
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

There is a strong trend in high-performance computing towards the integration of heterogeneous computing elements (vector processors, GPUs, FPGAs, etc.) specially suited for some class of computations. Such platforms are becoming a cost-effective alternative to more traditional supercomputing architectures [4, 12] in terms of performance and energy consumption. This specialization comes at the price of additional hardware and, notably, software complexity. Thus, programming these systems is restricted to a few experts, which hinders its widespread adoption, increases the likelihood of bugs, and limits portability. For these reasons, defining programming models that ease the task of efficiently programming heterogeneous systems has become a topic of great relevance and is the objective of many ongoing efforts.

Many relevant research and industrial projects use scientific code for simulations or numerical solving of differential equations. They often rely on existing algorithms and code that need to be ported to new architectures to exploit their computational strengths to the limit, while at the same time preserving the functional properties of the original code. Unfortunately, and although scientific code commonly follows patterns rooted in its mathematical origin, (legacy) code often does not clearly spell its meaning. In this case, successfully adapting it needs a very careful (and error-prone) transformation process that is hard for humans to do.

Our aim is to obtain a framework for the semantics-preserving transformation of (scientific) C code that improves performance-related metrics on a given destination platform. Despite the broad range of compilation and refactoring tools available, no existing tool fits our goals by being adaptable enough to recognize specific source patterns and generate code better adapted to different architectures. Therefore, we decided to design and implement our own transformation framework. A couple of examples will clarify our motivations and objective.

Figure 1 shows a sequence of program transformation steps to optimize code working on arrays of floats. Some transformation steps can be done by existing optimizing compilers.Footnote 1 However, they are usually internally performed at the intermediate representation (IR) level, and with few, if any, opportunities for user intervention or tailoring. This falls short to cater for many relevant situations that we want to address:

Fig. 1
figure 1

A sequence of transformations of a piece of C code to compute c = a v + b v. This style marks code to be modified and mauvethis style marks code generated from the previous stage

  • In many cases programmers know properties that static analyzers cannot discover. In Fig. 1 a compiler would rely on knowledge of the properties of arithmetic operations (with the caveat in Footnote 1). But if we had calls to functions implementing operations with comparable properties, such as operations on complex numbers (Fig. 2), the presented transformations would unlikely be performed by a standard compiler.

    Fig. 2
    figure 2

    Transformation enabled by properties similar to those used in Fig. 1

  • Most compilers implement a set of transformations useful for one particular architecture—usually von Neumann-style CPUs. Compiling for a particular architecture needs a specific, ad-hoc compiler that often requires source code to follow some specific guidelines. Our tool can help generate code that complies with these patterns.

  • The transformations that generate code amenable to be compiled for specific architectures are often complex, architecture-specific, and domain-specific. Therefore, they are better expressed at a higher level, rather than inside a compiler’s architecture, and implemented as extensible plugins.

We aim at generating code that improves some measure of a non-functional characteristic. That needs to select the right rule at every step in the transformation. As part of its modular design, the transformation engine does not have any hard-wired strategy to select which rules have to be applied in each case; instead, it is designed to communicate with external oracles that help in selecting which rules have to be applied. This selection is, however, not without problems. First of all, we require that all the applications are sound—i.e., the (functional) semantics of the code are respected. That needs rules to be applied only when certain conditions are met. Rules, in our proposal, have guards that express semantic conditions to enable their applications. The code to be transformed is checked to ensure that these conditions are met. As a unifying mechanism, we require that the input code is adorned with pragmas expressing properties that cannot be readily derived from the syntactic shape of the code. These pragmas can be inserted by automatic analysis tools or, when they fall short, by the programmer.

Second, when a rule that is part of a sequence that eventually improves some metric is selected and applied, this application may or may not improve that metric. Additionally, at every transformation step several rules can be applied at several points. Therefore, an optimization process may need an exhaustive search in a state space that grows exponentially with the number of steps in the transformation sequence. In our experience, and for relatively small examples, it is typical to have in the order of ten possibilities or more per step and around 50–100 steps in a transformation sequence. That makes exploring the search space unfeasible. In order to deal with that problem we have developed a machine learning-based tool that learns termination conditions and long-range transformation strategies. It is used as an external oracle to select the most promising rule that is part of a transformation chain able to finally improve the code for the target platform. When code deemed good enough for the target architecture is reached, it is handed out to a translator that adapts it to the programming model of the target platform.

