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1 Introduction

Energy efficiency has become a crucial issue in Computer Science. New hardware and system-based approaches are explored for saving energy in portable battery-operated devices, personal computers, or large server farms. The main mechanisms that have been developed for saving energy are the ability of transitioning the device among multiple power states, and the use of dynamic voltage scaling (speed scaling). These last years, there is also an increasing interest in the development of algorithmic techniques for finding tradeoff-solutions between energy consumption and performance. In this talk, we will focus on algorithmic techniques with provably good performances for fundamental power management problems. Among the different models that have been developed in the literature, we will focus on the speed scaling model, the power-down model and the combination of these two models that we will call the power-down with speed scaling model. In the speed scaling model [54], the speed of the processor (machine) may be dynamically changed over time. When a processor runs at speed s, then the rate with which the energy is consumed (i.e., the power) is f(s) with f a non-decreasing function of the speed. The energy is the integral of the power over time. According to the well-known cube-root rule for CMOS devices, the speed of a device is proportional to the cube-root of the power and hence \(f(s)=s^3\), but in the literature, many works consider that the power is \(f(s)=s^{\alpha }\) where \(\alpha >1\) is a constant, or an arbitrary convex function. In the power-down model [26], the processors run at a fixed speed but are equipped with a sleep state. This means that the processor has two states On and Off and may be suspended during its idle time. However, during its wake-up from state Off to state On, there is a start-up energy consumption, denoted by L. Hence, suspending the processor is only beneficial when the idle periods are long enough to compensate the consumed start-up energy. The power-down with speed scaling model [43] combines the previous two models by considering speed scalable processors with a sleep state. Here, the power function is \(g(s)=f(s)+c\) where f(s) is defined as in the speed-scaling model and \(c>0\) is a constant that specifies the power consumed when the processor is in the On state.

We will be interested in some recent developments for scheduling a set of jobs on a (set of) processor(s) focusing in the offline context. Most of the problems considered are deadline-based problems: we are given a set of n jobs, where each job j is characterized by its release date \(r_j\), its deadline \(d_j\) and its processing volume (work) \(p_j\). Two important families of instances that have been studied in the literature are the agreeable and the laminar instances. We call an instance agreeable if earlier released jobs have earlier deadlines, i.e., for each j and \(j'\) with \(r_j \le r_{j'}\) then \(d_j \le d_{j'}\). In a laminar instance, for any two jobs j and \(j'\) with \(r_j \le r_{j'}\) it holds that either \(d_j \ge d_{j'}\) or \(d_j \le r_{j'}\). The processing volume of a job is the number of CPU-cycles required by the job. If job j is executed with speed s then its processing time is \(\frac{p_j}{s}\). In the case of processors with fixed speed the processing volume equals the processing time of the job. A feasible schedule in this context is a schedule in which each job is executed in the interval between its release date and its deadline. The problems in this setting are bi-objective by nature. For instance, we wish to minimize the energy consumption while at the same time we aim to determine a feasible schedule. A lot of other objectives have been studied when we consider a given budget of energy: the throughput, i.e. the number of jobs that complete before their deadlines, the makespan, i.e. the time at which the last job completes its execution, the sum of (weighted) completion times, the sum of flow times, .... Finally, in some works, the objective is the minimization of a linear combination of the energy and of some scheduling criterion (e.g. sum of completion times).

2 Speed Scaling

2.1 Single Machine

Energy minimization. Yao et al. [54] considered the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs on a single machine, where the preemption, i.e. the possibility to interrupt the execution of a job and resume it later, was allowed. They proposed an optimal \(O(n^3)\)-time algorithm. Later, Li et al. [47] proposed a faster algorithm with time complexity \(O(n^2\log n)\). Other algorithms with better time complexities than the one of [54] have been proposed in [37] for agreeable instances, and in [36] for general instances. These algorithms exploit the relation of the energy minimization problem with the computation of shortest paths. When the instances are restricted to be laminar, Li et al. [46] showed that the problem can be solved in O(n) time.

