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1 Introduction

The trend in the automotive and avionics industry is to shift functionality from mechanics and electronics to software. Subsystems in automotive and avionics engineering express increasing level of autonomy as described in [12]. The goal of this changes is to make vehicles and aircrafts more reliable and fault-tolerant, focusing on the tasks that could be complicated for the human to solve quickly, precisely and safely. In avionics, fly-by-wire are used since many decades. These systems were developed to replace the manual (human) flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface. An example of a fly-by-wire system is Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) landing [22]. Many automotive manufacturers have presented drive-by-wire prototypes for premium cars. An example of these prototypes are Parking Assists Systems [9].

To analyse timing properties of a distributed system and to show the fault-tolerance of its behaviour, we require a predictable timing of the system. This can be solved using the time-triggered paradigm (TTP). In avionics TTP was applied successfully to distributed systems. This idea has been later propagated to the automotive domain.

In a time-triggered system (TTS), all actions are executed at predefined points in time. This ensures a deterministic timing behaviour of the system: task execution times and their order, as well as message transmission times are deterministic. Having a deterministic timing behaviour, we can predict and to prove formally the timing properties of the system with a reasonable effort.

In [36], we introduced a formal framework for modelling and analysis of autonomous systems (AS) and their compositions, especially focusing on the adaptivity modelling aspects and reasoning about adaptive behaviour. In our current work we extend this framework with the core features of a framework for the verification of properties for automotive TTS, presented in [20, 21]. In this paper, we suggest to apply the well-developed ideas of time-triggered systems within the domain of autonomous robotic systems, as timing properties and their verification are crucial for safety-critical systems.

Outline: The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides a brief overview of the related work. In Sect. 3, we discuss the application of TTP within automotive domain, time-triggered operating system OSEKtime as well as our previous research in this area. Section 4 introduces our TTP Model for AS, which is the core contribution of the paper. Section 5 introduces our model for OSEKtime. Section 6 present the core directions of our future work. In Sect. 7 we summarise the paper and propose directions for future research.

2 Related Work

The adaptation and context-awareness can have many forms: navigation applications to guide users to a given destination, robot motion [10], keyless entry systems [15], driver assistance applications [27], adaptive cruise control systems [14], etc. Next step from driver assistance and similar applications is complete takeover of the vehicle control. Reliable, real time robot (vehicle) operating system is extremely important for the safe and comfortable ride. A concise survey of concepts, architectural frameworks, and design methodologies that are relevant in the context of self-adapting and self-optimizing systems is presented in [2].

Rushby [26] introduced an approach to derive a time-triggered implementation from a fault-tolerant algorithm specified as a functional program. Nolte et al. [23] presented an overview of wireless automotive communication technologies. The goal of Nolte et al. was to identify the strong candidates for future in-vehicle and inter-vehicle automotive applications. There are also a number approaches on analysis of worst case execution time (WCET) and the corresponding properties of the software components. For example, Fredriksson et al. [16] presented a contract-based technique to achieve reuse of WCETs in conjunction with reuse of software components. A number of frameworks and methodologies for the formal analysis of time-triggered automotive systems were presented in [57, 17, 34]. The core features of these frameworks and methodologies can be applied within the field of AS, to increase reliability and to allow formal verification of the functional properties.

Both in the case of automotive and in the case of autonomous systems, we to take into account cyber-physical nature of these systems. Many approaches on cyber-physical systems do not include an abstract logical level of the system modelling, missing the advantages of the abstract representation. In our previous work [33], we introduced a platform-independent architectural design in the early stages of CPS development. The results of our ongoing work on simulation, validation and visualization of CPSs in industrial automation [3, 4] provide basis for the analysis and simulation of autonomous systems, as a special kind of CPSs.

