
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Modeling a complex system normally results in a (heterogeneous) multimodel, i.e., a set of heterogenous (component) models each one conforming to its own metamodel. A fundamental fact about multimodeling is that if even each of the component model perfectly conforms to its metamodel, taken together they may violate some global consistency (GC) rules, i.e., be globally inconsistent [2, 7]. An accurate mathematical definition of GC based on model merge was proposed in [9] for the homogeneous case, and extended for the heterogeneous multimodeling in [1]. Moreover, while in [9], the merge-based definition of GC was also used as a practical procedure for GC checking (GCC), in [1] we proposed a more efficient local approach, in which consistency is only checked at the overlaps of the component metamodels, which reduces the model merge workload in GCC. The local idea was significantly developed in our paper [4], in which we proposed to check each global constraint c individually, and correspondingly do matching and merging as minimally as required for checking c, i.e., only using those (meta)model elements that affect the validity of c. In this way, not only model merging, but also matching workload is reduced. As model matching is a very expensive procedure, the local approach of [4] provides significant gains for GCC.

The present paper makes a new contribution to the local GCC by reducing the model matching workload even more by doing it incrementally. Suppose that the user performed GCC of a given multimodel w.r.t. a set of global constraints C, but after that the user needs to make yet another GCC session for a bigger set of constraints \(C'\supset C\). We show how the user can effectively perform the new matching procedure required for the latter GCC by using results of the former match rather than building the new match from scratch. In a nutshell, the mathematical framework we develop allows us to transform a constraint increment \(C' - C\) into a respective increment in the inter-model correspondence specification.

The paper is structured as follows. Sections 2 and 3 provide the required background: in Sect. 2, we explain the main concepts and challenges of GCC of heterogeneous multimodels with a simple example, and in Sect. 3, we outline our mathematical framework, particularly, the machinery of diagrammatic constraints. Section 4 presents the contribution of the paper—incremental model matching within GCC. In Conclusion we outline directions for future work.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Sample multimodel

2 Background I: Multimodeling, Global Constraints and Global Consistency

Modeling a complex system normally results in a multimodel, i.e., a set of heterogenous models (class diagrams, sequence diagrams, statecharts, activity diagrams, etc.), each one conforming to its own metamodel. For illustrating the main concepts, we will consider a toy example in Fig. 1, which shows two class diagrams \(A_{1,2}\), each one conforming to its own metamodel \(M_{1,2}\). Metamodel \(M_1\) specifies classes implementing interfaces with operations implemented by methods. Metamodel \(M_2\) says that classes can be abstract, they have attributes, and also implement interfaces. Each of the metamodels has its own constraints, e.g., all directed association are assumed to have multiplicities [0..1] at the target end by default, and the OCL constraint in \(M_1\) prescribes that each implemented operation in a class belongs to this class’ implemented interface. In addition, we may want to require that every class owns at least one either method or attribute (or have both). This constraint cannot be declared in any of the two metamodels as \(M_1\) knows nothing about attributes while \(M_2\) knows nothing about methods. Following [1], we call such constraints inter-metamodel or global; correspondingly, metamodels \(M_{1,2}\) and their constraints are called local.

What is the metamodel to which a global constraint can be attached? A reasonable answer seems obvious: we need to merge local metamodels into a global metamodel M, which in our case can be easily done manually as shown in Fig. 1(b). For this merge, we have silently assumed (1) merging elements of \(M_{1,2}\) (i.e., glueing them together) with the same names except two associations owns, and (2) merging associations impl@\(M_1\) and implmnts@\(M_2\) even though they have different names (elements to be merged as well as their merge are shaded in grey). The merged metamodel M clearly violates two basic constraints of the metametamodel: (C1) different associations from the same metaclass must be named differently, and (C2) any element only has one name. Thus, while local metamodels do conform to the metametamodel, their merge does not, and we say that metamodels \(M_{1,2}\) are globally inconsistent. Fixing global inconsistency in our case is easy: we need to rename homonymic elements (say, into owns_a and owns_m), and choose one of the synonymic names (say, impl) or generate a new one. These fixes are not shown in Fig. 1(b), but below we will assume them done. After the merged metamodel M is built and fixed, we can attach global constraints to it, and check global consistency of the multimodel \((A_1, A_2)\). For this, we need first to merge the local models into a global model A as shown in Fig. 1(b) (again shaded in grey in \(A_{1,2}\) and \(A_0\)), and then check validity of global constraints for A. Specifically, we see that the “one method or attribute”-constraint described above is satisfied by model A.