Antoniadis and Huang [16] were the first to consider the non-preemptive energy minimization problem. They proved that it is strongly \(\mathcal {NP}\)-hard even for laminar instances. They also presented a \(2^{4\alpha -3}\)-approximation algorithm for laminar instances and a \(2^{5\alpha -4}\)-approximation algorithm for general instances. Furthermore, the authors noticed that the problem can be solved optimally in polynomial time when the instances are agreeable by observing that the optimal preemptive schedule produced by the algorithm in [54] executes the jobs non-preemptively. A series of papers improved the approximation ratio of the non-preemptive case. In [21], an approximation algorithm of ratio \(2^{\alpha -1}(1+\epsilon )^{\alpha }\tilde{B}_{\alpha }\) has been proposed where \(\tilde{B}_{\alpha }=\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }\frac{k^{\alpha } e^{-1}}{k!}\) is the generalized Bell number which is defined for any \(\alpha \in \mathbb {R}^+\) and corresponds to the \(\alpha \)-th (fractional) moment of Poisson’s distribution. This algorithm improved the ratio given in [16] for any \(\alpha <114\). Then, an approximation algorithm of ratio \((12(1+\epsilon ))^{\alpha -1}\) was given in [34], improving the approximation ratio for any \(\alpha >25\). In [23], an approximation algorithm of ratio \((1+\varepsilon )^{\alpha -1}\tilde{B}_{\alpha }\) has been presented which became the best algorithm, at that moment, for any \(\alpha \le 77\). Recently, a \((1+\epsilon )\)-approximation algorithm which runs in \(n^{O(polylog (n))}\) time has been proposed in [42].

Moreover, the relation between preemptive and non-preemptive schedules in the energy-minimization setting has been studied in [20]. The authors showed that starting from the optimal preemptive solution obtained using the algorithm of [54], it is possible to obtain a non-preemptive solution which guarantees an approximation ratio of \((1+\frac{p_{\max }}{p_{\min }})^{\alpha }\), where \(p_{\max }\) and \(p_{\min }\) are the maximum and the minimum processing volumes of the jobs. In the special case where all jobs have equal processing volumes this leads to a constant factor approximation of \(2^{\alpha }\). For this special case, Angel et al. [9] and Huang and Ott [41], independently, proposed an optimal polynomial-time algorithm based on dynamic programming.

Throughput. Angel et al. studied the throughput maximization problem in the offline setting in [12]. They provided a polynomial time algorithm to solve optimally the single-machine problem for agreeable instances. More recently in [11], they proved that there is a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for solving optimally the preemptive single-machine problem with arbitrary release dates, deadlines and processing volumes. For the weighted version, the problem is \(\mathcal {NP}\)-hard even for instances in which all the jobs have common release dates and deadlines. Angel et al. [12] showed that the problem admits a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for agreeable instances. Furthermore, Antoniadis et al. [18] considered a related problem. More precisely, they studied a generalization of the classical knapsack problem where the objective is to maximize the total profit of the chosen items minus the cost incurred by their total weight. The case where the cost functions are convex can be translated in terms of a weighted throughput problem where the objective is to select the most profitable set of jobs taking into account the energy costs. They presented a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) and a fast 2-approximation algorithm for the non-preemptive problem where the jobs have no release dates or deadlines.

Sum of Completion Times. Pruhs et al. [49] considered the problem of minimizing the average completion time under a budget of energy. They proposed an \(O(n^2 \log \frac{E}{\varepsilon })\) polynomial time algorithm for jobs with equal processing volumes, where E is the energy budget and \(\varepsilon \) the desired accuracy. Albers et al. [6] proposed a simplified algorithm for the problem of minimizing the average completion time plus energy for jobs with equal processing volumes which is based on dynamic programming. Megow et al. [48] considered the weighted version of the average completion time objective. When all the jobs have equal release dates, they established a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS). They also showed that the non-preemptive version of the problem is equivalent to the fixed-speed single-machine problem where the objective function is: \(\sum w_j(C_j)^{\frac{\alpha -1}{\alpha }}\), where \(w_j\) is the weight of job j and \(C_j\) its completion time. This result has also been obtained independently by Vásquez [53]. For the preemptive problem where the jobs have arbitrary release dates, Megow et al. [48] proposed a \((2 + \varepsilon )\)-approximation algorithm.

Makespan. Bunde [29] proposed an optimal polynomial-time algorithm for the problem of scheduling a set of jobs with arbitrary release dates and deadlines, under a given budget of energy, so that the makespan to be minimized.

Maximum Lateness. In [25], the non-preemptive problem of minimizing the maximum lateness, under a given budget of energy, has been studied. An optimal combinatorial polynomial-time algorithm has been proposed for the case in which the jobs have common release dates. For arbitrary release dates, the problem is shown to be strongly \(\mathcal {NP}-\)hard. The authors study also the problem where the objective is the minimization of a linear combination of maximum lateness and energy. The results for the budget variant can be adapted to this case. More interestingly, a 2-approximation algorithm is presented when the jobs are subject to release dates.