3 TTP: OSEKtime Operating System

An operating system OSEKtime was developed by the European Automotive Consortium OSEK/VDX in accordance to the time-triggered paradigm. OSEKFootnote 1 is a standards body, founded by German automotive company consortium, in 1993. The consortium included many industrial partners (such as BMW, Robert Bosch GmbH, DaimlerChrysler, Opel, Siemens, and Volkswagen Group) as well as the University of Karlsruhe. The French automotive manufacturers Renault and PSA Peugeot Citroen had a similar consortium, VDX.Footnote 2 In 1994, a new consortium OSEK/VDXFootnote 3 was created, based on OSEK and VDX.

Thus, OSEKtime OS is time-triggered and supports static cyclic scheduling based on the computation of the WCETs of its tasks. The verification of an OSEKtime OS is being performed in the Verisoft-XT project [38]. WCET of the tasks can be estimated from a compiled program and the processor the program runs on, using the corresponding tool, e.g. an aiT analyser [1]. aiT statically compute tight bounds for WCETs of tasks in real-time systems, directly analyses binary executables, and is independent of the compiler and source code language.

As per OSEKtime specification [25], the core properties of this operating system are

  • predictability,

  • modular concept as a basis for certification,

  • dependability,

  • compatibility to the OSEK/VDX.

Thus, the system has a priori known behaviour, even under defined peak load and fault conditions. The dependability property is insured by a fault-tolerant communication layer FTCom (Fault-Tolerant Communication, cf. [24]) is This layer was introduced to insure interprocess communication within the OS and make task distribution transparent. It allows reliable operation through fault detection and fault tolerance.

In our previous research [20, 21], we presented a formal framework for the verification of application properties for time triggered systems, based on FlexRay and FTCom [19, 28]. FlexRay is a time-triggered communication protocol, developed by the FlexRay Consortium.Footnote 4 Primary application domain of the FlexRay protocol is distributed real-time systems in vehicles. A comparison of an established protocol TTP/C and FlexRay was presented by Kopetz in [18]. Kopetz came to the conclusion that FlexRay and TTP/C were designed against the same set of automotive requirements, but that there is a difference in goals: “The inherent conflict between flexibility and safety is tilted towards flexibility in FlexRay and safety in TTP/C.”.

A distributed automotive system is built from a number of nodes. The difference between the nodes are the configuration data of each node and the applications running on them. On each node, there are three layers:

  1. (1)

    Micro controller and FlexRay controller. The network cable connects the FlexRay controllers of all nodes.

  2. (2)

    OSEKtime OS and OSEK FTCom.

  3. (3)

    A number of applications, implementing the desired behaviour of the automotive system.

When we adopt these ideas to the domain of autonomous systems, a node becomes a single autonomous robot, and the connection between the robots has to be wireless. This implies that the FlexRay communication protocol might be not applicable for autonomous systems even after a number of modifications: FlexRay provides high-speed, deterministic and fault-tolerant communication, but it was designed with the focus on in-vehicle networking, to support x-by-wire applications. Thus, only the architecture of the layers (2) and (3) can be adapted for AS.

4 TTP Model for Autonomous Systems

The modelling language that we use in our approach is Focus \(^{ST}\) [32], which is an extension of the Focus language used in [20, 21]. It allows us to create concise but easily understandable specifications and is appropriate for application of the specification and proof methodology presented in [29, 37]. The Focus \(^{ST}\) language was inspired by Focus [8], a framework for formal specification and development of interactive systems. In both languages, specifications are based on the notion of streams and channels (a channel is in effect a name for a stream). The Focus \(^{ST}\) specification layout also differs from the original one: it is based on human factor analysis within formal methods [30, 31, 35].

Fig. 1
figure 1

TTP model for autonomous systems

A system in our model consists of N autonomous robots, communicating with each other. On the software level, a robot \(Robot^i\) (\(1 \le i \le N\)) has Mi applications \(AppRobot^i_1, \dots , AppRobot^i_{Mi}\) that are running under OSEKtime OS, cf. Fig. 1. The FTComCNI component of each robot consists of two subcomponents: the FTCom component and a CNIbuffer (buffer of the Communication Network Interface), cf. Fig. 2. CNIbuffer is used to store messages that have to be sent to other robots via the communication protocol. The local communication among the applications \(AppRobot^i_1, \dots , AppRobot^i_{Mi}\) is conducted directly via FTCom.

