
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) [6] is a unified conceptual framework in which software development is seen as a process of model production, refinement, and integration. To reduce the accidental complexity and the effort needed to move from a problem domain to a software-based solution, MDE advocates the use of different modelling formalisms, i.e., modelling languages, to represent and analyze the system from multiple points of view. For each level of abstraction, the modeller uses the best formalism that concisely expresses the properties of the system that are important to that level. During development, high-level specification models are refined or combined with other models to include more solution details, such as the chosen architecture, data structures, algorithms, and finally even platform and execution environment-specific properties. The manipulation of models is achieved by means of model transformations, ideally automated by model transformations tools [8].

In the context of MDE, associations play an important role. During the requirements engineering phase, they are used at a high level of abstraction to formalize relationships among domain concepts in so-called domain models. In later development phases, as the architecture of the software and the solution it implements begin to take form, properties are attached to the associations, e.g., ordering, uniqueness, multiplicity, and navigability. Finally, during the implementation phase, concrete data structures, such as arrays, linked lists or hash tables, are used to realize associations with multiplicity greater than one.

Because associations are widely used in MDE, modelling tools with code generators have to generate code from models that contain associations. However, most current code generators do not provide adequate support for associations [2, 4, 9, 11, 12]. For example, the properties of associations specified in the model, e.g., multiplicity constraints and bidirectionality, are rarely enforced in the generated code. Furthermore, there are many ways of implementing associations with multiplicity greater than one using different collection data structures. Each data structure has different run-time behaviour, and therefore affects the non-functional qualities of the software that is being developed, such as performance and memory use. Current modelling tools, however, shield the modeller from implementation details. As a result, they do not document or quantify the impact on non-functional qualities that underlying implementations for associations have. As a result, code generators typically resort to default implementation strategies for associations that do not take into account high-level goals and non-functional requirements of the application that is being built.

In this paper we describe a framework for dealing with associations in the context of MDE. We show how we used Concern-Oriented Reuse (CORE) [3] to capture many different kind of associations, their properties, behaviour, and various implementation solutions within a reusable artifact: the Association concern. The Association concern encapsulates models for many association variants, and exploits aspect-oriented modelling techniques to modularize the structure and behaviour required for enforcing uniqueness, multiplicity constraints and referential integrity for bidirectional associations. Furthermore, it packages several collection implementation classes that can be used to realize associations. For each provided implementation class, the impact of its use on memory consumption and performance has been experimentally determined and formalized within the concern.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews the essential background on CORE. Section 3 describes how we designed the Association concern. Section 4 presents how to streamline the reuse of the Association concern within a modelling tool. Section 5 discusses related work, and the last section draws our conclusions.

2 Background on Concern-Oriented Reuse

CORE [3] is a new software development paradigm inspired by the ideas of multi-dimensional separation of concerns [22]. It builds on the disciplines of MDE, software product lines (SPL) [18], goal modelling [13], and advanced modularization techniques offered by aspect-orientation [15, 19] to define flexible software modules that enable broad-scale model-based software reuse called concerns.

A CORE concern is a unit of reuse that groups together software artifacts (models and code, henceforth called simply models) that address a recurring domain of interest in software development. The models encapsulated within a concern capture in a generic way the structural properties and behaviour of all relevant variations and ways of dealing with the domain of interest at all relevant levels of abstraction. Building a concern is a non-trivial, time consuming task, done by the concern designer, who is an expert of the concern’s domain. Deep understanding of the nature of the concern is required to be able to identify its user-relevant features, to model the common properties and differences of all features of a concern at all relevant levels of abstraction, and to express the impact of the different variants on high level stakeholder goals and qualities. This is ensured by creating requirements, design and implementation models that (i) realize the features of the concern using the most appropriate modelling notations and programming languages, and (ii) are eventually refined into executable specifications.

