
1 Introduction

Given a set of points \(N=\{t_1,t_2,...,t_n\}\) in the Euclidean d-dimensional space \(\mathcal{R}^d\), \(d \ge 2\), the Euclidean Steiner minimal tree (ESMT) problem asks for a shortest connected network \(T=(V,E)\), where \(N \subseteq V\). The points of N are called terminals while the points of \(S = V {\setminus } N\) are called Steiner points. The length |uv| of an edge \((u,v) \in E\) is the Euclidean distance between u and v. The length |T| of T is the sum of the lengths of the edges in T. Clearly, T must be a tree. It is called the Euclidean Steiner minimal tree and it is denoted by \(\text {SMT}(N)\). The ESMT problem has originally been suggested by Fermat in the 17-th century. Since then many variants with important applications in the design of transportation and communication networks and in the VLSI design have been investigated. While the ESMT problem is one of the oldest optimization problems, it remains an active research area due to its difficulty, many open questions and challenging applications. The reader is referred to [4] for the fascinating history of the ESMT problem.

The ESMT problem is NP-hard [5]. It has been studied extensively in \(\mathcal{R}^2\) and a good exact method for solving problem instances with up to 50.000 terminals is available [13, 23]. However, no analytical method can exist for \(d \ge 3\) [1]. Furthermore, no numerical approximation seems to be able to solve instances with more than 15–20 terminals [79, 14, 21]. It is therefore essential to develop good quality heuristics for the ESMT problem in \(\mathcal{R}^d\), \(d\ge 3\). Several such heuristics have been proposed in the literature [10, 15, 17, 22]. In particular, [17] builds on the \(R^2\)-heuristics [2, 20]. They use Delaunay tessellations and Minimum spanning trees and are therefore referred to as DM-heuristics. The randomized heuristic suggested in [15] also uses Delaunay tessellations. It randomly selects a predefined portion of simplices in the Delaunay tessellation. It adds a centroid for each selected simplex as a Steiner point. It then computes the minimum spanning tree for the terminals and added Steiner points. Local improvements of various kinds are then applied to improve the quality of the solution. It obtains good solutions in \(R^2\). Only instances with \(n \le 100\) are tested and CPU times are around 40 sec. for \(n = 100\). The randomized heuristic is also tested for very small problem instances (\(n = 10, d=3, 4, 5)\) and for specially structured “sausage” instances (\(n < 100, d = 3\)). It can be expected that the CPU times increase significantly as d grows since the number of simplices in Delaunay tessellations then grows exponentially.

The goal of this paper is to improve the DM-heuristic in a deterministic manner so that the minimum spanning tree bondage is avoided and good quality solutions for large problem instances can be obtained. Some basic definitions and a resume of the DM-heuristic is given in the remainder of this section. Section 2 discusses how bottleneck distances can be utilized to improve the solutions produced by the DM-heuristic. The new heuristic is referred to as the DB-heuristic as it uses both Delaunay tessellations and Bottleneck distances. Section 3 describes data structures used for the determination of bottleneck distances while Sect. 4 gives computational results, including comparisons with the DM-heuristic.

1.1 Definitions

\(\text {SMT}(N)\) is a tree with \(n-2\) Steiner points, each incident with 3 edges [12]. Steiner points can overlap with adjacent Steiner points or terminals. Terminals are then incident with exactly 1 edge (possibly of zero-length). Non-zero-length edges meet at Steiner points at angles that are at least \(120^{\circ }\). If a pair of Steiner points \(s_i\) and \(s_j\) is connected by a zero-length edge, then \(s_i\) or \(s_j\) are also be connected via a zero-length edge to a terminal and the three non-zero-length edges incident with \(s_i\) and \(s_j\) make \(120^{\circ }\) with each other. Any geometric network \(\text {ST}(N)\) satisfying the above degree conditions is called a Steiner tree. The underlying undirected graph \(\mathcal{ST}(N)\) (where the coordinates of Steiner points are immaterial) is called a Steiner topology. The shortest network with a given Steiner topology is called a relatively minimal Steiner tree. If \(\text {ST}(N)\) has no zero-length edges, then it is called a full Steiner tree (FST). Every Steiner tree \(\text {ST}(N)\) can be decomposed into one or more full Steiner subtrees whose degree 1 points are either terminals or Steiner points overlapping with terminals. A reasonable approach to find a good suboptimal solution to the ESMT problem is therefore to identify few subsets \(N_1, N_2, ...\) and their low cost Steiner trees \(\text {ST}(N_1), \text {ST}(N_2), ...\) such that a union of some of them, denoted by \(\text {ST}(N)\), will be a good approximation of \(\text {SMT}(N)\). The selection of the subsets \(N_1, N_2, ...\) should in particular ensure that \(|\text {ST}(N)| \le |\text {MST}(N)|\) where \(\text {MST}(N)\) is the minimum spanning tree of N.

