1 Introduction

Identifying specific pieces of information related to a particular time period is a key task for searching past events. Although this task seems to be marginal for Web users [17], many search domains, like enterprise search, or lately developed information access tasks, such as Question Answering [19] and Entity Search, would benefit from techniques able to handle temporal information.

The capability of extracting and representing temporal events mentioned in a text can enable the retrieval of documents relevant for a given topic pertaining to a specific time. Nonetheless, the notion of temporal in the retrieval context has often being associated with the dynamic dimension of a piece of information, i.e. how it changes over time, in order to promote freshness in results. Such kind of approaches focus on when the document was published (timestamp) rather than the temporal event mentioned in its content (focus time). While traditional search engines take into account temporal information related to a document as a whole, our search engine aims to extract and index single events occurring in the texts, and to enable the retrieval of topics related to specific temporal events mentioned in the documents. In particular, we are interested in retrieving documents that are relevant for the user query, and also match some temporal constraints. For example, the user could be interested in a particular topic—strumenti musicali (musical instrument)—related to a specific time period—inventati tra il 1300 ed il 1500 (invented between 1300 and 1500).

However, looking for happenings in a specific time span requires further, and more advanced, techniques able to treat temporal information. Therefore, our goal is to merge features of both information retrieval (IRS) and temporal extraction systems (TES). While an IRS allows us to handle and access the information included in texts, TES locate temporal expressions. We define this kind of system “Time-Aware IR” (TAIR).

In the past, several attempts have been made to exploit temporal information in IR systems [2], with an up-to-date literature review and categorization provided in [7]. Most of these approaches exploit time information related to the document in order to improve the ranking (recent documents are more relevant) [9], cluster documents using temporal attributes [1, 3], or exploit temporal information for effectively present documents to the user [16]. However, just a handful of work have focused on temporal queries, that is the capability of querying a collection with both free text and temporal expression [4]. Alonso et al. pointed out as this kind of tasks needs the combination of results from both the traditional keyword-based and the temporal retrieval that can give rise to two different result sets. Vandenbussche and Teissèdre [22] dealt with temporal search in the context of both the Web of Content and the Web of Data, but differently from our system, they relied on an ontology of time for temporal queries [11]. Kanhabua and Nørvåg [13] defined semantic- and temporal-based features for a learning to rank approach by extracting named entities and temporal events from the text. Similarly to our approach, Arikan et al. [5] considered the query as composed by a keyword and a temporal part. Then, the two queries were addressed by computing two different language model-based weights. Exploiting a similar model, Berberich et al. [6] developed a framework for dealing with uncertainty in temporal queries. However, both approaches drawn the probability of the temporal query out of the whole document, thus neglecting the pertinence of temporal events at a sentence level. In order to overcome such a limitation, Matthews et al. [16] introduced two different types of indexes, at a document and a sentence level, with the latter associated with content date.

Preliminary to indexing and retrieval, the information extraction phase aims to extract temporal information, and its associated events, from text. In this area [15], several approaches aim at building structured knowledge sources of temporal events. In [12] the authors describe an extension of the YAGO knowledge base, in which entities, facts, and events are anchored in both time and space. Other work exploit Wikipedia to extract temporal events, such as those reported in [10, 14, 24]. Temporal extraction systems can locate temporal expressions and normalize them making this information available for further processing. Currently, there are different tools that can make this kind of analysis on documents, like SUTime [8] or HeidelTime [20] and other systems which took part in TempEval evaluation campaigns. Temporal extraction is not the main focus of this chapter, then we remand the interested reader to the TempEval description task papers [21, 23] for a wider overview of the latest state-of-the-art temporal extraction systems.

The chapter is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides details about the model behind our TAIR system, while Sect. 3 describes the implementation of our model. Section 4 reports some use cases of the TAIR system which show the potential of our approach, while Sect. 5 closes the chapter.

2 Time-Aware IR Model

A TAIR model should be able to tackle some problems that emerge from temporal search [22], that is: (1) the extraction and normalization of temporal references, (2) the representation of the temporal expressions associated to documents, and (3) the ranking under the constraint of keyword- and temporal-queries.

Our TAIR model consists of three main components responsible to deal with these issues, as sketched in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The IR time-aware model

Text processing :

It automatically extracts time expressions from text. The extracted expressions are normalized in a standard format and sent to the indexing component;

Indexing :

This component is dedicated to index both textual and temporal information. During the indexing, text fragments are linked to time expressions. The idea behind this approach is that the context of a temporal expression is relevant;

Search :

It analyzes the user query composed by both keywords and temporal constraints, and performs the search over the index in order to retrieve relevant information.


