
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

In this paper we propose a composition of rewrite systems [19] by means of synchronous products with the aim of using it for modular specification of systems. We also define a synchronous product for doubly labeled transition systems (L\(^2\)TS) as defined in [7]. We use the latter to semantically ground the former.

Our concept of synchronous product is akin to the one from automata theory, whence it borrows its name, but also to the composition of processes in CCS [22], to request-wait-block threads in behavioral programming [13], and to other formalisms for module composition. Most of these formalisms rely on action identifiers for synchronization, that is, actions with the same name in both component systems execute simultaneously. Some, like [16], synchronize states: the ones simultaneously visited by the component systems must agree on the atomic propositions they satisfy: if \(s_1\models p\) and \(s_2\models \lnot p\) for some proposition p, then \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \) is not even a state of the composed system.

As explained in several papers [8, 14, 18, 21], state-only based or action-only based settings are often not enough for a natural specification of systems and temporal properties. In some cases, we are interested in the propositions of the states; in other cases, it is the action that took the system to that state that matters. In many cases, the combined use of propositions on states and on transitions results in more natural formulas. For instance, the formula

(from [21]) expresses fairness for action a: if action a is infinitely often enabled, then it is infinitely often taken. Here, enabled-a is a property of states (that they allow the execution of a on them), but taking-a is a property of the transition taking place. In the same spirit, this paper suggests that composition of modules is better approached by synchronizing both states and actions. The papers [18, 21] show how it is always possible to cook a system so that all relevant information about transitions is included in states. Thus, strictly speaking, action synchronization is not needed, but is most convenient.

L\(^2\)TSs are a kind of amalgamation of LTSs (labeled transition systems) and Kripke structures: they label states with sets of propositions (as Krikpe structures do), and transitions with action identifiers (as LTSs do). They are state- and action-based, and are appropriate for our discussion.

The theoretical contribution of this paper is the definition of the synchronous product for both L\(^2\)TSs and rewrite systems. States synchronize based on their atomic propositions, and transitions based on their action identifiers or rule labels. We show how rewrite systems (and their synchronous product) can be given semantics on L\(^2\)TSs (and their own synchronous product).

As a more practical contribution, the aim of our definitions is to allow the modular specification of rewrite systems. This is shown in the examples. We foresee that this would make modular verification possible. Also, as a composed system only has the behaviors that are possible in both component systems, it can be used as a means to control a system with another one tailored for that purpose. We see this as a possible implementation of strategies for rewrite systems—and one suited to modular verification. These two possibilities are work in progress and are just hinted at in the examples.

The rest of this paper is divided into six sections. Section 2 recalls L\(^2\)TSs and defines their synchronous product. Section 3 focuses on the synchronous product for rewrite systems and on their semantics. Section 4 shows some examples of modular specification. Section 5 discusses some issues having to do with the prototype implementation of the synchronous product that we have developed in Maude. Section 6 proposes directions for future work and mentions, at the same time, related literature. Section 7 summarizes the conclusions of the paper.

There is an extended version of this paper available at our website: The Maude code for our implementation and the examples can also be found there.

2 Synchronous Products of L\(^2\)TSs

We start at the semantic level, presenting the particular kind of transition systems convenient to our discussion, and showing how they can be composed by the operation we call synchronous product.

2.1 L\(^2\)TS: Doubly Labeled Transition Systems

Doubly labeled transition systems were introduced by De Nicola and Vaandrager in [7] with the aim of comparing properties of Kripke structures and of labeled transition systems (LTSs). Indeed, L\(^2\)TSs join in a single object the characteristics of these different structures. That is, their states are labeled by sets of atomic propositions (the ones that hold true in the state) and their transitions are labeled by action identifiers. The original definition from [7] includes invisible actions, but we will not need them.

Formally, an L\(^2\)TS is defined as a tuple \((S,\varLambda ,\rightarrow ,{\text {AP}},L)\), where S is a set of states, \(\varLambda \) is an alphabet of action identifiers, \({\rightarrow }\subseteq S\times \varLambda \times S\) is a transition relation (denoted as \(s\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'\)), \({\text {AP}}\) is a set of atomic propositions, and \(L : S \rightarrow 2^{{\text {AP}}}\) is a labeling function, that assigns to each state the atomic propositions that hold true on it.