A Delaunay tessellation of N in \(\mathcal{R}^d\), \(d \ge 2\), is denoted by \(\text {DT}(N)\). \(\text {DT}(N)\) is a simplicial complex. All its k-simplices, \(0 \le k \le d+1\), are also called k-faces or faces if k is not essential. In the following, we will only consider k-faces with \(1 \le k \le d+1\), as 0-faces are terminals in N. It is well-known that the minimum spanning tree \(\text {MST}(N)\) of N is a subgraph of \(\text {DT}(N)\) [3]. A face \(\sigma \) of \(\text {DT}(N)\) is covered if the subgraph of \(\text {MST}(N)\) induced by the corners \(N_\sigma \) of \(\sigma \) is a tree. Corners of \(N_\sigma \) are then also said to be covered.

The Steiner ratio of a Steiner tree \(\text {ST}(N)\) is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (\text {ST}(N)) = \frac{|\text {ST}(N)|}{|\text {MST}(N)|} \end{aligned}$$

The Steiner ratio of N is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (N) = \frac{|\text {SMT}(N)|}{|\text {MST}(N)|} \end{aligned}$$

It has been observed [23] that for uniformly distributed terminals in a unit square in \(\mathcal{R}^2\), \(\rho (N)\) typically is between 0.96 and 0.97 corresponding to 3 %–4 % length reduction of \(\text {SMT}(N)\) over \(\text {MST}(N)\). The reduction seems to increase as d grows. The smallest Steiner ratio over all sets N in \(\mathcal{R}^d\) is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _d = \inf _N \{ \rho (N) \} \end{aligned}$$

It has been conjectured [11] that \(\rho _2 = \sqrt{3}/2 = 0.866025...\). There are problem instances achieving this Steiner ratio; for example three corners of an equilateral triangle. Furthermore, \(\rho _d\) seems to decrease as \(d \rightarrow \infty \). It has also been conjectured that \(\rho _d\), \(d \ge 3\) is achieved for infinite sets of terminals. In particular, a regular 3-sausage in \(R^3\) is a sequence of regular d-simplices where consecutive ones share a regular 2-simplex (equilateral triangle). It has been conjectured that regular 3-sausages have Steiner ratios decreasing toward 0.7841903733771... as \(n \rightarrow \infty \) [21].

Let \(N_\sigma \subseteq N\) denote the corners of a face \(\sigma \) of \(\text {DT}(N)\). Let \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) denote a Steiner tree spanning \(N_\sigma \). Let F be a forest whose vertices are a superset of N. Suppose that terminals of \(N_\sigma \) are in different subtrees of F. The concatenation of F with \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\), denoted by \(F \oplus \text {ST}(N_\sigma )\), is a forest obtained by adding to F all Steiner points and all edges of \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\).

Let G be a complete weighted graph spanning N. The contraction of G by \(N_\sigma \), denoted by \(G \ominus N_\sigma \), is obtained by replacing the vertices in \(N_\sigma \) by a single vertex \(n_\sigma \). Loops in \(G \ominus N_\sigma \) are deleted. Among any parallel edges of \(G \ominus N_\sigma \) incident with \(n_\sigma \), all but the shortest ones are deleted.