2.1 The CORE Reuse Process

The concern designer elaborates three interfaces [3] for a concern:

  • The Variation Interface describes the available variations of the concern and the impact of different variants on high-level stakeholder goals, qualities, and non-functional requirements. The variations are typically represented with a feature model [14] that specifies the individual, user-relevant features that a concern offers, as well as their dependencies, e.g., optional, alternative, requires, and excludes. The impact of choosing a feature is specified with impact models, which are based on GRL [13].

  • The realization of each variant of a concern is described as generally as possible to increase reusability. Therefore, some model elements are only partially specified and need to be complemented with concrete modelling elements stemming from the application models that intend to reuse the concern. These generic elements are exposed in the Customization Interface.

  • The Usage Interface describes how the application can finally access the structure and behaviour provided by the concern, similar to what the set of public operations represents for a class in the object-oriented paradigm.

The concern user reuses an existing concern through three simple steps:

  1. 1.

    The concern user first selects the set of feature(s) (called a configuration) with the best impact on relevant stakeholder goals and system qualities from the variation interface of the concern based on impact analysis provided by the CORE tool. Using this configuration, the CORE tool then composes the models that realize the selected features to yield new models of the concern corresponding to the desired configuration.

  2. 2.

    Next, the concern user adapts the generated realization models to the application context by mapping customization interface elements to application-specific model elements. Again, the CORE tool helps to establish correct mappings based on the signatures of the model elements that have to be customized, and subsequently generates customized realization models.

  3. 3.

    Finally, the concern user uses the functionality exposed in the usage interface of the customized realization models within his application models.

To demonstrate our framework, we use TouchCOREFootnote 1 [21], a multi-touch enabled, software design modelling tool that supports feature and impact models, as well as realization models expressed using class, sequence, state diagrams, and Java implementations.

3 Designing the Association Concern

In this section we present the design of the Association concern, which encapsulates all relevant variants of dealing with unidirectional, binary associations between two entities in MDEFootnote 2. We start by describing the variation, customization and usage interfaces of the concern, follow up with an overview of the structural and behavioural realization models encapsulated within the concern, and finally describe the experiments that we ran to determine the impact of different association realization on memory use and performance.

3.1 Association Variation Interface

Coming up with a variation interface for a concern requires (i) breaking down the domain into distinct features, i.e., modules that provide well-defined user-relevant structure, functionality and/or properties, and organizing the features and their relationships in a feature model, and (ii) identifying the non-functional qualities that the realizations of the features might impact. Usually, the variation interface of a concern is not elaborated in a top-down manner. Rather, the expert domain knowledge of a concern designer typically allows her to sketch an initial variation interface, which is then refined as more insight is gained while realizing the features. Figure 1 shows the final variation interface of the Association concern.

Structure: The first mandatory sub-feature, Structure, differentiates between an association with a maximum multiplicity of One (single object) and associations with a multiplicity of more than one, i.e., Many (collection of objects). The feature One is therefore used for multiplicities of 0..1 and 1..1. Among the associations with multiplicity many, there are qualified associations, where objects in the association are retrieved using a key (feature KeyIndexed), and Plain associations, which can be Ordered or Unordered. The leaf features finally encapsulate different data structures and algorithms that implement the collections with the corresponding properties, namely ArrayList, LinkedList and Stack for Ordered collections, HashSet and TreeSet for Unordered ones, and HashMap and TreeMap for KeyIndexed.

Association Properties: Associations are Bidirectional when they are navigable in both directions, in which case referential integrity must be enforced. For associations with multiplicity Many, it makes sense to decide whether the same element can be part of the association more than once or not. The optional feature Unique ensures that adding an object to an association is only allowed if the object is not already part of the association. Since the implementation data structures that we use for unordered collections—HashSet and TreeSet—do not support duplicate insertion of the same object (i.e., they implement Sets and not Bags), we specified the constraints that TreeSet requires Unique, and HashSet requires Unique within the feature model. Finally, the Minimum and Maximum features constrain the behaviour of insertion/removal operations to enforce minimum and maximum multiplicity constraints. They are sub-features of Plain, because they cannot be used in combination with qualified associations.

