and lr_abt. Despite the fact that the monitor has saved both lr_svc and lr_abt, the value in lr_abt is no longer the address to be restored since it has been used as a general register in abort mode after kernel saved it in abort stack. To solve this problem, TZ-SSAP in ROS changes the CPSR (the current program status register) mode field into abort mode through CPS (change processor state) instruction and then recovers lr_abt from the stack in __do_kernel_fault(). After doing it, TZ-SSAP changes the ROS mode into supervisor and executes SMC instruction to enter monitor mode.

5.2 Security Policies Implementation

It’s obvious that our main work is to ensure page tables all write-protected and secure update at the same time. In our implementation, we built an array named ns_phy to store the information of physical pages in ROS, which is similar to physmap in TZ-RKP [21]. Each entry of ns_phy corresponds to a 4 KB physical page of ROS. The value of the entry is a 32 bits integrity that indicates the state of this physical page. Besides, ns_phy is initialized to zero by TZ-SSAP at beginning.

TZ-SSAP divides the physical pages into four types by using a flag which is the bits[1:0] in the value. The value format as illustrated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Value format

  • 0b00: Unmapped. The physical page is unmapped. The extended value is invalid.

  • 0b01: Normal. The physical page is mapped by general applications and the extended value represents how many virtual page mappings the physical page has.

  • 0b10: Protected. The physical page is mapped by SSApps or used by the code or static data of kernel. The extended value is the same with 0b01.

  • 0b11: Page table. The physical page is mapped as the page table of each process. In this case, the front 20 bits of extended value marks the base address of its first-level page table.

Process Schedule.

To prevent attacker from forging the whole page table, TZ-SSAP must guarantee that the value wrote to TTBR0 is authorized during process schedule in ROS. And when the security-sensitive process is scheduled to go out, in other words, its state is switched from running to other, TZ-SSAP must map the kernel stack of SSApp read only to avoid being tampered by malicious process.

In TOS, TZ-SSAP establishes a read-black tree structure process_info to store critical information of running process in ROS.

Variable process_task represents the base address of the data structure task_struct in ROS, which is the process descriptor in Linux system. Variable process_ttbr0 represents the base address of the process’s first-level page table in ROS. There are four small pages as the first-level page table for each process owing to the size of each process virtual address space is four Gigabytes. What counts is the four physical pages of first-level page tables are continuous. It’s capable of TZ-SSAP in TOS to get the physical address of the process’s first-level page tables in ROS according to the base address and size of each page. As pages are aligned, TZ-SSAP uses the last bit of process_ttbr0 as flag to indicate whether the process is security-sensitive. Variable process_thread represents the virtual base address of the process’s thread_union, which contains the process’s kernel stack in ROS.

In ROS, the kernel will invoke switch_mm() function to complete the switch of process’s address space by writing the physical base address of the first-level page table, belonging to the process to be executed, into TTBR0. The MMU (memory management unit) will convert the virtual address to physical address according to the value in TTBR0. To prevent attacker from forging the page table, TZ-SSAP inserts SMC instruction during the process is scheduled in ROS. Namely, TZ-SSAP updates TTBR0 of NW instead of the kernel in ROS. When kernel invokes switch_mm() function, it will execute the SMC instruction and then the processor will switch to SW.

Algorithm 1 is the SMC handler in TZ-SSAP when the process is scheduled by kernel in ROS. The process_task_pre is represented the process whose state will be non-running while the process_task_n will be scheduled to run in ROS.

Page Table Update.

In ARM Linux, a data abort exception will be generated if the OS tries to access memory that it has no right to access it. As a result, the kernel will generate a data abort exception when it attempts to update page tables which is write-protected. To solve this exception, the kernel in ROS will call the corresponding exception handling function named do_page_fault(). The last function to be executed is __do_kernel_fault() because the virtual address that caused the data abort exception are in kernel space. In order to update the page table, TZ-SSAP inserts SMC instruction in the __do_kernel_fault() function of ROS. When the processor switches to TZ-SSAP through SMC instruction, it will invoke the SMC handler.