2.2 Multiple Machines

When more than one machines are available, we distinguish again between two cases: the preemptive and the non-preemptive cases. In the preemptive case, the execution of the jobs may allow the migration of the jobs, i.e. the possibility to execute a job on more than one machines, without allowing its parallel execution. This case is known as the migratory case. In the preemptive non-migratory case, the execution of a job must be done on the same machine.

We have also to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. In the homogeneous case, the characteristics of each job (release date, deadline and processing volume) are independent of the machine on which it is executed and the speed-to-power function is the same for all the machines. In the heterogeneous case, we consider the following subcases: In the fully heterogeneous environment both, the jobs’ characteristics are machine-dependent and every machine has its own power function. Formally, the problem is as follows: we are given a set \(\mathcal {J}\) of n jobs and a set \(\mathcal {P}\) of m parallel machines. Every machine \(i \in \mathcal {P}\) obeys to a different speed-to-power function, i.e., it is associated with a different \(\alpha _i \ge 1\) and hence if a job runs at speed s on machine i, then the power is \(f(s)=s^{\alpha _i}\). Each job \(j \in \mathcal {J}\) has a different release date \(r_{i,j}\), deadline \(d_{i,j}\) and processing volume \(p_{i,j}\) in each machine \(i \in \mathcal {P}\). In the power-heterogeneous environment, the characteristics of each job are independent of the machine on which the job is executed, while every machine has its own speed-to-power function. Finally, in the unrelated-heterogeneous environment the processing volumes of the jobs are machine-dependent while all the other characteristics are independent of the machine on which each job is executed.

Energy minimization. Chen et al. [30] were the first to study a multiprocessor energy-efficient scheduling problem involving speed scaling. More specifically, they proposed an \(O(n\log n)\)-time algorithm for solving optimally the homogeneous-migratory problem when the release dates and deadlines are identical for all the jobs. Later, Bingham et al. [28] constructed an optimal algorithm for the homogeneous-migratory problem when the jobs have arbitrary release dates and deadlines. The algorithm in [28] makes repetitive calls of a black-box algorithm for solving linear programs. Then, independently, Albers et al. [4] and Angel et al. [15] presented combinatorial algorithms based on a series of maximum flow computations that allow the partition of the set of jobs into subsets in which all the jobs are executed at the same speed. The optimality of these algorithms is based on a series of technical lemmas showing that this partition and the corresponding speeds lead to the minimization of the energy consumption. In [24], it has been shown that both the algorithms and their analysis can be greatly simplified. In order to do this, the problem has been formulated as a convex cost flow problem in an appropriate flow network. Furthermore, it has been shown that this approach is useful to solve other problems in the dynamic speed-scaling setting. As an example, the authors consider the preemptive open-shop speed-scaling problem and they propose a polynomial-time algorithm for finding an optimal solution based on the computation of convex cost flows. In [52], Shioura et al. consider the same formulation as convex cost flow for the homogeneous-migratory problem and they propose a method for reducing the running time of the algorithm. For the migratory problem in a fully heterogeneous environment, an algorithm using a configuration linear programming (LP) formulation, has been proposed in [21]. This algorithm returns a solution which is within an additive factor of \(\varepsilon \) far from the optimal solution and runs in time polynomial to the size of the instance and to \(1/\varepsilon \). However, the algorithm proposed in [21] is based on the solution of a configuration linear program using the Ellipsoid method. Given that this method may not be very efficient in practice, an alternative polynomial-time algorithm based on a compact linear programming formulation which solves the problem within any desired accuracy was proposed in [5]. This algorithm does not need the use of the Ellipsoid method and it applies for more general than convex power functions; it is valid for a large family of continuous non-decreasing power functions. Furthermore, in the same work, a max-flow based algorithm has been proposed for the migratory problem in a power-heterogeneous environment, in which jobs’ densities are lower bounded by a small constant, producing a solution arbitrarily close to the optimal.

For the homogeneous non-migratory problem, Albers et al. [7] considered the case of a set of jobs with unit processing volumes. They showed that the problem can be solved optimally in polynomial time if the instance is agreeable. Moreover, they established an \(\mathcal {NP}\)-hardness proof for the unit-work case when the release dates and the deadlines of the jobs are arbitrary. They proposed an \(\alpha ^{\alpha }2^{4\alpha }\)-approximation algorithm for this special case. They have also presented an algorithm of the same approximation ratio for arbitrary-work instances when the jobs have either equal release dates or equal deadlines. Next, Greiner et al. [39] presented a \(B_{\lceil \alpha \rceil }\)-approximation algorithm for the problem with jobs having arbitrary processing volumes, release dates and deadlines, where \(B_{\lceil \alpha \rceil }\) is the \(\lceil \alpha \rceil \)-th Bell number. Cohen-Addad et al. [34] proved that the non-migratory problem is APX-hard for the unrelated-heterogeneous model even if all the jobs have the same release dates and deadlines. For the non-migratory problem in a fully heterogeneous environment, an approximation algorithm of ratio \((1+\varepsilon )\tilde{B}_{\alpha }\) based on a randomized rounding of a configuration LP relaxation has been presented in [21].