Impacts: The different variations of association implementations encapsulated inside the Association concern have an impact on memory use and performance. We modelled the impacts with the following goals: Minimize Memory Footprint, Increase Insertion Performance, Increase Iteration Performance, Increase Access Performance and Increase Removal Performance, as shown on the right side of Fig. 1. To determine the weights that drive the evaluation of the impacts based on a feature selection, we ran an extensive set of experiments that are described in Subsec. 3.6.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Screenshot of variation interface of the Association concern

3.2 Customization Interface

The customization interface of a concern exposes the model elements that define only partial structure/behaviour. They need to be adapted by the concern user to the reuse context by mapping them to concrete model elements in the application model. To easily identify model elements that have to be customized by a concern user, the names of these public partial model elements are prefixed with a vertical bar (“|”).

In a directed association, partial structural elements are the class of origin, i.e., the class that holds the association end, and the destination class. We named the class of origin |Data and the destination class |Associated as shown in Fig. 2 on the right. For qualified associations, the customization interface includes an additional partial |Key class as shown in Fig. 2 on the left.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Customization interface for feature KeyIndexed (left) and others (right)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Usage Int. for ArrayList

3.3 Usage Interface

The usage interface is defined by the public elements in the concern that can be used by the application. In the case of the Association concern, the usage interface is composed of the |Data class and its public operations. The features of the concern do not have a common usage interface, as the operations of |Data vary with the properties of the collection. When |Data holds a single object reference (feature One), the usage interface consists of a getter and a setter operation. When |Data holds a collection (feature Many), it provides operations to add and remove elements. For ordered associations (feature Ordered), additional operations to add and remove at a specific index are provided. For example, the usage interface for the feature ArrayList is shown in Fig. 3. For qualified associations, the add and remove operations take as an additional parameter a key.

Since |Data is part of the customization interface, it is mapped by the user to the class holding the association. As a result, the operations belonging to the usage interface of |Data are added to the mapped class, ready to be used. The operations, though, are not part of the customization interface, i.e., they do not have to be mapped. However, the user may want to rename the operations for better usability, for example, rename add to addUser.

3.4 Structural Realization of Associations

In CORE, each feature is associated with realization models that describe its structural and behavioural properties at different levels of abstraction using different modelling formalisms. When a concern user makes a feature selection, the CORE tool incrementally composes all realization models associated with the selected features to create user-tailored realization models. In this subsection, we describe class diagrams encoding different structural variations of the Association concern.

The realization model of the root feature of the concern simply defines the two classes |Data and |Associated that we already introduced above. The realization model of the feature One, which is used when the upper multiplicity bound of an association end is 1, declares a reference myAssociated pointing from |Data to |Associated. It also defines a getter and a setter operation for this reference. On the other hand, the realization model for the feature Many, which is used when the upper bound of the association is greater than 1, defines a ¦CollectionOfAssociated class that is contained in the class |Data. It is marked as concern partial with a discontinuous vertical bar (“¦”), which means that it is incomplete just like model elements that are part of the customization interface of the concern. However, it has to be completed within the concern, i.e., by other realization models. The realization model of Many also defines the operations contains, size and getAssociated.

The structure is further refined by the realization model of feature Plain, which defines operations to add and remove elements to/from the ¦CollectionOfAssociated class. Continuing, the realization model of Ordered adds operations to add, remove and get elements at a certain index. Finally, the realization model for features representing concrete implementation data structures map the ¦CollectionOfAssociated class to a concrete Java class, e.g., ArrayList.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Base behaviour of add

3.5 Behavioural Realization

We modelled the behaviour of operations using sequence diagrams. Figure 4 shows the add operation defined in Plain, which calls add of the contained collection.

Some features of the Association concern may affect the behaviour of other features. For example, the feature Unique affects the behaviour of insertion operations: before adding, a check is performed to determine whether the element is already in the collection. Maximum also impacts insertion operations: if the maximum is already reached, the operation returns false and the addition is not performed. Minimum impacts removal operations: if the collection already contains the minimum number of elements, it returns false and the element is not removed. Bidirectional ensures referential integrity. It impacts constructors, setters, insertion and removal operations. When an element is added to a collection and the association is bidirectional, depending on whether the opposite side is one or many, the element needs to be set or added on the opposite side.