Finally, let \(T = \text {MST}(N)\). The bottleneck contraction of T by \(N_\sigma \), denoted by \(T \ominus N_\sigma \), is obtained by replacing the vertices in \(N_\sigma \) by a single vertex \(n_\sigma \). Any cycles in \(T \ominus N_\sigma \) are destroyed by removing their longest edges. Hence, \(T \ominus N_\sigma \) is a minimum spanning tree of \((N{\setminus } N_\sigma ) \cup \left\{ n_\sigma \right\} \). Instead of replacing \(N_\sigma \) by \(n_\sigma \), the vertices of \(N_\sigma \) could be connected by a tree with zero-length edges spanning \(N_\sigma \). Any cycles in the resulting tree are destroyed by removing their longest edges. We use the same notation, \(T \ominus N_\sigma \), to denote the resulting \(\text {MST}\) on N.

1.2 DM-Heuristic in \(R^d\)

The DM-heuristic constructs \(\text {DT}(N)\) and \(\text {MST}(N)\) in the preprocessing phase. For corners \(N_\sigma \) of every covered face \(\sigma \) of \(\text {DT}(N)\) in \(R^d\) (and for corners of some covered d-sausages), a low cost Steiner tree \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) is determined using a heuristic [17] or a numerical approximation of \(\text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\) [21]. If full, \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) is stored in a priority queue Q ordered by non-decreasing Steiner ratios. Greedy concatenation, starting with a forest F of isolated terminals in N, is then used to form a tree spanning N.

In the postprocessing phase of the DM-heuristic, a fine-tuning is performed. The topology of F is extended to the full Steiner topology \(\mathcal{ST}(N)\) by adding Steiner points overlapping with terminals where needed. The numerical approximation of [21] is applied to \(\mathcal{ST}(N)\) in order to approximate the relatively minimal Steiner tree \(\text {ST}(N)\) with the Steiner topology \(\mathcal{ST}(N)\).

1.3 Improvement Motivation

The DM-heuristic returns better Steiner trees than its \(\mathcal{R}^2\) predecessor [20]. It also performs well for \(d \ge 3\). However, both the DM-heuristic and its predecessor rely on covered faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) determined by the \(\text {MST}(N)\). The Steiner topology \(\mathcal{ST}(N)\) of \(\text {ST}(N)\) is therefore dictated by the topology of the \(\text {MST}(N)\). This is a good strategy in many cases but there are also cases where this will exclude good solutions with Steiner topologies not related to the topology of the \(\text {MST}(N)\). Consider for example Steiner trees in Fig. 1. In \(T_{DM}\) (Fig. 1a) only covered faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) are considered. By considering some uncovered faces (shaded), a better Steiner tree \(T_{DB}\) can be obtained (Fig. 1b).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Uncovered faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) can improve solutions. Edges of \(\text {MST}(N)\) not in Steiner trees are dashed and red. (Color figure online)

We wish to detect useful uncovered faces and include them into the greedy concatenation. Consider for example the uncovered triangle \(\sigma \) of \(\text {DT}(N)\) in \(R^2\) shown in Fig. 2a. If uncovered faces are excluded, the solution returned will be the \(\text {MST}(N)\) (red edges in Fig. 2a). The simplex \(\sigma \) is uncovered but it has a very good Steiner ratio. As a consequence, if permitted, \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma ) = \text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\) should be in the solution yielding as much better \(\text {ST}(n)\) shown in Fig. 2b.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

\(\rho (\text {SMT}(N_\sigma ))\) is very low and \(\text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\) should be included in \(\text {ST}(N)\). (Color figure online)

Some uncovered faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) can however be harmful in the greedy concatenation even though they seem to be useful in a local sense. For example, use of the uncovered 2-simplex \(\sigma \) of \(\text {DT}(N)\) in \(\mathcal{R}^2\) (Fig. 3a) will lead to a Steiner tree longer than \(\text {MST}(N)\) (Fig. 3b) while the ratio \(\rho (\text {SMT}(N_\sigma ))\) is lowest among all faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\). Hence, we cannot include all uncovered faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

\(\rho (\text {SMT}(N_\sigma ))\) is very low but the inclusion of \(\text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\) into \(\text {ST}(N)\) increases the length of \(\text {ST}(N)\) beyond \(|\text {MST}(N)|\). (Color figure online)

Another issue arising in connection with using only uncovered faces is that the fraction of covered faces rapidly decreases as d grows. As a consequence, the number of excluded good Steiner trees increases as d grows.