2.2 Synchronous Products

The synchronous product of two systems is a way to make them evolve in parallel, making sure that they agree at each step and in every moment. Given two L\(^2\)TSs \(\mathcal {L}_i=(S_i,\varLambda _i,\rightarrow _i,{\text {AP}}_i,L_i)\), we define next their synchronous product \({\mathcal {L}_1}\,\Vert \,{\mathcal {L}_2}=(S,\varLambda ,\rightarrow ,{\text {AP}},L)\). The synchronization is specified by relating properties and actions common to both structures, that is, existing with the same name in both. For a state \(s_1\in S_1\) to be visited by \(\mathcal {L}_1\) at the same time as \(s_2\in S_2\) is visited by \(\mathcal {L}_2\) it is necessary that, for each common atomic proposition \(p\in {\text {AP}}_1\cap {\text {AP}}_2\), we have that p holds for \(s_1\) iff it holds for \(s_2\); more formally: \(L_1(s_1)\cap {\text {AP}}_2 = L_2(s_2)\cap {\text {AP}}_1\). We denote this by \(s_1\approx s_2\) and say that \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are compatible or that the pair \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \) is compatible. For a transition \(s_1\mathop {\longrightarrow _1}\limits ^{\lambda _1\;\;}s'_1\) to occur in \(\mathcal {L}_1\) simultaneously with \(s_2\mathop {\longrightarrow _2}\limits ^{\lambda _2\;\;}s'_2\) in \(\mathcal {L}_2\) it is necessary that \(\lambda _1=\lambda _2\) (in addition to \(s_1\approx s_2\) and \(s'_1\approx s'_2\)). However, actions existing only in one of the systems can execute by themselves. This is the definition of \({\mathcal {L}_1}\,\Vert \,{\mathcal {L}_2}=(S,\varLambda ,\rightarrow ,{\text {AP}},L)\):

  • \(S := S_1\times S_2\);

  • \(\varLambda := \varLambda _1\cup \varLambda _2\);

  • regarding transitions (assuming \(s_1\approx s_2\)):

    • \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }\langle s'_1,s'_2\rangle \)  iff  \(s_1\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'_1\) and \(s_2\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'_2\) and \(s'_1\approx s'_2\),

    • \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }\langle s'_1,s_2\rangle \)  iff  \(s_1\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'_1\) and \(\lambda \not \in \varLambda _2\) and \(s'_1\approx s_2\),

    • \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }\langle s_1,s'_2\rangle \)  iff  \(s_2\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'_2\) and \(\lambda \not \in \varLambda _1\) and \(s_1\approx s'_2\);

  • \({\text {AP}}:= {\text {AP}}_1\cup {\text {AP}}_2\);

  • \(L(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle ) := L_1(s_1)\cup L_2(s_2)\).

Some notes on the definition and its consequences are in order:

  • We let the space state S include non-compatible pairs. However, only transitions going into compatible states are allowed, so that all states reachable from a compatible initial state are compatible.

  • The resulting composed system includes all the propositions and action identifiers from both component systems (we take their unions), but for synchronization only the ones that are common are taken into account (their intersections).

  • Renaming of propositions and actions in a structure can be done with no harm to get equal names in both structures as needed for synchronization.

  • When the two systems being composed have no common propositions and no common actions (\({\text {AP}}_1\cap {\text {AP}}_2=\emptyset \) and \(\varLambda _1\cap \varLambda _2=\emptyset \)), they progress with no consideration to each other: any state can pair with any other, and each action is executed by itself.

  • A system controls the actions the other one can perform. Consider the situation where the composed system is in state \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \) (with \(s_1\approx s_2\)) and \(\mathcal {L}_1\) can execute action \(\lambda \) from \(s_1\) (\(s_1\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'_1\)). There are three possibilities to consider in \(\mathcal {L}_2\):

    • if \(\lambda \not \in \varLambda _2\), the action can be run in \(\mathcal {L}_1\) by itself: \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }\langle s'_1,s_2\rangle \) (provided \(s'_1\approx s_2\));

    • if \(\lambda \in \varLambda _2\), but it cannot be executed from \(s_2\), then \(\lambda \) cannot be executed in the composed system at the moment;

    • if \(\lambda \in \varLambda _2\) and can be executed from \(s_2\) in \(\mathcal {L}_2\) (\(s_2\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'_2\)), then \(\lambda \) can only be executed simultaneously in both systems: \(\langle s_1,s_2\rangle \mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }\langle s'_1,s'_2\rangle \) (provided \(s'_1\approx s'_2\)).