CORE uses aspect-oriented techniques to augment the behaviour of other realization models. For example, Fig. 5 shows how Maximum extends the behaviour of Fig. 4 to verify that the maximum has not been reached before executing the original behaviour of add (represented by a white box containing a “*”).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Aspect sequence diagram Maximum

Additional complexity stems from the fact that there are some behavioural feature interactions inside the Association concern that need to be taken care of. For example, the behaviour of the feature Bidirectional requires that before a new object is associated with a current object, the object might first need to be removed from other associations, and the current object has to be added to the opposite association of the new object, and only then the new object can be added to the association of the current object. However, the operations that need to be called to deal with the opposite end of the association depend on the multiplicity constraints on the opposite end. In certain cases, setter operations should be invoked, in other cases, add/remove operations. These different behaviours had to be specified in so-called feature interaction resolution realization models, which are linked to the features they deal with, so that the CORE tool can apply them automatically when needed.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Interaction Res. Plain/OneOpposite

For example, Fig. 6 shows the feature interaction resolution model for Plain and OneOpposite, which ensures that for bidirectional 0..1<-> 0..* associations a new |Associated object a is only then added to the collection in the target object |Data, if target was successfully set as the opposite associated object of a. To ensure that this resolution is combined in the correct order with the behavioural modification that realizes Maximum, as shown previously, an additional feature interaction model has to be defined that first applies Plain/OneOpposite, and then Maximum.

3.6 Determining the Impacts of Association Realizations

In order to provide the modeller with guidance on which of the association features to choose, we conducted a series of experiments to determine the impact that the different realizations have on memory use and performance.

Experimental Setup: We ran our experiments on a machine with a 2,4 GHz Intel Core i5 processor and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR 3 memory. The machine was running Mac OS X 10.9.5. The Java SE Runtime (v1.8.0_20-b26) was configured with 384 MB heap space. The model that was used for the experiment was the simplest possible model, i.e., a model with a directed association myB with multiplicity 0..* between classes A and B.

Impact on Memory Use: To determine the amount of memory used by the different realizations, we created n instances of B (n = 10 (small), n = 100 (medium), n = 1,000 (large) and n = 10,000 (extra-large), and added them to the association between A and B by successively calling a.addMyB(b \(_{i}\) ). We used the Heap Walker of JProfiler [7] to determine the amount of memory used by the collection implementation class realizing the association. The results are shown on the left side of Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Memory usage in bytes and corresponding impact model

The relative measured memory use is approximately consistent across different orders of magnitude of number of elements. We therefore used the measured number of KB for 1000 elements directly as negative contribution values in the corresponding CORE impact model (see the right side of Fig. 7). This means that ArrayList and Stack (with contribution -5) are from a memory use point of view the best choice, whereas HashMap and TreeMap (with contribution -54) are the worst choice, i.e., they use approximately 10 times more memory.

Impact on Performance: To measure the impact on performance, we used an approach similar to the one described in Ahuja [1]. Again, we ran experiments with associations of different orders of magnitude (#elements = n), and measured the time t it took to execute each operation op n times from within a loop. Measuring Java performance is not trivial, because of various factors involving the virtual machine, the garbage collector, actual heap size at runtime and associated non-determinism [10]. To minimize external influences, we refrained from measuring the first runs to avoid accounting for time spent loading/initializing code, and then collected measurements of 50 runs. From those runs we calculated the median as well as the 10th and 90th percentile to minimize effects of the garbage collector.