In the rest of the paper, Sect. 2 reviews previous work in program transformation systems and related approaches using machine learning. Section 3 describes the transformation rule language and properties and the transformation engine. Section 4 discusses the rule selection problem, and Sect. 5 describes a solution based on machine learning. Section 6 presents some preliminary results and, finally, Sect. 7 summarizes the conclusions and proposes future work.

2 Related Work

Stratego-XT [22] is a language-independent transformation tool similar to our proposal, but oriented towards strategies rather than rewriting rules. Rule firing does not depend on semantic conditions that express when applying a rule is sound. This is enough for a language with referential transparency, but not for a procedural one.

CodeBoost [2], built on top of Stratego-XT, performs domain-specific optimizations to C++ code following an approach conceptually similar to ours. User-defined rules express domain-specific optimizations; code annotations are used as preconditions and inserted as postconditions during the rewriting process. However, it is a mostly abandoned project that, additionally, mixes C++, the Stratego-XT language, and their rule language. All of this together makes it to have a steep learning curve. Concept-based frameworks such as Simplicissimus [19] transform C++ based on user-provided algebraic properties. Its rule application strategy can be guided by the cost of the resulting operation, that is defined at the expression level rather than at the statement level and has only a local view of the transformation process. These issues make its applicability limited and prone to become trapped in local minima (see Sect. 5).

Machine learning techniques have been used for compilation and program transformation [1, 13, 17]. Previous approaches target specific architectures, thereby limiting their applicability and making them unsuitable for heterogeneous platforms. All of them use an abstraction of the input programs, as we do. However, none of the previous works have explored the use of reinforcement learning (RL) methods [9] in the field of program transformation and compilation.

3 Source-to-Source Transformations

The core of the transformation process is a language for defining semantically sound code transformation rules (Sect. 3.1). These rules are fired when some syntactic pattern is found and a given semantic property holds. These properties can be either inferred (with the help of an analysis tool) or provided as source code annotations (Sects. 3.2 and 3.3).

3.1 STML Rules

Figure 3 shows a template of a transformation rule. Transformation rules contain a syntactical pattern that matches input code and describes the skeleton of the code to generate, which will replace the matched code. stml rules (from Semantic Transformation Meta-Language) may also specify semantic conditions to ensure that their application is sound.Footnote 2 As we will see later, these conditions are checked against a combination of static analysis and user-provided annotations in the source code.

Fig. 3
figure 3

STML rule template

Figure 4 shows an example: a rule that applies distributivity “backwards”. Pattern components are matched using tagged meta-variables: e1, e2, and e3 in the pattern are tagged to specify which kind of component is matched: cexpr(e1) states that e1 must be an expression. These meta-variables are replaced by the matched expression in the generated code. Additional conditions and primitives (Table 1) are used to write sound and expressive rules. In Fig. 4, pure(cexpr(e1)) means that e1 is pure, e.g., it does not write to any variable or, in general, it does not perform any state change, including IO. The rule in Fig. 5 performs expression substitution across statements, removing duplicated assignments to variables when possible. In it, cstmts(s i ) requires s i to be a sequence of statements. A cstmt(s) tag would instead make s refer to a single statement.

Fig. 4
figure 4

stml rule: distributive property backwards (steps 3–4 of Fig. 1)

Fig. 5
figure 5

stml rule: assignment propagation (steps 2–3 of Fig. 1)

Table 1 Constructs for STML rules

Table 1 presents most of the currently available constructs to write stml rules. In that table, E represents an expression, S represents a statement and [S] represents a sequence of statements. The function bin_oper(E op ,E l ,E r ) matches or generates a binary operation (E l E op E r ) and can be used in the pattern and generate sections.

The decision of whether to apply or not a given rule depends on two factors: the transformation must preserve the semantics of the transformed code (ensured using the conditions section) and it should eventually improve some efficiency metric. Ensuring the latter is far from trivial, and Sect. 5 will be entirely devoted to our approach to do it effectively. In the next sections we will focus on how to verify that semantic conditions hold before applying a rule.

3.2 Inferring and Annotating Properties

Some properties used in the condition section can be verified with a local, syntactical check, performed by the transformation engine. However, most interesting conditions need inferring semantic information that requires non-local analysis and we rely on external sources to derive this information. In particular, we are currently using Cetus [5] to this end. Cetus is a compiler framework, written in Java, to implement source-to-source transformations, which we have modified to extract analysis information.