3 Synchronous Products of Rewrite Systems

Our aim is to implement and practically use synchronous products for modular specification. Thus, we now reflect the abstract definitions above in the more concrete realm of rewrite systems.

3.1 Rewrite Systems

Rewriting logic takes on the concept of term rewriting and tailors it to the specification of concurrent and non-deterministic systems. It was introduced as such by Meseguer in [19]. Maude [5] is a language (and system) for specification and programming based on this idea. A specification in rewriting logic contains equations and rewrite rules. Equations work much like in functional programming; rules describe the way in which a system state evolves into a different one.

Maude’s flavor of rewriting logic is based on order-sorted equational logic—membership equational logic indeed [20], but we are not using such a feature in this paper. Thus, a rewrite system has the form \(\mathcal {R}=(\varSigma ,E\cup Ax,R)\), where: \(\varSigma \) is a signature containing declarations for sorts, subsorts, and operators; E is a set of equations; Ax is a set of equational axioms for operators, such as commutativity and associativity; and R is a set of labeled rewrite rules of the form \([\ell ]\,s\rightarrow s'\).

In Sect. 3.2 below, we show a way to compose and synchronize rewrite systems. Synchronization on states happens on coincidence on their common propositions. For that to be meaningful, we need a way to handle propositions, which are not, in principle, an ingredient of rewrite systems. Thus, we require of each rewrite system \(\mathcal {R}=(\varSigma ,E\cup Ax,R)\) the following:

  • the sort in \(\varSigma \) that represents the states of the system is called State;

  • \(\varSigma \) includes a sort Prop, representing atomic propositions, composed by a finite amount of constants (this requirement is needed in Sect. 3.2 to define the synchronous product);

  • \(\mathcal {R}\) includes the definition of a theory of the Booleans declaring, in particular, the sort Bool, and the constants true and false;

  • \(\varSigma \) includes an infix relation symbol \(\_\models \_ : \texttt {\small {State}} \times \texttt {\small {Prop}} \rightarrow \texttt {\small {Bool}}\), and E includes equations that completely define \(\models \), that is, each expression \(s\models p\) is reduced to true or false by \(E\cup Ax\).

These conventions are a standard way to introduce propositions in rewrite systems. It is the setting needed to use Maude’s LTL model checker [10], for instance. However, we are using propositions only for synchronization. Even if model checking were performed on any of these systems, the propositions used for that need not be the same ones used for synchronization.

We have one additional technical requirement: the system has to be topmost. A topmost rewrite system is one in which all rewrites happen on the whole state term—not on its subterms. (Formally, this is guaranteed by requiring that all rules involve terms of sort State, and that the sort State is not an argument of any constructor, so that no term of sort State can be subterm of another term of the same sort). The aim of this requirement is that rules preserve their meaning after composition. For instance, the non-topmost rule \(a\rightarrow a'\) would rewrite the term f(a) to \(f(a')\), because a is a subterm of f(a); but the composed rule \(\langle a,t\rangle \rightarrow \langle a',t'\rangle \) would not rewrite the composed term \(\langle f(a),s\rangle \), whatever s and t could be, because \(\langle a,t\rangle \) is not a subterm of \(\langle f(a),s\rangle \). Many rewrite systems are topmost or can be easily transformed into an equivalent one that is formally similar and topmost [11].

3.2 Synchronous Products

Given two rewrite systems as above, \(\mathcal {R}_i=(\varSigma _i,E_i\cup Ax_i,R_i)\), for \(i=1\), 2, their synchronous product, denoted \({\mathcal {R}_1}\,\Vert \,{\mathcal {R}_2}\), is a new rewrite system \(\mathcal {R}=(\varSigma ,E\cup Ax,R)\) as specified below.