The performance measurements for adding/appending n objects to an association are shown in Fig. 8 Footnote 3. Some implementations perform consistently well, e.g., ArrayList and LinkedList, and others consistently bad, e.g., TreeSet. However, the relative performance of some varies depending on the order of magnitude of the number of elements in the association. For example, HashSet and HashMap perform well for a small number of elements, but then performance worsens for larger associations. We therefore decided to create separate impact models for each order of magnitude using the median values from the experiments as negative weights for the impact models.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Insertion performance of different collection implementations (Color figure online)

Discussion: Impact models in CORE are currently exclusively specified using the goal modelling notation [13]. Goal models work well in the context of CORE, because they allow vague, hard-to-measure system qualities to be evaluated, e.g., user convenience or security, in addition to more quantifiable qualities, e.g., cost and number of messages exchanged. Unfortunately, impact models as they are defined currently can not be parameterized with dynamic information from the reuse context. As a result, our impact models can not be used for predicting the actual memory use or the actual performance of the final application. Rather, they are intended to help the modeller make design decisions by quantifying the impacts that one selection has over another relatively speaking. There exist dedicated performance modelling languages that offer advanced performance simulation and prediction capabilities [17], but how to exploit these in the context of CORE is out of the scope of this paper.

3.7 Association Concern Design Summary

In the end, the Association concern we designed encapsulates 26 features, specifies 5 impacts, contains 10 class diagrams, and 25 sequence diagrams (3 of which are feature interaction resolution models). The feature model allows for 225 possible selections, from which the TouchCORE tool can create 225 different user-tailored realization models by combining the corresponding realization models in different ways to suit the exact needs of the concern user.

4 Using the Association Concern

The complexity of associations (different variations and implementation classes, impacts, behaviour ensuring maximum, minimum, uniqueness, and bidirectionality,and additional behaviour addressing feature interactions) is now encapsulated behind the variation, customization and usage interface of the Association concern and ready to be reused.

The standard CORE reuse process, outlined in Subsect. 2.1 and implemented in the TouchCORE tool, is general, i.e., it is applicable when reusing any concern. It can therefore also be used for reusing the Association concern. Unfortunately, due to its general nature, the process is unnecessarily tedious for Association. In TouchCORE, it involves the following effort for the modeller:

  1. 1.

    The modeller first needs to indicate the desire to reuse Association. This involves searching through the reusable concern library to find the Association concern, which typically involves navigating down the folder hierarchy.

  2. 2.

    When the Association variation interface is displayed, the modeller must make a selection of the desired variant. The feature model of Association is large, in particular because of the features that deal with ensuring the correct behaviour for bidirectional associations. It takes cognitive effort to visually browse through it and make the desired selection.

  3. 3.

    When the customization interface is displayed, the modeller has to manually establish the mappings of the source and destination classes of the association: |Data and |Associated have to be mapped, as well as |Key in case of qualified associations. The mappings of the operations are not required, but in case the modeller desires to rename the generic names of operations to more specific names, e.g., add to addUser, mappings have to be specified for each operation that is to be renamed.

Finally, a bidirectional association requires reusing the Association concern twice. This not only constitutes a duplication of effort, but it is also a potential source of inconsistencies. In order to avoid errors, the modeller must make sure to select the right sub-feature of Bidirectional that correctly represents the type of the opposite association (one, many, ordered, or key-indexed).

In light of these usability issues, we devised a domain-specific language (DSL) inspired by the concrete syntax for associations defined in UML to streamline the reuse of the Association concern for modellers. The DSL minimizes the effort involved and eliminates any risk of mis(re)use. We then integrated this DSL into the TouchCORE tool in order to facilitate the reuse of the Association concern while modelling with class and sequence diagrams.

4.1 DSL for Applying the Association Concern

UML already defines a visual notation for associations [16]. A line that connects two classes represents an association, arrowheads on the association ends depict navigability, and inclusive intervals of non-negative integers on the association ends specify a lower bound and a (possibly infinite) upper bound for multiplicities. The default properties for associations in UML are unique and unordered. It is possible to specify deviations from the default by annotating the association ends with textual constraints, i.e., {ordered} and/or {nonunique}. For qualified associations, the UML syntax dictates that the type of the model element used for lookup is specified in a rectangular box at the border of the originating class.