Instead of devising an internal API to communicate results, all analysis information is passed on to the rewriting engine by annotating the source code with #pragmas. A pragma captures properties belonging to the code block immediately following it and the properties range from expression pureness to read/write dependencies in arrays. Figure 6 shows four pieces of code that read and write on arrays with an offset w.r.t. the loop index as expressed by the annotations. For example, Fig. 6b writes in c[] in positions i+0 and i-1, with i being the loop index. This is expressed with the set {-1, 0}. The core syntax of stml annotations is shown for reference in Listing 1, and Table 2 gives a summary overview of higher-level annotations. A more thorough explanation of their semantics is to be found in [20].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Code with stml annotations

Table 2 Intuitive meaning of stml annotations

It is often the case that automatic analyzers cannot infer all the information necessary to decide the soundness of the application of some rules. In that case, we rely on the programmer to annotate the code by hand using pragmas. That is one reason to use them as interface to communicate information to the rewriting engine: information becomes available in a uniform format regardless of its origin. If the annotations automatically inferred by external tools contradict those provided by the user, the properties provided by the user are preferred to those deduced from external tools, but a warning is issued.

Listing 1 BNF grammar core for stml

<code_prop_list> ::= "#pragma stml" <code_prop> |                      "#pragma stml" <code_prop> <code_prop_list> <code_prop>   ::= <loop_prop> | <exp_prop> <exp> |                [<op>] <op_prop> <op> |                "write("<exp>") =" <location_list> |                "same_length" <exp> <exp> | "output("<exp>")" |                <mem_access> <exp> ["in" <offset_list>] <loop_prop>   ::= "iteration_independent" |                  "iteration_space" <parameter> <parameter> <exp_prop>    ::= "appears" | "pure" | "is_identity" <op_prop>     ::= "commutative" | "associative" |                  "distributes_over" <mem_access>   ::= "writes" | "reads" | "rw"

3.3 High-Level Annotations

stml annotations can capture very detailed information regarding code properties and programmers can fill in the gaps when automatic analysis is not enough. However, the type of information necessary is not what a programmer has naturally in mind, and the amount of annotations necessary may exceed what can be considered as an acceptable effort. Therefore, we also accept a second level of annotations that were devised as part of the POLCA project.Footnote 3 They have, intuitively, a more algorithmic appearance (they are actually inspired by functional programming [10]) and capture simultaneously algorithm skeletons and low-level properties.

For instance, for loops performing a mapping between an input and an output array can be annotated with a map pragma (see one example in Fig. 7, left). The scheme for a map annotation is

Fig. 7
figure 7

Annotations for the code in Fig. 1

#pragma polca map Func Input Output

where Func stands for the name of a block of code and Input and Output are names of array variables. The map annotation in Fig. 7 indicates that the loop traverses the input array v and applies the function computed by BODY1 element-wise to v giving as result the (output) array c. Besides this algorithmic view, the annotation also implies several properties of the code: (a) BODY1 behaves as if it were side effect-free (it may read and write from/to other variables not declared as parameters, but it should behave as if these variables did not implement a state for BODY1), (b) v and c are arrays of the same size, (c) every element c[i] is computed by applying BODY1 to v[i], (d) the applications of BODY1 do not assume any particular order: they can go from v[0] upwards to v[N-1], in the opposite direction, or in any other order.

These properties have a counterpart in stml and are the kind of conditions that the transformation engine checks: it reads the high-level pragmas and transforms them into stml for internal use. As an example, Fig. 8 shows the translation of the code in Fig. 7 into stml . The difference between them supports our claim that high-level annotations make annotating the program easier and can convey a large amount of relevant information.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Translation of high-level annotations in Fig. 7 into stml

3.4 Implementation Notes

The transformation engine is subdivided into two subcomponents, illustrated in Fig. 9. The rule-driven code transformation stage proper changes the structure of the code until it has the patterns appropriate for the destination architecture and produces what we call ready code. Note that this transformation stage can additionally be used to other purposes, such as sophisticated code refactoring. A second code translation stage converts this code into the input language for a compiler for the destination architecture. This last translation stage is in many cases straightforward as it only introduces the “idioms” necessary for the architecture (e.g., for OpenMP), performs a syntactical translation (e.g., for OpenCL) or mixes both (e.g. for ROCCC [8]), but some targets (e.g., MaxJ [15]) are admittedly more involved. The particular target architecture is specified with an annotation, which is also used to decide what transformations should be applied.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Architecture of the transformation tool

The transformation phase is a key part of the tool. In order to be able to experiment and prototype as easily as possible, (including the stml definition, code generation, and the search/rule selection procedures), we needed a flexible and expressive implementation platform. We considered using the infrastructure provided by existing open source C compilers. Among these, the CLang / LLVM libraries/APIs have probably the best design. However, since their goal is compilation rather than source-to-source transformation, we found the available interface neither easy to use nor effective in many situations. Moreover, existing documentation warns about its instability. Additionally, code transformation routines had to be coded in C++, which made them verbose and full of low-level details, contrary to the flexibility we needed. Compiling rules to C++ was an option, but the gap between the rules and the API was quite large, pointing to a cumbersome translation stage that would require considerable maintenance as the rule language evolved. Moreover, the whole CLang project needed recompilation after every rule update. That would have made project development and testing very slow, and adding user-defined rules complicated.