2 DB-Heuristic in \(\mathcal{R}^d\)

Let \(T = \text {MST}(N)\). The bottleneck distance \(|t_it_j|_T\) between two terminals \(t_i, t_j \in N\) is the length of the longest edge on the path from \(t_i\) to \(t_j\) in T. Note that \(|t_it_j|_T = |t_it_j|\) if \((t_i,t_j) \in T\).

The bottleneck minimum spanning tree \(B_T(N_\sigma )\) of a set of points \(N_\sigma \subseteq N\) is defined as the minimum spanning tree of the complete graph with \(N_\sigma \) as its vertices and with the cost of an edge \((t_i, t_j), t_i, t_j \in N_\sigma \), given by \(|t_it_j|_T\). If \(N_\sigma \) is covered by T, then \(|B_T(N_\sigma )| = |\text {MST}(N_\sigma )|\). Easy proof by induction on the size of \(N_\sigma \) is omitted. Note that N is covered. Hence, \(|B_T(N)| = |T|\).

Consider a Steiner tree \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) spanning \(N_\sigma \subseteq N\). The bottleneck Steiner ratio \(\beta _T(\text {ST}(N_\sigma ))\) is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _T(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )) = \frac{|\text {ST}(N_\sigma )|}{|B_T(N_\sigma )|} \end{aligned}$$

If \(N_\sigma \) is covered by T, then \(\beta _T(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )) = \rho (\text {ST}(N_\sigma ))\). Note that \(\rho _T(\text {ST}(N_\sigma ))\) for the 2-simplex \(\sigma \) in Fig. 3 is very high (even if \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma ) = \text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\)) because \(|B_T(N_\sigma )|\) is the sum of the lengths of the two red dashed edges shown in Fig. 3b. Hence, \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) will be buried deep in the priority queue \(Q_B\). In fact, it will never be extracted from \(Q_B\) as \(\rho _T(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )) > 1\).

The DB-heuristic consists of three phases: preprocessing, main loop and postprocessing, see Fig. 5. In the preprocessing phase, the DB-heuristic constructs \(\text {DT}(N)\) and \(T = \text {MST}(N)\). For corners \(N_\sigma \) of each k-face \(\sigma \) of \(\text {DT}(N)\), \(2 \le k \le d+1\), a low cost Steiner tree \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) is determined using a heuristic [17] or a numerical approximation of \(\text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\) [21]. Each full \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) is stored in a priority queue \(Q_B\) ordered by non-decreasing bottleneck Steiner ratios. If \(\sigma \) is a 1-face, then \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma ) = \text {SMT}(N_\sigma )\) is the edge connecting the two corners of \(\sigma \). Such \(\text {ST}(N_\sigma )\) is added to \(Q_B\) only if its edge is in T. Note that bottleneck Steiner ratios of these 1-faces are 1.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The insertion of \(ST(N_\sigma )\)

Fig. 5.
figure 5


Let F be the forest of isolated terminals from N. Furthermore, let \(N_0 = N\). In the main loop of the DB-heuristic, a greedy concatenation is applied repeatedly until F becomes a tree. Consider the i-th loop of the DB-heuristic, \(i = 1, 2, ...\) Let \(\text {ST}(N_{\sigma _i})\) be a Steiner tree with currently smallest bottleneck Steiner ratio in \(Q_B\). If a pair of terminals in \(N_{\sigma _i}\) is connected in F, \(\text {ST}(N_{\sigma _i})\) is thrown away. Otherwise, let \(F = F \oplus \text {ST}(N_{\sigma _i})\) and \(T = T \ominus N_{\sigma _i}\), see Fig. 4(a) where the \(|B_T(\text {ST}(N_\sigma ))| = |e_1| + |e_2|\). Such a bottleneck contraction of T (see Fig. 4(b)) may reduce bottleneck distances between up to \(O(n^2)\) pairs of terminals. Hence, bottleneck Steiner ratios of some Steiner trees still in \(Q_B\) need to be updated either immediately or in a lazy fashion. Note that bottleneck Steiner ratios cannot decrease. If they increase beyond 1, the corresponding Steiner trees do not need to be placed back in \(Q_B\). This is due to the fact that all 1-faces (edges) of the \(\text {MST}(N)\) are in \(Q_B\) and have bottleneck Steiner ratios equal to 1. We will return to the updating of bottleneck Steiner ratios in Sect. 3. Fine-tuning (as in the DM-heuristic) is applied in the postprocessing phase.