Algorithm 2 is the SMC handler in TZ-SSAP when kernel tries to update page table in ROS. The phy_base_addr is the base physical address of pt_regs which stores the context of data abort exception in ROS. When kernel tries to unmap a physical page, TZ-SSAP must change the value in ns_phy array to maintain consistency.

5.3 Performance Enhancement

One method that can improve performance is locality principle. During the process running, it may generate data abort exception successional because of page fault interrupt. Under this circumstances, it will always update page table entry located in one physical page. So TZ-SSAP can apply a variable fault_addr_latest to record the latest address which generated the data abort exception and mark its attribute to indicate the address belongs to the second-level page table in ROS or not. When the data abort exception is generated again next time, TZ-SSAP will compare the fault_addr_latest with the content in DFAR (the Data Fault Address Register). It will reduce some operations to get the content in ns_phy array if the fault_addr_latest and the value in DFAR are in the same physical page.

6 Evaluation

TZ-SSAP provides a safe execution environment for SSApp to ensure it executes as expected even if the kernel is compromised. It achieves that by protecting the integrity of SSApp’s control flow and data flow. During runtime, TZ-SSAP keeps the SSApp’s memory from attacker through inserting SMC instruction and depriving the kernel of ROS from its own ability to set TTBR0 and update page table in NW. In that case, TZ-SSAP can enforce our security policies mechanism whenever it traps SMC exception from the kernel. As a result, TZ-SSAP can prevent the attacker from tampering the code executed by SSApp and stealing critical information of SSApp.

TZ-SSAP can keep SSApp from the PTMA attack because the update of page tables must obey the security policies. For example, when the attacker attempts to change the read only attribute into writable in page table entry via PTMA attack, TZ-SSAP will intercept and verify it on the basis of security policies. It’s clear that it will be rejected due to write protection in security policies, and the same with executable attribute in page table entry. As a result, TZ-SSAP can prevent attacker from tampering kernel code directly because of write protection. Besides, TZ-SSAP also prevent attacker from executing unauthorized code which is inserted into kernel space through malicious process’s data segment since it is non-executable.

TZ-SSAP can defense the Iago attack. There is no doubt that TZ-SSAP can prevent attacker from modifying the kernel code and the static data in kernel as well as the data in kernel stack of the SSApps. If the attacker tries to tamper those, it will generate a data abort exception. According to our implementation, TZ-SSAP will handle with this exception. At the beginning of the SMC hander in TZ-SSAP, it will verify whether the address generated the data abort exception belongs to the address range of current process’s page table in ROS. TZ-SSAP will refuse to modify the content in the fault address if the operation is unauthorized.

What’s more, TZ-SSAP can keep SSApp from the address mapping manipulation attacks. When SSApp requests physical page frames from ROS, TZ-SSAP will verify that there is not any virtual to physical mapping for this physical pages and zero out the content of this physical page. In additional, when general applications attempt to map new physical page, TZ-SSAP guarantees that the new physical page has not been mapped by SSApp or used as page table. Moreover, TZ-SSAP zeroes the physical page’s content when changes its attribute as non-protected page.

To evaluate the security of TZ-SSAP, we built a malicious LKM that attempts to attack the TEST application which is designed as SSApp in our platform. The LKM tries to directly tamper the code and static data in kernel space, such as sys_call_table. Also, LKM takes advantage of its privilege to write a fake value into TTBR0. Moreover, it also tries to double map the protected physical page into its virtual space. Firstly, we can get the base address of physical page in TEST through traversing its page table. Then, we change the source code of LKM to map the physical page to its virtual address. Our experimental results show that TZ-SSAP can prevent those attacks effectively.

And for performance evaluation, we define the consuming time in ROS from invoking the SMC instruction to backing from SW. Details as Table 1.

Table 1. Consuming time

According to Table 1, traversing page tables costs the most time. But it only take 6.7% for SSApps whose executed time is only one minute. This percentage will be smaller and smaller as the executed time increases. Therefore, TZ-SSAP will not cause too much time loss for SSApps.