We decided therefore to use a declarative language and we implemented the transformation engine in Haskell. Parsing the input code and the rules is done by means of the Language.C library [6] that returns the AST as a data structure that is easy to manipulate. In particular, we used the Haskell facilities to deal with generic data structures through the Scrap Your Boilerplate (SYB) library [11]. This allows us to easily extract information from the AST or modify it with a generic traversal of the whole structure.

The rules are written in a subset of C and are parsed using Language.C. They are compiled into Haskell code (contained in the file Rules.hs—see Fig. 9) that performs the traversal and (when applicable) the transformation of the AST. This module is loaded with the rest of the tool, therefore avoiding the extra overhead of interpreting the rules.

Rule compilation divides rules into two classes: those that operate on expressions and those that can, in addition, manipulate sequences of statements. In the latter case, sequences of statements of unknown length need to be considered: for example, s1, s2, and s3 in Fig. 5. In general, the rule has to try several possibilities to determine if there is a match that meets the rule conditions. Haskell code that explicitly performs an AST traversal has to be generated. Expressions, on the other hand, are syntactically bound and the translation of the rule is much easier.

4 Rule Selection

In most cases, several (often many) rules can be safely applied at multiple code points in every step of the rewriting process. Deciding which rule has to be fired should be ultimately decided based on whether it eventually increases performance. We currently provide two rule selection mechanisms: a human interface and a API to communicate with external tools.

The human interface allows making interactive transformations possible. The user is presented with the rules that can be applied at some point and, after selecting a rule, the code before and after applying it. Auxiliary programs, such as Meld,Footnote 4 can be used to highlight the differences. This is useful to refine/debug rules or to perform general-purpose refactoring. However, in our experience, manual rule selection is not scalable when working in adapting code to a given platforms, and using it is not feasible even for medium-sized programs. Therefore, mechanizing this process as much as possible is a must and we designed a general interface to connect external components. Regardless of how such an external component works, from the point of view of the transformation engine it is an oracle that, given some code and a set of applicable rules, returns which rule should be applied.

The interface of the transformation tool (Fig. 10) is composed by functions AppRules and Trans. The former determines the possible transformations applicable to a given input code Code and returns a set of tuples containing each a rule name and the position (e.g., the identifier of an AST node) where the rule can be applied. Function Trans applies rule Rule to code Code I at position Pos and returns the transformed code Code O.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Functions provided by the transformation tool

The API from the external tool (Fig. 11) includes operations to decide which rule has to be applied and whether the search should stop. Function SelectRule receives a set of safe possibilities, each of them composed of a code fragment and a set of rules that can be applied to it, and returns one of the input code fragments and the rule that should be applied to it. Function IsFinal decides whether a given code can be considered ready for translation or not.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Functions provided by the oracle

In Fig. 12, function NewCode sketches how the interaction between the transformation engine and the external oracle takes place. In a nutshell, NewCode is invoked with code to be transformed and generates transformed code which is, in turn, iteratively passed to NewCode until a termination condition is fulfilled (i.e., IsFinal evaluates to true), and the generated code is then final. In more detail, NewCode receives input code in the parameter Code I and a set of (candidate) transformation rules {Rule i } and returns: (a) one piece of transformed code (Code O) and (b) one rule (Rule O). When the transformation is not finished, NewCode is called again with the transformed code Code O and with the singleton set of rules {Rule O}. Therefore, when NewCode applies a transformation, the oracle decides which rule should be applied next to the just-generated transformed code.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Interaction between the transformation and the oracle interface

This approach makes it unnecessary for the external oracle to consider code positions where a transformation can be applied, since that choice is implicit in the selection of a candidate code between all possible code versions obtained using a single input rule. Furthermore, by selecting the next rule to be applied, it takes the control of the next step of the transformation. The key here is the function SelectRule: given inputs Code i and {Rule j }, SelectRule selects a resulting code between all the codes that can be generated from Code i using Rule j . The size of the set received by function SelectRule corresponds to the total number of positions where Rule j can be applied. In this way, SelectRule is implicitly selecting a position.