In the toy example above, all manipulations were easy, but in practice, merging and checking global consistency may be a far more complicated issue. Specifically, (meta)model matching (together with subsequent merging) are very expensive operations which need intelligent tool support, but anyway cannot be fully automated. A key observation made in [1] and further developed in [4] is that for checking a particular constraint or a group of constraints C, the user can match only small parts of the (meta)models that matter for C’s validity rather than match and merge the entire (meta)models. For instance, in the example above, the “one method or attribute”-constraint does not cover interfaces, such that manual effort for the decision whether to match “Comparable” and “TotalOrder” can be omitted.

To make the simple example above generalizable and applicable to practically interesting cases, we need a precise mathematical framework and tools built on the base of such a framework. Specifically, we need a formal specification of models and their merge, metamodels and constraints, and conformance of a model to a metamodel. A suitable mathematical framework is outlined in the next section.

3 Background II: Mathematical Framework

We assume the reader to be familiar with the concept of (directed multi-)graphs and graph morphisms (mappings), which together constitute the category \(\mathbb G\) of graphs. We also assume some basic knowledge of categories and functors. In Sect. 3.1, we explain model mappings and spans, and in Sect. 3.2 model merge. Section 3.3 explains the fundamental tool for our considerations — diagrammatic constraints, and Sect. 3.4 explains local checking of global constraints in detail. To make the paper self-contained, we sketched some technical material heavily used in the paper in the appendix.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Model overlapping via spans

3.1 Model Mappings and Spans

Models’ structures are governed by metamodels. Since many models are graphical, this can be formalized via typed graphs by defining a model A as a triple \((M_A, G_A, \tau _A)\) with \(M_A\) a graph of types or A’s metamodel graph, \(G_A\) a graph specifying model’s data, and \(\tau _A\!:G_A\rightarrow M_A\) a graph morphism called typing, which assigns to each model element its type in the metamodel graph \(M_A\) (see, for example, models \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) in Fig. 2). We will often omit subindex \(_A\) near model’s components. In a homogeneous environment determined by a single metamodel M, all models are typed over M and thus are pairs \((G,\tau )\). We will also use the latter notation if M is clear from the context. We will denote the class of all models over M by \(\textsc {Model}[M]\).

figure a

The following notion is fundamental for our work with heterogeneous models. A model mapping or morphism \(r\!:A\rightarrow A'\) is a pair \((r_G,r_M)\) of graph morphisms \(r_G\!:G\rightarrow G'\) and \(r_M\!:M\rightarrow M'\) such that the inset diagram commutes, i.e. \(\tau ;r_M=r_G;\tau '\). For example, Fig. 2 presents two model mappings, \(r_1 = (r_{1G}, r_{1M})\!:A_1\leftarrow A_0\) and \(r_2 = (r_{2G}, r_{2M})\!:A_0\rightarrow A_2\). Note the importance of commutativity, which enforces mapping models’ data elements to preserve their types. We will often omit subindexes \(_{M,G}\) if they are clear from the context.

Three special types of model maps are important. Two models are isomorphic, written \(A\cong A'\), if both mappings \(r_M\) and \(r_G\) are isomorphisms. Model A is a submodel of \(A'\), written \(A\hookrightarrow A\), if both \(r_M\) and \(r_G\) are inclusions. Finally, if the square in the inset diagram above is a pullback (see Appendix), then we write \(r\!:A \;{}^{\mathsf {pb}}\!\!\rightarrow A'\) and call model A the (retyped) restriction (or reduction) of model \(A'\) along map \(r_M\).

Model overlap can be specified by a pair of model mappings with a common source as illustrated in Fig. 2 (curved arrows denote mapping behavior). Such a configuration of models and mappings is called a span; the common model is the head of the span, and the two mappings are its legs. In more detail, a model span consists of two graph spans: a metamodel span and a data span . In each of the graph spans, an element x in the head represents a common/shared concept, while legs show how this concept is represented in each of the components. For example, each element \(x\in M_0\) declares that elements \(r_{1M}(x)\in M_1\) and \(r_{2M}(x)\in M_2\) refer to the same (meta)classifier. Particularly, associations impl in metamodel \(M_1\) and implmnts in \(M_2\) are declared to be the same in Fig. 2 despite their different names. Analogously, the upper span declares that classes Person@\(A_1\) and Person@\(A_2\) refer to the same class. Note that it is no restriction to assume that the overlap span is jointly injective, i.e., for any two elements \(x,x\in M_0\), if \(r_{1M}(x) = r_{1M}(x')\) and \(r_{2M}(x) = r_{2M}(x')\), then \(x= x'\).