In our model, the FTCom component consists of three subcomponents: FTComBuffer, Replica and RDA (Replica Determinate Agreement, cf. [24] for more details). The Replica and RDA components are optional. These components are used to ensure fault-tolerant communication between the robots: one application message is packed into several frames using the replication tables, such that every application message will be sent k times (\(k > 1\)). The RDA component of the corresponding receiver-robot, will unpack the frames the RDA-tables and compute the value of the message from the arrived replicas. The Replica and RDA components are called by the OSEKtime dispatcher every communication round. In our model, this is represented by sending request messages via the channel startR.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Model of the FTComCNI component

To ensure correctness of the replication and RDA tables, we specify two predicates, which will be used as verification constraints for the tables: For the replication table we have to check that

  • the table is nonempty,

  • every slot identifier occurs in the table at most once,

  • a new frame can be build only from the messages produced by this robot.

For the RDA table we have to check that

  • list of message identifiers must be nonempty,

  • every message identifier occurs in the table at most once and does not belong to the identifiers of the messages produced by this robot.

  • a new frame can be build only from the messages produced on this node.

5 Model of OSEKtime OS

We model OSEKtime as a tuple

$$ OSEKtime = \langle Tasks, \,\, DT, \,\, State, \,\, SynchrP \rangle $$

where Tasks denotes the set of application tasks with the corresponding sets State of their internal states, DT is a dispatcher table, and SynchrP is a set of synchronisation parameters. An OSEKtime task can be in one of three states (running, preempted, suspensed), cf. also Fig. 3:

$$ \begin{array}{l} State = \{running, \,\, preempted, \,\, suspensed \} \\ SynchrP = \{synchr, \,\, asynchrH, \,\, asynchrS\} \end{array} $$
Fig. 3
figure 3

Time-triggered model of OSEKtime tasks

OSEKtime allows two start-up techniques, which depend on synchronisation methods and availability of global system time [25]:

  • Synchronous start-up (we model it as the parameter synchr). In this case, the tasks are not executed until a global time is available. For automotive systems based on the FlexRay protocol, the synchronous start-up has to be preferred, as FlexRay properties rely on a precise synchronisation. In the case of autonomous systems, we have to apply one of the options of asynchronous start-up.

  • Asynchronous start-up: Tasks are executed according to the local time without waiting for the synchronisation to the global time.

    • In the case of a hard synchronisation (we model it as the parameter asynchrH), the synchronisation of the local time to the global time has to be performed at the end of a dispatcher round by delaying the start of the next dispatcher round.

    • In the case of a smooth synchronisation (we model it as the parameter asynchrS), the synchronisation of the local time to the global time is done during several dispatcher rounds by limiting the delay of the start of the next dispatcher round according to pre-defined configuration.

The specifications for set of tasks and the dispatcher table have to be introduced for each particular application. In general, they can be specified as follows:

$$DT = \langle N, \,\, STasks, \,\, start, \,\, wtime \rangle $$

where N is the length of the dispatcher table (number of items in it);

  • STasks is a subset of Tasks, which contains only the tasks to be scheduled, i.e., all the tasks from Tasks except auxiliary system tasks (such as ttIdleTask, ErrorHook, etc., cf. below);

  • start = \(\{1 \ldots N\}, STasks \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) defines the mapping of tasks to their start times within the dispatcher round;

  • wcet = \(\{1 \ldots N\}, STasks \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) defines the mapping of tasks to their worst-case execution times (WCETs).

Each task from STasks can also appear in DT as a number of subtasks. OSEKtime has a static scheduling, which allows specification based on WCETs of the subtasks.