Unlike the DM-heuristic, d-sausages are not used in the DB-heuristic. In the DB-heuristic all faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) are considered. As a consequence, fine-tuning in the postprocessing will in most cases indirectly generate Steiner trees spanning terminals in d-sausages if they are good candidates for subtrees of \(\text {ST}(N)\).

3 Contractions and Bottleneck Distances

As face-spanning Steiner trees are added to F in the main loop of the DB-heurstic, corners of these faces are bottleneck contracted in the current minimum spanning tree T. Bottleneck contractions will reduce bottleneck distances between some pairs of terminals. As a consequence, bottleneck Steiner ratios of face-spanning Steiner trees still in \(Q_B\) will increase. A face-spanning Steiner tree subsequently extracted from \(Q_B\) will not necessarily have the smallest bottleneck Steiner ratio (unless \(Q_B\) has been rearranged). Hence, appropriate lazy updating has to be carried out. To summarize, a data structure supporting the following operations is needed:

  • bc( \(N_\sigma \) ): corners of a face \(N_\sigma \in \text {DT}(N)\) are bottleneck contracted in T,

  • bd(p,q): bottleneck distance between p and q in current minimum spanning tree T is returned,

  • \(Q_B\) is maintained as a priority queue ordered by non-decreasing bottleneck Steiner ratios.

Maintaining \(Q_B\) could be done by recomputing bottleneck Steiner ratios and rearranging the entire queue after each contraction. Since there may be as many as \(O(n^{\lceil d/2 \rceil })\) faces in \(\text {DT}(N)\) [18], this will be too slow.

To obtain better CPU times, a slightly modified version of dynamic rooted trees [19] maintaining a changing forest of disjoint rooted trees is used. For our purposes, \(\texttt {bc}\)-operations and \(\texttt {bd}\)-queries require maintaining a changing minimum spanning tree T rather than a forest. Dynamic rooted trees support (among others) the following operations:

  • \(\texttt {evert}(n_j){} \texttt {:}\) makes \(n_j\) the root of the tree containing \(n_j\).

  • \(\texttt {link}(n_j,n_i,x){} \texttt {:}\) links the tree rooted at \(n_j\) to a vertex \(n_i\) in another tree. The new edge \((n_j,n_i)\) is assigned the cost x.

  • \(\texttt {cut}(n_j){} \texttt {:}\) removes the edge from \(n_j\) to its parent. \(n_j\) cannot be a root.

  • \(\texttt {mincost}(n_j){} \texttt {:}\) returns the vertex \(n_i\) on the path to the root and closest to its root such that the edge from \(n_i\) to its parent has minimum cost. \(n_j\) cannot be a root.

  • \(\texttt {cost}(n_j){} \texttt {:}\) returns the cost of the edge from \(n_j\) to its parent. \(n_j\) cannot be a root.

  • \(\texttt {update}(n_j, x){} \texttt {:}\) adds x to the weight of every edge on the path from \(n_j\) to the root.

For our purposes, a \(\texttt {maxcost}\) operation replaces \(\texttt {mincost}\). Furthermore, the update operation is not needed. A root of the minimum spanning tree can be chosen arbitrarily.

Rooted trees are decomposed into paths (see Fig. 6) represented by balanced binary search trees or biased binary trees. The path decomposition can be changed by splitting or joining these binary trees.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

A rooted tree decomposed into paths.

By appropriate rearrangement of the paths, all above operations can be implemented using binary search tree operations [19]. Since the update operation is not needed, the values cost and maxcost can be stored directly with \(n_j\). Depending on whether balanced binary search trees or biased binary trees are used for the paths, the operations require respectively \(O(\log ^2 n)\) and \(O(\log n)\) amortized time.