When a span specifies a model overlap, we will refer to it as an overlap or correspondence span. Thus, the metamodel of our sample multimodel is actually a span \(\mathcal{M}= (M_1, M_2, M_0,\) \(r_{1M}, r_{2M})\) or shorter \(\mathcal{M}= (r_{1M}, r_{2M})\) rather than a pair \((M_1,M_2)\), and the multimodel itself is a span \(\mathcal{A}= (A_1, A_2, A_0, r_{1}, r_{2})\) or shorter \(\mathcal{A}= (r_{1}, r_{2})\) rather than a pair \((A_1,A_2)\). We will call \((A_1, A_2)\) the base of multimodel \(\mathcal{A}\). Thus, a multimodel is essentially richer than its base (cf. [1]).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Merging metamodels (Color figure online)

3.2 Model Merge and Global Constraints

After model overlap is specified by a span, we can merge the component models in an entirely automatic way by employing an operation called pushout (PO). Figure 3 explains the idea by showing how the two metamodels are merged. Intuitively, we first take the disjoint union of \(M_1\) and \(M_2\), and then glue together those elements, which are declared to be the same by the span. The result is a merged graph M together with two mappings \(\overline{r_1}\!:M_1\rightarrow M\) and \(\overline{r_2}\!:M\leftarrow M_2\) specifying embedding of the local metamodel graphs into the merge. We will denote it by \(M_1+_{M_0}M_2\).

Local constraints are directly carried into the merged graph along the maps \(\overline{r_1}\) and \(\overline{r_2}\), in this way the commutativity constraint (note the label [=]) and multiplicities (not shown) are carried into the merge. Thus, PO takes a span of metamodels as its input, and outputs a cospan (two mappings with a common target), encompassing all data from the local metamodels without duplication. Models’ data graphs are also merged with PO, and it can be shown that the result of data graph PO is properly typed over the metamodel graph PO (we omit the figure to save space). However, as our discussion in Sect. 2 shows, some constraints can be violated and have to be checked. In addition, inter-metamodel constraints may be added to the merged metamodel, e.g. the above mentioned “one method [or] attribute” constraint shown in green in Fig. 3.

Table 1. Sample constraints

3.3 Diagrammatic Constraints

A key feature of constraints used in metamodeling is their diagrammatic nature: the set of elements over which a constraint is declared is actually a diagram of some shape specific for the constraint. For example, the shape of any multiplicity constraint is a single arrow, while the shape of constraint [or] discussed above is a span of two arrows.

To declare a constraint named c over a metamodel graph M, we recognize the constraint shape in the graph and label the respective configuration by constraint name c. Formally, we first declare a signature of constraints, i.e., a set of constraint names/labels, each one assigned with its (arity) shape denoted, for a constraint c, by \(S^c\). For example, Table 1 specifies a simple signature consisting of three constraints. Now, to declare a constraint c over a graph M, we need to specify a graph morphism \(\delta \!:S^c\rightarrow M\) called (shape) binding. E.g. in Fig. 4, constraint \(c=[or]\) is declared via binding \(\delta \) with \(\delta (01)= owns \_m\), \(\delta (02) = owns \_a\), which automatically implies \(\delta (1) = Method \), \(\delta (0) = Class \), \(\delta (2) = Attribute \). The elements in M the shape is mapped to, is called the image or the scope of the binding; in Fig. 4 the elements beyond the scope are veiled. The same formal mechanisms underlines commutativity constraint in Fig. 3: labeling an arrow square by [=] is a syntactic sugar for adding the diagonal arrow, and declaring the constraint [=] from Table 1 for the two triangles (by mapping the triangle shape to the respective triangle in the graph).

The pair \((c, \delta )\) is called a constraint declaration. In the sequel, we write \(c@\delta \), meaning that constraint c is imposed on metamodel M at the image of binding map \(\delta \).

