
1 Introduction

A hash table is a popular data structure for storing maps and sets, since storing and retrieving data can be done with amortised time complexity \(\mathcal {O}(1)\) [2]. A distributed hash table is a hash table that is distributed over a number of workstations, connected via a high-performance network. This has the advantage that more memory is available, at the cost of slower accesses due to network latency and bandwidth limitations. In High Performance Computing (HPC) it is desirable to have a fast and scalable distributed hash table, as it enables many distributed algorithms to be implemented efficiently.

Nowadays high-performance networking hardware like Infiniband [7] is available. Infiniband supports Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), which allows computers to directly access the memory of other machines without invoking their CPUs. Moreover, RDMA supports zero-copy networking, meaning that no memcopies are performed [14]. Experimental results show that one-sided RDMA is an order of magnitude faster compared to standard Ethernet hardware [10]. Furthermore, scaling along high-performance Infiniband hardware is comparable in price to scaling along standard Ethernet hardware [10]. In this paper, we target supercomputers, i.e. many-core machines connected via Infiniband.

The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model combines the shared and distributed memory models. Each process hosts a local block of memory. The PGAS abstraction combines all local memory blocks into a single global address space, thereby providing a global view on the memory. PGAS can make use of RDMA if used in a distributed setting [5]. In that case, machine-local accesses to the global address space are handled via standard memory operations, and remote accesses are handled via one-sided RDMA. Several PGAS implementations provide support for RDMA, including OpenSHMEM [1] and UPC [4]. We use UPC, since it supports asynchronous memory operations.

Our goal is to implement a distributed hash table for the PGAS abstraction that supports a single operation, namely find-or-put, that either inserts data when it has not been inserted already or indicates that the data has been added before. If necessary, find-or-put could easily be split into two operations find and insert. Furthermore, the hash table should require minimal memory overhead, should be CPU-efficient, and find-or-put should have minimal latency.

Our motivation for designing such a hash table is its use in distributed symbolic verification (e.g. model checking), which only requires a find-or-put operation and garbage collection in a stop-the-world scenario. Garbage collection is, however, omitted in the design of find-or-put presented in this paper. We tried to minimize the number of roundtrips required by find-or-put while keeping the hash table CPU-efficient by not relying on memory polling. Many existing implementations are, however, either CPU-intensive [9] or require more roundtrips [10, 15], which motivated this research. We use linear probing and argue that this scheme requires less roundtrips compared to alternative hashing schemes. Furthermore, the design of find-or-put is more widely applicable to any sort of memory-intensive application requiring a hash table, of which distributed model checking is merely an example.

Previous work includes Pilaf [10], a key-value store that employs RDMA. Pilaf uses an optimised version of Cuckoo hashing to reduce the number of roundtrips. In Pilaf, lookups are performed via RDMA reads, but inserts are handled by the server. Nessie [15] is a hash table that uses Cuckoo hashing and RDMA both for lookups and inserts. HERD [9] is a key-value store that only uses one-sided RDMA writes and ignores the CPU bypassing features of RDMA to achieve higher throughput. FaRM [3] is a distributed computing platform that exposes the memory of all machines in a cluster as a shared address space. A hash table is built on top of FaRM that uses a variant of Hopscotch hashing.

This paper is organised as follows. Different hashing strategies are compared in Sect. 2 and we argue that linear probing requires the least number of roundtrips. Section 3 discusses the design of find-or-put. Section 4 shows the experimental evaluation of find-or-put, covering hash table efficiency with respect to latency, throughput, and the required number of roundtrips. Finally, our conclusions are summarised in Sect. 5.

2 Preliminaries

To achieve best performance, it is critical to minimize the number of RDMA roundtrips performed by find-or-put when targeting remote memory. This is because the throughput of the hash table is limited to the throughput of the RDMA devices. Also, the waiting times for roundtrips contribute to the latency of find-or-put. In this section some notation is given, followed by a number of hashing strategies and their efficiencies with respect to the number of roundtrips.