7 Related Work

In recent years, there are several systems attempt to protect security-sensitive application code and data. We divide them into two classes in term of the way used to protect applications. One is the whole application protection which regards all the application code and data as a whole. The other is the split application protection achieved by protecting the critical part of the application instead of the whole.

7.1 Whole Application Protection

InkTag [14] is a virtualization-based architecture that uses a trusted hypervisor to isolate the HAP (high-assurance process) from OS which is achieved by the EPT (extended page tables). InkTag uses two separate EPT: the trusted EPT is installed for HAP execution while the untrusted EPT is used for OS and other applications. HAP updates the trusted EPT through hypercall. InkTag can defend again Iago attacks because of its paraverification to ease verifying of OS. Also it protects the confidentiality of secure page via encryption technology and detects corruption of the secure page through digital signing. However, it cannot keep the encrypted pages from reading and modifying by OS as well as Overshadow [15, 16] system which also need complex encryption and decryption technologies to protect the whole application execution. In addition, Overshadow cannot prevent the address mapping manipulation attacks.

Sego [17] is similar with InkTag for the EPT. But it is faster than InkTag since it does not need encryption technology. All secure data stays in plain text which is protected by hardware memory protection to ensure OS cannot access them. AppShield [7] is a hypervisor-based approach that reliably safeguards code, data and execution integrity of a critical application. It consists of two parts: a transit module in kernel space mediating control flow between the CAP (critical application) and OS, and a trusted shim in user space assisting the data flows between CAP and shared buffer. It can defense the address mapping manipulation attacks since the hypervisor and shim code jointly to protect the address space of CAP when OS updates the page tables. What is worse is that both of them cannot guarantee the integrity of kernel code.

7.2 Split Application Protection

SeCage [18] retrofits commodity hardware virtualization extensions to support efficient isolation of sensitive code manipulating critical secrets from the remaining code. It decomposes the applications into two parts. One is the secret compartment which contains a set of secrets defined by user as well as its corresponding code. Another is the main compartment that deals with the rest of the application logic. Firstly, it uses an analysis framework CI to discover potential functions related to secrets statically. And then it combines the mprotect and debug exception together to dynamic analysis with different workloads. Once the analysis result comes to a fixed point, SeCage decomposes the application to secret and main compartments on the basis of them. It also use the extended page tables to guarantee two compartments isolation. Despite the fact that SeCage can keep applications from many attacks, such as PTMA attack and the address mapping manipulation attacks, there are still some weaknesses. The closure related to secrets may be not complete since designers cannot be exhaustive of all possible input about applications. Besides, it also cannot guarantee the effectiveness of non-secret data accessed by secret functions due to no protection against them.

Virtual Ghost [19] is different with the above systems. It protects secret data and code with the ghost memory instead of EPT. The ghost memory is achieved by adding a compiler-based virtual machine (VM) between OS and hardware. All system software is compiled to the virtual instruction set based on the LLVM compiler intermediate representation [20]. Therefore, Virtual Ghost can prevent OS accessing the ghost memory since those virtual instruction set are implemented by VM and need to be validity verification, which can defense the address mapping manipulation attacks and prevent repurposing existing instruction sequences because of its control flow integrity enforcement. However, it depends on the virtual instruction set and compiler which are not always practical for current infrastructures.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we have presents TZ-SSAP, which provides a safe execution environment for security-sensitive applications in the face of the OS may be compromised because of the kernel vulnerability. TZ-SSAP is implemented based on the hardware-assisted isolated environment TrustZone. The general OS is installed in NW while TZ-SSAP is mainly located in SW. TZ-SSAP takes advantage of the page table mechanism instead of the extended page tables. TZ-SSAP makes SSApp perform as expected since it can guarantee the integrity of both the code and its control flow during run time. In addition, it also guarantee the confidentiality of SSApps’ data through preventing attacker from double mapping the SSApp’s physical page, which leads to keep the security-sensitive information of SSApps from attacker.

In future work, we can add safeguard to protect the code of standard library and LKM in TZ-SSAP. For example, we can verify the integrity of the library file or LKM module before it is loaded into memory, and make them write-protected once they are authorized and loaded into physical page.