Constraint name “or” already suggests its semantic interpretation in this context: “Each class shall own at least a method or an attribute”. Importantly, semantics of a constraint is, in general, defined irrespective to the binding by defining a validating function validate \(_c(X: \textsc {Model}[S^c])\) : boolean which inputs a typed graph \(X = (G_X,\tau _X: G_X\rightarrow S^c)\), i.e. a model typed over c’s shape, and outputs Boolean truth iff the model is considered to be satisfying the constraint. The validating function must be stable under isomorphism: if \(X\cong X'\), then \(\textsc {validate}_c(X)=\textsc {validate}_c(X')\).

Now checking consistency of model \(A = (G,\tau :G\rightarrow M)\) against a fixed constraint declaration \(c@\delta \) in M is performed by function

$$\begin{aligned} \textsc {check}(A{:}\, \textsc {Model}[M], c@\delta {:}\,\textsc {Constr})\textsc {: boolean} \end{aligned}$$

which performs three steps:

  1. 1.

    Restrict A to elements, whose types are in the image of \(\delta \) in M.

  2. 2.

    Retype elements of this new structure to formal typing over \(S^c\). This yields typed graph \(A^{c@\delta } = (G^{c@\delta }, \tau ^{c@\delta })\).

  3. 3.

    Return the result of \(\textsc {validate}_c(A^{c@\delta })\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Constraint declaration and check

In Fig. 4 the steps of function \(\textsc {check}\) can be tracked: \(\textsc {validate}_{c}\) acts on models typed over \(S^{c}\): It returns true if each element of type 0 in \(G^{c@\delta }\) has an outgoing edge to some element of type 1 or to some element of type 2. Graph G is restricted and retyped by pulling back \(\tau \) along \(\delta \), \(\tau ^{c@\delta }\) is the retyping.

Model A satisfies \(c@\delta \), written \(A\models c@\delta \), if check \((A,c@\delta )\)=true. A is a legal model over metamodel M, if \(A\models c@\delta \) for all constraints \(c@\delta \) declared in M.

The framework described above allows us to give an accurate formal definition of global consistency. In a nutshell, we specify local (meta)model overlap by a span, then merge using PO, specify global constraints over the the merged metamodel, and finally check the merged model against global constraints.

3.4 Global Consistency Revisited: Local Constraint Checking

As mentioned above, using this definition of global consistency as an algorithm for consistency checking is very inefficient due to the expensive operation of model matching. A better technique is given in [4]: Let \(\mathcal{A}\) be a multimodel with base \((A_1, A_2)\), \(A_i = (G_i, \tau _i{:}\; G_i\rightarrow M_i)\) (\(i=1,2\)) defined over a multimetamodel \(\mathcal{M}=(M_1, M_{0}, M_2, r_1, r_2)\). An inter-metamodel constraint \(c@\delta \) is verified as follows (see Appendix for how the pullback operation works).

  1. 1.

    Binding projection: Identify those fragments of \(M_1\), \(M_2\), and \(M_0\), that matter for checking, by pulling \(\delta \) back along \(\overline{r}_1\), along \(\overline{r}_2\), and along \(r_1;\overline{r}_1\) (or, equivalently, along \(r_2;\overline{r}_2\) as the square is commutative), cf. Fig. 4. This results in mappings \(\overline{r}_1^*(\delta ):S_1^{c@\delta }\rightarrow M_1\), \(\overline{r}_2^*(\delta ): S_2^{c@\delta }\rightarrow M_2\), and \(({r}_1;\overline{r}_1)^*(\delta ): S_0^{c@\delta }\rightarrow M_0\). Let’s call these maps localised bindings (of \(\delta \) to \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(M_0\). resp.). Let

    be their epi-mono-factorisations, i.e.\(I_i^{c@\delta }\)is the image of \(\delta \)’s localised binding to \(M_i\).

  2. 2.

    Model restriction and retyping: Carry out steps one and two of the constraint checking algorithm of Sect. 3.3 locally, i.e. construct consecutive pullbacks of \(\tau _i\) along the two morphisms of the above epi-mono-factorisation, yielding

    The right pullback yields subgraph \(A_i^{c@\delta }\) of \(A_i\) comprising those model elements that are typed in \(I_i^{c@\delta }\), the left pullback retypes elements of \(A_i^{c@\delta }\) such that they are typed over \(S_i^{c@\delta }\). Let \(A_i^{c@\delta }=(G_i^{c@\delta },\) \(\tau _i^{c@\delta }{:}\;G_i^{c@\delta }\rightarrow I_i^{c@\delta })\) and provide the modeler with model data \(G_1^{c@\delta }\) and \(G_2^{c@\delta }\).Footnote 1 \(^,\) Footnote 2

  3. 3.