A technical detail is needed about names and namespaces. The conditions in Sect. 3.1 require that each system includes some sorts and operators: State, \(\models \), and so on. This does not mean that sorts with the same name in different systems are the same sort. Indeed, we consider that each system has implicit its own namespace. Names for sorts, constants, and the other elements must be understood within the namespace of their respective systems. When needed, we qualify a name with a prefix showing the system it belongs to or where it originated: \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {State}}\). We omit the prefix whenever there is no danger of confusion. Sometimes we say that something is true “in \(\mathcal {R}\)” to avoid cluttering the text with prefixes for each element that would need it.

We refer as naked names to the ones without the qualifying prefixes. These are needed for synchronization, as it is done on coincidence of naked names, and those names remain as such in the product system, with different qualification. For instance, the value of \(\mathcal {R}_1.p\) has to be the same as the one of \(\mathcal {R}_2.p\) and both give rise to \(\mathcal {R}.p\).

With this convention about namespaces, signatures \(\varSigma _1\) and \(\varSigma _2\) are naturally disjoint, as are the sets of equations, axioms, and rule labels. Equations, in particular, are included verbatim from each system into the synchronous product, according to the definition below; any equational deduction valid in one of the systems is still valid in the product. Rules, instead, are not included verbatim from the component systems, but synchronized as formalized below.

As also mentioned in Sect. 2.2, we assume that renaming has previously taken place as needed, so that synchronization happens on the set of rule labels and the set of atomic propositions whose naked names are common to both systems.

This is the rather long definition of the synchronous product:

  • \(\varSigma :=\varSigma _1 \uplus \varSigma _2 \uplus \varSigma '\), where \(\varSigma '\) contains:

    • declarations for sorts \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {State}}\) and \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Prop}}\);

    • declarations for \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Bool}}\), \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {true}}\), and \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {false}}\);

    • a declaration for the operator \(\mathcal {R}.{\models } : \mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {State}} \times \mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Prop}} \rightarrow \mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Bool}}\);

    • a new constructor symbol \(\langle \_,\_\rangle : \mathcal {R}_1.\texttt {\small {State}} \times \mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {State}} \rightarrow \mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {State}}\);

    • a set of declarations for operators to make \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Prop}}\) the union of \(\mathcal {R}_1.\texttt {\small {Prop}}\) and \(\mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {Prop}}\), that is:

      $$\begin{aligned} \{\mathcal {R}.p : \mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Prop}} \mid \mathcal {R}_1.p:\mathcal {R}_1.\texttt {\small {Prop}}\in \varSigma _1 \text { or } \mathcal {R}_2.p:\mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {Prop}}\in \varSigma _2 \text { or both}\}; \end{aligned}$$
    • a declaration for the predicate: \(\mathcal {R}.{\approx } : \mathcal {R}_1.\texttt {\small {State}} \times \mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {State}} \rightarrow \mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {Bool}}\).

  • \(E := E_1 \uplus E_2 \uplus E'\), where \(E'\) contains:

    • equations for a theory of the Booleans;

    • equations to reduce \(s_1\approx s_2\) to \(\texttt {\small {true}}\) in \(\mathcal {R}\) iff (\(s_1 \models p = \texttt {\small {true}}\) in \(\mathcal {R}_1\) \(\iff \) \(s_2 \models p = \texttt {\small {true}}\) in \(\mathcal {R}_2\), for every proposition whose naked name p exists in both systems), and to \(\mathcal {R}.\texttt {\small {false}}\) otherwise;

    • for each p such that \(\mathcal {R}_1.p : \mathcal {R}_1.\texttt {\small {Prop}} \in \varSigma _1\), the equation:

      $$\begin{aligned} \langle x_1,x_2\rangle \,\,\mathcal {R}.{\models }\,\,{\mathcal {R}.p} = x_1\,\,\mathcal {R}_1.{\models }\,\,{\mathcal {R}_1.p}, \end{aligned}$$
    • for each p not in the previous item but such that \(\mathcal {R}_2.p : \mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {Prop}} \in \varSigma _2\), the equation:

      $$\begin{aligned} \langle x_1,x_2\rangle \,\,\mathcal {R}.{\models }\,\,{\mathcal {R}.p} = x_2\;\,\mathcal {R}_2.{\models }\,\;{\mathcal {R}_2.p}. \end{aligned}$$

    In these equations \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) are variables of sorts \(\mathcal {R}_1.\texttt {\small {State}}\) and \(\mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {State}}\), respectively. Because of the conditions on the rules below, only compatible pairs \(\langle x_1,x_2\rangle \) are reachable. And only for such pairs we will need to use some of the last two equations above. Thus, for a proposition p whose naked name exists in both systems, we have arbitrarily but harmlessly chosen to use the value from the first system.