2.1 Notation

A hash table \(T = \langle b_0, \dots , b_{n-1} \rangle \) consists of a sequence of buckets \(b_i\) usually implemented as a standard array. We denote the load-factor of T by \(\alpha = \frac{m}{n}\), where m is the number of elements inserted in T and n the total number of buckets. A hash function \(h : U \rightarrow R\) maps data from some universe \(U = \{0, 1\}^w\) to a range of keys \(R = \{ 0, \dots , r - 1 \}\). Hash tables use hash functions to map words \(x \in U\) to buckets \(b_{h(x)}\) by letting \(r \le n\). Let \(x \in U\) be some word. Then we write \(x \in b_i\) if bucket \(b_i\) contains x, and otherwise \(x \not \in b_i\). We write \(x \in T\) if there is some \(0 \le i < n\) for which \(x \in b_i\), and otherwise \(x \not \in T\). For some \(x,y \in U\) with \(x \not = y\) it may happen that \(h(x) = h(y)\). This is called a hash collision. A hash function \(h : U \rightarrow R\) is called a universal hash function if \(\text {Pr}[h(x) = h(y)] \le \frac{1}{n}\) for every pair of words \(x, y \in U\).

2.2 Hashing Strategies

Ideally only a single roundtrip is ever needed both for finding and inserting data. This can only be achieved when hash collisions do not occur, but in practice they occur frequently. HERD only needs one roundtrip for every operation [9], but at the cost of CPU efficiency, because every machine continuously polls for incoming requests. We aim to retain CPU efficiency to keep the hash table usable in combination with other high-performance distributed algorithms.

Chained hashing is a hashing scheme which implements buckets as linked lists. Insertions take \(\mathcal {O}(1)\) time, but lookups may take \(\varTheta (m)\) in the worst case. It can be shown that lookups require \(\varTheta (1 + \alpha )\) time on average when a universal hash function is used [2]. Although constant, the average number of roundtrips required for an insert is thus more than one. Furthermore, maintaining linked lists brings memory overhead due to storing pointers.

Cuckoo hashing [11] is an open address hashing scheme that achieves constant lookup time and expected constant insertion time. Cuckoo uses \(k \ge 2\) independent hashing functions \(h_1, \dots , h_k\) and maintains the invariant that, for every \(x \in T\), it holds that \(x \in b_{h_i(x)}\) for exactly one \(1 \le i \le k\). Lookups thus require at most k roundtrips, but inserts may require more when all k buckets are occupied. In that case, a relocation scheme is applied, which may not only require many extra roundtrips, but also requires a locking mechanism, which is particularly expensive in a distributed environment. A variant on Cuckoo hashing, named bucketized Cuckoo hashing [13], enables buckets to contain multiple data elements, which linearly reduces the number of required roundtrips.

Hopscotch hashing [6] also has constant lookup time and expected constant insertion time. In Hopscotch every bucket belongs to a fixed-sized neighbourhood. Lookups only require a single roundtrip, since neighbourhoods are consecutive blocks of memory. However, inserts may require more roundtrips when the neighbourhood is full. In that case, buckets are relocated, which may require many roundtrips and expensive locking mechanisms.

Linear probing examines a number of consecutive buckets when finding or inserting data. Multiple buckets, which we refer to as chunks, can thus be obtained with a single roundtrip. When there is a hash collision, linear probing continues its search for an empty bucket in the current chunk, and requests additional consecutive chunks if necessary. We expect chunks retrievals to require less roundtrips than applying a relocation scheme, like done in Hopscotch. Other probing schemes, like quadratic probing and double hashing, require more roundtrips, since they examine buckets that are nonconsecutive in memory.

Cache-line-aware linear probing is proposed by Laarman et al. [12] in the context of NUMA machines. Linear probing is performed on cache lines, which the authors call walking-the-line, followed by double hashing to improve data distribution. Van Dijk et al. [16] use a probe sequence similar to walking-the-line to implement find-or-put, used for multi-core symbolic verification.