    Matching: Determine compatibly typed overlap \(A_0^{c@\delta }= (G_0^{c@\delta }, \tau _0^{c@\delta }{:}\;G_0^{c@\delta }\rightarrow I_0^{c@\delta })\) of these two data graphs, including correspondence span \(r_1'{:}\; A_0^{c@\delta }\rightarrow A_1^{c@\delta }\) and \(r_2'{:}\; A_0^{c@\delta }\rightarrow A_2^{c@\delta }\).Footnote 3 We will refer to the triple \((A_0^{c@\delta }, r_1',r_2')\) as a constraint specific (correspondence) span and denote it by \(\small \mathsf {span}({c@\delta })\).

  4. 4.

    Validation: Compute pullback \(B_0^{c@\delta }= (H_0^{c@\delta }, \sigma _0^{c@\delta }{:}\; H_0^{c@\delta }\rightarrow S_0^{c@\delta })\) of this overlap along \(k_{0M}\) and apply \(validate_c(B_1^{c@\delta }+_{B_0^{c@\delta }}B_2^{c@\delta })\).

The key point of this algorithm is that the constraint-tailored correspondence span \(\small \mathsf {span}(c@\delta )\) can be much smaller than the span specifying all correspondences between the component models. E.g. checking our sample multimodel against the constraint “One attribute or one method” specified in Sect. 2 requires to match classes in models \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) while matching interfaces is not necessary. For this toy example, the difference is not significant, but for practical models comprising thousands of elements, the performance gain is essential.

4 From Constraints to Model Matching, Incrementally

This section introduces the main contribution of the paper. Since the most expensive step in the algorithm of Sect. 3.4 is model matching (Step 3), we focus on minimizing this effort by computing the required correspondence span incrementally. The idea is briefly explained in Sect. 4.1, Sect. 4.2 describes our main technical vehicle for the constraint grouping task, and Sect. 4.3 explains incrementality in detail.

4.1 Incrementality in a Nutshell

Suppose we need to check global consistency wrt. a set of constraints

$$\begin{aligned} C=\{c_1@\delta _1,...,c_n@\delta _n\}. \end{aligned}$$

In the next section we will show that any such set gives rise to a constraint declaration \(c@\delta \) for some new constraint symbol c with a new binding map \(\delta \) such that for any multimodel \(\mathcal{A}\) we have \(\mathcal{A}\models c@\delta \) iff \(\mathcal{A}\models C\) (where, as usual, \(\mathcal{A}\models C\) means \(\mathcal{A}\models c_i@\delta _i\) for all \(i=1,.., n\)). We will denote this new constraint declaration by \(\bigwedge C\) and call it consolidation of C. Thus, we can replace checking \(\mathcal{A}\) against C by checking it against a single constraint \(\bigwedge C\) with our algorithm in Sect. 3.4, so that model matching is reduced to discovering the correspondence span \(\small \mathsf {span}(C)\mathop {=}\limits ^{\mathrm {def}}\small \mathsf {span}(\bigwedge C)\).

Assume now that new constraints are added to group C resulting in a bigger group \(C'\supseteq C\). To check \(\mathcal{A}\) against \(C'\), we need to build a correspondence span \(\small \mathsf {span}(C')\), which, as we mentioned several times, is an expensive procedure. Our idea is to build \(\small \mathsf {span}(C')\) incrementally (rather than from scratch) using the previously built correspondence span \(\small \mathsf {span}(C)\). Indeed, we will define a “delta” span \(\small \mathsf {span}(C,C')\) and an operation \(\uplus \) of span union such that \(\small \mathsf {span}(C')=\small \mathsf {span}(C)\uplus \small \mathsf {span}(C,C')\), so that GCC can be done incrementally with an effective reuse of the model matching knowledge.