  • \(Ax := Ax_1 \uplus Ax_2\).

  • R is composed of the following set of rules:

    • for each rule label \(\ell \) that exists in both systems, say \([\ell ]\, s_i \rightarrow s_i' \in R_i\), we have in R the conditional rule \([\ell ]\, \langle s_1,s_2\rangle \rightarrow \langle s_1',s_2'\rangle \,\text {if}\, s_1'\approx s_2'\);

    • for each rule label \(\ell \) that exists in \(R_1\) but not in \(R_2\), say \([\ell ]\, s_1 \rightarrow s_1' \in R_1\), we have in R the conditional rule \([\ell ]\, \langle s_1,x_2\rangle \rightarrow \langle s_1',x_2\rangle \,\text {if}\, s_1'\approx x_2\) (with \(x_2\) a variable of sort \(\mathcal {R}_2.\texttt {\small {State}}\));

    • correspondingly for rule labels in \(R_2\) but not in \(R_1\).

    In these three kinds of rules, the condition guarantees that only compatible states are reached.

Several items above include universal quantification on atomic propositions. This could be problematic, and it is the reason why we require the sorts Prop to consist only of a finite amount of constants.

3.3 Semantics

Given a rewrite system as above, \(\mathcal {R}=(\varSigma ,E\cup Ax,R)\), its semantics is an L\(^2\)TS \(\mathcal {L}=(S,\varLambda ,\rightarrow ,{\text {AP}},L)\), based on the usual term-algebra semantics (see [19], for instance) in this way:

  • \(S := T_{\varSigma /E\cup Ax,\texttt {\small {State}}}\), the set of terms of sort State modulo equations;

  • \(\varLambda \) is the set of rule labels in R;

  • \(\rightarrow \) corresponds to the transition relation generated by rewriting with the rules from R [19], that is, \(s\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\lambda }s'\) iff there is a rule in R with label \(\lambda \) that allows rewriting s to \(s'\) in one step within \(\mathcal {R}\);

  • \({\text {AP}}:= T_{\varSigma /E\cup Ax,\texttt {\small {Prop}}}\), the set of terms of sort Prop modulo equations;

  • \(L(s) := \{p\in {\text {AP}}\mid s\models p = \texttt {\small {true}} \text { modulo } E\cup Ax\}\).

Let “\({\text {sem}}\)” denote the semantics operator, which assigns to each rewrite system an L\(^2\)TS as just explained. All previous definitions have been chosen so that the following result holds.


For any rewrite systems \(\mathcal {R}_1\) and \(\mathcal {R}_2\), we have that \({\text {sem}}({\mathcal {R}_1}\,\Vert \,{\mathcal {R}_2})\) is isomorphic to \({{\text {sem}}(\mathcal {R}_1)}\,\Vert \,{{\text {sem}}(\mathcal {R}_2)}\). The isomorphism is in the sense that there exist bijections between their sets of states, between their sets of actions, and between their sets of atomic propositions that preserve the transition relation and the labeling.

4 Examples

We present examples of synchronous products of rewrite systems. Many of them show systems made up to control others. They are coded in Maude [5], the rewriting based language and system we have used to develop our implementation of the synchronous product. They should be easily understood by anyone acquainted with rewriting logic or algebraic programming. All the examples are downloadable from our website: Many of the examples build on previous ones. The first one involves no synchronization, but it uses modular specification, and serves as basis for subsequent ones.

4.1 Modular Specification: Two Railways

Consider this sketchy implementation of a railway in Maude:

figure a

Modules BOOL and SATISFACTION are conveniently predefined in Maude. We can picture the system as a closed loop railway with a station and a crossing with another railway. Indeed, we model this other railway in the same way and call it RAILWAY2. The rule names in this new system have a 2 instead of a 1 (our framework does not allow for parametric modules).