3 Design and Implementation

In this section the hash table structure and the design of find-or-put are discussed. We expect linear probing to require less roundtrips than both Cuckoo hashing and Hopscotch hashing, due to the absence of expensive relocation mechanisms. We also expect that minimising the number of roundtrips is key to increased performance, since the throughput of the hash table is directly limited by the throughput of the RDMA devices. This motivates the use of linear probing in the implementation of find-or-put. Unlike [12], we only use linear probing, since it reduces latency compared to quadratic probing, at the cost of possible clustering. We did not observe serious clustering issues, but if clustering occurs, quadratic probing can still be used, at the cost of slightly higher latencies.

The latency of find-or-put depends on the waiting time for roundtrips to remote memory (which is also shown in Sect. 4). We aim to minimize the waiting times by overlapping roundtrips as much as possible, using asynchronous memory operations. Furthermore, the number of roundtrips required by find-or-put is linearly reduced by querying for chunks instead of individual buckets. We use constant values C to denote the chunk size and M to denote the maximum number of chunks that find-or-put takes into account. Figure 1 shows the design of find-or-put. Design considerations are given in the following sections.

3.1 Memory Layout

In our implementation, each bucket is 64 bits in size. The first bit is used as a flag to denote bucket occupation and the remaining 63 bits are used to store data. When inserting data, the occupation bit is set via a cas operation to prevent expensive locking mechanisms. If the hash table needs to support the storage of data elements larger than 63 bits, a separate shared data array could be used. The data elements are then stored in the data array and the corresponding indices are indexed and stored in the hash table. In that case, an extra roundtrip is required by find-or-put to access the data array.

The atomic \(\texttt {cas}(\textsf {B}, c, v)\) operation compares the content of a shared memory location \(\textsf {B}\) to a value c. If they match, v is written to \(\textsf {B}\) and the former value at location \(\textsf {B}\) is returned by cas. Otherwise, \(\textsf {B}\) is unchanged and its contents are returned. The \(\texttt {occupied}(b)\) operation simply checks if the occupation bit of a bucket b is set and the \(\texttt {new-bucket}(d)\) operation creates a new bucket with its occupation bit set to true and containing d as data.

Assuming that the hash table is used by n processes \(t_1, \dots , t_n\), we allocate a shared table \(T = \langle b_0, \dots , b_{kn - 1} \rangle \) of buckets, such that each process owns k buckets. In addition, we allocate two-dimensional arrays \(P_i = \langle p_{(0, 0)}, \dots , p_{(M - 1, C - 1)} \rangle \) on every process \(t_i\) in private memory, which we use as local buffers. The arrays \(P_i\) are furthermore cache line aligned. This minimizes the number of cache misses when iterating over \(P_i\), thus reducing the number of data fetches from main-memory. Cache lines are typically 64 bytes in size, so 8 buckets fit on a single cache line. To optimally use cache line alignment we choose C to be a multiple of 8.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The implementation of find-or-put, as well as the implementation of \(\texttt {query-chunk}\) and \(\texttt {split}\), which are used by \(\texttt {find-or-put}\) to query on the ith chunk.

3.2 Querying for Chunks

In Fig. 1, when some process \(t_j\) queries a chunk, it transfers C buckets from the shared array T into \(P_j\), so that \(t_j\) can examine the buckets locally. Because linear probing is used, several consecutive chunks might be requested. The query-chunk operation is used to query the ith consecutive chunk and the sync operation is used to synchronize on the query, that is, waiting for its completion.

It may happen that \(end < start\) (line 4 of query-chunk), in which case the chunk wraps around the kn-sized array T because of the modulo operator (line 2 and line 3). Then the query has to be split into two, as the chunk spans over two nonconsecutive blocks of shared memory. This is done by the split operation.

The \(\texttt {memget}(\textsf {S}, P)\) operation is supported by many PGAS implementations and transfers a block of shared memory \(\textsf {S}\) into a block of private memory P owned by the executing process. Then memget-async is a non-blocking version of memget, as it does not block further execution of the program while waiting for the roundtrip to finish. Instead, memget-async returns a handle that can be used by sync, which is a blocking operation used to synchronize on the roundtrip. This allows work to be performed in between calls to memget-async and sync. The query-chunk operation itself returns one or two handles, and sync can be used to synchronize on them.