4.2 Constraint Grouping

Logical programming enables definition of new formulas with the help of conjunction of already known formulas, e.g.

$$\begin{aligned} pythagoreanTriple(x,y,z)\;:=\;(x^2 + y^2 = z^2)\wedge isInteger(x)\wedge isInteger(y). \end{aligned}$$

This classical consolidation of three small formulas by defining their conjunction can be carried out in the same way with diagrammatic constraints: For the sake of simplicity we explain the idea for two constraint declarations only. The general case of an arbitrary (finite) number is straightforward. Let \({c_1}@\delta _1\) and \({c_2}@\delta _2\) be imposed on metamodel M. We can define a new constraint symbol \({c_1} \wedge {c_2}\) (read “\({c_1}\) and \({c_2}\)”) with arity graph \(S^{{c_1}\wedge {c_2}} := S^{c_1} + S^{c_2}\), i.e. the coproduct of the two arity graphs (whenever, in the sequel, a term is printed in italics, we refer to the appendix’ terminology). In the classical case this corresponds to the disjoint union of all variable slots in the atomic formulae: We obtain 5 slots \(s_1, \ldots , s_5\) for the arity of the consolidated formula. For the diagrammatic conjunction of \({c_1}@\delta _1\) and \({c_2}@\delta _2\) we take \([\delta _1, \delta _2]: S^{c_1} + S^{c_2}\) (universal morphism) to be the corresponding binding map. In the classical example above, this means that the slots are mapped \(s_1\mapsto x\), \(s_2\mapsto y\), \(s_3\mapsto z\), \(s_4\mapsto x\), \(s_5\mapsto y\), placing xyz accordingly into the slots.

Semantics of \({c_1}\wedge {c_2}\) is defined as follows. For any model X with \(\tau _X\!:G_X\rightarrow S^{{c_1}\wedge {c_2}}\), we set \(X\models {c_1}\wedge {c_2}\) iff \(i_{c_1}^*(X)\models {c_1}\) and \(i_{c_2}^*(X)\models {c_2}\), where \(i_{c_1}\!:S^{c_1}\rightarrow S^{{c_1}\wedge {c_2}}\) and \(i_{c_2}\!:S^{c_2}\rightarrow S^{{c_1}\wedge {c_2}}\) are the coproduct’s canonical injections (recall that \(S^{{c_1}\wedge {c_2}}=S^{c_1} + S^{c_2}\)), and \(i_{c_1}^*(\_)\), \(i_{c_2}^*(\_)\) are the respective PB operations (acting, in fact, on \(\tau _X\) — see Appendix). Stability under isomorphisms is obvious.

\(({c_1}\wedge {c_2})@[\delta _1,\delta _2]\) is called a consolidated constraint declaration (composed of \({c_1}@\delta _1\) and \({c_2}@\delta _2\)). Note that in the partially ordered (by \(\models \)) set of all constraint declarations, \(({c_1}\wedge {c_2})@[\delta _1,\delta _2]\) is the g.l.b. of \({c_1}@\delta _1\) and \({c_2}@\delta _2\).

The construction defined above for the case of two constraint declarations in the group, is directly generalized for the case of any finite number of constraints \(C=\{c_1@\delta _1\), ..., \(c_n@\delta _n\}\). We will denote the corresponding consolidated constraint by \(\bigwedge C\).


Given a set of global constraints \(C=\{c_1@\delta _1\), ..., \(c_n@\delta _n\}\) (declared over the metamodel merge), let \(\bigwedge C\) be its consolidated constraint declaration as defined above. Then \(\mathcal{A}\models C\) iff \(\mathcal{A}\models \bigwedge C\).

4.3 From Constraints to Correspondence Spans

Given a constraint declaration \(c@\delta \), let be its epi-mono factorisation as described in Sect. 3.4.


Given two constraints, \(c@\delta \) and \(c'@\delta '\), we say the latter (semantically) entails the former, and write \(c'@\delta ' \models c@\delta \), if \(I^{c@\delta }\subset I^{c'@\delta '}\) and \(\mathcal{A}\models c@\delta \) for any multimodel \(\mathcal{A}\) with \(\mathcal{A}\models c'@\delta '\).


Given a metamodel M, the space of all constraint declarations over M is a (thin) category, say, \(\textsc {Constr}(M)\), whose arrows are entailments.Footnote 4    \(\square \)

Specifically, it is easy to see that given two groups of constraints such that \(C\subset C'\), we have \(\bigwedge C'\models \bigwedge C\) for their consolidations. This is our main motivating example, but proofs are easier to build in a bit more general situation of semantic entailment.