Using dynamic rooted trees to store the minimum spanning tree, bd-queries and bottleneck contractions can be implemented as shown in Fig. 7. The bd-query makes \(n_i\) the new root. Then it finds the vertex \(n_k\) closest to \(n_i\) such that the edge from \(n_k\) to its parent has maximum cost on the path from \(n_j\) to \(n_i\). The cost of this edge is returned. The bc-operation starts by running through all pairs of vertices of \(N_\sigma \). For each pair \(n_i, n_j\), \(n_i\) is made the root of the tree (\(\texttt {evert}(n_i)\)) and then the edge with the maximum cost on the path from \(n_j\) to \(n_i\) is found. If \(n_i\) and \(n_j\) are connected, the edge is cut away. Having cut away all connecting edges with maximum cost, the vertices of \(N_\sigma \) are reconnected by zero-length edges.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

bd-query and bc-operation

When using balanced binary trees, one bd-query takes \(O((\log n)^2)\) amortized time. Since only faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) are considered, the bc-operation performs O(d) everts and links, \(O(d^2)\) maxcosts and cuts. Hence, it takes \(O((d\log n)^2)\) time.

In the main loop of the algorithm, Steiner trees of faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) are extracted one by one. A face \(\sigma \) is rejected if some of its corners are already connected in F. Since the quality of the final solution depends on the quality of Steiner trees of faces, these trees should have smallest possible bottleneck Steiner ratios. When a Steiner tree \(ST(N_\sigma )\) is extracted from \(Q_B\), it is first checked if \(ST(N_\sigma )\) spans terminals already connected in F. If so, \(ST(N_\sigma )\) is thrown away. Otherwise, its bottleneck Steiner ratio may have changed since the last time it was pushed onto \(Q_B\). Hence, bottleneck Steiner ratio of \(ST(N_\sigma )\) is recomputed. If it increased since last but is still below 1, \(ST(N_\sigma )\) is pushed back onto \(Q_B\) (with the new bottleneck Steiner ratio). If the bottleneck Steiner ratio did not change, \(ST(N_\sigma )\) is used to update F and bottleneck contract T.

4 Computational Results

The DB-heuristic was tested against the DM-heuristic. Both Steiner ratios and CPU times were compared. To get reliable Steiner ratio and computational time comparisons, they were averaged over several runs whenever possible. Furthermore, the results in \(\mathcal{R}^2\) were compared to the results achieved by the exact GeoSteiner algorithm [13].

To test and compare the DM- and the DB-heuristic, they were implemented in C++. The code and instructions on how to run the DM- and DB-heuristics can be found in the GitHub repository [16]. All tests have been run on a Lenovo ThinkPad S540 with a 2 GHz Intel Core i7-4510U processor and 8 GB RAM.

The heuristics were tested on randomly generated problem instances of different sizes in \(\mathcal{R}^d\), \(d=2, 3,..., 6\), as well as on library problem instances. Randomly generated instances were points uniformly distributed in \(\mathcal{R}^d\)-hypercubes.

The library problem instances consisted of the benchmark instances from the 11-th DIMACS Challenge [6]. More information about these problem instances can be found on the DIMACS website [6]. For comparing the heuristics with the GeoSteiner algorithm, we used ESTEIN instances in \(\mathcal{R}^2\).

Dynamic rooted trees were implemented using AVL trees. The restricted numerical optimisation heuristic [17] for determining Steiner trees of \(\text {DT}(N)\) faces was used in the experiments.

In order to get a better idea of the improvement achieved when using bottleneck distances, the DM-heuristic does not consider covered d-sausages as proposed in [17]. Test runs of the DM-heuristic indicate that the saving when using d-sausages together with fine-tuning is only around \(0.1\,\%\) for \(d=2\), \(0.05\,\%\) for \(d=3\) and less than \(0.01\,\%\) when \(d > 3\). As will be seen below, the savings achieved by using bottleneck distances are more significant.

In terms of quality, the DB-heuristic outperforms the DM-heuristic. The Steiner ratios of obtained Steiner trees reduces by \(0.2{-}0.3\,\%\) for \(d=2\), \(0.4{-}0.5\,\%\) for \(d=3\), \(0.6{-}0.7\,\%\) for \(d=4\), \(0.7{-}0.8\,\%\) for \(d=5\) and \(0.8{-}0.9\,\%\) for \(d = 6\). This is a significant improvement for the ESMT problem as will be seen below, when comparing \(\mathcal{R}^2\) results to the optimal solutions obtained by the exact GeoSteiner algorithm [13].