2.1 Text Processing Component

Given a document as input, the text processing component provides as output the normalized temporal expressions extracted from the text, along with information about positions in which the temporal expressions are found. For this purpose we adopt a standard annotation language for temporal expressions called TimeML [18]. We are interested in expressions tagged with the TIMEX3 tag that is used to mark up explicit temporal expressions, such as times, dates and durations. In TIMEX3 the value of the temporal expression is normalized according to 2002 TIDES guideline, an extension of the ISO-8601 standard, and is stored in an attribute called value. An example of TIMEX3 annotation for the sentence “before the 23th May 1980” is reported below:

figure a

Where tid is a unique identifier, type can assume one of the types between: DATE, TIME, DURATION, and SET, while the value attribute contains the temporal information that varies accordingly to the type.

ISO-8601 normalizes temporal expressions in several formats. For example, “May 1980” is normalized as “1980–2005”, while “23th May 1980” as “1980-05-23”. We choose to normalize all dates using the pattern yyyy-mm-dd. All temporal expressions not compliant to the pattern, such as “1980”, must be normalized retaining the lexicographic order between dates. Our solution consists in normalizing all temporal expressions in the form of yyyy or yyyy-mm to the last day of the previous year or month, respectively. In our previous example, the expression “1980” is normalized as 19791231. Similarly, the expression “1980–2005” is normalized as “1980-04-30”. Moreover, the text processing component applies several normalization rules to correctly identify seasons, for example the TimeML tag for Spring “yyyy-SP” is normalized as “yyyy-03-20”.

Using the correct normalization, the order between periods is respected. In conclusion the text processing component extracts temporal information and correctly normalized them to make different time periods comparable.

2.2 The Indexing Component

After the text processing step, we need to store and index data. In our model we propose to store both documents and temporal expressions in three separated data indexes, as reported in Fig. 1.

The first index (docrep) stores the text of each document (without processing) with an id, a numeric value that unequivocally identifies the document. This index is used to store the document content only for the presentation purpose. The second index (doc) is a traditional inverted index in which the text of each document is indexed and used for keyword-based search. Finally, the last index (time) stores temporal expressions found in each document. For each temporal expression, we store the following information:

  • The document id.

  • The normalized value of the time expression according to the normalization procedure described in Sect. 2.1.

  • The start and end offset of the expression in the document, useful for highlighting.

  • The context of the expression: the context is defined by taking all the words that can be found within n characters before and after the time expression. The context is indexed and used by the search component during the retrieval step. The idea is to keep trace of the context where the time expression occurred. The context is tokenized and indexed and exploited in conjunction with the keyword-based search, as we explained in Sect. 2.3.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Wikipedia page example

It is important to note that a document could have many temporal expressions, for each of these an entry in the time index is created. For example, given the Wikipedia page in Fig. 2, we store its whole content as reported in Table 1a, while we tokenize and index the page as shown in Table 1b. The most interesting part of the indexing step is the storage of temporal expressions. As depicted in Table 1c, for each temporal expression we store the normalized time value, in this case “13961231”, and the start and end offset of the expression in the text. Finally, we tokenize and index the context in which the expression occurs. In Table 1c, in italics is reported the left context, while the right context is reported in bold. Examples are reported according to the Italian version of Wikipedia, but the indexing step is language independent.

Table 1 The three indices used by the system

2.3 The Search Component

The search component retrieves relevant documents according to the user query q containing temporal constraints. For this reason we need to make temporal expressions in the query compliant with the expressions stored in the index. The query is processed by the text component in order to extract and normalize the time expressions.

The query q is represented by two parts: \(q_k\) contains keywords, while \(q_t\) only the normalized time expressions. \(q_k\) is used to retrieve from the doc index a first results set \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\). Thus, both \(q_k\) and \(q_t\) are used to query the time index producing the results set \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\). The search in time index is limited to those documents belonging to \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\). In \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\), text fragments have to match the time constraints expressed in \(q_t\), while the matching with the keyword-based query \(q_k\) is optional. The optional matching with \(q_k\) has the effect of promoting those contexts that satisfy both the temporal constraints and the query topics, while not completely removing poorly matching results. The motivation behind this approach is twofold: through \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\) we retrieve those documents relevant for the query topic, while \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\) contains the text fragments that match the time query \(q_t\) and are related to the query topic.

For example given the query \(q=\) “clavicembalo [1300 TO 1400]”, we identify the two fields: \(q_k=\) “clavicembalo” and \(q_t=\left[ 12991231\,\text { TO }\,13991231\right] \). It is important to underline that in this example we adopted a particular syntax to identify range queries, more details about the system implementation are reported in Sect. 3.

The retrieval step produces two results sets: \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\) and \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\). Considering the query q in the previous example: \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\) contains the doc 42 with a relevance score \(s_{\textit{doc}}\). While the results set \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\) contains the temporal expression reported in Table 1c with a score \(s_{\textit{time}}\). The last step is to combine the two results sets. The idea is to promote text fragments in \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\) that comes from documents that belong to \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\). We simply boost the score of each result in \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\) multiplying its score by the score assigned to its origin document in \({ RS}_{\textit{doc}}\). In our example the temporal expression occurring in \({ RS}_{\textit{time}}\) obtains a final score computed as: \(s_{\textit{doc}} \times s_{\textit{time}}\). We have chosen to boost score rather than linearly combine them, in this way we avoid the use of combination parameters.