Given entailment \(c'@\delta ' \models @\delta \), we have a diagram


with \(I^{c@\delta }\) and \(I^{c'@\delta '}\) being images of \(\delta \) and \(\delta '\) resp., which gives rise (through backward propagation) to inclusions

$$\begin{aligned} A_1^{c@\delta }\subseteq A_1^{c'@\delta '} \text{ and } A_2^{c@\delta }\subseteq A_2^{c'@\delta '} \end{aligned}$$

where models A with subindexes are constraint-specific restrictions of local models produced in Step 2 of the algorithm (Sect. 3.4). Thus, there will be further automation potential for matching in Step 3, if two elements \(x_1\in A_1^{c@\delta }\) and \(x_2 \in A_2^{c@\delta }\) are declared to be the same: In this case neighbors (reachable via an edge in the data graph) \(y_1\in A_1^{c'@\delta '} - A_1^{c@\delta }\) (of \(x_1\)) and \(y_2\in A_2^{c'@\delta '} - A_2^{c@\delta }\) (of \(x_2\)) are likely to be identical, too.

We demonstrate the effects for the simple situation of a singleton \(C=\{c_1@\delta _1\}\) and \(C'=C\cup \{c_2@\delta _2\}\). Consider for this the metamodel merge M in Fig. 3. Suppose again that classes shall either possess an attribute or a method (constraint \(c_1@\delta _1\)), and, additionally, the following property (constraint \(c_2@\delta _2\)) has to hold for any class c:

$$\begin{aligned} (\sim c. abstract \wedge c. impl = i) \text{ implies } (\forall op\in i. ops {:}\; \exists m\in c. owns \_m{:}\; m. implOf = op) \end{aligned}$$

i.e. each operation of an implemented interface has to be instantiated in each concrete class. Let \(c'@\delta '\) be the consolidation of \(C'\). Its scope consists of the complete merge M in Fig. 3. For applying our algorithm for checking validity of \((A_1,A_2)\) against \(c_1@\delta _1\), the user has to specify sameness of model elements. Since the image of \(\delta _1\) only covers Class in the complete overlap of \(M_1\) and \(M_2\), the user only needs to match classes. Thus, in Fig. 2, he will declare classes Person to be the same. In contrast, extended constraint declaration \(c'@\delta '\) covers the complete overlap \(M_0\) in Fig. 3. Hence the user, additionally, has to specify sameness of interfaces. Since Person-classes have already been matched, it is likely that interfaces Comparable and TotalOrder are the same, and the system can propose their matching to the user, which he can confirm or reject.

In the rest of the section, we investigate the nature of mapping \(\small \mathsf {span}\), which maps a constraint \(c@\delta \) to its specific correspondence span. We will show that it can be extended to arrows by mapping an entailment \(c'@\delta '\models c@\delta \) to the respective inclusion of correspondence spans. The latter can be seen as an increment for model matching.

It is easy to verify that image inclusion of two constraints faithfully propagates back to the local metamodels and its overlap by Preservation properties of pullbacks. Thus diagram (1) is fully propagated back to mappings with codomain \(M_1\), \(M_2\), and \(M_0\) in step 1 of the algorithm in Sect. 3.4, meaning that we get the same shaped diagram (including image properties) for the localised bindings:


for all \(i\in \{0,1,2\}\). In step 2, pullback of \(\tau _i\) along these mappigs (\(i\in \{1,2\}\)) is carried out. If verification of \(c@\delta \) and \(c'@\delta '\) would be performed simultaneously, the system would present to the modeler typed graphs \((A_i^{{c@\delta }}) \;{}^{\mathsf {pb}}\!\hookrightarrow (A_i^{c'@\delta '})\) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\) where inclusion is provided by preservation properties and one can show that the pullback property arises from its decomposition property (see Appendix). Suppose the modeler has already specified model overlap \(A_0^{c@\delta }= (G_0^{c@\delta }, \tau _0^{c@\delta })\) for checking \(c@\delta \), then the question is, how to efficiently fill the gaps (question marks and dashed arrows) in


Whereas the two horizontal dashed correspondence morphisms declare the extended overlap, the vertical dashed line guarantees coherence with the overlap w.r.t. \(c@\delta \).