The whole system is given by \(\texttt {\small {RAIL}} := {\texttt {\small {RAILWAY1}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {RAILWAY2}}}\), with rules like:

figure b

with T2 a variable of sort \(\texttt {\small {RAILWAY2}}.\texttt {\small {State}}\). No synchronization is possible, because all rule labels are different and there are no propositions, but the modular specification is simpler and more natural than a monolithic one would be.

With this specification, both trains are allowed, but not mandated, to wait before the crossing. They need to be controlled to avoid crashes.

4.2 Synchronizing Actions: Safety Control

We want to control the whole system so as to ensure that trains do not cross simultaneously. Consider this controller system:

figure c

Note that the rule labels used are some of the ones appearing in RAILWAY1 and RAILWAY2. The rules ensure that from state one-crossing only transitions out of the crossing are allowed. The system \({\texttt {\small {RAIL}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {SAFETY}}}\) behaves as desired. The rules of this composed system have, for example, this shape:

figure d

This is certainly equivalent to

figure e

But, to obtain this latter one, we would need to modify RAIL—not extending, but overwriting it. The advantage of modularity, in this case, is that it allows an external, non-intrusive control.

This example showed synchronization on actions; the next focuses on states.

4.3 Synchronizing States: Alternative Safety Control

In more complex implementations of the RAIL system, controlling all the ways in which trains can get into the crossing can be involved. For instance, both trains could be allowed to move into the crossing at the same time, so that controlling individual isolated movements as above would not be enough. In such cases, it can be easier to base the control on the states.

We extend the system RAIL with the following lines, declaring and defining the atomic proposition safe to hold when at least one train is out of the crossing:

figure f

The new controller system we propose, SAFETY2, has a single state, named o, that satisfies the proposition safe, and no rules:

figure g

Consider \({\texttt {\small {RAIL-EXT}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {SAFETY2}}}\). A typical rule in this composed system is

figure h

It is not too different from the previous t1wc, except for the compatibility condition. As o is always safe, also must be safe for the rule to be applied. So, SAFETY2 restricts RAIL-EXT to visit only safe states, as desired.

Note again the advantage of a modular specification: once RAIL-EXT is given, we can easily choose the control that fits better, either SAFETY or SAFETY2 or some other given module with the same purpose.

4.4 Repeated Composition: Controlling Performance

Now that safety is guaranteed, experts have decided that for a better performance of the public transport network, it is worth letting two trains pass through way 1 for each one passing through way 2. This can be achieved by a synchronous product of \({\texttt {\small {RAIL}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {SAFETY}}}\) with this new system:

figure i

This accumulated control is possible because synchronized rules in \({\texttt {\small {RAIL}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {SAFETY}}}\) keep their names and are still visible from the outside.

Note that the product \({\texttt {\small {SAFETY}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {PERFORMANCE}}}\) is meaningful by itself: it is a system that, when composed with any uncontrolled implementation of the railway crossing (using the same rule labels), guarantees both safety and performance.

4.5 Instrumentation: Counting Crossings

Instrumentation is the technique of adding to the specification of a system some code in order to get information about the system’s execution: number of steps, timing, sequence of actions, etc. To some extent, it can be done by using synchronous products.

This time we want to keep track of the number of crossings for each train. For RAILWAY1 we propose this very simple system:

figure j

A state of \({\texttt {\small {RAILWAY1}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {COUNT1}}}\) is a pair whose second component is the counter. The initial state must be (if in-station was the initial state for RAILWAY1). The same can be done to RAILWAY2. Then, the instrumented systems can be controlled in any of the ways described above.

4.6 Separation of Concerns: Dekker’s Algorithm

Consider this new module:

figure k

This module can be used to ensure absence of starvation in the controlled system, that is, that no process waits indefinitely. The Waiting component of the state stores how many processes are waiting to enter the critical section: both, one, or none. The Turn component stores whose turn is next, in case both processes are waiting (if only one process is waiting, it can just go on).

Usual presentations of Dekker’s algorithm also include mutual exclusion control. Our module DEKKER does not control when processes exit the critical section so it cannot ensure mutual exclusion by itself. In our case, the combined control is achieved by the product \({\texttt {\small {SAFETY}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {DEKKER}}}\). Separation of different concerns in different modules is made possible by the synchronous product construction.