Finally, we sort the re-ranked \({ RS}_{{ time}}\) and provide it to the user as final result of the search. It is important to underline that our system does not produce a list of document as a classical search engine does, but we provide all the text passages that are both relevant for the query and compliant to temporal constraints.

3 System Implementation

We implemented our TAIR model in a freely available systemFootnote 1 as an open-source software under the GNU license V.3. The system is developed in JAVA and extends the indexing and search open-source API Apache Lucene.Footnote 2

The text processing component is based on the HeidelTime-1.8 toolFootnote 3 [20] to extract temporal information. We adopt this tool for two reasons: (1) it obtained good performance in the TempEval-3 task, and (2) it is able to analyze text written in several languages including the Italian. HeidelTime is a rule based system that can be extended to support other languages or specific domains.

Our system provides all the expected functionalities: text analysis, indexing and search. The query language supports all operators provided by the Lucene query syntax.Footnote 4 Moreover the temporal query \(q_t\) can be formulated using natural time expressions, for example “12 May 2014” or “yesterday”. The search component tries to automatically translate the user query in the proper time expressions. However, the user can directly formulate \(q_t\) using normalized time expressions and query operators. Table 2 shows some time operators.

Table 2 Example of time query operators
Table 3 Indexing performance

Currently the system does not provide a GUI for searching and visualizing the results, but it is designed as an API. As future works we plan to extend the API with REST Web functionalities.

4 Use Case

We decided to set up a case study to show the potentialities of the proposed IR framework. The case study involves the indexing of a large collection of documents and a set of example queries exploiting specific scenarios in which temporal expressions play a key role. Moreover, another goal is to provide performance information about the system in terms of indexing and query time, and index space.

We propose an exploratory use case indexing all Italian Wikipedia articles. Our choice is based on the fact that Wikipedia is freely available and contains millions of documents with many temporal events. We need to set some parameters: we index only documents with at least 4,000 characters, remove special pages (e.g. category pages), we set the context size in temporal index to 256 characters.

We perform the experiment on a virtual machine with four virtual cores and 32 GB of RAM. Table 3 reports some statistics related to the indexing step. The indexing time is very high due to the complexity of the temporal extraction algorithm and the huge number of documents. We speed up the temporal event extraction implementing a multi threads architecture, in particular in this evaluation we enable four threads for the extraction.

One of the most appropriate scenarios consists in finding events that happened in a specific date. For example, one query could be interested in listing all events happened on 29 April 1981. In this case the time query is “19810429” while the keyword query is empty. The first three results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Results for the query “19810429”
Table 5 Results for the query “earthquakes between 1600 and 1700”
Table 6 Results for the query “computer” with the temporal pattern “198401??”
Table 7 Results for the query “nato” (born) with the time constraint “[primavera 1980 TO autunno 1980]” ([spring 1980 TO autumn 1980])

We report in bold the temporal expressions that match the query. It is important to note that in the first result the year “1981” appears distant from both the month and the day, but the Text Processing component is able to correctly recognize and normalize the date.

Another interesting scenario is to find events related to a specific topic in a particular time period. For example, Table 5 reports the first three results for the query: “terremoti tra il 1600 ed il 1700” (earthquakes between 1600 and 1700). This query is split in its keyword \(q_k=\)“terremoti” (earthquakes) and temporal component \(q_t=\left[ 15991231 \text { TO } 16991231 \right] \).

Table 6 shows the usage of time query operators, in particular of wild-cards. We are interested in facts related to computers which happened in January 1984 using the time query pattern “198401??”.

As reported in Table 6, the first two results regard events whose time interval encompasses the time expressed in the query, since they took place in 1984, while the third result shows an event that completely fulfil the time requirements expressed in the temporal query.

Table 7 reports results about time constraints expressed in written form, for example “[primavera 1980 TO autunno 1980]” ([spring 1980 TO autumn 1980]). In this case the keyword query is nato (born).

5 Conclusions and Future Work

We proposed a “Time-Aware” IR system able to extract, index, and retrieve temporal information. The system expands a classical keyword-based search through temporal constraints. Temporal expressions, automatically extracted from documents, are indexed through a structure that enables both keyword- and time-matching. As a result, TAIR retrieves a list of text fragments that match the temporal constraints, and are relevant for the query topic. We proposed a preliminary case study indexing all the Italian Wikipedia and described some retrieval scenarios which would benefit from the proposed IR model.

As future work we plan to improve both recognition and normalization of time expressions, extending some particular TimeML specifications that in this preliminary work were not taken into account during the normalization process. Moreover, we will perform a deep “in-vitro” evaluation on a standard document collection.