5 Controlling the Transformation Process with Machine Learning

Several outstanding problems are faced by the rewriting engine. On the one hand, the space of transformation sequences leading to different code versions is very large (actually infinite) and the only guide is a non-monotonic fitness function (e.g., performance) very costly and cumbersome to evaluate. On the other hand, deciding when a sequence finishes is difficult to check: the final state is reached when the most efficient possible code has been generated.

Selecting at each step a rule that improves more some metric is not sound: code performance along good transformation sequences evolves non-monotonically.Footnote 5 This non-monotonicity can make the search be trapped in local minima. In addition, and as another face of non-monotonicity, the performance of ready code is not correlated with that of the code translated for the final architecture, so ready code cannot be used to make reliable predictions of final performance. Exploring a bounded neighborhood is not a satisfactory solution, either, since a large boundary would have efficiency problems and a small boundary would not avoid the local minima problem.

Therefore, we need a mechanism that can make local decisions taking into account global strategies—i.e., a procedure able to select a rule under the knowledge that it is part of a larger sequence that will eventually improve code performance for a given platform. Our approach uses classification trees to decide when to finish a transformation sequence and reinforcement learning to select which transformation rule has to be applied at every moment. We will describe our approaches in the next sections.

5.1 Mapping Code to Abstractions

Machine learning operates on descriptions of the problem domain (C code, in our case). They have to be able to capture the changes performed by the transformation rules at the AST level and represent code patterns that match the syntactic/semantic restrictions of target compiler/programming models in order to decide when a transformation sequence can finish. For these reasons, the abstraction includes quantitative descriptions involving features like AST patterns, control flow, data layout, data dependencies, etc. The current abstraction consists of a vector of features shown in Table 3 and a short explanation of some of them follows:

Table 3 Features currently used in the learning process
  • Number of auxiliary array variables: number of auxiliary variables used to index an array. For Listing 2 its value would be “one”.

  • All loops have static limits: it is false iff some for loop in the analyzed code has a non-static iteration limit. It would be false for Listing 3, since clean or update could change the data structure.

  • Scheduled loop: two nested loops iterate over an array “split in fragments”. This is deduced from the annotation in Listing 4.

  • Shifted writes in array: number of loops where some (but not all) writes to arrays have a positive offset w.r.t. the iteration variable. It would have a value of “one” in Listing 5.

Listing 2 Aux. variable array index

aux = 0; for(j=0; j<N; j++) {   w[j] = v[aux];   aux++; }

Listing 3 Static loop limits

for(j=0;j<N;j++) {   for(i=0;i<size(v);i++)     update(v,i);   clean(v); }

Listing 4 Loop with schedule pattern

# pragma stml loop_schedule for(j=0; j<M; j++) {   w[j] = 0;   for(i=0;i<N;i++)     w[j] += v[j*N+i]; }

Listing 5 Array writes shifted

for(i=1;i<N;i+=2) {   v[i] = v[i-1];   v[i+1] = v[i-1]*i; }

The code abstraction is generated through an analysis tool that parses the AST to extract the abstraction features, thereby implementing a function

$$\displaystyle{A:\ Code \rightarrow Abstraction}$$

that maps codes to abstractions. In order to simplify communication with the rest of the machine learning component, that uses Python libraries, the code abstraction extraction is also implemented in Python using the pycparser Footnote 6 module. It extracts features both by analyzing the code and by parsing code annotations. The current set of features were enough to obtain the results for our current set of use cases (Sect. 6).

5.2 Deciding Termination with Classification Trees

Classification is the problem of identifying the category to which a new observation belongs among a set of pre-defined categories. Classification is done by training using a set of observations for which it is known to which category they belong [14]. Among the existing approaches, we have evaluated classification trees since it can perform feature selection without complex data preparation.

A classification tree organizes examples according to a set of input features belonging to finite discrete domains. One of the features is the target variable and the classification tree aims at inferring its value from the values of the rest of the features. Each element of the domain of the target variable is called a class.

In a classification tree each non-leaf node is labeled with an input feature and each leaf node is labeled with a class or a probability distribution over the classes. A classification tree can be built by splitting the source data set into subsets based on values of input features and recursively repeating the process on each derived subset. The recursion finishes when the subset of data in a node has the same value for the target variable or when splitting no longer improves the predictions. The source data typically comes in records of the form

$$\displaystyle{([x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},\ldots,x_{k}],Y )}$$

Y is the target variable that the classification tree generalizes in order to be able to classify new observations. The elements x i are the input features used for the classification, drawn from those in Table 3. The target variable determines to what platform(s) the code can be translated. Since a given code (and its associated abstraction) might be suited for more than one platform, for n platforms we have 2n − 1 classes in the target variable. In our current setup, since we currently support FPGAs, GPUs, Shared-Memory CPUs, and Distributed-Memory CPUs, we have 15 elements in the domain of Y.