Since the graphical notation in UML already covers our features Bidirectional, Minimum, Maximum, Unique, Ordered, Unordered, and KeyIndexed, we simply defined additional textual constraints to allow the modeller to specify the concrete implementation classes, i.e., ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap and TreeMap. This list is automatically extended whenever additional implementation classes are added to the Association concern.

4.2 Modifications to the Class Diagram Metamodel

In the CORE metamodel [20], the COREReuse class represents reuses. From a COREReuse one can get to the COREConfiguration, i.e., the set of selected features of the reuse. The CORECompositionSpecification, i.e., the set of customization mappings can be retrieved through the COREModelReuse, which specifies the compositions of a reuse for a particular model. To use the Association concern consistently, every navigable association end has to have a corresponding model reuse of the Association concern. Hence, a directed association between AssociationEnd, i.e., the class that represents association ends in the class diagram metamodel, to COREModelReuse is needed. The backend of TouchCORE was updated to create a COREReuse and COREModelReuse (for the design model) whenever an association end between two classes becomes navigable.

4.3 Automated and Consistent Feature Selections

TouchCORE was adapted in such a way that whenever the modeller manipulates the graphical representation of an association, e.g., by changing the multiplicity or navigability, the selected features of the reuse of Association are updated automatically as follows:

  • When the upper multiplicity bound is 1, One is selected, otherwise Many.

  • When the upper multiplicity bound is greater than 1 and not many (*), Maximum is selected.

  • When the lower bound is 1 or greater and the upper bound is greater than 1, Minimum is selected.

  • When the association is navigable in both directions and the upper bound on the multiplicity of the opposite end is 1, OneOpposite is selected.

  • When the association is navigable in both directions and the upper bound on the multiplicity of the opposite end is greater than 1, ManyOpposite is selected.

Additionally, the GUI of TouchCORE was extended to display textual constraints, e.g., {ordered} or {ArrayList} on association ends. If the modeller clicks on the textual constraint, they are presented with a simplified variation interface of the Association concern. All automatically selected features are not shown, so the modeller can maximally focus on exploring the impact of the available implementation classes and to eventually select the most appropriate one.

4.4 Generation of Mappings and Operation Renaming

When a modeller draws a directed, navigable association from class Source to class Destination, the customization mappings for the Association concern are automatically created. |Data is mapped to Source, and |Associated to Destination. For qualified associations, TouchCORE displays a rectangular box at the association end that allows the modeller to specify the qualifier type. Based on the modeller’s input, the corresponding mapping for |Key is created.

Additionally, for every operation that is in the usage interface of |Data, a mapping is created that renames the operation by appending the name of the association end specified by the modeller. For instance, for a directed association from class User to class Account with multiplicity 0..* named myAccounts, the add operation would be renamed to addToMyAccounts.

5 Related Work

To our knowledge, the concern-orientated reuse paradigm is currently the only modelling approach that supports the encapsulation of different structural and behavioural designs and implementations and their impacts within one reusable model. As a result, most modelling tools provide only basic, “UML-like” support for modelling with associations. However, there is a substantial amount of related work on code generation optimized for and dedicated to associations.

5.1 Existing Code Generation Approaches for Associations

Harrison describes a technique for generating Java implementation code from UML diagrams [12]. The authors suggest generating an interface for dealing with the behaviour of associations (creating, deletion) in a manner transparent to the user. They propose the creation of an interface and its implementation for each association end. The interface extends both the destination class and the association class, if one was modelled. It ensures referential integrity and multiplicity constraints, but does not provide support for different collection implementation data structures. A similar approach is adopted by Gessenharter [11], who proposes that associations be implemented as classes. To implement an association between A and B, a class AB is created which holds a list of AB links. Both class A and B have an addB and addA operation, respectively, that call a static method in AB to establish a new link.