An example of a dispatcher table \(STasks = \{Task1, Task2, Task3, Task4 \}\), N = 7, \(T_{CYCLE}\) = 35 is presented in Table 1. It is easy to see that while executing this dispatcher table, ttIdleTask will start at least twice in the middle of each round:

  • between the second execution of Task1 (which has to be finished by 10th time unit) and Task3 (which has to be started at 12th time unit), and

  • between the third execution of Task1 (which has to be finished by 23rd time unit) and Task4 (which has to be started at 25th time unit).

Table 1 Example of an OSEKtime dispatcher table
Fig. 4
figure 4

OSEKtime as a state machine

OSEKtime has a number of auxiliary system tasks that are not registered in a dispatching round (these tasks belong to Tasks, but do not belong to STasks). Examples of these tasks are

  • ttStartOS routine starts the operating system,

  • ttIdleTask acts as the idle task of the OSEKtime OS. It is the first task started by the OSEKtime dispatcher, and is always running if there is no other task ready. As this task is not registered in DT, it is not periodically restarted and does not have any deadline. ttIdleTask has the lowest priority and it can be interrupted by all interrupts handled by OSEKtime.

  • ErrorHook task is responsible for error handling for deadline violations;

  • ttShutdown task is responsible for shutdown of the system.

OSEKtime as an abstract state machine is presented in Fig. 4.

FTCom layer has the following core functions: ttSyncTimes, ttSendMessage and ttReceiveMessage. The ttSyncTimes function specifies the routine to synchronise the local time with the global time in the system. This function will be called by OSEKtime OS in the state Synchronisation. The functions ttSendMessage and ttReceiveMessage are called by tasks. ttSendMessage stores a message in the FT-CNI buffer, which is used to communication between nodes (in the case of a time-triggered automotive system, the content of the FT-CNI buffer has to be sent via FlexRay). ttReceiveMessage checks the FT-CNI buffer for the requested by an application message (i.e., the message with the requested id) and stores this message to the local buffer.

6 Future Work

The next step in our research is to implement results of the investigation presented here to our experimental electrical vehicle, RMIT University Autonomous System. Operating systems view is given in the Fig. 5a. At the highest level, RMIT University Autonomous Vehicle is controlled by a customised installation of Microsoft Windows Server. Majority of the higher level system processes are run on a dedicated Laptop PC as a computer hardware base for the whole system. Localisation, mapping and motion planning processes are running in MATLAB environment. The only process running outside of MATLAB is a Rapidly exploring Random Tree path planning generation, implemented with Python 2.7 as already explained and presented in [13].

All data acquisition activities are handled by an embedded C controller, running on an Arduino micro controller. Full proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control of actuators was implemented for vehicle velocity and steering angle control. Detailed presentation of the control process is given in [11]. RMIT Autonomous Vehicle during path following testing, in the real time, is presented in Fig. 5b. All this real time processing will be improved by aligning system with the TTP Model for Autonomous Systems, as shown earlier in Fig. 1. We expect that application of the TTP will increase reliability of the localisation, path planning and path following features, as it would allow us verify the corresponding timing properties in a formal way, also using semi-automated theorem provers. This would allow to use the RMIT University Autonomous System for safety-critical tasks, especially focussing on the interaction between humans and the AS.

Fig. 5
figure 5

RMIT autonomous vehicle. a Model to be aligned with TTP. b Path following testing

7 Conclusions

This paper presents an approach for application of time-triggered paradigm (TTP) to the domain of autonomous systems. TTP has been applied successfully to distributed systems in avionics and automotive domain. In this paper, we apply the well-developed ideas of time-triggered systems within the domain of autonomous robotic systems. The core feature of TTP is that all actions within the system have to be executed at predefined points in time. This ensures a deterministic timing behaviour of the system, which makes the system behaviour more predictable and provides many benefits for the analysis of the system properties.

We introduce a TTP model of an autonomous robotic system as well as the corresponding models of OSEKtime operating system and its Fault-Tolerant Communication layer. We also briefly discuss our future work on the application of the presented ideas to the experimental electrical vehicle, RMIT University Autonomous System.