The classes obtained for the target variable define the final states for the reinforcement learning algorithm described next. The classification-based learning described in this section has been implemented using the Python library Scikit-learn [16]. This library implements several machine learning algorithms, provides good support and ample documentation, and is widely used in the scientific community.

5.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning [14] is an area of machine learning whose aim is to decide how software agents ought to act to maximize some notion of cumulative reward. A reinforcement learning agent interacts with its environment in discrete time steps. At time t, the agent receives an observation o t that typically includes a reward r t . It then chooses an action a t that is sent to the environment which changes from state s t to state s t+1 providing the reward r t associated with the transition (s t , a t , s t+1). The goal of a reinforcement learning agent is to collect as much reward as possible.

RL seems well suited to represent the process of a programmer or a compiler: iteratively improving an initial program in discrete steps. Actions correspond to code changes (caused in our case by the application of transformation rules) and states correspond to code versions. Code can in principle be evaluated after every change according to properties such as execution time, memory consumption speedup factor, etc. The result of these evaluations can be translated into rewards and penalties that feed the learning procedure.

The final result of the learning process of the agent is a state-action table Q (Fig. 15) that contains, for each combination (s, a) of states and actions, the expected profit to be obtained from applying action a to state s. This table is initially filled in with a default value and is iteratively updated following a learning process that we briefly describe below.

Reinforcement learning uses a set of predetermined transformation sequences that are assumed to be models to learn from. Each sequence S is composed of a set of states S = s 0, s 1, , s l and the actions that transform one state into the next one. The final state of each transformation sequence has a different reward related to the performance of corresponding code. The training phase of reinforcement learning consists of an iterative, stochastic process where a state s from the training sequences is randomly selected and a learning episode is started by selecting the action a with the highest value in Q for that s. The learning process moves to a new state s′ according to the transition (s, a, s′) and the process is repeated from state s′ until a final state is reached or a given number of steps is performed. When the episode terminates, the values in Q corresponding to the states and actions of the visited sequence are updated according to the formula in Fig. 13, where \(Q_{init}(s_{t},a_{t})\) is the initial value of Q for state s t and action a t (resp. Q(s t , a t )). Note that s t (resp. a t ) is the t-th state in the temporal ordering of states in the sequence used to learn.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Update of reinforcement learning matrix

The final states in Fig. 13 are defined based on the classification described in Sect. 5.2. Two parameters appear in Fig. 13: the learning rate α, 0 < α ≤ 1, and the discount factor γ, 0 < γ ≤ 1. The learning rate determines to what extent the newly acquired information will override the old information. A factor of 0 will make the agent not to learn anything while a factor of 1 would make the agent consider only the most recent information. The discount factor determines the importance of future rewards, and so it implements delayed rewards. A factor of 0 will make the agent opportunistic by considering only current rewards and a factor close to 1 will make it strive for long-term rewards. If the discount factor reaches or exceeds 1, the learning process may diverge [14].

Code abstractions and transformation rules are mapped to states and actions, respectively, to index the state-action table, using functions SM and AM (Fig. 14). Using the mapping of abstractions and rules to states and actions, the state-action table can also be modeled as a function Q ranging over code and rules (Fig. 14). The rule selection strategy of the transformation toolchain can then be modeled with function RS that takes as input a code c and selects the transformation rule r associated to action AM(r) that maximizes the value provided by Q for the state SM(A(c)) associated to input code c.

Fig. 14
figure 14

RL function definitions

The operator ∗argmax in function RS returns, by definition, a set that can be empty or non-singleton. However, in our problem, parameters α and γ, as well as the reward values r t+1, can be tuned to ensure that a single rule is returned, thus avoiding a non-deterministic RS function. The workflow is then as follows (Fig. 15): for a concrete code c k we find its abstraction \(\mathscr{C}_{i} = A(c_{k})\). Let us assume i = 0. From the row i we obtain the column j with the highest value q i, j in matrix Q (in our example, q 0, 1, in blue and boldface). Column j corresponds to rule r j , which is expected to give the next step in the most promising sequence when applied to a code state whose abstraction is \(\mathscr{C}_{i}\) (in our case it would be r 1). Rule r j would be applied to c k to give c l . If c l corresponds to a final state, the procedure finishes. Otherwise, we repeat the procedure taking c l as input and finding again a rule to transform c l .