Génova presents some principles for mapping UML associations to Java code [9]. They demonstrate that it is unreasonable to ensure the minimum multiplicity constraint at any moment on a mandatory association end as it reduces usability. Therefore, they make the user responsible for initializing the system to a consistent state, and for maintaining it. Akehurst introduces Java code generation patterns from UML models with dedicated support for associations [2].

5.2 MouseTrap

Motorola has developed its own automatic code generation tool suite called Mousetrap [23]. The Mousetrap tool suite takes as input design models using SDL, UML, ASN.1, and ISL (a proprietary protocol language) and produces highly optimized C code customized for a product platform and a set of performance constraints. Mousetrap is a rule-based code transformation system driven by a vast programming knowledge base.

Section 5.4 of [23] on Abstract Data Types (ADT) is most related to our work. In their approach, code generation for associations involves the selection of a concrete implementation of an ADT. Where most code generators simply pick a default implementation, theirs analyzes the behaviour of the model and determines the specific ADT that leads to a better tradeoff between memory usage and performance. For example, if the collection is often being iterated over, the system would favour a linked list, as linked lists have superior iteration performance due the lack of repeated indexing, a fact that our own benchmark measurements confirmed.


UMPLE (UML Programming Language) is a textual design modelling tool supporting class diagrams and state diagrams [4]. It has a powerful code generator that handles multiplicity constraints and referential integrity for associations just like we do.

From a user’s point of view, the main differences between UMPLE and TouchCORE with the Association concern is that UMPLE always translates a many association to a fixed implementation data structure (ArrayList in Java, a Vector in C++, an array in Ruby) without determining the best fit or letting the user decide. As a result, UMPLE does not provide the property unique, and all generated association implementations are ordered (since they all translate to a list in the code). However, UMPLE does provide sorted associations, and allows the modeller to specify the attribute that is to be used for sorting.

5.4 Discussion

One could argue that an advantage of the code generator approach over the CORE approach is that it clearly separates design decisions, which are made at the model level, from implementation decisions, which are made by the code generator (or by a platform expert that configures code generation options before running the code generator). However, this is not the case here, as the CORE reuse process allows a modeller to make partial selections. For example, it is acceptable for a designer to choose the feature Ordered, and defer the decision of which mandatory child feature from the XOR group—ArrayList, LinkedList or Stack—should be used in the realization. This decision can be made at a later point, potentially by a different developer, e.g., a platform expert. Ideally, the decision could even be automated based on some user-defined optimization criteria. Currently, though, the developer has to perform his own tradeoff analysis and opt for faster execution time or decreased memory usage depending on his preference. In the near future we are planning to build an automated reasoning system into the TouchCORE tool that exploits the impact information from the concern’s variation interface to perform automated optimization of non-functional requirements according to the developer’s priorities.

In the end, the main difference between addressing associations at the modelling level as done in CORE compared to dealing with associations during code generation is that if one desires to change the way that associations are handled or to support new association implementations, the latter approach requires understanding and modifying the code generator. In contrast, in our CORE approach the modeller can simply update the structural and/or behavioural realization models of existing features of the Association concern, or add new features and new realization models, if needed. There is no need to modify the code generation, nor modify any code in the TouchCORE tool.

Finally, while the code generators discussed in this section address the maximum, minimum, uniqueness and bidirectionality properties of associations just as well as we do, they typically do not support qualified associations as we do through the feature KeyIndexed. Finally, with the exception of Mousetrap, they do not take into account the non-functional impacts of different concrete data structure implementations.

6 Conclusion

In this paper we described a framework for dealing with associations in the context of MDE. We designed a reusable CORE concern named Association that encapsulates design models for different association variants, and exploits aspect-oriented modelling techniques to modularize the structure and behaviour required for enforcing uniqueness, multiplicity constraints, and referential integrity for bidirectional associations. Furthermore, it supports the use of different collection implementation classes used to implement associations and documents their impacts on memory consumption and performance. We showed how class diagrams, i.e., the metamodel and visual notation used in the TouchCORE tool, can be extended to support reusing the Association concern, and presented enhancements to automate feature selection and customization mappings to maximally streamline the reuse process.