Note that for any solution \(A_0^{c'@\delta '}:= (G_0^{c'@\delta '}, \tau _0^{c'@\delta '}: G_0^{c'@\delta '}\rightarrow I_0^{c'@\delta '})\) the codomain \(I_0^ {c'@\delta '}\) is already known, cf. (2). Thus, we have to find \(G_0^{c'@\delta '}\) and its typing. We claim that \(G_0^{c'@\delta '}\) is of the form \(G_0^{c@\delta }+ G_0\), where \(G_0\) can be any subset of elements of

$$\begin{aligned} \{(x_1, x_2)\in G_1^{c'@\delta '}\times G_2^{c'@\delta '}\mid \exists t_0\in I_0^{c'@\delta '}-I_0^{c@\delta }:\tau _1^{c'@\delta '}(x_1) = r_1(t_0) \wedge \tau _2^{c'@\delta '}(x_2) = r_2(t_0)\}, \end{aligned}$$

which turns \(G_0^{c'@\delta '}\) into a legal graph. We call \(G_0\) the match-extension and define \(\tau _0^{c'@\delta '}\) \(= \tau _0^{c@\delta }\) on \(G_0^{c@\delta }\) and \(\tau _0^{c'@\delta '}(x_1, x_2) = t_0\). Note that this is unique since we assumed in the beginning of Sect. 3.2 \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) to be jointly injective. Moreover the correspondence maps must be taken to be projections \((x_1, x_2)\mapsto x_1\) and \((x_1, x_2)\mapsto x_2\) on match-extension and such that they coincide with \(r_{1G}'\) and \(r_{2G}'\) on \(G_0^{c@\delta }\). Finally the model part of the vertical dashed map is the inclusion of \(G_0^{c@\delta }\) into \(G_0^{c'@\delta '}\). It can now be shown that \(G_0^{c'@\delta '}\) is indeed a graph, the above diagram becomes commutative, all mappings on the model level are proper graph morphisms and are compatibly typed, and the three vertical arrows are inclusion pullbacks, as desired.

Thus, in the example above, \(G^{c'@\delta '}_0=G_0^{c@\delta }+ G_0\), where graph \(G_0^{c@\delta }\) has exactly one node Person. For graph \(G_0\), there are three cases:

  • 1. \(G_0 = \emptyset \) (no extension)

  • 2. \(G_0 = \{(Comparable:Interface, TotalOrder:Interface)\}\).

  • 3. \(G_0 = \{(Comparable:Interface, TotalOrder:Interface), (impl_1, impl_2)\}\), where \(impl_1\) specifies that Person implements Comparable and \(impl_2\) specifies that Person implements TotalOrder.

The second case results in a double declaration of \(Comparable = TotalOrder\) to be implemented by Person, which can automatically be rejected by the algorithm. In addition to that, the algorithm can propose the third case, because it is likely that Comparable and TotalOrder can be declared to be the same, since otherwise Person should not be in the original overlap (because then it implements different behavior). The user must only confirm this choice. If he rejects, the algorithm outputs case 1.

Given a multimodel base \((A_1,A_2)\) over the multimetamodel \(\mathcal{M}\), the construction described by diagram (3) defines mappings between model correspondence spans over \(\mathcal{M}\), which makes the space of spans a category \(\textsc {Span}(\mathcal{M})\). We can summarize our discussion by formulating an important requirement to the model matching tool: in order to preserve the matching knowledge, mapping \(\small \mathsf {span}\!:\textsc {Constr}(M)\rightarrow \textsc {Span}(\mathcal{M})\) should be a functor. This requirement is well aligned with matching algorithms based on similarity flooding [6]: global constraints provide information about model correspondences, which can be used for matching (e.g., as it was done in our example above).

5 Conclusion: Future Work

We plan to extend the functorial nature of mapping \(\small \mathsf {span}\!:\textsc {Constr}(M)\rightarrow \textsc {Span}(\mathcal{M})\) towards a richer structure over the spaces. Namely, we want to make them lattices formed by Boolean logical operations for the former space, and by Boolean operations over spans for the latter space. Then it should be possible to establish a structure compatible map (homomorphism) from the former algebra to the latter, which would allow the user to do matching in a compositional way with extensive reuse. Another direction is to investigate interaction between our incremental approach and similarity flooding matching algorithms, which potentially can enhance tools for both model matching and global consistency checking. We also plan to develop a tool support for the approach in collaboration with the Bergen group, whose ongoing work on tooling for diagrammatic constraint checking, and subsequent model repairing [5, 8] looks very promising.