Fig. 15
figure 15

State-Action table for code, code abstraction, and rules

We have implemented the reinforcement learning component using the Python library PyBrain [18]. This library adopts a modular structure separating in classes the different concepts present in reinforcement learning , such as the environment, the observations and rewards, the actions, etc. This modularity allowed us to extend the different classes and ease their adaptation to our problem. The PyBrain library also provides flexibility to configure the different parameters of the reinforcement learning algorithm.

5.4 A Simple Example

We will use a 2D convolution kernel (Listing 6) to show the process of learning a state-action table from a transformation sequence. This kernel can already be executed in parallel by adding OpenMP pragmas. However, adapting it to target platforms like GPUs or FPGAs requires a different set of transformations. For example, by joining the two outer loops, to obtain a linear iteration space or transforming the data layout of 2D arrays into 1D arrays, we obtain a sequential code easier to map onto the two platforms mentioned before.

We will use five states (Listings 6–10) and two transformation rules to showcase how these transformations can be executed. The first rule (R 0) transforms a non-1D array into a 1D array and the second rule (R 1) collapses two nested for loops into a single loop. Color codes are as in Fig. 1.

Listing 6 Initial code

 //[3,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,3,2,4,0]  for (r = 0; r < N - K + 1; r++)   for (c = 0; c < N - K + 1; c++) {     sum = 0;     for (i = 0; i < K; i++)      for (j = 0; j < K; j++)        sum += img_in[r+i][c+j] * kernel[i][j];     img_out[r+dead_rows][c+dead_cols] = (sum / normal_factor);   }

Listing 7 Transformation step 1

 // [3,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,2,2,4,0]  for (r = 0; r < N - K + 1; r++)   for (c = 0; c < N - K + 1; c++) {     sum = 0;     for (i = 0; i < K; i++)      for (j = 0; j < K; j++)        sum +=         img_in[(r+i)*(N-K+1)+(c+j)] * kernel[i][j];     img_out[r+dead_rows][c+dead_cols] = (sum / normal_factor);  }

Listing 8 Transformation step 2

 // [3,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,2,4,0]  for (r = 0; r < N - K + 1; r++)   for (c = 0; c < N - K + 1; c++) {     sum = 0;     for (i = 0; i < K; i++)      for (j = 0; j < K; j++)        sum +=         img_in[(r+i)*(N-K+1)+(c+j)] * kernel[i*K+j];     img_out[r+dead_rows][c+dead_cols] = (sum / normal_factor);  }

Listing 9 Transformation step 3

 // [3,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,2,4,0]  for(r = 0; r < N - K + 1; r++)   for(c = 0; c < N - K + 1; c++) {     sum = 0;     for (i = 0; i < K; i++)      for (j = 0; j < K; j++)        sum +=         img_in[(r+i)*(N-K+1)+(c+j)] * kernel[i*K+j];     img_out[(r+dead_rows)*(N-K+1) + (c+dead_cols)] =     (sum / normal_factor);  }

Listing 10 Transformation step 4

 // [2,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,2,3,0]  for(z=0; z<(N-K+1)*(N-K+1); z++) {   int r = (z / (N - K + 1));   int c = (z % (N - K + 1));   sum = 0;   for (i = 0; i < K; i++)     for (j = 0; j < K; j++)      sum +=        img_in[(r+i)*(N-K+1)+(c+j)] * kernel[i*K+j];  img_out[(r+dead_rows)*(N-K+1) +        (c+dead_cols)] =    (sum / normal_factor); }

Every listing shows, at the beginning, the feature vector marking the feature component that changed w.r.t. the previous state. In Listings 7 to 9, rule R 0 is applied to Listing 6 to transform 2-D arrays img_in, kernel, and img_out (in this order) into 1-D arrays. Listing 10 shows the result of applying rule R 1, which collapses the two outermost loops into one for loop keeping an iteration space with the same number of iterations.