3.3 Designing find-or-put

In Fig. 1, the call \(\texttt {find-or-put}(d)\) returns found when \(d \in T\) before the call and returns inserted when \(d \not \in T\) before the call. Finally, full is returned when \(d \not \in T\) and d could not be inserted in any of the MC examined buckets.

The algorithm first requests the first chunk and, if needed, tries a maximum of \(M - 1\) more chunks before returning full. Before calling \(\texttt {sync}(s_i)\) on line 7, the next chunk is requested by calling \(\texttt {query-chunk}(i + 1,~d)\) on line 6. This causes the queries to overlap, which reduces the blocking times for synchronization on line 7 and thereby reduces the latency of find-or-put.

By iterating over a chunk, if a bucket \(p_{(i, j)}\) is empty, find-or-put tries to write data to the bucket \(b_a\) in shared memory via a cas operation (line 12). The former value of \(b_a\) is returned by cas (line 12), which is enough to check if cas succeeded (line 13). In this case, inserted is returned, otherwise the bucket has been occupied by another process in the time between the calls to query-chunk and cas. It may happen that data is inserted at that bucket, hence the check at line 15. If not, the algorithm returns to line 8 to try the next bucket. If \(p_{(i, j)}\) is occupied, find-or-put checks if \(data \in p_{(i, j)}\) (line 17). In that case, found is returned, otherwise the next iteration is tried.

4 Experimental Evaluation

We implemented find-or-put in Berkeley UPC, version 2.20.2, and evaluated its performance by measuring the latency and throughput under various configurations. We compiled the implementation using the Berkeley UPC compiler and gcc version 4.8.2, with the options upcc -network=mxm -O -opt. All experiments have been performed on the DAS-5 cluster [8], using up to 48 nodes, each running CentOS 7.1.1503 with kernel version 3.10.0. Every machine has 16 CPU cores, 64 GB internal memory and is connected via a high-performance 48 Gb/s Mellanox Infiniband network. All experiments have been repeated at least three times and the average measurements have been taken into account.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The left plot shows the average latency of find-or-put (in microseconds) and the right plot shows the average number of roundtrips performed by find-or-put under different load-factors \((\alpha )\) and chunk sizes (C). Both plots show empirical data.

Table 1. The left table shows the latencies (in \(\mu s\)) and average number of roundtrips (Rt.) required by find-or-put to find a suitable bucket under various load-factors (\(\alpha \)). The right table shows the total throughput (\(\times 10^6\)) of find-or-put under a mixed workload using various machines and processes per machine (Procs/M).

4.1 Latency of find-or-put

We measured the latency of find-or-put using various chunk sizes while increasing the load-factor \(\alpha \). This is done by creating two processes on two different machines, thereby employing the Infiniband network. Both processes maintain a 1 GB portion of the hash table. The first process inserts a sequence of unique integers until \(\alpha \) reaches 0.92, which appears to be our limit. The hash table started to return full when using 8-sized chunks and having \(\alpha > 0.92\). The average latencies and the number of roundtrips have been measured at intervals of 0.02, with respect to \(\alpha \). These measurements are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 1.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Both plots show the average speedups with respect to the total throughput of find-or-put. The left plot shows the speedup with 1 machine, scaling from 1 to 16 processes. The right plot shows the speedup when scaling from 2 to 48 machines (i.e. using the Infiniband network) and scaling from 1 to 16 processes per machine.

The differences between latencies are very small for \(\alpha \le 0.5\), no matter the chunk size. For \(\alpha = 0.5\), the average latency when using 64-sized chunks is \(13\,\%\) higher compared to 8-sized chunks (shown in Table 1). However, the average latencies increase vastly for \(C \ge 64\). For example, compared to 8-sized chunks, the latency is already \(22\,\%\) higher for \(C = 128\).

Moreover, the average latencies also increase vastly for \(\alpha > 0.5\) when a low chunk size is used. By having small chunk sizes, more roundtrips are required by \(\texttt {find-or-put}\) to find the intended bucket, especially when \(\alpha \ge 0.8\). By using a larger chunk size, higher load-factors are supported at the cost of slightly higher latencies. The average number of roundtrips directly influences the average latencies, which shows the importance of minimizing the number of roundtrips.