For the non-preemptive problem in a homogeneous environment, Albers et al. [7] observed that the problem is \(\mathcal {NP}\)-hard even in the special case where the jobs have the same release dates and deadlines. Moreover, they showed that, for this special case, there exists a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS). For arbitrary release dates, deadlines and processing volumes; an approximation algorithm with ratio \(m^{\alpha }(\root m \of {n})^{\alpha -1}\) has been presented in [20]. Cohen-Addad et al. [34] presented an algorithm of ratio \((\frac{5}{2})^{\alpha -1}\tilde{B}_{\alpha }((1+\varepsilon )(1+\frac{p_{\max }}{p_{\min }}))^{\alpha }\). This algorithm leads to an approximation ratio of \(2(1+\varepsilon )^{\alpha }5^{\alpha -1}\tilde{B}_{\alpha }\) when all jobs have equal processing volumes. It has to be noticed that he authors in [34] observed that their algorithm can be used for the non-preemptive problem in the unrelated-heterogeneous model by loosing an additional factor of \((\frac{p_{\max }}{p_{\min }})^{\alpha }\). Finally, a \((1+\epsilon )\)-approximation algorithm which runs in \(n^{O(polylog (n))}\) time, for the non-preemptive problem in a homogeneous environment, has been presented in [42].

Throughput. The throughput maximization problem has been studied in the case of a fully heterogeneous environment in [14]. For the fully heterogeneous non-migratory problem, Angel et al. presented a greedy algorithm which is based on the primal-dual scheme that approximates the optimum solution within a factor depending on the speed-to-power functions (the factor is constant for functions of the form \(f(s)=s^{\alpha }\)). Then, they focused on the homogeneous non-preemptive problem for which they considered a fixed number of machines and two important families of instances: (1) instances with equal processing volume jobs; and (2) agreeable instances. For both cases they presented optimal pseudo-polynomial-time algorithms.

Sum of Completion Times. A polynomial-time algorithm for minimizing a linear combination of the sum of the completion times of the jobs and the total energy consumption, for the non-preemptive multiprocessor speed-scaling problem has been proposed in [24]. Instead of using convex cost flows, the proposed algorithm is based on the computation of a minimum weighted maximum matching in an appropriate bipartite graph.

Makespan. Shabtay and Kaspi [51] proved that the problem is NP-hard even if all the jobs have the same release dates. Pruhs et al. [50] observed that when all the jobs have the same release dates then a PTAS can be obtained using the load balancing algorithm of Alon et al. [8] for the minimization of the \(L_{\alpha }\) norm of loads. Pruhs et al. considered in [50] the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a set of speed scalable machines subject to precedence constraints among the jobs. The goal is to minimize the makespan of the schedule without exceeding a given energy budget. The approach in [50] is based on constant power schedules, which are schedules that keep the total power of all processors constant over time. Based on this property and by performing a binary search to determine the value of the power, they transformed the problem to the classical problem of minimizing the makespan for scheduling a set of jobs with precedence constraints on related parallel processors, in which each processor runs at a single predefined speed. The proposed algorithm has an approximation ratio of \(O(\log ^{1+2/\alpha }m)\), where m is the number of the machines. This ratio has been improved in [22] where a simple \((2-\frac{1}{m})\)-approximation algorithm has been presented. The idea of this algorithm is the following: first, a convex programming relaxation for the speed scaling problem is given. The solution of this convex program defines a speed and hence a processing time for each job. Given that the obtained processing times respect the energy budget, it is then sufficient to use the classical list scheduling algorithm. This approach may be used for a more general problem where in addition to the precedence constraints the jobs are subject to release dates and/or precedence delays. For these generalizations, the approximation ratio of the algorithm remains asymptotically smaller than 2.