CPU times for both heuristics for \(d=2, 3, ..., 6\), are shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the improved quality comes at a cost for \(d \ge 4\). This is due to the fact that the DB-heuristic constructs low cost Steiner trees for all \(O(n^{\lceil d/2 \rceil })\) faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) while the DM-heuristic does it for covered faces only. Later in this section it will be explored how the Steiner ratios and CPU times are affected if the DB-heuristic drops some of the faces.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Comparison of the CPU times for the DB-heuristic (blue) and the DM-heuristic (red) for \(d=2,3,...,6\). (Color figure online)

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Averaged ratios and CPU times for ESTEIN instances in \(\mathcal{R}^2\). DM-heuristic (red), DB-heuristic (blue), GeoSteiner (green). (Color figure online)

Figure 9 shows how the heuristics and GeoSteiner (GS) performed on ESTEIN instances in \(\mathcal{R}^2\). Steiner ratios and CPU times averaged over all 15 ESTEIN instances of the given size, except for \(n=10000\) which has only one instance. For the numerical comparisons, see Table 1 in the GitHub repository [16]. It can be seen that the DB-heuristic produces better solutions than the DM-heuristic without any significant increase of the computational time. It is also worth noticing that the DB-heuristic gets much closer to the optimal solutions. This may indicate that the DB-heuristic also produces high quality solutions when \(d > 2\), where optimal solutions are only known for instances with at most 20 terminals. For the performance of the DB-heuristic on individual \(\mathcal{R}^2\) instances, see Tables 3–7 in the GitHub repository [16].

The results for ESTEIN instances in \(\mathcal{R}^3\) are presented in Fig. 10. The green plot for \(n=10\) is the average ratio and computational time achieved by numerical approximation [21]. Once again, the DB-heuristic outperforms the DM-heuristic when comparing Steiner ratios. However, the running times are now up to four times worse. For the numerical comparisons, see Table 2 in the GitHub repository [16]. For the performance of the DB-heuristic on individual \(\mathcal{R}^3\) instances, see Tables 8–12 in the GitHub repository [16].

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Averaged ratio and CPU times for ESTEIN instances in \(\mathcal{R}^3\). DM-heuristic (red), DB-heuristic (blue), numerical approximation (green). (Color figure online)

The DB-heuristic starts to struggle when \(d \ge 4\). This is caused by the number of faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) for which low cost Steiner trees must be determined. The DB-heuristic was therefore modified to consider only faces with less than k terminals, for \(k = 3, 4, ..., d+1\). Figure 11 shows the performance of this modified \(\text {DB}_k\)-heuristic with \(k = 3, 4, ..., 7\), on a set with 100 terminals in \(\mathcal{R}^6\). Note that \(\text {DB}_7 = \text {DB}\).

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Results achieved when considering faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) with at most \(k = 3, 4, ..., 7\) terminals in the concatenation for \(d = 6\) and \(n = 100\).

As expected, the \(\text {DB}_k\)-heuristic runs much faster when larger faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\) are disregarded. Already the \(\text {DB}_4\)-heuristic seems to be a reasonable alternative since solutions obtained by \(\text {DB}_k\)-heuristic, \(5 \le k \le 7\), are not significantly better. Surprisingly, the \(\text {DB}_6\)-heuristic performs slightly better than the \(\text {DB}_7\)-heuristic. This is probably due to the fact that low cost Steiner trees of smaller faces have fewer Steiner points. This in turn causes the fine-tuning step of the \(\text {DB}_6\)-heuristic to perform better than is the case for \(\text {DB}_7\).

5 Summary and Conclusions

The DM-heuristic in \(\mathcal{R}^d\) [17] was extended to the DB-heuristic that uses bottleneck distances to determine good candidates for low cost Steiner trees. Computational results show a significant improvement in the quality of the Steiner trees produced by the DB-heuristic.

The CPU times of the DB-heuristic are comparable to the CPU times of the DM-heuristic in \(\mathcal{R}^d\), \(d = 2, 3\). It runs slower for \(d\ge 4\). However, its CPU times can be significantly improved by skipping larger faces of \(\text {DT}(N)\). This results in only small decrease of the quality of solutions obtained.