4.7 State and Rule Synchronization: Two Trains in a Linear Railway

As an example that sometimes synchronization is convenient on states and on transitions in the same system, consider this one, taken from [6], told again in terms of train traffic. There is a single linear railway divided into tracks, and there are two trains going along it from track to track, always in the same direction—to the right, say. Each train can move at any time from one track to the next, but they can never be at the same time on the same track. Thus, whenever the trains are in adjacent tracks, only the rightmost one can move. This is the specification for the train on the left:

figure l

The one on the right is specified in module RTRAIN which is the same as above except that the rule is called rmove. The controller we need has to detect when the trains are in adjacent tracks, and this is a property on the states of \({\texttt {\small {LTRAIN}}}\,\Vert \,{\texttt {\small {RTRAIN}}}\). To make the control possible, we extend this composed system with the declaration of the proposition adjacent:

figure m

The controller is this:

figure n

Only the movement of the train on the left can take the system to a configuration with adjacency. When it does, the controller remembers it in its state, and the next movement can only be made by the train on the right. Note that both kinds of synchronization, on states and on transitions, are present in this example, and that using only one of them would result in a more involved specification.

5 Notes on the Implementation

Our prototype implementation of the synchronous product in Maude can be downloaded from our website: The extended version of this paper contains a brief appendix with instructions. The implementation largely follows the explanations in Sect. 3.2. Some details, however, could be appreciated by those familiar with Maude or rewriting logic.

Choice of Tools. We want a program that takes as arguments two Maude modules and produces a new one containing their synchronous product. Our program has to handle rules, equations, labels and so on. Even complete modules have to be treated as objects by the program we seek. It turns out that Maude itself is a very convenient tool for this second-order programming task.

Rewriting logic is reflective, and that implies in particular that constructs of the language can be represented and handled as terms [5]. Maude provides a set of metalevel functions for this purpose. The function getRls, to name just an example, takes as argument a module and returns its set of rules. Modules, rules, and the rest of Maude’s syntactic constructs must be meta-represented for these metalevel functions to be able to handle them. That is, they cease to be Maude code and become terms of sorts Module, Rule, and so on. Maude also provides functions to perform such meta-representation. We have chosen this as the natural way to the implementation. We have coded a Maude function syncprod that receives two terms of sort Module and produces one representing their synchronous product.

But that function can only be invoked at the metalevel, feeding it with two terms of sort Module, not with two Maude modules. A decent implementation must allow a simpler use. For those acquainted with Maude, the tool of choice for such a task is Full Maude. Full Maude [5, 9] is a re-implementation of the Maude interpreter using Maude itself. It is adaptable and extensible, and allows the definition of new module expressions, as we need. We have extended Full Maude to include an operator || on modules to represent the synchronous product. A module containing can refer to any of the constructs of the synchronous product, like pairs of states, propositions inherited from the operand systems, and so on.

Name Clashes. We discussed in Sect. 3.1 that names State, Prop, Bool, and so on are required to appear in each operand system, and in the resulting system as well. In the theoretical description we assumed each occurrence of them to be qualified by its namespace. In practice, there are three cases to be considered:

  • Sorts such as Bool and Nat, and their operators, are most probably going to be defined and used in the same way in every system. Keeping several copies of them would not harm, but is pointless.

  • The sort State for the resulting system is defined as pairs of operand States. Thus, all three State sorts need to be present in the resulting system, with different names. The same applies to the operator , whose definition uses the corresponding operators from each system.

  • The sort Prop is somewhat special in that we identify elements with the same name in the three systems. Having just one sort Prop makes things easier.

This is what our implementation does: First, for each operand module, it renames its sort State to ModName.State, if ModName is the name of the module; also, it renames the satisfaction symbol from to . Once this is done for both operand modules, their union is computed, thus leaving only one sort Prop, and also one sort Bool, and so on. A fresh sort State and a fresh operator are then declared. The just mentioned union affects declarations and equations, but not rules, that are individually computed in their composed forms.

6 Related and Future Work

Some of the proposals of this paper set the ground on which interesting work is already being done. Let’s be more concrete.

Egalitarian Synchronization. In [18] we presented a class of transition systems called egalitarian structures. They are egalitarian in the sense that they treat states and transition as equals. In particular, they allow using atomic propositions on transitions. That paper also showed how rewrite systems are egalitarian in nature, because transitions are represented by proof terms in the same way as states are represented by terms of the appropriate sort.