Figure 16 shows a table with the final state-action table Q for the transformation sequence described before, obtained as the result of the learning process described before. The table has a column for each applied rule and a row for each state corresponding to the code versions in the learning sequence. The values in blue mark the learned sequence (the highest value in each row), composed of three applications of rule R 0 and one application of rule R 1. These values decrease from the state SM(A(C 3)) down to the initial state SM(A(C 0)). This decay behavior is caused by the discount factor γ. The values in Q for the final states are not updated by the recursive expression in Fig. 13 and therefore the state SM(A(C 4)) keeps its initial value.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Values learned for Q table

We have seen the transformations applied to C code. However, since machine learning methods work on program abstractions, the approach is very generic and suitable for other imperative languages (e.g., FORTRAN). Applying our approach to other languages would require changes to accommodate for language-specific syntactic patterns. Nevertheless, the abstraction features described in Sect. 5.1 capture common aspects like control flow, data layout, data dependencies, etc. and can therefore be applied to other imperative languages with little effort.

6 Results

We will evaluate our proposal on a set of image processing-related benchmarks. We will first show the non-monotonic behavior of non-functional properties for good transformation sequences and, second, we will evaluate the effectiveness of reinforcement learning to learn from these non-monotonic sequences and apply the learned knowledge.

We will illustrate the non-monotonic behavior of performance characteristics with four transformation sequences applied to code for the discrete cosine transform. These four sequences finish by producing C code than can be straightforwardly translated into OpenCL. We have measured the average execution time of 30 runs for each intermediate state of each sequence and represented them in Fig. 17, where the non-monotonic behavior is clear.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Execution times for transformation sequences (on a CPU)

Next, we translated into OpenCL the code corresponding to the final states in Fig. 17 and we compared its performance against the original C code (Fig. 18). The fastest OpenCL version corresponds to sequence 4; however, Fig. 17 reveals that the ready code for sequence 4 was actually the second slowest one on a CPU. In fact, comparing Figs. 17 and 18, there does not seem to be any clear correlation between the execution time of the ready code and the performance of the corresponding OpenCL version. We hypothesize that the same would happen to other non-functional properties. Based on these results we conclude that an effective method to automatically generate high-performance code must discover (and learn) uncorrelated relations between code behavior on CPUs and on target platforms. That is one of the reasons to base our approach on reinforcement learning , since it is driven by final performance measurements rather than on intermediate values.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Execution times for OpenCL versions (on a GPU)

To evaluate reinforcement learning as a technique to learn and guide our program transformation component, we have selected a training set of four benchmarks targeting OpenCL. The training set contains the image compression program (compress), an image filter that separates an RGB image into different images for each color channel (rgbFilter), an image edge detection routine using a Sobel filter (edgeDetect), and code for image segmentation given a threshold value (threshold).

Once the training set is defined, the reinforcement learning process requires tuning the learning rate (α) and the discount factor (γ). We experimentally adjusted them to values leading to transformation sequences providing the fastest OpenCL versions (with α = 0. 5 and γ = 0. 6). The reward values were chosen to reinforce sequences leading to code with better performance. In our case we gave them a reward 100 times bigger than that of the other sequences.

After training, three different applications were used as prediction set; these were mechanically transformed according to the previously learned sequences and finally translated into OpenCL. The prediction set shares code patterns with the training set; this is aligned with the idea that transformation rules can be tailored to the application domain. Independently, OpenCL versions of the prediction set were manually written to compare automatically- and manually-generated code. Figure 19 shows the results: the automatically generated code provides speedup factors comparable to the manually coded versions. Although this preliminary evaluation is based on a small sample, it shows that our approach is promising.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Speedups for training and prediction sets

7 Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented a transformation toolchain that uses guarded rewriting rules and semantic information contained in annotations (which, together, make stml ) in the source code to adapt initial code to different platforms. An engine that interprets and executes these rules plus a machine learning-based module that decides which rules have to be executed have been implemented. A preliminary evaluation with representative small to mid-sized examples suggests that this is a promising technique that can generate code with good performance results—at least on a par with what a seasoned human programmer can write.

As part of the plans for the future, we seek to improve stml and enhance and adapt Cetus to obtain more advanced / specific properties. At the same time, we are evaluating other analysis tools that can hopefully infer more precise information and for a wider range of code. On the one hand, we are exploring tools like PLuTo [3], PET [21], and the Clang / LLVM analyzers to dependency information in array-based loops. On the other hand, we are studying tools such as VeriFast [7] that can reason on dynamically-allocated mutable structures.

We plan to use additional benchmarks to train and evaluate the machine learning tool; that will likely need to enrich the feature vector used to generate program abstractions. We also plan to study the use of multi-objective rewards combining different properties. This would make it possible to define transformation strategies that, for example, could generate the code that consumes the least amount of energy among those with the shortest execution time. Finally, we want to explore the use of different learning rates for different states/transformation sequences in order to converge faster towards transformed codes.