4.2 Throughput of find-or-put

The throughput of the hash table has been measured in terms of find-or-put operations per second (ops/sec). We scaled the number of machines from 1 to 48 and the number of processes per machine from 1 to 16. Each process owns a 1 GB portion of the hash table and inserts a total of \(10^7\) random integers. Three different workloads have been taken into account, namely:

  • Mixed: 50 % finds and 50 % inserts

  • Read-intensive: 80 % finds and 20 % inserts

  • Write-intensive: 20 % finds and 80 % inserts

To get the proper find/insert ratio, each workload uses a different strategy to select the random integers. We used \(C = 32\) and \(M = 32\) in every configuration.

A subset of the measurements is shown in Table 1, and Fig. 3 shows speedups with respect to the total throughput, that is, the total sum of the throughputs obtained by all participating processes. In Fig. 3, the local speedups (left) are calculated relative to single-threaded runs. The remote speedups (right) are calculated relative to 2 machines, each having 1 process, thereby taking the Infiniband network into account. Only throughputs under a mixed workload are presented, because the other workloads show very similar behaviour.

By comparing local throughput (i.e. using one machine) with remote throughput (i.e. using at least two machines), we observed a performance drop of several orders of magnitude. The local throughput reaches a peak of \(8.98 \times 10^8\) ops/s. By using a mixed workload, the local throughput is up to 88 times higher than the peak-throughput obtained with two machines. A remote peak-throughput of \(11.5\,\times \,10^7\) is reached, which is still 7.8 times lower than the local peak-throughput.

The local throughput reaches a speedup of 5x with 8 processes (see Fig. 3) under a mixed workload. We observed a vast decrease in local speedup when more than 8 processes were used. However, when we use the Infiniband network, the performance remains stable, even when more than 8 processes per machine are used. The remote throughput reaches a speedup of 90x (with 48 machines, each having 16 processes) compared to 2 machines, each having 1 process. Compared to the single-threaded runs, a speedup of 0.61x is reached with 48 machines. This is expected; single-machine runs have better data-locality, as they do not use the network. Nonetheless, the entire memory of every participating machine can be fully utilized while maintaining good time efficiency.

4.3 Roundtrips Required by find-or-put

The average number of probes required by Pilaf during a key lookup in 3-way Cuckoo hashing with \(\alpha = 0.75\) is 1.6 [10]. Nessie requires more roundtrips, since it uses 2-way Cuckoo hashing, which increases the chance on hash collisions compared to 3-way Cuckoo hashing. Our design requires only 1.04 probes on average for \(C = 32\) and 1.006 probes for \(C = 64\). Compared to Pilaf, this is an improvement of \(53\,\%\) with 32-sized chunks.

Regarding the number of inserts, Pilaf is more efficient, as all inserts are handled by the server, at the cost of CPU efficiency. As part of the insertion procedure, a lookup must be performed to find an empty bucket. After that, the insert can be performed via cas, thereby requiring one extra roundtrip, in addition to the lookup operation. Therefore, our inserts are also more efficient than Nessie’s inserts.

5 Conclusion

To build an efficient hash table for shared memory it is critical to minimize the number of roundtrips, because their waiting times contribute to higher latencies. The number of roundtrips is limited by the throughput of the RDMA devices. Lowering the number of roundtrips may directly increase the throughput.

Linear probing requires less roundtrips than Cuckoo hashing and Hopscotch hashing due to chunk retrievals, asynchronous queries, and the absence of relocations. Experimental evaluation shows that find-or-put can be performed in \(4.5\,\upmu \mathrm{s}\) on average with a load-factor of 0.9 for \(C = 64\). This shows that the hash table performance remains very high, even when the load-factor gets big. Furthermore, the entire memory of all participating machines can be used.

Table 1 shows that, in most cases, only one call to query-chunk would be enough for find-or-put to find a suitable bucket, especially for small values of \(\alpha \) and large values of C. As future work, it would be interesting to dynamically determine the value of C to reduce the number of roundtrips. Moreover, we plan to use the hash table in a bigger framework for symbolic verification.