As pointed in the introduction and also in [18], the expression of temporal properties by formulas benefits from an egalitarian view. Composition of systems should benefit in the same way. An egalitarian synchronous product would allow transitions to synchronize not just on labels, but on their common propositions (depending, in particular, on variable instantiations).

Strategies. The examples have shown how it is possible to control a system with another one made up for that purpose. It is fair to call strategic this kind of control. Indeed, we see the synchronous product as a means to implement strategies for rewrite systems. As also shown in [18], strategies can also benefit from an egalitarian treatment. We expect to be able to develop automatic translations from some strategy languages to equivalent Maude modules, although the precise power of such a technique is still to be seen.

From its origin in games, the concept of strategy, under different names and in different flavors, has become pervasive, particularly in relation to rewriting (see the recent and excellent survey [15]). Maude [5] includes flexible strategies for the evaluation of terms (like lazy, innermost and so on), and external implementations have been proposed in [17] and in [25]. ELAN [2], Tom [1], and Stratego [26] include strategies built-in. They also appear in graph rewriting systems (see references in [15] and also [23], where they are called just programs). The same concept is used in theorem provers: it allows the user to guide the system towards the theorem, or to represent the whole proof once found.

Modularity for Specification and Verification. Modular systems are easier to write, read, and verify. For the writing phase, the separation of concerns among modules has great simplifying power: one module implements the base system, another ensures mutual exclusion, another deals just with starvation.

Model checking [3] performed in a modular way can be more efficient, given that the size of the state space of the composed system is of the order of the product of the individual sizes. An attractive possibility is that of providing the specifier with a library of pre-manufactured and pre-verified modules ready to be used (through synchronous product) for specific tasks. For ensuring mutual exclusion, for instance, one could readily choose among SAFETY or SAFETY2 or some other. Care is needed, however, as it is not always the case that a composed system preserves the properties of the components.

Much work already exists on modular model checking and verification, but not many tools allow for it and, to the best of our knowledge, no implementation on rewriting logic has been developed. The papers [4, 16], among many others, show techniques for drawing conclusions compositionally. Adapting such techniques to our framework is pending work.

Composition of modules can generate new deadlocks in cases where the components do not agree on a common next step. The system SAFETY2 from Sect. 4.3 is a very simple example: as it constrains the base system to visit only safe states, absence of new deadlocks is only guaranteed assuming that in the base system, RAIL-EXT, a safe state is always reachable in one step. This is the same assume-guarantee paradigm proposed in [16] for modular model checking.

We are particularly interested in model checking strategically controlled systems. Once the concept of control through synchronous products is in place, existing tools can be used, ideally in a modular way (particularly, for us, Maude’s LTL model checker [10]). The nearest works on this we are aware of are GP 2, that includes Hoare-style verification in the context of graph rewriting [24], and the BPmc prototype tool for model checking behavioral programs in Java [12].

Behavioral Programming. Based on the idea that a system can be decomposed into several synchronized threads, each of them implementing a behavior of the system, behavioral programming [13] bears many similarities with our proposal. Formally, it uses the request-wait-block paradigm. According to it, at each synchronization point, each thread declares three sets of events: the ones it requests (it needs one of them to go on), the ones it does not request, but wants to be informed when they happen, and the ones it blocks. An external scheduler chooses an event requested by some thread and blocked by none, and so the system goes on to the next synchronization point. Although there is not a perfect fit between their formalization and ours, the resulting settings are very similar, and the examples in [12, 13] are easily translatable to synchronized Maude modules.

7 Conclusions

The concept of synchronous product can be extended from automata theory to the specification of systems, where it represents composition of modules. It can be equivalently defined on abstract transition systems (namely, L\(^2\)TSs) and on rewrite systems. For more flexible and natural specifications, it is possible and convenient to synchronize at the same time on states and on transitions. We have used atomic propositions to synchronize states, but just rule labels (or action names) for transitions. We intend to generalize this in the near future.

The examples (to be run in our implementation in Maude) show how the synchronous product makes modular specifications easier in rewriting logic. We expect that it will also make possible the implementation of some kind of strategies and the modular verification of systems, even after they have been controlled by strategies. All this is work in progress.