3 Power down

3.1 Single Machine

Chrétienne [33] proved that it is possible to decide in polynomial time whether there is a schedule with no idle time. Baptiste [26] proposed an \(O(n^7)\)-time dynamic programming algorithm for unit-time jobs and general L. For that, he proved a dominance property showing that there are only a few relevant starting points for the jobs in some optimal schedule and he proposed a clever decomposition of the problem. Then, Baptiste et al. [27] proposed an \(O(n^5)\)-time dynamic programming algorithm for the preemptive case with jobs of arbitrary processing times. They also proposed an \(O(n^4)\) algorithm for unit-time jobs. A simpler dynamic programming with the same time-complexity for unit-time jobs has been proposed in [32]. Given the high time complexity of the algorithms in the general case, Gururaj et al. [40] improved the time-complexity by restricting their attention to agreeable instances. They proposed an \(O(n \log n)\) algorithm for jobs with arbitrary lengths and with unit start-up energy consumption, i.e. \(L = 1\). For arbitrary L and unit-time jobs, they proposed an \(O(n^3)\) algorithm. In [10], this result has been improved by providing an \(O(n^2)\) algorithm for arbitrary L and arbitrary processing times. In [31], a simple greedy algorithm has been presented that approximates the optimum solution within a factor of 2 and it has been shown that its analysis is tight. The algorithm runs in time \(O(n^2 \log n)\) and needs only O(n) memory. More recently in [32], different variants of the minimum-gap scheduling problem have been studied. These variants include the maximization of the throughput given a budget for gaps or the minimization of the number of gaps given a throughput requirement. Other objective functions are also studied. For instance, maximizing the number of gaps. For the model without deadlines, the authors focus on the tradeoff between the number of gaps and flow time.

3.2 Multiple Machines

The algorithm of [26] has been generalized for the multiple machines case in [35]. The time complexity becomes \(O(n^7m^5)\), where n is the number of jobs and m is the number of machines. For agreeable instances, Gururaj et al. [40] proposed an \(O(n^3m^2)\) algorithm for unit-time jobs and unit start-up energy consumption, \(L=1\). This result has been improved in [10], where an \(O(n^2m)\) algorithm has been proposed.

4 Power-Down with Speed Scaling

While in the speed scaling model, it is always beneficial for the energy consumption to lower the speed of a job as far as the schedule remains feasible, this is not the case for the power-down with speed scaling model. Indeed, by increasing the speed of a job we may increase the length of some idle period and in that way be able to gain in energy consumption by turning off the machine. A central notion in this model is the notion of critical speed which, roughly speaking, is the speed minimizing the energy consumption while jobs are processed.

Irani et al. [43] proposed a 2-approximation algorithm for general convex power functions. The rough idea of the algorithm is the following: first, a schedule is produced using the algorithm of Yao et al. [54] for the speed scaling model. Given this schedule, the set of jobs is partitioned into two subsets: the first subset contains all the jobs that are executed with a speed higher than the critical speed, while the second subset contains the jobs that are executed with a speed smaller than the critical one. The schedule returned by the algorithm of Irani et al. [43] executes all the jobs of the first subset using the algorithm of Yao et al. [54], while all the jobs of the second subset are executed with the critical speed. Only recently, Albers and Antoniadis [3] and Kumar and Shannigrahi [45] proved that the problem is \(\mathcal {NP}\)-hard. For agreeable instances, an \(O(n^3)\)-time algorithm has been provided in [19]. This algorithm is based in a combination of the algorithm of Yao et al. and the use of dynamic programming for the jobs that are executed with a speed smaller than the critical speed. For general convex power functions, Albers and Antoniadis [3] derived a \(\frac{4}{3}\)-approximation algorithm. Their algorithm is also a combination of the algorithm of [54] and the use of dynamic programming. Here the partition of the jobs is not based on the critical speed, but on some appropriate value \(s_0\). All the jobs executed in the schedule produced by the algorithm of [54] with a speed lower than \(s_0\) are scheduled with speed \(s_0\). The schedule of these jobs is derived by the dynamic program for the power-down model of Baptiste et al. [27]. All the other jobs are scheduled using the algorithm of [54]. Albers and Antoniadis have also obtained an approximation factor of \(\frac{137}{117} < 1.171\) for power functions of the form \(g(s)=\beta s^{\alpha }+c\), where s is the speed and \(\beta ,c > 0\) as well as \(\alpha \) are constants. More recently, in [17] a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the problem has been proposed.

Finally, the single-machine non-preemptive throughput maximization problem has been studied in [13]. More precisely, optimal polynomial-time algorithms have been presented for two types of instances: (1) agreeable instances and (2) instances with arbitrary release dates and deadlines, but equal processing volumes. Both algorithms are based on dynamic programming.

To the best of our knowledge, no results are known for multiple machines.

5 Concluding Remarks

We gave a quick overview of some recent developments in the context of energy-efficient scheduling focusing on the offline setting. A huge literature exists for the online setting. For more results in this area, the interested reader is invited to consult the recent surveys in [1, 2, 38, 44].